• Mature • Atonement

18th of Saun 723

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The massive walled city where the majority of the Yari live. Spread over a large area and containing a diverse people.

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Continued from here

"This one is trouble."

Kasoria could not read minds, but he didn't need note to translate the look on the old woman's face. The moment she looked up from her desk he could see her features pinch, the lines around her eyes tighten right before they widened. She recovered quickly, though. Game old bird. The quill stopped scratching on the parchment and he noted the whitening of flesh about it as she gripped a touch tighter.

The curse of fame. Fuck me, I miss being beneath notice.

"This... gentleman, wished to speak to who was in charge."



The woman's eyebrow arched as the little man covered in dust, dirt, and sweat cleared his throat and looked up at the man to his side.

"Whom. Not who. Cuz it's referrin' t'the object, no' the subject."

Eva Caers covered her mouth for a moment so Vinc would see the smile flitting across it briefly. The stolid young man blinked a few times and frowned, trying to dredge up what little schooling he'd received. After a moment, it was his turn to surprise Kasoria: he nodded slowly, looking like a man determined to digest what he'd just been told.

"I'll remember that."

"Nae problem." Kasoria turned to the woman and note the amusement flickering there. Ah. Good. He'd hoped that would disarm her a little. Nothing like humor mingled with wordplay to help someone see you weren't just a blade with a bad attitude attached to it. "Yer the... mayor, I guess?"

"Suppose. Not guess."

Kasoria's lips squirmed a little under his beard, and Eva's amusement became a smile she didn't mind showing. But first things first. She stood and nodded to Vinc.

"Do we have any leftovers from breakfast?"

"Yes, marm. Bread, cheese, mutton, wine."

"Please bring it. Mister Kasoria looks like he's crawled through a sewer and smells half as bad. I'm sure he'd be grateful for some refreshment and a wash afterwards."

Again, Kasoria was surprised. He suspected the woman had intended that just as he'd made his own deliberate move to ingratiate. She was showing him she knew who he was, what he was, and yet she was choosing to treat him like a man - no, a guest - rather than a monster that walked upright. Such... consideration, came with a cost, and they both knew it. An expectation married to action. Unspoken but clear between them. He nodded, deep enough it was a shadow of a bow.

"I'd be much obliged, madam."

Vinc left the office and that told Kasoria a lot, too. She wasn't afraid to be alone with him. Didn't feel the need to have swords and muscle around her when they talked. Instead she sat back down and nodded to a chair opposite her. Kasoria took it, glancing about the room as he did. It was as tidy as the office for a mayor could be: meaning to say, the bare minimum as could be attained for a place where new affairs, issues, problems, terrors, opportunities, mysteries, complaints, and changes were piling up. He sat down and enjoyed the novelty for a few moments before speaking. He'd been on his feet for over a trial, after all.

And you ain't done yet. Sitting on otherwise.

"I won't waste yer time," he said, deciding honesty shorn of pretense was a good route. "I came up from out the mine, shaft outside a' town. Went down in Sutton, investigatin' why it ain't open anymore. I found where it collapsed. I moved all the rubble. Found tracks and prints and chains." He paused, gauging her reaction to that word. Then he plowed on. "Folk down there, they dint die. Half of 'em went north, t'the big castle. Other half, which t'my eyes looked like a buncha' kids an' a man, came this way... and their tracks came out where I did... pointed t'Evonshire."

Kasoria spread his arms and a light dusting of dirt shimmered off him as he did.

"So 'ere I am."

"You're tracking them down? Why?"

Kasoria pursed his lips and wondered about that himself. Technically speaking, the Burned Emperor didn't care about those fugitives. He cared about Sutton not sending enough material to him anymore. Kasoria had been down there and seen where the mine collapsed. He could go back to Fraxin and tell him there was nothing to be afraid of, no monster or natural danger waiting. The shaft could open back up. Commerce would recommence. A dozen or so miners already assumed dead, who hadn't come back and thus likely never would... no-one cared.

But here he was. Like a bloody idiot.

"I wanna know how they got out. That's it. Ain't lookin' t'bring 'em back or silence 'em." One corner of his mouth quirked up. Amused but not happy. "Case that was what youse were thinkin'."

