[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

He just had to shake his head as he helped her onto the ground. She had a large...guard bird…He saw everything now it seemed as he looked around her camp.

It seemed she had set up a tent and a bedroll inside it. He would let her rest later once she was taken care of but he had a feeling she did not want to bleed in her tent but he had to take care of her now even if she had an issue with blood on the ground. He would figure out how to cover it up just in case as he placed his bag near him.

“Tose, I need you to lay down on your left side as I need to look at your right side and help you now.”

It was not much of a request as he helped her towards the ground to lay down. He could not take any longer to really look at her. Her blood stood out along her soft tan skin. It did not seem she had any real injuries besides this one as his eyes looked closely at her bare skin.

He slowly and as gentle as he could he moved the fabric off the wound and poured water from his water-skin along her skin. He had to clear up the blood first and figure out the state of the wound. It seemed to be a good six inches long but the widest part was only half an inch wide and did not seem that deep. He placed his fingers along it getting a closer look as the blood moved out of the wound.

Good. It was not deep he saw. Just more blood due to the area but she would not bleed to death as nothing major was cut or damaged. It would scar and she would be on bed rest and sore for a good deal odds are but she would live.

Once he washed the excess blood off her skin he looked in his bag as he grabbed another strip of linen fabric and placed it on the wound again after wetting it down a bit to help it from sticking to her skin from the blood. He did not have anything ready it would seem to help this wound but it would help her body to heal as he looked to see what he did have.

He still had needle and some silk thread. He could use that to stitch her up but the wound was just on the border of needing it to be done. If it was any larger he knew he would have to do it but if it was smaller he would not even think about it. For now he placed them back in his bag as he had a feeling she would be fine without it since he could give the attention it needed.

He did have a simple stone mortar and pestle that he could crush herbs up with. He could try to find the right herbs in the area and make a quick paste like substance to help her with the rest of the bleeding and pain. He saw that as they were not moving it was already stopping for the most part but he wanted to make sure.

“Tose Stay Still.”

He told her in her tongue as firmly as he could as he stood up. He would have to scout the area and try to look for any herbal plants that he could use for her. He was not as skilled in that life as his mother was but he could try to figure out what he needed as he left her alone. He had a good feeling her bird would keep her safe.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt


She agreed simply as she followed his directions to lay on the ground. It was good. The blood went back into the earth to nurture it, and it could be fairly easily buried to reduce the scent of blood in the area once it stopped falling. There was still an easily followed blood trail leading to them, but she trusted the Ojọgbọn, as well as You Bastard and her own skills to keep them safe.

She had the feeling that Sadon would have strong words if she was forced to defend them, but that was healers for you. They were always right of course, they were just often not evry realistic. Do not move this way. Do not walk. Do not lift. Well, sometimes those things were necessary. She could understand being annoyed by someone undoing your hard work though so perhaps that was fair. She still didn't intend to sit still if one of the Lisarra-twisted dared the spirits and came to attack them though.

She winced slightly as he removed the fabric he'd put on her wound earlier. It hadn't been terrible, since it'd not really been given the chance to dry, considering her continued exertions had kept the wound bleeding, but it didn't feel very nice either. His tending seemed to involve an awful lot of poking, though she was fairly sure he was trying to be gentle. On the plus side, if one were being entirely objective, at least the girl got to feel fairly satisfied with herself for bearing up so stoicly, as she believed a hunter ought to. It very nearly made up for almost passing out and getting foolish earlier. Well. In her defence she was only a Junior Hunter.

"Will stay."

She agreed again to his next command, not feeling particularly like hopping up and running away to climb any trees regardless. The less she moved the less it hurt. It was just a sort of.. a prickly red, throb. A heat. Until she moved the wrong way or he poked a little too hard and then her stomach wanted to turn inside out and she felt like her brain was doing a little flip that might end with darkness.

As he moved to go.. do whatever it was he was doing, a rather important thought bubbled up from the muddle that currently resided in her head.

"Do not run from Gaur! Look in eye, show respect, walk backways, slow."

She focused on her breathing, trying to slow her heart rate, which was pounding away asthough she'd sprinted through an entire hunt. To give her something else to focus on, she thought back to the story she'd tried to tell him, and how she would have told it if she'd been able.

