• Mature • [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

24th of Cylus 724

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima


Woe listened to Manclin's remarks regarding religiosity, and Etzos' lack of piety toward the Immortals. The mortalborn understood well enough that it was foolish to outright worship the Immortals. That the Etzori seemed to see it in those terms was telling. Perhaps in their distant past they experienced a period of extreme fanaticism toward some Outer Beings, whether Immortals or another source of divine might. "I understand Etzos' position fairly well." Woe assured Manclin. "Intolerance was perhaps the wrong word. And in terms of those who do acknowledge the Immortals... As one who is marked by several I can assure you it's rarely the case where one will proselytize on behalf of an Immortal, with few exceptions... Perhaps Delroth woud find worship and praise to his liking, and Edasha too. Several of the Immortals who are dead or presumed so." Woe snorted, at the dead part.

"But for the majority of those who acknowledge the Immortals and seek to either please or placate them... I can say at least in terms of those living in Scalvoris, that there's a sense of neutrality toward them. All Immortals are acknowledged, and there are traditions according to each one. But if I'm not mistaken, none of those traditions include spreading of what your people would see as fanaticism."

At any rate, I doubt you'll get many willing to make a long trek to Etzos, but you can try.OOC: A lot of the moving over of residents to Etzos was predicated on the crisis, which may well have passed in fluid time so I don't want to dwell on that too much now Woe shrugged. "But let's leave all of that behind us and focus on what we can deal with."

"Scalvoris has a thriving glass industry, and research ties to Viden... although that relationship may be in jeopardy now that Yvithia has been potentially implicated as a saboteur, if not a collaborator with the saboteurs who seek an end to our island." Woe thought to himself for a few moments. He had spilled a lot of information, but didn't feel it would harm their negotiations. In the end, he let it be. "And of course, Viden is a government, a Directorate that answers ultimately to an Immortal being. So you may wish to avoid those entanglements. I'm certainly given to question Scalvoris' involvement in that bargain."

It was around then, as Manclin was about to take a sip, that Kasoria piped up with a mention of the Euphoria. Woe kept his face neutral, although that in itself might've given away that he was taken by surprise. Normally he was able to disguise the pleasant perfume of the Euphoria with the right herbs, but then many of those were commonplace and Kasoria had a keen nose.

"I see you know your herbs." Woe conceded. "Apologiies, it must've slipped the mind of my assistant here not to add it to every brew. Normally I reserve these batches for myself, but in my absentmindedness claimed them for meetings. I will be more careful in the future."

"Now, we are interested in trade. And I think perhaps we can introduce you to a certain Cadouri inventor who can furnish you with such technological marvels that you're alluding to." Woe nodded, and looked to Balthazar, "I believe Balthazar has collaborated with the cadouri on occasion himself."

He turned to face Manclin, "As for Kura, we're not her secretaries. You'll have to make an appointment, but stay a while and let's continue to talk about what we can offer each other. Scalvoris is a place replete with all manner of diverse resources that can benefit you and your nation. Some less conventional than stone, ores, ivory, and leathers. But we are interested in trades for sources of gems..."

word count: 645


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

24 Cylus 724
Balthazar's opinion on the debate between belief systems grew more and more stale as the exchanges between Manclin and Woe continued. It was easy for him to be dismissive of religion despite his marks because he was raised in Yaralon. Sure they had temples and shrines and various traditions around the city that were dedicated to the immortals, but overall the general rule of the city was simply not to annoy others with your belief. So while Manclin and Woe exchanged their points and social jabs, Balthazar's mind wandered to the other duties he needed to get back too after the meeting. He started paying more attention again when things returned to the topic of trade. He'd need to know details to organize protection for any shipments leaving their waters.

Woe spoke about the glass industry and their relationship with Viden, but Balthazar thought it unwise to reveal the possible strain there. The delegation didn't need that much information about Scalvoris and their political relationships. Then again, Balthazar had no love for Viden. The best thing to ever come from Viden was Elisabeth and every trial she seemed further away. Regardless, Balthazar thought it better to negotiate from a position of strength and revealing their troubles didn't put them in that position.

