Ne'haer Aesthetics


Ne'haer is a city constructed with white stone imported from the Red Caves, giving the city a luminescent look during particularly sunny days or bright nights. Large walls encompass nearly all sides of the city save for the oceanfront where the docks are located. When approaching Ne'haer from the woods, one can see the towering walls before much of the buildings inside. These walls are fortified with linings of metal and stone while the gates leading into the city mirror the walls in much the same manner: metal and massive. The walls stand nearly three stories high and are equipped with a number of guards, siege weapons, and other items to deter attackers. At each gate stand members of the Blades of Zafra to check caravans, documentation, and groups of travelers entering the city to ensure they aren't potential threats.

When inside the city, the roads are paved in white stone and crowded with a number of citizens. The density of such crowds increases the closer one travel's to Ne'haer's city square which is located at the city's center. Every building is built to match the white theme of Ne'haer. White stone, colored brick, and stone wood are a number of resources used to construct each establishment. The only thing glaringly different are the red-brown slates used for roofing.

Another feature of the city are the man-made canals they've ran through most of Ne'haer for transportation purposes. The canals are neither wide nor deep as their existence is really only there for transportation purposes, mostly of goods to and from the docks to the Halls of Minah. However, there are some businesses that offer other services upon the canals.

Vhalar 716 saw Ne'haer nearly leveled by a fight between the Immortals. Having endured a number of days defending the city from the attacks of Shadow Creatures, the city welcomed it's defending Immortals with open arms, only to be invaded by Aukari soldiers and Faldrun himself. Once most civilians were transported from the city, as well as the Immortals, Faldrun made his escape and left his occult followers to burn the remaining military force and the buildings they defended to the ground. The Blades of Zafra, partnered with the Wings, beat back the Aukari and sent them running from the city. The seasons of Vhalar and Zi'da were spent pouring gold into reconstructing the gates, the walls, the roads, and the buildings. Effort was pulled in from all territories and alliances to finish reconstruction before Cylus hit. Those most areas of the city have been rebuilt, some still lay in ruins.

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