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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Paint Party!
Continued from here.

When Tristan said that Elyna could ride dragons, Winston nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeh mun. Vega 'as a dragan... Kinda. She says et's nat really a DRAGAN, Dragan, bot et looks like a dragan and breaths fire and she let me ride et once. Et wus SOH cool."

When the diplomatic chap suggested a tree-sitting tea-party there was an odd kind of gasp of unadulterated disbelief, followed by uncontainable glee. It was a bit like some long suppressed desire had been unlocked. As if, just the speaking of the words had some how given permission to something never before considered possible.
exclaimed along with the rest, before fairies started darting off in all directions.
"Oh wonders of forbidden wonders that sounds like too much party for one event, surely?"

Another fairy with a daffodil as a hat objected brightly, clearly taunter her into submission.
"What? Can't handle a little tree-tea-par-tee? To bad for you! Cos me and old barnie-mc-grew, will have a good time and never tell YOOOOoouuuu!"
He then blew a raspberry and shot off out of one of the many little fairy-hols in the walls around

Kelpie thrust her fists onto her hips in self-righteous indignation, with a tinkle, and replied sternly.
"Well I SAY! I can tea-par-tay with the best of they! I'll have you know in rain OR SNOOOOOW!!"
She yelled after the other fairy as she made chase.

Winston chuckled.
"Expect tuh receive an invitashun to dat some trail, an a leaf carried en de wind."
He said, both wistfully and entirely seriously.

When Tristan made the suggestion about the pig's blood, he giggled. It was just the idea that there would be a butcher in Sweetsong.
"Yeah, noh worries dere. Me butcher most me own hogs 'ere in Sweetsang. Vega's 'unters bring dem in, we butcher dem and den cook dem far everyone. Dat's kinda 'ow Sweetsang works. Yuh all pitch en, see? Soh noh worries, we cun make gud use af wat we already gat, nat tuh take wat we don't need."
Whether he detected Tristan's own desire to avoid killing needlessly or not, the little ferret felt just the same.

When asked if she could swim again, Winston nodded gladly.
"Me swimmin' pool es yar swimmin' pool. Yuh jost rememba dat yuh most 'ave someone wid yuh Oh-Key?"
Winston knew that if anyone were to commit an act of violence inside chest,
they would find themselves ejected
, but was not yet so clear on what would happen if someone started to drown of their own accord... He figured as they wished to leave, they would also be ejected and so be saved? He didn't linger on the thought for long, deciding that caution would make the better part of valor where a child was concerned.
"Bot yuh es always welcome 'ere an' Chest's swimmin' pool es always ready at a moment's notice."
At the sound of which, the door to the hallways leading to said pool creaked.
"Chest agrees."
Translated the Cadouri.

Quite genuinely, it was a delight that illuminated Winston's heart, face and entire deminor to see the two girls so enjoying each other's company. He'd never said it, but in every way he felt as if
were his own daughter. Which was of course absurd, given she was 5 times his height, but nonetheless, he very much loved her and it was a thing words could not be crafted to describe to see her smile so freely for a change.

When asked about growing more limbs, he glazed over for a moment...

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: Oh... My... Immorals... This girl is a genius! Just imagine the things we could DO!
Winston: Me wonda...
Curiosity: Two heads for eating. Four arms for smithing. WINGS! We could grow our OWN WINGS MAN!
Winston: No mun, dat's nat 'ow alchemy works.
Curiosity: That's a defeatist attitude dammit!.
Winston: No, et's a fact.
Curiosity: No, all you need to do is find a creature that can grow extra limbs. Then take that and put it into a potion. DONE!
Winston: UUuuuuhhhhhoooooo-Kay. Yeah, me suppose.
Curiosity: OR! Work out how to tranfer the properties of 'have wings' to something that 'dosn't have wings'. Simple!
Winston: Yeeeaaaa-noh. Yuh last meh again, me don't TINK dat's 'ow alchemy works.
Curiosity: Well why not?
Winston: Cos et don't.
Curiosity: Well it SHOULD! So work it out dammit! Cos I want four arms, two heads and WANGS!

