• Location • Umbral Caverns

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Umbral Caverns

The Umbral Caverns

Tucked way beyond the Stormwastes is an system of ancient caverns, where untold horrors are said to dwell and legendary treasure awaits. Truth is the Umbral Caverns have only ever been explored once, to an extent, because of the fact their network spans far and deep into the earth. Only the upper layer of the caverns have ever been cartographed, as the deeper one goes the hotter it gets due to the pools of magma found within.

Legend says that in ancient times the cavern used to be a mine once, abandoned in it's infant stages because of the incredible dangers found within. Treasure hunters and explorers alike can only dream of what they'll find inside, as the only cartographer who survived has warned the severity of risk in exploring. Some were foolish enough to ignore the warning however, and naturally became the examples as to just how threatening and dangerous these caverns really are. Not only do they serve in part as a nesting ground for some nasty creatures, it is also likely considered a spawning area for many enemies of Rharne as well.

The venture to this cavern alone is not for the faint of heart, but for those who truly aren't prepared for certain death; then ultimately does death become their fate.


Players should remember that this is a dungeon free to explore, first floor only, and that the greater the risk the greater their rewards. Using the guide below, you can get a better idea on what to expect when exploring this location. Players might also wish to utilize their own dice to determine the challenges, if they wish to make it more difficult.

Threat Level: Details the dangers and expected frequency of monsters or enemies present. There should always be a different number of enemies, as well as a change in enemy types such as switching between monsters and other enemies, to more or less maintain the idea that the caverns is a nest of nasty creatures.

Loot Level: Pertains to the type of Loot one can take home from a certain area, loot can always be considered available as adventures are likely to come and go all the time. The difference being the type of loot available within certain areas, naturally the deeper one goes the better the loot they can take home. However it still falls up to the reviewers to determine from the chart below whether a piece of loot is appropriate to the risk, and that the risk was properly addressed with skill levels or injuries. Resources and materials may also be uncovered, if they are appropriate to be found in this environs. The levels of Loot are as followed:

Common - Typically anything of the standard quality; From Poor- to Basic+
Uncommon - Improved quality, ranging from Average- to Good- (Competent skills recommended. No artifacts or rare resources may be acquired)
Rare - Exceptional quality, ranging anywhere from Good+ to Masterwork (Expert skills recommended. Up to favored-level artifacts may be acquired with moderator permission)
Epic - Outstanding quality loot, Masterworks- are a little more frequent and Masterworks+ are a rarity. (Master skills recommended. Up to adored-level artifacts may be acquired with moderator permission)
Artifact - These are possible to find and can fall in range of any of the Loot types, if a player wishes to find an Artifact they should discuss it with a moderator first.

Roll: Basic function used to indicate how many enemies spawn in a section.

The Map

The Umbral Caverns 1st Floor
Note: The first floor is completely explorable for PC's but each section of the cavern's pose risk for exploration, going beyond the 1st floor requires moderation as sections beyond that haven't been explored yet.

Section A
Threat Level: Low
Loot Level: Common
Notes: Little to no lighting in this section, monsters tend to be frequent; either of the local variety.
Roll: 1d14

Section B
Threat Level: Low-Medium
Loot Level: Common
Notes: Minimal lighting, monsters are less common here, heat levels are bearable
Roll: 1d10

Section C
Threat Level: Medium
Loot Level: Common, Uncommon
Notes: Slightly natural lighting, heat levels are somewhat bearable, frequency of monsters changes
Roll: 1d12

Section D
Threat Level: Medium
Loot Level: Common, Uncommon
Notes: Breeding grounds for monsters, less lighting, heat levels are bearable again
Roll: 1d16

Section E
Threat Level: High
Loot Level: Common, Uncommon, Rare (Unlikely)
Notes: Minimal lighting, Tough Monsters, heat levels somewhat bearable
Roll: 1d8

Section F
Threat Level: High
Loot Level: Common, Uncommon, Rare (Less Likely)
Notes: Less Monsters, Heat Levels only slightly bearable, high lighting from magma channels!
Roll: 1d6

Section G
Threat Level: Very High
Loot Level: Uncommon, Rare, Epic (Unlikely)
Notes: Large and spacious, incredible high chance of spawn rate, heat is slightly unbearable
Roll: 1d20

