[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

Ashan 34, Arc 716
Though she wasn't hunting yet, with Nika plodding peacefully along bearing her tent and other equipment, and she was on a fairly well used path frequented by the hunters, Tose was still on half alert. Makubwa Lori could be a dangerous place after all. It demanded respect, and those who did not honour it with respect might be ushered into their next life before their time. For all that there was always danger though, Tose felt at peace her. It was good to be home with family, blood and otherwise, but it was also good to be here and connected with the land. Almost unconsciously, her right hand rose to touch the tree tattooed on her left forearm.

Seen and Unseen. Physical and Spiritual. Dark and Light. Life and Death. All things had their reflections, and their place in the grand scheme. So while Desnind was a place to be treasured, it could not be forgotten that it continued because of what Makubwa Lori provided, and just as it provided, it could also take.

They walked for several breaks, occasionally branching off to follow different paths. To one who'd grown up in other parts of Idalos, they were barely more than game trails. To Tose, though she was still learning to track, they might as well have been roads. It was silent in the way of forests, which meant it wasn't really silent at all. Wind blew through leaves, birds and other animals chattered. Nikas hooves thumped on the ground, You Bastard occasionally grumbled bad naturedly or hissed at things unseen that offended him. All of this wove together into the breath of Makubwa Lori. It might still have been recovering from the plague put upon it, but it was recovering.

Eventually they reached the Ojọgbọn. It would have been presumptuous to set up camp right below Mosekes first tree of course, but she felt no such compunction about setting up just beyond the reach of it's branches. There she felt she'd have the eyes of Moseke watching over her, and it was often used by the Hunters as a gathering point, so should one of the others decide to go out today as well, perhaps they would meet up and hunt larger game together. This would be good. If not she would simply go after smaller game. Meat was meat. Plus since the Hunters Roads were not precisely wagon friendly, she was limited to what she and Nika could carry on their backs anyway.

In easy silence Tose removed the gear from Nikas back, and began setting up. Tent first. You Bastard presided over this officiously, swaggering around and occasionally honking or hissing. He wasn't usually unnecessarily loud, as that would draw predators, but the sound restrictions were lessened somewhat during set up, since Tose was making enough noise on her own. At Ojọgbọn one was more likely to run into spirits than earthly predators anyway. Before long, actions made relatively swift but repetition many times before, tent was up, bedroll unrolled within. She cleared the ground where marks showed it had been done countless times before and prepared where her fire would be that night. It wasn't dry season yet, and as long as one was careful, a fire was a good way to stay warm and safe through the night.

She made sure Nika was comfortable and foraging in the general vicinity. You Bastard didn't require much checking on. The mare and tent told him where his territory was and he'd already started pacing the area out, defining precisely what was his and at which point interlopers would be challenged.

Tose looked over her camping spot once more, nodded in satisfaction at what she saw, and then took her bow, knife, waterskin and compass. It was time to get to work.
Last edited by Toscun'ahesesi on Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 651
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

She moved out into the forest. Past experience told her which general direction to start in. She focused on her movements as well as her surroundings as she went. There was a lesson to be learned in everything, if you just had the eyes to see it and the heart to learn it. She concentrated on being mindful of her surroundings. Watching not only for track, but listening and trying to identify wildlife sounds as she heard them. She stepped carefully, trying to be as silent and leave as little trail herself as she could. She was hardly the forest shadow she'd like to be, but one day, with practice.

Eventually she found a trail. Compressed moss, small plants broken. She couldn't find a clear print, and so wasn't certain precisely what it was. It looked to be of at least medium size going by the spacing of the track-hints she did find. She allowed herself a brief grin. That would be convenient, if she found a goodly sized creature on her first try. Of course finding track did not mean finding beast. And finding beast did not mean felling beast. She was inviting people to a feast before she'd even planned the hunt!

Stay alert, she chided herself. It was hard still in some ways. She was hunting alone, she couldn't give all her attention over to tracking, she still had to look after her own safety as well. It was good when the hunters went together. Then when you were tracking you could focus utterly and trust your brother or sister to watch your back.