Angela coughed politely, making the ferret jump a little as he realised he'd wondered off into space for a little too long this time.
"Uhhh... Sarry. Uhhh. Well... Maybe. De trick far now wud be knowin' af a creetcha capable af growin' extra limbs den et already 'as. Den... Yeah. I suppose et wud be totally possible tuh make a poshun to let yuh do et also. Me wud vote far growing wings doh."
He made a mental note to look into a wing growing potion as they continued their discussions.

With that and the dining arrangements set, the night passed and food was had. Wiston, good to his word, showed them to a room, which if they prefered to have seperate rooms, would swiftly become two, adjoined by a door, as per preference. The furniture appeared along with it and was of unremarkable quality, but nonetheless, perfectly serviceable unless one was accustomed to 'the finer things'.

Also, eating happened with a great many stories and song around the campfire. As he had said, the whole of Sweetsong typically shared their meals in the main meeting area and Winston was central among them as food was prepared. Everyone contributed and everyone eat and Tristan and his duagter were welcomed warmly as guests to take part in the stories and fun.
Please feel free
So I kinda fast tracked over the room making and dinner eating, to get to something a little different for us to play with. I hope that's OK. but feel free to split your posts between reactions and finding the room etc and what comes next, if that tickles your fancy. :-) Broadly speaking, the room(s) can be of ANY configuration you like and Winston would not hesitate for a moment to adapt things to make sure you are comfortable, but everything (with the exception of the food, which is GM, Tier 7+, and often appears to order out of nowhere due to a Capstone with Winston) is considered basic quality when it's summoned by Chest. Chest can summon large purnature, but not smaller things like brushes or clothes and other peripheral equipment.
The night was coming in to a close as the four of them were heading back to their rooms. They were just passing through the kitchen when Angela knocked over a small egg-cup containing a number of rainbow coloured, pea-sized putty balls. As one of them rolled off the table, Winston attempted to catch it, but fell short by a fingertip and the small pellet
hit the floor with a POOF! as it exploded. It turned a small patch of the floor all colours of the rainbow
"OH! I'm so sorry Winston! I'm such a clutz..."

He chuckled, not the least bothered as he began to pick up the little soft balls, carefully placing them back into the egg-cup.
"Ah, neva mind. Me 'ave plenty mar, an' dat will fad in a littal while."
He replied, gesturing first to a large pot of the rainbow explosives and the floor in turn.
"Yuh shud be carful doh, cus dem are quite fragile..."
He said, as he tossed one towards angela, missing her by a clear foot and turning one of his saucepans rainbow coloured in the process.

The girl let out a little yelp and ducked, before locking eyes with the ferret, determination in her glare.
"OK then. Well, me and Ayla ought to show you boys how to handle it then, no?"
She looked up at Ayla and gestured for her to scrurry over to her side.
"What say you? Hmmm?"
She asked as she handed Ayla a handful of the small pellets and took another for herself.
"Beautiful Girls vs. Stinky Boys?.."

If Winston or Tristan were expecting a moment to consider their answers, they would find themselves sadly disappointed, as Angela
let loos two pellets
(one at each of them) and made to
hide behind the table
. Neither shots were well made, but it would certainly be possible to 'take the hits' should either of them wish... Winston did not.

grabbed the egg-cup of pellets
, screamed
"You'll neva take me aliiiive!"
dashed for cover behind Tristan
offering him some pellets as he did

OOC: Rules of the Game
  • You have little balls of explosive rainbow material. The objective is to hit your opponents with said balls! You can throw, fling, sligshot or rupture them at your targets. :-)
  • Everyone gets one 'life'.
  • We will 'play the game' until one team is out... Or we got bored. :-p
  • You get three actions a post.
    • These should be short and sweet, e.g. "Winston ducks", "He throws a ball", "He gives X to Y" or "they run to the door".
    • Actions can happen simultaneously, e.g. you can "run to the door while throwing a ball", but it's still two actions.
    • Please highlight your actions using the OOC tags so it's all clear what's going on. :-)
  • Saying stuff is 'free' within reason. I.e. you cannot give a 15 minute speech, but talking/shouting/taunting/etc. "Haha! You suck worse than a plug-hole in a pigsty" does not take one of your three actions.
  • 'Flair' is free. If you are doing something that is 'for show' or 'for fun' or plot flavour, this can be 'free' also, cos that's just more fun :-p
  • NPC's 'playing the game' get their own complete set of three actions, have fun with them! Why not even have them WIN?! :-)
Remember, the TRUE objective is to have some fun! :-)
word count: 1718


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Tristan Venora
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Ayla was absolutely excited about the sleepover, but when it came to deciding whether she wanted to share a room with Tristan or sleep alone, she suddenly appeared to be a little shy. She looked from Winston to her father and back before she took a peek into the room the cadouri had shown them. That apparently caused her to make up her mind.

