• Mature • Rebirth: Cylus v1

31st of Saun 722

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Rebirth: Cylus v1


5th of Cylus

In My Room All Painted White

He didn't know that a white room could be so dark.

But then, it must have been the season of Cylus, as only a stray beam of moonlight shone through the window, showing h I'm indeed that the walls were some shade of
. His eyes searched through the room, scanning, looking. It looked like he'd been cleaned up. Eating the
, he decided, was a very bad idea, given his violent reaction to it. Hadn't Kuvarakh made him immune to poisons? Woe...

"Steven." Said a voice, flatly as if in correction to the thoughts running through his head. "Your name is Steven. I'm going to tell her you've been thinking incorrect thoughts."

Woe looked through the darkness, and his eyes fell on another child that shared the room with him. She wore a heavy robe, and had blonde hair, dark rings around her eyes and sickly pale skin. She stared expressionless at him. "Who are you? And tell who? Is Mother here?"

"Steven, you are Steven. Tell me who you are, and I'll tell you who I am." She tilted her head, eyes half-lidded as she regarded the boy. "The other has gone away now, you're a

"My name is.... Steven." he muttered, not quite believing himself. "What's your name?"

"I'm Ethyl. But I don't believe you." The corners of her lips turned into a frown, as she wrapped her arms around her knees. "You don't know who you are. But you will, Nurse and her good little shots will help."

"Where are we?" He looked up at the window, which filtered dirty moonlight into their cell. Illustrating the lines of white padded linen on the walls. There were scuff marks where children before him had clawed at the fabric, trying to

"Day camp for good boys and girls." Ethyl broke a small smile, but it wasn't very convincing. "Don't you want to be

"I..." Then before he could continue speaking, he heard a tapping at the glass of their window. He saw Crow poking its gaze around the bend, trying to tap at the glass. "Do you see her? It's Crow, she want's to come in!"

"Crow is not real!" Ethyl said, sudden anger in her voice. "You are seeing things again, Steven."

"I hear her tapping against the window! She's real!"

"It's worse than Nurse says. You need to be good! Stop it!" Ethyl covered her ears, trying to drown out the sound of Steven's voice.

Steven got up on his feet, and raced to the window, to try and see if he could somehow open it, or find a latch to let
in so that he could show Ethyl that she was real. "It's my big sister! She's come to rescue me!"

Steven tried the corners of the window, looking for anyplace where it might open up, or even vent a little, to try and find some leverage through which it could be opened entirely.

Just then, he felt a jab at his neck. After he fell to his back, on the padded floor of the cell. Moments later, he saw Ethyl staring down at him, shaking her head. "You are a broken
. Nurse is coming to

Last edited by Woe on Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 572


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
Erebus Identity


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain

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Re: Rebirth: Cylus v1


Voices Come
From Down the Hall

"There's no such thing as dragons, silly Steven."

The boy shook himself out of sleep slowly, feeling still the stinger that had stuck him from the side of the neck. Some kind of poison? No it couldn't... Kuvarakh.

"Stop muttering such nothings, boy."

He looked up, and saw the nurse, her face covered by a mask and habit. All in white. She was very tall, almost as tall as mother, but then he saw that little stingers that she held in a leather protector in her apron pocket. What was she doing?

"I'm helping." She said, behind the mask. Her eyes smiled at him, and he couldn't quite tell if she didn't mean it. Woe looked at his hands...

"You shouldn't use that name. It's a slave name, not for respectable boy from a good family."

His family...

"You'll meet them soon."

Toutouye, Iago, Sage...

"These aren't real names!" Nurse growled, for the first time showing a measure of anger. After a moment's pause, her expression softened. "But you must not make such stories up, these imaginary people and imaginary names and imaginary places. These are not real. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be ready to go home to mother. You're confused about who you are."

Was he? And how was she listening to his thoughts? "You are a boy named Steven, let's start there. My name is Nurse."

"I'm.... Steven." Woe said.

flashed suddenly in her eyes, the feeling there for only a moment before it was replaced by impassive neutrality. Then she took one of the stingers, and stuck it into his arm. It stung!


"Don't be sad, Steven. Soon you'll meet mother. We will get you the help you need."

Steven held the arm that had been stung, and began grinning in pain. "I'm not sad... Why did you prick me?"

"I'm putting you right. The good little
is working in you, making you better." She smiled behind the mask, "You must trust the process, boy."

Steven frowned, rubbing the wound. "Yes, this is the
of Steven, the very special boy who will soon see his mother."


"When what, precious?"

"When will I see mother."

"When you get better."

Steven ruminated on that a while, letting the pain subside in his arm, even as the wound swelled up. He cast glances at the room around him. He saw devices, devices of torture, things he'd remembered. Some of them from Andaris' Dungeons. He'd used some of them himse...

Another sting was jabbed into his arm, an inch below the other. He felt it even deeper this time.

"Hush now, making up stories again. Let the
little shots do their work."
word count: 477


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
Erebus Identity


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
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Re: Rebirth: Cylus v1



The injections did their work. Steven didn't know what to expect of them, if they would make him feel funny, good, or bad. But he did feel suddenly queasy. It may have just been the fact that they used stingers to apply the

As the moments wore on, and they strapped him to his little chair, Steven felt his mind opening up to strange meandering thoughts. The drug they applied made him feel lighter, less inhibited than ordinary. Perhaps susceptible to suggestions or commands. They made him feel like he was resting on a

"You're feeling better Steven, I can see it! It's working!" Ethyl exclaimed. Where had she come in? Steven didn't realize she'd been with him the entire time, but it seemed to track in his fracturing logic as his mind descended into a pleasantly thoughtless malaise.

" Steven lied, or tried to. But then the nurse injected him with a another little hornet stinger, applied with a different drug this time.

"Pre herself couldn't stop you now!" Ethyl giggled, her dark eyes shining behind her hand as she laughed. "Tell us everything now!"

What else could he do but tell her the truth? After all it was his friend Ethyl asking. She was a nice girl.


"No." The nurse intoned, shaking her head sadly behind the mask. She picked up a few more of the hornets stingers, and began jabbing them into Woe. The
behind his eyes was excruciating. "No more lies Steven. Tell us
you really are?"

"I'm mother's good little
When will I get to see her? I can almost hear her! She's calling me!"


Ethyl had stopped laughing at this point, and shook her head. "I think he's going too fast, talking too fast. Time to slow him down with some

"A fine suggestion Ethyl. Bring me the supply, and the funnel, and the eye clamps. We'll see how he likes this new flavor of
decadent ice cream

Steven hadn't heard of ice cream before. Or ice as a comestible in any capacity.... Not even when in Viden...

"Oh look, he's gone lying to himself again. How many times must we tell you, you have never been there, Steven!"

word count: 390


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
Erebus Identity


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: Rebirth: Cylus v1

Your Review


Hello Woe. This was an well written thread. The weaving of the posts kept me interested in what they wanted, and subtle way that Woe countered the moves kept me rooting for him during the thread. Thank you for the Read. Fate


XP: 10
Renown: 0


Played to Skill level

Deception: Lying to yourself about a long-standing piece of knowledge is very difficult
Resistance: Injection with a strange, unknown substance can cause unpredictable placebo effects in addition to its ordinary qualities.
Resistance: Drugs that affect the mind can become addictive, if they have a feel good quality.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 118
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