Once upon a time, many lives ago, when the world was young, the Sev'ryn lived off the land, but it was very hard. There were no trees you see, only flat land as far as the eye could see. Nothing to build our homes with, nothing to make fire with, nothing to make our bows with and no cover. The Sev'ryn did the best they could, for even then we were a brave, resourceful people, but we were cold, and we could not hunt as well, and we were exposed to all manner of beasts who wanted nothing more than to rend and tear, to destroy because they were unmakers, not even for food.

Worse than that though, there was nowhere for our familiars to live safely, and many Sevir felt their familiar die before they'd even had a chance to start searching for them.

Moseke saw us, saw our need. She knew that we would persevere no matter what, for we loved life as much as she did. So the Great Mother decided that she would use life to foster life. She plucked a single hair from her head, and she planted it in the ground, and bade it to grow. Grow it did, into the great Ojọgbọn. As Moseke is a mother, and Ojọgbọn sprang from her, so too is it a mother, the Mother of all trees. It grew strong and tall, and shed its seeds faster than the Cycles would have allowed anything that did not spring from the Mother herself. Around it grew the Makubwa Lori, the Endless Forest. And we, the Sev'ryn and our familiars rejoiced, for life became much better. We had somewhere to hide when hiding was needed, we had shelter from the elements, we could build, and our familiars could live much more safely as they waited for us to find them.

Makubwa Lori grew and spread. It spread so far that some came to think there were many forests. We know that this is not so. Each tree that you see came from the Ojọgbọn, from Moseke. Some grew far away, in other lands, brought by birds and other animals, other servants of Moseke to spread her gift of life. They may be far apart, but they are all one, connected. Just as all Sev'ryn are one, no matter how far apart we may be. This also is why we respect the forest so. It is of Mosekes own body.

It was an old tale, and one almost every Sev'ryn child had heard at one time or another from on of the Elders. There was comfort even in just telling it to herself.

Sadon must be very far from his family. I wonder if he is lonely? I would be I think. If I left Desnind behind. Even though we are all connected, I think I would still be lonely. He must be very brave.
word count: 969
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Sadon Rosedl
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

Herbalism was not his strong point. He had struggled with it for awhile when he was younger as his mother did her best to pass it down but he did his best to pick up what he could. Just made life easy when he had a book and in a lab that already had the items ready for him that were labeled.

He thought of getting and making a simple garden for his house. Maybe he could try to find some seeds and grow simple plants to get a better idea of it? It was a thought as he bent down looking at different plants and flowers. Some colorful and some just simple white but he was not sure which ones were pointless or would help offhand at this point.

Some plants were helpful, some useless and others were in the poison family. Even his understanding of poisons were lacking but he dabbed in a bit to know how to help cure people from them. Yet he had to wonder if he could make something that could help the hunters. Maybe a drug of sorts to enhance their senses or something to slow down animals after using an arrow. It was a footnote in is head as he picked some white flowers.

They were on the long side, with branching streams with small white petals at the ends. He could not recall the name of them but he thought he could recall something like this was used for bleeding issues.

Could he gather more different types of plants? It was a thought but he was not sure if it would be best to combine too many together as that might not help in the end. When this was over he would see if the city had any hands on lessons with this type of information.

With the white flower in hand he made his way back to the makeshift camp. He knew where it was as he only went in one line and no very far so he could not get lost but as he walked back he took note of his own footprints he left behind the first time he came here. Some stood out more than others but he had to wonder if his boots made him stand out more. Yet it did give him an idea of how hunters could track prey and also be tracked by others.

When he came back he still saw her on her side. He just grabbed his mortar and pestle and took a seat next to her on the ground. His fingers going over the flowers a few times, picking off the petals and removing them. If he had the time and tools he would cut it up and blend it for a bit but this was just going to be a patch job for now.

Once the petals were in the bowl he mixed just a bit of water from his waterskin in and started to crush and mix them together. He was pressing into it and grinding them down as best he could trying to combine them to place on her wound. He knew it would not feel good for her but it would help with luck.

“Have family?”

He asked as he kept at his task. He could have done other things to help but all with his tools. It was the first time he felt helpless it seemed to him but he would try his best. If he could help her with sleep he would but he doubted that she needed much help once she was patched up.