When she turned to face the two of them again, she asked, “Can I have a room of my own, please, Mister Winston? Can you choose the color of the furniture?” she continued a moment later. “Does Chest have a favorite color? I don’t want to ask for pink or blue furniture if their favorite color is green. Having a lot of blue inside of you if you hate blue probably doesn’t feel good”, she said and furrowed her brow a little.

Tristan smiled at his daughter when he heard that. Some people likely considered it strange that the little Mortalborn was so concerned about a magical chest’s wellbeing, but he was proud of her!

Father and daughter enjoyed the food and the stories – and told stories of their own. Tristan shared some of his adventures. He chose stories that were fun and light-hearted, as was befitting of the setting – he talked about how he had invented a cat-speech potion and talked to cats, for example. Ayla on the other hand chatted away, about Fluffy, her four-eyed dog, Mistral, her cat from another world and her great-grandmother Ebony who was almost a real princess (Ebony Venora was really ‘only’ a duchess, but in Ayla’s mind all female nobles were princesses, even the ones that were as old as Granny Ebony!).

When the night came to a close and they headed back to their rooms, Ayla loudly wondered which color the furniture of her room would be. She insisted that she wanted Chest to have a say again, and she wouldn’t be too disappointed that the furniture was of rather basic quality. Magically having furniture appear was something extraordinary after all!

At first neither Tristan nor his daughter reacted a lot to Angela knocking over the egg-cup. Tristan wanted to avoid embarrassing the girl by paying a lot of attention to her – although he did feel a little bad for her. When one of the pellets hit the floor and exploded in rainbow colors, Ayla let out a laughter of pure delight though and asked, “Can you do it again, please?” She obviously found the rainbow explosives very entertaining!

When Angela proposed a game, the little Mortalborn’s eyes lit up, and she immediately scurried over to the older girl’s side. She was quite tempted to throw all the pellets at the same time, but then she mustered up some sort of self-control and
threw only one in Tristan’s and Winston’s direction
– rather badly. It would certainly be possible to get it regardless – if you did so on purpose!

For a moment, Tristan met Ayla’s gaze, and then he grinned all over his face. He tried to quickly jump
to the side, and thus out of the way of the girls’ attacks
. That would unfortunately leave Winston exposed again. Tristan really liked Winston, but there was no way he would be used as a human shield, even in a game, and he definitely didn’t feel bad about his decision!

A moment after he had – hopefully – evaded the girls’ attacks,
he threw a pellet of his own
in Angela’s direction and
quickly dashed in the opposite direction in a somewhat acrobatic fashion
that would hopefully not only be entertaining to watch, but also make him harder to hit.

Ayla was so busy watching Winston and her father that she almost forgot that she was supposed to try and not get hit. When she remembered, she blushed and
quickly ducked
– and laughed because she was having a lot of fun. Hopefully she’d manage to hit at least one of her opponents though!
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Thu May 23, 2024 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 681
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Go for the eye's Booooo!
I'm so sorry, I don't know how this one fell off my radar, but it did and I didn't notice! :-o

I love these threads and am very much enjoying them. :-)
There was an almost palpable sense of delight as the girl showed more concern for Chest's preferences than her own as she pondered of the colour preferences of their mutual friend.
"Yuh know wat, et 'as neva occured tuh me tuh ask... Bot Chest cannat really speak, soh 'ow about dis?"
He said and looked around them as he started to address Chest rather than the girl.
"Chest mun, wud yuh be soh kind as tuh make Ayla a room af 'er own... bot please, wud yuh fill et wid tings far 'er dat would most make YOU 'appy?"
He gave a little 'lets see what happens' look at the girl, genuinely not sure what to expect of the room that would appear.