Maybe that was why he tried to drug them? It could force them into a weaker negotiating position. It seemed unfair for Balthazar to think Woe would have such intentions but... it also didn't seem entirely impossible. Either way he didn't enjoy that the Officer of Coin had made the move. He couldn't do anything about it now though so he focused on the negotiations and the dangerous man at his side. Kasoria drank the tea despite what was in it. Maybe it wasn't that bad? Balthazar's experience with drugs was limited to smuggling in his youth and the several times that he had been poisoned by failing assassins.

Fagan's lethal shadow seemed receptive enough when Balthazar asked him to mind his magic but he did notice a foreign word or two thrown into the mix. He knew the sentiment behind that sort of thing even if he didn't know the words. A small grin crept over the right side of his face. It was arguably easier to control magic than to keep Woe in line. Balthazar nodded his head so Kasoria would know he agreed but ultimately he could only really try to stop anything further from happening.

With the incident behind them the negotiations resumed. Balthazar's expressions never gave away that he knew exactly what devices they were referring to until Woe directly said that Balthazar had worked with the inventor. His eyebrows rose slightly and his glowing eyes scanned the room around him quickly to judge whether or not they wanted to know more from him. It didn't feel right so he nodded to confirm he'd collaborated with the inventor but said nothing. Woe continued, noting that neither of them were Kura or the Militant's secretaries. Balthazar thought it a prickly way to say it but once again he held his tongue. While Woe spoke to Manclin about the materials they could trade between Etzos and the Scalvoris Merchant Guild, Balthazar leaned slightly towards Kasoria to give him a small pearl of wisdom about the inventor.

"I traded magical blood for the devices your man was asking about. It didn't take a lot. The mind behind all the innovations had an interest in using blood magic. My blood was meant to make a ship that could sail through water faster. If you're seeking those devices, you might be able to make a similar trade." He said in a low voice to Kasoria. Not all mages were as liberal about giving away their blood as Balthazar was but Winston could be trusted and Kasoria had already displayed that he had no problem showing off a little magic once in a while. Balthazar shifted back upright and addressed both Manclin and Woe. "Do you know the status of your seaways? You mentioned that your city was depleted and you've been encouraging migration. I can't help but think that might lead to... spiteful opportunists. Do you know of any recent issues with bandits or piracy?" He asked the head of the delegation.

"I'll need that information to prepare any necessary security for merchant ships leaving for Etzos." He clarified. "If you're unsure, I'll may be able to find out myself."
word count: 768

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

Long before he'd started hustling chess with Vaul or dipping into the card games of The Band, Fagan Manclin learned to keep his face neutral on command. Not a twitch, or a frown, or a smirk, or a narrowing of the eyes. Nothing to convey joy or dismay. Simply... politeness. The genteel mask all diplomats wore, acting as if all the world and every recieving official was their dear friend and boon companion.

That fancy alone was enough to almost make him smirk. But, as said, he'd been doing this for a while.

Mention of the Cadouri made him smile just wide enough to convey both pleasure and gratitude, but hopefully not the outright hunger that possibility aroused. He'd first heard about the diminutive genius in Yaralon, across merchant desks and casbah counters. Wonders, they said. Miracles that blended the arcane and the mundane. Harnessing the power of elemental magic into devices that were reliable, efficient, and most crucially of all, replicable. Manclin had spent more than one full purse finding out every detail he could, then again in Viden, and as often here in these wild islands as he could.

Everything he'd heard had only piqued his curiosity, and painted grander notions of what could be accomplished. Trade negotiations done in bits or breaks, instead of seasons, conducted from opposite sides of the continent, or the world! Scattered settlements in broken Etzos bound tight with faster communications, columns of soldiers coordinated with the precision of a player moving pieces across a board. Added onto which, Etzos would have the first pick of these items on the Western Continent, as far as he knew. All those wishing to know more about them, lease or buy or copy, would need to come to them...

At least, once hey had them, of course. For that, they needed a meeting, and now...