Eva Caers, leader and guardian of Evonshire long before she became elected mayor of the village, tapped her fingers on the desk as she formulated her answer.

"That is what you're best known for, sir."

"Aye. But t'ain't why I wanna know what happened to 'em, or where they went."

"Then why continue your pursuit?"

"Told ya. I wanna know."

"Men like you, if I may say, are not prone to acts of altruism, or exertion, unless hired. I find it hard to believe you journeyed almost two trials underground, just so you could have some... mental satisfaction, of solving a mystery."

Kasoria smiled fully now. Not just at her courage or plain speaking, but touching the topic so beautifully. She was right: it made no fucking sense, to a scratcher and sellsword like him. He was making good on a debt, rectifying a stupid mistake by being the Burned Emperor's pawn. He'd almost done that: what he had found out and seen and pieced together would see the flow of stones restored. But he wasn't finished yet. He wasn't headed back to Sutton, eager to spill all to Fraxin then journey back to Yaralon and do the same to Targon.

He sighed and scratched under his chin. Another thin trail of dirt sprinkled from him.

"An' yet, dat's exactly why. Cuz what made the hole they 'scaped from, wunt done wiv' pick or ax, or even magic, far as I can tell. The chains down there? No blood on 'em. No injuries. No bodies. So the shaft came down but no-one got hurt. So either they planned t'escape that way, or someone rescued 'em. Either way? They wanted the world t'think they were dead. Now I know they ain't."

The old woman's expression hardened. "You sound like a man who thinks that knowledge gives you some leverage."

The door opened and the smell of bread and wine entered it alongside Vinc... and the soft clink and scrape of a person in armor. Kasoria looked over his shoulder, just a glance, letting Eva know he wasn't overly-concerned. A woman with flaming hair to match the vicious scar across half her face walked around him and stood next to Eva as she sat at her desk. Kasoria looked up at her, and nodded politely.

"Yeh'd be Selyin, aye?"

"And you'd be the Raggedy Man of Etzos, who now half of Yaralon wants dead," the scarred mercenary leader shot back, immediately making Kasoria like her. "So, now we all know each other..."

The plate was put in front of him, and Kasoria wondered for a brief moment if he had to worry about poison. So he decided to get his answers before he satisfied his growling stomach. Turning his gaze back to Eva, he spread his hands and spoke softly.

"I dun' give enough of a shit about Yaralon, Sutton, the Knights a' that big castle or much of anything else fer a hundreds miles of here t'go around blackmailin' folk. I dun' even plan t'be here come the next season. I jus' wanna know what happened, because I'm a foolish old man who cannae let a thread go without knowin' where it ends."

"And you believed we would just tell you out of sheer kindness?"

Kasoria shrugged. "Never hurts t'ask."
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Re: Atonement

He made for quite the pathetic figure, if he was being honest. Rumpled and dirty, beard tangled, face lined not just with age but a need for sleep that wasn't being entertained. He sat at the far end of the tavern, much as to spare the others present from his smell as a desire for privacy. He'd eaten what the mayor had offered, ravenous stomach uncaring for poison. Besides, from what he'd heard of her and here and the Helping Hands... wasn't their style. Now, if it had been those bastards back in Sutton...

Kasoria growled softly as he stared into his pint. Fucking Sutton. Fucking mine. Fucking loose ends.

She'd told him nothing. Well, nothing useful. She didn't know who'd come through Evonshire from the mines, though she was careful to say she didn't know for a fact no-one had. Despite not being dead on the caravan trails, much traffic came through the village. Six or seven people would hardly be noticed, unless there were some of the more fantastical races amongst them. Nothing in the tracks Kasoria had seen indicated that. Kasoria had sat and stared for long bits. Hoping that his presence alone would shake some unnerved titbit from her.

Eva was made from stronger stuff. So was her face-marred sellsword partner. So, Kasoria had done what was expected of him.

At their food, drank their wine, thanked them for both, and excused himself to find somewhere with a bath and a bed.

Fucking well easier in the old days. Knives out and questions answered quick-sharp.

Doesn't mean it was better.

