/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Location: Old Dynaash Several places that had, until recently, are found to be just absolutely infested with every kind of infested that one could imagine. Too many, in fact, as anyone who is considered knowledgeable in...
Perhaps it was foolishness on Jinyel’s part to assume that his work was done. When he lived by himself, a task was over when it was over. The newly started fire would not question him, and the saddle would stay oiled once it was oiled. The greatest allure of living in the...
Once he was sure the mare just wanted to trot in circles and not run away, Jinyel turned around and walked away. The only seemed to perplex the horse, and when he looked over his shoulder, he found her staring at him with her head tilted. It was a very dog-like gesture.
The previous evening had been interesting. Not only did Rickith learn a lot about fieldcraft from the demonstrations that Jinyel had given, but he also seemed to get to know Jinyel a bit better as well. He was a quiet type, who liked to listen, more than he enjoyed talking, which Rickith didn't...
When Rickith and Jinyel had gotten back from the wilderness of the Sacred Forest, they had parted ways, Rickith to find some place to stay, and Jinyel to get some medical assistance. Rickith ending up meeting some of the people there, and getting a guest room to stay in, at least for the duration...
Woe had abided in the frontier of the Empire, the area that Raskalarn had opened up to expnsion, in the hopes of conquering more land to feed the faces of her legion of loyal butchers. There'd already been much bloodshed, on the hands of soldiers as much as the bandits and farmers who put up a...
Winter was lean, and lean times called for desperate measures. At least, ‘desperate’ was what Jinyel called it, because he’d had a whole conversation with a faculty member of the Imperial Medical Headquarters. It was the first conversation he’d had in ten trials, but money was money. During the...
The moment that Karem chose to take Nir'wei aside was hers alone to decide, and she did decide to do it without forewarning, but with some consideration for Nir'wei's delicate agenda. While she wanted to teach him a lesson, it was important that the lesson not exacerbate any...
In truth, to say that Erina's life was a particularly amazing one full of wonderment and adventure would be a blatant falsehood, one that was steeped in a desire for greater things. However, she for the most part found her life was monotonous out here in the wilderness. Living by modest means and...
Agnis was a woman of secrets. Jinyel didn’t know why, and sometimes those secrets felt like a snake laying in wait to bite him, but she was also… not his friend, but friendly. To most dwellers of the medical headquarters, Jinyel was a decoration. Silent. Unobtrusive. Occasionally useful, but never...
Live bird wanted. Any species. Must be delivered without injury. Pays well.
It was an odd bounty. Or perhaps “request” was the better word. Most hunting was done independently, and requests were usually for the spoils. Someone wanted a deerskin, or the bones of a thairoch, or some other piece of...
Cylus was a time of darkness. With the darkness came scarcity, and with scarcity came risk. Anyone wishing to survive the harsh season had to gamble with their health to gain any sort of reward. Sometimes they won prey. Sometimes they lost their health. Sometimes they did...
Agnis was a woman of secrets. Jinyel had suspected it for a long time, and she had proven him right more than once. Something was always a bit off about her, but from the idle chatter of the headquarters, that seemed a common trait in mages.
He didn’t know if forcing strangers to eat rotten meat...
It has only been a few trials since his mother had passed, and Rickith was still feeling the weight of emotion encircling his mind. He couldn’t get it out of his mind, how she had passed, and the illness that had taken her, and part of him just wanted to...
It was dark outside, typical for the season. Luvi was rooming in a remote town along with a group of other soldiers. She had fallen into a routine over the past couple seasons, going with the flow and dealing with basic threats that threatened her country. She hadn’t actually done...
Being in the deep forest of the Empire stirred something in Woe, as she strode along, her booted feet treading the snow-caked forest floor. Even here, beneath a voluminous canopy, some snow found its way to the floor, which obscured some of the herbal specimens, many of which had long gone dormant....
Jinyel encounters a water anak and sees that its stream has been clogged by a fallen tree.
The young hunter put away his bow and examined the tree. The trunk was wide enough that his arms couldn’t reach all the way around, and its branches had furrowed into the earth. There...
From the Spirits Primer:
12th of Ashan
A widespread phenomenon that allows, over the course of the day, even unmarked mortals the opportunity to partially see the Spirits that surround their world. They form as translucent flickers of light and darkness to those without the ability to see them...
How to make swords not hurt so much
in limited space
Lorogh had leave from the Imperial Army to pursue educational opportunities. And while he would've loved to jump back on the wagon of devising new and exciting weaponry for the grand army of the Empire, he was afraid of becoming too stagnant...
The prior few days had proceeded, and despite their initial resistance against the bone men of the Bone Yard , the Northern Reaches Fortress had been nearly overrun. And now, the civilians and soldiers holed up in the highest bastion off the Fortress, only sallying out through the bridges that...
He'd not intended to be idle while those responsible for the attack on Egilrun had gone unpunished, as far as could be told. Few punishments were sufficient when it came to the crime committed.
Woe knew that Webspinners had been involved, and so sought out the...
Jinyel didn’t spare any effort for stealth. His quarry was caught, and there was no telling how long it would remain so. He crossed the distance at a run, leaving behind the quiet barn for the much less quiet coop. It wasn’t just the fox that was screaming; chickens squawked...
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