"I thank you greatly for arranging such a meeting, sir," he said with a bow of respect, sipping his tea with a light "mmm!" of satisfaction. "My word... been a while since I had euphoratea. As refreshing as I remember... oh, and of course I understand Kura is not some figurehead to be trotted out at your whim. Silly of me to suggest as much, really. I wish only our names be added to the list, and when the appointed time comes along, we may speak with her. And as far as gems goes..."

Kasoria had never met a Cadouri, and he rather wanted to. Wee ferrets and stoats that talked and walked upright and dressed in wee clothes? Even used weapons fit for their hands... or paws?! Fates, and he thought the Tuwana and Ithecal and those weird glass-made fuckers were the queerest folk he'd ever meet. Now there was talk about a whole new species, crawling out from the dark, tentatively trying to find a place in the light. Bat-winged and animal-headed, not man nor Morty-born, but he'd guess hose bastards played a hand in it.

Eyes, on, old man. Don't wander.

The little man inhaled and reset his focus. Too bloody long in the tooth to be getting off-track like that. The diplomat and the clerk chatted on, mainly about precious stones and their quantity and size and carats and market value and taxes and side fees and fucking Fates, this was the true bane of his duty. Not the blades and swords that could come from them, on a crowded street or the darkest shadow. The sheer tedium of listening to this crap when he had to be with Manclin. It threatened to swaddle his mind in cotton wool, batter his senses back into the crevices of his mind so he might escape them. But he forced himself to focus. Look around the room. Watch hands, and eyes, corners, walls... eyes always roving. Ears pricking at any unexpected sound...

And now, listening to yet more tantalizing information.

"Blood magic?" Kasoria made a face when Balthazar mentioned his past dealings with the Cadouri. Mayhap this scientist veered into the "mad" label. When blood was mentioned with magic, his mind went to necromancy, and he... had not the best past with them. "Dunno f'I like the sounda' dat... but I dint come dis fer not 'tfind out, y'ken?" He gestured shallowly, subtly with his chin. "We're def'nitely gonna go see dis... inventor, so might may it'll come up. Fanks fer the advice."

The warrior's next queries brought a gruff growl from his lips, somewhere between amusement and annoyance. The white-haired man had a far eye, that was for sure, and he wasn't wrong. Manpower, population, bodies in essential positions... Etzos would be recovering from that for a generation or two, if he had to wager. What was left of the army and the Blackjacks had been pulled back to the Big Smoke, Foster's Landing, Westguard, and one or two other settlements that could be ably fortified. Everything else... they simply didn't have the men. They'd be spread thin as butter across an entire loaf, numbers so small that if they did run into anything larger than a handful of bandits, they'd be overwhelmed.

And the opportunists, as was their nature, hadn't taken long to seize them by the throat. On land and by sea, the nascent navy Etzos once had now mostly lying at dock, ignored and slowly, inevitably, rotting away. They'd had to make deals with those who once preyed on their Orm'del Sea routes to protect them now, and even Kasoria knew it would only be a matter of time before those privateer rates would be "unfortunately" jacked back up.

We're still too few. We need more time. Until then...

"South an' North are wildlands, last time we wuz there," he said eventually, eyes still bright but unfocused, as if seeing into the past. "We been gone for a while. Army might've got things sorted by now. Made enuff examples, y'ken? But the seas..."

He shook his head, deciding between pure honesty and feeding the warrior some bullshit he'd most likely divulge to Woe later. A middle ground seemed like his best bet. He wouldn't pain Etzos and the sea one had to cross to get to it as a nightmare for any honest trader, but nor would he veer down the other end of the spectrum. Scoff at all rumors, laugh at the stories, and thus make it painfully fucking obvious it wasn't like the old days.

"A'fore Lisirra, we 'ad a navy, or summin' like it. Cogs an' schooners, watchin' the coast, makin' sure the narrow strait 'tween the coast an' Rharne, or Andaris, was safe. That channel, that stretch a' sea? That wuz safe. Then... the invasion. Sailors weren't spared the fightin', the plagues, the monsters. Ships suffered, too. So now we had t'make... other arrangements."

He turned and looked Balthazar flat in the eyes. One man of a grey world to another.

