
This is where CSes are moved to when they are marked as "Approved". If this accidentally locks your CS, don't worry, just PM a prophet and we'll unlock it straight away!

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Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Name: Oceta

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 13 Years Old. [7, Cylus, 706]

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: TFluent= Common


Oceta is a thirteen year old girl with nothing but the somewhat ragged clothes she wears on her back and the worn shoes along her frame. Either of these clothes are never usually replaced unless handed down by another slave, and or if the one wearing those clothes has died. Typically the latter. Seeming to be clothes perhaps made from burlap like the bags of potatoes. Other than the bare necessities of what covers her for some small bit of decency, or perhaps maintaining her dignity, there rests a leather collar around her neck with an iron lock that jingles with every step. It is small, and digs ever so softly into her throat, not as a punishment, but so that she would always remember what she is, a simple slave. The constant fact her neck can never get used to the boundary constantly reminds of her of the current position, and therefore keeps her docile in her forced captivity service. There are no other clothes that the poor girl owns, not that she would feel much better wearing them.

She is lithe, agile, and small. Standing at an even 5'0", one may find that this child is one that isn't used to the harshness of great physical labor, but instead that of a more fast and dexterous nature. Years of working in the craftsman's shop and kitchens has proven to make the girl particularly deft and dainty of hand, but lacking so much so the muscle and power of slave fighters or those more accustomed to other physical labors. In addition, she has a sickly gait about her as she often has sunken eyes and a chronic cough that leaves her stared upon and viewed poorly. While she eats decently, she is still deemed skinny, perhaps even wiry compared to some other slaves. She has no marks and or brands upon her frame, for she has always been an obedient slave without need for such a mark, though often the threat of brand has been made prevalent, and or the scars of whips along one's back for a rebellious slave. Her skin lay a fair white, for she does not often toil in the hotness of the sun or the sweltering of the heated season.

She has a sharp chin, button nose, and soft effeminate textures about this age. Her hair while long is course, often messy, oily, and glints in the sun. Very rarely is her hair cut, and very rarely again does it appear very well cared for, often a bit wild with little means or care of maintaining it. There would be nobody to care about such manners. Her eyes are soft cerulean orbs with a look of docile compliance, and very seldom happiness radiating from them when times are good. While one looks at Oceta, one could consider her boring in terms of appearance. She has yet to firmly develop the womanly attributes that attracts men to the calling of debauchery. Other than her girlish face and her long hair, she lacks the effeminate curves, the supple ass, nor the voluptuous breasts that men look for in order to pleasure themselves, and for that, it is mostly a mercy from whatever deity may be watching over her. While she may not be the cleanest slave present, nor the best looking, nor the healthiest, she still has potential due to her youth. Value.
Last edited by Oceta on Fri May 24, 2019 3:35 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 610
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Oceta is not some great slave hero that looks for freedom or seeks some sort of great rebellion. No, seeing many a slave being whipped and or at times even killed had taught her from a young age such thoughts were futile and meaningless things. No, instead, she has become incredibly docile and welcome to the fate she is to share. She has welcomed such a destiny because it was prevalent that was what the immortals had desired for her, and at times, she imagined in her previous life she was some sort of malicious person that deserved the fate they were living now, to help her cope with the fact she was indeed in a harsh position. As a result, she performs her work dutifully, and faithfully, as all slaves are expected to by their owners. The only thing that belonged to her, and hers truly was her name, Oceta. It is the one treasure she keeps at heart as she spends her time serving those that hold power.

As a slave, she has grown to enjoy her duties, most particularly the art of crafting as she finds it's good work to keep one occupied, and praise is something she covets, though rarely expects. Of course she is to do nothing but an excellent job when assigned to carve or whittle. Of course she is expected to make a tasty home cooked meal when ordered to do so. She was a slave and she was educated to do just that. Often her spare time is swallowed in studying, experimenting, or asking her fellow slaves to educate her on the methodologies to better her work. A favored slave was a slave that lived an excellent life in comparison to others. Other than doing such work, she often sleeps or thinks about the reflection of her life. Her favorite job is being assigned to go fishing, for often it allows her to exercise her thoughts and feel accomplished throughout the day. While she may be a slave living well, difficult or restricted lifestyles compared to others, she enjoys her life all the same, and has a kind and welcome heart.

