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Flora of the Etzos Area

Flora of the Etzos Area
This is not to be confused with the Players' Development Forum.
This is NOT for newly proposed ideas, begging for approval.
This is where the final products go (The bribes go into my pocket, shhhhhh......).

Yes, yes...so I made that same joke with the "Colloquialisms" topic. So sue me... :evil:

So...Now, with F&F topics in areas like Scalvoris, Rynmere, Ivorian and Oscillus, there is no geographic overlap, as they are Island nations. So if you find items here that are also referenced in topics pertaining to other locations on the western continent, you may assume there are some migratory causes. Or, it could be that some have been transplanted, driven out or cultivated to become established outside their normal zones. And some of these are global flora, found everywhere.

In any event, here are some of the many items to be found in the general Etzos' area. It is fair to say that some of these entries have been much further developed than others. Additional ideas of your own are welcome as well, though they will need to be processed through the Player Development Forum linked above. Please, don't be shy.


Clumpweed: This is a grassy weed that grows along the shores and shallows of rivers. It is fairly tasty and actually quite healthy. But it also has an adhesive enzyme that reacts to the saliva of those that attempt to eat it, causing it to form a sticky lump that can strangle them. This enzyme can be neutralized easily enough, but ill-intended chefs may well try to use it to kill a patron by adding flavorful amounts of it to any number of dishes.

Iron Shell Bush: Living at the base of the Heart of the World, the iron shell bush is known for the several nuts that grow on the plant. These are so tough that they cannot be physically broken apart. They will only open up after long exposure within a magma bath or similar which will open the shell. The seeds activate in the heat and can begin to grow. The shell itself can be used as ammunition for slings, a cheaper alternative to using metal. The seeds provide a source of natural adrenalin for a short amount of time but the downside is it acts as a potent hallucinogen. It has been discovered that the shells can be ground into powder and, when blended with metal in the forge, render the metal highly rust resistant.

Naphtha Brush: The black leaves of the naphtha brush are coated in flammable resins that encourage fire to spread. The leaves are small so as to increase their flammability. The heat resistant seed remain dormant until provided with enough ash and soil to grow and at the right conditions can bloom at an incredible rate. The Aukari use the naphtha brush by crushing and breaking the plant down into a flammable black paste. This burns quicker and longer than pitch.

Clam Leaf: Two curved fire-resistant shells made of a tough bark like substance is textured to look like a carpet of ash. It survives in the low lying areas around Sirothelle where little plants can survive and few nutrients are present due to the constant volcanic eruptions. The plant relies on unaware animal or humanoid to step upon its camouflaged shell. Special feelers detect the force of the intruder and cause the clam to snap shut. A local numbing toxin is released from the tips of the petals to calm the intruder while it begins to eat the intruder live without it being felt. Clam leaves are intentionally grown in large fields to act as a defensive barrier around Sirothelle, preventing possible invading forces from encircling the city. It did not take long for Etzori scouts to discover these plants and to bring back samples for study.

Phoenix Flower: Surviving at high elevations on the Heart of the World, the Phoenix Flower is a barbed bush with a single yellow flower that curls in a spiral. These do very well in low nutrient soils, making it adapt well to areas that have just experienced recent eruptions. The Phoenix flower relies on constant volcanic eruptions to spread out its seeds. It easily disintegrates into ashes as the flowing magma draws near and flows about into the air for extended periods of time. The seeds are structured so that they float with rising heat emanating from the lava. The ashes soon fall and pepper the fertile ash bed sitting on the cooling lava. The seeds will then rise again into another Phoenix Flower. Mostly only seen in Etzos as short-lived curiosities.

Ignis Beans: Ignis Beans thrive well at the areas around Sirothelle. Highly rich in protein, they are one of the few alternatives to the meat-eating diet that the Aukari are accustomed to.

The Unabor Forest: In the ancient times of Idalos, an ancient seed called Unabor lay deep below the sea between east and west Idalos. Where this dormant seed came from is unknown but at some point it began to grow. First, it sent out four tendril-like roots in all directions, so that it would find dry land. These roots divided over and over to become millions of searching 'fingers' that expanded outward in a growing circle. Soon the Unabor, sensing the limit of its power, ceased the tendrils for expanding any further. The tendrils were raised to come forth from the soils and up to the skies into many trees, some of which grey on Western Idalos and the rest on Eastern Idalos. This is how the Forest of Unabor came to be.

The effort to create the vast, multi-continental forest was more than the Unibor could bear. It gathered its remaining strength to creating five entities to govern the forest independently. These became known as the Five Hearts of Unabor. Ywyngyll the Old, Scyn the Intolerant, Eurin the Resolute, Maguon the Benevolent and finally, Lorne the Pioneer. The Forest of Unabor is not a typical forest. The roots of the trees are connected in some way back to one entity. Many have tried to trace the roots back to its source, deep below the sea, and have failed and so the location of Unabor is unknown.

Unabor treats all of its trees as children, nurturing and protecting them. The Unabor will often move the forest about, although this is not exactly accurate in what it does. It will partially transfer some of the trees energy, leading them to wither, known as ‘dieback’, while providing other trees energy to grow. This transformation can be slow or rapid. The trees often grow rapidly to seek better water sources, to evade fire, to block and even kill anything that provides great threat to the forest. The Unabor will not tolerate large areas being cut down, but will allow modest amounts. Some races have a special treaty where the forest has been provided with diverted rivers, in exchange for its wood.

Unabor controls all plants and can influence the habits of the creatures that dwell in its forests. Coniferous forests dominate the northern areas of the Unabor where it snows often, while more temperate evergreen and deciduous forests comprising of oak, maple and lime trees grow in the central and southern areas of the forest. Small patches of grasslands do find their way where the Unabor tree line has receded due to dieback.

Unabor Moss: Green and lush, these rootless evergreen plants are the carpet of the forest and what is not known by many – is that it is the ‘skin’ of the Unabor. The Unabor feels the presence of those that walk upon the moss. If the Unabor wishes, it can provide healing to those that lay dying on the moss – but only to those who are worthy to the Unabor. Often, ‘worthiness’ to the Unabor is measured by actively protecting the forest itself.
The Five Hearts of Unabor
The Five Hearts of Unabor: The Unabor itself has little energy to govern the entire forest and thus created the Five Hearts to govern each section of its forest. Each Heart is strong in their own way but they all work to a different beat. These trees are able to move, but do this only when necessary by growing and wilting their branches and roots. These trees contain vast root systems that communicate to the forest in these areas. They each have unique personalities.

1.) Ywyngyll (ye-win-gil) the Old: Located west of Rharne, the Ywyngyll is a yew tree and the oldest of the Five. Her branches are gnarled, knotty and twisted. She grows and withers her branches slowly. She manipulates her branches to ‘groan’ into words to be interpreted by almost any race she chooses to communicate to. She is known for her expansive knowledge and cleverness and as such, she has been trusted by the Unabor with even information from Unabor itself. With so much knowledge, her words are often too cryptic to be easily understood and on top of that, she is often unwilling to help those on their quests – for their short lives seem pointless to her.

2.) Scyn (Sine) the Intolerant: Located between Cahyrst and Korlasir, the Scyn is an ancient sequoia of enormous proportions. Unlike the other Hearts, this tree rarely moves. This has meant that it has concentrated most of its energy to becoming larger and its roots stronger and more concentrated, allowing it to be the most adept at manipulating the growth and dieback of its forests. The Scyn is obsessed with the protection and expansion of the Unabor forest. It does not like any creatures, nor does it try to ‘talk’ to them, like the other trees. Thus no living thing lives many miles from its base and most of the plants in this dark forest will kill any creature that enters. It sees all non-plant like life as being parasitic and is therefore ‘below’ the forest, often at disagreement with the others.

3.) Eurin (You-Rin) the Resolute: The Eurin is an old pine that lives to the north of the Unabor, where most trees are firs, pine and spruce trees. She is simple, strong-willed and a survivor. She is taller than all other conifers and she will move only occasionally. She is known to provide shelter to those that need it in times of freezing snow storms and heal those that are injured. She provides simple advice to passerby’s but not with the same depth as Ywyngyll.

4.) Maguon (Ma-Gwon) the Benevolent: Located south of Cahyrst and Korlasir, this great oak tree is determined to aid and protect the flora and more importantly, the fauna, much to the chagrin of Scyn. Maguon and Scyn are often at conflict and their control of the forests are often in direct opposition. Unlike the dark forest surrounding Scyn, the southern forest protected by Maguon is inviting, with plentiful food and shelter for all creatures. The Maguon is known to bestow its best woods and other important treasures to those that have served to protect the forest from ruin.

5.) Lorne (Lorn) the Pioneer: Lorne is not a tree but a creeping fig. It is the only one of the Five Hearts to occupy Western Idalos during and thus became known as Lorne the Pioneer. Lorne is curious and fascinated with the land beyond the horizon. She has a desire to expand its forests into the unknown, despite the frustration of being held back by Unabor's limited strength. She aids travelers who enter her forests and treasures any of their tales of the lands beyond. However, she is quick to turn on those that significantly harm the forest.
Lorne's Strangler Fig: This strangler fig is in fact a tree. It can grow over fifty metres high and relies on winding about other trees trunks to reach the canopy above and beyond. It's dark purple fruit is edible and its bark can be boiled. The steam can cure minor sicknesses like fever and stomach cramps.

Weavewood Tree: A fairly large, exotic-looking flowering tree, with hundreds of thin, spreading, vine-like branches that are cyclic with different colored flowers that can be pressed for dye. Also, the long, twig-like branches are a natural for weaving, and the tree often weaves spontaneous wall-like obstacles in the wild. This is not done with any aggressive intent. The tree does not "attack" people.

Tanwood Tree: The most common commercially used wood on Idalos. Light in color, resistant to insects and weather, it is the standard for furniture and construction.

Scentwood Tree: As the name indicates, it a tree that provides a pleasantly perfumed wood for most standard interior uses. It not as common as Tanwood, nor as hearty, and costs basically twice as much. Comes in both light and dark color, depending on the region grown. Tends to get darker further north.

Cambria Tree: Both fragrant and richly grained, this is the premium furniture wood. Also used for highlights and interior molding due to its perpetually polished look. Shavings left over from carpentry are usually boiled and pressed to collect an expensive polishing oil. Mostly found in areas bordering jungles.

Smiling Blue Runner: located in Lorne's forest, this low, ground cover ivy bears a small, blue fruit. The fruit is edible, but foul tasting. It's primary use is to make a fine dye. People can survive on it, but usually return to civilization with blue teeth.

Fist Nut: This tree bears a nut that defines the name. These nuts must not be eaten or cracked before being subjected to pressure steaming. The internal pressure created by this process forces a powerful binder/reagent out through its shell, between the "fingers". Once there is no more fluid to collect on the outer shell, the nut can eaten, or stored for later use. It has a sweet flavor, often used in dessert pastries. If eaten before this process is complete, it can cause many types of clotting or clogging problems in the body.

Scrape Leaf Bramble: this vine lacks the thorns often found on such growth, but is still unpleasant to pass through. This is due to the abrasive surface of the leaves which grow on it. However, many crafters have found that when dried, these leaves can be used to rub raw surfaces and smooth them down like sandpaper.

Tickle-leaf Ivy: Originally found in jungle areas, it is adaptable to temperate forest zones. A few cuttings were brought north by Cauldron members, due to its chemistry applications. The leaves have tiny filaments that can be used to filter out desired elements from steam. When a resource is boiled, if the steam is passed through a mass of these filaments, they absorb only the water, leaving a largely undiluted source of whatever material was being gleaned from the steam. Progress has to be carefully monitored, however, as the filaments expand with absorption and will soon clog the passage, preventing further collection.
Fella's Trinket
Name: Fella’s Trinket
Quick Facts: Fungus, grows in dark and damp places.
Height: 2 inches
Width: 2 inches
Length: 2 inches
Fruit: N/A
Poison: N/A
Native to: Etzos, Rhakros
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: A bulbous fungus with black veins underneath the rough surface. There is a faint pink glow from within Fella’s Trinket.

Habitat: This fungus grows in clusters in dark, damp soil far from the light of day. Often they are found in sewers and in caverns, or basements.

Lifespan and Development: 40 Trials. These fungi sprout from the ground in clusters and if not picked will wilt and burst with spore. The spore will take root and within fifteen trials will grow new clusters. In a garden these fungi often are a nuisance because they spread without prompting, but harvesting all at once can decimate them. A gardener should leave one or two unharvested to keep the colony going.

Uses: Chemistry Reagent, Alchemy Reagent

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Chemistry reagent used to separate elements of a liquid: Boiling pieces of the purely pink portion of the fungus, with mixtures of other elements, and then placing the boiled fluid in a centrifuge, will more completely filter those elements from each other, and with greater speed.
Alchemical reagent used to extract magical and mundane traits: If the item with the desired trait is boiled with the entire fungus until the fungus completely dissolves, the black portion of the liquid will float on the surface and retain special properties. If skimmed from the fluid, it will serve as an alchemical reagent for this property. It is not uncommon for some property other than the desired one to be obtained this way. Uncollected properties will remain in the liquid still in the pot, and a second identical process will be needed to make a new attempt to glean the desired property.
A salve created with the dried and ground pinkish portion of the pulp can also extract poisons from wounds, though it does nothing to reverse damage already done.

Credit: Neronin
Name: Tendrilshroom
Quick Facts: Fungus. Used for Medicine, Surgery and Alchemy.
Height: 12 inches
Width: 6 inches
Length: 6 inches
Fruit: None
Poison: When consumed raw any part of the Tendrilshroom will cause numbness of the mouth and chest for a handful of breaks.
Native to: Etzos
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: This pale purple mushroom is bulbous, with a viney, "waffled" outer layer that is full of holes. The tentacles of the bulb wave out, sticky to entice bugs. The stem is thick, with a fibrous look. It has the pungent smell of mold, though only when close at hand.

