• Graded • Separate Ways

A Falling Out in the Rhakrii Ranks

A blistering desert that stretches for hundreds of miles around Nashaki, with very little relief from the baking heat.
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Separate Ways

Separate Ways
Ashan 12, arc 718
Eddrick sat in his rough chamber awaiting the inevitable. It was not something he feared, but there was apprehension.

When he'd returned from the battle in the east, he'd returned with the blessing of Raskalarn, a new devotion to her cause, and the determination to see the Rhakrii Raiders brought into her fold. He knew there would be resistance. But he'd expected it to be immediate. His lieutenant, Coren, had been the one he knew would oppose him to bring dissention to the ranks.

One of the abilities Raskalarn's blessing had granted him made it clear that this was to be. He'd been granted the ability to recognize one foe as his most key obstruction to his goal, and to be able to trust fate to bring them into a face-off. He'd been genuinely surprised when Coren had not stood forth on his return to challenge him for leadership.

This was not to say he had not voiced his opposition to joining the ranks of the Imperials. Eddrick had, of course, immediately countered with the Immortal's promise to allow them to maintain their autonomy, and to even receive payment as a free mercenary group. They needed only to NOT attack Imperial caravans, outposts, or material dumps.

This had gone a long way to quiet the initial protests that echoed those of Coren. Eddrick had braced himself for what he assumed would be an escalating contest of wills, culminating in a combat challenge for leadership. But Coren had been smarter than that. He'd maintained his opinion that this was not in the Rhakrii's best interests, but had requested that the debate be delayed until he could return from an operation he'd already slotted for himself.

Eddrick knew he'd come off as argumentative if he insisted on pursuing it now. The rank and file would feel he was pressing an advantage of having probably prepared his argument, where Coren had had no like opportunity. So he agreed to wait. Coren left the following morning with four men.

His operation should have taken no more than ten or twelve trials to complete and return from. It had now been twenty trials, and a hawk had arrived the trial before, with news from one of their outposts that Coren had arrived there, injured and alone, with grave new information about their new, alleged allies in the empire.

Eddrick saw the truth with bitter clarity, but knew it would not fit so easily into the minds of those that had not seen and spoken with the Immortal herself. This was exactly the point of his insistence to the Immortal that he would hold no obligation to those that decided, of their own accord, to depart from the company. But that those who used manipulation and deceit to trick others into following them would receive no such mercy.

And now, every instinct, intuition and aura of his blessing told him Coren had fallen to this strategy. It was also a concern that, in this interim, Eddrick's points of debate had grown less precise in his memory. He knew Coren would be bursting in, full of passion and charisma, while Eddrick had been growing stale in his counter arguments. It was the very fact that Eddrick now thought of it that way; that HE was the one countering the argument, and not Coren, that was the problem.

There had to be a reason that it had taken so much longer for Coren to complete his mission. Because he now had to wait for Coren to present news of what had caused this delay, he was essentially ceding initiative to his challenger-to-be. He would likewise be unable to approach the coming debate with anything resembling an accusing tone, or he'd come off as paranoid. He had to wait for Coren to level whatever lies he was going to use, and then respond.

And all too often, an insistence that an accusation was false came off sounding false as well. He sighed heavily. It was going to be ugly.
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Separate Ways