Section H
Threat Level: Very High
Loot Level: Rare, Epic
Notes: Nesting Grounds for monsters, low lighting, heat levels are almost unbearable
Roll: 1d10

Section I
Threat Level: Very High
Loot Level: Uncommon, Rare, Epic
Notes: Tough Monsters and little lighting, heat levels almost unbearable
Roll: 1d4

Section J
Threat Level: Very High
Loot Level: Uncommon, Rare, Epic
Notes: Heat levels bearable, A water spring here attracts Tough Monsters!
Roll: 1d4

Section K
Threat Level: Insane
Loot Level: Epic
Notes: Intense heat levels! Modest lighting from magma pools, monsters are stronger and show aggression.
Roll: 1d8

Section L
Threat Level: Insane
Loot Level: Epic
Notes: Pathway narrows so almost no monsters, magma makes heat levels critical; venturing forward is nearly impossible without means of temperature regulation.
Roll: N/A

Boss Templates

What fun would a dungeon be without resolution by the vanquishing of a powerful villain responsible for the dangers you find therein? For those delving into areas with greater than uncommon rewards, you may apply to encounter a Boss with your local Rharne mod.

Devving templates for the Umbral Caverns and other adventure zones will be possible in the Dev Forum of Rharne. Until we get some added, I'll provide at least one to the offering.

While it's possible to dev a template for villains that are magical in nature in the Umbral Caverns, this is the only place in Rharne where you may assign such flavor npcs. For non-magic antagonists or 'bosses' you may use the Antagonist roster.

While it isn't illegal to be a necromancer in Rharne, technicalities in the law make it very illegal to practice necromancy. For one thing, the dead cannot (nor can inanimate matter such as golems) consent to having magic performed on them by virtue of their not being alive. This one technicality dovetails into a gateway to many other offenses to the laws of Rharne, making it so that any practicing necromancer must either be very reckless, very mad, very cleverly hidden, and/or very powerful to progress very far in their magic. Many are subsequently driven to regions that the authorities cannot or dare not go. The Umbral Caverns are just one such place.

If using a necromancer of any level as a Boss for your venture into the Umbral Caverns, you must first acquire permission from a Rharne Mod, whereupon said mod will modnote your thread granting permission to use the npc.

There are two basic tracks for a necromancer boss in the Umbral Caverns to follow:

Bonesong Necromancer: A Bonesong Necromancer uses the bone-song method of necromancy to charm half again as many thralls as other necromancers. In addition, they often engage in seduction and other forms of social tactics in order to fool potential adventurers. Sometimes it's not even clear to the adventurer who the Bonesong Necromancer is until it's too late. Many take a special glee in infiltrating expeditions in order to get the advantage of them, and also scout a canvas of improved thralls who can increase the numbers of their undead armies. Their armies often succeed by trickery and confusion rather than overwhelming power and force.

Necromancy skill: Novice - Expert
Singing/Musical Skill: Competent - Master
Seduction: Competent - Master
Deception: Competent - Master
Stealth: Competent - Master
Meditation: Expert
Athletics: Competent - Master

Deathward Necromancer: A hardened and anti-social sort of necromancer, these are your typical evil knights or wild savage sorcerers who will sooner attack and overwhelm with their undead forces and magical powers, rather than parlay or trick adventurers. Their thralls are often armed with the looted weapons and mismatched armor of former adventurers, and in some cases are former adventurers. That's not to say that they are without any cleverness in their defenses. They will often set traps, consisting of thralls hidden in compartments, who will surprise unsuspecting adventurers or their companions. While they don't have the numbers of thralls that Bonesong necromancers do, they are perhaps best able to coordinate attacks from the thralls they do have.

Necromancy Skill: Novice - Expert
Strength: Competent - Expert
Weapon skill: Competent - Master
Endurance: Competent - Master
Discipline: Expert
Tactics: Competent - Master
Athletics: Competent - Master

The threat level of a necromancer boss is determined by their skill levels, roughly. The levels of the boss must be determined at the beginning of the thread, and part of the authorization of a Rharne Mod. It will be posted in detail with the modnote, along with expected minions and other hazards.

Credit: Patrick minor edits by Pig Boy
word count: 1557

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