
37th of Vhalar 723

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The cities and villages of Melrath are as varied and diverse as they come. The capital of Raelia is the the jewel of this western kingdom, playing host to a merchants, artisans, Aesir priests, as well as a cut throat political landscape dominated by the nobles of Raelia. To the south in the depths of the Myrkvior Forest lies Melrath's second largest, and oldest city, Fensalir. Here people have learned to live alongside spirits and the natural world by maintaining their loyalty to traditions laid down the first Melrathi. To the east lies the small fishing village of Noatun, and to the western mountains rests the Mer city of Verimeer, the brewing town of Alivilda and the alpine village Vormund.
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Illuvia woke up early every morning, even before the sun had a chance to peek over the horizon. The air was crisp with dew as she stepped out into her backyard, where a small wooden training dummy stood waiting for its daily beating. She donned her black pants and white top, tied them securely around her waist, and pulled on some shoes.

She began by assuming a low horse stance with her feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent at a forty-five degree angle. Her arms hung loosely at her sides as she focused on balancing her body weight evenly between both legs. Illuvia took several deep breaths, filling her lungs to the brim before exhaling slowly through pursed lips. This was her morning ritual: a meditative exercise that helped center and calm her mind for the training ahead.

The sun began to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows across the yard as Illuvia shifted into a high horse stance with her feet shoulder-width apart but this time with her knees fully extended. She held the position for several seconds before slowly lowering herself back down into the low horse stance. This was followed by a cat stance, where she crouched low to the ground while maintaining balance and stability on one leg, then shifted into a fighting stance with both feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.

As Illuvia practiced her sword techniques in the early morning light, she couldn't help but feel frustrated by her lack of prowess compared to others who seemed so effortlessly adept at their craft. She had been training for years under various masters, each promising that one day she would reach a level where she could confidently claim a noteworthy title yet here she was still struggling with simple stances and footwork.

Her mind filled with doubts as she began to go through her routine again, this time focusing on maintaining perfect balance while adjusting her body weight from one leg to another in a low horse stance. She would make it look easy, just like the other masters had done countless times before; but when it came down to doing it herself, she found that her movements were clumsy and uncoordinated – as if her body refused to listen to the commands from her mind.

Sighing in exasperation, Illuvia tried again, this time focusing on maintaining perfect alignment of her shoulders with her hips and ankles while shifting her weight onto one leg and then another. The more she concentrated, the more errors she made – stepping too far to the left or lifting her head prematurely instead of keeping it levelled straight ahead. It was as if some invisible force was conspiring against her every attempt at mastery!

Finally, unable to bear the frustration any longer, Illuvia decided that perhaps a different approach might yield better results. She abandoned her usual routine and began experimenting with variations on the stances she knew – adding small adjustments here and there in an effort to find what felt most comfortable for her body type. As she did so, she noticed something: instead of focusing solely on achieving perfection within each individual stance, perhaps it would be more beneficial if she were to focus on transitions between them – how best to move from one position to another without losing balance or control over her weapon.

And with that realization came a sense of renewed determination. Illuvia vowed never again to underestimate the importance of understanding not just individual techniques but also how they connected together in order create seamless, fluid movements – the very essence of what it meant to be a true blade master. From that day forward, she devoted herself entirely towards honing her skills.

“This is tiring,” she realized as she noticed just how sweaty she was. She went back inside and set her blade against the wall before grabbing some bread and making her way down the street.

Illuvia found herself in a beautiful public park, surrounded by the typical fall sights and sounds. She had decided to take some time out for a meditation session, hoping that this peaceful setting would help her focus better than usual. However, as she closed her eyes and began her practice, it quickly became apparent that today was going to be more challenging than expected.

The park was filled with people: children playing on some landscaping, couples strolling hand in hand along the winding paths, dogs running around excitedly – all of these distractions made it difficult for Illuvia to find her inner calm. Each time she managed to quiet her mind and focus on her breathing, a sudden noise or movement would throw her off balance once again.

