Yara Meje

Yara Meje.jpg


A tradition in Desnind to bring hope in the darkness of Cylus.

Date/ Frequency

This tradition takes place the trial after the first snow of Cylus.


During that trial, a number of hollowed out logs are left, standing upright around the Fire Pit. There are also buckets of what seems to be fine, coarse sand in a variety of different colours. People from all over Desnind come and put a handful of this "Ãdälcï sọ i’en" or "wish sand". As you put the sand into the hollowed out log, you should whisper a wish for the arc ahead.

That night, the logs are burnt on the Fire Pit ~ the Ãdälcï sọ i’en burns slowly and causes the flames to burn high and move through a variety of colours. It is a beautiful sight and is said to be Moseke's reminder that the light will return. No one knows what the Ãdälcï sọ i’en is made from, that is a closely guarded secret, only the higher ups in the Temple know anything.


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