• Event • [Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

42nd of Ashan 718

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

Despite being the same age, the twins and Treela were vastly different. The redhead had more juvenile tendencies with her hair chewing and outlook. She wasn't as outgoing as them, hadn't socialised with as many people. The twins though were indeed like miniature adults, carrying all the sass and potential impotence of those at least twice their age. Dayla and Layla didn't appear to be overly concerned about being questioned or about the attention that they were receiving. Treela on the other hand.

Her gaze darted nervously around the room, even though Leeloo was being extremely friendly, creeping onto the child's shoulder as she chattered. Her words, even if she couldn't understand them, were cheerily spoken and should have eased her mind. In different circumstances, she would have felt pleased by the Tunawa's company. Instead, she knew that she'd let slip something that she shouldn't have. Something that was potentially dangerous. She began to chew on her nails in earnest, worrying at them savagely as tears glistened in her gaze. The pair were having some sort of argument before her. She couldn't understand the language but the tone wasn't pleasant. Were they arguing about her? Arguing about how to deal with her?

The child's lips trembled and she shook her head adamantly even as Virikai assured her that the missing pair wouldn't get into trouble. Tears began to dribble onto her cheeks and then began to gush in earnest as she began to bawl her eyes out.

"Y-y-you d-d-don't know a-a-anything! They m-m-might go back and th-then we'll never s-s-see them again l-l-like Agi," she choked out before she lost the ability to speak altogether. A teacher moved forward, beginning to remonstrance her for her behaviour because surely she was old enough to know better. However, Taysin moved forward to draw her back with a murmur loud enough for Virikai to hear: "Let them work." The Eídisi gave a subtle jerk of her head, indicating to her fellow that he should proceed. If he couldn't get anything better out of the child then he might pull them away, convince them to take a new tack. Perhaps they'd try other children or perhaps they'd move off, look around outside the building, around the Orphanage, seeking some sign of the lost youths.

The IA agent's gaze found Amaris, wondering if they were having better luck.

"A twin? I knew that I liked you for a reason," Layla purred while her twin rolled her eyes.

"We are too old for tricks. What good is a trick where you put the button somewhere and then seem to magically make it appear somewhere else? That's just being clever with her hands," Dayla commented, evidently not all that amused. However, they put laughed at the suggestion that they could work out where the stamp went or return it for a monetary reward.

"Really? Do you think that's worth it? They won't give us nel. They might give us a pat on the head and say, 'Good girls," but they'd never give us anything. They'd just expect us to do it. Returning things, that's just duty," Layla explained, pulling a face.

"The sooner we give answers, the sooner you all go away and then we have to go back to lessons," Dayla pointed out, not impressed by the mixed blood's argument. "Besides, why would we know anything about Tollan? He's younger than us and he's a boy; they're not much use are they?" She looked to her sister for confirmation and received a nod.

Dayla's lips pressed together for a moment, thoughtful and she glanced at her sister. Something unspoken seemed to pass between them.

"Look, we aren't really friends with her, Elyne I mean, but you hear stuff sometimes, even if you don't know someone very well," Dayla explained quietly, almost conspiratorially as she glanced furtively at her teachers. "Some of the kids in the Orphanage? You stop seeing them in school, they just vanish. None of them ever talk about it but they're scared. That's why they ran away. We don't know where they'd go-"

"But we can say for definite that they were desperate to run away," Layla finished, nodding her head. She let out a huff of air. "Can we do something else now? This is boring!"
Given the stress of the situation, the last thing Yorrick had expected was that Devin would be arguing with him. He'd have believed it of Linika if she was still here but Devin? No, the man didn't seem like he'd have enough in him to argue; evidently he was wrong.

"Given the sort of time wasting you seem inclined to practice, I don't think I can be blamed," the IA agent snapped, moving swiftly past him as he followed the blood trail. Linika seemed to be gone. Calling her wasn't going to do any good because she was evidently out of earshot but where had she gone? If she'd spotted the blood trail then she would have told them, surely? No, more likely she'd run away, gone back to only caring about herself. Sounded like typical Naerrik behaviour.

The man moved quickly, Devin and the Ellune following. Still, he wasn't to be rid of the man and his ridiculousness. They had better things to worry about and here he was murmuring apologies and trying to give him a bit of coloured stone. What did he want with a rock? He glanced disdainfully at the peace offering, shaking his head in disbelief. Time and a place.

Moving out into the snow, he had to keep his eyes to the ground, a slight mist making it difficult to see very far ahead. They were reliant on following the trail rather than viewing things further ahead. Linika, or maybe even one of the children could have been in plain sight and be invisible because of the cloud in the air.

The agent paused at one point, crouching to point out the small impression of a child's shoe and a larger one of a woman. Both were deep, particularly at the heel as if they'd moved swiftly, not making as clear an impression with the rest of the shoe. "This looks like Linika's and this one, a child. I don't know if it's the boy or the girl but there's only one," he explained, pointing quickly as he passed on his knowledge. Then he was up and striding along once more.

Devin was also eager to get to their destination, racing ahead of him into the hut so that he missed the splashes of blood that moved off in a new direction.

"Look, there's blood heading-"

A panicked call silenced the rest of his speech, the IA agent taking off at a run, all composure gone as he dashed across the snow, headless of the dangers that might lie ahead.

The splash of Linika hitting the water wouldn't be heard by the rest of her party but the stir she caused in onlookers would be. There were those on the ships that yelled at her for her reckless stupidity, others who screamed that they'd come to rescue her quickly. However, while that commotion was going on, ships with smaller lifeboats dropping them into the water so they could provide aid, there was a quieter scene taking place between Elyne and the Naerrik.

