[Saiore's Dream] A Fairly Failsafe Fairy Adventure? - Part 2

39th of Ashan 724

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Saiore's Dream] A Fairly Failsafe Fairy Adventure? - Part 2


Winston squeezed and squirmed his way through the narrow tunnel, his fur brushing against the damp, curved walls of the pipe. The map's riddling verses danced in his mind as he inched forward,
leading the way. This was precisely the sort of delightful predicament the ferret lived for. An unknown place, with a mystery tresure, behind a locked gate no less. Were it not for the, quite frankly, pretty unpleasant confines of the pipe, he might have indulged in a giggle.

The tunnel curved this way and that in sometimes shallow, sometimes sharp turns. The dim light fading behind him as he went, he had to stop regularly to breath and unhook himself from some snagging hook or crag in the surface of the damp tunnel. Winston's whiskers twitched, detecting the occasional gust of air passing through as pressures changed somewhere far off in the distance. He hoped it was merely a swelling of some distant pool and not something more troubling.

"How you doing up there?"
Called out Joe from behind his companion.

"Gud chief. Jost takin' a shart rest. Smells great en 'ere don't et."
He replied with a chuckle.

After what seemed like an age of subterranean crawling, he spotted a soft green glow ahead. As he rounded the next bend, the tunnel opened into a small grotto. Phosphorescent mushrooms lined the earthen walls, their soft green light bathing the area in an enchanting aura.

"Shallifa! Well now, ain't dis a pretty sight?"
the ferret proclaimed, easing himself upright and stretching out his limbs. The light of the fungus that he and Kisaik had stumbled across so many seasons ago, fluctuated and shimmered, causing a weaving light-show in the room, which enjoyed no other light but for these plants.
"Bickering toadstools shining yuh recan?"
He asked as he attempted to ward off the strain in his back and heal a few of the scraps and bruises he'd suffered on the way here.
bobbed alongside, his ethereal form floating through the confined space of the tunnel and into the relatively spacious catacomb with ease.
"Let's not linger here too long. The 'unlucky man' part doesn't fill me with confidence."

Winston chuckled.
"Have a little whimsy, my friend! Where's your sense of adventure?"

Joe smirked, replying with a casual tone as he floated around the space they now had.
"Back in the forge, with Chest, Angela and a nice spirit-cake or two."
The Diri didn't object to a little joy, a lot of singing and the occasional adventure, however he took his responsibility over protecting Winston very seriously... most particularly when Winston didn't seem to take the time to do it himself.

"We cun stay lang enough far a snack an' per'aps callect some samples."
He insisted as he scanned the grotto, looking for any sign of the "unlucky man" mentioned in Cage's map.

As he collected ample samples of the fungus into his pack, a narrow crevice in the far wall caught his eye, vines and tendrils spilling forth. He scurried over, Joe trailing behind with the resigned air of a longstanding companion to an incurable mishap waiting to happen. Peering through the gap, Winston's face split into a joyous grin.

Beyond lay a lush, subterranean glade of mushrooms and mosses thriving under the gentle radiance of more phosphorescent fungi. A babbling brook meandered through the center, its waters glinting with an almost mischievous quality.

The gentle falling waters echoed around them, traveling forth and returning from pipes and alcoves all around the larger open space like a cacophony of gentle words spoken in some tumbling foreign language.
"The whispers to guide us with their song!"
Winston exclaimed as he squeezed through the crevice without a second thought, landing amidst the vibrant greenery.

It was no surprise to find something that flourished around portals and teleportation inside the house of the Lady of Portals herself. The area fellt spaciouse to the ferret after his previous confinement, though in truth it was little more than a few feet tall and wide and a yard or two long as it descended in an uneven and broken fashion, the space clearly having been formed from the decay of some past structure deep under the complex of Saiore's Dream.

At the source of the stream, where the water entered the 'room', there appeared to be some kind of collapse. It was not the only entrance and certainly not the simplest to explore, but with a little closer inspection, he made a rather gruesome discovery. Lodged in the rubble opening was a skeletal finger, reaching out into the water. Upon the finger was a betrothal ring, typically that of a husband to be if Winston was assessing it right... It looks ancient and the bone had been stripped completely of its flesh. As for the rest of the finger-owner, there was no sign.

"Mun... Well det es certainly nat 'lucky'."
He observed as he updated the notes on his map regarding the 'unlucky man'.

With that and a short prayer for the stranger's lost finger, he decided to take the ring and placed it into his pack. There would not have been many people that lost a finger and a betrothal ring around, though perhaps it would be a story so old no one would remember. Either way, he would hand it to someone up in Sairoe's Dream and then perhaps a relative might have a story to claim the ring by.

"Is it wise to be disturbing that kind of thing?"
Joe asked rhetorically as the ferret plunged his hand into the cold running water.

Grasping at the ring and gradually turning it to slide it off the finger, his companion replied with a grunt.
"Et's a gud deed, nat theft. We es gonna try tuh return et tuh where et belangs..."
The ring began to come free as it caught on the knuckle.
"Batha... Et's... Stuck..."