Once it was mixed as well as he could get it he placed the items on the ground and moved to her. His warm hands touching the makeshift bandage and slowly pulling it off. Parts of the blood had dried and he knew it would cause pain and cause it to bleed again but with a bit of time, some water from his skin he was able to get the fabric off showing the wound back to light and the air.

It would sting once it the air touched it but he had a feeling she was tough. She had to be to for being a lone hunter but more so she had no choice now.

He would have told her that this would feel good as he took the the bowl and poured the mixture on the deepest part of the wound as that was what needed it the most and he moved it slowly to the right and left filling out the wound. He would have told her she would feel a happy feeling and it would not be painful. Yet that would be a lie and he did not like to lie. It would hurt. A lot. Yet it had to be done.

Once it went on the skin he would let it rest for a bit before he would take a a strip of cotton out of his bag and wrap it around her as a tight bandage. Afterwards give her the rest of his water and help her to her bedroll and let her rest for awhile.

Once she was resting he would clean up the campsite and cover the blood with dirt and going about 10 to 15 meters from the camp covering the blood as best as he could. Once that was done he would sit and rest near the tent and figure out the next plan.
word count: 915
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

"Family? Yes. All Sev'ryn. Maybe last life, mother, father, child, maybe.. Ah, do not know word. Dabi Uaya. Live together, love. So, all family."

This was true, and one of the reason the Sev'ryn as a race got along so well and tended as a whole to be so tolerant. Who knew who you'd been to each other in your last life, or would be in the next? That didn't mean immediate family wasn't a deeper bond of course, just that the insular way most other cultures lived, the way they removed themselves from their fellows was extremely alien.

"Blood-family though, mother, father, father-mother in Desnind. Maybe you meet, not know. Mother Kan'chiej is tanner, works hide. Father Awo'san is hunter. Father-mother Istin'idur is once grows-plants, but now too old, cannot see, elder. Teaches."

She tensed beneath his hands as he began to uncover her wound once more. She did her best to stay still of course, but she couldn't help a certain amount of unconscious flexing away. Still, he was fairly good at what he did, and betweent he care he took and the use of water, it wasn't too terrible a process.

Until he dumped whatever he'd been grinding up directly into the deepest part of her wound. A strangled whine caught in her throat, and her hands tightened into fists, the muscles in her shoulders and back tensing. Through gritted teeth she asked her question, since firstly it was only polite and secondly she did want to know.

"Your family? Not from here, came far? Lonely?"

She leveraged herself up slightly to help allow him to bandage the wound again. Hopefully for the last time for awhile. Petulant though it made her feel, and as much as she knew he was helping, she felt a bit like the beast that just wanted to hide away with its wound and wait to heal or die. When he offered her water she drank it gratefully, only then becoming aware of just how dry her mouth was.

When he went to lead her to her bedroll she followed willingly enough, though slowly and gingerly. She was not nearly too proud to accept his help in rising and then lowering herself once more, since trying to do so without flexing or bending her side too much was difficult.

Exhausted though she was, both from the loss of adrenaline and blood, sleep did not come immediately, kept at bay by pain, although the terrible burning of whatever he'd dumped into her wound was subsiding, slowly being replaced with a comforting numbness. Which, part of her brain insisted on pointing out, also happened when you'd been poisoned, but she doubted he'd do that on purpose, he seemed to have a good soul, and if he'd done it accidentally there wasn't much that could be done about it now. It was in Mosekes hands.

Through the tent opening she watched him burying the blood and was, honestly, impressed. She hadn't thought he'd have the knowledge to do that. Of course, perhaps he was doing it for reasons other than the ones she would. She vaguely remembered one of the Elders going on about how you shouldn't touch bodily fluids of sick people or animal, or those who had been dead too long. Which made sense, since Lisarra and her plagues were to blame for sickness and bodies did not have spirits within them to fight off her influence.

It wasn't until he'd finished that another thought occurred to her. He was not a hunter and he was not Sev'ryn, so he might not know if she did not say.

"You can share tent, if you like."

It was large enough for two, since she'd not brought a lot of supplies to be stored within it. Hunters would share a tent without even thinking to question it, and this would be culturally acceptable. Even the fairly liberal Sev'ryn may have raised an eyebrow at two single young adults of the opposite sex sharing a tent within Desnind itself without the excuse of hunting however. Though Sadon was not a hunter, this fell under hunting circumstances as far as she was concerned.
word count: 724
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Sadon Rosedl
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

It was something he did not know how to answer that well. He was not on bad terms with his family but he was not sure how to use the right words for her to understand. Yet for now he would just smile at her and let her rest.

