• Memory • A walk in the woods

Mal meets Symbri.

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A walk in the woods

Their is something to be said for how enchanting the forest is when you get past your fear of the unknown, wolves and bears and other such creatures surely do prowl the forests but at the same time herbs and berries and great beauty lies hidden from those too afraid to venture into the great woods that surrounded her rural home. Her brothers and father were already hard at work tilling fields and doing the chores on the farm, and her mother was busy doing the wash, one such benefit of being the youngest of five was that Symbri nearly never had any of the hard chores fall on her, but that also meant that Symbri had to find ways to while away her free time.

Thus came the decision to explore the outskirts of the forest Packing with her a basket with a small loaf of bread and cheese the would be dancer headed into the woods looking for some of the rarer flowers that grew in the woods where the plains grass could not choke them out. It was a good half an hour walk from her home until the girl reached the edge of the forest.

Looking up at the green dappled light that filtered through the trees above the girl made her way into the forest wide eyed at the splendor that nature held, the forests edge littered with tree stumps where local farmers had come to take lumber slowly faded as she ventured deeper into the belly of the forest. Walking aimlessly for a little while Symbri tried to keep a good check on how far she went making sure to know what direction home was in.

Coming to rest in a particularly mossy glen Symbri kicked off her shoes and relished in the feeling of soft moss between her toes, the feeling was quite satisfying in it's own right, the coolness of the forest was much nicer than the heat one experienced when toiling in a field, Letting her eyes drift closed for a moment the girl listened to the sounds of the forest the rustling of leaves the sounds of small animals and birds going about their daily business. Then there was was the te damp but pleasant scent of the forest as it slowly decayed the dead leaves and underbrush while new plants climbed from the earth to reach out for the sun, the earthy smell, the cool breeze the soft moss, all coming together to form pleasant scenery that Syndri could at least for a moment, feel utterly at peace in.
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A walk in the woods

Cylus 5th, 715
The Cold Cycle had an abrupt pause. The clouds had parted, an encroaching chill held at bay by the rays of the sun on this homely afternoon. The change in weather was welcome to Mal, a Becomer-turned-wolf whom had begun to take advantage of such a change. Nose held high, he breathed inward and sorted out the different scents. His ears flicked up - deer. He'd scented prey, and now he listened as his four legs padded through the wet fallen leaves, crunching them underfoot with the lightest of steps he could offer this world that remained silent. The only ripple in the quiet was brought about by birds as they chirped and fluttered overhead, Mal uncaring to their freedoms.

The scent took him down trails and through muddled pathways as he followed, always remaining as alert as possible. One never knew what sort of troubles they could run into in the wilderness, even this close to the city. A damp, musty smell was soon thick in the air as he followed a path, sprouts of green poking up from beneath the mulch. The deer was faint, long-gone. He would have to spend many breaks if he wanted to catch up, and already he was starting to lose its tell-tale signature. He decided to give up, there was smaller game around that could more easily be caught.

Rolling his ears, he paused on the trail and turned, sniffing the air and then dipping his snout low to the ground. He started off the trail again, and that was when he found it - yes, there was no mistaking it. A rabbit! It didn't take him that long to find it, spotting the little beast hunkered down in some thick grasses. Its white fur made for good camouflage in the snow, but the ice-dust of Cylus had not yet sprinkled upon the earth. Crouching low to make his form harder to see and less threatening, Mal watched where he stepped, favoring the wet leaves over the dry to obscure his advance.

So close, he body tensed with energy, ready to pounce as he took one more step, several feet from the oblivious rabbit.


Bogs! The rabbit jumped up with a crash and started tearing through the land, Mal bounding forward, hot on its heels as he took deep lungfuls of breath to keep up. The two raced down trails, even over a small stream. Always, it remained at least two feet away, skittering through the grass and kicking up leaves as it hopped. Mal ran it straight into a tree, jaws snapping at it as the little creature turned. It only made him lose distance, but he continued to pursue. Hunter and prey soon entered a glade, that white streak pounding past Symbri's sitting form, a grey wolf with brown splotches appearing around from behind a tree at full sprint.