The past arc has been eventful. Well as it could have been among these measly humans. Adrienna took part in the raids and as it would be, became somewhat unpopular among some of the Raiders. She was hard to work with, bloodthirsty and arrogance followed her much like the hateful stares of some of the members. If she did not agree with someone, she'd tell them. If they questioned her, they wished they didn't. She didn't care. Why should she bother with these idiots when they could hardly understand the grander way of things? Pf, they were nothing but the dirt under her boots and she happily walked all over them...literally.
There was one man however, that she has come to indulge in hints of respect. It was the chieftain, Eddrick. During the raids, on the battlefield, he has proven himself more than all the members put together. She would raise her axe against their enemies at his command, even if she sneered at it unhappily, still struggling to be an obedient soldier. Perhaps they might have had a few hard talks if she went too wild, none of them worth her remembering the details much. But, he led them well and as long as he continued to do so, Adrienna would stick around. Yet, she was just as sure that if he were to fail, she would not hesitate to turn away and find her fortune elsewhere. There was no space for weakness in her life.
That was one of the reasons why she was concerned recently. She was trying ever so harder to be in conversations, listening to what was spoken in Common that she had a better grip on now, but it was a tough task. Especially when people did not like talking to her. Yet, none dared to call her out. Not after she broke out a nasty fight with one of the members when he dared to insult her, going as far as mentioning her wings...or the lack thereof. She got vicious then, lost in the blood red mist of retribution for the pathetic insolence. She would not have stopped until the man was dead in a pool of his own blood, unrecognisable. Alas, they pulled her off him at one point and he survived, with somewhat deformed face. It was hard to understand why she was allowed to stay, but she did. And she did not attack anyone like that again.
Either way, her concern was rooted in the snippets of conversations she could hear. One, the fact that Eddrick promised his allegiance elsewhere like an obedient dog; two, Coren was rising up against him to challenge for leadership and there was a group of people who believed in his strength; three, Eddrick was growing weaker with nothing to say. So why did she stick around and not left yet for a promise of more fruitful venture elsewhere? Part of her wanted to see how this would play out. She did not get to satisfy her aggression much recently and if a fight was to break out, she'd happily throw a few punches around (or a few dagger slashes). But then again, it has been an arc since she's been around and followed Eddrick. Somehow, it did not feel right for her to leave and that made her feel strange.
word count: 566
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Separate Ways

Gasps and shouts of alarm followed Coren into the common cavern, a number of wounds in evidence. Eddrick did not begrudge those that had shown support for him twenty trials ago, when they gathered in anger, bombarding the lieutenant with questions. Nor did he assume calculation in Coren's refusal to give answer right then. The calculation was in the achievement of a cleared central focus, and his delay for the collective audience to hold their breath for what was surely to be monumental news.

Eddrick accommodated him now by coming forth from his chambers, "What happened?" he asked, his voice demonstrating not a lack of concern, but rather the recognition of the need for a level-headed report.

Coren sneered, trying to evoke general outrage, "You new Imperial "friends" ambushed us on the way back from our mission. I told you they were not to be trusted. But no, you're ready to sell us out to them! You go on a mission completely unrelated to the growing war between Nashaki and them, but you come back with impossible concessions from the very troops we've been hounding across the sands. Concessions that could only have been proposed and achieved in a council of war between allies! Can't you see you are being played?"

There was a brief pause as Eddrick folded his arms with a sigh. "When I asked you what happened. I meant with your mission. Not with the stacking of presumption upon presumption with which you seek to bring dissention again to our ranks, Coren. You want to make this an issue of trust, accusation and possible deception, yet you bring no more proof than I did twenty trials ago. I at least acknowledged that I HAD only my word, though I had thought the presentation of the banners might prove some truth to it."

Coren spat, "Banners! Tokens of a false partnership. They will use you to help them defeat Nashaki, and then use someone else to defeat us! And what of your men? They say nothing that is not simply your words, taken at face value. I do not mean to demean their loyalty, but their agreement with your proposal means nothing, as far as establishing it's credibility."

A scowl rode across the warchief's face, "They were not present at the meeting, and I did not cite their words in my last address, twenty trials ago. Just my own. Yet they did return, even the fallen. And I suppose the members of the Yalrut clans I saw attending this same "council of allies" bears no evidence that they keep their word to those that join their cause?"

"Impostors! Or cowards, turning the knee upon capture. You can not prove they were legitimate Yalruti. The clan tattoos could easily be faked!"

Eddrick nodded, "True enough, And you can not prove any element of your story is true either. I have far more experience in genuine military ranks than you, Coren. And I can promise you, such a victorious, yet weary, assembly, could not be so hastily assembled in falsehood. These men and Ithecal wore wounds more genuine than your own, yet their etiquette and decorum were unfazed by the exhaustion we all felt. There was no thought to giving less than full attention on the words of everyone gathered, including my own."