Habitat Grows in caverns, damp places, and under the shade of larger flora.

Lifespan and Development: 1-3 arcs. This mushroom is amazingly hardy. They grow in most shady places over the course of three trials and will sit for a very long time, for a fungus, until finally drying up and dying. When harvested, bits of the stem should be chopped and buried to produce new Tendrilshrooms.

Uses: Medicinal applications, Alchemy reagent

Temperament: Tendrils will wrap around fingers upon being touched, but the numbing agent will rarely breach the skin. Gloves are advised though.

Abilities: fly eater, numbing agent, slight nausea with ingestion, medical use as a local numbing agent and anti-toxin. Alchemy reagent can cause a reversal of any existing property from sources blended with the liquid in the bulb tendrils. Tissue taken from a person can be processed with the tendril liquid to cause the property of any other source to be reversed when ingested by that same person. This is often used to create on-the-spot anti-toxins, but can be used maliciously to reverse beneficial effects as well.

Credit: Neronin
Lisirra's Curse
Name: Lissira's Curse
Quick Facts:
Height: 15-20 meters
Width: trunk; 1-3m, canopy; 7-12m
Fruit: Smooth, heavy and brightly coloured.
Poison: Secretes allelopathic chemicals. Very poisonous to humans and animals (with the exception of most carrion-eaters) with poison found in its leaves, sap, fruit and roots.
Native to: Across south central Idalos
Locations: Temperate and tropical forests throughout Idalos

Appearance: A tall and imposing tree, at first glance one would not know that consumption of its leaves, roots, sap or fruit can lead to a quick and painful death. It's trunk is covered in thick and cracked bark, black in colour, and it bears thick, vivid green foliage with a large canopy. Its fruit is plump and smooth when ripe, and is coloured a bright and inviting pink, with orange splotches. It's leaves are small and round.Image Due to its allelopathic secretions, Lissira's Curse is always surrounded by a barren circle, or "dead zone", the width of which varies but generally matches the size of the canopy. It's fruit smells and tastes sweet, causing many animals and even people to assume that it is safe to eat. It's poisons in the fruit and seeds generally kill the victim before they make it far from it's dead zone, leaving a feast for the carrion birds, the only known animals able to survive the poisons.

Habitat: Both boreal forests and evergreen coniferous forests of Idalos. Most often found in Temperate zones.

Lifespan and Development: 500+ years. It takes approximately 50 years for the tree to meet full maturity, and till that time it's poisons are at half toxicity. Its trunk darkens with age, from a mid brown to black. Is only able to secrete allelopathic chemicals once past maturity.
Fruit begins as a bud at the end of the branches, and grows quickly, going from a shrivelled, dark red bulb to a large, firm and smooth fruit similar to a mango, but vibrant pink in colour, with orange splotches.

Not even the tree's own seeds can survive in the dead zone, and so Lissira's curse relies entirely on the carrion birds that feast on it's victims in order to spread it seeds, via the birds feces.

Uses: Despite it's inviting appearance, Lissira's Curse is a highly poisonous tree, with its leaves, fruit, roots and sap. The poisons can be harvested and used in creating much more elaborate poisons, and in moderation Lissira's Curse can be used to treat chronic pain, epilepsy, and to numb areas topically for surgeries. Due to the extremely poisonous nature of this tree, very few use it for anything other than it's poison, leaving any dropped limbs to root on the forest floor, rather than salvage them for firewood.

Abilities: Allelopathic secretions. Strong paralytic poisons in the sap, leaves, fruit and roots. Can paralyse the skin, muscles, nerve endings and even affect parts of the brain with neurotoxins.

Credit: Kala
Young's Bite / Dogwalker
Name: Young’s Bite
Quick Facts:Edible plant with leaves that can be used as an inhibitor.
Height: 2-4”
Width: 1”
Length: 1”
Native to: Northern Idalos

Locations: Grasslands throughout the world.

Appearance: Young’s Bite was discovered and classified in conjunction with Dogwalker by two colleagues. Somewhat ironically, the two each claimed to have found them both, and their relationship imitated that of the plants they had discovered. Each claimed one, naming it to spite the other. Young’s Bite is rumoured to have been a jab at a rather pronounced overbite.

This plant has a tall stem covered in tiny bristles. Tiny flowers bloom around the tip, usually a shade of purple or pink. Small, round leaves jut out in rings around the stem, a flat green colour. The stem is thick, nearly an inch in diameter, and can be peeled for the edible interior. It tastes rather bland, but can easily harvested in large numbers and contains a mouthful of fresh, portable water.

Habitat: It typically will grow in grasslands, clumped in areas of significant moisture. It is extremely common along riverbanks or lakes where it can get full sun. Like many plants, it has been grown for arcs in greenhouses around the world, mainly for their use as a flower. The use of their petals is not a well-known fact.

This plant has had an unending conflict with another plant, the Dogwalker. The Dogwalker originated on the East continent, near Athart, but due to travel, both have invaded the other’s territory. The Dogwalker relies heavily on moisture to grow, as does Young’s Bite, but the Dogwalker is a far more demanding plant. As such, Young's Bite was at a disadvantage as the roots of the Dogwalker secrete a fluid that kills this plant's own. As such, both flora are found in identical environments, but you will never find the two together.

Lifespan and Development: This plant relies on bees and other insects to carry its pollen, crossbreeding with nearby plants to make pinhead-sized seeds which float on the winds quite easily. It grows incredibly fast, from germination to fully grown within 30 trials. Once it has released its seeds, however, the plant withers and dies, losing both its edibility and the effect of the plant’s leaves.

Uses:The plant itself is a rather pretty flower, and has been grown around the world for usage in bouquets. The leaves have a more sinister ability when inhaled.

They must be either burnt over a fire or inhaled as a powder in order to be used as an inhibitor, and no one has been able to successfully combine ingredients to bypass this unfortunate drawback. Any poison or drug, once inhaled along with vaporized Young's Bite, will remain dormant in the bloodstream for up to a season.

During that time, if the subject is exposed to the fluid excreted from the roots of the Dogwalker, a chemical reaction takes place, and the chemical inhibited by the Young’s Bite activates. This allows poisonings and drug dosages to be activated long after being initially administered, or to stall the effects of a medicine, if needed.

Also, by burning Dogwalker's powdered body with the leaves of Young's Bite, a thick smoke is created that acts much like a laughing gas.

Abilities: Useful Reagent for poison and Medicine.

Credit: Vluharqih
Name: Dogwalker
Quick Facts:Large, bush-like plant
Height: 2-4’
Width: 3’
Fruit: Large, apple-like fruits tasting more like grapes
Native to: Wilds around Athart
Locations: Grasslands across the world.

Appearance: Dogwalker was discovered and classified in conjunction with Young’s Bite by two colleagues. Somewhat ironically, the two each claimed to have found them both, and their relationship imitated that of the plants they had discovered. Each claimed one, naming it to spite the other. Dogwalker is rumoured to be a jab at the researcher’s family business- dog breeding- but many think there may be another meaning.

This plant is a large plant that shoots out branches in every direction from its central root. The bark is a pale green colour, yet woody in texture. It grows medium sized flowers that cover its branches, making the plant seem like a large pile of flowers. When the plant blooms the sight takes your breath away. Vibrant colours cover the branches, one colour fading seamlessly into the next.

Habitat: It typically will grow in grasslands, clumped in areas of significant moisture. It is extremely common along riverbanks or lakes where it can get full sun. This plant requires plenty of sun, and will quickly fade if some of its branches do not receive enough light. The plant has been grown in greenhouses as a common houseplant. When blooming, the tree is breathtaking, but it requires significant work to trim and water it correctly.

This plant has had an unending conflict with another plant, Young's Bite. The Dogwalker originated on the East continent, near Athart, but due to travel, both have invaded the other’s territory. The Dogwalker relies heavily on moisture to grow, as does Young’s Bite, but the Dogwalker is a far more demanding plant. As such, it was at a disadvantage, however the roots of the Dogwalker secrete a fluid that kills off the roots of Young’s Bite. As such the two plants are both found in identical environments, but you will never find the two together.

Lifespan and Development: The plant is self germinating, bearing many similarities to a mushroom. Most of the plant is actually underground, with a deep and rich network supplying the plant with its required nutrition. The plant flowers overnight, the petals curling up during the day, and will bloom for the Hot Cycle. The flowers are then slowly turned into the plant’s fruit over the course of Vhalar, and it is left barren for the remainder of the arc.

The plant can last a long time if cared for properly and rarely dies from age. Often it falls to burrowing insects such as termites that eat away at its roots, or competition growing and blocking out its sun. By ingesting the root, the burrowing insects mutate the trigger, absorbing it throughout their body. By burning their powdered bodies with the leaves of Young's Bite, a thick smoke is created that acts much like a laughing gas.

Uses: This secretions of the roots of this plant are used as the trigger for the inhibitor created from the leaves of Young’s Bite. The apple-like fruits are eaten as an oddity, few willing to spend the time and energy necessary to successfully grow these plants.

Credit: Vluharqih
Ruby Spindlebulb
Name: Ruby Spindlebulb
Quick Facts: Used for chemistry reagent, makeshift glue.
Height: 8 inches
Width: 4 inches
Length: 4 inches
Fruit: Spindlebulb
Poison: A fruity bulb the size of a marble.
Native to: Rhakros, Etzos
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: The small plant has dark green leaves and a red and pink bulb with a small inch long needle. The grey-green seeds grow below the bulb and fall to the ground when the fruit is ripe. The roots of this plant grow chaotically through the ground.

Habitat Swampy areas with low light or damp caverns. Survives best in areas of Central Idalos where it is kept cool and does not dry out with dry heat.

Lifespan and Development: 10 Arcs. This plant takes a full 90 trials to sprout its first fruit. The small seeds appear twice an arc, in spring and autumn. These can be buried to ensure new plants grow. These plants often grow sideways when near death at eight or nine arcs old and should be replaced when they reach this stage.

Uses: The juice from the fruit is a chemistry binding reagent used to blend an amalgamation of other reagents. The juice is also used as a glue to close wounds. The root water is also an antiseptic when let drip.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Chemistry Reagent, Antiseptic, field glue

Credit: Neronin
Tea Bower Mushroom
Name: Tear Bower Mushroom.
Quick Facts:
Height: 8-12"
Width: 2-4"
Native to: Forests of Northern Idalos
Locations: North-Western to Some Parts of Central Idalos (Only West Continent)

Appearance: The small mushroom is rarely overlooked in the forest, its pale blue colour making it nearly glow in the darker recesses. It has a long, thin stem topped by a steeply angled cap. The whole mushroom is blue, but the cap has a slight gradient towards the base, darkening to nearly a navy. If the cap is removed, the underside is even darker, nearly black, and ribbed.

Habitat: The Tear Bower mushroom originally grew in the northern forests, and some believe it originally only grew on the slopes of the Heart of the World. It requires both cold winters and hot summers in order to germinate, and recently has been seen further south than ever seen before. It prefers to grow on dead animals, and often its spores take root in the fur of various species. If those animals die, some reaction occurs with the spore, and it begins to grow. The mushroom itself will grow, and then die each arc, and will continue to continue this cycle until its root system is destroyed.

Lifespan and Development: The spores of the plant take root in the fur of various animals. Due to this, they do not attach themselves to reptiles, birds or fish. If the animal dies, the spore begins to grow, and feasts upon the dead flesh. Most of its initial energy is spent growing an intricate root system, or mycellium, and by the time the first hints of a mushroom appear, the mycellium can reach up to a mile away. Any given mycellium can spawn up to two dozen mushrooms per arc, all possessing the traits of the animal it originally grew from. The hot summer seasons allow the mushrooms to flourish, and during the course of the Hot Cycle, the plant grows to its entirety, releases the spores, and begins to die by the end of Saun. The mycellium goes into hibernation until the following Ashan, when it reawakens, and grows another set of mushrooms. The spores that are caught in the fur of the animals can attach themselves to the individual fibres during the Cold Cycle. There is a chemical reaction that occurs, and the two bond together, the spore awaiting its chance. If the animal fails to die by about the end of Cylus, the spore looses its energy, and becomes useless.

Uses: The cap is used for making several medicines, and the stalk can be collected and ground up into a spice, creating a very nutty flavour. There has been some recent discoveries into animal-specific mushrooms. Depending on the original host species, it appears that there may be some long-term usage benefits. This is likely due to the very slow release of the mushroom into the body.

Abilities: The cap of the mushroom can be used in making several sleeping draughts, however it typically takes a long time to be absorbed into the body. The cap must be dried and ground in order to make this, but the grinding process sparks the reaction, and it loses its power within bits if not ingested. Powders are wholly ineffective, and poultices are typically not absorbed fast enough. The cap itself slows the heart rate, and clouds the brain, and the sleep it induces cannot be broken until the remainder of the mushroom has worked its way out of the system.

The entire mushroom, eaten raw and whole, is an effective solution to prevent many stomach aches, however due to the long absorption time, it is rarely useful once the pain has begun, making this effect unknown to many accomplished herbalists.

As noted above, recently several prominent researchers have discovered that the animal that the spores attach to can drastically change its effect. The benefits they have discovered have all been preventative rather than recuperative. At the moment, they have discovered that the fur of carnivores has a tendency to increase the aggression of those who take it regularly, and can act as a small steroid. They have also found that a mushroom growing on a deer, that subjects who regularly take it have an increased sensitivity to sound, and are slightly more nimble. However, in order to gain these effects, all researchers have agreed that it requires a minimum of two Cycles in order to see the benefits. This can pose an issue, as the mushroom must be taken daily, and as such it is incredibly expensive to do.