Almost on cue, a noise caught her attention and she froze for a moment, holding her breathe and slowly turning her head to better identify where it had come from. It came again, a crashing noise and- a yelp! One that had come from a throat like hers if she was any judge. Without another thought about it, bow in one hand, arrow in the other, she broke into a run towards the sound.

Her callused feet found easy purchase in the forest floor, clambering over fallen trees and stray rocks as was necessary, pushing her way through the underbrush in some cases rather than backtracking around it. So much for leaving no track, but if a fellow hunter was in trouble, she'd not leave them to face it alone just because she didn't want to leave footprints. She focused on breathing even as her eyes scanned frantically. In through the nose, deeply for three or fours steps, out through the mouth for the same amount of time. She doubted this would be a long run, but she didn't want to be too winded to help when she got there all the same.

Finally pushing through a last bush, she caught sight of the aggressor. And likely what she'd been tracking to start with. A Gaur. She'd not have hunted this bull alone. It was too large, and dangerously aggressive. While it was no Lisarra-twisted beast, it did not have to be to deserve and demand respect. It's anger could be seen in the way it shook its great horned head back and forth, obviously deciding what to charge now that it had two options. Tose was too busy watching the Gaur to take much note of the one she'd come to help. Hopefully they weren't hurt already.
word count: 580
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Sadon Rosedl
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

This was not his day. Panic filled his body as he let off a scream of panic as he moved back from the large bull looking creature. While Sadon was taller he was no match for this large animal as he backed up on the ground slowly as he found himself on the ground looking up near it.

He was just trying to find more herbs in the area by hand forgot to take note of any correct gear or even figure out where was the safe places he could go without a guide. Mistakes he would not make again if he made it out of here alive.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a lone figure but he did not give it much thought as he looked around. His ankle was in pain as when he fell it felt like he twisted it a bit. His heart racing as the animal made another large sound from it’s throat as Sadon looked about. He could get away it would seem if he got up and jumped under a tree that fell long ago. It would be a tight place but he had to as he did not have any weapons or skills to get around this otherwise.

His heart skipped a beat as he forced his body up and twisted it as he pushed off with his feet. A sharp pain was felt in his right foot as he forced himself to move out of fear. Fear did things to the body. Sadon knew that it could cloud judgement and even dull pain from books but it was one thing from reading and doing as he ran keeping low to the ground.

As he came towards the tree he saw that he could not fit under the gap being so tall. If he was small or a child he could force himself to fit but it was not going to happen in this lifetime as he moved around it, zig zagging around the trees and at last finding himself pressing his back along a tree. His chest pounding as the pain flared to life from his ankle but all he heard was the roar of the animal and the sound of it leaving the area.

He had go to back and find his large bag. He dropped it soon after he met the animal but for now he found his body slipping towards the ground. Adrenaline fading at last as aches and pains were felt in his body. He would have to get his bag and figure out the best way to deal with his ankle but his black leather boots were keeping it steady for now.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

The Gaur suddenly looked away from Tose, back towards it's originally target, which gave her the chance to see what, or rather who that was. She didn't think she knew him personally, but she did have some idea who it was. The Human, the new one who wanted to be a healer. While generally not necessarily distrustful, but just choosing not to involve themselves too much with non Sev'ryn, the general attitude towards this one was tentatively positive. Word was he was trying to learn to speak Xanthea properly, and really anyone who wanted to dedicate themselves to healing others, particularly using the gifts nature provided couldn't be that bad. Desnind, really any Sev'ryn community anywhere, was tight knit enough that opinions were swiftly formed and circulated. That said, Tose wouldn't have left anyone alone and in trouble regardless of what the rumor mill said.

Particularly when they knew so little about the forest and the beasts within it that they turned their back and ran from an angry Gaur. Well, that limited her options somewhat. She thought quickly as he dashed away and the Gaur began to charge after him. He was lucky it was a bull. When a bull charged it closed it's eyes.


She cried out darting forward and swatting the Gaur on it's sensitive nose with her bow. She didn't like using her weapons for this, an actual stick would have been better, but this was what she had in her hand. It reacted by flinching and dodging away from her and the threat to it's nose, bringing its charge up short. It wasn't enough to drive the angered creature away though. Gaur were much more agile than their size might suggest. The dodge was turned into a circle, and in a moment it was charging again, this time at Tose.