His paws anchored into the wet leaves when he saw her, skidding through them as his tail windmilled to keep balance. Only ten feet away, he sat and tilted his head at her, making the string that carried pouches around his neck visible. His mind was ripped away from the rabbit, focusing on her instead. He stood from his sitting position and wandered over to the edge of the glade, looking back at her, though ready to leave if she did not welcome his presence. It's been... thirty trials? Thirty trials since I've seen another.
Last edited by Mal on Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 586
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A walk in the woods

Torn from her ruminations the dancer's eyes cracked open to the sound of something crashing through the underbrush nearby, when a rabbit tore out of the underbrush the girl was at first relieved glad that it was not some ferocious monster, but the again she'd failed to consider what it might be that the small animal was running from, but in only a few moments there came an answer to that question just as well. Erupting from the underbrush came a large wolf chasing the small animal. Hoping the animal wouldn't pause to notice her Symbri's hopes were dashed when the animal skidded to a stop before her and peered at her curiously.

Squinting back that the beast trying not to let fear consume her Symbri caught sight of a collar or something about the beasts neck, if it wore something it must have an owner or something right? Or at least be familiar with humans. The beast did not growl at her either it merely stared and waited as if it was trying to say, "your move human"

Staring back at the animal Symbri wondered if the animal was tame like some hybrid of dog and wolf, such things did happen, but even then such animals were still dangerous to deal with. chewing her bottom lip tentatively trying to decide on what to do Symbri reached out an open hand palm facing the sky towards the animal, like one might do upon meeting a dog or other guardian animal, to allow it to smell her hand and show that she bore it no ill will.

that said Symbri also braced her feet in her sitting position so that if she had to leap away from the creature she could do so quickly, her plan would be to quickly comb the nearest tree should the creature prove violent. bears might be able to climb trees but Symbri was fairly sure that dogs could not do the same.

"Hello their beasty.... where'd you come from?.... sorry about your rabbit"

Speaking soothingly to the animal Symbri tried to maintain an aura of calm so as not to startle the creature and antagonize it. Symbri was not uncomfortable around animals but neither was she foolhardy, wolves were predators, not playthings, she'd have bolted faster of not for the creatures own evident lack of aggression. If Symbri could make it through the day without picking a fight with a forest animal then she'd be quite content with such an outcome.

Thus did man and beast face off in a rare moment of silence in the shifting dappled light of the forest, the sounds of chirping birds faded and even the breeze quieted down as if the entire forest were holding it's breath in anticipation for what was to come.
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A walk in the woods

The Ne'haer Wolf called Mal gazed back attentively, a squint of his own narrowing at the lady in response as he stood stalwart. He had no reason to hassle her, and though he was a thief, even he had limits to who he might steal from. Her clothing, her location... the dirt upon her, and how relaxed she was with nature despite the danger, they were all signs of her origin. Likely some farm-girl, come to lollygag in the woods like a helpless doe. The wolf let out a somewhat human sigh, dipping his head and turning his body to face her, watching that open palm.

If I were a real wolf, she would be dinner, I'd think. 'Suppose she looks a bit tough, no telling who'd eat who. Snout forward, he lowered his tail and approached at a slow pace, one paw after another. He paused when he noticed her body tense up, tilting his head with mild curiosity and glancing down at her bare feet. At least she's not entirely oblivious to danger. His ears flicked, picking up her breathing - the other sounds had stopped, leaving the two of them. It's gotten quiet. Very quiet. Surely, not because of me?

Pushing away those concerns to the back of his mind, unable to answer the girl's question. His nares flared slightly, cool air taking in her scent, only to be filtered and huffed out the sides of his canine nose. He allowed himself to be visibly relaxed, sitting on his haunches before her, looking somewhat regal. Her scent was surprisingly clean, considering the manure ingrained into her shoes which the Becomer could smell even from a distance. He also caught the scent of food, causing him to lean down curiously and poke his nose against the side of the basket.

His ears perked up in surprise, no-doubt innocent investigations rewarded with information. Some kind of bread, some cheese...

Maybe if I'm hungry enough... he contemplated stealing it.
word count: 337
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A walk in the woods

letting the beast approach Symbri eyed him carefully, it seemed as keen on watching her as her it, though if what all the old farmers said was true, then wolves were as scared of people as people wolves, that said... people don't have sharp teeth and claws..., then again spears and swords were a pretty rough equivalent. Deciding to let the thought pass Symbri smiled at the animal before her, it didn't seem like it planned on being aggressive as it smelled her hand and sat before her. then looking from her to the basket beside her the animal must have caught scent of Symbri's packed lunch.