In the Shoppe, this item can be found under "Drugs and Medicine", and is considered a Good Quality item.

Credit: Vluharqih
Iffloil Flower
Name: The Iffloil Flower
Quick Facts:
Height: 8"-16"
Width: 4-5"
Length: 4-5"
Fruit: Creates a single seed in each flower, similar in size to an almond
Poison: The seeds, in larger quantities, can cause blood clotting.
Native to: Central Idalos Coast
Locations: All the Coasts

Appearance: The taller flower is thin, the petals small. The centre of the flower has holes, and those holes provide air flow to the seed. It is slightly purple, but the centre is pure white. The seed is a solid brown and circular, as well as very fragile. Squishing it between your fingers releases a white powder, and the terrible smell of sulfur. The smell of the flower itself is subtle during the day, but grows stronger as the sun sets. During a warm Cylus, fields of them can cause their smell to spread for miles around. It is a fresh smell, and is very similar to forget-me-nots.

Habitat: They are seen in large batches all across coasts, and the smell of them has become synonymous with the sea for many. They grow better in more temperate climates, with an excess of rain and a moderate temperature arc round. They have spread throughout the world, however are much more common in areas that satisfy the above. They have developed a special relationship with numerous species of turtles, as the eggs are laid in their root balls. The root system protects the eggs as they grow and as the plants die, the eggs then hatch, and their scurry towards the ocean kicks up enough dirt to cover the seeds dropped by the flower.

Lifespan and Development: The flower grows as one of a batch, up to a dozen flowers sprouting from a single seed. Each flower then drops another seed, causing very dense patches, with very little between. They are rarely spread by animals. They die from low temperatures, so often they die off during Cylus, however if it is warm, they can survive for several arcs.

Uses: The plant is often grown for the seeds, as in small doses they can be used to stop bleeding. Additionally, the small petals can be dried and used as a stimulant, causing increased heart rate and sensitivity.

Abilities: The seeds can be used to stop bleeding, when boiled into a paste, however care has to be taken that very little of the paste leaks into the bloodstream, lest the healer become the killer. When used as a poison, it is often ground and added to strong-tasting wines and ales, as the flavour is quite distinct. It can take arcs of constant dosing for the poison to take effect, and as such is not often used for this purpose. The petals can be dried and used as a stimulant, and are a common additive to other medications to speed up the intake rates.

Credit: Vluharqih
Frostcap Enoki
Name: Frostcap Enoki
Quick Facts: A mushroom that upon reaching maturity becomes Quite chilly, so chilly in fact that frost appears on their caps! Vice versa, it's stalk is oddly warm to the touch.
Height: 2-4 inches
Width: 3-5 inches
Length: 3-5 inches
Fruit: The cap is "edible", but wouldn't taste very good.
Poison: the stalk is mildly toxic and causes nausea in mammals that consume it.
Native to: Deciduous forests worldwide
Locations: Etzosian forests, Rynmere, and Scalvoris play host to this fungi

Appearance: A pale orange stalk that is capped with a white cap speckled with powdery blue splotches. Once the Mushroom reaches pollination stages it begins to frost over before spreading its spores, after which time it thaws and dies.

Habitat: Often found around the bases of trees in the deeper sections of forests where the sunlight is choked out by the leaves of trees.

Lifespan and Development: These mushrooms take around three weeks to a month to come full circle depending on the ambient temperatures of the season; the warmer the season the faster they grow and produce. Spores are expelled by the stalk that has stored heat and uses the stored energy to spray the spores. What makes the Frostcap neat is perhaps it's unique nature. One would assume that a plant that frosts over would in fact like colder frigid climates, which is in fact not the case for this unique species. the method by which it reproduces in fact hardly works in the winter seasons. The Frostcap spreads its spores by expelling them from around it's stalk on updrafts created by stored energy. Thus the reason that the frost cap is cold is that the cap is actually stealing energy from the air in an endothermic reaction and storing said energy in its stalk to germinate.

Uses: Improvised ice packs, and in small doses a natural fever aid. the stalks can also be used to induce retching.

Temperament: Mushroom!

Abilities: the cap contains Diaphoretics, which induce sweating and can help regulate fevers. However in large doses this could cause excessive sweating and possibly dehydration making the cap a poor choice for a meal.

Safewater Sentinel
Name: Safewater Sentinel
Quick Facts: A friendly marker for thirsty adventurers
Height: 6 inches to a foot
Width: 2 to 3 inches
Weight: Very light
Native to: Springs and mountain rivers
Locations: Scalvoris, Ne'haer, Etzos, Rynmere. pretty much anywhere that isn't frozen.

Appearance: thin red mushroom with white spots.

Habitat: Near sources of fresh clean water, mountain rivers and springs are common spots.

Lifespan and Development: Short lived mushrooms, they can sprout up over night and are usually full grown by a week.

Diet: A peculiarity of this mushroom is that they like to grow around springs and mountain streams and other sources of fresh water.

Temperament: They are quite friendly for mushrooms, or so the Tunawa say

Abilities: Particularly good to eat, and a decent source of nutrients, furthermore they are a telltale marker of the source of water they are near being safe for consumption.

These mushrooms can also be cut up and dehydrated. when a dehydrated chunk of a safewater sentinel is dropped into water it will only swell up and rehydrate in clean water.

Edibility They taste pretty good, some would describe it as a Nutty, fishy flavor. Quite healthy there isn't much else to say, good in stews, or on a skewer.

Alchemy A rather bland reagent, but a creative alchemist might find that they have an almost purifying effect on solutions they are in, negating small amounts of toxins, or that they would be good for making potions or other such mixtures good for fortifying the body.

Alchemy: Competent
Medicine: Novice

Credit: Brother
Whipping Willow
Name: Whipping Willow
Quick Facts: It's red leaves and sap give it a menacing look and even more menacing sting when used as a switch, naughty children beware.
Height: 10 meters average (35 feet or so)
Width: Less than a meter thick, around 1 to 2 feet
Fruit: None
Poison: Tactile feel enhancer. Painful stinging sap.
Native to:Deciduous forests near water sources
Locations: Most temperate locations

Appearance: Like most weeping willows it got long overhanging branches that droop low to the ground however their dark red hues color make them as being different from their green cousins.

Habitat: Near streams and water sources.

Lifespan and Development: Mature at about three years. Never really fully grown.

Uses: Makes good switches for naughty people. The wood makes for good bows or anything needing flexible wood

Temperament: Tree

Alchemical purposes: Sap is a two part toxin, one part increases the tactile feel of things. The other is a painful stinging, these two in conjunction make for a quite unpleasant experience.
An alchemist or Poisoner would be able to separate the different properties of the sap assuming they had the knowledge that it was not a singular, but two different properties at work, the inflammation and stinging coming from the bark, the sap the source of the tactile enhancement.

Competent Medicine, or Competent Alchemy.

Credit: Brother
Name: Emberback
Quick Facts: Plant, Alchemical reagent, used for heating.
Height: 2 ft.
Width: 1 ft.
Length: 1 ft.
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Etzos, Rhakros, Ne’haer
Locations: Coasts of Western Idalos

Appearance: Most of this odd plant is a jumble of wooden roots extending two feet above the ground and a few feet below. The small handful of leaves atop the plant are a fiery orange and maintain a dull intensity even after being plucked. The small red bulbs of spore shine brighter than fresh blood.

Habitat: This plant will grow anywhere that blood has been spilt, though may die if it grows too cold.

Lifespan and Development: 15 arcs. The spore grows after being buried or set on the ground, being fed by blood. The leaves and spores sprout after two seasons and have multiple blooms an arc. The plant will grow to be two feet tall by 1 arc and stay this height until it dies. The spores will stay atop the Emberback for nearly thirty trials before breaking off and drifting away. The Emberback will not grow new spore and leaves until sixty trials after this.

Uses: Alchemy reagent, Fire starting.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Spore can be used to start fires with a drop of blood and without heat. The leaves can be used in alchemy to impart light giving properties to items as well as heat.

Credit: Neronin
Name: Vibatir
Quick Facts: Absorb sound, Underground, Undulating
Height: 2 foot
Width: 8 inches
Length 4 inches
Fruit: Detachable roots
Poison: Foul tasting leaves
Native to: Underground/Caves
Locations: Northern, Central, and Eastern Idalos.

The Vibatir appears to be a long tube which opens upwards into a wide bowl. This bowl is marked with various walls that divide it over, and these divisions are random for each plant, though it is common among them to find the most divisions near the outer pieces of the bowl, and the least within the center. The very center of the bowl contains a small hole which appears to be covered only by a thin membrane. This membrane will pulse and shake at even the slightest amount of noise in it's general area, and the intensity with which it does so can lead to the entire Vibatir plant seeming to shimmer and undulate. Several leaves wrap themselves around the central tube, but they stop growing past the bowl.

The Vibatir plant is found almost exclusively underground, or in dark, and dry areas. Despite that, it has managed to spread throughout some of the caverns of Northern, Central, and Eastern Idalos. It is not uncommon for the plant to grow from the roof, or from odd crevices within the rocky masses, but it is extremely rare to see a Vibatir plant surviving whilst in the sunlight, especially during Saun. Plants will not commonly cluster together, but will typically be within viewing distance of one another.

Lifespan and Development:
The Vibatir plant grows from a detached root. This root will implant itself slowly into the ground, or in some cases, the ceiling, and will then bury itself. This process typically takes between forty-fifty Trials. Once buried, the plant will begin to grow back towards the surface with a tube which gradually grows in size as the plant matures. The initial root will be consumed for nutrients, and smaller roots will be put into place until a nutrient capturing system can be established.

After another twenty Trials past piercing the surface with the tube, the plant will begin to form the bowl on top of it. The bowl; like the tube, will continue to grow as the plant matures. The bowl will capture any sound vibrations that bounce around nearby it, and entrap them within it's maze of walls. Eventually, those vibrating sounds will be absorbed into the sensitive membrane which will convert the kinetic energy into more readily usable energy. This causes an area around the plant of around ten feet squared wherein sound cannot penetrate beyond a slight whisper which only lasts for an extremely brief interval. Now that food can be captured by the plant, it begins to grow steadily in size until it matures after around two Arcs. Once mature, the plant will form a new root, and will push it as far away from itself as possible. This process typically takes another Arc to complete. Once the plant has removed the root from it's presence as far as it possibly can, it separates it completely from itself, and allows the process to begin anew.

Fertilization occurs after the root has been released, and therefore requires the presence of small insects, or other creatures to gather pollen, and then investigate the root. The root releases a sweet scent for around three Trials after it is released, after which point the scent will cease, and the foul taste inherent in the plant will take place. During the time period whilst the root smells sweetly, it can be consumed without worry of digestive problems.

Animals will typically take hold of the sweet smelling roots, and will carry them throughout the cave to other areas, allowing for the plant to further propagate itself as opposed to simply clustering in a single area. Outside birds and other animals will also occasionally be drawn into a cave to retrieve these roots, and therefore are the cause for the plant's spread to other subterranean systems.

Uses: Soundproofing a room. Roots can be used as bait, or as a light poison without worry of killing, or seriously wounding target.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: While a root, the plant releases a sweet smell. After a Trial, that smell disappears, and the plant becomes poisonous to digest, and foul tasting. This poison is non-lethal, and simply causes digestive issues for a short while. The plant will absorb sound within a ten foot squared space around itself, and make speech virtually impossible.

Credit: Noth
Claytona Monticola
Name: Claytona Monticola
Quick Facts:
Height: 2"
Width: 3"
Length: 3"
Fruit: Tiny purple berries
Native to: Northern Forest
Locations: Across Northern Idalos, has been introduced to some parts of the far Southern Idalos

Appearance: The Claytona is a very small, very rare plant that can be found in any cold region of the world. It blooms once a year for the season of Vhalar. It has thick rosette leaves with a slight fuzz to their leaves. The fuzz actually has a mild insecticide, and kills off many species of insect before they can eat the plant itself. When the plant blooms it grows a small flower in the centre of the plant that ranges from light purple to grey, depending on the acidity of the soil. If the flower is pollinated it will grow between one and three small purple berries. They are about the size of a very small blueberry, and are typically the same colour as the juice the blueberries leave behind. These berries are incredibly delicious, and are often considered a delicacy due to the difficulty involved in finding and collecting these berries. The plant is odd in that the leaves are not flexible. They are instead rather brittle and are composed of a crystalline structure. If they are broken, a sap is excreted that seals and repairs the crystal structure quickly.

Habitat: The Claytona grows anywhere where the temperature stays cool year round. It was originally from the north edge of the Northern Forest, however they have been spread around the world. They prefer more acidic soils, and the level acidity directly correlates to the taste of the berry. The more purple the flower, or the more acidic the soil is, the stronger the berry tastes. They prefer minimal rain, and thrive in climates that bury them in snow during the cold winter months.

Lifespan and Development: The plant begins as a tiny seed inside of the berry. The seed is too small to see with the naked eye and has a protective coating that allows it to survive the acidity of the stomach. When it is defecated, the seed will grow there. It takes three arcs for the plant to reach maturity, and another arc before it will begin producing flowers. They are pollinated by bees usually, and are often found in higher numbers around hives. The plant has no specified lifespan, but instead will continue to thrive as long as their habitat remains hospitable.

Uses: The berries are collected and eaten as a delicacy, but it is rare to find them in common markets. The sap has been rumoured to be of use for healing the Yludih, however due to their questionable nature it is near impossible to verify this story. It is said that the sap is smeared on their wounds, and forms a rudimentary cast for them as it heals the wound.