Breathe, be fearless, what will be will be, there is only this moment.

Exhaling Tose watched the Gaur coming towards her, too quickly and yet still seemingly in slow motion.


She yelled, spinning to the left and smacking it again on the nose. It snorted, tossing it's head though it shied away all the same, circling to face her once more.


"I do not want to hunt you brother Gaur, no one need bleed today."

Her voice was firm, commanding, and she'd stretched one arm over her head to make herself look as tall as possible. The other, holding the bow was held towards the Gaur, point tracking the movement of it's head. With a snort, it shook it's head one last time before backing away and then turning tail and fleeing deeper into the forest.

It was at about this moment that Tose became aware of a pain in her side. Lowering her arms she looked down.


She commented, seeing the blood welling from the gash along the right side of her ribs where the Gaur had scored her when he tossed his head. She'd never really seen her own blood like that before. She chuckled slighly at the fact that she'd been wrong, someone had needed to bleed after all, before crouching and lowering her head. She was getting a case of light headedness something awful.

I'll just wait a moment. This will pass in a moment, then I'll go find the Human. Almost all of the hunters have true scars. Father does. This is just a scratch.
word count: 588
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

Sadon had looked past the tree and saw the large animal left at last but in it’s place was a young woman. She was not that tall in his eyes but few people were. Her build seemed rather simple with her tan skin and brown hair but what stood out to him was her side.

As he moved closer to her, limping along the way trying not to walk on his right leg much, he saw that her right side was cut open. Right now her torn where her ribs are and bleeding at a rather quick rate yet that sight did not make Sadon green under the gills but more focused on her compared to his own pain.

He saw his bag near her and with luck as he made to it in more of a hurry it was not damaged. His eyes looking back at her as he came closer before stopping. He had noticed her head was more of a bow and body becoming into a crouched position.

“Greetings...I am not going to hurt you but I need to look at that wound first.” His Xanthea was not that rough in his eyes but it was just basic words and still held the tone of being forced as it was no free flowing as common would have been to him. Yet when you lived in the middle of a race that spoke the language you picked it up rather quickly.

“I need to look at that before you pass out. Can you lay down and can I help you?”

He would asked for her permission in her tongue but he could not understand how to form the word as all her words were more of a flowing style like the river. Yet he needed her on the ground and needed to look at the damage she had suffered.

Sadon opened his bag and took out a few items. His waterskin, thread, needle, strips of cotton and one strip of a linen fabric that he kept with him. He did not have any herbs on him for pain nor did he rely on any type of magic to mend the body but he had enough to help her.

“”I need you to lay down and I need to look at the wound without your shirt in the way.”

If he had a knife he would cut off the fabric away but hide was not easy to cut into it. One of the reasons it was used as clothing for protection and warmth. Odds are it helped her far better compared to simple cloth that would have torn with ease.

If she would lay down he would use his bag as a pillow for her while looking at the wound. He would need to see how deep it was and have to clean it. The linen was not as soft as cotton so he would use that to add pressure to stop the bleeding and the water from his waterskin to wash away any dirt.

If she did not lay down he would have to find another way to tell her in her tongue as it did not look like the bleeding was stopping as of now.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

"Yes, you are Healer. This I know."

Her common was stilted but understandable, it was good to have a chance to practice it. She kept her eyes closed and her head down as she answered, listening to his words. The dizziness was starting to recede a bit. She still felt a little light headed, but less like she was going to faint.

"Can take shirt off. But lie down? Not good. Blood in wild. Too many.. sharp tooth? Flesh eater?"

She couldn't find the word she wanted, but hopefully he would understand anyway. He thought like a healer, she thought like a hunter, and what she knew was that while the ruckus would drive most things away, it might draw others, and the scent of blood certainly would. Still, she'd been taught to obey healers from a young age. She'd do what she could, wincing as she drew her shirt over her head. Sev'ryn were less concerned than most races about going topless. Besides which, hunters were more brazen than most, at least among their own. They bathed in the rivers and streams together when they were on hunts. Had he needed her to remove her pants she might have hesitated, though practicality would trump decorum, but shirt? This did not concern her in the least, except that removing it had hurt.