The girl had shrunk away from her, almost risking capsizing her little boat in her need to keep away from the adult. Adults were a sign of threat as far as she was concerned, not to be trusted no matter how they might try to bribe her; the box wasn't viewed very favourably. Elyne's posture changed though as the Naerrik drew closer, ready to hit her with the oar if she was going to remain incapable of steering herself out of the way.

She prodded the wood against the woman's shoulder, pushing herself further away, water coming in through the hull, even as Yorrick reached the dock side and unleashed a terrified cry. He immediately went seeking a boat. For the pair of females, time almost seemed to still though. They were in their own bubble of space, the orphan staring at her with wild hope.

"Could I really? Would you really let me stay with you? You wouldn't give me to them? You wouldn't let them disappear me? If I go back, they'll probably make me vanish and no one will ever be allowed talk about me again," she whispered, eyeing the woman suspiciously even as Yorrick commandeered a little boat for his party. "Will you really help?"

Soon, Yorrick and company would be upon them and the IA agent would definitely return her, no matter how frightening such a possibility was to her. If she was going to prevent the rescue attempt of the two men - the Ellune had remained behind, obviously not wanting her size to cause imbalance - then Linika would have to think bloody fast!


Race: Eídisi
Age: 55
Skills: Leadership - Expert
Investigation - Expert
Intelligence - Expert
Hunting - Competent
Rhetoric - Competent
Linguistics - Competent
Languages: Common (Fluent), Xanthea (Conversational), Rakahi (Broken)
Marks: Xypha - Adored

A senior investigator within the Intelligence Authority, Taysin doesn't deal with typical matters of law and order. She doesn't investigate petty crime but is instead typically given the job of keeping an eye on those from potential problem races (Ithecal, Naerrik, etc.) and suspicious individuals. Her job isn't simply surveillance however, as she also tracks down items that have been smuggled into the city.

Taysin may come across as quite haughty to those that she deems as being lesser races but she will show a warmer demeanour to those who prove their intelligence to her either through words or deeds. She is a good communicator who is quite determined to have her own opinion heard but who will also do her best to hear as many points of view as she can when considering a dilemma.
Yorrick Farrow
Race: Human
Age: 32
Skills: Investigation - Expert
Intimidation - Expert
Intelligence - Competent
Empathy - High Competent
Unarmed Combat (Mixed Martial Arts) - Competent
Persuasion - Competent

Yorrick is a quiet, aloof-seeming man. He's a man of few words and when he does speak, it's usually wise to pay attention to him because he's considered his words very carefully indeed. He spends more time watching others, observing both physical body language and his target's Tangle. He is has a scholarly curiosity about the emotions of others but he doesn't take pleasure in playing with them although he considers it necessary. Yorrick works with the IA and typical work involves calming suspects and making them cooperative, gaining a sense of the Videnese population's satisfaction levels and supporting his colleagues where necessary.
Gara Vraskai qalar-Treid
Race: Ellune
Skills: Socialisation - Expert
Endurance - Expert
Strength - Competent
Detection - Competent
Intimidation - Novice
Languages: Leni (Fluent), Common (Conversational)

A history student from Oscillus, Gara is quiet and thoughtful, ready to help those that she perceives as being in need. At 8 foot tall with skin that typically appears frosted, the black haired woman may appear rather intimidating but like many of her race, she is a gentle giant. She is naturally inquisitive and has decent observation skills.

She aided Leeloo when she was escaping from her master and gave her a place to stay.


Must do Objectives:
  • 1. Use the words wet, shiver and shock in your posts.
    2. Blurt out something that you shouldn't.
Optional Objectives:
  • 1. Describe an animal that's in your PC's field of vision. It can be a mammal, bird, fish, insect, etc. It can be alive or dead.
    2. Use all 7 colours of the rainbow in some shape or form. For reference that's red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
You can complete one, both or neither of these objectives.

Posting Rules

I will be posting again in one weeks on 5th June. You must post once between now and then. Any additional posts will be deleted. Missing a turn will have IC consequences, even if that means that you do not gain the advantages of others in your group.

Please do not control the NPCs unless you are given explicit permission to do so. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE PEOPLE THAT TAYSIN'S GROUP ARE QUESTIONING!

Complete the must do objectives or suffer the (IC) consequences.

There is no posting order. Respect the other players and have fun!


Achievement - Teacher's Pet: For completing all objectives, Devin and Linika will receive an appropriate reward.
Achievement - One of Sharp Words: All players completed the must do objectives, the reward will be suitably themed.
Achievement - Argumentative: All players were involved in arguments, which isn't very nice behaviour but in this case, I not only condone it but approve!
Achievement - Keeping Count: All players kept their posts under 500 words. What does that mean? A fancy reward! A mystery reward.
Achievement - Finders... Not Keepers?: Devin, Linika and Amaris all found out of place objects and gave them away again. You will be rewarded!
Achievement - Holding All the Answers:Devin, Linika and Virikai asked questions but gave their own answers so you're going to get something interesting!
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

The child's words stunned Linika for a moment. Not the relative quickness with which the girl seemed to accept staying with her. In fact, she seemed almost eager, and with Linika being a member of the "shadow race", it was quite surprising. But it was the apparent motivation for her eagerness...

"What did you say child...Elyne?" she corrected herself to call her by name. "What do you mean 'disappear' you?...'vanish'?...'Not allowed to talk about you?' Others are at the orphanage, asking about...the boy." She couldn't remember his name offhand, "Are the ki- the children there not going to be allowed to talk about him?"

