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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Same for me also, I'm looking for more thread partners too got tons of time to write.
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Hi all,

Just throwing my Conrath up for grabs at whomever fancies story-driven plots.

Especially the suspense/mystery/conflict/thriller/drama-driven stories.

I am a believer (But then I saw your face...Cookie if you get the lame ref) of the Fun Religion.

Anything can be made fun to write about, even genres or topics you're not used to or not even liking. As long as your roleplaying partner and yourself make a joint effort in making the thread fun to read/write in, even tedious every-day tasks can be spun into a compelling and immersive story!

So what I'm trying to say is: Don't be shy, contact me if you're up for roleplaying. Be it an experienced or a brandnew member, I'm up for roleplaying with everyone! Can you feel it? CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE?!

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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean! 8-)
I'm assuming you get the reference to that as well. :D
And speaking of "well", Well-met and well come to Standing Trials, and to Etzos in particular!
I am your mod and will now be trying to destroy all your hopes and dreams, as any self-respecting GM should! ;)
I am more than prepared to do so by any means physical, mental, emotional, magical, chemical, political; or by means employing any combination of these.
I consider it my mission to inject these elements into threads of every orientation, regardless of the love. :lol:

No, in all seriousness, welcome to Etzos, enjoy your stay! Play to your level, don't kill anyone you did not invent yourself for your thread without asking first, and feel free to ask any other questions as well.
a couple of other notes while I am at it...
First: THIS would be the place for debate on the viability of the "Apostate of Reason" insult. But outside of the satisfaction of presenting a lucid and well-supported viewpoint, which I am not attempting to demean, it makes no difference to the fictional people of Etzos. They go from simple neutrality to outright loathing of the Immortals. There are a few exceptions, but they keep quiet about it. The prevailing opinion is that if you are 'fool' enough to trust, or worse yet, worship, Immortals, there is something seriously wrong with you.

As shown in the start-up to the global, this does not mean that the authorities go about overtly gathering of such folks for summary execution. High Marshall Parhn allowed any that chose to go with Ethelynda and Xuir to fight on the Immortals' behalf. They do not assume all Immortals to be "evil", per se. But they know them to have hidden agendas. They feel towards Immortals the way most of us feel toward lawyers and politicians.

And Secondly, when Nightshade Eld asked about doing a guest-mod adventure, I was in the midst of a month-and-half-long hospital crisis, and was greatly relieved at the prospect of something that would take some of the mod pressure off me. At the time she asked me about all manners of limits and skill levels, rewards, NPCs and magic parameters I would allow. I utterly failed to give her any clear instruction or limits. I basically told her to "just figure that her NPCs had whatever skill levels they would need to advance her plot."

I also encouraged her to involve as many players as she wanted, instead of advising her to keep it at 2or 3, max, for her first mod experience. Looking back, now that the pressure is off, I think she has done a great job of keeping things in control. Naturally there have been some OP posts on both sides, as well as a great deal of bluster in chat. I don't think any of it was meant in seriousness when first posted, but don't we all know how easily chat remarks can be misconstrued and escalate?

I admit I never get on chat; and almost entirely for that reason. I am a smart-ass and am all too quick to post without taking a moment to consider misinterpretations. I'd really like to see that all-embracing group-hug mentality that I know is within us all, and enjoy the thread.

Oh, and by the way....Vuda will be stepping in now, so you're all screwed anyway!
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Just raising awareness that I have an open thread here: /viewtopic.php?f=169&t=6559 if someone wants to join in.

It's just some fun shennanigans (which will henceforth be known as Finnenanigans)!

See you there!
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Hey everyone. I just wanted to go ahead and say that for the next couple of weeks I might be slowed down when it comes to the speed of my replies. It's getting towards the end of the year which means finals and AP testing have kind of much ambushed me and hit me over the head with the stress stick.

As per a tradition I accidentally started last year I have been elected the creator of my history class' study guide. Unfortunately this means reading two textbooks (that I've never read before) within the span of the next 4-6 days in order to be done with it fast enough to actually be of use on the 5th of next month (the day of the test). In addition to that I have a research paper due on next Thursday and I'm just a hare's breath away from completely flunking my Anatomy and Pre Calculus classes (which I'm hoping to find a friend to tutor me in).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to complain and I'll still be trying my hardest to reply to threads in a reasonable amount of time. I'm just trying to give out a warning in case anyone starts to wonder where I got to. I know this might be annoying to some considering the speed of my replies completely dropped in the last couple of months and now it might drop all over again. Which is why I'm going to try and set aside some time each day for ST. But that might just end up not being an option since I need to get my cumulative GPA up if I want to get into the college I'm aiming for! Again I'm not asking for sympathy or trying to make excuses, I'm just offering up a reason and an apology.

On the other hand of the spectrum, this means just two more months and it'll be summer. And that means I'll have a lot more time for ST! During this span of time I should be able to still answer any PM's sent to me with relative speed (thanks to the fact my email is hooked up to my phone and I have it so I get emails every time someone PMs me).
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Hey guys and gals, I've been slacking on posts recently and I figure I'd announce that it was not fully my intent to do this. I joined a new work crew and got completely wrapped up in that as they worked ridiculous amounts of hours this we could be. I am not leaving or dropping out, I will be back soon and I am thinking of you beautiful peoples here in Etzos :)
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Hello folks!

I have made a note about a city graveyard in the Player Development Forum.
I am content to leave it at nothing more than that post for now.
If someone wants to write one up, I would certainly have no complaint.
Just follow the loosely described parameters I have put down there.
Believe me, it is largely wide open.

I only forgot to say that the richer folks usually have some sort of family tomb.
And that some of these may have been breached by damages from the Underground explosion a few seasons ago.
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

I'm fairly swamped with work atm so I'll be slow to reply for a while. Still wanna wrote worth you all ofc! Looking forward to getting back into it.
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

I am MALT, the Great and Powerful!
I know all, I see all, I mod all!
You are all hereby encouraged and warned to both avoid and embrace the horrific ramifications of this post.

Read it and quail with fear at the realization of what it entails. Boogeymen, in all their ghastly glory, will be walking the streets of Etzos for your thrills and amusement.

Or better yet, take a bite of what the unknown has to offer you.
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Let The Next Issue be Raised!

Dear scumbags,

I am sort of half aware that something bad happened in Etzos one or two seasons ago. Some kinda war between the city of Etzos and another city? At the risk of looking profoundly stupid I'd like to hereby ask for pointers about what exactly went down as my own searches haven't yielded much yet, and frankly I doubt even really know what I'm looking for.

Given that this conflict is a big reason why the orphanage is so full, it's kind of important for me to know what went down...but I don't.

Help a poor soul out?
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