• Solo • Dunes have two faces. Like some people.

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Dunes have two faces. Like some people.

It is evident to me
25 Ashan 721
continued from here

It was just sunrise, and the early Ashan air was still cold. The water was even colder. Amoach had materialized on the opposite side of the crossing, watching Oram ride Mule through the sluggish, spated creek. The cold did not trouble Oram, but he made a point of getting Mule into the sunlight and drying him off as quickly as possible. He removed the saddle, changed the damp saddle blanket out for his own wool blanket, then reattached the saddle. The hunter would lead the animal rather than riding it for the next couple breaks, waiting for the trial to warm up before mounting again.

The wooded areas near the creek gave way to open grassland as Oram headed north, the sun clearing the mountains to his right. The land breeze at his back faltered, and the air grew still and warm. By the time the traveler felt the first breaths of sea breeze blowing in his face, Mule seemed plenty warm and dry.

Atop Mule, Oram could see farther. As one went north, the terrain quickly went from level to gently rolling, and the grasses grew longer, lankier, not as lush. The traveler soon found himself in an expanse of small, thinly-grassed dunes stretching as far as one could see to the east, west, and north; there were occasional patches of scrub, but for the most part the ground was covered in sawgrass. The hunter could see bits and patches of sand beneath the grass, and that sand was often strikingly red.

This would not be great farmland, Oram judged, but sheep might graze here. So might horses, he thought, and he dismounted for a bit and let Mule loose to see what he would make of the area’s offerings. He marked the location on his map and took some samples of the sand. These did not look different from the sand one found near Almund, but its presence here was odd; the coastal sand near Scalvoris tended to be green. Mule nibbled half-heartedly at the sawgrass; he found it edible but not especially tasty, Oram guessed. After drinking some water and taking a couple bites of bread and fruit, Oram remounted and continued north, continually re-checking his True North Gem to make sure he was not drifting too far east or west.

After about another break the hunter saw his first patches of purple grass ahead. Thinking of the oddities he had seen with Hop the trial before, Oram investigated more closely. The surroundings offered no high vantage point, nor were there any talking puffins on hand to point out the “bigger picture” to him, so it was not easy to discern any large scale patterns at a glance. Still, he suspected that he was dealing with another one of those weird linear patterns, and this seemed to be borne out as he began to find other oddities such as lines of mushrooms. At length, he satisfied himself that the line he was looking at ran east-to-west.

Since Slag’s Deep was uppermost on his list of concerns, Oram headed east, to follow the line to the banks of the north-south run, the same one, he knew from his map, that ran under that bridge and past Egilrun. The line of discolored vegetation continued on the other side of the river as far as Oram could see from his side, without changing direction. Before turning around to follow the line back west, the traveler searched the banks for sand, which include patches of green as the Smooglenuff map had led him to expect. After taking a sample of this, as well as refilling his water skins, Oram remounted and headed back west, to find out if, as he increasingly suspected, the trail of odd vegetation ran all the way across to the coast.
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Re: Dunes have two faces. Like some people.

It is evident to me
25-26 Ashan 721

It was already passing mid-trial by the time Oram turned around to follow the line westward, to see how far it went in that direction. Ruffin had said he could see the “wrongness” from where he lived on the coast, so the traveler had a guess that might go for this line, too. So he rode over the dunes, occasionally dismounting to walk Mule over a tricky patch. The afternoon wore on. The sun bore down from overhead and slowly sank down in front of him. Oram lowered his straw hat to keep the sun out of his eyes as long as possible. Perhaps he should have come this way first.

The line continued westward towards the horizon, and so did the sun; eventually, the latter was so low that Oram could no longer face ahead without discomfort, no matter how far down he brought the rim of his hat. To his surprise, though, Mule seemed unperturbed. The animal in fact pointed its nose straight at the sun and kept going, only blinking from the glare if he turned from one side to the other. Oram kept his head down, his truth north gem in his lap to ensure his bearing, even though the sun right in front of him probably made that unnecessary.

