Long Overdue

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Long Overdue


So, I've been cruising your forums for a while. I was brought in by Mythic a while back, and I don't think I ever actually made in introduction post (oops lol). Here I am, now.

● Have you roleplayed before? If so, where? If you have, how long have you been roleplaying for?
I've definitely roleplayed before. I started out ages ago on chat sites (RC and IJ) in high school, and since those chat places were pretty racy a lot of time, I quickly learned that the internet was not an innocent place for a kid to be. I was 14. I pretty much took a leave of absence after that until 2011, when I stumbled into the play-by-post scene on Mizahar, and though I had my ups there, I had a buttload of downs too, and I played on a couple other chat sites (RPC and RPH).

So, my story is long and varied, and I've made a lot of friends along the way. I ended up getting the boot from Mizahar, and was told that this place was booming, so I came crawling back after a loooong time of absence. Hey there.

● Do you have any nicknames you go by? Is there a name you prefer people to call you?
Well, when I started roleplaying again in 2011, I remembered my trials as a youth, and thought to avoid creepy strangers by giving people a fake name. So, I did. I go by Anna online, but lately I've been giving out my RL name to a few people who I talk to a lot of time (or who I added to my PSN after knowing them on Miz a long time). Regardless, I answer to Anna usually, but I'm getting tired of it. The real name's Teresa.

● What are some of your most favorite characters you've made? They can be from MMORPGs, Video Games, etc.
My favourite character ever was this angel, named Yrael (who was simply the "real" face of my illusion-obsessed demon Otana). She had a good run on RPC, and I traded her out for a savage witch on RPC named Aracoeli. Otherwise, I really, really liked playing Yra on Mizahar, and my asshole Werewolf Nord in Skyrim (Eira Wolfhowl). I like being a bad guy, I guess.

● Is there anything you're excited about when it comes to the Standing Trials RP? Anything that you're concerned with?
Ooooh, so many things I am excited about. Faldrun is the coolest of them all, for starters, and I'm psyched to work on my Aukari once the season changes. I look forward to watching, and even partaking, in ST's development, and I'm really excited for how booming the site has become since I was last here, especially since a lot of these new guys are people I loved to thread with and admired on another site (but I am also excited to meet and thread with the people I don't know!).

I don't really have any concerns, though. I'm not very picky, and I just really like being here on this site.

● Do you consider yourself skilled in something (Art for example), if so, what is it? Do you have a favorite hobby besides RPing?
Um. I guess I am skilled at dealing cards. I get paid to do it, and it's really fun, and I feel like I do it really well. Other than that, I like to cook. I save a lot of recipes and I use them. My current fave is grilled cheese variations. I get a lot of good comments on that.

● What is something unique about you?
I read the Twilight Saga probably 15 times now, and it still bothers me.
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Long Overdue

Welcome! I really like your CS.
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A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.
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Long Overdue

Thank you! :)
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Long Overdue

Hey Teresa, yeah I just go with real names too, my name is Erik, nice to meet ya! I'm also over the whole made up name thing too lol

Your illusion character sounds awesome, love it !!

I wonder what it is where people decide to go from chat RP to play by post, is PbP more about writing ??!?! I started play by post and didn't really do that chat RP so its a transition that's foreign to me.

Anyway, card dealing, that's ... Actually really unique. And kinda awesome.
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