Another sound. A snort this time. Enough to make the serving wench cast him a queer look. Old man made more odd emanations than a goat with gut rot. But he'd been polite enough with her. Asking nicely for an ale and a bath. One was being filled as they spoke, and he demanded nothing else of her. But she'd heard the clank and scrape of weapons under his cloak. Seen the scars and mutations. His sharp, wolfish features were oddly familiar, too. Maybe from the sippets of tavern talk she'd heard from the cavalcade of hard-nuts and vagabonds that were always passing through the village.

But the name eluded her. Just the suggestion, the notion, the feeling that if he wanted to be left alone, he should be.

Torture. He could have done that. Could have worked, too. Someone in that governing hall would have answered him. Just like it would have been easier to cut that kid's throat two days ago, instead of put him under and Transmute him to a fucking rock. But he hadn't. Even though that would have been far more... understandable, than what he could have done to Eva and her friends. But he hadn't. He'd taken the harder route, and not just because he was following the basic rule that less blood shed was always a smarter choice for an agent who worked in the shadows.

Careful now, aren't you? Ain't so easy to kill, after what happened. Crisis of faith?

He wasn't so deep in his thoughts that he was blind to where he was, though. The cloaked figure approaching him had barely walked in the door before his black eyes snapped over to watch him... no, her approach. His gaze was impassive as she got closer, not challenging but letting her know he was aware of her. To her credit, when she got close enough, se raised both her hands, palms out. No weapons, no hiding, I come in peace...

We'll see.

"Mind if I sit?"

"Ain't my bar."

"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

They maintained the illusion of two strangers with no business until she had an ale in front of her. Kasoria used the time to study her. Practical clothing. Well-worn. Same as the sword on her hip... and if he read the bulge at her back correctly, the dagger stashed there. No scars or brands, but hard, watchful eyes. Not to mention hands that were more used to a bridle or a spear shaft than a loom or a broom.

"I hear you're looking for some people."

Kasoria took a sip and nodded.

"Some people who came from out the ground?"

"You seen 'em?"

"Not me, but a friend of a friend, so to say. They didn't stay around long. Food and boots, if I remember right. Then they took the road to Yaralon."

Kasoria took a slow breath, and let it out through his nose. That narrowed his options down even more. He didn't want to head back to the city unless he had to. In fact, his plan was to only do so once more, then never again. The Burho Beneath and the price they'd put on him made lingering there perilous at best.

"If anyone else had come out... where'd yeh think they'd go?"

He didn't tell her about the second group. Just entertained a hypothetical. She met his eyes and seemed to read his thoughts. The smile she gave him, not mocking but not quite friendly, said as much. She shrugged and took a healthy swig of her own drink.

"Aside from Sutton, Yaralon, and here... where else could they go?"

Kasoria nodded. Only one other option. One other place a band of barefoot, penniless, hungry folk could turn to.

Great. Going to see the Knights.

"Why tell me?"

He spoke the words as the woman got up and dropped a few coins on the bar as payment. She met his eyes again and shrugged, amusement still bright in her grey eyes. In another life, Kasoria might have come to enjoy those eyes, and like the hardy woman they belonged to.

"Just a guiding hand, friend. Everyone needs one, now and then. Fortune to you."

Kasoria gave her a smile that was small, but reached the black pits he had for eyes. "Until that Trial."

He watched her leave and saw the serving wench making her way towards him, wiping wet hands on her apron. His bath was ready, and just in time. He'd be back on the road very soon.
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Re: Atonement

Now that is a fine place to put a fortress.

Kasoria had thought that as the delegation had approached Heaven's Fall from the northern side, and it was no less impressive from the south. Less obviously fortified, of course, but that was to be expected. From what he could tell and been told, Heaven's Fall was the first and strongest defense Yaralon had against the expansionism of the Eternal Empire. Even a nation built around conquest and devoted to the Immortal of Warfare thought twice about besieging such a monstrosity of a fortress. It was set high into The Spines, the mountains ringing the territory Yaralon considered its own, a natural barrier all by itself. There were few passages and roads through them, and Heaven's Fall was set into the largest. Carved and raised into the living rock of the mountains, looming over a road that was never quiet nor empty, always full at all hours with a constant traffic from what seemed and entire continent.

Kasoria liked that part. Made it easier for him to approach. That and, like all fortresses on borders, all the attention was focused on the other direction.