A few moments passed as gentle knocking sounds emanated from somewhere in the distance and, oddly enough, several of Winston's belongings lifted from the ground and floated out of the room in the direction of the girls temporary abode. One such item had been a chair. A nice chair. In fact, it was one of the best chair's Winston had, having
purchased it to improve the decor a little of his living quarters for his guests

Then things fell silent and the door to their quarters opened with a slight creak.

Around the campfire, Winston listened with great interest to Tristan's stories, doing his best to record them for his own use at future campfires.

When Ayla went to explore her room, she would find, that by the standards of a Chest that observed, but did not feel, she would have a selection of belongings and furniture that amounted to what might be argued to be the best available quality to the mysterious construct. The colours matched that of whatever was most prevalent in the girl's own clothing where it was a construct produced by Chest itself and where it was something that had been brought in from outside, it was simply the best of whatever it happened to be... There was also a lerge pile of Nel in one corner of the room which might represent Winston's liquid wealth.

It made for a rather eclectic collection of things and unable to resist the urge to find out what it had included, the ferret followed them in as they went to see.
"Hehehe. Seems dat dem wud very moch like far yuh tuh be comfortable as possible... Doh, perhap's me best kitchen knives might be somet'ing me cun take back, a Chest?"
He said as he spotted them on the side and picked them up with an apologetic smile at Tristan.

As the game began and the first pellets flew,
screamed joyfully as Tristan dodged out of the way of the first pellet and made his way across the room, leaving Winston exposed.
"They have decent in the ranks, Ayla!
Press the attaaaaack!
Her words were filled with playful delight as
she threw a small handful of pellets at the Ferret
Her aim saw shocking
, but Winston was already moving to avoid the first pellet and the spread of the second volley that approached
the surprised Cadouri required him to tumble out of the way
, bearly dodging the attack. Either on purpose of through the ruthless lack of support from his intended cannon-fodderish human shield, the pellets exploded beside him and his leg was covered in rainbow colours from the radius of the blast.
Though it was not a direct hit, the ferret pretended to limp as he reached for a siv to use for protection against any further assault
"Oh! Me leg! I've been GOT!"
He cried, in a deliberate display of melodrama and jest.
"Go on without me, Tristan! Leave me... Oh."
But Tristan was already on the other side of the room and in a comical fashion, the ferret shrugged and smiled from behind his siv as
he tossed a pellet over the top, as if it were a mortar
with a
"Take DAT!
. The pellet returned to ground a short distance from Ayla with a 'poof' of rainbow coloured dust and smoke, missing her by a fair margin.

Angela, meanwhile, was no slouch, as the pellet came in from Tristan and
she ducked behind the table
His pellet flew over her head and exploded against the wall behind her
as she
returned fire in an indiscriminate fashion
, hoping more to keep him busy then actually hit.
"Flank him..."
She said to Ayla with a giggle.
"...the ferret's a goner."

OOC: Rules of the Game
  • You have little balls of explosive rainbow material. The objective is to hit your opponents with said balls! You can throw, fling, sligshot or rupture them at your targets. :-)
  • Everyone gets one 'life'.
  • We will 'play the game' until one team is out... Or we got bored. :-p
  • You get three actions a post.
    • These should be short and sweet, e.g. "Winston ducks", "He throws a ball", "He gives X to Y" or "they run to the door".
    • Actions can happen simultaneously, e.g. you can "run to the door while throwing a ball", but it's still two actions.
    • Please highlight your actions using the OOC tags so it's all clear what's going on. :-)
  • Saying stuff is 'free' within reason. I.e. you cannot give a 15 minute speech, but talking/shouting/taunting/etc. "Haha! You suck worse than a plug-hole in a pigsty" does not take one of your three actions.
  • 'Flair' is free. If you are doing something that is 'for show' or 'for fun' or plot flavour, this can be 'free' also, cos that's just more fun :-p
  • NPC's 'playing the game' get their own complete set of three actions, have fun with them! Why not even have them WIN?! :-)
Remember, the TRUE objective is to have some fun! :-)
word count: 1022


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

“Why can’t Chest speak?“ Ayla wanted to know. “Not being able to speak when you have thoughts and feelings and likes and dislikes must be pretty unpleasant”, she decided and proceeded to furrow her brow before her eyes suddenly lit up. “Daddy has a Diri of Communication. Maybe, he can help Chest speak? If anybody can do it, Chester can. Their names are even almost the same!” she told Winston brightly, as if having similar names really made a difference. In the young Mortalborn’s opinion, it probably did.