At the question of the legitimacy of his wounds, Coren took several steps toward Eddrick, but then stopped at the mention of military decorum, as if he would now show that he knew it as well as his chieftain. "Yes, yes, so they played to your pride and sucked you in with a bit of fawning over the rustic bandit chief turned noble ally." Coren's words were said with withering sarcasm and contempt.

Eddrick did not reciprocate the tone, his flat expression making the words all the more rebuking. "Better than a noble lieutenant, trying to turn brave men from their chieftain, when he himself ran from an ambush to leave his brothers to die."

"They were already dead!" Coren's quivered as he shouted the words.

"You're certain? You had time to check? But still got all these wounds? How many were there? How is it you were not also overrun? Just overrun enough to have wounds to show us, yet still allow your escape. And with just your horse and none others? Quite a coincidence that you had yours prepared. Or did you have to slash its reins? And if so, why yours alone, but no others? Or were they already loosened? Didn't the Imperials give chase?"

Coren's face was red with restrained fury. "Of course they did! If you'd just let me answer one question at a time."

The sudden shout from the chieftain took him back a step, "A courtesy you denied me upon entering the cavern? You stormed in here stacking one unproven statement upon another, using them each as "proof" of the next. Not a ONE of them is true. But since you knew I'd left you to go on this mission of yours, without having shown anything beyond banners, the return of my men, even the dead, and my word, you try to go stir up shocking falsehoods to throw at my feet in this same way!"

Fury was in evidence in his halt-stepped pacing, "Did you succeed in your mission? Were you burdened with loot? You said you were ambushed. Either it was on the road, where you'd have many of the wares strapped to your mount, making an escape on horseback very unlikely, or it was your camp, in which case you did a damned poor job of setting sentries if you allowed Imperials, unfamiliar with the area between your "mission" and our caverns, to sneak up and ambush you."
Last edited by Eddrick Brodon on Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 977
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Separate Ways

Adrienna was sitting in the common cavern on the edge of the crowd with a few members other members who much like her seemed somewhat indifferent. She paid them no attention, however, and instead was minding her own business. She was tending to her weapon as per usual when the theatrics began.
Throughout the verbal battle, Adrienna was swaying between bored, annoyed and exhilarated. It was quite the rollercoaster and she knew, much like the others, that this was to make or break one of the men who were now contending for leadership. In different parts of the cavern, men were cheering, shouting and booing at any given time. The support camps began taking shape for as the quarrel unravelled, people began shifting across the floor, closer to the man they believed to be the rightful leader.
It was like watching a tide coming in and going out in fast motion. A sea of people willing to give their approval to one or the other, ultimately deciding the future of the faction as a whole. Adrienna would not be swayed by the numbers on each side. She would not have them decide her faith even if it meant she would be left alone. It would ultimately be her decision and she’d happily sneer it at the losers for she would always be the winner among the bets.
Weighing her axe, the atmosphere began intensifying, slowly but surely reaching the unmistakable climax. She has made up her mind. There were only a few indecisive members left and Adrienna was fed up sharing the same space with them. They can go rot because now she knew where she was headed.
Determined steps took her across the hall as she was sheathing her axe. She had little influence in the faction aside from not having other cause her trouble. But still, it felt that her decision mattered and would be weighed more than others. Even if that was not to be true. She was just arrogant like that.
“You no Rahkrii!” Adrienna shouted among the others before smacking the centre of her chest to wordlessly exclaim that she was to be his example as she laughed at him like some pathetic worm she took him for. At the same time, the wingless Avriel kept her hand on her weapon in a clear a personal invitation for an altercation. She’d happily show him what a weakling he was. In fact, part of her wanted to feel his feeble flesh crushed beneath her fingers because at the end of the day arguments stacked up against Coren by the mountains.
“Out with the weakling! Out with the liar! We no need for cowards…” The woman hollered on top of her lungs by which point the cavern was erupting on both sides but as she pointed her finger at Coren, those on Eddrick’s support camp, gave an agreeing roar. Despite her general infamy, it confirmed with Adrienna that these humans were just mindless animals who would follow anything and anyone as long as it spurred strong enough feelings in them. That did not change a fact that she was up for a fight anyways and her own blood was boiling.
word count: 539
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Separate Ways