Not all. If you can think of that, likely some other clever sod has.

The evidence for that was right in front of him as he sauntered up to the gaping maw of a gateway set under the immense stone structure. Yes, the castle was designed to defend against invasions from Raskalarn's hordes, but they weren't totally blind to threats coming from within Yaralon. There were scores of armored knights watching the traffic headed out of the territory, too. Checking cargo, asking questions, eyes peeled and weapons close to hands. No band of sellswords, these, like the thugs cluttering up the gates into Yaralon Proper. These were the First Blades. The only true Knights of Yaralon... meaning they'd earned the big "k", apparently.

"Hold, there!"

Kasoria did as he was bid, reining in the horse he'd hired from Evonshire. The thing had a name, and Kasoria hadn't bothered to learn it. Just like he didn't know what tackle was between its legs so "it" would be unnecessary. His horse was waiting in Sutton; this one was a means to an end. The cluster of knights in gleaming armor came up to him and spread out without being told. That didn't shock him. He hardly needed a mirror to know he looked like trouble, no matter how much he tried to clean it up.

"State yer business, ser."

"Lookin' fer a chat wiv' yer commander," Kasoria said, keeping his voice firm but not threatening. Being timid wouldn't get him far with these lads. "About some folk might've passed through here, few trials back."

"Yer a bounty hunter?"

Kasoria paused to think and masked his hesitation with a shrug. "Been known, but not fer this time. Jus' lookin' fer answers."

"In my experience, a man doesn't waste time and coin looking for "just" answers." A new voice joined them. Accent sharper, more educated, with lines of age and wear on a bearded face. Judging by the chevrons sewn into his jerkin and the way the others parted for him, Kasoria could tell he was the officer. "He's doing so because there's something in it for him... or someone else."

Kasoria looked down at the man who walked up to him. He nodded deeply, showing his respect without being subservient. Around them the road traffic continued on, eyes lighting on them briefly before sliding on and away with their journey. This may have been more military than any other place in Yaralon he'd seen, but it was still just one more artery for commerce. There were better things to be mindful of than a bunch of sword-swingers swapping words.

Probably why they came this way. All the people, all the movement... easy to get lost. Get out of the territory. Never have to worry about Sutton again.


"I am Commander Reinhold," the bearded man said, gesturing to the horse. "If you'd like to get your feet on the ground, we can talk further."
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Re: Atonement

Kasoria knew the phrase for what was going to follow. It wasn't investigation, interrogation, persuasion, or even intimidation. He'd danced those dances before, and knew the opening chords before the tune even truly started. But this was between men who were used to being in command of every situation, who lived and died by violence, even if one of them had sworn to so as a defender, not an aggressor. Kasoria was... not so bound.

So it wouldn't be a clever spinning of words nor teasing of information. At least not at first. No, first there'd be-


"Yeh know who I am?"

Reinhold cocked an eyebrow, expression souring a little. "I do hope you're not expecting your... vaunted reputation to have us reeling in submissive terror, Kasoria?"

The little man smiled, and not with any malice or bitterness that his plan had been foiled. Only honest amusement. That's what he would have assumed, too. That's what everyone assumed, when someone asked that ego-manacled question.

"Ain't mad enough t'try an' storm Heaven's Fall fer answers t'questions." He looked around himself, marking the men in half-plate surrounding him in a loose circle. "Wager yeh've got plenty more than this lot inside. Dun' seem smart."

"Then what's your point?"

"F'yeh know me name, yeh've heard the stories. Reaver an' killer an' butcher... an' now, hunted by the Burho Beneath." He started rifling through his pockets as he spoke, hands hunting each other under his cloak. "Aye, bit of a fuck up, there. Me own stupid fault. Anyway, point bein', ain't a man t'do much questionin'. Except now, here I stand, askin', an' without a sword in me hand nor a spell on me lips."

"Because you know it would do you no good. So, I'd say bribery would be your next avenue."

Kasoria stuck a worn pipe in the corner of his mouth. Baccy was next. Matches after that, and harder to find.

"Yeh'd be wrong."

"Too cheap?"