"I'm just saying, like these things tend to be, you know, haunted and stuff..."
Continued the cautiouse diri, like the voice of caution the ferret was missing.

"Well, me can't SEE ghosts, so dat's nat really a prab..."
With a sudden jerk, as his fingers were beginning to go numb, the ring suddenly came free. Before he could celebrate however, with it came the finger bone, a large section of the rubble and a deluge of flowing water, previously held back by the blockage.

The tunnel and grotto sped past him as Winston was flushed down the winding stream deeper into the hidden grotto. The slippery walls, glimmering with bioluminescent life, flashed past as his path through the open area, now filled with water, was cut against his will. As he attempted to fight the flow, his claws dug ineffectively into the soft slimy walls and he found himself crashing and bashing his way down into the pipe at the far end of the crag. It was all he could do to try and avoid smashing he head on the stones and walls as they passed him by.

Gasping for air at every opportunity, he found himself taking larger gasps of water then air and cursing the complete lack of salt in the water. Whether it was rain water or waste of some kind, it was not seawater and his gauntlets did nothing to help him breath.

Deciding it was better to go with the flow as best he could until he was flushed into somewhere he could recover from, he tried to go with it as he was dragged through what felt like an unending torrent of twists and turns. The tunnels split and turned and he had little to no control over where he was going.

A few moments later, he came to a sudden and sharp halt as he hit something hard and barred. It was another grate. Worse yet, another LOCKED grate. As the water rushed passed him still, he pushed himself up to where there was a small gap, a gap big enough to breath. His lungs bursting and coughing furiously, he managed to get his snout above the passign water jsut far enough to get sweet air.

"Winston! WINSTON! Are you OK? Can you get out? Teleport! Grab something from your pack!"
Joe felt helpless. There was no room for him to caporilaise in the confines of the tiny tube-like tunnel and none of his songforged powers would do anything but hinder his companion right now.

As Winston's racing mind fought panic, he attempted to focus on the grill he'd struck. It was the same as the last and locked to boot. HIS PICK! He furiously patted his side, grasping at his tools. Taking it out, fighting the numb sensation in his arms and legs, he turned, pushing against the force of the water as it rushed passed. Unable to hold himself securely aloft from the grate for long, he placed the tools into the latch to prise it open. As he attempted to turn it and what little air-filled space continued to flood, his hand slipped on his tools and it spang out and was flushed away by the gushing currents. His skills were no match for these kind of conditions...

Foolishly, he let out a cry of frustration, before immediately realising his mistake and rising again to try and gain access to some life-sustaining oxygen. There was little to no room left and as what there was ran short, he focused on Joe.
"Me cannat summon a partal widdout a dar, old friend."
He said in his mind.

"Get the gate open? Opebn the lock. COME ON!"
Cried Joe in urgent reply.

"Me nat stang enough an' me nat gat any tools..."
His head was beginning to get hazy with the effort of holding his breath. He took what quickly becake his last available breath from the now depleted bubble of air that remained in the tunnel.

Cried the Diri as he used the Songforged given ability to transform into weapons or tools for the use of their bonded ward.

The diri became a large crowbar that found its way inexorably towards the drowning ferrets hand. As tools went, it was better than he himself could even have made and as he turned and rammed it into the workings of the latch, he clenched his eyes, focused his mind, braced his knees against the bars and lifted with all his might. His mind was far from clear, but it allowed him to ignore his burning lungs and aching muscles logn enough to press against the bar...

What happened next as the ground gave out beneath him and the world fell into darkness wa a story know only to the wardens of the unconscious as the limp ferret was flushed down and out into the unknown.

Continued here >>
word count: 1840


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] A Fairly Failsafe Fairy Adventure? - Pasrt 2

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Notes/Warnings: Peg has said use of this location is OK for this thread. :-)

Thread: [Saiore's Dream] A Fairly Failsafe Fairy Adventure? - Pasrt 2
City/Area: Faldrass Island

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 ! Message from: Doran
word count: 175


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] A Fairly Failsafe Fairy Adventure? - Part 2


Discipline: Fighting panic under great pressure
Endurance: Crawling through long tunnels pushing a pack
Endurance: Withstanding the cold of rushing water with the rush of adrenaline
Meditation: Calming the mind and body under pressure to achieve better results from your efforts under stress
Strength: Holding yourself up against a strong current of water
Swimming: Swimming against the flow of a strong stream of water

Generous harvest of Shallifa
An ancient lost betrothal ring of an unknown man that lost a finger... and his ring.

Language -
Losses: -

Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Winston’s adventures are so entertaining! I could almost see him in that tunnel as he inched forward, pack leading the way. The highlight of this thread is once again the conversation between Joe and him. You have a gift for writing funny dialogue in my opinion!

The glade Winston discovered sounds pretty – at least it would have been a pretty place if the skeletal finger hadn’t been there!

From that point on, things only get more exciting. I was a bit worried about Winston as he was flushed down the stream and found himself dealing with yet another locked gate!

I had no idea that his diri could transform himself into tools, so that was a solution I hadn’t expected.

That was clever!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 229





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity

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