• Solo • Throwing Knives, Part 2

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Throwing Knives, Part 2

A consequence from Throwing Knives, Part 1.

Ashan 50, Arc 722

On the 50th of Ashan, Devin Thorn, High Priest of Delroth, Baron von Smooglenuff and Master Swordsman in progress (He'd decided to mentally capitalize those words because they were much more impressive that way!) decided to head to the beach that was closest to Smooglenuff Manor. Winter was over, and the temperatures had finally increased enough that training outside was not only possible, but actually fun again.

That was what Devin decided to do that trial. Train. The season before, he had started to practice throwing knives because he was determined to master every kind of bladed weapon there was, and a few others on top of it. At first, he had practiced in the ballroom because it was the biggest room in the manor, but he had come to the decision that it would be good to train on different surfaces, and under different conditions.

Besides, he liked being at the beach!

Since he wasn't sure if he'd manage to throw his knives at a tree and make them stick, and didn't want to damage the pretty trees either, he'd brought a target. Or rather, his friend Aidan had. While Devin carried his knives as well as a few other things, the veterinarian and swordsman was pulling a small wooden cart with a circular target on it.

"You know, you should really consider getting a bodyguard or two, no matter how good a swordsman you are", the human remarked as he pulled the cart across the grass and through the sand. "It's safer that way, and besides, Darius already has a couple of bodyguards", he added and grinned slyly. Devin was a very vain and greedy man, so, if appealing to his common sense didn't work, maybe telling him that someone else had something that he didn't have would!

"I've actually thought about it", Devin admitted in a cheerful tone of voice and grinned at the slightly older man because he had just had a most excellent idea. "You could be one of my bodyguards when you aren’t busy healing animals and such! You are pretty good with a sword, I like you and trust you, and you aren't too bad looking either", he added because that was important and smiled at Aidan. He didn't want to have any ugly bodyguards. He was a High Priest of Delroth, and he had a reputation to uphold. Delroth wouldn’t like it if he surrounded himself with ugliness either!

“Anyway, let’s set up the target before we discuss the matter of bodyguards in more detail”, he decided a moment later. Together, they grabbed the target, removed it from the cart and set it down on the warm, orange sand, making sure that it was stable (A target that toppled over the moment that you threw a knife at it just wouldn’t do!).

“Do you want to give it a try as well?” Devin asked Aidan once they were done and offered him one of his throwing knives. It was a very nice throwing knife that was made of fine steel and had a golden handle.

When Aidan refused – he preferred blades of the non-throwing variety – he shrugged his shoulders, warmed up a bit and finally settled into his stance. As an experienced swordsman (apart from where throwing things was concerned), he knew that the correct stance was important, and could sometimes make a difference in a fight.

He started by practicing what he already knew – by throwing a knife into his target with half of a spin, from a distance of approximately six feet which he measured by making six small steps.

Throwing your knife from a distance of approximately six feet was one of the beginner’s exercises that Mistress Alina’s guide to sword fighting that was quickly becoming one of his favourite books recommended.

Even though he had a little more experience now, it still took him several attempts to hit the target in a satisfactory manner and make the knife stick. Since he hadn’t managed to hit the center regardless though, he tried again, and again, until it did at least not land somewhere on the very edge of the target anymore – which was absolutely great.

And what more, he’d discovered that throwing knives while standing on sand wasn’t that different from throwing knives while standing on an expensive parquet floor in a ballroom, although sand was softer, of course. It might make a difference if you threw knives while running, but he wasn’t ready for that yet.

So, he finally moved on to a new and exciting exercise: Throwing a knife into a target with … well, Mistress Alina called it a full rotation knife throw.

She also recommended wearing hard toe shoes, for safety reasons, so that’s what he’d put on in addition to his very pretty and very white training ensemble. He’d come to the realization that you didn’t become a master swordsman just because you wanted to be one, but by practicing on a regular basis which kind of sucked, to be honest. If he had to fail on his way to mastery, then he would at least make sure that he did so in style though!

