Flayer's End

Flayer's End.png

PC Created In Story by Alora

Story can be read here

Other Names: Alora’s Crater, Flayer’s Crater, or Alora’s End, etc.

An unnatural land formation produced from a massive backlash of Defiance magic, Flayer’s End is the spot where an infamous flayer of men and women, Alora, was brought to their death. It is said that it took an entire squad of Valkyrion, Skadiri, and Ydalir to bring her down. Even then, no one could anticipate or prevent the Flayer from using their own magic to consume their soul. No more than they could predict her desperation to enact vengeance on her pursuers would be powerful enough to use that soul energy to power a spell incorporating the refinement of all four elements.

When her soul collapsed in on itself, the Lake was burned and evaporated all at once, the earth turned to glass, and the air scorched to where a brimstone-scented miasma hangs about the air.

The result, was a copse of burned out trees, scorched dirt around the crater, and a caked layer of glassy earth where a lake used to be. In the days following Alora’s death, the fish all rotted and festered. Wild life give this place a wide berth, perhaps driven away by scarcity and perhaps a malevolent miasma that persists in the air.

It is rumored that thirst diamonds can be found in speckled dust around the Crater. However nobody that has tried to mine for them has come up with any.

Credit: Alora