She wanted to get more answers right now, but other boats were hitting the water now; men slipping quickly down net ropes with oars in hand. They suddenly constituted an instinctive threat to the naer. Something was clearly going on that wanted to be hushed up. And while these sailors were probably not a part of it, they would undoubtedly see to the orphan being returned. Yorrick would surely take command and assume control of the girl.

Unfavorable certainty as to how she stood in rank against the IA operative made him an enemy as well. She turned her thoughts back to Elyne. "Never mind. Forget I asked. Don't tell anyone, in fact. I believe you. I won't let them take you. This is probably why they're chasing you-...chasing us. But if they know you told me this, it will be even harder."

Cursing herself, Linika realized that she should not have said this. She could see a new fear take root in the child's eyes. "Elyne! Listen...it's going to be okay. Just don't say you told me. If they ask, tell them it was this jewelry box that persuaded you to come back. You can just tell them it was so colorful that you wanted it. That I said I'd give it to you when we got ashore. And I will, if you do want it."

And in fairness, the box was refreshingly colorful. She supposed that was why it had caught her eye. All the expanse of Viden was a mix of "cold" colors. Blue, green, white. The only common variance was the occasional lean toward violet or indigo. The box had a bright yellow sun, with a field of inlaid orange and red flowers, even the blue sky and green grass was of a much brighter shade.

But it was the bird streaking across the field that was the main feature. Plumage of every color graced the head, as well as the wings and tail, which was long, coiling behind in a trail that spelled out "Celebrate". Linika had to admire the craftwork. for though the bird had the body structure and fearlessness of a raptor, it somehow denied any predatory appearance. It was a shame that some of the inlays had become lost.

But the sounds of men calling to them both to "hang on", that they'd "be there soon", now struck her ears as a toll of doom. Elyne could not propel the boat she was in; and it was sinking, albeit slowly. "Elyne, trust me. Lean that oar over the side to me. Hang on to your end and brace your feet against the bow...no, the bow..uh...the front. Yeah, that's right, now let the oar out to me...Easy..."

Of course, the oar hit the water hard enough to splash Linika in the face. Despite the shock of the cold, she made herself laugh, to ease the girl's whimpering. It appeared that the Cavini Cloak did not ward as well against cold when it was actually wet itself. Linika could plainly see it shiver over Elyne's form.

managing to pull the boat toward her, she could see that her weight would be disastrous to the slowly sinking craft. She slipped her end of the oar beneath herself as she shifted on to her back, and began to stroke heavily with both arms toward shore. She gasped instructions as she stroked slow progress forward. "Elyne? Tell me...if I need to...turn a bit...one way or the...other, please. Steer me...toward that...big Ellune girl...on shore...Her name is...Gara. Maybe she...will help."
No word count. YAY! :D
Key words, cold shiver and shock
Blurted out why the folks were after them, scaring Elyne more.
All colors mentioned describing the "Celebrate" box
Maybe describing the bird on the box counts as describing an animal seen.
Last edited by Linika on Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:42 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 769
- Poison -

"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans


There was snow, snow and even more snow, and Devin shuddered as he pulled his hood over his head again in order to have at least some protection against the elements. He could barely see what was in front of his eyes, and he was starting to shiver, but in spite of that he moved on because he couldn’t abandon the mission now when they were so close to finding the orphans even though he was incredibly worried that he would walk too far, overlook the edge of the dock and fall right into the freezing water and die!

He didn’t pay any attention to what Yorrick and Gara were doing until Yorrick started to speak. Upon hearing his words, the thief and false naturalist turned around, shielding his eyes against the falling snow with a hand and looked at him. “Fek!” he blurted out. “Linika got to her first!” His eyes widened in shock as he realized what he had just said. This was not good. Yorrick would hate him forever if he realized that he had just joined the mission because he wanted the orphans for himself. He couldn’t allow that to happen!

“I’m worried that Linika has less than honest motives”, he explained which, he realized, might actually be true, judging by what had happened so far. “Why else would she abandon us?” He didn’t wait for Yorrick’s answer, but raced ahead of him, into the hut – only to stop dead in his tracks as he heard a loud, panicked scream. He moved towards the docks as quickly as he could. There were already a couple of people gathered there, watching what was happening on that boat – and reacting much too slowly for his taste. He could even see a man with a dog that was about the size of a calf and that had long fur that was completely wet now. He stared at them for a moment and then he screamed, “Hurry up!” before he joined Yorrick in looking for a boat.

“There!” he said and pointed at one that wasn’t occupied and looked as if it wasn’t going to sink anytime soon and tried to pull it closer with all of his strength. “Get in there, Yorrick, and row as quickly as you can! Their boat is sinking! We have to save them!”
word count: 397


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

Leeloo cocked her head as Virikai translated the now sobbing child. She sighed. "Sometimes never seeing a person again can be one of the greatest things that can happen... If you only knew..." Her eyes widened in shock and she gasped covering her mouth. That had been a horrible thing to say at this time! She looked around sheepishly and shivered although it had been in Tree Talk, Leeloo felt guilty. But, she could mope later right now there were more important matters. "Be not see again? Please tell more! Who Agi? A friend?" She took the girl's finger finding it wet from tears and held it.. Leeloo gave Virikai and nodded as if to say she had and idea. She carefully spoke to Treela in her best Common, which was horrible. "Eh Tree-la, whoo Agi? Whoo Agi? Agi byee byee? Ahh... Umm... Agi...f-f-fr-" Leeloo paused, she knew this word! She sat on Treela's shoulder thinking, "Fr-fruh-fruend. Ah! Fruend!" Leeloo excitedly clapped at the word. Turning to face Treela with a smile she asked, "Agi yoo fruend?" She hoped Treela would answer her.