Last edited by Devin on Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:06 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 897


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Throwing Knives, Part 2

Devin grabbed Mistress Alina’s guide to sword fighting that had been lying in the cart, next to the target, and leafed to the chapter in question, furrowing his brow slightly as he read what Mistress Alina said about full rotation knife throws. She recommended a distance of ten to eleven feet which didn’t make any sense to him. Wasn’t easier to hit the target the closer you were? He thought about it for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders and made a few steps back. He didn’t know how much exactly eleven feet were, but if he ended up approximately twice as far from the target, it should do the job, he decided.

With that thought in mind, he grabbed the first knife by its handle, with the blade facing towards the sky. He compared the way that he was holding it with the pictures in Mistress Alina’s book, read the description of the attack in question carefully, put the book down on the ground, aimed and finally threw his knife with moderate force, trying to remain relaxed as he did so. He’d had a bit of success when it came to throwing knives with half a spin; a single rotation throw turned out to require far more precision though.

He had thought that he had aimed it at the center of the target; the knife didn’t even hit the target though. It landed in the sand in front of it, and Devin grumbled a bit before he produced his next knife. He checked his stance and his grip – the book said that reviewing your grip and your stance on a regular basis was a good idea – and adjusted the position of his fingers a bit, and then he threw the knife again. Attempt followed attempt. Sometimes, he hit the target, but the knife didn’t stick. Sometimes, the knife landed in the sand in front of the target because he hadn’t thrown it far enough, and finally … finally, he managed to hit the target, and what more, the knife stayed there. He was so excited about it that he let out a small cry of triumph.

There was, as another look at Mistress Alina’s book revealed, more that needed to be considered though. She wrote that the goal was to always make the same movements with your arm and body and always use the same amount of force. She wrote that those movements needed to become automatic which was definitely something that Devin was failing at so far even though he’d never admit it out loud. When he used a sword, he moved his arms in a lot of different ways. Sometimes, he used less force, and sometimes more.

This here though …

… this here felt weird, to be honest!

He tried to not throw his knives too hard, and at one point he actually grumbled at his arm because it didn’t want to move the way that he wanted it to (Why didn’t his body obey his brain, for Delroth’s sake?!).

He tried throwing his knife again and again, with very mixed results, because a single moment of success that had happened what seemed like an eternity ago wasn’t nearly enough in his opinion and might just have been coincidence, and because he wanted to be the best, at everything, before he moved on to the next exercise, a technique that worked especially well when it came to close distances: throwing a knife with no rotation. That technique had the advantage that any object that passed the knife’s trajectory would be hit, according to Mistress Alina. It sounded like a very useful and easy exercise, but in reality, it turned out to be incredibly hard. So far, Devin had thrown his knives with half a spin, or a full spin, and he had to adjust to a whole new way of throwing them now as a consequence. He missed the target.


Just as things finally (finally!) started to go a little bit better again, he heard someone clap their hands, and then a man that was definitely not Aidan who had been watching him patiently so far remarked in a tone of voice that managed to be slightly sarcastic and sweet as honey at the same time somehow, “Well done, Baron von Smooglenuff, well done! I really like your determination, although your skill with thrown weapons seems to pale compared to your skill with a blade. I thought that you’d be taller than me though!”

“And I thought that you’d be …” Devin began and turned around in order to look at the man that had just addressed him He was a bit taller than him, with dark hair and dark eyes, and he was dressed after the newest fashion. He was handsome enough that Devin wondered if he should try and flirt with him, although he usually preferred blonde or white hair (On young people; he wasn’t attracted to old people with white hair!). “Who exactly are you?” he asked and blinked slightly before he abruptly turned to face Aidan. “And why didn’t you tell me that I had a spectator?” he wanted to know.

“I always thought that you liked having spectators, and besides, he seems really nice to me, so I didn’t want to interrupt you. You were focusing really hard”, Aidan remarked and shrugged before he smiled at the tall, dark and handsome stranger in a way that made Devin wonder if he fancied him. Why, Aidan even batted his eyelashes a bit!