Once he was done covering the blood, both due to he knew blood could be bad for the medical side but also he got the idea she would not want the blood around with how she acted when she first got hurt.

He would just have rested outside but she told him to join her. He guessed it was large enough of a tent but he was not use to her customs. Yet he would not pass a chance to sleep in a tent and to share warmth.

He moved into her tent, closing it behind him as he laid down next to her. He was trying to be careful not to touch her wound but he did move close to her as he spooned along her back. His hands idly running along her hair to try to soothe her as he wanted her to rest and relax.

“Mother dealt with herbs. Father gems you wear.”

He said as he found himself starting to relax with her more. The day’s events catching up as he felt the pain again in his ankle. He should wrap it but he did not want to move right now. He would worry about it when they saw the day again tomorrow.

“Hush my little child. I know you have had a rough time. It’s okay now my little child as you are safe now…”

Sadon started to sing softly under his breath as he ran his fingers in her hair. It was a song his mother sung once or twice but he could not recall all the words off hand. Yet he felt it would help her rest as he sing to her.

“Rest now little one for you are safe now. The storm shall rage and pass into a new day so hush my little child and sleep for now.”

Once she started to sleep he would stop petting her and running his hands in her hair and cuddle with her. Being careful not to touch her wound but he would sleep. Tomorrow he would have to figure out something for food and either refill the water or figure out if they would head back to the city for proper treatment. He would let her figure that out as well.
word count: 428
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

He didn't immediately answer her question about his family, and though he smiled, she worried that perhaps she had asked a question he was not comfortable with. Perhaps he and his family did not get along. Maybe he had run away. Maybe they had driven him out. Tose was enjoying and relishing being an adult, and allowed to make her own way, but she also quite appreciated being able to go home when she wanted to. Being easily able to check in with her parents, to share a meal or hear a story. If he couldn't, not just because of distance but also circumstance.. That was sad. She hoped she'd not made him sad. She let him get on with what he was doing in silence, hoping not to make things worse.

When he was done, he took her up on her offer and entered the tent. It was true that hunters sharing a tent didn't usually spoon, but likely he was just being thoughtful since she'd not been game to try and pull her shirt back on and so was one layer shy of what she'd normally have keeping her warm. Ditto the hair brushing was probably healer instincts coming to the fore. It was true she was feeling a bit bad for herself and quite wished she was home with her mum looking after her. Probably her mum would have done something similar, so although it was maybe a bit intimate for coming from someone she'd just met, he obviously knew his craft. Besides. She was hurt and tired and not inclined to care too much about anything short of dire threats. The numbing was continuing to take effect, and with it a certain fuzziness of thought.

She very nearly breathed a sigh of relief when he elaborated a bit on his family. Not their circumstances, or what had led to them being so far apart. Plus she wasn't sure what the past tense signified. Distance, retirement or death? It was interesting though. It seemed as if he'd followed after his mother. At least he didn't seem upset that she'd asked about them.

Shew as woozy enough that simple as it was, some of the songs lyrics passed over her head, and her eyelids started to get heavier and were open fort shorter and shorter intervals. Back in her own tongue, too tired to try and communicate in Basic she mumbled

"Kuzïngätïä ïrïn toṣe teyrpin ar miu ọwọpọ srer eo toṣe cun'ahee ise sise, èrè ies av ibiti kuzïngätïä..."

And then she was out. Save for a few twinges when she moved in her sleep and pulled at her wound, she slept well and deeply through the night. As was her habit, she woke when the first sun peaked over the horizon. She woke sore, hungry but with her usual good cheer. Though she was faced with the interesting dilemma of trying to extricate herself from a bedroll with someone else in it without waking them when she wasn't as mobile as she might like.
word count: 528
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Sadon Rosedl
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

It did not take long for him to fall asleep. His dreams were a bit strange but he would not recall them as he dreamt of Toscun and he was running in what looked like a maze made out of teeth. Running from something or was it to someone? He could not figure it out as he slept.

