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Szilvia Meszarone
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Race: Human
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Szilvia  [Approved CS]


Name: Szilvia Meszarone
Birthdate: 23rd Cylus 704
Race: Human

Profession: Thief and Witch.
Strengths: Power Hungry
Weaknesses: Faithless
Faction: Shadow Quarter (Rharne)

Languages: Common: Fluent, Qa: Basic

Depends upon the Totem she is assuming.

Pale blonde hair frames her face in loose braids and curls around a porcelain complexion, and light blue eyes. She bears a set of ink black tattoos across her skin on her legs. The tattoos have a crystalline, fractal motif amidst the inscriptions in black and golden leaf. She's roughly the same height as her true form, at 5'8" tall with a lithe build.
Maven (human woman totem)
Wavy black hair, 5'11", blue eyes, and a svelte figure.

Acquired Here: Maven's Totem
Silly (Housecat Totem)

Szilvia oft feels a fish out of water. Having been raised in a confusing situation by a insular cult of Yludih, she already had difficulty coming to grips with who she was. It didn't help when they started treating her differently, especially her childhood friends upon their 'awakening'. While Szil was unaware of the nature of her enclave, the shapeshifters knew her to be one of the 'real' people. Someone to be looked down upon as unworthy of enlightenment, a tool to be used and discarded.

However, when she learned magic, she began to think for herself, particularly upon learning Becoming, she developed a strong sense of self-identity. Perhaps as a consequence of her initiation. When she broke free of the cult, she became a much different person, although no less naive or ignorant to the ways of the 'real' people.

Although she has a tendency for nihilistic outlook, and dark immoral leanings, she's still just learning her way around the world.


Infancy/Parentage/Childhood (TW: Child slavery, brainwashing, indoctrination)

Her true parents always unknown to her, Szilvia was brought up into an enclave of anti-social Yludih who have aims on demolishing the carefully constructed order of the Mortal world. When she was born, she was given over to this sect swiftly in order to purge any familial bonds that might form between the infant and her parents. From a young age she was indoctrinated to the loose tenets and morays of the sect. That mortal society was designed to uplift the people they perceive as 'Real' while the Yludih remain downtrodden and suppressed. However, throughout her childhood and development, much like the true Yludih children in the sect, she was kept in the dark as to the true nature of their society.


With the fall of Emea, and it's subsequent robbing of sleep from the entire populace for a time, things changed drastically for Szilvia. She for one learned the differences between her and her fellow enclave members. That she was thought lesser, and mocked for her inability to access Uleuda. They had attempted to twist her mind toward the same self-hatred. However, a reserve of strength welled up in her and she resisted their attempts to mold her own sense of self-hatred, knowing that to do so would be to truly become a slave to these alien beings.

When Emea's structure was restored, more or less, she was
found in the Dreamscapes by the one who would eventually lreveal himself to be a mage
who offered her a way out of her enthrallment to this detestable cult of ignorant, false beings. Tempted by the world he showed her, beyond her dreary existence, she accepted, and Silas accepted her as a student in Dreamwalking in turn. From there, she was shown a world of other dreamers, and Emean walkers like her. She made contacts outside of her group, something she thought impossible with how they guarded her.

Eventually she won her freedom, through the cooperation of fellow dreamers who followed clues she'd received to her own whereabouts, and let her out. She appeared outside of Rharne, near the Umbral Caverns. It was somewhere within there that the Yludih sect had resided, and it came as no wonder she'd not been able to extricate herself from that environment. Nevertheless, she was free to pursue her own path in the world above, and so she made her way toward Rharne.

Early Adulthood

Over time, though she often enough dealt with 'real'' people on a regular basis, Szilvia was indoctrinated to their secretive hatred for all things 'real'. In time, she showed promise as a mystic. Whether through some vision, revelation, or other epiphany given to her eventual magical tutor, she was deemed worthy to learn the ways of magic. From their shadowy connections, including navigation through Emea, their meetings in Dreamwalking sessions, and eventually meeting in real life they were united.

Becoming was the first magic imparted to her, drawn the soul from her body to denature her existence. She endured a painful wracking of her mortal form, nearly descending into the annals of the forgotten monsters, the mimai, however her mentor managed to get her to remember her true self at the last moment, bringing her back from the brink of forgetting herself. After the initial near failure, the mentor waited a couple of arcs before initiating her into Glamour, her eyes gouged out with the psychic assault, until her senses were slowly rebuilt over a tumultuous transformation. From then, although her former teachings under the enclave were intact, they had taken on a new meaning for her, now that she was a mage. A growing power in her own right. She remains under the mentor now, learning the ways of magic and hoping to gain more power as she continues her quest for personal power.