"Make blood stop, go back to Ojọgbọn, big tree. Lie down there?"

She suggested. At least then if she did die her spirit wouldn't have far to go before it was reincarnated. It would be awfully embarrassing to die from the little scratch though for all that looking down at it, face paling, it did not look very little. Perhaps she'd just not look at it again for awhile. That seemed like a very good idea.

Though at least if I die I'll not have to worry about Mother yelling at me for ruining this shirt.

She thought ruefully, bringing an almost smile to her face. Pointedly without looking down, she pressed her arm against her side. Nobody had ever covered ideas like put pressure on the wound, but if you had a waterskin with a hole in it, you could cover the hole and keep the water in for a bit. Perhaps bodies and blood worked similarly.
word count: 389
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

Language was going to be a problem until they knew more. While he was speaking her tongue and her his it would work for now. He was just happy she was not fighting his orders as he moved his hands on her chin moving her head so she would not look at her wound. It never turned out good if you saw your own injuries.

The wound was not the best. It would leave a scar but depending on how you viewed scars could be good or bad. It was clearly made by a single impact. Far from a claw wound as the skin was not jaded, was not a bite as it was not a tear but a tusk wound was different. While it was a long type wound it was not that deep he saw a he poured some of the water onto her bare skin as he pressed the linen on the wound to stop the blood.

While she was using her hands she had he had to move them away to really look at it and help her. At least she had the right idea and with luck he could teach you a bit more so she could stay alive if she was alone hunting. He thought hunters went in groups but maybe he was mistaken.

He was not sure if she would need stitches or not as while it was not that wide it was long however. It was at least five to six inches long but the width was just half an inch wide. It would not kill her but it would be a pain to say the least. He would either need to stitch it up find and create a paste from herbs. Stopping the bleeding would also be a problem due to the size of it and he had a feeling she would not be with it for long.

“Tree. Where?”

He would have to get her there before she passed out. He took his bag over his shoulder, throwing her shirt in there as he pressed the fabric over her wound and moved his arm around her to help her. It was to help her walk without falling over and for him to add pressure to the wound to try to help.


It was a command that left her no room to fight but he doubted she would fight at this point. He had to get her to someplace safe and he had to figure out the best way to handle such a wound. At least one could not say he did not lead an uneventful life.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

"Back. Follow trail."

She pointed unerringly back in the direction of Ojọgbọn. She could not always find her way to where she was going. She could not always track nearly as well as she'd like. She could almost always find her way back to where she'd been, though on some rare occasions that might tracking herself. Perhaps it was good she wasn't a forest shadow yet. This also struck her as fairly funny, which was about when she realized that her judgement might be slightly impaired. Again, ideas like shock had not featured largely in her education, such as it were. Mostly when people in the teaching tales had been injured they either died bravely, and were reincarnated, carried on, persevering through the pain, or a healer or in some tales Moseke herself came and healed them immediately. Wanting to faint and then getting a bit silly hadn't featured heavily.

The commanding tone he adopted was also amusing. Apparently healers were healers no matter the race. Very nearly as bad as mothers when it came to telling everyone what to do and what was good for them. Since she wasn't entirely certain she'd make it back to her camp before being set on by something else though, she was happy enough to lean on- bother, what was his name? He was just the human healer.

"Self-name of Toscun'ahesesi, called Tose. Your self-name?"

She asked him as she started taking them back in the direction of her camp. It was interesting. A bit like a very prolonged fall. She doggedly moved herself forward, he helped with the staying upright when the world wanted to start spinning again. She wasn't happy about the blood trail they were leaving, but it could be worse, and if they had to, they could move from the outskirts to right under the Ojọgbọn. It would make for an eerie night, but most animals steered clear. That place was for the spirits. Still, some of them probably remembered being hunters themselves, she did not think they would mind harbouring one of their own who was in trouble for one night. She would not mind if she was a spirit.