Eddrick whirled, the ball reaching the end of its chain in time to slam into a stack of shields against a wall of the chamber with an echoing crash. "ENOUGH! IS THIS WHO WE'VE BECOME?" He slammed the handle of his weapon onto the hard-packed dirt floor, his face shading red with anger. "There will be no BATTLE over who gets to leave..." he stopped his pacing to face Coren, "...or who we drive off! But first, answer me! Was your CAMP attacked, or was it a running fight?"

Silence was once again retained, but tension still dominated the gathering. Coren looked around, "his" part of the crowd a little less cohesive. It was easy to tell by those who showed interest in his answer and those who did not. The number of those who now bore curiosity in their expressions had increased slightly. "We took the wagon from the caravan. It was packed with what we took." Coren replied hesitantly, "So our horses were not burdened when the attack came. We were able to ride away."

"WE"? ...were able to? Yet only you actually escaped? And none of your crew's horses ran along with you, after their riders were shot from the saddle? Just you and just your horse? And your wounds. Those are not arrow wounds. Tell me, Coren, did these men throw knives at you while riding. That would indeed be something to see!" The only knives flying were those darting between the eyes of the two men.

Coren snarled through gritted teeth, "A second enemy squad cut off our escape. We were forced to ground. That is what I mean. It was a planned ambush. Timed to occur when you were gone off, making your fool's alliance with them! They knew you would not believe me."

Coren's voice grew in sneering confidence now, having found a new angle to exploit. "They wish to weaken us by creating this distrust in our ranks. YOU, Eddrick, are the tool that will serve them in this. I challenge your rule!"

There was somewhat of a collective gasp, but it quickly fell silent beneath Eddrick's laughter. "Make up your mind, Coren. A moment ago, you wanted to take your group and leave. Now, you want to stay and take over command of us all. You accuse these alleged Imperial ambushers of creating distrust. No, Coren it is you doing that. I'll admit, you've fallen back on a better story this time, but it makes no sense. When I got the mark from her majesty, I knew there would be those that would refuse. And I had a strong sense you would be chief among them."

His arms spread wide to encompass the entire gathering as he paced, his voice addressing them all. "Why should they do this? Let me guess what you doubters will say. 'They took advantage of our prowess to win them this one single fight, meaning then to crush us afterwards.' If so, why not just wipe out myself and my team while we were there, after the fight, where they had us outnumbered a hundred to one?"

He allowed a moment of murmuring before facing Coren's slowly decreasing contingent and continuing, "You ask me to believe they honored and enjoined us, promised us forgiveness and amnesty for our past aggressions against them, offered to pay us as free mercenaries, allies with autonomy, a logical asset in an area they have not yet come anywhere near, counting on us to continue attacking Nashaki holdings, something which benefits us both; and yet, at the same time, pulled this betrayal, knowing it will divide our ranks, to make us a less effective ally in the future? It is absurd!"

Turning back to the full gathering, Eddrick embarked on a new focus, "So you fear betrayal. I understand that. Better in fact, than many of you. I have not only the betrayal by Nashaki, as do most of the rest of you. I was betrayed by my own home of Athart as well. It is why I became a bandit. Isn't that the case for most of you? Did you actually CHOOSE to become one? Was it your life's dream to have the threat of the noose, or beheading, hanging over your head for the rest of your trials? Or was it the only choice left to you after having your home stolen by politicians, land owners or merchants, the result of some contract you never even signed! Wouldn't you prefer a true HOME?"

Coren stepped in, "We HAVE a home! Right here where we sit. All around us is our home! We don't need them to be free! Eddrick would have us give that up. Become slaves to a conqueror!"