Abilities: The plants sap can be spread on the wounds of Yludih to vastly increase their healing speed. However due to the plants rare nature it is uncommon to find Yludih rich enough to buy the plants, let alone reveal themselves as Yludih. The sap hardens and binds to their crystals, seeping into the wound to create an effect similar to stitching while simultaneously stopping the bleeding and increasing the healing speed.

Credit: Vluharqih
Moseke's Grace
Name: Moseke's Grace or Tree of Life
Quick Facts:
Height: 5-15 meters tall
Width: 5-10 meters diameter
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Global, except Viden and Oscillus
Locations: Global, except Viden and Oscillus

Appearance: Averaging at 7-12m tall and 6-8m wide, this tree bears white, almost opalescent bark and silver, spade shaped leaves. The trunk bloats out into a shape reminiscent of a bottle, and its branches form a rather small but dense canopy, generally no more than 2-3m wider than the widest point of the trunk.

Habitat: Global
Lifespan and Development: Moseke's Grace has only ever been seen at a stage of full growth and development. It is widely believed that it is placed by Moseke where she see's fit, fully grown and healthy. Age can be discerned from the colour of the bark, the younger the tree, the closer the colour of the bark to the leaves, which whitens and lightens as it ages, the oldest trees having pure white bark. It does require a minimal supply of water to maintain it, as well as full sun for the majority of the day. The tree can last for long periods without water, as it uses the water stored in the trunk to support itself. It's root system is expansive and far reaching, allowing the tree to make the most of even the smallest amounts of water. Due to its need for water and sunlight, Mosekes Grace thrives in most areas, though very rarely in arid and desert conditions, and not at all in the ice logged continents. Despite it's semi-mythical beginnings, once Mokeke's Grace has its roots firmly in the ground it is as any other tree, though a little hardier and helpful than most.

Uses: The trunk stores clear, fresh water, which can be tapped and ingested safely. The bark can be stripped in thin layers to be dried and eaten like jerky. The spade shaped leaves are nutritious, and can be used to make soups and teas, though it is fairly bitter and unpleasant to eat. Larger layers of bark can be harvested to be used as a shelter from the elements, however more substantial building is not possible, at it cannot withstand great weights. The root of the tree, which grow close to the grounds surface, can be harvested easily with little damage to the tree, and then baked, similar to a potato. Due to the water logged nature of the tree, it is not possible to start fires with the wood, however once dried the wood can be formed into flexible and light canoes. The wood is rarely used to craft tools, but is sought after for crafting jewellery and decorative pieces, due to the stunning appearance.

Abilities: When not needed for survival by an individual this tree is elusive and rare, to the point that many believe it to be little more than a myth. However, when needed by an individual, the tree seems to present itself, its colouring giving the impression that the tree is glowing. Many believe that the tree is the creation of Moseke, and that the immortal send's the tree to aid those lost in the wilderness, close to death.

Credit: Kala
Stink Lily
Name: Stink Lily
Quick Facts:An inhibitor and trigger combination
Height: 2'
Width: 4"
Poison:Releases a specific compound when exposed to the smell of itself, even once inside the body.
Native to: Mouth of Caves somewhere in Central Idalos
Locations: Most of Central and Western Idalos

Appearance: A small lily that looks very similar to breeds created by gardeners. The petals are white with a central vein of pink. Like most lilies, it grows to be a foot or two tall and a single plant will often make two or three flowers. It has a strong, sweet scent bordering on unpleasant. Their roots are similar to wild carrots, and often have rocks embedded where the plant simply absorbed the obstruction.

Habitat: It requires damp, rocky soil and cool temperatures. The caves provide the cool, moist air while the sun can still reach them by the mouth of the cave. It is also common to find them under rocky outcroppings in mountain ranges, or anywhere those criteria are met.

Lifespan and Development: They rely on self-pollination, and create small, delicious purple fruit in the winter. It is a nice treat if found by an explorer, but it lacks any significant nutritional content and they do not live in sufficient numbers to provide a full meal. They live forever, dying off each summer when the heat becomes too much to bear. Their leaves continue to live, collected energy and storing it in their tuber-like roots.

Uses: The roots of the plant act as the inhibitor, and can react with the scent upon removal of the root from the stalk. As such it is very difficult to collect, as one must wait until the plant is no longer flowering, and this short window leads to very high costs.

Often the roots are dried and powdered, but they can also be turned into an extract by soaking in alcohol for an arc or more.

The flowers have been grown by gardeners for centuries, and are now a common sight in whorehouses and bathrooms, where their strong scent overpowers the less appealing smells of those locations. The flowers are often dried and kept for their beauty, but no herbal use has been found for them as of yet.

Abilities: Inhibitor and Trigger

Reaver Vines
Name: Reaver Vines
Quick Facts: Agile, Toxic, Easily Agitated
Native to: Wetlands, Rain forests, and Oasis's
Locations: Central Idalos (Frequent) Western Idalos (Occasionally) Eastern Idalos (Rare)

Appearance: Reaver Vines have several different variations depending on their location, each with their own level of potential danger. Usually green in appearance to match vegetation, these vines can easily appear like normal vines save for the fact they are littered with deadly thorns. These plants rely on their victims blood to enrich the soil, and often ensnare scavengers who come searching for the body of the dead.
Tree Reavers are the forest variation of Reaver Vines. These vines grow within densely populated forests, more commonly found in rain forests and jungles. Though they're inclined to dominate treetops for smaller prey, their immense rate of growth allows them to tangle and in turn trap larger prey on the forest floor. Typically, they look more like regular vines as their thorn patterns are much smaller and less consistent than other Reaver Vines. When traversing through their native environment, one must keep a weather eye on the formation of the vines as well as any signs of activity.
Tree Reavers will snake and ensnare prey in their network.

Ground Reavers are more common in marshes, wetlands, and even humid and moist areas of plains. They appear more like stalks than actual vines, until they release from their coiled state to reveal their presence on unwary victims that trek too close. These Reaver Vines are littered with miniature thorns that break off once pricked into the skin, proving to be just as deadly as its cousin, the Grim Reaver. While they're not as difficult to notice in an open area, they are still lethal to encounter, should one attempt to harvest them. Unlike Grim Reavers, Ground Reavers only react defensively towards predators and other mammals that seek to ingest the bulb, as Ground Reavers produce a wickedly sweep sap uncommon in the wilderness. The plant does not seek to spread out, and remains a tightly coiled knot until something draws near. It then lashes out, striking at the trespasser before coiling itself back up.
Ground Reavers will coil like tentacles until their prey comes close.

Grim Reavers are the most lethal and distinguishable of the Reaver Vines, as they are adorned with numerous barbed thorns that are deadly to even touch. Grim Reavers typically appear red while their thorns flourish to match their environment, ranging from rich green to even a dull white coloration during their growth. These are the type of vines that rarely found, rumored to appear in isolated locations. The Grim Reavers have developed an incredibly potent version of the poison found in their cousins. Unlike the other variants, this poison has been modified to allow for absorption through the skin, in addition to an increased toxicity when introduced to the bloodstream.

Grim Reavers are the deadliest variation of Reaver Vines.
Lifespan and Development: Reaver Vines started as bulbs that evolved during their growth among tree trunks as predator and prey alike sought these out for their incredibly sweet sap and nutrient-rich roots. It wasn't until accidental cross pollination happened that these bulbs evolved, and their roots grew rapidly into vines that eventually developed toxins to protect the bulb. Eventually the plant itself adapted and took on a predatory nature, using its defensive capabilities as a hostile reaction to any living being that drew near its grasp.

Eventually the plant earned the name Reaver Vines as a derived term from "the Reaper's Reavers" or "Death Vines", slowly mistranslated into various languages. Their nature and temperament have proven them to be deadly when encountered in the wilds, and that name eventually became accepted. They act as predators but only within their own territory; the range in which the vines have grown. While they will move and flail about like a living organism, Reaver Vines strongly rely on camouflage and entrapment to capture their prey, often using the smell of the sap to lure their victims to their untimely demise. When a vine has a creature within its proximity it wastes no chance in wrapping them within their grasp, coiling around its prey much like a snake until the flesh is torn apart by its thorns.

The bulbs of the Ground and Grim Reavers rely on a secondary pair of roots that act as a sensory network, indicating when a possible meal on the ground is drawing close. A Reaver Vine can either be killed by locating its source, the bulb, elsewhere within the vicinity; usually the greater the concentration of vines the closer to the bulb. The rarer of the Reaver Vines however require a much riskier approach, as their bulbs are hidden between the base stalks and the roots within ground. With the location of the bulb discovered one need only to use fire or a sharp tool to crack the bulb, rendering the rest of the vines useless the moment its core has been exposed to light. The other method for handling Reaver Vines, while not as effective, has less risk compared to the first but still contains high danger. As one can merely hack or burn away the vines that are in their way, at the chance of ruining a decent harvest of materials from these creatures.

The bulbs of the Tree Reavers do not have a root system, and as such rely on vibrations sent through their vines. This sense is not as strong, however they have balanced this out by casting a wide net of vines across the treetops.

Uses: Reaver Vines produce a poison that numbs the nerves on introduction to the blood, causing temporary paralysis to the victim injected with the venom. The bulbs of the Vines produce a highly aromatic sap that is sweeter than honey, and said to make miracle and beauty salves when harvested. The roots of the vines prove to have invaluable healing properties, though prove difficult to harvest as they diminish quickly due to lack of moisture.

Temperament: Highly aggressive and territorial when it comes to both prey and predators, the Reaver Vines tend to act defensively rather than offensively. Their aggression however elevates when nourishment is required, therefore they will ensnare any living organism within range. They are considered highly dangerous and best avoided unless one seeks to harvest their ingredients, placing that person in a position where they approach at their own risk.

Abilities: Aromatic sap is used to lure prey both small and large, while vines act as tentacles to capture prey, and their roots act as sensory indicators to detect where their prey is when it closes in. Depending on the region they grow within, thorns will act as barbs to prick and paralyze trapped prey with poison; Grim Reaver vines have thorns so sharp they could slice a carcass into multiple parts.

Credit: Patrick
Name: Enchiridion
Quick Facts: Grow near water, easy to grow in large quantities, the stem of the plant holds an air pocket
Height: 6 inches
Width: 8 inches
Length: 4 inches
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Grows anywhere there's water
Locations: Anywhere there's water

Appearance: Enchiridion is a short, fat, green plant, found near large bodies of water. Most of the width is found at the base of the plant, where it grows into a large bulbous shape. The individual plants grow a single, large leaf they use for photosynthesis. The roots tend to be short and and gnarled, generally no longer than a the roots for a single flower. When pulled from the roots, the base of the plant has a small hole in it.

Habitat: Enchiridion is found virtually anywhere there are even decently sized bodies of water. Domestic growers have found that Enchiridion will grow if planted near something so small as a medium sized fish pond. Outside of the water requirement, the plant has proven remarkably hardy and has been found anywhere from the shores of Viden to the Hotlands Claypan. In addition, they're an evergreen plant, and can sprout at any time of the year.

Lifespan and Development: The seeds are picked up and transported by small animals and wind gusts. Once planted, the seeds will sprout in a few days, then reach full growth within thirty days. They only live for a year, and will collapse and decay at the end of their life span.

Uses: The Enchiridion has one single use. The bulbous part of the plant is an air pocket, and when pulled, people can use it as an air supply by holding the small hole in the base in their mouth. The air supply in the air pocket is incredibly limited and isn't good for more than about two minutes of air. However, water can't get into this air pocket, and so people have been known to take several of these underwater at a time.

Temperament: It's inert.

Abilities: The bulbous part of the plant holds an air pocket with about two minutes worth of air.

Credit: Basilisk
Carpenter's Carpet
Name: Carpenter's Carpet
Quick Facts:
Height: Each "plant" is no more than 2" high.
Width: Each cap is no more than 1" wide.
Length: Varies with each "colony".
Fruit: None
Poison: Neither healthy nor seriously toxic; not its purpose.
Native to: Forests of Western Continent.
Locations: Has begun to be cultivated globally.

Appearance: small, nondescript gray mushrooms that grow in a colony that takes on the appearance of a "carpet" on the trunks of trees.

Habitat: Like most fungus, it is hearty, able to endure considerable climate extremes, though dry, open area like the Hotlands will require special care to maintain.

Lifespan and Development: Develops its usefulness after only weeks of growth, though the targets of its purpose may have varying resistance that drag out this process for arcs. It only dies because the target tree will be cut down to glean its benefit.

Uses: It took some time for the cross-referencing of composting and arborists' records to realize the property this fungus gives to wood grown from it's remains. This is primarily because no one believed that growing wood from mulch rife with fungus could ever be a good idea. But accidentally or not, it was discovered that wood affected by this fungus undergoes a chemical change at the point of this growth.

The root layer that works its way into the trunk of a tree causes the target tree to release an enzyme that tries to resist the invasion of these fungal tendrils. This resistance always fails eventually, bringing the tree down. The wood where this intrusion has occurred is then ground up and mixed with other composts and fertilizers to be used as a mulch for commercial tree farms.

Strangely, this does not cause these tree farms to develop a fungal invasion of their own. In fact, the chemical change imbued into this composted wood causes the farmed trees to grow with a natural waterproof quality that makes their wood able to be used in outdoor applications for much longer than untreated wood. Profits are gained by using cheap wood upon which to grow numerous and extensive colonies, and then farm expensive, now waterproof, wood to be grown from the mulch.

Temperament: Not an issue.

Abilities: Allows the infusion of waterproofing into the wood of growing, cultivated trees.

Credit: Maltruism
Original Version by Maltruism
Flora of the Etzos Area
This is not to be confused with the Players' Development Forum.
This is NOT for newly proposed ideas, begging for approval.
This is where the final products go (The bribes go into my pocket, shhhhhh......).