“I’m not sure if it works that way, but we can ask Chester”, Tristan offered. “We should ask Winston and Chest if Chest minds not being able to speak and wants to learn to speak first though”, he added gently. Doing something without their consent was a no-go in his opinion, even if it was what most people would perceive to be a nice gesture.

“This is very nice!” Ayla exclaimed as she explored her room. She ran around and took a look at every piece of furniture, but she was visibly confused by the pile of nels. “What’s that for?” she asked before she just grabbed as many nels as she could carry in her hands and handed them to Winston. “I think this belongs to you. Chest probably put it here by accident”, she told him and curtsied.

Tristan nodded when Winston picked up the kitchen knives. Ayla was old enough to hold a knife and not accidentally hurt herself with it, but he agreed that they didn’t belong in the room.


Ayla giggled when the rainbow-colored pellets exploded next to Winston, and his leg was subsequently covered in rainbow colors. Tristan laughed as well because this was so much fun. For a moment, he actually wondered if he should allow himself to get hit – he was rather curious what he would look like with rainbow colors on part of his body – but then again, he was a bit competitive.

So, without further ado, he passionately exclaimed, “I will avenge you, Winston!” His first pellet had missed Angela as she had ducked behind the table, but that didn’t discourage him in the least. He had come up with a plan. A very, very clever plan. He waited until Angela made her next attack. She would have to raise her head at least a little in order to see her target.

As soon as her head was visible, he threw his pellet
with all the strength he could muster up, and
then he quickly jumped behind the nearest piece of furniture
in order to avoid getting hit himself.

Ayla wasn’t sure if Angela wanted her to attack Tristan or Winston, so she just
threw a handful of pellets in Tristan’s direction
another handful of pellets in Winston’s direction
so that at least half of them would hit the correct target, and then
she quickly sought cover behind Angela’s desk
and looked at the older girl conspiratorially. They would win!
word count: 511
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Ferret down! FERRET DOWN!

Winston considered the girl's question carefully. It was both thoughtful and very fair... But he had considered this question before, since his own position of oppression and slavery was quite clear.
"Dis batharred me far a lang time too. Chest es a camplex one, far shar, bot 'im cun ondastand every word yuh say an' me 'ave gan tuh great lengths tuh enshar dem es nat feelin' like a beast af burden. Dem don't go moch in far conversashun doh. Dey certainly 'ave emoshuns... Dem cun be very sulky."
He said this in hushed tones, but even so, a door creaked somewhere off in the distance and Winston chuckled, patting the table beside him affectionately by way of apology.
"Dem cun even sense yuh feelin's if yuh spend enough time wid dem an' yuh want dem tuh. Really doh, me don't tink dem want tuh talk?"
He shrugged.
"Chest? Wud yuh like tuh talk tuh de Diri?"
He asked openly.

There was an extended moment of silence. It was the kind of silence that made you suddenly aware that despite being quite before, it was in fact not. Winston held up a hand as if to suggest they wait just a moment as he looked up at the ceiling, which if his two guests were the kind to notice, was the habit he had formed when talking to Chest, wether it was necessary or not.
"Me tink dem nat share... Dem nat want tuh speak... bot me tink dem wud like tuh camunicate..."
He said, gesturing toward Ayla.
"Chest like's tuh please an' ef et wud make yuh 'appy, me tink dem would like tuh be able to talk tuh yuh. Perhaps Chesta could 'elp wid dis."

Winston really had no idea what such an endeavour would involve and also no idea what a Diri of Communication could do, but both were eminently intriguing. He looks at Tristan.
"Ef yuh bring Chesta wid yuh, we cun bot give et a goh... Doh, ef yuh watch closely an' listen carefully. Chest cun let yuh know 'ow dem's feelin'."
He said with a slow nod.