"Free mercenaries are not slaves!" Eddrick countered, "All my queen is asking is that we do not attack Imperial trains or outposts. And how often was that the case anyway? You all know it has chiefly been Nashaki holdings we have raided. That will not change. The only encounters with Imperials have been random skirmishes, never intentionally initiated, for there was no great promise of loot."

"My queen understands this. She holds no grudge, nor does she ask tribute from us. Our situation will not change, except that once her empire takes over the Hotlands, we will no longer be criminals. Do you honestly object to that? And once her rule is established, if you want to go back to farming or smithing, or whatever you did before joining us, you will be free to do so! There will be no military obligation." His voice held all the honesty of conviction.

Coren's held only contempt. "We already have no military conviction. Your words are empty, Chieftain. Why risk the unproven promises of a potential enemy, when are fine as we are right here and now?"

Eddrick turned slowly to face Coren, his expression making it clear that this was to be the last time he would answer with words alone. "I have indulged your negativity and lies long enough, Coren. For all your different ways of saying it, you have expressed only a single argument, thinking it outweighs the many different benefits I have proposed. My very presence here proves much of what I have said."

He stepped right up to Coren's face now, an inch or so higher than his own, "Let us now prove that there is any truth in what you have said. I say you did not fight anyone. I say you were not ambushed. I say you were NOT such a fool as to be herded into such a trap. I say your men were not killed, but wait to meet up with you later, and you are only here trying to recruit others with your lies. Lead us to where this alleged ambush took place, and then perhaps this debate will continue."

"I issued my challenge!" Coren snarled, his hand hovering over the hilt of his sword.

"And you shall HAVE it! Right after we prove to the rest of the company that your word is good. What is the hurry, Coren? Even following ME, the Rhakriis will not be collaborating with any Imperials for seasons yet. Maybe not even then. There is plenty of time to prove me wrong." Eddrick stepped past him, toward his ball and chain, still resting on the floor, as he listened for the sound of steel sliding against leather.
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Separate Ways

For over an arc that she has been with the Raiders, this was something Adrienna never understood. If blood was boiling, the guilty side was standing right there waiting for whooping...why stop it? Why exhibit control over the necessary beating unless it is to deliver the utmost pain possible? Adrienna frowned in Eddrick's direction with disapproval, even if the man was focused more on talking instead of delivering the due punishment.
Grunting impatiently, Adrienna tapped the metal of her axe that was as hungry for blood as she was. Words rarely mattered much when compared to actions. She knew that from her past. One might mislead with words and then show true colors in actions. It taught her not to trust anyone and to attack first before she'd be attacked. It was all to eliminate potential threats to a minimum. This was part of the reason why Adrienna was still torn on following in the ranks of Rahkriis. At times it was challenging to follow someone else who would decided what she would do and when, especially when it came to unleashing her righteousness.
As Adrienna was feeling irritated with Eddrick, Coren's blood boiled. He could not...would not have Eddrick lead them down a path that just wasn't right. They were not dogs who follow the first master with a bone. They were the Raiders - free and not to be bound by chains of loyalty to some empire. Their so-called leader was about to destroy everything they stood for. Coren would not have it. In his mind, all he did, he did for the right reasons and would not be convinced otherwise. It did not help that the challenger believed that Eddrick has been doing a poor job from the very start. Many things could have been done better, if only it was Coren's decision.
So as Eddrick turned his back to his enemy, Coren had options to take, opportunities to attack, but also impressions to make. His patience was stretched to the limit. He had to measure his chances but whichever way he thought it through, if he did not act now to kill the traitor, he'd be branded traitor himself. For if he were to take them to the ambush place, many more would come and his plot would be revealed. He had to harness the element of surprise, however minimal, right now. Especially with someone as skilled as Eddrick.
It all then happened in quick succession. Coren brandished his sword as he swiftly closed the distance between himself and Eddrick. He was sweeping the sword upwards in an elegant but deadly arch to cleeve a nice opening in Eddrick's back.
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There was a gasp as the sword slashed up across the warchief's back, the impact sending him stumbling to a roll that carried him back to his feet, now with his ball and chain in hand. Stunned looks graced many a face as Eddrick spun and turned a sour grin towards Coren. "In the back, Coren?"