Yes, yes...so I made that same joke with the "Colloquialisms" topic. So sue me... :evil:

So...Now, with F&F topics in areas like Scalvoris, Rynmere, Ivorian and Oscillus, there is no geographic overlap, as they are Island nations. So if you find items here that are also referenced in topics pertaining to other locations on the western continent, you may assume there are some migratory causes. Or, it could be that some have been transplanted, driven out or cultivated to become established outside their normal zones. And some of these are global flora, found everywhere.

In any event, here are some of the many items to be found in the general Etzos' area. It is fair to say that some of these entries have been much further developed than others. Additional ideas of your own are welcome as well, though they will need to be processed through the Player Development Forum linked above. Please, don't be shy.


Clumpweed: This is a grassy weed that grows along the shores and shallows of rivers. It is fairly tasty and actually quite healthy. But it also has an adhesive enzyme that reacts to the saliva of those that attempt to eat it, causing it to form a sticky lump that can strangle them. This enzyme can be neutralized easily enough, but ill-intended chefs may well try to use it to kill a patron by adding flavorful amounts of it to any number of dishes.

Iron Shell Bush: Living at the base of the Heart of the World, the iron shell bush is known for the several nuts that grow on the plant. These are so tough that they cannot be physically broken apart. They will only open up after long exposure within a magma bath or similar which will open the shell. The seeds activate in the heat and can begin to grow. The shell itself can be used as ammunition for slings, a cheaper alternative to using metal. The seeds provide a source of natural adrenalin for a short amount of time but the downside is it acts as a potent hallucinogen. It has been discovered that the shells can be ground into powder and, when blended with metal in the forge, render the metal highly rust resistant.

Naphtha Brush: The black leaves of the naphtha brush are coated in flammable resins that encourage fire to spread. The leaves are small so as to increase their flammability. The heat resistant seed remain dormant until provided with enough ash and soil to grow and at the right conditions can bloom at an incredible rate. The Aukari use the naphtha brush by crushing and breaking the plant down into a flammable black paste. This burns quicker and longer than pitch.

Clam Leaf: Two curved fire-resistant shells made of a tough bark like substance is textured to look like a carpet of ash. It survives in the low lying areas around Sirothelle where little plants can survive and few nutrients are present due to the constant volcanic eruptions. The plant relies on unaware animal or humanoid to step upon its camouflaged shell. Special feelers detect the force of the intruder and cause the clam to snap shut. A local numbing toxin is released from the tips of the petals to calm the intruder while it begins to eat the intruder live without it being felt. Clam leaves are intentionally grown in large fields to act as a defensive barrier around Sirothelle, preventing possible invading forces from encircling the city. It did not take long for Etzori scouts to discover these plants and to bring back samples for study.

Phoenix Flower: Surviving at high elevations on the Heart of the World, the Phoenix Flower is a barbed bush with a single yellow flower that curls in a spiral. These do very well in low nutrient soils, making it adapt well to areas that have just experienced recent eruptions. The Phoenix flower relies on constant volcanic eruptions to spread out its seeds. It easily disintegrates into ashes as the flowing magma draws near and flows about into the air for extended periods of time. The seeds are structured so that they float with rising heat emanating from the lava. The ashes soon fall and pepper the fertile ash bed sitting on the cooling lava. The seeds will then rise again into another Phoenix Flower. Mostly only seen in Etzos as short-lived curiosities.

Ignis Beans: Ignis Beans thrive well at the areas around Sirothelle. Highly rich in protein, they are one of the few alternatives to the meat-eating diet that the Aukari are accustomed to.

The Unabor Forest: In the ancient times of Idalos, an ancient seed called Unabor lay deep below the sea between east and west Idalos. Where this dormant seed came from is unknown but at some point it began to grow. First, it sent out four tendril-like roots in all directions, so that it would find dry land. These roots divided over and over to become millions of searching 'fingers' that expanded outward in a growing circle. Soon the Unabor, sensing the limit of its power, ceased the tendrils for expanding any further. The tendrils were raised to come forth from the soils and up to the skies into many trees, some of which grey on Western Idalos and the rest on Eastern Idalos. This is how the Forest of Unabor came to be.

The effort to create the vast, multi-continental forest was more than the Unibor could bear. It gathered its remaining strength to creating five entities to govern the forest independently. These became known as the Five Hearts of Unabor. Ywyngyll the Old, Scyn the Intolerant, Eurin the Resolute, Maguon the Benevolent and finally, Lorne the Pioneer. The Forest of Unabor is not a typical forest. The roots of the trees are connected in some way back to one entity. Many have tried to trace the roots back to its source, deep below the sea, and have failed and so the location of Unabor is unknown.

Unabor treats all of its trees as children, nurturing and protecting them. The Unabor will often move the forest about, although this is not exactly accurate in what it does. It will partially transfer some of the trees energy, leading them to wither, known as ‘dieback’, while providing other trees energy to grow. This transformation can be slow or rapid. The trees often grow rapidly to seek better water sources, to evade fire, to block and even kill anything that provides great threat to the forest. The Unabor will not tolerate large areas being cut down, but will allow modest amounts. Some races have a special treaty where the forest has been provided with diverted rivers, in exchange for its wood.

Unabor controls all plants and can influence the habits of the creatures that dwell in its forests. Coniferous forests dominate the northern areas of the Unabor where it snows often, while more temperate evergreen and deciduous forests comprising of oak, maple and lime trees grow in the central and southern areas of the forest. Small patches of grasslands do find their way where the Unabor tree line has receded due to dieback.

Unabor Moss: Green and lush, these rootless evergreen plants are the carpet of the forest and what is not known by many – is that it is the ‘skin’ of the Unabor. The Unabor feels the presence of those that walk upon the moss. If the Unabor wishes, it can provide healing to those that lay dying on the moss – but only to those who are worthy to the Unabor. Often, ‘worthiness’ to the Unabor is measured by actively protecting the forest itself.
The Five Hearts of Unabor
The Five Hearts of Unabor: The Unabor itself has little energy to govern the entire forest and thus created the Five Hearts to govern each section of its forest. Each Heart is strong in their own way but they all work to a different beat. These trees are able to move, but do this only when necessary by growing and wilting their branches and roots. These trees contain vast root systems that communicate to the forest in these areas. They each have unique personalities.

1.) Ywyngyll (ye-win-gil) the Old: Located west of Rharne, the Ywyngyll is a yew tree and the oldest of the Five. Her branches are gnarled, knotty and twisted. She grows and withers her branches slowly. She manipulates her branches to ‘groan’ into words to be interpreted by almost any race she chooses to communicate to. She is known for her expansive knowledge and cleverness and as such, she has been trusted by the Unabor with even information from Unabor itself. With so much knowledge, her words are often too cryptic to be easily understood and on top of that, she is often unwilling to help those on their quests – for their short lives seem pointless to her.

2.) Scyn (Sine) the Intolerant: Located between Cahyrst and Korlasir, the Scyn is an ancient sequoia of enormous proportions. Unlike the other Hearts, this tree rarely moves. This has meant that it has concentrated most of its energy to becoming larger and its roots stronger and more concentrated, allowing it to be the most adept at manipulating the growth and dieback of its forests. The Scyn is obsessed with the protection and expansion of the Unabor forest. It does not like any creatures, nor does it try to ‘talk’ to them, like the other trees. Thus no living thing lives many miles from its base and most of the plants in this dark forest will kill any creature that enters. It sees all non-plant like life as being parasitic and is therefore ‘below’ the forest, often at disagreement with the others.

3.) Eurin (You-Rin) the Resolute: The Eurin is an old pine that lives to the north of the Unabor, where most trees are firs, pine and spruce trees. She is simple, strong-willed and a survivor. She is taller than all other conifers and she will move only occasionally. She is known to provide shelter to those that need it in times of freezing snow storms and heal those that are injured. She provides simple advice to passerby’s but not with the same depth as Ywyngyll.

4.) Maguon (Ma-Gwon) the Benevolent: Located south of Cahyrst and Korlasir, this great oak tree is determined to aid and protect the flora and more importantly, the fauna, much to the chagrin of Scyn. Maguon and Scyn are often at conflict and their control of the forests are often in direct opposition. Unlike the dark forest surrounding Scyn, the southern forest protected by Maguon is inviting, with plentiful food and shelter for all creatures. The Maguon is known to bestow its best woods and other important treasures to those that have served to protect the forest from ruin.

5.) Lorne (Lorn) the Pioneer: Lorne is not a tree but a creeping fig. It is the only one of the Five Hearts to occupy Western Idalos during and thus became known as Lorne the Pioneer. Lorne is curious and fascinated with the land beyond the horizon. She has a desire to expand its forests into the unknown, despite the frustration of being held back by Unabor's limited strength. She aids travelers who enter her forests and treasures any of their tales of the lands beyond. However, she is quick to turn on those that significantly harm the forest.
Lorne's Strangler Fig: This strangler fig is in fact a tree. It can grow over fifty metres high and relies on winding about other trees trunks to reach the canopy above and beyond. It's dark purple fruit is edible and its bark can be boiled. The steam can cure minor sicknesses like fever and stomach cramps.

Weavewood Tree: A fairly large, exotic-looking flowering tree, with hundreds of thin, spreading, vine-like branches that are cyclic with different colored flowers that can be pressed for dye. Also, the long, twig-like branches are a natural for weaving, and the tree often weaves spontaneous wall-like obstacles in the wild. This is not done with any aggressive intent. The tree does not "attack" people.

Tanwood Tree: The most common commercially used wood on Idalos. Light in color, resistant to insects and weather, it is the standard for furniture and construction.

Scentwood Tree: As the name indicates, it a tree that provides a pleasantly perfumed wood for most standard interior uses. It not as common as Tanwood, nor as hearty, and costs basically twice as much. Comes in both light and dark color, depending on the region grown. Tends to get darker further north.

Cambria Tree: Both fragrant and richly grained, this is the premium furniture wood. Also used for highlights and interior molding due to its perpetually polished look. Shavings left over from carpentry are usually boiled and pressed to collect an expensive polishing oil. Mostly found in areas bordering jungles.

Smiling Blue Runner: located in Lorne's forest, this low, ground cover ivy bears a small, blue fruit. The fruit is edible, but foul tasting. It's primary use is to make a fine dye. People can survive on it, but usually return to civilization with blue teeth.

Fist Nut: This tree bears a nut that defines the name. These nuts must not be eaten or cracked before being subjected to pressure steaming. The internal pressure created by this process forces a powerful binder/reagent out through its shell, between the "fingers". Once there is no more fluid to collect on the outer shell, the nut can eaten, or stored for later use. It has a sweet flavor, often used in dessert pastries. If eaten before this process is complete, it can cause many types of clotting or clogging problems in the body.

Scrape Leaf Bramble: this vine lacks the thorns often found on such growth, but is still unpleasant to pass through. This is due to the abrasive surface of the leaves which grow on it. However, many crafters have found that when dried, these leaves can be used to rub raw surfaces and smooth them down like sandpaper.

Tickle-leaf Ivy: Originally found in jungle areas, it is adaptable to temperate forest zones. A few cuttings were brought north by Cauldron members, due to its chemistry applications. The leaves have tiny filaments that can be used to filter out desired elements from steam. When a resource is boiled, if the steam is passed through a mass of these filaments, they absorb only the water, leaving a largely undiluted source of whatever material was being gleaned from the steam. Progress has to be carefully monitored, however, as the filaments expand with absorption and will soon clog the passage, preventing further collection.
Fella's Trinket
Name: Fella’s Trinket
Quick Facts: Fungus, grows in dark and damp places.
Height: 2 inches
Width: 2 inches
Length: 2 inches
Fruit: N/A
Poison: N/A
Native to: Etzos, Rhakros
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: A bulbous fungus with black veins underneath the rough surface. There is a faint pink glow from within Fella’s Trinket.

Habitat: This fungus grows in clusters in dark, damp soil far from the light of day. Often they are found in sewers and in caverns, or basements.

Lifespan and Development: 40 Trials. These fungi sprout from the ground in clusters and if not picked will wilt and burst with spore. The spore will take root and within fifteen trials will grow new clusters. In a garden these fungi often are a nuisance because they spread without prompting, but harvesting all at once can decimate them. A gardener should leave one or two unharvested to keep the colony going.

Uses: Chemistry Reagent, Alchemy Reagent

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Chemistry reagent used to separate elements of a liquid: Boiling pieces of the purely pink portion of the fungus, with mixtures of other elements, and then placing the boiled fluid in a centrifuge, will more completely filter those elements from each other, and with greater speed.
Alchemical reagent used to extract magical and mundane traits: If the item with the desired trait is boiled with the entire fungus until the fungus completely dissolves, the black portion of the liquid will float on the surface and retain special properties. If skimmed from the fluid, it will serve as an alchemical reagent for this property. It is not uncommon for some property other than the desired one to be obtained this way. Uncollected properties will remain in the liquid still in the pot, and a second identical process will be needed to make a new attempt to glean the desired property.
A salve created with the dried and ground pinkish portion of the pulp can also extract poisons from wounds, though it does nothing to reverse damage already done.

Credit: Neronin
Name: Tendrilshroom
Quick Facts: Fungus. Used for Medicine, Surgery and Alchemy.
Height: 12 inches
Width: 6 inches
Length: 6 inches
Fruit: None
Poison: When consumed raw any part of the Tendrilshroom will cause numbness of the mouth and chest for a handful of breaks.
Native to: Etzos
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: This pale purple mushroom is bulbous, with a viney, "waffled" outer layer that is full of holes. The tentacles of the bulb wave out, sticky to entice bugs. The stem is thick, with a fibrous look. It has the pungent smell of mold, though only when close at hand.