"First Blades are the only sellsword company I've heard who actually stick t'their contracts... ah, there it is." He filled his pipe and packed it, fingers moving smoothly about the practiced motions. "Puts you on a diff'rent level t'all the others. A singular one, in fact." One worn match. His lucky trial. "So... bribery would be a waste a' time, an' money. Not known fer throwin' away either."

Reinhold crossed his arms, patience beginning to wear. Kasoria noted the expression, stormy clouds moving from the horizon to the sky above their heads. Dick waving wouldn't be enough soon; it would move beyond words and that wouldn't help him. He lit his pipe carefully, cupping his hands against the wind... and spoke once the little bowl of dried herb was smoking merrily.

"I ask fer my own sake. Cuz I'm a nosy old bastard who hates a mystery. Mine collapsed in Sutton, last season. Whole crew, trapped inna' shaft, never came back up. Shipments stopped. Someone sent me t'find out why that was. I went down there, cleared the rubble... an' found not one body. Nor corpses or even blood. Just bootprints inna dust... an' empty manacles."

He risked a glance around, gauging his audience. But Reinhold most of all. The Commander still bore a face like a locked gate, but he could see the man drinking in his words. Did he think Kasoria or someone like him would come sniffing around, looking for the escapees? Had he already been warned? Would he become bored regardless and throw him out? Kasoria kept an eye out for anything, any flicker or twitch, that would answer him. Until he did...

"Tunnel split. Half went t'Evonshire... an' then back t'Yaralon. Ain't gonna be headed back there for a quiet chat anytime soon. But the other group? They came this way. Heard as much, in Evonshire. An' judgin' by the boots an' the pace, I'd say a grown man or two was among them. Heavy, too... or jus' wearin' armor."

And there it was. The insinuated implication, so unsubtle it was almost laughable. Reinhold actually drew a sneer across his face, making his short beard writhe with the gesture. But it was quickly gone. As if it were something... like an admission?

"Those why sent me t'find out what happened t'the mine, all they care fer is that it opens again. Sends out stone and gems again. Makes coin again. They dun' care about a handful a' miners who ain't comin' back an' who ain't worth hirin' hunters t'go find."

"But you're here."

"Because I'm a-"

"Nosy old bastard who wants his answers."

Kasoria exhaled languidly. Watching the grey smoke curl and tremble and climb into the warm air. "Aye. Jus' so."

Commander Reinhold seemed to be weighing his options. Mentally assessing the situation. Face calm but his eyes... they seemed knit a touch too tight. As if there was a war raging in his mind, between what he wanted to do and was sworn to do-

-then Kasoria saw his fierce gaze flicker over his shoulder, at the sound of scraping boots and measured tread behind Kasoria-

He stiffed to attention at once. As did everyone else around them.

"Lord Commander."

It wasn't a question, or an exclamation. Only a declaration of fact, a statement made to the world so it would recognize how it had changed. For the men present, it certainly did. Speaking the title let them know but just how much. Kasoria turned and saw an older man standing in a doorway. Older, taller, greyer, broader. Even his beard was longer than Reinhold's. If he had to guess, he'd say the younger man modeled himself on his superior. But where there was fire and swagger in the pup - albeit disciplined as a knight should be - in the head wolf there was only thankless duty, and icy resolve.

"Kasoria of Etzos," the man said eventually, voice deep and hard enough to match his features. "Let us speak."
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Re: Atonement

Kasoria had fought a few things in his life that could have swallowed him whole, but it wasn't until entering the keep of Heaven's Fall he actually felt the sensation tingle up his spine. Not even passing into Etzos created that feeling. Probably because that was home: it was huge and grimy and dangerous, but he'd been raised there. He knew every sordid inch of the Oh'Pee. Not only that, but fortified as the walls of Etzos were, they weren't a patch on the fortifications of Heaven's Fall. They bristled with crenellations, spikes, arrow loops, firing steps, every device once could imagine to slow and harry an attacker. The gate, too, wasn't just an entrance. It was a maw, vertical and horizontal portculli opening before him giving the impression of some vast, iron-beaked squid stretching wide to gulp him down.

There were men, too. Women. Other races, Ithecals mostly but the rarer ones, too. Far more than rumor had led him to believe.

This isn't a dumping ground for outcasts, he thought as the Lord Commander marched ahead. This isn't even a sellsword company. This is an army.