The ex-lieutenant's only response was a roar of rabid frustration and a charge with the sword swinging from every angle as Eddrick slowly retreated from the swings. There was a particular degree of reach that gave advantage to each weapon in turn. Coren, with the big sword, could get to a point inside of where the ball and chain would hit with direct impact. Eddrick, as well, could then step further in to be inside the effective range of the sword.

For the most part though, Eddrick seemed willing to delay capitalizing on this factor, staying out, parrying and blocking the sword's edge with the metal handle of the ball and chain, as well as spinning his torso to take the occasional shot to the back. It was realized early on that he was wearing an armor item that protected him there. Coren's anger only flared at this realization, and he threw insults at Eddrick for cowardice in wearing such an item.

Eddrick only laughed derisively, trusting that he did not truly need to explain the hypocrisy of Coren's complaints about honor and courage. Occasionally, he swung the weighted ball at his enemy, keeping Coren ducking, dancing and dodging. Soon, Coren challenged Eddrick to drop the armor, adding insulting suggestions regarding what sort of man would refuse. Eddrick spat on the ground between them, but reached within the light silk of his desert attire to unhook a belted clasp.

It took both hands to do so, and Eddrick feigned not to notice how Coren, despite his growing fatigue, tensed in preparation for a charge. There was light, metallic clang as the back plate hit the hard dirt and stone of the chamber floor. Eddrick turned to grab it, so he could hold it up to his followers, a few light streaks of blood newly staining his cloak from where the sword's edge had won just barely through the metal to score his back.

The sudden widening of several eyes gave Eddrick all the confirmation he needed. He swung the plate back in front of him just in time to see the point of his adversary's blade pierce the metal, and strike a good foot and half further through before becoming lodged there. Eddrick gripped hard and spun the plate in front of him, the leverage pulling the sword's hilt loose from Coren's hands as Eddrick threw them aside as one piece.

Eddrick's boon of Raskalarn had him only breathing slightly heavier than normal, and sweating no more than with mere labor. Coren was supporting his upper body's weight with his hands on his knees, gasping, his hair drenched. Eddrick hefted his weapon's handle to drape the chain over his shoulder, the ball hanging free behind him. "I said I would give a chance for any that were persuaded by lies and deceit, or even misunderstanding, to either leave freely or remain with us. that promise still stands. But it does not extend to you, Coren...Surrender and I will make it quick."
Last edited by Eddrick Brodon on Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 571
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Perhaps he was a traitor for going against Eddrick, and perhaps he was dishonest. But wasn't that what first got him and others on the wrong side of the law? And then with the Raiders? The nature of his life and the law which prosecuted him, it chased him into the arms of a group he considered his home now. The same group Eddrick now wanted to strip of those reasons. Over time, Eddrick wanted to turn them honourable and whilst most of them yearned for amnesty to a certain degree, some others enjoyed their lifestyle. The adrenaline of living on the edge. The continuing race to the finish line.
Coren breathed heavily, bent forward. His eyes were shut tight and he was frowning. He knew a loss when he saw it, but it was still hard to accept, especially in the hands of the very man who accepted him here in the past. It was a sentence delivered by a brother after all. Despite Coren being dishonourable, he was not a coward. Not like Eddrick looking to hide behind a grander force for fears that if he was caught, he would get his own death sentence. No, Coren would face the final blow with head held high for he has always known that it would come one day. For him, he has lost hope on a free life a long time ago and no sweet talk from their so-called leader would change his mind.
The ex-lieutenant would never realise it was the fear of the possibility that he could live a free life that blinded him so. Somewhere along the way, he has forgotten how to live such a life and having to change it unsettled him to the point of rising in defiance. This myth, as he considered by now, would rip away everything he's built for himself, everything he knew.
So now he straightened his back and looked directly at Eddrick without fear or shame. In his heart, he still believed his cause just even if he has gone wrong about it.
"You lead the Rahkriis into chains, Eddrick. Every freedom has its price and you need to be ready to pay it not only for yourself but for the rest of the poor souls." Coren prophesied, before taking in a deep breath, his body tensing, knowing what was to come. The last wave of refusal surged through his body, but he has done all he could up to now. There was no point to keep fighting.
"Do it." He breathed out, releasing the tension of the expectations from his body as the final blow would be delivered. His journey on this land was done. He was ready to face Vri and he'd face him in equal defiance as he was facing his executioner.
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It grieved the Chieftain to follow-up on this execution. But the law was the law and Coren had violated them utterly and knowingly. There was no further recourse to be considered. As he stepped behind his adversary, knife in hand, Eddrick wished that Coren would make some last move to prolong the fight. But aside from just one more expressing of the single basis for his challenge - and no expression of any regret for the treacherous manner in which it had been pursued - he maintained his kneeling, head erect position.

