Entry #7174 - Veshkäth cïênêlïth

1st of Cylus 720

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Entry #7174 - Veshkäth cïênêlïth

1st Cylus, 720

Quick were the people to arrive at the bar, to flood the restaurant and occupy most booths. Kinship and joyful chatter seemed the cure for the endless night and freezing cold. Meads, beers and wines were now held in hand instead of flickering torches or dim lanterns, and the miserable expression of displeasure now served as compost for wide smiles and eager laughter. Someone had pulled out a fiddle and flooded the hall with it’s melodic whine, and the wide walls now held what Zekuseeyros thought was something akin to hope or bliss. In truth, the only thing he felt delight for was his early arrival and his claiming of not only a portion of the bartop, but of a highly demanded stool as well. Joy came in little portions for him, and when it did, he felt immensely grateful. He thought of Faldrun and of his father for a moment, sent them a quick thank you through thought.
The aukari sipped Firebeer through a homemade straw made to slide through a small slot in his helmet. Being prisoner inside that metal bucket for many arcs now, the eccentricity of his solution was only matched by its ingenuity. Although claiming many curious glances and a good portion of jests about the matter, long ago he had forgotten to pay much mind to them. A good sip of firebeer was worth whatever jibe that came. It came in slow portions, this reward of his, often preceded by a good amount of time scribbling down in his grimoire - a most peculiar task to undertake at a bar. Why so would a warrior of his class partake in such killjoy activity? Fear, of course.
Zekuseeyros had somewhere along his life learned the importance of remembering. Perhaps it was when he discovered about his incoming fate, about an inevitable death by fire brought for reasons he could not understand. His father and all that came before had managed to find solace in the fact of writing down in their books. In his readings, all those arcs ago, he had witnessed this. They scribbled down their lives in hopes of teaching their heirs about this, and that. They’d speak of what they had learned so that, should they fail in their quest, the next in line knew better and, hopefully, manage to beat the odds. Zekuseeyros’ journaling came from a far less altruistic place. It was a deep fear of his to forget, to wake up one day and ask where was he or what he had done - or what was to happen to him. In that journey, he’d scribble down a detailed account of his day, of his actions, of his surroundings, and, if they did not compromise his strength with a depressive nature, of his thoughts as well.
It would take a very experienced scribe to understand what he wrote. It was in common, yes, albeit written in a very uncommon manner. He wrote in diminutive script and in cursive for the fact it was faster to write. Faldrun knew he hadn’t much time to spare. And he was thorough. Should he turn some pages and read around back, he’d find he could relive trials not even worth a memory, let alone a thought. He’d find his thoughts on a man or a woman he had met only once, regardless of how plain and simple they were, how inconsequential they’d be in the grand scheme of life. It was through journaling he discovered people were, truly, rarely worth a thing. A sheep or a pig were of more use and more consequence than the vast amount of mortals.

By the time he had finished accounting the events of his arrival, he’d unfold the map loaned by the bartender. It was a redheaded man with a large beard. He reckoned it was Zana’s father, albeit there had been no introductions nor any attempt of conversations from both parties. He took a good look at the town and the island, then formed a travel plan. Scalvoris held two of his heirs, both of which he had to visit. It had been almost ten arcs since he had been last visited, and the layout seemed foreign to him. Somewhere in the grimoire he could find a bad and outdated drawing of it, albeit the aukari felt no need to revisit the journal. He’d flip the pages and go to the ending, a place filled with the names of his women, the type of transaction made, and their location. It was a long list, which clenched his heart. Many names were striked out, others were added a small index to another page wherein he had journalled about his visit. He hated this list. He felt like ripping it off and setting it on fire.

Dïonetheey - Agreement - Egylrun - #4564
Oleeya - Unwilling - Darbyton - #4575

Unwilling. The word bore a hole through his heart. Trying to distract himself, Zekuseeyos sipped some firebeer and studied the scalvoris map. He found the town, then looked at the roads. He began forming a travel plan towards Egylrun.

word count: 858

Zekuseeyros is followed by a small cloud whenever he goes. It hovers two feet over him and gives him personalized weather. This means it could rain in a clear day, be sunny in a rainy day, or even show the stars in broad daylight. Part magic and part illusion, he has no control over it as it reacts in opposition to his emotions.

In thread it will often be called 'curse', 'scourge', 'bane' or something of that nature.
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Re: Entry #7174 - Veshkäth cïênêlïth


A couple of firebeers later, Zekuseeyros was had lost his will to update his grimoire. He had gone broody two or three tankards later, and the more he sipped, and the more the spicy, dark-roasted beer burned his stomach, the more restless he grew. Through the visor of his helmet, he kept staring at Zana. There she came and went, brandishing that wide, beautiful smile everywhere she went. Leaving the weapons at the entrance seemed like a rule only for patrons. A whirlwind of fantasies took over, and what was once romantic first turned erotic then turned profane. Her red hair had hypnotized him, albeit judging by her father - the bartender - she was as aukari as the sole of his boot. Even so, he felt tempted, and for that he felt miserable. The warrior was no stranger to dread, albeit he had the bad tendency to delight in his misery. A few drinks were enough to send him into a spiral of self-pity, summoning incomplete fantasies that he gladly let them rule over him. They came in all forms and shapes; a life as a farmer, a carpenter, a blacksmith, a home filled with the sensual scent of a loved woman and the jolly laughter of growing, healthy children. Such fantasies of bliss and simple mindless joy had killed more men than disease, famine and war combined.

Inner world aside, Zekuseeyros was slowly becoming a living clique. There he was, bent over the counter, getting drunk and brooding. Was that not the sight of every miserable man worth one’s whole contempt? Something within everyone gives endless hatred for such lost souls, as if their being lost on their journey was mortal sin - an offence worth immediate punishment. Fate forbid someone doubting where they’re going, or what they’re doing. No need for divine punishment to rain down from the skies, not when every mortal becomes a judge of your character, your history and your very soul.
With a bottle of rum as company, Zekuseeyros had rented a room in the upper floor of the Knight’s Rest. Naked save for his helmet, he laid on his bed sipping rum through his straw. He’d close his eyes and lay, and wait for something - anything, really. While he waited, he thought. Thinking! What a curse. Much like booze, one could never get enough of thinking. The aukari knew himself well. It was the combination of exhaustion, dehydration and the alcohol what put him in such a grimy mood. He often lived in a loop, aware of his own nature yet unable to change it. Why question it then? Why allow oneself to be tortured by his own hand?

So and so and so, the aukari kept this pseudo-intellectual questioning of his own consciousness up until he fell asleep.

( OOC: I don't know where I was going with this. Sorry if you had to read this crap. )
word count: 491

Zekuseeyros is followed by a small cloud whenever he goes. It hovers two feet over him and gives him personalized weather. This means it could rain in a clear day, be sunny in a rainy day, or even show the stars in broad daylight. Part magic and part illusion, he has no control over it as it reacts in opposition to his emotions.

In thread it will often be called 'curse', 'scourge', 'bane' or something of that nature.
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