Despite these interruptions, Illuvia refused to give up. She knew that meditation required patience – it took a lot of willpower for her to stay focused in the face of so many distractions. As she continued to practice, she realized something important: thoughts were fleeting. The constant stream of thoughts that kept entering her mind showed her how impermanent they really were. They came and went without much effort on her part, proving that she didn't have to cling onto them or let them control her emotions.

This realization was a powerful one for Illuvia. It allowed her to detach herself from the constant chatter in her mind, giving her some space to find inner peace amidst all the distractions around her. She also began to understand that focus is like a muscle – each time she managed to bring her attention back to the present moment, it felt like a small victory. It made her realize that focus was something you could strengthen with practice and dedication, just like any other skill.

However, even with this newfound insight, Illuvia still found herself struggling to stay focused during meditation sessions. She began to question whether she was cut out for this type of practice, but then remembered the wisdom her teacher had once shared with her: "Meditation is not about achieving perfection; it's about making progress and becoming more aware of your thoughts and emotions."

As frustrating as it was to constantly have her meditation interrupted, Illuvia couldn't deny that these experiences were valuable lessons. They showed her the reality behind meditation – that it wasn't always easy or perfect but worth pursuing nonetheless. And even on this challenging day, she still felt better than before starting this journey.

"Am I doing this right? Is meditating even paying off?" Illuvia thought to herself as she sat in the park surrounded by people and noise. It seemed like an impossible task, trying to quiet her mind amidst all that chaos. But then again, perhaps it was precisely because of these distractions that her practice was so challenging. After all, if meditation were easy, everyone would do it, wouldn't they?

Despite the interruptions and constant struggle, Illuvia found a sense of peace in knowing that each time she managed to refocus, it was like strengthening a muscle. And although progress might not be immediate or visible, every little bit counted towards her overall growth as a person.

As the sun made its way through the sky, Illuvia found herself growing more and more tired. The constant effort to remain focused while trying to block out external stimuli was taking a toll on her body and mind alike. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but feel that she wasn't making any progress in her meditation practice.

Suddenly, the sounds of laughter and chatter seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a soft humming noise that grew louder with each passing moment. She felt herself slipping deeper into relaxation as her eyes began to close involuntarily. It was then that she realized how comfortable the park bench was, and how much it had supported her aching back throughout her meditation session.

As her consciousness drifted away, Illuvia found herself surrounded by a warmth that enveloped her entire being. She felt as though she were floating on a cloud, weightless and free from all the stress and worry of her everyday life. In this peaceful realm, she was able to let go of all her thoughts, allowing them to dissipate into the ether like so many scattered dreams.

Illuvia remained in this state of bliss for what seemed like an eternity, completely unaware of time or space. When at last she opened her eyes again, it was to a world that appeared unchanged from when she had first closed them - the park still bustling with activity, the sun setting low on the horizon, and the humming noise still resonating within her ears.

"What just happened?" Illuvia wondered aloud as she sat up straight on the bench, feeling more refreshed than she had in weeks. The experience of drifting off to sleep while meditating was one that she would never forget; it had shown her just how transformative this practice could be if approached with patience and open-mindedness.

“Better get home,” she told herself. When she got up she felt her legs and arms ache. It was a pain she had forgotten over the past few hours but they reminded her just how much she’d trained earlier on.

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Re: Contemplation

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Notes/Warnings: no

Thread: Contemplation
City/Area: Melrath Cities and Villages
Meditation: Meditation requires patience
Meditation: Thoughts are fleeting
Meditation: Focus is like a muscle
Meditation: Nature helps ground you
Meditation: Meditation can help you achieve perfection
Blades: +1

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Pig Boy
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Re: Contemplation




A meditative exercise session. Quite efficient way to stay in shape and hone our pc's focus.

Lots of detail here, and while many meditative grind sessions might sound boring on the surface, you did a good job of holding my attention throughout.

I wonder what she experienced exactly at the end of the thread, however? An epiphany of sorts, or something else? It was intriguing nonetheless.

GOod job! Enjoy the rewards.


  • XP: 10


  • Combat: Blades: x1
  • Meditation: x5
word count: 83

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