Habitat Grows in caverns, damp places, and under the shade of larger flora.

Lifespan and Development: 1-3 arcs. This mushroom is amazingly hardy. They grow in most shady places over the course of three trials and will sit for a very long time, for a fungus, until finally drying up and dying. When harvested, bits of the stem should be chopped and buried to produce new Tendrilshrooms.

Uses: Medicinal applications, Alchemy reagent

Temperament: Tendrils will wrap around fingers upon being touched, but the numbing agent will rarely breach the skin. Gloves are advised though.

Abilities: fly eater, numbing agent, slight nausea with ingestion, medical use as a local numbing agent and anti-toxin. Alchemy reagent can cause a reversal of any existing property from sources blended with the liquid in the bulb tendrils. Tissue taken from a person can be processed with the tendril liquid to cause the property of any other source to be reversed when ingested by that same person. This is often used to create on-the-spot anti-toxins, but can be used maliciously to reverse beneficial effects as well.

Credit: Neronin
Lisirra's Curse
Name: Lissira's Curse
Quick Facts:
Height: 15-20 meters
Width: trunk; 1-3m, canopy; 7-12m
Fruit: Smooth, heavy and brightly coloured.
Poison: Secretes allelopathic chemicals. Very poisonous to humans and animals (with the exception of most carrion-eaters) with poison found in its leaves, sap, fruit and roots.
Native to: Across south central Idalos
Locations: Temperate and tropical forests throughout Idalos

Appearance: A tall and imposing tree, at first glance one would not know that consumption of its leaves, roots, sap or fruit can lead to a quick and painful death. It's trunk is covered in thick and cracked bark, black in colour, and it bears thick, vivid green foliage with a large canopy. Its fruit is plump and smooth when ripe, and is coloured a bright and inviting pink, with orange splotches. It's leaves are small and round.Image Due to its allelopathic secretions, Lissira's Curse is always surrounded by a barren circle, or "dead zone", the width of which varies but generally matches the size of the canopy. It's fruit smells and tastes sweet, causing many animals and even people to assume that it is safe to eat. It's poisons in the fruit and seeds generally kill the victim before they make it far from it's dead zone, leaving a feast for the carrion birds, the only known animals able to survive the poisons.

Habitat: Both boreal forests and evergreen coniferous forests of Idalos. Most often found in Temperate zones.

Lifespan and Development: 500+ years. It takes approximately 50 years for the tree to meet full maturity, and till that time it's poisons are at half toxicity. Its trunk darkens with age, from a mid brown to black. Is only able to secrete allelopathic chemicals once past maturity.
Fruit begins as a bud at the end of the branches, and grows quickly, going from a shrivelled, dark red bulb to a large, firm and smooth fruit similar to a mango, but vibrant pink in colour, with orange splotches.

Not even the tree's own seeds can survive in the dead zone, and so Lissira's curse relies entirely on the carrion birds that feast on it's victims in order to spread it seeds, via the birds feces.

Uses: Despite it's inviting appearance, Lissira's Curse is a highly poisonous tree, with its leaves, fruit, roots and sap. The poisons can be harvested and used in creating much more elaborate poisons, and in moderation Lissira's Curse can be used to treat chronic pain, epilepsy, and to numb areas topically for surgeries. Due to the extremely poisonous nature of this tree, very few use it for anything other than it's poison, leaving any dropped limbs to root on the forest floor, rather than salvage them for firewood.

Abilities: Allelopathic secretions. Strong paralytic poisons in the sap, leaves, fruit and roots. Can paralyse the skin, muscles, nerve endings and even affect parts of the brain with neurotoxins.

Credit: Kala
Young's Bite / Dogwalker
Name: Young’s Bite
Quick Facts:Edible plant with leaves that can be used as an inhibitor.
Height: 2-4”
Width: 1”
Length: 1”
Native to: Northern Idalos

Locations: Grasslands throughout the world.

Appearance: Young’s Bite was discovered and classified in conjunction with Dogwalker by two colleagues. Somewhat ironically, the two each claimed to have found them both, and their relationship imitated that of the plants they had discovered. Each claimed one, naming it to spite the other. Young’s Bite is rumoured to have been a jab at a rather pronounced overbite.

This plant has a tall stem covered in tiny bristles. Tiny flowers bloom around the tip, usually a shade of purple or pink. Small, round leaves jut out in rings around the stem, a flat green colour. The stem is thick, nearly an inch in diameter, and can be peeled for the edible interior. It tastes rather bland, but can easily harvested in large numbers and contains a mouthful of fresh, portable water.

Habitat: It typically will grow in grasslands, clumped in areas of significant moisture. It is extremely common along riverbanks or lakes where it can get full sun. Like many plants, it has been grown for arcs in greenhouses around the world, mainly for their use as a flower. The use of their petals is not a well-known fact.

This plant has had an unending conflict with another plant, the Dogwalker. The Dogwalker originated on the East continent, near Athart, but due to travel, both have invaded the other’s territory. The Dogwalker relies heavily on moisture to grow, as does Young’s Bite, but the Dogwalker is a far more demanding plant. As such, Young's Bite was at a disadvantage as the roots of the Dogwalker secrete a fluid that kills this plant's own. As such, both flora are found in identical environments, but you will never find the two together.

Lifespan and Development: This plant relies on bees and other insects to carry its pollen, crossbreeding with nearby plants to make pinhead-sized seeds which float on the winds quite easily. It grows incredibly fast, from germination to fully grown within 30 trials. Once it has released its seeds, however, the plant withers and dies, losing both its edibility and the effect of the plant’s leaves.

Uses:The plant itself is a rather pretty flower, and has been grown around the world for usage in bouquets. The leaves have a more sinister ability when inhaled.

They must be either burnt over a fire or inhaled as a powder in order to be used as an inhibitor, and no one has been able to successfully combine ingredients to bypass this unfortunate drawback. Any poison or drug, once inhaled along with vaporized Young's Bite, will remain dormant in the bloodstream for up to a season.

During that time, if the subject is exposed to the fluid excreted from the roots of the Dogwalker, a chemical reaction takes place, and the chemical inhibited by the Young’s Bite activates. This allows poisonings and drug dosages to be activated long after being initially administered, or to stall the effects of a medicine, if needed.

Also, by burning Dogwalker's powdered body with the leaves of Young's Bite, a thick smoke is created that acts much like a laughing gas.

Abilities: Useful Reagent for poison and Medicine.

Credit: Vluharqih
Name: Dogwalker
Quick Facts:Large, bush-like plant
Height: 2-4’
Width: 3’
Fruit: Large, apple-like fruits tasting more like grapes
Native to: Wilds around Athart
Locations: Grasslands across the world.

Appearance: Dogwalker was discovered and classified in conjunction with Young’s Bite by two colleagues. Somewhat ironically, the two each claimed to have found them both, and their relationship imitated that of the plants they had discovered. Each claimed one, naming it to spite the other. Dogwalker is rumoured to be a jab at the researcher’s family business- dog breeding- but many think there may be another meaning.

This plant is a large plant that shoots out branches in every direction from its central root. The bark is a pale green colour, yet woody in texture. It grows medium sized flowers that cover its branches, making the plant seem like a large pile of flowers. When the plant blooms the sight takes your breath away. Vibrant colours cover the branches, one colour fading seamlessly into the next.

Habitat: It typically will grow in grasslands, clumped in areas of significant moisture. It is extremely common along riverbanks or lakes where it can get full sun. This plant requires plenty of sun, and will quickly fade if some of its branches do not receive enough light. The plant has been grown in greenhouses as a common houseplant. When blooming, the tree is breathtaking, but it requires significant work to trim and water it correctly.

This plant has had an unending conflict with another plant, Young's Bite. The Dogwalker originated on the East continent, near Athart, but due to travel, both have invaded the other’s territory. The Dogwalker relies heavily on moisture to grow, as does Young’s Bite, but the Dogwalker is a far more demanding plant. As such, it was at a disadvantage, however the roots of the Dogwalker secrete a fluid that kills off the roots of Young’s Bite. As such the two plants are both found in identical environments, but you will never find the two together.

Lifespan and Development: The plant is self germinating, bearing many similarities to a mushroom. Most of the plant is actually underground, with a deep and rich network supplying the plant with its required nutrition. The plant flowers overnight, the petals curling up during the day, and will bloom for the Hot Cycle. The flowers are then slowly turned into the plant’s fruit over the course of Vhalar, and it is left barren for the remainder of the arc.

The plant can last a long time if cared for properly and rarely dies from age. Often it falls to burrowing insects such as termites that eat away at its roots, or competition growing and blocking out its sun. By ingesting the root, the burrowing insects mutate the trigger, absorbing it throughout their body. By burning their powdered bodies with the leaves of Young's Bite, a thick smoke is created that acts much like a laughing gas.

Uses: This secretions of the roots of this plant are used as the trigger for the inhibitor created from the leaves of Young’s Bite. The apple-like fruits are eaten as an oddity, few willing to spend the time and energy necessary to successfully grow these plants.

Credit: Vluharqih
Ruby Spindlebulb
Name: Ruby Spindlebulb
Quick Facts: Used for chemistry reagent, makeshift glue.
Height: 8 inches
Width: 4 inches
Length: 4 inches
Fruit: Spindlebulb
Poison: A fruity bulb the size of a marble.
Native to: Rhakros, Etzos
Locations: Eastern and Southern coast of Western Idalos

Appearance: The small plant has dark green leaves and a red and pink bulb with a small inch long needle. The grey-green seeds grow below the bulb and fall to the ground when the fruit is ripe. The roots of this plant grow chaotically through the ground.

Habitat Swampy areas with low light or damp caverns. Survives best in areas of Central Idalos where it is kept cool and does not dry out with dry heat.

Lifespan and Development: 10 Arcs. This plant takes a full 90 trials to sprout its first fruit. The small seeds appear twice an arc, in spring and autumn. These can be buried to ensure new plants grow. These plants often grow sideways when near death at eight or nine arcs old and should be replaced when they reach this stage.

Uses: The juice from the fruit is a chemistry binding reagent used to blend an amalgamation of other reagents. The juice is also used as a glue to close wounds. The root water is also an antiseptic when let drip.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Chemistry Reagent, Antiseptic, field glue

Credit: Neronin
Tea Bower Mushroom
Name: Tear Bower Mushroom.
Quick Facts:
Height: 8-12"
Width: 2-4"
Native to: Forests of Northern Idalos
Locations: North-Western to Some Parts of Central Idalos (Only West Continent)

Appearance: The small mushroom is rarely overlooked in the forest, its pale blue colour making it nearly glow in the darker recesses. It has a long, thin stem topped by a steeply angled cap. The whole mushroom is blue, but the cap has a slight gradient towards the base, darkening to nearly a navy. If the cap is removed, the underside is even darker, nearly black, and ribbed.

Habitat: The Tear Bower mushroom originally grew in the northern forests, and some believe it originally only grew on the slopes of the Heart of the World. It requires both cold winters and hot summers in order to germinate, and recently has been seen further south than ever seen before. It prefers to grow on dead animals, and often its spores take root in the fur of various species. If those animals die, some reaction occurs with the spore, and it begins to grow. The mushroom itself will grow, and then die each arc, and will continue to continue this cycle until its root system is destroyed.

Lifespan and Development: The spores of the plant take root in the fur of various animals. Due to this, they do not attach themselves to reptiles, birds or fish. If the animal dies, the spore begins to grow, and feasts upon the dead flesh. Most of its initial energy is spent growing an intricate root system, or mycellium, and by the time the first hints of a mushroom appear, the mycellium can reach up to a mile away. Any given mycellium can spawn up to two dozen mushrooms per arc, all possessing the traits of the animal it originally grew from. The hot summer seasons allow the mushrooms to flourish, and during the course of the Hot Cycle, the plant grows to its entirety, releases the spores, and begins to die by the end of Saun. The mycellium goes into hibernation until the following Ashan, when it reawakens, and grows another set of mushrooms. The spores that are caught in the fur of the animals can attach themselves to the individual fibres during the Cold Cycle. There is a chemical reaction that occurs, and the two bond together, the spore awaiting its chance. If the animal fails to die by about the end of Cylus, the spore looses its energy, and becomes useless.

Uses: The cap is used for making several medicines, and the stalk can be collected and ground up into a spice, creating a very nutty flavour. There has been some recent discoveries into animal-specific mushrooms. Depending on the original host species, it appears that there may be some long-term usage benefits. This is likely due to the very slow release of the mushroom into the body.

Abilities: The cap of the mushroom can be used in making several sleeping draughts, however it typically takes a long time to be absorbed into the body. The cap must be dried and ground in order to make this, but the grinding process sparks the reaction, and it loses its power within bits if not ingested. Powders are wholly ineffective, and poultices are typically not absorbed fast enough. The cap itself slows the heart rate, and clouds the brain, and the sleep it induces cannot be broken until the remainder of the mushroom has worked its way out of the system.

The entire mushroom, eaten raw and whole, is an effective solution to prevent many stomach aches, however due to the long absorption time, it is rarely useful once the pain has begun, making this effect unknown to many accomplished herbalists.

As noted above, recently several prominent researchers have discovered that the animal that the spores attach to can drastically change its effect. The benefits they have discovered have all been preventative rather than recuperative. At the moment, they have discovered that the fur of carnivores has a tendency to increase the aggression of those who take it regularly, and can act as a small steroid. They have also found that a mushroom growing on a deer, that subjects who regularly take it have an increased sensitivity to sound, and are slightly more nimble.

However, in order to gain these effects, all researchers have agreed that it requires a minimum of two Cycles in order to see the benefits. This can pose an issue, as the mushroom must be taken daily, and as such it is incredibly expensive to do.