There is little the girl has ever had to fear, but some of the fears she holds deep within herself mostly involve with being purchased by a cruel owner. She being small and sick has always made her worry she would be sold cheap for torture or abuse, as some purchased slaves like herself for. It is one of the reasons it fuels her resolve to be a good slave with many skills and talents so she would never be sold, and or appropriately, the potential owner would treat her well. She is often seen as shy, coy, endearing, and sensitive to others, often seeming small and wary of others around her. When one is a slave, there is danger from any that lies free, and often, there is no justice or retribution for the position of a slave. Only swallowed pain and disdain for their situation, leading her to become non confrontational when possible, but dutiful when needed. With an open mind, there is little Oceta would turn away from when it comes to learning new skills, and or exploring other aspects of life. However, other than luck, there has always been a wish for herself.

A selfish wish...She has always wanted to be purchased and loved. Not necessarily loved as a lover, no. Instead, she has always wanted someone to gently run their hand through her hair, tell her she was truly good, and praise her for simply being alive. She knows such a dream is but a fairy tale, much like Mer or other fantastic creatures. However, she simply has the heart of a child that desires comfort due to lacking it in her younger days. Truly, there are none in the entire world or any world at that which could falter her, tell her it was wrong to feel such feelings. Even if she was a slave, even if she was nothing more but trash to the eyes of others, every human or humanoid had some capacity or desire to be loved. She feels that to be the truth, and at times, she can cry thinking about the heartfelt sentiments of some immortal out there which could grant some capacity for mercy. It's likely why she tries to distract herself so much, focusing on her work. She's growing up too fast. Far too fast.

Things Oceta likes

Oceta likes keeping herself active, busy, and productive. Her two favorite kinds of work are woodwork, fishing, and cooking. However, when she isn't working or thinking about existence, one of her favorite things to do is well...Eat. Yes, she loves to eat whatever she can get away with because a slave often isn't given enough to eat considering all of the harsh work they have to do. Sleeping is also a rare indulgence the slaves get ample of, but she enjoys it all the same all things considered. There's only so much she could ever ask for in the following regards. Most all of her likes have everything to do with her conditions, but one thing is definite. Oceta enjoys the simple things in life. She doesn't ask for much and simply appreciates small luxuries. As a general result of not experiencing much of the world, this is emphasized more so in her life. From the gentle warmth when it's cold, or vice versa when it's hot. She enjoys learning and performing well, and ultimately getting praised for it whenever it is warranted. Makes her feel good at heart.

Things Oceta dislikes

She has never liked being flogged or punished. It was something rarely happened, but it usually happened either as punishment for mistakes, and or because it did some good to keep people remembering where they were, what they were, and what they would be doing for the rest of their lives. She contrary to her number of likes dislikes relatively little because she's grown up as a slave, born and raised. For that reason, she finds there's little room for complaint when she's so used to her miserable little status. More often than not, she blames herself or looks at herself for dislikes as opposed to others or the environment around her. She often blames herself for failures and has a strong, ingrained sense of self deprecation. However, she dislikes pain, feelings of loneliness, her illness, and other general discomforts most everyone finds common sense. Anything else, she lacks the experience or nohow in order to determine if she truly holds any negative feeling about it.

Last edited by Oceta on Fri May 24, 2019 2:04 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1123
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




She was a slave. She had always been a slave. However, that is not to say she had disliked the lifestyle. Ever since she could walk, she had been serving as an indoctrinated slave for a Quacian. Learning the trade to provide free labor for the coffers of their pockets. She had grown up watching several slaves out out in defiance, and every time, it had never ended pretty. Whip lashes, death, starvation, and branding. All of these were common punishments that had been evident, and for that reason, she had always remained compliant, especially after watching a rebellious slave assault one of the hired men of the guild masters, only to be deftly disarmed and beheaded in two motions. Yes, she had very much learned her lessons through witnessing the works of others, and she had instead decided to be grateful for the things she did have. She as a young slave had less physically exhausting duties as an investment, slowly being educated in skills and other knowledge, eventually being made into a domestic servant,. She was even trained in the arts of woodworking as lumber goods was in general a decently high demand, likely to make her worth more.