By the time the sun was down, Oram could smell the sea, and was starting to feel the sea breeze mainly from the west. He was close to the coast now, and the patchwork line of odd vegetation still stretched out before him. Dismounting, he led his mule away from the strip of purple sawgrass into a patch of the more normal-looking stuff. He didn’t need Mule eating something funky and getting sick. He himself ate and laid out his bedroll for the night. The sandy soil did not grip tent stakes properly, and the weather looked to be mild, so the traveler risked sleeping in the open.

Oram awoke to find everything damp with dew; Mule’s saddle blanket still was not completely dry from the trial before, but it couldn’t be helped. Setting out westward, guided by the strip of odd vegetation, Oram rode about a break before finally cresting a last sawgrass-crowned line of dunes to catch sight of the sea. The line stopped, as far as the hunter could tell, where the vegetation did; he could trace no sign of it in the green sand, nor out into the water.

Oram peered out over the ocean, wondering what lay out in that direction. Dismounting, he took out his map and perused it. If he was reading it right, Immortal’s Tongue lay that way; however, he could not see it from where he stood. While here, he took three samples of green sand here, one on the landward side of the dune he was on, one from the beach along the course of the unseen line, and one from another spot on the beach. He had a hunch there might turn out to be some subtle differences among the samples, depending on where they had been taken from. Mounting Mule once more, he headed southwest, following the coastline in search of the next line, the one that, if Ruffin had told it true, ran all the way from the shore to the bridge where they had met two trials before.

Oram found it, around mid-trial, similarly marked with discolored sawgrass, as well as those weird rows of mushrooms and clumps of deformed bushes. Now that he knew what to look for, the woodsman did not need an elevated vantage point to trace the general shape of the line. He could tell that it ran northwest to southeast. After marking it on his map, he followed it back to the creek he had forded yesterday. The line led him to a different crossing site, one several miles west of the one he had used before. The creek widened slightly here, but was not too deep. However, Mule instinctively avoided the line of strange water plants that grew along the line’s trace under the water. Oram himself could not even bring himself to touch the stuff to gather a sample for some reason.

Although it was late afternoon already by the time he was near the ranger camp, he decided to press on, all the way to the headquarters in Egilrun. It was already twilight when he arrived at the compound. Herman eyed him curiously when Oram brought Mule into the stable. ”Did you find what you were looking for?” the stable master asked. ”Hop came back yesterday evening. He wanted to talk to you when you got back." And no, before you ask, he didn't tell *me* what about, nor about anything that happened on his outing." He eyed Oram ruefully. "I don't suppose you'll tell me much, either," he ventured.

Oram shook his head. ”It is evident to me,” he answered, ”that I have nothing of interest to report to either Hop nor to Chief Ranger Elliott.” He left the stables then, to set off in search of those two rangers to whom he evidently had nothing of interest to report.
word count: 878
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Re: Dunes have two faces. Like some people.


Review Rewards

Name: Oram

Points awarded: 10xp

[Animal Husbandry] Keep your animals’ tackle as dry, warm, and clean as possible.
[Logistics] Account for the effects of changing daylight on your planned activities.
[Mount:Land] Riding a mule across a ford.
[Mount:Land] Your mount’s vision probably works differently from your own.
[Navigation] Recheck your bearing continuously to ensure you aren’t drifting off course.
[Navigation] Linear terrain features can be used to chart and follow a rough course.

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level


Mr. Oram's continuing adventures have him traveling north! As your GST mod, I enjoyed getting the chance to catch up with what scowly man is up to. Apparently, he doesn't like to be told 'no'.

This was a quiet read, as they usually are when it's just the character and their observations/thoughts. I appreciated getting to know a bit more about how Oram thinks and what his thought process looks like. He's so constant and methodical. There's a puzzle to be solved and by damn if he's not going to try to get to the bottom of it if only to sate his curiosity. He knows something's wrong and it's not sitting right with him. That tenacity comes through brilliantly in your writing.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 240
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