When his nels were returned, he laughed heartily.
"Well, Chest want's yuh tuh be 'appy an' me guess dem tink dat most people like nel."
He shrugged, not unhappy to have his nel back, but ultimately happier that she was pleased.


Ayla's volley of pellets thundered into the ferret with a pitter-patter of explosions as he again, melodramatically wobbled from side to side is if being riddled with arrows and fell to his knees.
"AAAAaaaahhhhhhgggggg! I'm to fluffy to die! BLEH!"
He cried as he flopped over a small chair and feigned death, turning his head to watch the action that continued to unfold around him.

As Angela poked her head up to take a shot, Tristan's pellet hurtled towards her.
"OI! Cheekie!"
She yelled as she ducked back down in a panic

She turned towards Ayla and gestured for her to go around to the right of the sofa while she went left, but then then yelled
"You go over the top and I'll go under!"
She hoped to trick Tristan with her ploy as the two girls flanked him, left and right.
Winston was not competitive in the slightest. He enjoyed a good game, of course, but would give it over in a heartbeat if he thought it would make someone happy... Angela, not so much.

With that,
Angela shot out to the left, hoping to draw some fire as Ayla went right for victory.

OOC: Rules of the Game
  • You have little balls of explosive rainbow material. The objective is to hit your opponents with said balls! You can throw, fling, sligshot or rupture them at your targets. :-)
  • Everyone gets one 'life'.
  • We will 'play the game' until one team is out... Or we got bored. :-p
  • You get three actions a post.
    • These should be short and sweet, e.g. "Winston ducks", "He throws a ball", "He gives X to Y" or "they run to the door".
    • Actions can happen simultaneously, e.g. you can "run to the door while throwing a ball", but it's still two actions.
    • Please highlight your actions using the OOC tags so it's all clear what's going on. :-)
  • Saying stuff is 'free' within reason. I.e. you cannot give a 15 minute speech, but talking/shouting/taunting/etc. "Haha! You suck worse than a plug-hole in a pigsty" does not take one of your three actions.
  • 'Flair' is free. If you are doing something that is 'for show' or 'for fun' or plot flavour, this can be 'free' also, cos that's just more fun :-p
  • NPC's 'playing the game' get their own complete set of three actions, have fun with them! Why not even have them WIN?! :-)
Remember, the TRUE objective is to have some fun! :-)
word count: 831


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Ayla’s eyes widened when Winston said that Chest certainly had emotions and could in fact be very sulky. A moment later, when a door creaked in the distance, she gasped and abruptly looked at Tristan. “Did you hear that, daddy? Did you hear that? Chest is listening!”

“I hope you aren’t sulky now, Chest”,
she said to Chest because she wanted them to be happy.

“Do you know what I’m feeling?” she then wanted to know.

“We’ll ask Chester to help the next time we come here”, Tristan said and looked at his daughter for a moment, amused by her enthusiasm, before he looked up at the ceiling as well.

He wanted Chest to know that he was talking to them now.

“Chester can help me understand any language, and he can also create a telepathic link between myself and another person. It will be interesting to find out if that extends to Chest language. You are without a person as you have feelings, creativity and a consciousness”, he mused. He was pretty sure that Chester would be able to accomplish something now.

But what?


“Hahaha!” Ayla laughed when her pellets hit Winston, and the ferret began to wobble in a most dramatic manner and finally feigned death. “Winston, you are dead!” she exclaimed.

Tristan did of course notice that Angela was trying to trick him, and he immediately tried to come up with a plan. It still didn’t occur to him to just let the girls win. In his opinion, a victory wasn’t a real victory if your opponent just allowed themselves to get hit. Angela and Ayla would be so much happier if they realized that they had won against two adults that gave their best!

So, when Ayla went around the right side of the sofa, and Angela went around the left side of the sofa, he crawled under the sofa. It was a tighter fit than he had thought at first, so it took him a while to reach the other side. Ayla immediately took advantage of the situation and hurled a pellet towards her father. It just bounced off of the sofa though.

Tristan’s was still mostly under the sofa.

A moment later, his arms appeared, followed by the rest of his body.

If Angela wanted to, she would be able to land a hit now!
word count: 398
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Girls rule boy drool!