Eddrick had no wish to voice any tiresome platitudes about honor, courage or proper procedure; nor any desire to cite a list of violations to justify himself. He drew the blade through and across the throat of his former lieutenant, who only flinched as if from a minor discomfort. Eddrick held his hand near the wound as life fled the kneeling offender, for the symbolic acknowledgement that the man's blood was upon his hand alone, and none other.

The chamber was profoundly silent as he stepped around the body, his bloody hand held up unrepentantly before him. "He knew the penalty for his actions. I would have done no such thing had he simply stated his disagreement with my goals and left. Nor will I do so to any that still feel as he did. I would ask, however, that you hear me out one last time before you make that decision."

He washed the blood from his hands and turned to face the assembled Rhakriis, stating again his previous points that Coren had expressed no objection to seeking Nashaki amnesty by joining forces. And how, even after that city's blatant betrayal of that trust, he had not objected to Eddrick seeking at least a neutral standing with the encroaching Imperials.

"I do not generally speak ill of the dead, but I believe now that Coren hoped from the first that the Imperials would slay me and my men the moment we arrived." he looked around, not surprised to see some skepticism still remaining on a good number of faces. "I will not deny my own initial concerns at being immediately invited to contribute to the attacking effort against the Nashaki fortress to the east. I found many defensive inadequacies to exploit, as well as many structural vulnerabilities. Nor will I deny the satisfaction I felt in providing strategies to those that used them to defeat those that dealt with us so dishonorably."

There was some measure of empathy within the gathering at this expression of payback. "I will also not deny the swell of pride I felt over the fellowship extended to me by the brave troops of Raskalarn; as well as the appreciation for the tactics I proposed. Prior to that, I have only felt its like here, within these caves!"

There was some boisterous support for this remark. Eddrick let it grow quiet before he continued. "I feel I have guided our people successfully and carefully thus far. I feel I have proven that I do not make reckless decisions regarding our future. Coren's only clear objection is that I am leading you into a state of servitude bordering on slavery...chains...subjugation."

He looked at the body of his slain detractor, his head shaking briefly, sadly. "I wish I could have provided more proof than just my word, and the word of those who accompanied me on this mission. I can not deny the seeming legitimacy of Coren's concerns that those men were only aping my words." He looked to where these men stood, and saw the same anger he would have felt had this been said about him. he swung an arm in their direction.

"But if not me, do you not then know the honor of these men? You know them as brothers. Have you not trusted them with your lives in the past? Are they not worthy of that trust now? They may not have been in the meeting itself, but they were in the camp, and reported no ill treatment back to me when I returned to them. There was no resentment of their presence, no poorly-veiled animosity, no sneering, naming them as inferiors or turncoats. No hints at vague changes of status in the future."

His arm now swung down to Coren's body, "Think of it now; the order of events. Put it together and then make your choice. He has no objection to me going to council with the Imperials. The he hears of us being accepted into the ranks. He hears of the successful taking of the fortress and the surrender of the enemy. He hears that my men and I are honored, and granted a place in their ranks. BUT...he also hears that we are allowed to return here."

