16 Zi'Da 722 (Mid Afternoon)
Travelling was worse than Eternity ever thought it would be. She’d been seated on a horse’s saddle and sat right behind the primary rider of the horse, who Eternity had paid for a trip to Almund. Her thighs and rear were more sore than they’d ever been in her life and she hadn’t needed to walk very far during the trip. The horse was one of a few that pulled a wagon behind it where other travellers sat. Eternity just happened to be so unlucky that they had absolutely no space for her. They told her she was lucky she was light and had a seat at all and she’d been naiive enough to believe them. She’d hoped to at least learn a thing or two about riding horses, but she didn’t share a language with the other rider so that’d been a disappointment. Well, she had learned a few things, such as how painful riding was and how the rider would kick at the horse’s sides to make it hurry up.
Their multi-day journey came to an end somewhere in Almund. Where exactly, Eternity couldn’t be sure. She’d never been there before and had only heard rumors about it. Namely that it was a place where criminals went, which she kept changing her mind about whether or not she would eventually kick her thievery habit. Eternity wasn’t there to commit any crimes, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t have crime on her mind. She was off to a fortune teller. She wanted to know if they could offer her any leads into good homes to steal from, perhaps ones with safes in them so she could get some hands on experience with them. The information brokers she’d spoken with in Scalvoris were unreliable at best, at least the ones she’d spoken to.
It didn’t take much asking around to find out that The Bones was the place she ought to go to. So she got directions to it and walked up to its unassuming wooden door. She knocked on it as hard as she could with her fist and said, “hello?” loudly, hoping that someone inside would let her in or indicate that she ought to enter.
[Template credit to Pyrre]