However, in her childhood, she had commonly been abused and ill treated, often hit for failure, scolded, and she generally lived in poor conditions alongside her fellow slaves. She had developed illness, a particular bad cough, and worked harder to ensure her quality of life would remain as decent as it could for a slave, as that was what the slave master had guaranteed. Loyalty and good efforts to improve would lead to the better quality of life for a slave, especially the ones that showed potential. So, as she worked especially along the areas of the woodworker, being often tasked to create furniture, tools, and or components for other tools, she found she was often busy with cooking meals, at times fishing, and going through a status of monotony. Her daily life was all the same, so similar, she felt as if her life was nothing but a complete cycle, only the occasional beatings adding some diversity, or perhaps the prospect of being looked at by another slaver for purchase. However, she had not yet been found worthy enough to buy due to her scrawny form, illness, and overall youth. A few years however, and she was guaranteed to be purchased for a good price. This type of living had encompassed her whole entire life. It swallowed her and made her shy, docile, and overall eager to please those that owned her, for she knew no other life. She was attached, and yet eager deep down to see something new.

It was only her fear of running into a truly fearful tyrant that she had wanted to linger in the homeland of Quacia. She feared being purchased to be used for sexual pleasures, torture, or other horrible acts of depravity illustrated by other slaves from different lands, and she had believed deep down her desires of being loved, appreciated, and cared for was nothing but a form of delusion, though she still longs for it to this day in her heart. She instead decided to simply work on being too valuable for such acts to ever happen to her, to follow through so obediently that she could be considered a small gem to her owner's eyes. While she may be young, she has shown promise in her apprenticeship, and perhaps in another life, she could have worked a decent trade to make even more decent money. So far, she's never considered about freedom, other acts of resistance, or what life outside could be. For there are far too many problems within the land of home to consider outside. Hearing many stories of the Creep. Hearing many stories about the chaos beyond the safety of the land, and the fall of the baronies. She had decided to occupy herself in the pleasures of learning, working, and being. Learning and becoming more skilled in a small variety of skills, she has figured life actually wasn't so bad. Perhaps that too was a delusion she told herself.

She had imagined in her dreams of desire that someday, she would be able to be held like the little girls on their father's shoulders, told she was good, that she was loved, and that she meant something. It was a silly dream despite being a slave, a paradox she knew that would never happen, but it is what she wants more than anything. While she believes the immortals exist, she doesn't know if she should feel they are cruel and evil beings for leaving her in such a state where she struggles to find happiness in the suffering of slavery, or if she is grateful for their mercy for giving her a position such as this as opposed to a worse one. She eats decently, she is learning a trade, and she has use. However, she remains unloved, and it hurts her sometimes, making her tear up in the cold nights as she looks to the moons, wondering what her purpose was, what her reason was for being alive in the world. However, she does not know that in these standing trials, the mortals of the realms must take their own destiny into their own hands, and write forth a story that is carried by small sequences of events that drag them into a bigger picture. Thus begins the chapt er of Oceta the Slave. What she becomes? Not even the Immortals may know for certain.

Last edited by Oceta on Fri May 24, 2019 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 939
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Skills & Knowledges

Before you start this section! - It will help if you have chosen which Starter Pack you are going to have. Some of these give bonus XP and others require certain levels in particular skills. Make sure that, when you are making the decision of what skills to pick, you've got your Starter Pack in mind!

The table and tabs below are examples of a pcs starter skills and knowledge. Just replace the information with your choices.

You start with:
  1. 1 non-arcana skill at 25 points. This is your Racial Bonus and is specific to your background - your CS reviewer will be checking to make sure that it does so - make sure to include information in your history which relates!. More information here
  2. 50 XP / Skill Points to spend. Unless you are playing a slave - guide to slavery here
  3. 1 non-arcana skill which you identify as your Fast Track skill. This skill takes significantly less points to reach maximum level. Other than the non-arcana restriction, this is your choice. More information here
Useful Information A Note About Domain Magic If you are planning on taking a Domain Magic (list here ) you must write about the Initiation in your background. No more than two Magics are available on start up. For more information check out the beginners guide to magic here

Skill Total Points Proficiency
Woodworking (40/250) Novice
Cooking (35/250) Competent
Caretaker (20/250) Novice
Gardening (15/250) Novice
Fishing (15/250) Novice
FT: Persuasion (5/100) Novice
Discipline (5/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice
N/A (0/250) Novice



  • Woodwork: Making the most basic of wooden furniture is fundamentally the same. (SP)
  • Woodwork: Gloves are good for those with crafts involving the hands.
  • Woodwork: Callouses are even better for those with crafts involving the hands.
  • Woodwork: How to quickly and efficiently sharpen a stick to make a spear.