But just in case Treela was done with them Leeloo had to have a back up plan...But first, "Kai, is sorry, not my place. Just want know you lots love Mae. Mae important to me..." That was the truth, Leeloo wanted Virikai to know that she just wanted to make sure he really loved one of the women who had helped her so much. Mae deserved the best and so did Gara. "Kai, blue boy talk to you maybe? You important to people. Famous! Yes? Respect you lots right? If girl done talk." She looked at the stern boy, "Same values as boy? Both race same. Boy ignore me earlier... But glance at you brief. Lost boy is part Eldisi? Maybe they friends?" While Leeloo's speech was poor she wanted to show she was smart and thought things through.

Brains were everything here in Viden and Leeloo wanted people to know she was smart despite her language, size, and background. She already had an idea of what to do next in her life. She had been handed a golden opportunity being found by Gara. Leeloo had the chance to make something of her once stagnant life. No longer would she be a 'toy'. She wanted to learn! To understand life and everything around her.

Tree Talk Xanthea Common
word count: 411
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Virikai Talius
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

Opinions were wonderful things, much like respect. They waxed and waned much like the moon. In the case of the average person, who was flakey and easily swayed, opinions were often far more flimsy than the regularity of the political circles Virikai normally walked among. Leeloo - wet behind the ears in every way that mattered - seemed pretty set on an opinion of Virikai, and it was of little consequence to him when the plant-creature started jabbering in a language he didn’t understand. “Commoners...” Virikai muttered under his breath in his own native tongue, and he was of half a mind to leave the little thing to flounder though her efforts at ‘making friends’ without him.

But he was not one to give up, and tried again. He did not reply to Leeloo’s further efforts at talking about his Bella - if the tree cared enough, then she could try to court her, but Bella had chosen him, and that was enough. He did not have to justify his relationship to such an uncouth little creature. And, Virikai thought, Mabella wanted to break off the engagement... well it was not like the aristocrat would come off any the worse. A small scandal, yes, but he would walk away unscathed. Marbella, however... he would destroy her. He fought back the shiver threatening to travel up his spine at the momentary fantasy of imagining such a scene play out. “Go back where, child?” Virikai questioned with a firm, yet soft, urgency, “What do you mean you won’t see them again?

The way the girl said it, the scion received the distinct impression that Treela believed the lost children to currently be safe. They were, in her eyes, in more danger if they were returned to the Orphanage, it seemed. She did not seem afraid of never seeing them again right now. This was something Taysin needed to know, if she didn’t already. Virikai has no information, other than conjecture, but it was enough to pique his interest. Just as the agent had provided Virikai to question the girl further, his gaze flickered upwards briefly, trying to catch the overseer’s, inviting her into his mind to watch as he tried to delve deeper.

What did Treela mean by never seeing the children again? The Facility certainly weren’t taking that many children - they were very careful about the removal of orphans, so as to avoid suspicion. The politician in him stirred, glad for the first time he had joined this venture. Maybe she might even think it worth infiltrating the child’s mind... even if such things were somewhat frowned upon by the general Videnese populous. “Treela, I need you to listen to me,” the Talius heir shuffled, accepting that he would be remaining down here for a little longer and decided to adopt a more comfortable position. “Are you listening?

Virikai believed the girl wanted to talk, but there was the risk of inadvertently shutting her down. He did not want to add his own unsolicited advice, or move into lecture mode... If the girl was in shock, too, that would not help matters. “It must be so hard, looking after your friends and being afraid they are in danger. Especially from the people who are supposed to look after them.” Virikai was no expert with talking to children - this was entirely new ground... but directly asking would get him nowhere, so he indirectly asked, “I wonder if there is a way you and I might be able to help them..?
The Ice Prince-
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

- common / murnasian

Well, they got them there. The mixed blood had to say they were pleased with their choice thus far. Both girls were mature and objective; whether that was a product of their teaching or just the nature of them, the mixed blood could not be sure. But it was...refreshing from the less mature children they’d been exposed to. “I see your point - boys are not much use to us for some time, huh?” It wasn’t much of a shock to learn that the girls thought this way. They, for some time, had not shown much interest in anyone. “I used to think the same way. My mother said I would grow out of such a sentiment, but I am not quite sure if I will. Maybe I am something of a late bloomer.” They froze a moment, lips pressed together. This wasn’t a topic to discuss with children.

Moving on quickly, and hoping that their face was not as red as it felt, the mixed blood stood a moment to stretch their legs. The twins before them gave their opinion of this whole procedure, eager to get a move on now that they were aware that nothing would really be gained from this. Amaris, too, was starting to think there wasn’t much the two could offer, but what they had given was more than enough. If this was anything but a lead, the mixed blood would sooner paint themselves partly yellow and find a colony of bumblebears to live with. What would that woman who ran the orphanage do, knowing that children knew these things? Would she be blue in the face? They hoped so.

“You’ve both been very helpful already. Perhaps if you speak with your teacher, and tell them that Councilor Amaris would like for you to receive a reward for your help, to-trial; anything you want. Maybe something violet?” They wouldn’t say they were the best with color palattes, but at this point they were somewhat distracted in their thinking. For all they cared, the twins could have asked for something bright orange like a pumpkin to carve and they would be fine if the two were given what they’d asked for. With a clenched jaw, they stood.