Just the handful needed for a sleep draught will often go for 15-20 gn; the single whole plant for the stomach remedy costing 3-5gn, due to the extremely short shelf-life. To truly benefit from a long-term regimen of ingestion for the animal-related benefits, one should expect to pay 500-600 gn over a two-cycle span.

Credit: Vluharqih
Iffloil Flower
Name: The Iffloil Flower
Quick Facts:
Height: 8"-16"
Width: 4-5"
Length: 4-5"
Fruit: Creates a single seed in each flower, similar in size to an almond
Poison: The seeds, in larger quantities, can cause blood clotting.
Native to: Central Idalos Coast
Locations: All the Coasts

Appearance: The taller flower is thin, the petals small. The centre of the flower has holes, and those holes provide air flow to the seed. It is slightly purple, but the centre is pure white. The seed is a solid brown and circular, as well as very fragile. Squishing it between your fingers releases a white powder, and the terrible smell of sulfur. The smell of the flower itself is subtle during the day, but grows stronger as the sun sets. During a warm Cylus, fields of them can cause their smell to spread for miles around. It is a fresh smell, and is very similar to forget-me-nots.

Habitat: They are seen in large batches all across coasts, and the smell of them has become synonymous with the sea for many. They grow better in more temperate climates, with an excess of rain and a moderate temperature arc round. They have spread throughout the world, however are much more common in areas that satisfy the above. They have developed a special relationship with numerous species of turtles, as the eggs are laid in their root balls. The root system protects the eggs as they grow and as the plants die, the eggs then hatch, and their scurry towards the ocean kicks up enough dirt to cover the seeds dropped by the flower.

Lifespan and Development: The flower grows as one of a batch, up to a dozen flowers sprouting from a single seed. Each flower then drops another seed, causing very dense patches, with very little between. They are rarely spread by animals. They die from low temperatures, so often they die off during Cylus, however if it is warm, they can survive for several arcs.

Uses: The plant is often grown for the seeds, as in small doses they can be used to stop bleeding. Additionally, the small petals can be dried and used as a stimulant, causing increased heart rate and sensitivity.

Abilities: The seeds can be used to stop bleeding, when boiled into a paste, however care has to be taken that very little of the paste leaks into the bloodstream, lest the healer become the killer. When used as a poison, it is often ground and added to strong-tasting wines and ales, as the flavour is quite distinct. It can take arcs of constant dosing for the poison to take effect, and as such is not often used for this purpose. The petals can be dried and used as a stimulant, and are a common additive to other medications to speed up the intake rates.

Credit: Vluharqih
Frostcap Enoki
Name: Frostcap Enoki
Quick Facts: A mushroom that upon reaching maturity becomes Quite chilly, so chilly in fact that frost appears on their caps! Vice versa, it's stalk is oddly warm to the touch.
Height: 2-4 inches
Width: 3-5 inches
Length: 3-5 inches
Fruit: The cap is "edible", but wouldn't taste very good.
Poison: the stalk is mildly toxic and causes nausea in mammals that consume it.
Native to: Deciduous forests worldwide
Locations: Etzosian forests, Rynmere, and Scalvoris play host to this fungi

Appearance: A pale orange stalk that is capped with a white cap speckled with powdery blue splotches. Once the Mushroom reaches pollination stages it begins to frost over before spreading its spores, after which time it thaws and dies.

Habitat: Often found around the bases of trees in the deeper sections of forests where the sunlight is choked out by the leaves of trees.

Lifespan and Development: These mushrooms take around three weeks to a month to come full circle depending on the ambient temperatures of the season; the warmer the season the faster they grow and produce. Spores are expelled by the stalk that has stored heat and uses the stored energy to spray the spores. What makes the Frostcap neat is perhaps it's unique nature. One would assume that a plant that frosts over would in fact like colder frigid climates, which is in fact not the case for this unique species. the method by which it reproduces in fact hardly works in the winter seasons. The Frostcap spreads its spores by expelling them from around it's stalk on updrafts created by stored energy. Thus the reason that the frost cap is cold is that the cap is actually stealing energy from the air in an endothermic reaction and storing said energy in its stalk to germinate.

Uses: Improvised ice packs, and in small doses a natural fever aid. the stalks can also be used to induce retching.

Temperament: Mushroom!

Abilities: the cap contains Diaphoretics, which induce sweating and can help regulate fevers. However in large doses this could cause excessive sweating and possibly dehydration making the cap a poor choice for a meal.

Safewater Sentinel
Name: Safewater Sentinel
Quick Facts: A friendly marker for thirsty adventurers
Height: 6 inches to a foot
Width: 2 to 3 inches
Weight: Very light
Native to: Springs and mountain rivers
Locations: Scalvoris, Ne'haer, Etzos, Rynmere. pretty much anywhere that isn't frozen.

Appearance: thin red mushroom with white spots.

Habitat: Near sources of fresh clean water, mountain rivers and springs are common spots.

Lifespan and Development: Short lived mushrooms, they can sprout up over night and are usually full grown by a week.

Diet: A peculiarity of this mushroom is that they like to grow around springs and mountain streams and other sources of fresh water.

Temperament: They are quite friendly for mushrooms, or so the Tunawa say

Abilities: Particularly good to eat, and a decent source of nutrients, furthermore they are a telltale marker of the source of water they are near being safe for consumption.

These mushrooms can also be cut up and dehydrated. when a dehydrated chunk of a safewater sentinel is dropped into water it will only swell up and rehydrate in clean water.

Edibility They taste pretty good, some would describe it as a Nutty, fishy flavor. Quite healthy there isn't much else to say, good in stews, or on a skewer.

Alchemy A rather bland reagent, but a creative alchemist might find that they have an almost purifying effect on solutions they are in, negating small amounts of toxins, or that they would be good for making potions or other such mixtures good for fortifying the body.

Alchemy: Competent
Medicine: Novice

Credit: Brother
Whipping Willow
Name: Whipping Willow
Quick Facts: It's red leaves and sap give it a menacing look and even more menacing sting when used as a switch, naughty children beware.
Height: 10 meters average (35 feet or so)
Width: Less than a meter thick, around 1 to 2 feet
Fruit: None
Poison: Tactile feel enhancer. Painful stinging sap.
Native to:Deciduous forests near water sources
Locations: Most temperate locations

Appearance: Like most weeping willows it got long overhanging branches that droop low to the ground however their dark red hues color make them as being different from their green cousins.

Habitat: Near streams and water sources.

Lifespan and Development: Mature at about three years. Never really fully grown.

Uses: Makes good switches for naughty people. The wood makes for good bows or anything needing flexible wood

Temperament: Tree

Alchemical purposes: Sap is a two part toxin, one part increases the tactile feel of things. The other is a painful stinging, these two in conjunction make for a quite unpleasant experience.
An alchemist or Poisoner would be able to separate the different properties of the sap assuming they had the knowledge that it was not a singular, but two different properties at work, the inflammation and stinging coming from the bark, the sap the source of the tactile enhancement.

Competent Poison, or Competent Alchemy.

Credit: Brother
Name: Emberback
Quick Facts: Plant, Alchemical reagent, used for heating.
Height: 2 ft.
Width: 1 ft.
Length: 1 ft.
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Etzos, Rhakros, Ne’haer
Locations: Coasts of Western Idalos

Appearance: Most of this odd plant is a jumble of wooden roots extending two feet above the ground and a few feet below. The small handful of leaves atop the plant are a fiery orange and maintain a dull intensity even after being plucked. The small red bulbs of spore shine brighter than fresh blood.

Habitat: This plant will grow anywhere that blood has been spilt, though may die if it grows too cold.

Lifespan and Development: 15 arcs. The spore grows after being buried or set on the ground, being fed by blood. The leaves and spores sprout after two seasons and have multiple blooms an arc. The plant will grow to be two feet tall by 1 arc and stay this height until it dies. The spores will stay atop the Emberback for nearly thirty trials before breaking off and drifting away. The Emberback will not grow new spore and leaves until sixty trials after this.

Uses: Alchemy reagent, Fire starting.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: Spore can be used to start fires with a drop of blood and without heat. The leaves can be used in alchemy to impart light giving properties to items as well as heat.

Credit: Neronin
Name: Vibatir
Quick Facts: Absorb sound, Underground, Undulating
Height: 2 foot
Width: 8 inches
Length 4 inches
Fruit: Detachable roots
Poison: Foul tasting leaves
Native to: Underground/Caves
Locations: Northern, Central, and Eastern Idalos.

The Vibatir appears to be a long tube which opens upwards into a wide bowl. This bowl is marked with various walls that divide it over, and these divisions are random for each plant, though it is common among them to find the most divisions near the outer pieces of the bowl, and the least within the center. The very center of the bowl contains a small hole which appears to be covered only by a thin membrane. This membrane will pulse and shake at even the slightest amount of noise in it's general area, and the intensity with which it does so can lead to the entire Vibatir plant seeming to shimmer and undulate. Several leaves wrap themselves around the central tube, but they stop growing past the bowl.

The Vibatir plant is found almost exclusively underground, or in dark, and dry areas. Despite that, it has managed to spread throughout some of the caverns of Northern, Central, and Eastern Idalos. It is not uncommon for the plant to grow from the roof, or from odd crevices within the rocky masses, but it is extremely rare to see a Vibatir plant surviving whilst in the sunlight, especially during Saun. Plants will not commonly cluster together, but will typically be within viewing distance of one another.

Lifespan and Development:
The Vibatir plant grows from a detached root. This root will implant itself slowly into the ground, or in some cases, the ceiling, and will then bury itself. This process typically takes between forty-fifty Trials. Once buried, the plant will begin to grow back towards the surface with a tube which gradually grows in size as the plant matures. The initial root will be consumed for nutrients, and smaller roots will be put into place until a nutrient capturing system can be established.

After another twenty Trials past piercing the surface with the tube, the plant will begin to form the bowl on top of it. The bowl; like the tube, will continue to grow as the plant matures. The bowl will capture any sound vibrations that bounce around nearby it, and entrap them within it's maze of walls. Eventually, those vibrating sounds will be absorbed into the sensitive membrane which will convert the kinetic energy into more readily usable energy. This causes an area around the plant of around ten feet squared wherein sound cannot penetrate beyond a slight whisper which only lasts for an extremely brief interval. Now that food can be captured by the plant, it begins to grow steadily in size until it matures after around two Arcs. Once mature, the plant will form a new root, and will push it as far away from itself as possible. This process typically takes another Arc to complete. Once the plant has removed the root from it's presence as far as it possibly can, it separates it completely from itself, and allows the process to begin anew.

Fertilization occurs after the root has been released, and therefore requires the presence of small insects, or other creatures to gather pollen, and then investigate the root. The root releases a sweet scent for around three Trials after it is released, after which point the scent will cease, and the foul taste inherent in the plant will take place. During the time period whilst the root smells sweetly, it can be consumed without worry of digestive problems.

Animals will typically take hold of the sweet smelling roots, and will carry them throughout the cave to other areas, allowing for the plant to further propagate itself as opposed to simply clustering in a single area. Outside birds and other animals will also occasionally be drawn into a cave to retrieve these roots, and therefore are the cause for the plant's spread to other subterranean systems.

Uses: Soundproofing a room. Roots can be used as bait, or as a light poison without worry of killing, or seriously wounding target.

Temperament: N/A

Abilities: While a root, the plant releases a sweet smell. After a Trial, that smell disappears, and the plant becomes poisonous to digest, and foul tasting. This poison is non-lethal, and simply causes digestive issues for a short while. The plant will absorb sound within a ten foot squared space around itself, and make speech virtually impossible.

Credit: Noth
Claytona Monticola
Name: Claytona Monticola
Quick Facts:
Height: 2"
Width: 3"
Length: 3"
Fruit: Tiny purple berries
Native to: Northern Forest
Locations: Across Northern Idalos, has been introduced to some parts of the far Southern Idalos

Appearance: The Claytona is a very small, very rare plant that can be found in any cold region of the world. It blooms once a year for the season of Vhalar. It has thick rosette leaves with a slight fuzz to their leaves. The fuzz actually has a mild insecticide, and kills off many species of insect before they can eat the plant itself. When the plant blooms it grows a small flower in the centre of the plant that ranges from light purple to grey, depending on the acidity of the soil. If the flower is pollinated it will grow between one and three small purple berries. They are about the size of a very small blueberry, and are typically the same colour as the juice the blueberries leave behind. These berries are incredibly delicious, and are often considered a delicacy due to the difficulty involved in finding and collecting these berries. The plant is odd in that the leaves are not flexible. They are instead rather brittle and are composed of a crystalline structure. If they are broken, a sap is excreted that seals and repairs the crystal structure quickly.

Habitat: The Claytona grows anywhere where the temperature stays cool year round. It was originally from the north edge of the Northern Forest, however they have been spread around the world. They prefer more acidic soils, and the level acidity directly correlates to the taste of the berry. The more purple the flower, or the more acidic the soil is, the stronger the berry tastes. They prefer minimal rain, and thrive in climates that bury them in snow during the cold winter months.

Lifespan and Development: The plant begins as a tiny seed inside of the berry. The seed is too small to see with the naked eye and has a protective coating that allows it to survive the acidity of the stomach. When it is defecated, the seed will grow there. It takes three arcs for the plant to reach maturity, and another arc before it will begin producing flowers. They are pollinated by bees usually, and are often found in higher numbers around hives. The plant has no specified lifespan, but instead will continue to thrive as long as their habitat remains hospitable.

Uses: The berries are collected and eaten as a delicacy, but it is rare to find them in common markets. The sap has been rumoured to be of use for healing the Yludih, however due to their questionable nature it is near impossible to verify this story. It is said that the sap is smeared on their wounds, and forms a rudimentary cast for them as it heals the wound.