Once she woke she would see that during his sleep he would end up holding her close to him almost avoiding her wound as he wrapped his arm around her, right under her chest. His breathing could be felt on the back of her neck as he mumbled something about herbs in soft common.

Clearly he did not wake up when the sun did but if she moved she would find he was still a light sleeper and would wake up. His hand curling up as his nails dug into her stomach as his head jerked a bit before going back to being still. Not only was he a light sleeper but was not getting the best of sleep being out of his element.


Sadon muttered under his breath as he slowly woke up. His body moving slowly along her as his nails stopped pressing in her stomach. Some people were morning people. Clearly Sadon was not it would seem as he opened his eyes looking about not even realizing that he was holding on to her.

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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

Forest scent? She flared her nostrils, turning her head slightly and drawing in air just in case. Sometimes dreams were just dreams, but often they were more. She didn't notice anything out of the ordinary though. She smelled them, she smelled her wound and the herbs he'd put in it. No foul scent of rot, it would have been quick for that even if she'd not had a healer with her, but you never knew where Lisarras touch might linger. Earth and trees certainly, the background scents that made up Makubwa Lori. A hint of horse, but nothing that seemed out of place or worrying. Just a dream then.

Even this seemed enough to wake him, at least partially. A trait she approved of in general. Some, when they started training as hunters, were found to sleep so deeply that they were a danger to have out at night. They either had to make only day long trips, or go with parties large enough that true watch could be kept at night. The best hunters could sleep through all the usual noises of the forest, but woke at any that were out of place. Tose wasn't there yet, but that was why she had You Bastard.

"You sleep, lift arm."

Was the fairly soft reply. If he could get a few more breaks of sleep, all well and good. She on the other hand was awake, and the more she thought about holding still the harder it got and the trills dragged by like bits. Plus now she had to pee, and should probably check on her horse. And find breakfast. And make sure nothing had eaten You Bastard in the night and that Spirits hadn't done anything particularly bizarre while they slept. In all honesty she was almost a bit disappointed she'd passed out so quickly. She was curious about whether there had been any spirits last night.

And figure out what precisely she was going to do now that she had to mind this gash. She didn't want to go home empty handed after all this. That rankled. She thought if she was very, very careful and set herself up very well, she could maybe still shoot without agitating the wound too much. Probably. Possibly. She was going to find out. Failing that she'd find fish or frogs or something to bring back. She wasn't dead so she wasn't going home empty handed and that was that.

All that aside, the pressure on her bladder was growing, and whether he took the opportunity to get a little more sleep or not, she was wiggling her way to freedom.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

She managed to free herself, wincing several times as she moved in ways that pulled on her wound, and made for the nearest tree so she could balance as she relieved herself with a sigh of relief. This done she glanced around. Although she was partially checking her surroundings out of habit, she was mostly taking stock of herself now that she was standing and deciding what she was capable of.

She wasn't incapacitated, but she was sore. She was slowed, still felt a little bit off, a little light-headed and stiff. And ravenous. She moved to grab some dried meat from her stores and tore into it, chewing and swallowing one handed as quickly as she could until her hunger abated somewhat. This done, she took hold of her bow. A little experimenting showed her that as long as she kept her right arm stiffer than usual, she could shoot. She wondered briefly if the recoil would hurt, but that was a problem for future Tose to deal with. Current Tose had just run into a roadblock in the form of stringing the bow. Eventually, tears in her eyes from the pain several botched attempts had caused her she managed to slip the string over the top of her bow.

She glanced back towards the tent, but there didn't seem to be any movement from within. Though it might worry Sadon if he emerged and his patient was gone, he would surely assume that she'd not gone far or for long. On some level she was aware that she was being unreasonable, that no one would fault her for heading home now, that even this close to home the Makubwa Lori was dangerous and she was tempting fate by wandering it when she was not at her best. Still, there was a stubborn streak within the normally placid Tose that insisted she was going to contribute and that was that. One slightly older and wiser than her might argue that in saving one of Desninds herbalists, who could do uncounted good in the future she'd more than satisfied her required contribution for this trip, but Tose was still young and sometimes foolish.

So she moved quietly through the brush, alert to any noise and trying to avoid the ache in her side. She stepped carefully, mindful of any fallen sticks or twigs that might give her away. A distant noise caught her attention, not of game, but instead the sound of running water. Making her way towards it, now even more alert, for predators found water sources to be just as good a source of prey as she did.