"Cunts who mighta' been reavers before, bribed t'take on the job a' protectin' the merchant ships. An' they 'ave, I'll not say otherwise. Long as the coin's good n' regular, the bastards keep t'their word."

He pursed his lips, deciding on speaking anymore. After all, that wasn't a lie. They were reliable... as long as they were paid. Or were convinced that it was more trouble stealing more than just keeping to the deal. The Hight Council could do that. But if the individual Scalvoris captains had to fork over a "gratuity" extra, well... not much the Etzoris could do about that.

Not yet. In time. But not now.

"S'a risk on both sides," he said eventually, folding his arms, black eyes contemplative. "But s'a benefit t'all, dat we prosper, y'ken? More trade, more people, more money flowin' an' goods shipped, works out better fer all. Lets us put more coin into our own boats, own guards, security dat can't jus' be bought off or change its mind the trial a reavin' moods takes it..."

Kasoia sighed and chuckled so low only Balthazar could hear it.

"Dat's what I can tell. All else, like y'say, have t'find out fer yerself..."
word count: 1398
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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

The clerk listened, while he spoke to Fagan, as he was quite capable of listening in on Balthazar and Kasoria's palaver. Just as Balthazar was skeptical of the clerk's volunteering of information, he wasn't approving of him absorbing Kasoria's filth-encrusted intelligence on the state of things in Etzos. So they were hiring Privateers? So he said. Would would confirm the truth for himself eventually, as well as the manifest of the ship that had carried them to Scalvoris, to determine where they'd been to.

As he spoke, a courier came inside the room, delivering a small note to the clerk. He stood at attention, obviously waiting for... "Your tip will be furnished by my secretary up front. Thank you, young man."

He checked his pocket, and then handed a bag with his seal ring in it, to the courier. "Here, an advance for your hard work."

But then, The clerk would have to back him up eventually, and so he sought to close up negotiations such as they were. They had been dragging on, and on, with increasingly less substance. "Now, I'm afraid I've exhausted my relevance to this meeting, as nothing can go forward until diplomatic ties are established, which is either the purview of Foriegn affairs or else the Albarech. Good day, gentlemen."

So saying, the clerk stood from his desk, and made his way out of the council house. After making his way past the Etzori and the rest of the council lclerks populating the house, he found his way to the street.

word count: 264


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

24 Cylus 724
There was a shift in the air and Balthazar could feel it but he was too focused on what Kasoria was telling him to consider Woe's history with the people of Etzos. Balthazar wanted to bring profit into the guild because it would make them look good and it would help them stabilize the volatile situation in Scalvoris. It was easy for Balthazar to work with people he disliked because, prior to Elisabeth and the Black Cats, he was forced to do it very frequently. Fortunately, he had no reason to dislike anyone from Etzos... until he pursued the rumors he had heard to divide fact from fiction. Trouble with immortals only justified so much. Syroa had murdered Balthazar but he still only beat up her followers when they attacked him in mass.

Kasoria responded to what Balthazar had said about blood magic and the mage's face twisted slightly, almost immediately. Kasoria would know it was because Balthazar had realized the words presented an alarming label. Having devoted most of his alchemical studies (apart from explosives) to blood magic, Balthazar didn't think the practice was any worse than normal alchemy. "It sounds worse than it is. It allows mundane geniuses to replicate some of our abilities by using our blood in alchemy." Balthazar explained quietly, aware that Woe would hear him for this. "Our friend has developed a... safe and near painless way to harness simple spells from blood. I was never as good."

Balthazar couldn't help but notice Kasoria's reaction to his questions about the security of Etzos' harbors. He seemed frustrated by it which probably wasn't a good sign. When he began to explain the situation, it didn't do much to make Balthazar feel better about anything. They thought the army might have had enough time to get things in order on the land. The seas were even worse. Kasoria started a history lesson to answer Balthazar's question and it told him all he needed to know.

He hadn't expected Etzos to sell out its seas to reavers but who was he to judge? He was a mercenary. He lead mercenaries. Sure, they did 'good' deeds but they were still for sale. The problem with reavers roaming the waters and 'protecting' the ships was that it implied Etzos had no control. At least that was how Balthazar saw it. Ships coming from Scalvoris wouldn't be safe. If they were boarded and extorted, they might turn to violence. The people of Scalvoris had experience with pirates. Still, lives would be lost.

