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Meeting Kydrel

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New Friends [Kydrel]


Arc 706, 16th trial of Cylus

Alex stood beside the job board, watching those walking by. She saw old men and young men, people with large swords attached to their belts, and people who had only a wooden staff. All those people came up to the job board, and most left with something to do. But none of them felt right to Alex. She needed someone who she wouldn't worry about trying to become friends with her. She simply needed a partner, and ideally someone who didn't have many friends here.

The more friends they had here, the more likely it was that they would try and backstab her, and she didn't want to deal with that...An outsider, thats who I need.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:42 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 127
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New Friends [Kydrel]

It had been ten trials since his arrival in Eztos. He knew he had been sent here with a task to complete, but it loomed on the far horizon, giving him a decent enough buffer to make some coin on the side. He still had time to hone his skills and prepare before he was called upon. His skill set lined up more with that of a mercenary than any ordinary profession, thus giving him freedom to choose what he did and not tied down to any one set schedule. More freedom than he would have even experienced in Athart, he thought with no small amount of bitterness.

The only drawback being he was paid per job. Which meant if he didn’t seek out work, he didn’t get paid. And he desperately wanted to buy some new armor and weapons. His current set of gear was decent, but he knew he’d need better quality if he wanted to truly excel.

Kydrel heaved himself off the bed, the wooden structure that encircled him his temporary living quarters. The black winged Avriel reached for his plated mail and slung it over his head, adjusting the straps until it sat snug over his chest and back, feeling the comfortable weight of protection encasing him. He quickly put on the leg guards and slide on the shoulder guards and gauntlets. The warrior draped his baldric over his chest, attaching his pistol crossbow to it and sliding his kris into the sheath at his calf. Snatching up his buckler he slid the handle into his belt on his left and his spiked mace to the right.

He cut an imposing figure.

Making his way out the door, Kydrel made his way to the Crescent Arena, it having become part of his daily routine. It was the place most frequented by people who needed odd jobs done. Right up his alley. It took him half a break to arrive in the busy plaza but he strode forward, ignoring the hostility that followed in his wake. He stopped for no one, forcing most to go around him if they didn’t want to be run down. He couldn’t afford to have people not be intimidated by him. It was all he had in a city full of hostile strangers.

Kydrel made a beeline for the Bounty Board postings, stopping in front of them, scanning the list slowly to see if there was anything new that would catch his eye. He needed a job and nel. Hopefully something would jump out.
word count: 427

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New Friends [Kydrel]

Alex had been sitting here for what felt like a dozen breaks, unable to zone out and risk missing someone who could help. The number of men who appeared prepared, but became leery and creepy upon learning she wanted them to go on an overnight mission with her had nearly made her give up.

She had just walked up to a promising looking young man in chainmail, toting a sword the size of her. She had started talking to the attractive young man, but she started to realize he had no idea how to use the massive weapon on his back. His arms were too small to wield it, and when she shook his hand it was soft and smooth- definitely not a warriors hand. This guy wouldn't last a trial out in the wild. He's city born and bred She thought disdainfully. Half a trill later, she realized the slight hypocrisy in that statement, but refused to change her opinion.

When she caught sight of the large Avriel walking towards the bounty board, she quickly excused herself from the young man, much to his chagrin. An outsider, looks like he knows his way around a battlefield... this might be the one.

Walking towards him, her quick eyes noticed the quality of his armour, and the fit of it meant it must have been special made, or fit by an expert smith. There was a small amount of engraving, and the plate mail was obviously Avriel in design. She looked down, her eyes finding the large morning star at his waist, and the small shield on his arm. A smaller dagger and pistol crossbow were also slung in his harness. Across his back, folded, were his wings. Alex had never seen another's wings- Valyeria found it hard to see her own. These wings bore a striking resemblance to her own, but the size and power of them astounded Alex.

The hooked hands and feathered head were expected, but his eyes were not. He didn't have the eyes she expected him to have. Instead, his eyes were amber, and seemed to stare people as she caught sight of them. She continued to pick her way through the crowd, until she stood next to him. His presence was powerful, and she felt his disdain for humans like a miasma rolling off his shoulders.

"Hey, you. You know how to use that?" She asked, gesturing at the mace in his belt. She figured a straight forward approach was best. He would be able to pick up on any hostility, if she were to give it. Though it's hard to be racist as a Yludih, when you can literally change race at the drop of a hat. It's hard to see it as more than skin deep.

"I'm looking to hire someone for a job. It'll take about thirty trials. It involves travelling out to the wilds, and I don't want to be stuck with a merc who can't fight when the Black Gluper shows up. So if you're not up to it, tell me now and I'll move on." She firmly met his eyes, refusing to show submission. She had surprisingly never met an Avriel before, and she was secretly interested to learn their habits and customs, as best she could. But she'd be damned if she showed that to him.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 572
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New Friends [Kydrel]

Theft. Already did enough of THAT. Pass thank you. More theft. Horses? Who the hell steals horses? Pass-

Kydrel’s thoughts were interrupted as a voice spoke up, distracting him from his reading. Common was hard enough to read completely focused, much more so when sidetracked by random individuals. He turned slowly, irritation written clearly across his face. He was surprised to see it was a young woman who stood before him, apparently unfazed by his appearance.
Either she’s in desperate need of help or I’m not nearly as intimidating as I think I am.