It wasn’t so much a delay in emotion that had them pausing for a moment. It was, however, the butterfly pinned carefully in its case in the corner of the room that caught their attention, holding them in place for a moment. An emerald green, contrasting the indigo ink that labeled its species, it was something of a pretty sight. Morbid; but pretty. A shiver passed through them, unrelated to the cold entirely. Amaris wet their lips, thinking better of it to dwell on whatever might cross their mind. Better to report what they’d been told to Taysin.
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

Tick. Tock.

Their words weren't bringing the boy to them or them to the boy. From the jibbering of a crying girl to the cool rhetoric of a precocious pair, they were gaining a sense of why the children had run but not an idea of where.


However, they weren't the first to walk this ground, as the IA had been here and questioned them all, children and adults. Anything of use that could be gleaned from this pool of information had been sucked dry. Any leads that existed had been followed. They'd searched the grounds around the primary school building. They'd tried to trace the steps of both to wherever they'd gone but they'd failed.


But that didn't mean that the search was fruitless.

Tick. Tock. Tick.

The twins wandered off, leaving Amaris to approach Taysin to report to her. Treela though... she wasn't giving Leeloo and Virikai much to report. Still, Kai was on the right track, digging to the root of whatever anxiety plagued the redhead.

"Agi w-w-was my friend and th-th-they took h-h-her away. I don't kn-know why but sh-sh-she was th-there one trial a-a-and gone the next," she sniffled, managing a wet smile at the Tunawa's attempt at Common. However, she grew more grave at the Eídisi's words, mouth twisting. "I don't kn-kn-know how to help. I don't kn-kn-know where either of them would go. I know Elyne likes d-d-dolls, we b-both do," she explained, watery gaze flicking to Leeloo. "And T-T-Tollan likes working th-th-things out. He likes b-b-bodies. He's sort of w-w-weird but he i-i-is part-Eídisi so- S-s-sorry I didn't m-m-mean that."

She eyed the Talius lordling guiltily, not aware that he had something to distract him. She hadn't seen the young human man who'd come in, didn't see him hurry to Taysin's side. Whether Virikai or Leeloo noticed the newcomer, the Xypha would know when the IA agent dropped messages straight into his head.

"Talius, we know where he is!" An image of the Infirmary flashed into his mind followed by the Viridian Wing.

Amaris would hear things, gaining a little more information than Virikai although they'd only hear bits and pieces. They heard mention of the boy, the Infirmary, the Institute of Science and something about his intellectual promise in medical sciences. There was also a murmur that sounded like FRA and Graft. Whatever that was, Taysin shushed him quickly given Amaris' presence.

Tock. Tick.

"Quickly! We need to go to the Viridian Wing. It's here in the Academy, different part but here! To think he was right under our noses!" Taysin gasped out, moving swiftly towards the other two. She barked the need to move before turning on her heel, leaving Virikai or Amaris to bring Leeloo along.

However, when Treela realised they were going, she clung to the Tunawa, asking if she could be alone with her for a trill or two, basically shooing the Talius heir away. When she was alone with her, she took a woven band from her wrist, wrapping it around the little plant so that it was diagonal across her body. It went over one shoulder and then down to the opposite hip. It fit well and she fixed the tie on it so it would stay in place. Whatever it was, Treela didn't say, obviously realising that the language barrier wouldn't allow her to explain. Once she'd done it, she smiled, kissed the Tunawa lightly on the head and then rushed her over to Amaris.

The mixed blood wouldn't have had a chance to depart yet, even though it meant that they were technically trailing behind, Taysin having gone out the door ahead of them. Instead, they'd been approached by Dayla, the more serious of the twins. "I have these bracelets. They're pretty and stuff and they sometimes... well, they sometimes let me and Layla know stuff but... we don't ever go far so they're just pretty and we don't really need them. You seem nice and you aren't from here, we can tell so... you must be far from home. Maybe... you can find a use for them." With that, the girl thrust two simple bangles into the mixed blood's hands and went off to rejoin their sister. Looking at them, Amaris would find that the metal had ornate patterns in it so they weren't quite as simple as they seemed and certainly were pretty.

Amaris and Leeloo would be a new pair while Virikai would likely move to catch up to Taysin. With their long legs, Amaris would catch up quickly, finding the group trudging through the snow en route to the Infirmary and the Viridian Wing. They could talk about what they'd found out or keep it to themselves, perhaps even ask questions.

However, it was clear that the IA agent had her eyes firmly fixed on her goal and so when they reached their destination, she muttered something about splitting up before moving into the Infirmary without any regard for what anyone else was doing. They could decide for themselves it seemed.
There were times in one's life when moments of great importance occurred and it was necessary to make difficult decisions. Often those moments didn't come with signposts to announce their value, didn't outline all the possible futures that branched off from them and from which only a single future could emerge.

Such a moment was upon Devin and Linika however, and quickly approached for their compatriots who were little aware of what was coming for them either. These moments called for decisions, often immediate ones that left very little room for thought. They were decisions that came from the heart or the soul.

Linika had already gone with her heart, offering the girl a place with her although whether she would actually follow through or not if the opportunity arose wasn't entirely clear. If she had been Devin then it would be clear how things would go. If given the chance, the young man would gleefully take guardianship of one child or both if he could get his hands on them. However, the Naerrik did have her hands on one at least. If she grabbed the girl and ran then she might be able to get away, might be able to use her high-level contacts to keep the child. Unfortunately, she wasn't in great running shape. When she managed to get out of the water, the cold air would strike her soaked form and leave her shivering violently, a numbness settling deep into her bones that would leave her stiff and make her movements slow and laborious. If she wasn't treated appropriately and fast then she'd be in trouble. However, there was an opportunity because Elyne would also need to be treated for hypothermia. Where one went, the other would presumably have to go as well.