As she got closer, she noticed evidence of digging in the ground. With a grin she drew an arrow, creeping slowly forward. Ears alert for this specific sound, she caught the almost inaudible squeaking. Slowly, slowly. Don't ruin a hunt because you lacked patience. Steady. The subconscious tightening of her muscles in anticipation was making her side scream and sweat was starting to bead on her brow, but Tose had been born to walk the Hunters path, and with her single minded concentration, she ignored the pain for now. She would pay the price for it later likely, but for now she pressed on.

Eventually she saw flashes of brown fur. As she'd expected, a Coypu! A smile flashed briefly across her face and she settled down onto her haunches, bringing the bow up slowly and notching the arrow. There was brush between her and it, but not of a sort that would slow her arrow. It did make neat cover though. Drawing back the bow, she held it, side screaming, adjusting, making sure she had the shot. Holding her breath, utterly still to make sure her arrow did not waver she sighted once more and then released. A squeal and then silence.

Tose rose, moving forward. As she did, another furred form darted away from her. Without thinking, she drew and released another arrow. Another hit, though this one not so clean, as the continued shrill squeals proved. Grimacing at her own clumsiness, Tose drew her knife and approached the injured rodent.

"Sorry little brother, were my skill greater, you sacrifice would have gone more smoothly. Thank you for giving yourself to nourish and clothe my brothers and sisters."

She spoke soothingly, killing it in one smooth movement before sheathing her knife. Picking up both Coypu, and recovering her arrows, she went to the stream to clean off her knife and arrows, as well as to clean her kills. The water washed all the offal away, not allowing too much blood and death scent to build up. All the same she worked quickly. When this was done she took them by their tails and headed back for camp, favouring her side. Focus was gone and now it hurt once more.

She packed up as much of the camp as she could, before reluctantly waking Sadon. Once he was properly vertical, they headed back for Desnind. Tose rode Nika originally, but found even Nikas steady plodding made her side ache too badly, it was better to walk and so she did. They made it uneventfully back into Desnind, where Tose left the Coypu at the Hunters Pit to be prepared. She went to the healer to make sure nothing more needed to be done for her wound, where a few more herbs and a new bandage was put on it. By this point of course word had spread and her father found her not long after.

He set her camp up for her and left her with strict instructions not to hunt again until she'd healed.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

  • Navigation: 2
    Detection: 3
    Field Craft: 2
    Animal Husbandry: 1
    Hunting: 2
    Endurance: 1
    Acrobatics: 1
    Melee Combat: 1
    Ranged Combat: 1
    Linguistics: 4
    Medicine: 1
    Meditation: 1
Broad Knowledge:
  • Location: Ojọgbọn
    Medicine: Pressure for Hemostasis
    Story: The Myth of the Ojọgbọn
    Fauna: Gaur
    Hunting: Honoring the Kill
Specific Knowledge:
  • Gaur: A Sensitive Nose
    Sadon: Human Healer
    Moseke: Mother of Nature and Life
    You Bastard: Guard Goose
    Kan’chiej: Mother
    Awo’san: Father
    Isin’idur: Grandmother
    Shortbow: Stringing a Bow
6’’ Right Sided Laceration: Moderate
  • Will not heal for 7-10 trials
  • Lacerated Top
    Coypu x 2 were given to the Hunter's Pit
  • Endurance: 1
    Linguistics: 4
    Medicine: 4
    Detection: 3
    Herbalism: 1
    Hunting: 1
    Singing: 1
    Meditation: 1
Broad Knowledge:
  • Medicine: Pressure for Hemostasis
    Medicine: Superficial Wound Assessment
    Medicine: Keeping the Patient Aware
    Story: The Myth of the Ojọgbọn
    Toscun'ahesesi: Family in Desnind
Specific Knowledge:
  • Toscun'ahesesi: Call Me Tose
    You Bastard: Ugly Goose
    Moseke: Mother of Nature and Life
    Gaur: Respect the Bull
Sprained Ankle
  • Healed in 4-5 trials
  • Needle Set: -3 gn (Used in thread)
    50’ Spool of Thread: -1 sn (Used in thread)
    -1 foot Linen
word count: 208
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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