The thought irritated him but he put it aside. But her question brought a new wave of irritation.

“No. I carry it to scare little children.”

His wings flared slightly, emphasizing his point. Sarcasm wasn’t really his forte but he worked hard to hone his skills and earn the right to carry his arsenal. He wasn’t about to take some flippant remark without a retort. She seemed nice enough, for a land locked city human girl, but it was almost an insult she even had to ask. It didn’t matter if it was a potential client. If they wanted posh, polite gentlemen, they could go to the authorities. Or pay more for it. That wasn’t his style and he wasn’t about to change. It wasn’t until she began to go into detail what she wanted from him, however, that he understood.

He grew more incredulous as she explained the details in a matter of fact tone.

Thirty trials?!

That was way longer than he had ever anticipated being on a job for. In that time he could complete a few smaller jobs more locally and possibly make more money than a solo job. But he could also find no work and make no money and be worse off than he was before. If only Lissira had given him a ring that allowed him to see into the future instead…

He stared at her hard, evaluating her. She refused to look away, locking eyes with him in almost defiance. He could see she had an iron will and wouldn’t back down, that much was obvious. He sensed determination and a fire that motivated her, from the way she held herself and spoke. She was small, but probably stronger than she looked. Or so he hoped since it would just be them two out in the wilderness together.

There were worse people he could be stuck with, he supposed.

“I am interested. What is the job and how much are you willing to pay.”
word count: 436

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New Friends [Kydrel]

When he had turned, his voice was cold and frosty, and she had obviously interrupted him- something he was not very happy about. But when he spoke, through a fairly thick accent, Alex couldn't help but have a small smile steal across her face. Oh good, so there's a sense of humor under there after all. Scare the children, hah...

As he said it, his wings flared, and Alex realized that he was truly impressive. If she didn't already have the ability to transform into Avriel, she would be much more worried, and probably very intimidated by the powerful figure. But his response, and the slight irritation he showed at hers meant that he obviously had no issues speaking his mind. That, and the fact that he was Avriel meant she likely didn't have to worry about issues festering while they worked.

As she explained the details, he seemed more and more surprised. She could barely read his features, and his expressions were alien to her. I'll have to learn them as we go. I need to be able to understand what he's feeling, just in case.

When she had finished speaking, the man simply stared back at her. Refusing to lower her eyes, she met his, and tried to evaluate him. He was obviously used to people disliking him for his form, that much was obvious in the tense way he held his shoulders, and the cold indifference he viewed the world with. But he seemed extremely capable, and very comfortable with the various weapons he had in his sling. Now that she was closer, she noticed the slight wear on them- a scuff on the handle, a rough patch of the leather.

When he finally spoke, after a long hard pause, Alex was satisfied. This man is the right one for the job. Plus, I can learn something about the Avriel. Hopefully.

The job involves hunting down and killing a Death Worm on the plains near Hiladreth. It's not a job for the faint of heart, and it's going to probably get fairly gruesome. Now I know you're not from around here, but up that way there are a whole host of terrifying monsters, called Immortal's Spawn. They enjoy the darkness, so of course Cylus is a great time of year for them. But I need your help to get there, protect me while I collect a part from the dead Death Worm, and return."

She paused, attempting to gauge his reaction at the words. Most people would flat out refuse her at this request, but she had a feeling that she just might be able to convince him otherwise. She decided to take a stab at trying to persuade him.
"Now not many people would want to hire you for a full time job, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be tied down like that. But at the same time, you need money. I don't care that you're an Avriel. As long as you can fight, and aren't going to try and rape me as I sleep, we are good. This is a longer trip, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind some time out of the city. It must get tiring looking over your shoulder constantly, having to deal with the drunkards who swallow enough liquid courage to think they can take you on, or any guard who watches you like a hawk as you walk down the street. "

She looked at him, gesturing towards the Bounty Board "Besides, most of that stuff is boring. I feel like you're a few steps above the average thief, and catching them must get boring after a while." She paused, and looked down at her purse, using her fingers to add up her costs. "I can afford to pay you half of what I get.That's as good a deal as you'll get from me. After we purchase supplies, half of whatever's left of the original payment of 200gn is yours. On our return, you'll get an additional 150gn if we complete the job to the employer's standards." She looked up at him, and impatiently waited.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:49 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 711
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New Friends [Kydrel]

Kydrel had expected to negotiate longer, used to stingy people attempting to rip off the foreigner. But he was pleasantly surprised when she mentioned the figure she was willing to pay to hire him. More than worth the time spent away on the solo job. Plus, it would help him get a better lay of the land if in the future, he needed a quick escape and flying wasn’t an option.

This is better than I thought. Definitely worth the risk.

He listened, motionlessly as she explained the dangers they could expect to find tracking down the Death Worm, which was not a reassuring name but would present a real challenge which he could feel the eagerness bubbling up. More so than hauling a punk kid back to the city like his last job. And there was nothing more desirable to him than facing off a foe stronger than he.