Sighing gently the girl relented to the puppy dog eyes that got aimed at her, or more accurately her lunch, the wolf had been chasing a rabbit hadn't it, perhaps it was hungrier than she was. It wasn't like splitting her lunch would kill her. Shrugging the girl grinned at her new beastly companion.

"Aaaaalllriiiight~ I'll share you little beasty"

Opening the basket Symbri tore a hunk from the loaf of bread and presented it to the wolf in her off hand. Assuming the dog went for the food presented Symbri would scratch the animal behind it's ear with her free hand like one would a friendly dog or horse.

"You are a handsome beasty too aren't you, though, you must be a lonely beasty too, aren't wolves supposed to travel in packs? Or maybe you're like me, appreciate a little solitude every now and then? I mean, people are nice and all but a little peace and quiet goes a long way. you know what I mean? Then again, having people is nice in it's own ways, like their's a warmth in companionship... or sometimes their is I mean, my brothers drive me bonkers, but I'd miss em if they were gone... it's funny... though maybe i just talk too much myself eh? Oh, and thanks for being a good listener! Do you like cheese?"

Tearing off a chunk of cheese to follow the bread Symbri offered the second morsel of food all the while idly stroking the wolved head and ears while talking to it.
word count: 378
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A walk in the woods

Mal's ears perked at the airy sound of a sigh dawning upon his hungering mind. He slowly pulled himself away from the basket and looked to Symbri, tilting his head somewhat. His tail casually swayed in the air, content with the idea that the girk would 'share'. This girl is so strange... Many would run away or bare weapons against him, just for the way he looked. Animalistic eyes watched Symbri's hand as it dove into the basket and pulled free some bread, offering it to him. Sniffing it curiously, Mal weighed the idea of taking it or not. He took it from her hand between his teeth and pulled away to avoid the hand which attempted to touch him. I'm not too keen on being touched.

As he sat back and picked his paws up, balancing on his hands like a cat, he consumed the piece of bread as Symbri began a long monologue about her life. It seemed, to Mal, that many loved to share their deepest thoughts and desires with a silent listener, as if confessing to something that could never speak your secrets was somehow comforting. He looked to her as she spoked, letting his paws fall down as the bread disappeared, only satiating his hunger slightly.

What she said about companionship was a curious thing to Mal, for he had only ever known of disaster to come of such things. He also found it strange how she enjoyed peace and quiet, and yet broke the silence with her own voice. It was welcome to hear someone else after such a long time without contact. He often wondered if he was starting to become more canine than human, with how much time he spent in these forms. There was little reason for him to Become a human in the wilds when the weather dipped to a chill, whilst the pain from Becoming something together with the naked, bare skin of a human subjected to the elements served as a threat.

Cheese? he heard her mention, cheeks growing taut as they raised in human-like enthusiasm. He stepped forward, this time allowing her hand to touch his head. It seemed like a fair bargain, the humiliation of something menial for a luxury-item that he hadn't tasted in quite some time. He eagerly gobbled it up from her hand, careful not to wet her skin with his tongue, utilizing his teeth carefully by peeling back his lips. With that treat consumed, Mal wondered if he should just succumb to this girl's affections. The idea of conning her for more food time and time again seemed tempting.

Crack! A twig snapping so far away was imperceptible to the human ear, yet the wolf heard it. He immediately turned his head, seeing the bushes at the edge of the glade shake, followed by the throaty huff of some large animal. His fur stood on end, bristling. Oh no, his mind raced. Thinking of a way that might get her to follow, Mal pulled back and skirted around, lunging at her picnic basket and carrying it between his teeth. He could smell her scent and see the path she took through the woods, trotting along to follow it, glancing back at her. He gave a rolling flick of his head in invitation for her to follow. If she didn't, she would be lunch.
word count: 569
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A walk in the woods

Smiling as the wolf ate from her hands and stopped avoiding her attempts to pet it Symbri grinned, it's fur was soft if no the cleanest, it was certainly a beasty that spent most of it's time outdoors and running about, though it's adornments still spoke of a sentient touch to the wolf that Symbri couldn't place. Either way it wasn't like it mattered to much, Symbri was enjoying the moment. Or, was indeed.