  • Cooking: How to fillet and prepare fish different ways. (SP)
  • Cooking: How to make nutritious and good tasting meals from cheap ingredients. (SP)
  • Cooking: Simple spices and garnishes can improve any dish. (PB)
  • Cooking: Basic spices: Onions and paprika
  • Cooking: Basic Spices: Salt and Pepper
  • Cooking: Ensuring nutritional needs as well as flavor
  • Cooking: Using, head, guts and breadcrumbs for Tuna "meatballs"
  • Cooking: Potato skins are the most nutritious part
  • Cooking: Telling when food needs to be cooked or go bad
  • Cooking: Using a pottery Kiln to bake bread


  • Caretaker: How to prepare a bedroom and clean efficiently around the house.
  • Caregiving: Being Hazel's fill-in parent when Zarik is gone
  • Caregiving: Comforting a frightened child


  • (SP) Fishing: Use parts of your fish to get more fish.


  • Etiquette: A slave may only eat with their master if he allows it.
  • Etiquette: Saying "Thank You".
  • Etiquette: Apologize when it's necessary.
  • Etiquette: As a slave, avert your gaze.
  • Etiquette: Demure behavior to your captors
  • Etiquette: How to greet those who have what you desire.
  • Etiquette: Doing what is asked of you without a fuss.


  • Persuasion: Pointing out the reality of slavery.
  • Persuasion: Being useful can persuade those who own you to keep you. (PB)
  • Persuasion: How to convince a shop keep to give you the best deal.
  • Persuasion: Flattery gets one farther in this world.
  • Persuasion: It doesn't cost someone anything to be polite or cordial to others.
  • Persuasion: People will offer you better deals if you give the implication you'll come back.
  • Persuasion: A slave's cooperative attitude makes others overconfident


  • Endurance: Remaining polite despite illness.
  • Endurance: Slave training.
  • Endurance: Extreme slave training.
  • Endurance: The uncertainty of what your new master wants.
  • Endurance: A slave's indoctrination makes them resistant to intimidation
  • Endurance: Staying calm and collected after a murder.
  • Endurance: How to subsist and live off of poor food quality/portions.


  • Discipline: Control your fear.
  • Discipline: Facing the Truly Unknown.
  • Discipline: Following your training as a slave without question.
  • Discipline: Focusing on your own good behavior toward master. (PB)


  • Rhetoric: A promise to perform well for your master.


  • Detection: Informing your master of a scam.
  • Detection: Being a slave helps you know who else has truly been a slave
  • Detection: Subjects that keep coming up are clearly important


  • Psychology: A lifetime of slavery impacts you.
  • Psychology: To be humble is a desirable trait among slaves.
  • Psychology: Is a slave still a slave to a prisoner?


  • Research: Learning new things can improve your value to master. (PB)


  • Acting: Playing the docile, cooperative hostage

Business Management

  • Bus. Mgmt: Simple cleaning and tidying is fundamental


  • Intelligence: Slaves can often listen in without being noticed


  • Investigation: Reading through Graeslin's tale to assess the truth


  • Leadership: Taking control of the cooking duties in Graeslin's galley


  • Linguistics: "South-end-of-Western": a 'Sow' accent = Rhakros


  • Logistics: Jorsie was the target of the Rupturing Hijack, not you
  • Logistics: A slave's skills are a negotiable value
  • Logistics: You don't waste fresh water to clean on board a ship


  • Politics: Slaves are often treated better than prisoners


  • Stealth: A slave's presence is often overlooked as unimportant
  • Stealth: How to take advantage of one's small size to hide.


  • Strength: Cleaning, trial after trial, is hard work


  • Teaching: Showing the ship's cook how to properly fillet a tuna

Polearms [Spear

  • Polearms [Spear]: How to stick em with the pointy end.
  • Polearms [Spear]: How to quickly remove the spear to thrust again.
  • Polearms [Spear]: Twisting the spear makes it hurt/wound more.
  • Polearms [Spear] : Take advantage of the range of a spear.


  • (SP) Location: Quacia
  • (SP) Religion: Wounded God [Scarlet Belief]
  • (SP) Laws: Quacia
  • (SP) Customs and Festivals: Quacia
  • (SP) Layout: Quacia
  • (SP) Bestiary: Ferahorn [Creep]
  • (SP) Bestiary: Common Aquatic Life [Quacia]
  • (SP) Common Fauna [Quacia]
  • (SP) Simple Dish Recipes
  • (SP) Simple Furniture Blueprints
  • (SP) Simple Market Costs [Quacia]

    Lord Zarik Knowledges:
  • Lord Zarik: My new master.
  • Lord Zarik: Bought me soup in public.
  • Lord Zarik: Bought me medicine.
  • Lord Zarik: Wants me to watch his daughter.
  • Lord Zarik: A kind master.