He noticed the slight emphasis she added on the word, ‘you’ and his eyes hardened. As she continued talking, it was as though she was reading his mind. A feeling he did not particularly like. Was he really that predictable that a mere human could shift through his thoughts so easily? But she had a point, he was interested and he did need the coin.

At the word rape, he snorted in disbelief and crossed his arms. He would never stoop to that level. And a human no less. Disgusting. But she seemed to think it was a big deal.

As she finished her piece, looking slightly breathless after talking for so long, she seemed to look at him expectantly, waiting for his answer. He nodded once, signaling his acceptance of the job.

“Kydrel. When do we leave.”
word count: 289

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New Friends [Kydrel]

Alex felt that this partnership was promising. He seemed intrigued when she described the Immortals Spawn, and she guessed that he had probably kept busy by doing several of the dull bounties. Every town had them, but what with him being an Avriel not many people would be willing to hire him if they could help it.

His reaction to the word rape cemented her decision. It might not be for the same reasons, but I don't have to worry about that with him, which is a relief. He nodded his acceptance, and she felt excited.

She assumed that the first part was his name. Kydrel, hmm... interesting name

"My name is Alexandra, but I go by Alex. My plan is to head out today, but I have to finish up buying some supplies. I'll meet you by the North Gate at the 13th break. Come ready to go. The plan is to try and get some sort of military escort as far as we can, then go the rest of the way." She paused, and mentally weighed her next words. "We might not get an escort with you being Avriel and all, but if that's the case we can push faster anyway." She didn't feel too worried about either case.

She looked around at the people nearby, the grumbling and distrustful looks being shot at the pair of them, and decided to add another thought. "Before we head out, anything I need to know about you? Are we going to get attacked on the road because you pissed off some merc? I wouldn't normally ask, but seeing how everyone here is looking at you, it's for the best if I know."

With that concern out of the way, Alex nodded briefly to Kydrel before heading back off to the market, intent on purchasing the last supplies required for the trip.
Last edited by Vluharqih on Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 318
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New Friends [Kydrel]

Kydrel was a little taken aback.

Today? As in a few breaks? I sure hadn’t woken up this morning intending to leave.

But he shook off the surprise, keeping his angled face as neutral as possible. He could make due. Having nothing going on and most of his stuff still packed in his bag; all he really needed to do was grab it and he was ready to head out. Being on the move for the last arc had taught him to pack light and be at the ready, never knowing if he was being tracked by hunters from Athart. Even being this far northwest, he still refused to let his guard down.

The Avriel snorted at the mention of an escort, his wings shifting in slight annoyance as he thought about his treatment thus far.

“They might escort us because I am Avriel. Just to make sure I leave the city…” He muttered irritably. “But they might give you an escort since you are from here.”

He assumed she was from Etzos, it seeming unlikely a woman of her stature could travel through the wilderness alone and make it. He had flown all the way from Rhakros; he had seen how treacherous it could be.

Noticing her look around uneasily, her next question didn’t come as much of a surprise.

“You seem to already know the answer.” He said, referring to her regular interjection about his race. “My mere existence is enough to earn their disdain.”

She seemed satisfied with his response. He had the suspicion even if he had murdered someone; she would have most likely still hired him. There were plenty of people here she could have employed. But she hadn’t. She hired the savage looking mercenary, the person that wouldn’t be missed by anyone here if something happened to him.

He watched her as she walked away, briefly wondering if she had some nefarious plot for seeking him out, rather than one of her own kind whom she could more easily trust. But she didn’t look like she would be much of a threat to him if she attempted anything. But nonetheless he would keep an eye on her.

Distrust was the best policy.

Seeing her disappear into the crowd, Kydrel turned and headed back to his home, mentally preparing for the next 30 trials and everything that would await them.
word count: 400

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New Friends [Kydrel]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Discipline +1
  • Intimidation +2
  • Observation +1
  • Rhetoric +1
  • Socialization +1


  • Basic
    • Etzos Location: The Bounty Board
    • Etzos Location: The Crescent Arena
    • Need to Maintain the 'Tough Guy' Look
    • One BIG Job is Better Than Several Little Ones
    • Player Character: Alexandra (Vluharqih)
  • Specific
    • Alexandra: Gets Right to the Point
    • Alexandra: Stands Her ground
    • More Professional Freedom in Etzos Than in Athart
    • The Bounty Board: Local Meeting Place


Nothing Yet


Nothing yet



  • Appraisal +1
  • Leadership +1
  • Observation +1
  • Persuasion +2
  • Socialization +1


  • Basic
    • A Big Sword Does Not a Warrior Make
    • Etzos Location: The Bounty Board
    • Etzos Location: The Crescent Arena
    • Player Character: Kydrel Sevnium
  • Specific
    • The Bounty Board: Local Meeting Place
    • Kydrel Sevnium: Avriel Warrior
    • Kydrel Sevnium: Quick With a Sarcastic Answer


Not in this one


Nothing yet



Great read! But not a lot to award beyond compliments...lol.
You both impressed the other. In her case it with persuasion and leadership; in his it was intimidation.
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 187
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