The silence that had shrouded the moment was lost when a large lumbering Crack was heard not too far away in the forest. Reacting quickly the wolf snagged her basket and took off, though it paused long enough to look at her to flick it's head as if to say "follow Me" squelching her thoughts of wondering what the animal was, Symbri decided that is the wolf was keen on fleeing than whatever it thought was coming wasn't something Sy,bri wanted to deal with either. Hopping log the log she'd been sitting on Symbri snagged her shoes and took off after the dog. She hoped it knew where they were going, in her mild panic she wasn't sure which way home was she was only following her new fairweather companion.

Ducking branches and hopping logs Symbri almost wanted to whoop, she was scared sure, but their was elation in the adrenalin, the wolf was fast but Symbri could hop logs it had to track around and navigate the trail it was breaking so she was able to keep up fairly well. Lungs starting to cry for air and sweat beading on her brow Symbri wished she hadn't taken her shoes off earlier as she tromped uncomfortably through underbrush, that said the fear of whatever was behind her giving chase made such a thing a fair amount easier to ignore.

Hopping a small runoff creak and ducking a large log Symbri could swear she heard something giving chase but prayed that it was just paranoia. She wanted to say something to the wolf, but asking the beasty to slow down probably wouldn't do any good, so swallowing her fear, Symbri sucked in air and pumped her legs as she followed the wolf.
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A walk in the woods

The Becomer had a distinct advantage over Symbri when it came to running. On all fours, he could cover a larger distance in a shorter amount of time compared to human legs, and his low profile made it a breeze to dive through brush and hop over obstructions such as logs and streams. The basket he carried hindered him, bumping into objects and catching on the grass. Every time he navigated a difficult obstacle, he paused briefly, surprised that the woman was keeping up with him. She had a certain nimble grace about her, as if she practiced being limber and spry.

The danger did not falter, however. Whatever had chased them began to charge through the trees, heaving grunts and shattered flora in its wake. The crackling destruction behind them was easily apparent - whatever it was, it was large, but cumbersome. Mal was glad this girl wasn’t your typical city girl, for anything less would have fallen prey to the creature.

Together they weaved through the forest, until the rumbling grew faint. Mal’s pads burned with exhaustion, and his lungs clawed for a reprieve from his constant motion. When he could hear the beast no more, he finally paused and stood sideways against the path. Just beyond the tree-line was Symbri’s farm, for Mal had been following her scent and watching Symbri’s tracks, recognizing a well-traveled trail at the same time.

He allowed Symbri to catch up and sat briefly, allowing her to touch him one more time before setting down the basket, catching his breath. He weighed staying, but quickly realized the fact that this girl was a rare oddity, and her aloof presence was more of a danger than a comfort. Perhaps I will return to this place later... he thought. The wolf seemed to smile up at Symbri before he turned and started to trot down the trail, looking back with his ears held high, and then turning to hop into the dense brush, disappearing from sight.
Back at Mal’s cave, a dozen Breaks later.

It’s just another transformation, Mal... the Becomer told himself. The pain is only temporary. The wolf stood next to the ashy remains of a camp fire at the mouth of his domain, the area he called home. Lowering his head, he wiggled left-to-right to settle that gruesome necklace against the cold stone, placing a paw upon one of the totems. Mentally, he forced a connection with the totem of his human self, and willed the process to begin.

The pain was immediate, and it paralyzed his mind and body with shock. Cracking muscle and the pop of bones adjusting filled his ears, each accompanied by a firm crack of pain which he tried to ignore by focusing on the next devious jab. Chime after chime slipped away, and the half-way point crept up upon him, his form a monstrous cross between human and wolf, fur in placed, misshapen bones protruding from beneath the skin as his face looked like some terrifying creature from a nightmare, fangs and muzzle receding slowly.

That half-way point was blissful. Everything fell away, leaving him to enjoy a brief moment where nothing hindered his mind. More chimes passed as his body aligned and shifted, the pain returning, though he focused on that absent feeling from before, and thought of his interactions with the girl from today to get through the final chimes.

The girl...