Abilities: The plants sap can be spread on the wounds of Yludih to vastly increase their healing speed. However due to the plants rare nature it is uncommon to find Yludih rich enough to buy the plants, let alone reveal themselves as Yludih. The sap hardens and binds to their crystals, seeping into the wound to create an effect similar to stitching while simultaneously stopping the bleeding and increasing the healing speed.

Credit: Vluharqih
Moseke's Grace
Name: Moseke's Grace or Tree of Life
Quick Facts:
Height: 5-15 meters tall
Width: 5-10 meters diameter
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Global, except Viden and Oscillus
Locations: Global, except Viden and Oscillus

Appearance: Averaging at 7-12m tall and 6-8m wide, this tree bears white, almost opalescent bark and silver, spade shaped leaves. The trunk bloats out into a shape reminiscent of a bottle, and its branches form a rather small but dense canopy, generally no more than 2-3m wider than the widest point of the trunk.

Habitat: Global
Lifespan and Development: Moseke's Grace has only ever been seen at a stage of full growth and development. It is widely believed that it is placed by Moseke where she see's fit, fully grown and healthy. Age can be discerned from the colour of the bark, the younger the tree, the closer the colour of the bark to the leaves, which whitens and lightens as it ages, the oldest trees having pure white bark. It does require a minimal supply of water to maintain it, as well as full sun for the majority of the day. The tree can last for long periods without water, as it uses the water stored in the trunk to support itself. It's root system is expansive and far reaching, allowing the tree to make the most of even the smallest amounts of water. Due to its need for water and sunlight, Mosekes Grace thrives in most areas, though very rarely in arid and desert conditions, and not at all in the ice logged continents. Despite it's semi-mythical beginnings, once Mokeke's Grace has its roots firmly in the ground it is as any other tree, though a little hardier and helpful than most.

Uses: The trunk stores clear, fresh water, which can be tapped and ingested safely. The bark can be stripped in thin layers to be dried and eaten like jerky. The spade shaped leaves are nutritious, and can be used to make soups and teas, though it is fairly bitter and unpleasant to eat. Larger layers of bark can be harvested to be used as a shelter from the elements, however more substantial building is not possible, at it cannot withstand great weights. The root of the tree, which grow close to the grounds surface, can be harvested easily with little damage to the tree, and then baked, similar to a potato. Due to the water logged nature of the tree, it is not possible to start fires with the wood, however once dried the wood can be formed into flexible and light canoes. The wood is rarely used to craft tools, but is sought after for crafting jewellery and decorative pieces, due to the stunning appearance.

Abilities: When not needed for survival by an individual this tree is elusive and rare, to the point that many believe it to be little more than a myth. However, when needed by an individual, the tree seems to present itself, its colouring giving the impression that the tree is glowing. Many believe that the tree is the creation of Moseke, and that the immortal send's the tree to aid those lost in the wilderness, close to death.

Credit: Kala
Stink Lily
Name: Stink Lily
Quick Facts:An inhibitor and trigger combination
Height: 2'
Width: 4"
Poison:Releases a specific compound when exposed to the smell of itself, even once inside the body.
Native to: Mouth of Caves somewhere in Central Idalos
Locations: Most of Central and Western Idalos

Appearance: A small lily that looks very similar to breeds created by gardeners. The petals are white with a central vein of pink. Like most lilies, it grows to be a foot or two tall and a single plant will often make two or three flowers. It has a strong, sweet scent bordering on unpleasant. Their roots are similar to wild carrots, and often have rocks embedded where the plant simply absorbed the obstruction.

Habitat: It requires damp, rocky soil and cool temperatures. The caves provide the cool, moist air while the sun can still reach them by the mouth of the cave. It is also common to find them under rocky outcroppings in mountain ranges, or anywhere those criteria are met.

Lifespan and Development: They rely on self-pollination, and create small, delicious purple fruit in the winter. It is a nice treat if found by an explorer, but it lacks any significant nutritional content and they do not live in sufficient numbers to provide a full meal. They live forever, dying off each summer when the heat becomes too much to bear. Their leaves continue to live, collected energy and storing it in their tuber-like roots.

Uses: The roots of the plant act as the inhibitor, and can react with the scent upon removal of the root from the stalk. As such it is very difficult to collect, as one must wait until the plant is no longer flowering, and this short window leads to very high costs.

Often the roots are dried and powdered, but they can also be turned into an extract by soaking in alcohol for an arc or more.

The flowers have been grown by gardeners for centuries, and are now a common sight in whorehouses and bathrooms, where their strong scent overpowers the less appealing smells of those locations. The flowers are often dried and kept for their beauty, but no herbal use has been found for them as of yet.

Abilities: Inhibitor and Trigger

Reaver Vines
Name: Reaver Vines
Quick Facts: Agile, Toxic, Easily Agitated
Native to: Wetlands, Rain forests, and Oasis's
Locations: Central Idalos (Frequent) Western Idalos (Occasionally) Eastern Idalos (Rare)

Appearance: Reaver Vines have several different variations depending on their location, each with their own level of potential danger. Usually green in appearance to match vegetation, these vines can easily appear like normal vines save for the fact they are littered with deadly thorns. These plants rely on their victims blood to enrich the soil, and often ensnare scavengers who come searching for the body of the dead.
Tree Reavers are the forest variation of Reaver Vines. These vines grow within densely populated forests, more commonly found in rain forests and jungles. Though they're inclined to dominate treetops for smaller prey, their immense rate of growth allows them to tangle and in turn trap larger prey on the forest floor. Typically, they look more like regular vines as their thorn patterns are much smaller and less consistent than other Reaver Vines. When traversing through their native environment, one must keep a weather eye on the formation of the vines as well as any signs of activity.
Tree Reavers will snake and ensnare prey in their network.

Ground Reavers are more common in marshes, wetlands, and even humid and moist areas of plains. They appear more like stalks than actual vines, until they release from their coiled state to reveal their presence on unwary victims that trek too close. These Reaver Vines are littered with miniature thorns that break off once pricked into the skin, proving to be just as deadly as its cousin, the Grim Reaver. While they're not as difficult to notice in an open area, they are still lethal to encounter, should one attempt to harvest them. Unlike Grim Reavers, Ground Reavers only react defensively towards predators and other mammals that seek to ingest the bulb, as Ground Reavers produce a wickedly sweep sap uncommon in the wilderness. The plant does not seek to spread out, and remains a tightly coiled knot until something draws near. It then lashes out, striking at the trespasser before coiling itself back up.
Ground Reavers will coil like tentacles until their prey comes close.

Grim Reavers are the most lethal and distinguishable of the Reaver Vines, as they are adorned with numerous barbed thorns that are deadly to even touch. Grim Reavers typically appear red while their thorns flourish to match their environment, ranging from rich green to even a dull white coloration during their growth. These are the type of vines that rarely found, rumored to appear in isolated locations. The Grim Reavers have developed an incredibly potent version of the poison found in their cousins. Unlike the other variants, this poison has been modified to allow for absorption through the skin, in addition to an increased toxicity when introduced to the bloodstream.

Grim Reavers are the deadliest variation of Reaver Vines.
Lifespan and Development: Reaver Vines started as bulbs that evolved during their growth among tree trunks as predator and prey alike sought these out for their incredibly sweet sap and nutrient-rich roots. It wasn't until accidental cross pollination happened that these bulbs evolved, and their roots grew rapidly into vines that eventually developed toxins to protect the bulb. Eventually the plant itself adapted and took on a predatory nature, using its defensive capabilities as a hostile reaction to any living being that drew near its grasp.

Eventually the plant earned the name Reaver Vines as a derived term from "the Reaper's Reavers" or "Death Vines", slowly mistranslated into various languages. Their nature and temperament have proven them to be deadly when encountered in the wilds, and that name eventually became accepted. They act as predators but only within their own territory; the range in which the vines have grown. While they will move and flail about like a living organism, Reaver Vines strongly rely on camouflage and entrapment to capture their prey, often using the smell of the sap to lure their victims to their untimely demise. When a vine has a creature within its proximity it wastes no chance in wrapping them within their grasp, coiling around its prey much like a snake until the flesh is torn apart by its thorns.

The bulbs of the Ground and Grim Reavers rely on a secondary pair of roots that act as a sensory network, indicating when a possible meal on the ground is drawing close. A Reaver Vine can either be killed by locating its source, the bulb, elsewhere within the vicinity; usually the greater the concentration of vines the closer to the bulb. The rarer of the Reaver Vines however require a much riskier approach, as their bulbs are hidden between the base stalks and the roots within ground. With the location of the bulb discovered one need only to use fire or a sharp tool to crack the bulb, rendering the rest of the vines useless the moment its core has been exposed to light. The other method for handling Reaver Vines, while not as effective, has less risk compared to the first but still contains high danger. As one can merely hack or burn away the vines that are in their way, at the chance of ruining a decent harvest of materials from these creatures.

The bulbs of the Tree Reavers do not have a root system, and as such rely on vibrations sent through their vines. This sense is not as strong, however they have balanced this out by casting a wide net of vines across the treetops.

Uses: Reaver Vines produce a poison that numbs the nerves on introduction to the blood, causing temporary paralysis to the victim injected with the venom. The bulbs of the Vines produce a highly aromatic sap that is sweeter than honey, and said to make miracle and beauty salves when harvested. The roots of the vines prove to have invaluable healing properties, though prove difficult to harvest as they diminish quickly due to lack of moisture.

Temperament: Highly aggressive and territorial when it comes to both prey and predators, the Reaver Vines tend to act defensively rather than offensively. Their aggression however elevates when nourishment is required, therefore they will ensnare any living organism within range. They are considered highly dangerous and best avoided unless one seeks to harvest their ingredients, placing that person in a position where they approach at their own risk.

Abilities: Aromatic sap is used to lure prey both small and large, while vines act as tentacles to capture prey, and their roots act as sensory indicators to detect where their prey is when it closes in. Depending on the region they grow within, thorns will act as barbs to prick and paralyze trapped prey with poison; Grim Reaver vines have thorns so sharp they could slice a carcass into multiple parts.

Credit: Patrick
Name: Enchiridion
Quick Facts: Grow near water, easy to grow in large quantities, the stem of the plant holds an air pocket
Height: 6 inches
Width: 8 inches
Length: 4 inches
Fruit: None
Poison: None
Native to: Grows anywhere there's water
Locations: Anywhere there's water

Appearance: Enchiridion is a short, fat, green plant, found near large bodies of water. Most of the width is found at the base of the plant, where it grows into a large bulbous shape. The individual plants grow a single, large leaf they use for photosynthesis. The roots tend to be short and and gnarled, generally no longer than a the roots for a single flower. When pulled from the roots, the base of the plant has a small hole in it.

Habitat: Enchiridion is found virtually anywhere there are even decently sized bodies of water. Domestic growers have found that Enchiridion will grow if planted near something so small as a medium sized fish pond. Outside of the water requirement, the plant has proven remarkably hardy and has been found anywhere from the shores of Viden to the Hotlands Claypan. In addition, they're an evergreen plant, and can sprout at any time of the year.

Lifespan and Development: The seeds are picked up and transported by small animals and wind gusts. Once planted, the seeds will sprout in a few days, then reach full growth within thirty days. They only live for a year, and will collapse and decay at the end of their life span.

Uses: The Enchiridion has one single use. The bulbous part of the plant is an air pocket, and when pulled, people can use it as an air supply by holding the small hole in the base in their mouth. The air supply in the air pocket is incredibly limited and isn't good for more than about two minutes of air. However, water can't get into this air pocket, and so people have been known to take several of these underwater at a time.

Temperament: It's inert.

Abilities: The bulbous part of the plant holds an air pocket with about two minutes worth of air.

Credit: Basilisk
Carpenter's Carpet
Name: Carpenter's Carpet
Quick Facts:
Height: Each "plant" is no more than 2" high.
Width: Each cap is no more than 1" wide.
Length: Varies with each "colony".
Fruit: None
Poison: Neither healthy nor seriously toxic; not its purpose.
Native to: Forests of Western Continent.
Locations: Has begun to be cultivated globally.

Appearance: small, nondescript gray mushrooms that grow in a colony that takes on the appearance of a "carpet" on the trunks of trees.

Habitat: Like most fungus, it is hearty, able to endure considerable climate extremes, though dry, open area like the Hotlands will require special care to maintain.

Lifespan and Development: Develops its usefulness after only weeks of growth, though the targets of its purpose may have varying resistance that drag out this process for arcs. It only dies because the target tree will be cut down to glean its benefit.

Uses: It took some time for the cross-referencing of composting and arborists' records to realize the property this fungus gives to wood grown from it's remains. This is primarily because no one believed that growing wood from mulch rife with fungus could ever be a good idea. But accidentally or not, it was discovered that wood affected by this fungus undergoes a chemical change at the point of this growth.

The root layer that works its way into the trunk of a tree causes the target tree to release an enzyme that tries to resist the invasion of these fungal tendrils. This resistance always fails eventually, bringing the tree down. The wood where this intrusion has occurred is then ground up and mixed with other composts and fertilizers to be used as a mulch for commercial tree farms.

Strangely, this does not cause these tree farms to develop a fungal invasion of their own. In fact, the chemical change imbued into this composted wood causes the farmed trees to grow with a natural waterproof quality that makes their wood able to be used in outdoor applications for much longer than untreated wood. Profits are gained by using cheap wood upon which to grow numerous and extensive colonies, and then farm expensive, now waterproof, wood to be grown from the mulch.

Temperament: Not an issue.

Abilities: Allows the infusion of waterproofing into the wood of growing, cultivated trees.

Credit: Maltruism
word count: 23127

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