Now if Balthazar went along on the first few trips and made some... examples... of those trying to abuse Scalvorian traders, the reavers might not be a problem for long.

He could see Kasoria trying to decide if he was going to say more but Balthazar knew what he needed to. Eventually Kasoria claimed there was risk on both sides but Balthazar saw the risk on Scalvoris' end as a little greater. They didn't need to trade with Etzos to stay afloat but depending on how things shook out with Viden it might be useful to have more allies. Risk was fine. It was his job to manage the risk. He took a deep breath and his eyes shifted towards Woe to see what the Officer of Coin thought about it.

Woe hadn't really given the delegation anything before his 'assistant' emerged with a message. The exchange between them felt odd and Balthazar knew Woe had the capacity to hide meaning in his words, but he couldn't decipher it so he dismissed it. The delegation was far more than kind to them both given that Woe had attempted to drug them. Balthazar would not have been as friendly. Woe claimed that they could do nothing until diplomatic ties were established and Balthazar narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't think that was true but didn't contradict the Officer of Coin, even as he made a hasty exit from the room.

Something happened. Something must have happened. Ugh.... something else must have happened. No rest for the wicked.

After Woe left the room, Balthazar held up a hand to indicate he wanted the delegation to stay for a little longer. Whatever had just happened, Balthazar had a feeling Woe was hiding something. Call it intuition, but he was sure Woe would have asked him about his progress with what they'd found. So something else must have been on Woe's mind. Either way it didn't matter if Woe didn't want his help. He knew that if Woe felt he needed it, he would ask... or Balthazar would stumble into him anyways.

Balthazar waited until he could hear that Woe had gone and lowered his hand.

"I'm not a politician but Woe's probably right about diplomatic ties." Balthazar said, hoping to keep negotiations in the future on the table. "Still, consider walking the streets. Strike deals with the merchants on a ground level. I can help protect ships going to and coming from Etzos in my position as Officer of Bars but I can't make the deals for you. I know, from experience, the difficulties of building something where tragedy has taken hold. Gems and trinkets may have value, but raw material is versatile. Look at the land and assess what you think we need. This advice is the most I can give right now." Balthazar looked towards Kasoria for a moment and then his gaze shifted back to Manclin. "Additionally, I've revived a mercenary company called The Black Cats. We're set up in Almund. Should you have any needs that fall outside of what I can do in this office while you're here, find me in that one."

Balthazar pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and took a step towards the door. He stopped short of leaving and turned back to the delegation and their killer. "The inventor you're looking for is a kind person. Peaceful. A good friend. His name is Winston. Be kind to him or I'll find out." He opened the door but stopped again and looked back once more, "Is there anything else I can help you with at the moment?" Never hurt to learn more about what they were doing next.

word count: 1068

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Scalvoris Town Council Hall] Ultima

Safe blood magic. Alchemy through sacrifice. Kasoria had never really considered magic working that way. It seemed... benevolent. Magic for him had always been a struggle, a contest. A reciprocal one, to be sure, allowing these formless, nameless, mindless Sparks into your being and then drawing great power from them... but there was always a cost. Nothing was "safe" or "painless" about it. But then again, maybe that was the new way? He'd always been old-fashioned in his thinking. Was this another thing that had passed him by?

Probably. The world is more than Etzos, old man.

He nodded as he mercenary mentioned the value of raw materials, the versatility of something that was not just a finished product, but had the potential to be... whatever the buyer wanted. Etzos had that, too, and now in abundance. Whole hillocks of stone and masonry were in the mines left deserted and unworked without the manpower to swing hammers and push carts. That was one reason for the push to get the world to come flocking across her borders: because they needed willing hands to work, for good pay... but mainly for the benefit of Etzos herself. As far as Kasoria knew, the idea to use slaves in place of workers had thus far not been sanctioned, but oh, how tempting it must be...

All the more reason for this trip to be a success.

