28th Ashan, 721
following: this
"We should build a pathway here," Rover said. "It will help with the transportation of good and people between the Beacon and the settlement." Vega looked at him and nodded. "What resources do we have?" Rover asked. Vega looked at him and thought about it. "I sent my cousins out to gather a load of them, a while ago. Wood, Phoenix, Char an' Gemini wood as well as normal wood. Sands, magic sands of all types. An' glass. " He nodded. "People? Stones? Transportation?" Vega thought about it. "Well, all the settlers are happy to help. Then there's me, Arlo, my Papa an' Arlo's Papa. My three cousins an' their wives, my friend Escher. Our friend Kisaik, an' our friend Doran." He nodded.
"What skills do they have?"
Vega's eyebrow rose. "I mean - lots." Rover nodded. "I understand. I need to be clear though. Tell me?"
In order to make sure that she was clear, Vega stopped and thought about it. "So, the settlers, I've taught a lot of them woodworkin'. Fletchin'. There's hunters who are overseen by Lars, an' there's Jarad who's a builder. My Papa is a seafarer who works wood, too, Arlo is a chef, an' a storyteller an' he's marked by Cassion an' U'frek, an' he's good with weapons. My cousins are gardeners, an' carpenters, an' builders - their wives are like gardenin' an' needlework an' basketweavin' an' stuff." Thinking about it, she considered it. "Kisaik is a priest of Ashan, an' he grew that, an' Doran is an alchemist." Rover nodded.
"So we have strong backs and strong arms. Willing hands and many skilled people?"
Vega nodded, confirming. "What about you?" Rover asked and she grinned at him. "I'm doin' this because Xiur asked me an' Doran to. I'm marked by him. By Daia, an' Qylios an' Ilaren. I'm cursed by Faldrun, an' I'm his mortalborn child. I'm better with a sword than anyone, an' I'm a musical prodigy, so they tell me." Vega shrugged slightly. "I'm a woodcrafter an' I can hunt anythin' an' survive pretty much anywhere." He nodded. "You've arranged it thus far?"
That prompted another nod from Vega. "Yeah. I spent the last arc in Rharne, in Storm's Edge. Oh, I'm a Warden of the Lake Lovalus, an' I learned in Storm's Edge how important leadership is. I've honed my bossiness to a fine art." He smiled at her. "You've done well. But we can be a lot more efficient. I want five people to build a road. It doesn't have to be marvellous, but it should be as good as it can be. Vega nodded. "We can do that." Rover glanced at Herman. "I want it organised as a matter of urgency. It will speed everything up. We need to be able to get resources up here, much more efficiently."
Herman nodded. Vega explained then, the best she could, something which she found hard to put into words. "I don't rightly know how else to say this, but the people here work together in a way I can't rightly explain." Her eyes were as serious as they could be - she genuinely had no idea of how much of a difference she made to the place. "The people here, they work together. They work hard an' smart an' they amaze me every trial." Herman looked at her and his small eyes narrowed.
"So, how many people do you need?" Once they'd determined that, Jarad was assigned to Herman to make the road to Hope Point. Vega glanced at Rover.
"I got to give it to you," she said. "You know what you're doin'."