The Naerrik wouldn't be alone though because Yorrick steered his way towards her, moving to intercept. He'd thrown himself into a rowboat on his own initiative, not because of Devin's orders although those certainly weren't appreciated. In fact, he was more than a little pissed off by the man's demeanour, although he was largely annoyed with himself; he was afraid that he'd inadvertently triggered this. The need to rescue the orphans was definitely his doing and with the man's natural personality, this could well be the result. Given that time was of the essence, he could afford to pause and fiddle around in the other's Tangle but when this was over, he might screw with something as a form of revenge. For now, he could only row hard while snapping at the man.

"I understand that this is a stressful situation. Things can get heated and excited in these trying times but you have overstepped," he snarled, grunting as he put his back into shoving the oars through the water. "I'm in charge here, not you so you don't order me about and you don't act as if we're on the same level because we aren't. As for Linika... maybe she has some dishonest motives but I think she's got the child's best interests at heart; she's on the verge of freezing in the water there. We know nothing for sure but I don't think she's as dishonest as you say. You should be careful what you say," Yorrick explained as he reached the other boat, helping the soaking child out of the damaged boat and into their own. It was fast getting crowded in the boat and he didn't think Linika could get in, especially not without risking dipping the edge of the loaded down boat into the water. Luckily, the Naer had some sort of flotation device, which she'd obviously brought with her when she dived in. Presumably that'd help her but there was rope in the boat so he leaned out, working quickly as the icy bite of the water worked against him. When he was done, the rope looped around Linika's arm and the flotation device before he tethered it to the boat's oar lock.

Rowing ashore, he was able to tow the Naerrik to shore, leaving the child's care to Devin because he couldn't afford to do anything for her now. It was better to rush to land, let the man deal with the child that he was so eager to help.

"I got a pretty box. She gave me a pretty box," Elyne mumbled, whatever last wild burst of energy she'd had now well and truly dissipated. In fact, her eyelids were beginning to droop and she seemed a lot less alert than she had been. "I'm real sleepy," the child muttered before moving to rest her head on Devin's shoulder.

When they got to shore, they could call on aid, other volunteers to bring them back to the Viden Academy, to the Infirmary. Where else could they get the treatment they needed if not back at the beginning? Linika would have very little choice in the matter, go with the flow and live or break the mould and die. If she went with the flow then many avenues would be open to her, options about how to proceed.

One thing was unavoidable for Linika though. Her little swim had washed her clean, revealing her for what she was: a Xypha.

Devin wasn't as constrained though. If he chose, he could slip away, retrieve that strange gem back in the boat storage shed but who knew what he'd miss by doing so.

There were any possible paths but there was only one future.


Race: Eídisi
Age: 55
Skills: Leadership - Expert
Investigation - Expert
Intelligence - Expert
Hunting - Competent
Rhetoric - Competent
Linguistics - Competent
Languages: Common (Fluent), Xanthea (Conversational), Rakahi (Broken)
Marks: Xypha - Adored

A senior investigator within the Intelligence Authority, Taysin doesn't deal with typical matters of law and order. She doesn't investigate petty crime but is instead typically given the job of keeping an eye on those from potential problem races (Ithecal, Naerrik, etc.) and suspicious individuals. Her job isn't simply surveillance however, as she also tracks down items that have been smuggled into the city.

Taysin may come across as quite haughty to those that she deems as being lesser races but she will show a warmer demeanour to those who prove their intelligence to her either through words or deeds. She is a good communicator who is quite determined to have her own opinion heard but who will also do her best to hear as many points of view as she can when considering a dilemma.
Yorrick Farrow
Race: Human
Age: 32
Skills: Investigation - Expert
Intimidation - Expert
Intelligence - Competent
Empathy - High Competent
Unarmed Combat (Mixed Martial Arts) - Competent
Persuasion - Competent

Yorrick is a quiet, aloof-seeming man. He's a man of few words and when he does speak, it's usually wise to pay attention to him because he's considered his words very carefully indeed. He spends more time watching others, observing both physical body language and his target's Tangle. He is has a scholarly curiosity about the emotions of others but he doesn't take pleasure in playing with them although he considers it necessary. Yorrick works with the IA and typical work involves calming suspects and making them cooperative, gaining a sense of the Videnese population's satisfaction levels and supporting his colleagues where necessary.
Gara Vraskai qalar-Treid
Race: Ellune
Skills: Socialisation - Expert
Endurance - Expert
Strength - Competent
Detection - Competent
Intimidation - Novice
Languages: Leni (Fluent), Common (Conversational)

A history student from Oscillus, Gara is quiet and thoughtful, ready to help those that she perceives as being in need. At 8 foot tall with skin that typically appears frosted, the black haired woman may appear rather intimidating but like many of her race, she is a gentle giant. She is naturally inquisitive and has decent observation skills.

She aided Leeloo when she was escaping from her master and gave her a place to stay.


Things are heating up, we won't have that much longer to go and so I'm giving you a bit of freedom! (Especially as Linika was so enthusiastic about the lack of a word count) So as long as you write a post and explain your actions, it's all good. Fly, my pretties! Fly!

Posting Rules

I will be posting again in one week on 13th June. You must post once between now and then. Any additional posts will be deleted. Missing a turn will have IC consequences, even if that means that you do not gain the advantages of others in your group.