She was very glad she'd decided to bring her gear and set up camp, had prepared for a long hunt rather than just hoping for a quick one. Even with his aid, getting all the way back to Desnind was not an idea she enjoyed. Plus, worst come to worst, she could lash herself to Nikas back and the sturdy mare would find her way home.
word count: 443
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt


He figured he would keep it short and simple for once. After she was better he would let her know his full name but he had to focus on walking, helping her weight and keeping the middle part of the wound pressed down. Her skin, the cloth, his hand were covered in her warm blood. While he did not think of the dangers of fresh blood in the forest he did worry about the lack of blood.

It was not an easy task to handle her and walk with his ankle screaming in pain. He would have to be on light duty later he thought but he would rather be off it later as long as she made it without too much of a problem.

Yet while he wanted to walk in the quiet he had to keep her focused. He could not let her sleep yet until he knew they were safe in many ways of that meaning. He never had to deal with something like this but he knew that she had to keep awake.

“Tose. What stories do you know? I hear that your city is filled with them even if I am sure it’s far different compared to this.”

He asked as he stood still as she waivered now and then either due to pain or blood lose. Either way he would drag her body if he had to. It did not take as long as he thought until they reached her camp. It was nicely set up and away from the elements. As he moved closer to where she laid her bed he heard such a loud and strange sound as he looked around.

Why could it not be a tiger? It was a simple thought as he saw a large ugly bird flying towards them. He did not have any weapons to use on it and he could not just let Tose fall to the ground. If it came to it he would have to throw his bag on the large bird or use his own body as a shield if it came to attack Tose. Either way he had to wonder why a large ugly looking bird was here and trying to attack. He just was not lucky enough today.

“Tose...bow...kill….bird...:” Was the only thing he could say as he braced his body in fear of attack. Maybe they could cook it and have dinner soon.
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[Makubwa Lori] To Hunt

"Ah? Story?"

Toses head, which had been starting to lower came back up.

"Go to Ojọgbọn, is big tree. Biggest tree. First tree. Mother of all trees. Moseke, mother goddess, knew life was good. Nature was good. She is Mother, she makes life you see? Makes healthy. Grow. Moseke knew life was good. Not see enough life. Not see home for Sev'ryn. Not see good place for Sev'ryn friend-spirits to hide and wait. So, takes thread of own hair, bury in ground. Hair grows, tall, strong. First tree, Ojọgbọn. Seeds fall, grow Makubwa Lori, means no end forest. Some say, other forests. Not. All one forest, Makubwa Lori. Seeds on wind, or bird does as Moseke bids and carries. All one, all connected. Makubwa Lori grown from Ojọgbọn, grown from Mosekes own self."

It was a much better story when she had the words for it, but she thought she was getting the gist across all the same.

"Now, when Sev'ryn die, self-spirit goes to Ojọgbọn, then Moseke can find. Put in new body for next life. Maybe see lights in dark. Spirits. Maybe my self-ancestors. No fear, Sev'ryn spirits not.. Not angry dead. Wait for next life. Learn more. Live again."

She'd realized about halfway through that he might not be exactly comfortable that they were going to a tree where the spirits of the dead gathered. Would she want to go where someone else's dead gathered? Well, yes actually, to see, but only if she was invited, or could communicate to the spirits that she respected them and came as guest, not interloper.

She sagged in relief when her camp came into view. Nika raising her head and whickering softly in greeting. And then of course You Bastard came running at full tilt, wings extended, neck out, hissing like a tea kettle and on the attack. Damn! If she'd not been so woozy she'd have thought to say something. She switched from Common back to her own tongue. As far as she knew, You Bastard was not multi-lingual.

"No! You Bastard stop that! Friend! Down! Bad! Leave him be!"

You Bastard, fully deserving his name, was at least no longer airborne and aiming for the face, but neither was he going to let them off that easily. Hissing and darting around, he landed a few pecks on both of them before waddling off officiously to glare at them from nearer the mare, still letting loose the occasional hiss.

"Sorry. Sorry is my bird. Is bad bird, but guard camp."
word count: 441
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