


  • PC full name: Yeva
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: 6 Vhalar 699

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)

  • Skill Points
    • Research: + 4 (PB)
    • Investigation + 4 (PB)
    • Medicine + 4 (PB)
  • Knowledge
    • Cryptography: Rejigging a torn up page of code (PB)
    • Medicine: Caring for the beaten up wings of an avriel. (PB)
    • Research: Curiosity is the catalyst for discovery. (PB)
  • Starting Renown: 30 (PB)

Starter Quest

Living among the Avriel in Athart is a risky proposition, especially when posing as the slave of an avriel you suppose is a friend. Regardless of his good intentions, it's not been easy, staying at Azreal's home while he's about his business, which must necessarily separate you at least some of the time. One almost begins to feel like a prisoner, perhaps.

It is during one of these lonely days that a visitor arrives at the grotto. She comes inquiring as to Azreal's location, and if asked why she's looking for him, she would reveal that a distant relative had fallen sick and was soon to arrive at the end of his days. A great-uncle or some such. Will Yeva go to offer this great-uncle palliative care, to alleviate her boredom and satisfy her curiosity about Azreal's extended family?


250 (if an Achievement Value)

  1. 50: A one time 50% discount from an item from The Shoppe. TBD. approved here
  2. 100: Access to items and/or services 1 tier above current tier (within one section of Shoppe). Choice: Property & Housing approved here
  3. 150: A one time 50% discount from an item from The Shoppe. TBD. approved here
  4. 200: +1 to seasonal wage from now on. approved here
  5. 250: Signature Item approved here




Link to mark approval: here

  1. Blood Son - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  2. Journey's Meal - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  3. Traveler's Skills I - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  4. Cassion Compass - gained here - Pegasus



Thread where Yeva is granted the mark of Sevrath

  1. Willow's Sanctuary - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  2. Sevrath Skills - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  3. Moseke's Light (Minor) - gained with mark approval - Pegasus
  4. Sevrath's Will (Minor) - Gained - Peg
  5. Sru'Alubosa (Minor) - Gained - Peg



Link to mark approval: here

  1. Telepathic Communication (Minor) - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
  2. Intuitive Linguist - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy
  3. The Intellectuals' Skills I - gained with mark approval - Pig Boy


Yeva has received University Education in 1 Subjects


Yeva has received University Education in Medicine.

Faction Abilities

Fire Forged

Yeva is a member of the Fire Forged


This category has only the following subcategory.