Every face that stared back at him had the same look, too. Not cocky defiance. Not the sneers of the self-righteous or the wide-eyed gawping of amateurs. No, these warriors were weighing him. They knew who he was, and he could see behind their gazes... they were judging him. His skills, his lethality, his actions... but they took no action in front of their Lord Commander. They were disciplined, restrained, and the moment the odd duo walked by, they went about their duties again with the same speedy efficiency.

No mercenaries, there. No detriment or cast-offs. Warriors. If not born, then forged or trained.

"Would you care for a drink?"

Movak Grey made the offer sternly, but not reluctantly. Which was what Kasoria was used to. He even offered him a plush seat opposite his own, across a desk strewn with papers. It reminded the Etzori a lot of Targon's: men of import always had so much bureaucracy to grind through, it seemed. He reminded him of the Knight Commander he'd met all those arcs ago in Rharne, after collecting the bounty on that bastard whose name he'd forgot and his band of merry wankers. He'd seen enough of war, of the world, of ugliness, to understand that those who society despised sometimes had their place within it. They just weren't to be... encouraged.

Easy, now. Don't go assuming.

"Aye, thank yeh."

It was some sort of grape, likely from Korlasir. Yes... he remembered that tang, almost coppery but with a sweet twist. He savored the drink, and Grey let him. No rushing him along, no spoiling the moment with words. He waited until Kasoria had an empty mouth and questioning eyes. Then he wasted no words at all.

"I know who you seek. You will cease looking."

"Will I?"

Smooth, old man. Very fucking tactful.

Movak didn't glower or growl, though. He merely raised his voice and said, "Akvald! Enter!"

A man entered, in dusted beige robes that bore no symbols or chevrons. He looked like a priest, or a healer, down to the balding pate and the shrewd eyes. But he met Kasoria's gaze without flinching, managing a polite smile and a curt bow of greeting. His body was powerful under his robes, too. A heavy tread and thick arms poking out from his sleeves. Kasoria could even make out the snaking runes of tattoos crawling up from his collar, hidden largely by his robes.

"This is Kasoria of Etzos. He has been tracking some... people-" he paused over the word, just as this Akvald gave him a sharp look "-who were apparently buried alive in one of Sutton's mines."

"I see, Lord Commander."

"Be so kind as to tell him why his pursuit is unwise." Another sharp look, this time answered with a stiff nod. "On my command, Akvald."

Kasoria noted the hesitation again. This was not something known to many, if any save those who needed to know. He was being let into a confidence, and that only happened for a boon in return. The balding man cleared his throat and spoke.

"I led those children from the mine, Kasoria. We discovered they had been enslaved down there, in the dark, breathing in foul air and dust and despair. We came to them, in that darkness, and freed them. Collapsed the tunnel behind us. So that they would not suffer further. As no child should."

Kasoria blinked a few times. Then a few times more. He'd become so used to veiled answers and tantalizing leads that actual, solid facts being spoken aloud was alien to him. He sipped at his wine again and processed what he'd been told.

"Aye... so, these miners-"

"Children." Movak corrected, voice losing whatever politeness it once had. "Boys and girls too young even to marry."

"Aye, the children... where'd they end up?"

"They are safe. Those who took the oath, and those who did not."

Movak answered him again. Akvald did not look offended, just slightly relieved. His presence was more as a vouch of someone present that night in the dark. But questions of what had followed... those were the preserve of the true authority in the room.

Well. You have your answers. The First Blades tunneled in, snatched the kids, covered their exit then whisked them away. Fuck me, you could have passed some of them walking up here.

Kasoria sipped his wine again. It really was quite delicious. But that was the problem, with something tasty. That momentary enjoyment wasn't enough. You always wanted more, even if every bite was better, every swallow an improvement. He'd had his questions answers, aside from the one he'd never thought could be. But now, ah, now he could, and so-

"Why'd yeh do it?"

"The false knights of Sutton clapped children in irons, shoved them into darkness, and made them mine in it. When they were too exhausted, too injured, too riddled with black lung or blood cough to continue... they tossed their corpses down an old shaft and replaced them. With more children. Why?"