Please do not control the NPCs unless you are given explicit permission to do so.

Complete the must do objectives or suffer the (IC) consequences.

There is no posting order. Respect the other players and have fun!


Achievement - Overachiever: Linika completed all objectives and gets a trophy... of sorts.
Achievement - Bare Necessities: Linika, Devin and Leeloo completed all must do objectives and so will receive something necessary.
Achievement - Put the Words Right Into My Mouth!: For using all words, all PCs will gain a certain wordy gift.
Achievement - Slip of the Tongue: For blurting out what they shouldn't, there will be an appropriate reward for Linika, Devin, Leeloo and Amaris.
Achievement - Zoologist: For spotting and describing an animal, Linika, Devin and Amaris will receive something special!
Achievement - Blinded by Rainbows: For using all the colours of the rainbow, Linika and Amaris will receive an appropriately colourful gift.
Secret Achievement - Liar, Liar: Devin has cast some particularly negative aspersions on Linika when he's the one with ulterior motives. By throwing his teammate into the firing line, Devin has unlocked a secret achievement. Yay? Rest assured, he'll be justly rewarded for his treachery.
Self-Control: So disciplined and controlled, Virikai didn't blurt out anything inappropriate. There will be a very particular consequence for this although it depends on the thread's outcome. It might be unpleasant... or maybe it'll be a golden opportunity, it remains to be seen.
Bossy Boots:: Devin's bossy demeanour and attempts of ordering Yorrick about have been met with irritation. This will have consequences.
Cold as Ice: For jumping into the icy water in the harbour and spending quite a bit of time there, there will be some nasty health consequences for Linika. Whoops!


I feel like y'all miss certain things if I put them in Posting Rules so making sure that this is clear and difficult to miss.

If I have mentioned a character overhearing something then you CANNOT use that information. Just because it's written there and you read it, does NOT mean that your PC has access to it IC unless explicitly stated. If you bring OOC learned info into an IC context that is METAGAMING!

Just so you're well aware and can't miss it. Hence, Virikai and Leeloo, you have vague knowledge of Tollan liking bodies or something (you COULD infer biology from that, Kai probably will) but Amaris has a little more information about medicine and Graft (if they recognise what that is, even by name) and what will one hundred percent be unknown - the FRA
word count: 2805
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans


“I don’t care if you are in charge. You were standing there and watching, just like the others. I had to do something! I was worried that she was going to die!“ Devin retorted as Yorrick informed him that he had overstepped. He was just as pissed off as the IA agent now, his eyes seemed to be ablaze, and his face was turning an intense shade of red that didn’t have anything to do with being exposed to the cold for too long. He wasn’t particularly interested in kissing him anymore, at least not at the moment, he just wanted to punch him right into that smug face of his so that he would shut up. First, he needed to save that poor little girl though because she didn’t deserve to freeze to death in the cold water and because he still needed an innocent looking apprentice.

When they finally reached Elyne, he extended a hand towards her as well in case Yorrick needed help pulling her into the boat, and then he gestured for her to move over to him and produced the little doll that he’d hidden under his coat. The poor girl seemed to be pretty shaken, and contrary to popular belief Devin did have a certain amount of compassion, especially for little children and especially when he was under the influence of magic. She needed something familiar now, something that would comfort her a little. “I think that’s yours”, he said and cast a glance at Yorrick, daring him to find something wrong with that as well.

When he realized that Linika would not be allowed to join them in the boat but be forced to swim after them, he couldn’t help but be gleeful, even though being happy about another person’s misery wasn’t particularly nice. Maybe his accusations had had some sort of effect on Yorrick after all – or maybe, he realized as he took a look around, the boat was just crowded enough as it was. Either way, he didn’t have a problem with the Naerikk being stuck in the water for a bit longer – even though he had initially considered her to be one of the more useful members of the group. His chances of getting at least two of the three prizes – the girl and the stone – were rapidly increasing!

“Here, this will keep you warm”, he said, removed the blanket from his backpack and draped it across Elyne’s shoulders. He’d just remembered that he had it. He’d forgotten all about it – and the backpack on his back that was full of stuff that he might have been able to use. He allowed the little girl to rest her head on his shoulders – until he suddenly remembered the stone that was still waiting for him in the boat storage shed again.

He looked at Yorrick and Linika, checking if they were still busy, and then he whispered to Elyne, “I just realized that I dropped something when we were looking for you. I need to retrieve it. Wait for me right here – and don’t go with the others! They’ll probably take you right back to the orphanage. I know that you don’t feel good, but if somebody touches you, you need to scream as loudly as you can. I’ll come and save you. If this is over, you can come to Scalvoris with me”, he said and added, “I’ll be right back!”

With that he quickly slipped away in order to retrieve his prize, hoping that Elyne would still be there when he returned - and that Yorrick wouldn’t notice that he’d been gone. He had briefly considered taking Elyne into the shed with him, but she didn’t appear to be in good shape, and she would probably just slow him down. No, this was the only way!
word count: 657


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

It would have been so easy, to simply flop in the mud on the shore, and cover her mark, but thoughts of her mark, or of hiding it, were the furthest things from her mind right then. Mostly it was from seeing control being stripped from her and placed more in the hands of the human, Darrel, or Simon, or whatever it was. She'd been the one who'd thrown aside caution to bring the girl back, coaxed and reassured her with promises and gifts. And she'd be cursed if she was going to see it taken away!

