17th of Vhalar 721
It'd come to Woe's attention after arriving in Almund again, that there were people who had an eye out for him. He understood this, being a keen observer of human behavior. The reasons for their observing him might've run the gamut of political rivals, to admirers, to potential webspinner contacts. He didn't know, but had every intention of distinguishing and separating the wheat from the chaff, when it came to those who were merely curious, to those who had a purpose in observing him.
Skimming a pool of people for the scum among them often began with a simple approach for Woe. Thankfully, he'd recently acquired a new power, the ability to go unknown and unnoticed by anyone who knew him. He could at will become nobody, and all his fame and renown wouldn't follow him into that obscured cloud of anonymity. Woe was only beginning to skim the surface of this power, its limitations, its parameters. Could one draw conclusions based on the person he presented himself as? Details such as hair color, eye color, height, and approximate build? What were the limits of this new ability? So he invoked his ability to assume anonymity. Shortly after assuming his disguise of Robert Sanderling, a sandy-haired, gray and white clad nobody, these eyes shifted away from him. This gave him an opportunity to approach the eyes from the flank or the rear, where their eyes weren't trained.
More importantly, was Woe of strong enough moral fiber that he wouldn't let it go to his head? Probably not, but he would try. And it'd be a waste to scoff at such a boon, as the ability to go unknown at will.
So he poked around Almund, in the days that would lead up to the party he'd been invited to between Scalvoristown and Scaltoth, a lakeside mansion. He'd already chosen the disguise he would wear there, but first had a mind to try his hand at becoming someone else. While his disguise was based on the man he knew, Magpie, Llyr Llywelyn, he of course couldn't hope to fill those shoes however he tried. So it was he made a new identity. A simple name, Robert Sanderling. Assuming another name would grant him both knowledge of how his anonymity carried an assumed identity forward, and to what extent it could obscure his actual hand wherever it got involved.
Woe had sent word to Natalia that he would try and meet her in Almund if she was still about after the 15th of Vhalar. But what he hadn't said, is that she wouldn't be able to identify him as Woe.
Woe was already scantly aware of some of the abilities of the mortalborn daughter of Chamadarst. That she could sense thoughts to an extent, and that she knew the composition of things. These were the things he wished to test his own ability against, all while serving an ulterior purpose.
That of flushing out members of the Cell of Webspinners that had taken up on the Island, in an effort to keep their eyes upon him. He didn't know but suspected that Natalia may well be a target of such elements.
So as he shadowed her, and her companion, who Woe understood to be a cousin of hers on her mother's side, he did so with blithe disregard for being seen. He knew well enough that none would recognize him, let alone bother him. He'd established an aura of isolation around himself.
Yet, for all that he expected to be unnoticed, he remembered that the mortalborn daughter of Chamadarst would sense that a marked man of her father was nearby. It was this connection that he saw as his inroads to testing the depths of his ability to remain anonymous. She may know he was marked by her father, but a connection to Woe would be impossible to ascertain if his ability worked as it should.
Powers in effect as of this posting
Sought after Isolation: There are times when the Sombran desires to be isolated. This ability allows them to fulfill that desire at will, making them isolated no matter how many people there are around them. While this ability is active, others will tend to go around the Blessed, feeling that their presence is not wanted by the bearer of Sombran. Those who have a specific desire to speak to or see the Sombran will be able to ignore this ability, but even they will feel as if they should not be bothering the Blessed.
Agent Unknown II: At will, Woe can become completely unrecognizable, even to those who know him well. This does not change any aspect of his appearance by itself. Any identifying features he currently possesses can of course be noted and remembered, but his identity will be obscured and unknowable while utilizing this ability. The main exception to this ability is that Immortals, Dragons, Induks, and beings that are bonded to his soul will recognize him. Otherwise, he's effectively a nobody while using this ability. He can turn this ability on and off twice a trial. There's no limit to the duration, otherwise.
For characters bearing Bellinos' power Eidetic memory, they'll know him if they have memories of who he was. In Gwelliph's case, they'll be able, to tell the truth of things easier, but won't be able to associate what Woe does until such time as he switches the power off.
Fracture Scar: A fracture scar forms down the middle of Woe's tongue, on the underside of it. Usually not visible when he's talking, unless he elevates his voice.