The girl's excitement tickled the little Cadouri's joy as she exclaimed to her father. There was a depth beyond the sweet nature that spoke of a thing to many lost as they matured... not that he had any say in the matter, he rather hoped the girl was able to hold on to that depth.

As Tristan spoke of Chester and his desire to help, a glass appeared beside him and his daughter, filled with a single shot each of what looked and smelled very much like brandy. Whether Tristan, or for that matter his daughter, were drinkers or not, Winston straightened his spine slightly in surprise as he noticed the drinks. The glasses were of average quality, but the brandy very much was not.
"Wow! Me wondered wat yuh did wid all dat brandy."
He said, in mysterious amazement as he looked to Tristan to explain.
"Chest likes brandy. En fact, et's de only ting dem eva 'take' dat seems tuh be far demselves. Dere's a ratha uncommon Rharnian one dat dem seems tuh favour, bot me have neva been able tuh work out what et does wid et all when me pure et en..."
He donned a warm and (very) pleased smile.
"...dem 'ave neva offad me a glass af et, doh. Soh yuh are among a very elite group af peopal."
Winston was not in the least bit bothered about being 'left out'. He was far more pleased that Chest seemed to like the girl and her father... The friend he called home, never stopped surprising him.

He winked at Ayla.
"Chest does nat really ondastand social narms. Dem won't be offended ef yuh don't drink et. Per'aps yuh cun take et away as a gift."
Which if the two of them did in fact prefer, would be what happened, as Chest returned the brandy not being drunk to the bottle it came from and
delivering said bottle to them to take


As the two girls appeared around the back of the sofa to find the man GONE Angela let out a little squeal, looking down at her feet, expecting pellets to take her out at the ankle at any moment.
"Ahhhh! Go for higher GROUND!"
She cried to her teammate as she leapt onto the arm of the sofa
to strip Tristan of whatever target he might otherwise have had.

With Ayla, she waited as the man wriggled his way out from under the furniture. As he was birthed back into the world,
she greeted him with a colourful delivery of explosive rainbow pellets
"No mercy! Hehehehe!"
She shouted with an unsuppressed volly of giggles. Tristan's shoulder was struck, casting the right side of his face in all the colours of the rainbow!

Whether Ayla felt the need to add to the assault or not, Angela leapt over to her and jumped up and down in victory as she gave the girl a hug.
"Girls RULE boy DROOL! WooHOO!!"

Winson could not help but laugh. Angela was very much of an age between ages. She spent so much of her time being a mature teenager, it was truly delightful to see her spending a little time being an immature one, just for a bit.

"We 'ave been bested me gud fellow."
Said the ferret as he pulled himself up off the floor. Unable to provide any meaningful assistance himself to the man to rise from his prone position,
offered a hand of help, if only out of companionship rather than need.

The room was plastered in rainbow colours, not to mention themselves.
"'oo fancies some cake while dis wares aff?"
He said with a great smile.

With that, cake was served and the fellows chatted and giggled their way into the night. Winston made sure that his two friends were given an ample supply of rainbow pellets for their future enjoyment, perhaps Tristan might even reverse engineer them... He would be given the recipe if it was a thing that would interest him and Winston would share stories of Chest, his inventions and his and Angel's involvement in the Cooking competition, where they had first met, for Ayla and his entertainment.

It would be, that as time passed, if Ayla continued to pay attention, little signs would become apparent, little hints, feelings and gestures in the furniture, the doors and sounds that Chest gave off that began to lead to an understanding of their mood. It was subtle, but it was there much like reading body language, it would take time, but the two of them were welcome to stay and visit as often as they pleased, until their responsibilities drew them away to home, of course.


The Girl's have it! Thanks for playing! :-D
word count: 804


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: None

Thread: [Saiore's Dream] Meeting the family ~ The Sleepover
City/Area: Faldrass Island
Tristan’s loot:
- A small bottle of Tier 9 Rharnian Brandy.
- 12 Rainbow Smoke pellets - these marble-sized pellets explode on impact, creating a small puff of rainbow coloured smoke/dust and turning a patch (1 foot in diameter) of the target rainbow coloured for several breaks.

Renown: Reviewer descression
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) no
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? Nope
word count: 265


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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