    General Oddities:
  • Ambassador Jorsie: Wears his black eye like an honor
  • Etzos' cultural details, relayed by Zarik
  • Graeslin: Naerikk pirate NPC
  • Graeslin: gave you her childhood story of having to be brutally self-sufficient
  • Oberan: The one Graeslin is really looking for
  • Vuda: Advisor to High Marshall Parhn, Leader of Etzos

Last edited by Oceta on Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:05 am, edited 17 times in total. word count: 1137
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Skill Point Ledger

Here is where you record all the skill points you receive (Startup XP, CS Approval Rewards and, of course, Thread Reviews!) and all the points you spend on your skills. Again, below is an example which you can edit.

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Starter XP+Slave Pack+CS Approval Award +80 80
Racial Bonus +25 105
Woodwork -25 80
Cooking -20 60
Caretaker -20 40
Fishing -15 25
Gardening -20 5
Discipline -5 0
A Kind Master +15 15
The Price Of A Life +15 30
Putting To Sea +20 50
From Rags To Better Rags +15 65
Desperate Times +15 80
Cooking / Woodwork -30 50
Link thread or Name of Skill Point Adjustment New Total
Link thread or Name of Skill Point Adjustment New Total
Link thread or Name of Skill Point Adjustment New Total
Link thread or Name of Skill Point Adjustment New Total
When you want to put another row in there, just pop the following code in after the last /tr] and before the /table]

Code: Select all

[td] Link thread or Name of Skill [/td]
   [td]  Point Adjustment[/td]
      [td] New Total[/td]
Last edited by Oceta on Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:13 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 197
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




This post will record any mark (Immortal Blessings / Curses) you might accrue as a PC.

A full list of Blessings & Curses can be found here
A Guide to Religion & Marks can be found here

When you are first awarded a mark, the awarding Prophet will give you the code to put in here.
word count: 54
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




  • 1x Set of clothing from Wealth Tier 1
  • 1x Set of shoes from Wealth Tier 1

She lives in a slaver's barracks in Quacia made from stone due to the absence of lumber. She lives in a very spartanesque room with a bed of straw and a thin sheet blanket. Here, it is common to find many other slaves that congregate here after hard days work and often are evaluated by potential buyers in the more nice auction room by one of the guild owners and the potential client accompanied by the slaves in question.
Last edited by Oceta on Fri May 24, 2019 3:27 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 99
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Wealth Ledger

Here, you keep a track of your Character's Wealth Tier and the spending of Wealth Points. Information here!
Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Slave Package Tier 1 0
To Be Added Wealth Thread +0 WP 0
When you need to put another row in there, just put this code in below the last /tr] and before the /table]

Code: Select all

[td] Link to thread / Item [/td]
     [td] Adjustment [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Oceta on Fri May 24, 2019 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 80
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Renown Ledger

The person who approves your CS will award you "Starter Renown".

Useful Information : The Renown System Guide: here
Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown (determined by approving prophet) ...
Price Of A Life +10 10
A Kind Master +5 15
From Rags To Better Rags +5 20
Desperate Times +15 35
Putting To Sea +5 40
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
Link to thread where renown is gained Amount Rec'd Total
When you gain more renown, just add the following to the table above, after the last /tr] and before the /table].

Code: Select all

[td]Link to thread where renown is gained [/td]
    [td] Amount Rec'd [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Oceta on Sun Jul 28, 2019 10:52 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 265
Approved Character
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 23, 2019 1:56 am
Race: Human
Profession: Slave
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Well done! This is the end of the CS. This post will be used to record past and current threads.
Just before you apply for approval, think about the following:
  • Do you want to apply for any NPCs? guide here! . Once your NPC is approved, you must record them in your CS, but you can put your character up for approval before, during or after the process of applying for a NPC
  • Are you going to apply for a Mark (Immortal Blessing / Curse) via the PSF? You can put your CS up for review before that is approved, or before you apply!

    Once you've completed your CS you can post here and put a link to this thread - showing that your Character Sheet is ready for approval.

    You are allowed to post IC as soon as your completed CS is up for approval. You won't be able to get any rewards from finished threads until you're approved, though.
word count: 163
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