Magic Rules

Standing Trials' Book of Spells

Here are all the rules etc regarding magic in our world.

Welcome to the Guide to Magic. Here is a players guide giving you the basics of magic and the rules surrounding playing a mage on Standing Trials. It is not a substitution for reading the lore, but is here to help you understand the basics as you do so.

Starting With Magic

You may start with up to two magic skills. If these are part of your starter pc skills, you must write the initiation into your CS history. This includes Unwritten Magics that are in the list, but does not include Domain Practices. Please note, if you choose to start with an unwritten magic, you may only invest 5 points in it and may not use it until it is released.

Magic as a skill

Magic is a skill on Standing Trials and it is important you recognize that. It does not follow the laws of physics, math, or chemistry. It is a mystical force which defies “mundane” laws and should be played that way.

However, in some ways, Magic functions differently as a skill. Here are the key differences.

Techniques require knowledge

Each level of a magic has techniques associated with that level. You don't automatically know them - knowledges related to new techniques must also be learned with some effort. Most techniques require practice to properly know, and to utilize them you need Knowledge related to them.

No such thing as a “Grandmaster”, instead you have a revelation!

Each magic has a “Revelation”, the very pinnacle of their art. This “revealed mage” has maximum XP and meets all the knowledge requirements.

Level Advancement & Mutations

Mage Mutations: All mutations must be submitted and approved in the Prophet Support Forum. You may submit your mutations one level at a time.

The Spark

As a pc, it is important that you understand that the spark is a symbiotic entity which attaches to the mage’s soul. It fundamentally changes them and the spark always, always, has an agenda. It will work to shape the soul, mind, and body of the mage and their relationship is a strange, individual and complex one.

The Lack of a Spark

There are now ways of learning magic that don't involve initiation or imparting of a spark. This form of Non-Spark Magic can be learned through Meditation, Research, or Ensorcelling. For all of these magics, the initiation, suggested witchmarks and mutations, and overstepping penalties do not apply.

Mutations & Witchbrands

Witchbrands are the result of initiation into a particular domain magic. Each discipline has a specific witchbrand associated with it and it marks the beginning of your pcs journey.

Like the revelation (the very last mutation), these witchbrands are fairly similar for all mages of a particular type and do not need to get them approved in the PSF but should note them / it in your CS. It is the mutations in between which mark the unique nature of the spark and the individuality of the mage. You need to get approved for all mutations via the PSF. You can do that “as you go” or all at once, or anything in between. It’s up to you how you do it, just remember that these are all around the theme of your spark.

For more information, read the guide to mutations here.

What is Overstepping? When should I do it?

Overstepping is the magical equivalent of going too far and too fast. Think of it like pouring lighter fluid on a fire. It can be as minor as a simple flare up or as devastating as an out of control conflagration, depending on how far you push it.

If your character uses too much magic, or magic too quickly then either you will give them an overstepping penalty or it might be enforced by a mod or put in place by a peer reviewer.

Each school of magic has its own overstepping penalties. Please reference the relevant individual write up.


Revelation is the culmination of the Spark growing in power within the mage. The revelation for each type of magic is described in the write up for that magic.

You do not require approval to become revealed, but you must note it in your CS and it is common to announce it in PSF as courtesy. Revelation is optional, you do not have to Reveal. Revelation is rare among mages, permanent, and irrevocable. Make sure you fully understand what a Revelation is and what it means for your character before doing it.

Limitations on Magic

  • Initially, the cap for magics was three. Now, we have made a soft cap of four. What this means is a mage can safely get four sparks with the same risks as before, Mutations and such. Mortalborns can now have the same number of Sparks as all other races, four as a soft cap. However, you can now if you desire try and get more than four Sparks – with a risk. These risks, and this new spark(s), will need to be discussed with a mod in the PSF and worked out. However, know that this will be a dangerous and risky process for anyone that wants to try it.
  • As well as the changes to sparks being made a soft cap, we also decided to let PC’s experiment with Revelations. Now, instead of just the one Revelation, there is potential for up to four. However, this is a dangerous process to attempt, as forcing a Revelation in just one magic can and will change your soul forever – changing your soul that way more than once is a powerful but dangerous. Each Revelation will be a mix of whichever magic(s) they have chosen to reveal in, taking abilities and enhancements that each would give you while forming a near to unique shape, mixing both together in unique ways of the Player’s choosing. Each time this transformation takes place it becomes harder to do, the second Revelation onwards needing modded support and threads, as well as a big plot to make it happen. As well as this, each Revelation will become more and more erratic and, potentially, dangerous. This will cause a high risk of death, the general survival of the storyline being anything but guaranteed, so make that decision at your own risk. You will be asked to confirm this as a risk for every Revelation.
  • With the multiple Revelation change, to note, the ability to level up a magic while Revealed has come back. This means that if you Reveal you can level up your magic again, or take on a new Spark!


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