"Yer a wee bit far from 'ome fer us t'offer youse a contract," he said with a tight but amused smile, once the matter of Balthazar's little band was mentioned. "But while we're 'ere... come see us, if yeh want. Yeh know where t'find us, m'sure. And if youse dunt..." He nodded briefly towards Woe, expression curdled between contempt and grudging acknowledgment. "Spiders always know."

Kasoria couldn't help but laugh softly when Balthazar offered his final part of advice. He even shook his head in wonder. Mayhap the man thought it was because he considered himself too bloody-minded, too cruel, too hard to be kind to anyone. Because he was Kasoria, the Raggedy Man of Etzos, Vri's Shadow and Vorund's Hound. Fates, he'd met plenty of men who thought similar. That after all the arcs and all the violence, kindness was as alien to them as peace. But no, that was not why.

What a hopeful soul, he thought with no small measure of mundane awe. To still look at me and think me capable, even after what he must know.

"I'll do dat," he said, and then nodded curtly, eyes serious again. He remembered what the mercenary had called the inventor. "Get me word on dat."

The meeting wrapped up, most at Woe's insistence. There was nothing less to cover, at least not immediately, and the petition to see Kura had already been made. It would be added to the list and, well... they'd be waiting. But Kasoria knew Manclin had a list of other peoples and factions and "curious individuals" to visit. Their trials would not be idle, and his job would not be boring. He watched the courier come and go, frowning as the words passed between master and servant with some... fission of layered understanding he could not comprehend. It made his hackles rise and rankle, but he beat down the paranoia. His Sparks still hissed just a thought's command away, and even without them, well...

Before them, and after, you are who you are.

The spider left, thank fuck, and Kasoria exhaled the breath he'd been holding most of the meeting. Scheming cunts like that... they couldn't help it. It was their nature; it had to be, after yoking themselves so fervently to a creature that existed to plot and corrupt and betray and enslave. Still, at least Kasoria had some knowledge of where to find Woe in the future. Quite a high-placed follower of Sintra, too. The death of such a pawn would be-

Kasoria cleared his throat and banished the thought. No. Not Yaralon. Not again. What had he told the lads outside?

As Manclin rose to leave, Kasoria gave the taller, broader, younger man with white hair a razor-slash smile. There was the hint of a challenge there, black eyes glinting over the weapons the man wore. A visit from him about his company wouldn't be unwelcome. But a friendly spar in the yard outside, afterwards...

"Until dat trial," the Etzori said, leaving Balthazar with the timeless Oh'Pee farewell. "Gratitude to yeh, fer the advice."

He turned to the doors and instead of flicking his hands, made them into claws instead. Quick as mercury and without any of the glimmer, his Spark reached out and Reached to grip the door handles. With a slight flourish, he pulled his hands apart... and across the room, the doors opened wide. Manclin marched through them with pursed lips but pointedly not looking at his bodyguard. Damn him and his fucking showing off... but if it made them look a little more polished, a little more in control... he could allow it.

"'ow'd it go?" Vaul said with a scratch under his mangy chin. "Sell the Big Rock t'the cunts, aye?"

"Hardly," Manclin said with a smooth patience that spoke to seasons and arcs tolerating Vaul's crudeness. "But a promising start."

He didn't need to give any orders. Neither did Kasoria. At once the diplomat and his underlings came together, the latter leading the former... and around them, the mercenaries got into position. Vaul and Miki at the flanks, Kasoria in front. They flowed into this formation as they walked back towards the main hall, gaggle of petitioners and aggrieved parties and functionaries parting before the sight of them. Kasoria walked with his palm atop the hilt of Shadowslayer, letting all see it as he went. His eyes swept the crowd and then narrowed briefly as they stepped out into the sun. It took him an instant to reorient to the outside, flicker his gaze over the roofs and the alleys... before grunting with satisfaction.

"Cheer up, Kas," Manclin said lowly, "That went rather well... and now we have an inventor to woo."

Kasoria barked a laugh so sharp and unexpected a passing merchant flinched at the sound of it. The man muttered at the band of heathens trooping past him, then hurried on, and forgot them.
word count: 1080
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