Hello! Everyone else posted so me too!
I'm Whisper, but I also answer to Sect or Heather.. anything works!
I have been RPing for a good few years now, mostly text-based play-by-post (like this site!) but I also enjoy a bit of tabletop too
I started out with live PbP RP, and then moved on to forums, where I found myself loving that I could write as and when I wanted, rather than trying to stay awake to be online at the same time as my lover/husband/torturer/father/son/brother in the shape of Tribute, who lives on the other side of the world
Its the unfortunate result of being British; most of my RP partners are not in my timezone, so live RP isn't easy. Nor is it productive to set aside hours of a day to complete it! So that's why I chose forums...
Why Standing Trials? Well I was told about this place and practically jumped at the chance to help out in building this place from scratch. The history and.. mythology, (is that the right word?) is what made me desperate to leave my own mark
On the site, you're likely to find me hanging around Sirothelle.. and maybe a few other places.. who knows!
What do I like? Well I'm thrilled you asked! I like reading, writing, drawing, painting... embroidery, making things... creativity is definitely my thing. I grew up around Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings so it goes without saying that I love them both. It's actually how I get through my overnight shifts (I'm a carer for disabled children), watching those films over and over again. But it was His Dark Materials which got me reading, so that series will always have a special place in my heart. Of course I love A Song of Ice and Fire, but my biggest love right now is The Farseer Trilogy and all of the trilogies linked to it by the wonderful Robin Hobb. If you hadn't guessed, fantasy is my thing.
In terms of life, I have a BA in Linguistics and am about to start an MSc in Speech and Language Therapy... though I have a passion for Forensic Linguistics and will continue to learn about that in my free time. And for the record, I only speak one language fluently. English. Can get by in French and read Spanish and some Latin. However I've been taught about 8 languages in a school setting and have studied more than 100 in an investigative setting. So no, never ask me how many languages I speak.
I'm Whisper, but I also answer to Sect or Heather.. anything works!
I have been RPing for a good few years now, mostly text-based play-by-post (like this site!) but I also enjoy a bit of tabletop too

Why Standing Trials? Well I was told about this place and practically jumped at the chance to help out in building this place from scratch. The history and.. mythology, (is that the right word?) is what made me desperate to leave my own mark

What do I like? Well I'm thrilled you asked! I like reading, writing, drawing, painting... embroidery, making things... creativity is definitely my thing. I grew up around Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings so it goes without saying that I love them both. It's actually how I get through my overnight shifts (I'm a carer for disabled children), watching those films over and over again. But it was His Dark Materials which got me reading, so that series will always have a special place in my heart. Of course I love A Song of Ice and Fire, but my biggest love right now is The Farseer Trilogy and all of the trilogies linked to it by the wonderful Robin Hobb. If you hadn't guessed, fantasy is my thing.
In terms of life, I have a BA in Linguistics and am about to start an MSc in Speech and Language Therapy... though I have a passion for Forensic Linguistics and will continue to learn about that in my free time. And for the record, I only speak one language fluently. English. Can get by in French and read Spanish and some Latin. However I've been taught about 8 languages in a school setting and have studied more than 100 in an investigative setting. So no, never ask me how many languages I speak.