Laying on the floor naked, a chill scoured his bare skin, making him shiver as the process came to an end. He pulled his rags to himself, dressing in them. Then, he pulled out a flint and a piece of metal - steel, he assumed. Twigs and tinder were already there from his effort to collect them several days prior, and he placed them upon the pile, neatly arranging them. Skritching of stone to metal filled the cave, sparks leaving the combination to fall upon the dry tinder. It caught fire, and Mal blew upon it, gradually willing those tiny embers to spread into a full-blown flame.

Human hands were held aloft above the blaze as he thought of that girl he’d met, wondering if he should visit her, or if the danger was too great to attempt doing so.

I think I’d like to, there’s no harm in it, after all...
word count: 735
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A walk in the woods

Clearing the forest line and escaping into the field Symbri collapsed to her hands and knees in an attempt to catch her breat, sucking in ragged gasps for air Symbri lookedover to her new companion and grinned.

"Good thing you stuck around then, it looks like I'll owe you one."

Ruffling the fur on the wolves head Symbri planted a small peck on his nose before retrieving her basket. Peering into the forest once me Symbri shuddered momentarily wondering just what it was that had chased them in the forest, deciding that she didn't want to know she shrugged before looking back to the wolf.

"If we ever meet again I''ll try to get you some more cheese, It's the least I can do for my new friend in the forest."

As she was talking the wolf looked at her once more before padding back into the forest. It made her a little sad to see him go, an animal companion like that was a good friend indeed, that animal was smarter than any dog she'd ever come across, so she'd wished he'd stick around, but, such an animal wasn't one that could be easily tamed it would seem.

Making her way back to her farm from the edge of the forest Symbri looked over her shoulder into the woods, she hoped she'd get to cross paths with the wolf again. Next time she'd have to try and get it to stick around.
word count: 253
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A walk in the woods


Story= 4/5
It was a little short and I think you could have contributed to it a bit more but it was otherwise enjoyable.
Structure= 5/5
very good, though some of your dialogue was a bit awkward. Try to break up some of it if you have a lot to say at one time.
Collaboration= 5/5
you worked well with Mal :)

Field craft: Make sure you have provisions before you take a trip to the woods.
Field craft: consider why the rabbit runs.
Field craft: If something makes even the wolf run, you better run too.
Navigation: Make sure you know what directions you are going.
Meditation: keeping fear at bay.
Meditation: Maintaining an Aura of Calm
Meditation: An appreciation for solitude
Animal husbandry: Reading an animals body language.
Animal husbandry: Letting an animal smell your hand, as a gesture of peace.
Animal Husbandry: Speaking calmly.
Animal husbandry: behind the ears is a common weakness.
Tactics: Have an escape plan ready if peace can be had.
Investigation: A wild animal wouldn’t wear clothing
Psychology: The difference between wolf and man.
Endurance: running after a wolf in the forest without any shoes.
Endurance: Pained breath.
Mal: The little Beasty
Mal: Get the wolf his Cheese
Close call with a creature.

+1 for feeding Mal some food and generally being nice even though he is a scary wolf.


(Note: Experience to be awarded to becoming)
Story= 5/5
It was a little short but it was otherwise enjoyable.
Structure= 5/5
very good :)
Collaboration= 5/5
you worked well with Symbri :)

Detection: Knowing the scent of a deer.
Detection: Detecting hidden food on someone.
Detection: Hearing the quiet approach of danger.
Hunting: Identifying a lost cause.
Hunting: Stalking the ever elusive white rabbit
Navigation: Always be mindful of danger when going down unknown trails
Stealth: White fur blends well in snow
Stealth: Crouching low to make yourself harder to see.
Investigation: Identifying a dirty Farm Girl.
Investigation: Identifying a beast by its heaving breaths.
Appraisal: Seeing the worth in a person.
Becoming: humans are less than ideal in the harsh wilderness.
Becoming: The pain is only temporary.
Tactics: Getting someone to follow you as a wolf
Endurance: Keep going even when your lungs claw at you.
Endurance: Focusing on the next wave of pain to forget the last.
Meditation: Focus on the blissful halfway point to ease the pain that follows.
Meditation: Becoming is a test of the mind.
Running: It’s better as a wolf.
Location: Symbri’s farm
Symbri: The strange farm girl in the woods.

-2 for act of magic
+1 for helping Symbri out.

Art credit to Yoshitaka Amano
word count: 451
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