“Jessil Del Gentel, Master Swordsman“, the tall, dark and handsome stranger introduced himself in the meantime, bowed in a rather dramatic fashion and offered a hand for Devin to shake. His voice was quite deep, Devin noticed. “I’ve heard that you’ve been training your staff, with some success, and I have an offer for you, an offer that you shouldn’t refuse as it might affect your reputation that seems to be just as precious as mine negatively. Very negatively. You and me, we should duel. It will be a friendly duel, of course, rather than one of those ugly, messy ones, just a comparison of our abilities, until first blood.”

“What do you say?” he asked and smiled radiantly at Devin.
Last edited by Devin on Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:28 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1063


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Throwing Knives, Part 2

Devin considered Jessil’s offer – and considered it again. He wasn’t entirely sure if he liked the man’s attitude, but he was attractive which was something that he definitely liked, and what more part of his little speech sounded like a speech that he, Devin, would have held. Finally, Jessil was a skilled swordsman, or claimed to be such, at least. If he managed to defeat him, it would improve his reputation that was already pretty great even further. He couldn’t wait to officially add “Master Swordsman” to his list of titles!

He glanced at Aidan for a moment who looked as if he was far too busy having thoughts of the mature variety in order to be able to offer any kind of meaningful advice. He briefly wondered if he should be jealous before he decided “The more, the merrier!” because they could just all find each other attractive, and then he smiled just as radiantly as Jessil and replied in a very, very charming tone of voice,

“Yes. Let’s duel! But not here, not on this beach where our only witness is Aidan. Let’s duel in the garden of Smooglenuff Manor where my entire staff will be able to watch us. You’ll have to eat dinner with me first though. I always feed my guests – it’s pretty much become a tradition at this point - and besides, I have to admit that I find myself rather interested in you”, he told him and grinned. That was true, but he also hoped to learn more about Jessil’s style. Maybe he had a weakness that he would be able to exploit in order to win their fight.

Everybody had weakness, right?

Apart from himself, of course!

“Of course”, Jessil replied and smiled, revealing a mouth full of perfect and pearly white teeth. “I’d be honored to join you for dinner. Shall we go?” he asked which caused Devin to furrow his brow for a moment. He hadn’t planned on dueling Jessil that trial, but he decided that he might as well. There was nothing wrong with a little spontaneity, right?

So, he helped Aidan put the target back on the cart, collected his throwing knives, in a way that made it impossible for Jessil to ignore the handles that were made of real gold, and then they were on their way to the manor.

For a moment, Devin was quite tempted to put an arm around the shoulders of the man who had just challenged him to a fight, as if he were a very old and very good friend rather than a complete stranger, but then he decided on walking close to him so that Jessil could see exactly how attractive he was instead – and admire the fact that he was in excellent shape.

Devin was in fact in the best shape of his life!

The story continues here.

word count: 489


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Throwing Knives, Part 2


Player Name: Devin Thorne Von Smooglenuff

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: nope


Blades (thrown): 3
Detection: Signs that your friend finds someone attractive
Mathematics: Using your feet to measure the distance
Seduction: Walking close to someone so that they can see exactly how attractive you are

Renown: 5 for accepting a challenge.

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: Hey, I see you used one of my consequences! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and this seems like a very fun and new scenario for Devin. However, I wonder if he is concerned that he might get a scar if Jessil lands first blood? Maybe Devin is just that confident that he'll win!

Either way, the solo flowed well, from the practise session with the throwing knives. It did seem like a good idea to practice on an empty beach. Aiden as always is a good foil for Devin. I wonder if Devin will still bother to invest in bodyguards when this is said and done? Even a great fighter can use some backup, from time to time.

There is a small thing that popped out to me about the dialogue from Jessil:
Off Topic
“I’ve heard that you’ve been training your staff, with some success, and I have an offer for you, an offer that you shouldn’t refuse as it might affect your reputation that seems to be just as precious as mine negatively. Very negatively. You and me, we should duel. It will be a friendly duel, of course, rather than one of those ugly, messy ones, just a comparison of our abilities, until first blood.”
The dialogue was great thoughout this piece, but that one sentence kind of ran on and sounded slightly awkward. I was at first wondering whose reputation he was talking about. I'm not quite sure how better to structure it though, so maybe I'm imagining it being awkward.

Anyway, great writing, I wish Devin luck in the Duel!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 355
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