He was now counting on his fingers, "So he knows we have gained glory, but not glory requiring our remaining in the east. No, we now come back with promises; promises of NO TRIBUTE to be paid to them. promises, in fact, that WE will be paid for nothing more than a stand-by status. A status likely to be inactive for arcs yet. We are STILL going to raid caravans, we are STILL going to take loot, we do not have to give any of it up as tribute, our only enemy is, as always, Nashaki."

There was murmured enthusiasm now, as Eddrick once again gestured to Coren. "So he knows there has only been unsullied success in the east, and I am now returning. He had no objection before, yet now he is suddenly opposed. And he has time to make plans. So upon my arrival, he states his hesitation to discuss the future, claiming instead a greatly needed mission to complete. A need which he now cites as a caravan raid."

He let the unlikelihood of this statement find purchase in the minds of his audience, "A caravan raid? This is his critically important mission? Something we do routinely arc 'round? He knew I was going to remain in command, so he made up this ambush story, which he was unable to support, threw ridiculous charges at my feet, was unable to support them as well, and then tried to backstab me. I believe we will find his four men alive and well, and no evidence of any commandeered caravan wagon or subsequent ambush. Do I need to go on?"

There was a hearty 'NO' from the gathering. Eddrick did not celebrate though. "Still these matters must be confirmed. I was hasty asking that you all make your choice now. No, we will go find his men. We will search for this ambush site. In the meantime, nothing will change! We will raid caravans. We will eat, we will drink, we will live as we have always done! AND...arcs from now, assuming the Imperials secure the Hotlands, we will become citizens, still residing here IF WE CHOOSE, or returning to past homes IF WE CHOOSE, moving on to new homes IF WE CHOOSE."

There had, of course, been a wavering of enthusiasm as he'd mentioned the securing of the Hotlands. But the emphasis on free choices in the future had rekindled it. "When this happens, if I still live, I believe I will step down. At that point I will have no reason to remain a mercenary raider. I will probably join the military outright. The rest of you can decide for yourselves. You will all be considered citizens. Our current bandit status will not count against us. They consider us a mercenary force to be paid to continue harrying the enemy."

Again, he let what enthusiasm there was wane before making a last point. "Now, I cannot deny that once one side has won this war, it will be more difficult for us to remain as bandits. If that is truly what you seek as a future, then perhaps you should leave and start securing some new base for your operations. But I, for one, never sought to be a bandit, and look forward to a future as an honest citizen in a secure nation. I can only hope that the future will convince you that citizenship in Raskalarn's empire is better than stealing and hiding, regardless of the illusion of freedom it suggests."
word count: 1400
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Separate Ways

The fight was exhilarating. Adrienna looked on with the desire to join, for a larger skirmish to break out. Yet, everyone was stood in their spot, cheering on instead, holding back for reasons Adrienna could not fathom. A timid way to express the blood boiling, adrenaline running high, she thought with scorn. Has she really stooped this low to follow these miserable ways of enjoyment? In that moment, her hand gripped the shaft of her axe almost with desperation. Has she grown timid over the arc? Timidness was a weakness in her eyes and she surely refused to allow such a shift to happen to her. A thought that unsettled her the most as it immediately dampened her mood, turned her grumpy with thorns. A stronger push from anyone, be it accidental, would threaten for her to lose her temper and relieve it on their flesh.
She paid little attention to the rest of that altercation because it’s lost its meaning. In fact, Adrienna did not even see it. The moment her mood nosedived and she suddenly became discouraged and even resentful of everyone’s behaviour, she realized one thing. Yes, this arc was intriguing but in a matter of a few words delivered by their so-called leader, it’s turned pointless. She did not want a life with the common folk. They had nothing to offer her. And so Eddrick himself has turned into a hollow being of promises that held no weight for Adrienna. No respect anymore the more she thought about it.
As the crowd cheered, the mixed blood had her few belongings packed and was on her way out of the cavern. Behind her the words of the man she once considered a leader perhaps, were as distant as the memory of her presence here. It was time to find her living elsewhere. Somewhere, where others did not strive to be do-gooders and lawful citizens. Somewhere, where she could unrestrainedly let her thirst for power and brutality free. And if there was no such place? She would make herself one.
word count: 350
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