But though Szilvia served the masters of the cause of mortal kind's doom, she isn't without her own ambitions or aims. They did a fairly thorough job of converting her as a child, as she grew she began to get her own ideas. She eventually broke ties with this sect, and successfully managed to elude them as she found out about the true nature of the shapeshifters.

The SIlent Period

When she arrived in Rharne, it wasn't long before she began her campaign of crime, everything from larceny to fraud, to incitement, to assault. Eventually she ran into an agent from the Shadow Quarter, who made of her a prospect. The tenuous pact made with the agent, she dropped all contact with her Enclave, seeing it as a way to be free of their influence and pursue her own budding interests.

Meanwhile, the Shadow Quarter received a new prospect that was also a mage. Things were looking up for all concerned. It was around this time that she began seeking her first totem. She made that totem a healthy black cat, in the prime of its youth which she snatched from the Pit. She had to put it down, as it was quite feral, but the sovereign substances were used and made into a golden ring with a cat-eye jasper. She meditated upon the totem for a full ten trials in total, before managing to dedicate it.

Last edited by Szilvia Meszarone on Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:14 am, edited 63 times in total. word count: 1187
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Szilvia Meszarone
Approved Character
Posts: 46
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:22 am
Race: Human
Profession: Housecat
Renown: 20
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Szilvia

Wealth Tier 5

A good quality sterling ring, with a cat-eye jasper gem in it. It is made with the sovereign substances of black cat, and is her first totem. That of a black cat.
Other Items
A small iron baton.
Shabby beggar's clothing
Washday outfit with dress and underdress and sandals.
Point Bank Items
Duplicity Suit (UCP) 3 Pieces, Hood, Robe, Sash.
Cloak of Hiding (UCP)
Bag of the Dead (UCP)


She currently lives in the house of her boss' girlfriend working out of the Glass Quarter, as her housecat. She doesn't own it, but has a small blanket that is given to her as a bed. She spies on the girlfriend as a service to her boss, and so is allowed to abide there, fed and cared for as a cat for now.

Update: She now has the house as a dedicated space to rent as per this thread where she assumes Maven's identity: Here
Magic Mentor
Skill Level XP
Glamour Expert 51
Empathy Expert 51
Dreamwalking Expert 51
Becoming Competent 40
Teaching Competent 26
Meditation Competent 26
Name: Silas Montvaliar
Age: 691 Zi'da 23rd
Gender: Male
Organization (if any):

Appearance: Silas has silver hair that falls just past his shoulders. His eyes are a vibrant emerald green. He has a lean and agile build, standing at an average height. Silas prefers to dress in dark, flowing robes of simple browns and grays that allow for ease of movement. He always carries a satchel filled with the trappings of a mage scholar, little sketches of various things, becoming totems, and so on.

Personality: He has a quick wit and enjoys making jokes, even if they don't always land. However, he can also be somewhat awkward in social situations, often struggling to connect with others on a deeper level. Silas has a strong sense of loyalty and is always willing to help those in need, even at the risk of his own safety. He has an established desire to use Dreamwalking to explore Emea. The mage tends to form emotional dependencies on others, often relying on their good will to accomplish his goals. This can make him vulnerable if those he depends on betray him or are unable to help. Additionally, his jokes and awkwardness can sometimes hinder his ability to effectively communicate with others, especially in serious or tense situations.

Bio: He has an obsession with the entity/Immortal, Unity. Although not marked, he seeks to understand the Entity that emerged from the wake of Kielik and Jesine's murder. He wishes to explore every aspect of Emea, from Uleuda to the Immortal Domains. He often resides in dreams, and doesn't have as much a tangible effect upon the waking world as many other mages. Even so, he is a force to be reckoned with in terms of the mischief he can get up to with a combination of glamour and empathy magic. He's seeking a student to help in his explorations of Emea, whether they occupy the same space in Idalos or not, he will probably maintain contact with them through the bonds of dreams.

Relationship: His interest in Szilvia is opportunistic mostly. The fact that she knows a little bit of Qa has intrigued him, to the point where he thinks she may be able to turn the key to Uleuda for non Yludih. He initiated her into Dreamwalking along two of his magical disciplines.
Last edited by Szilvia Meszarone on Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:23 am, edited 14 times in total. word count: 582
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