But delicacy was required. She was in no shape to get into some struggle, verbal or otherwise, right here in the face of this Yorrick guy. He'd already announced himself IA. That would surely be the best tact to use here. She could hardly stand for lack of feeling in her legs. That at least gave her cause to subtly wrestle for possession of the child. As Devin placed the blanket around the shivering girl, Linika moved in to slip the soaked Cavini Cloak from around her feet, where it had fallen, as if she was going to use it herself.

"Here, honey, let me take this wet thing away. It's not doing you any good now. But it helped for a while, didn't it!" She nodded with a smile, her voice rising cheerfully to remind Elyne how she'd done that for her. She was not about to have that aid forgotten, and even moved to take the place of Devin as the one tucking and hugging the blanket in close to warm her up. "Theeeeeere, that's better."

As much as she wanted to just grab her and run, she was unsure of the reliability of her own legs. The pins-and-needles effect was only now starting to torment her nerves as feeling started to return. But it was definitely time to establish her claim on Elyne; and to do so in the midst of necessary and logical instruction to make it all seem like part of an accepted action.

"Don't let her fall asleep! We should be getting her to the Infirmary immediately. She's clearly suffering from the cold. I work there, so we can get her in quickly and properly treated, before I begin my adoption process." She said this specifically for Yorrick to hear, as she leaned in close to encourage Elyne and nudge her awake, "You still want to live with me, right? I'll protect you. No one's going to make you disappear when I'm around."

Her eyes had locked with Yorrick as she finished, and she started briskly massaging her own legs; both for friction-heat, and to more swiftly pass through the prickly phase of returning sensations. "I'm fine. I'm just getting some heat back into my legs. But I'm serious, do NOT let a hypothermia victim fall asleep. And yes, I promised her I would let her live with me. But for now, I'll be happy just to get her proper care."

She nudged Elyne again, her voice all sweetness, "Wake up, sweetie. Falling asleep is not good for you when you're this cold." Turning back to Yorrick, she nearly growled, "Look, I can't carry her myself. I can hardly walk. But I'll catch up quick enough. Just bounce her in your arms as you go." At least that human wasn't carrying her.

Much of what inspired command within a group was the stating of instructions as if there was no question that they would be obeyed. And even if Yorrick was her superior in the IA, she figured he would see the sense of what she was saying, and hold off on any dressing-down of this naerikk subordinate until after the girl was secure. By that time, she hoped some opportunity would knock.

She still had no awareness that her Xypha mark was plainly visible to anyone that looked.
Last edited by Linika on Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 677
- Poison -

"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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Virikai Talius
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[Seasonal Quest] Little Lost Orphans

The girl made little sense. At least, she wouldn’t, if Virikai wasn’t already intrinsically liked with the secret ongoing of Viden’s own medical underworld. He had suspicions about what the girl had been talking about, where people might go missing, and would not push the point any further. Virikai and Annalise would not have been sent to join this little search party if the children had been taken by the Facility for Retrospective Analysis, surely? He frowned, wondering what his supervisor was discovering (other than how infuriating it was to work with the naer).

The mention of what each of them liked, however, brought the scion up short. To be young, with so light self-awareness, the girl’s thought process did not, apparently, follow a particular train of thought. “No matter, Treela, many people like many different things. But I do not understand, child. I asked you to help me find them, how does this-” The leader’s voice in his mind halted further enquiries after the two lost orphans. His head jerked up to see the Agent in question sprinting from the room without further explanation to the others.

Leeloo,” he began, stumbling as he tried to form a functional message in broken Xanthea as quickly as possible. “We leave,” he gestured to himself, and then to Leeloo’s form as he tried to explain. “Now.” To punctuate his point further, he would hold out his hand, offering to carry the creature as he had seen Taysin do today, or Maebella do in the past. “Come.

The time of being kind to the child, thus winning her over, was past. She had revealed nothing, despite the best efforts of the lordling. If she was unwilling to speak, he did not have the time to waste on her, and did not even glance at the child. Immortals, Virikai should have even had to be kind to the child, he was heir to one of the most powerful dynasties in Viden, blessed by the great Yvithia herself. The child should know who he is, and shouldn’t need to be coddled into providing her superior with the answers he desired.

No, Taysin had summoned him (he ignored the rude way with which she did so) and had left with such speed that he didn’t not know where to go. Hoping the Agent was listening, he opened his mind to her, asking where, specifically, they were supposed to be heading to: two images in his mind wasn’t much of a clue, given the sheer size of the Viridian Wing.

Time was clearly of the essence and, though he would not purposefully leave without Leeloo, he would not hang around longer than absolutely necessary for the plant-like being. He fought the urge to roll his eyes as the child did not immediately let the foreigner leave. If Leeloo insisted on further conversation with the child, he would leave and catch up with the leader of their dysfunctional search party. Hopefully by now he had a location from Taysin

Virikai’s plan had been to place the creature on his shoulder, but their previous quarry rushed away, with bleeding plant. Standing, , he would turn, only to find the girl practically assaulting both Leelo and Amaris. “Yvithia give me strength,” he slipped into his native dialect, Ancient Tongue, as frustration overwhelmed him and he began to wonder if all the children had set about on some grand ploy to waste Directorate time. If that was the case, the normally controlled eídisi was already coming up with a little... corrective exercise for the entirety of the Primary student body.

Amaris, at least, was useful. If not now, then in the future, so Virikai had more qualms about leaving them behind than he did Leeloo, and so he passed on whatever he learned from Taysin. “You know where to go?” This he too spoke in the Ancient Language, forgetting himself for a moment, and he did not even realise his mistake. If they nodded, he would leave, if not, he would stay and the three would continue on as a group.
The Ice Prince-
word count: 696
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