Akvald stepped forward. A dangerous movement. Kasoria almost got to his feet, sensing the anger emanating from the man. Movak Grey made no move to control his man: clearly he agreed with every word.

"Because it was cheaper, than using grown men, or guild miners. Because they could cut costs!" He was spitting the words now, measured expression souring by the moment. "So I ask you, Kasoria of Etzos... why do you think we saved them?"

Calm, level eyes like obsidian stared back up at the man for long moments. He knew when he was being tested, or judged. He'd had enough of both through his life. This time, though... well, maybe it really was a matter of timing. This time, after seeing those slovenly Knights in that tavern, seeing the fear in the eyes of Fraxin, the wench, everyone else, then actually being down there, in a stinking tunnel that could sap a strong man's strength in mere trials...

Children, old man. Younger than Martyn.

Not like my blade is clean of that blood. And not just the once.

Is that still you?

Once you take that step, that's always you.

Ah... well... prove it.

Kasoria set down his glass, and made his decision.

"Are they safe?"

They weren't expecting that. Robed man and Lord Commander both. Akvald actually exchanged a quick look of confusion with his master before nodding, voice a trifle uncertain. "They are."

Kasoria nodded and got to his feet. He drained the last of his cup, welcoming the warmth in his belly. It would be a long trot back to Sutton.

"Then I'm on me way. Thank you fer yer time, an' the drink."

"Kasoria," Movak Grey said as he reached the door. "I ask you again to-"

"Dun' youse people lissen?" Kasoria said with a roll of his eyes, injecting enough theatricality into the gesture to get the point across. "They dun' care. They jus' wanna know what happened. Now I can tell 'em. Mine collapsed. All the workers gone. Probably died further inna' tunnels, tryin' t'find a way out. Maybe they got out, but if they did, well... they ain't comin' back."

His smile froze into ice for just a moment as he looked dead at Movak.

"Ain't they?"

"No. Never."

Kasoria shrugged. "Then that's what they'll be told."

"And your own... curiosity?"

Kasoria mused on that for a moment. Enjoying the look of subdued surprise on both men's face. They'd expected a cutthroat who could take word back to Sutton and maybe kick off a minor war between the First Blades and the false knights. One the latter would surely lose, but with the, in tight with the Burned Emperor, well... things could get messy. Political. Yet the little man with the monstrous deeds to his name made no attempt to blackmail or threaten. He just... knew. And that was enough.

"Consider it sated. An' silenced. Forever."
word count: 1558
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Re: Atonement

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Notes/Warnings: Part Three of Four, coming up on the home stretch! Kasoria does some sniffing, pinballing between Yaralon settlements as he looks for runaways(?)

Thread: Atonement
City/Area: Yaralon Proper

Renown: Maybe, not sure given the covert nature
 ! Message from: The Wanderer
word count: 59
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The Wanderer
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Re: Atonement



Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little explore to Heaven's Fall fortress and a continuation on the missing miners (minors?) was always going to be a fun read but as always you outdid yourself. I have been following the series and was looking forward to reading the conclusion. While this isn't the end, this was another excellent installment.

You do a very good job of bringing the NPCs around Kasoria to life as he works his way through what is becoming more of a personal mission than diplomatic assignment. This thread tracked a lot of travel for Kasoria and as a result, had him encountering a variety of people who always felt unique and accurate to their write-ups.

I really enjoy the way that you paint the environment as Kasoria approaches the fortress and the small revelations he uncovered in that place. I wonder why the knights at Heaven's Fall are building up their forces and defenses?

Great writing and enjoy the rewards!


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10


  • A Folk Hero? - While the motivation behind Kasoria's actions has not been revealed to those who are hunting him (and thus his current deal with The Burned Emperor is intact), he has now been spotted in enough places around the mountains that word will spread. The rumors will range but most present him as a terrifying hero and vigilante. While this will not impact Kasoria immediately, it will impact the calendar next season and Kasoria's State of Play info once I get that assembled.
  • Updates In Real Time - At some point in the current season, Kasoria will receive a message from one of the Scribes at Heaven's Fall. This scribe thanks him for searching and reassures him that the children from the mine are all safe and accounted for now. It is implied in the letter that this scribe is one of the children who was liberated.
word count: 328

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