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Zana Delroth
Full Name: Zana Delroth

Race: Mixed Race Human / Immortal: (Mortal Born: Daughter of Delroth)

Birthdate: 20th Cylus, 652

Profession: Well, troublemaker, mostly.....

Location: Scalvoris: Gunvorton

Fluent: Common

Broken: Rakahi

Table of Contents

If you let me I'll untie your sensuality.
I'll open up your heart and satisfy my greed
Last edited by Zana on Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:23 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 69
PC is currently inactive. I hope to bring her back soon!
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Like her Immortal father, Zana is extraordinarily beautiful and she possess the inherent charisma which he does. She has the light skin of her father and stands at 5' 6" tall. Her long hair is blonde and falls easily into place. Her icy-blue eyes are reminiscent of her father, too and her mother Sara always told of how Delroth's eyes had seemed to pierce her soul.

Zana is slender, but well toned and muscular. She has a willowy figure but when she is undressed, her physical fitness is evident; she has a dancer's physique.

With a very clear knowledge of how beautiful, and important she is, Zana usually has an air of slightly amused about her, her blue eyes seem to be filled with mirth. Her expression is often child like and innocent, which is about as far away from the truth as it is possible to be, but simply serves to make her more alluring in her line of work. Since gaining the mark of Tarouz, Zana has markings along the backs of her arms resembling feathers that sway in a breeze.

In terms of style of clothing, Zana is as content wearing one thing as another, or nothing at all.
Zana is very aware of who her father is. Her mother was a very high-class prostitute and one trial Delroth came to the brothel in Ne’haer where her mother worked. He revealed himself for who he was and, whilst he bedded each of the whores that night, Zana’s mother was his first choice and the only one to fall pregnant following the event. This was taken as a sign of her favour with Delroth and Sara vowed that Delroth's daughter, for such she was sure she would have, would make her father proud.

From the moment she was born, Zana was revered as the daughter of Delroth. Her mother knew that no matter what, her daughter would be great and so she, and the other courtesans, gave the young girl all the training she would need. Stories of her father and his greatness, his power and the blood of the Immortals which flows through her veins have been what Zana has grown up on and, as such, she has a very positive outlook on the Immortal who sired her. She wants to make her father proud, to draw his attention to her.

Zana grew and she relished every aspect of her childhood, youth and then eventual training. She is an individual who seeks pleasure in all forms and she discovered that her profession allowed her to gain a lot of pleasure and make a lot of coin; both of these things satisfied her immensely. As she realized that this job was an entirely selfish and pleasure-driven pursuit for her, she focused on every aspect, from being able to make herself someone that people would pay highly for, to the ability to kill them whilst keeping them distracted. That has always been her preferred method and continues to this trial.

In the brothel in Ne'haer, Zana learned the basics of making herself look more beautiful, using make up to enhance her natural beauty although her mother Sara suggested that she use little to none. When Zana wishes to focus on the innocence which she exudes, she will follow her mother's advice, but when she desires or needs to look a little older, or more experienced, she favors red lipstick.

Whilst Zana worked as a prostitute from the time she was legally old enough to, she is very aware that sex is the least important aspect of what she does. She is a connoisseur of desire and she knows more than most how important the build up is to the act itself. Zana made sure that she had learned about how to provide a range of services, from a massage to simple company; those men and women who pay for her time get the best deal available to them. She considers it a matter of pride that she leaves them in such a state of bliss that they never forget her.

After all, that is how one achieves true Immortality.

Zana learned to play the guitar, to dance and sing in the brothel in Ne'haer. This was done with the aim of her being not just a skilled prostitute but also a consort or courtesan. She amazed her dance teacher by being able to stand on point without ballet shoes from the first time she tried it; so it was ballet that she learned. She loves the feeling of being able to dance, the strength in her legs it gives her and the freedom and restraint of the movement.

More than once, she has been hired for a ten-trial, for example, to accompany one of her regular clients on a business trip or such. Without doubt she learned about the value of being a good companion, a pleasure to be with and a source of relaxation and positivity for her clients. From the moment that she entered the profession, when she was aged just 20, Zana's mother Sara told her of the importance of working in a brothel, not alone. She also taught Zana the importance of the relationship with her handler. Sara taught that this was the most important relationship a prostitute can have, as it protects and trains her and allows for realistic goal setting. Zana was taught to consider every relationship carefully and measure it by what she can get out of it.

She was also taught how to defend herself from those who might seek to hurt her and, whilst her mortalborn abilities are useful, her mother told her time and time again to always have at least two knives on her. Zana has followed this advice and she adheres to her mother's philosophy for anyone working in their industry. It is a matter of pride that the clients are satisfied and a matter of survival that those who manage the girls are. A prostitute alone is soon a dead one, her mother taught her and so Zana quickly became the favourite of one of the managers in the Ne'haer brothel, a man called Jaq. Her mother did not say anything, but kept a careful eye on her precious child.

Zana's relationship with Jaq meant that she was often picked for the more specialist jobs, be that for an individual or a group Zana was happy to perform. Every strange fetish or unusual desire, after all, allowed her to understand the emotions and drives of those she sought to manipulate. In Ne'haer, she had a number of regular clients and she is more than used to providing for a range of tastes and preferences; it makes no difference to her, for her own pleasure comes from the pleasures of those she beds. Quite literally, when she is working is the happiest that Zana is.

As she discovered the abilities and domains her father had passed on to her, Zana also discovered a deep curiosity about the mortal limits of emotion. The gifts her father gave her allow her to be desirable and to manipulate both emotion and physical sensation. Rather than deny these gifts, Zana uses them to the fullest.

When Zana was 26, her mother died in strange and sudden circumstances. Zana buried her and then went back to work; she did not understand why anyone would need to do anything different. She loved her mother and she would miss her, but somehow she was detached from the notion of grief or regret.

Jaq continued to be Zana's handler and she and he grew very close. He knows of her abilities and he enjoys the "Breath of Life" and how she can make him feel but Zana had, at this point, only discovered the abilities associated with the Domains of Air and Attraction. Jaq encouraged her to use the "Trinket of Desire" a lot and Zana did as he bid her, believing that he had their best interests at heart. This meant that the first two arcs following her mother's death were difficult for the mortalborn. She suffered a lot of nightmares and night terrors due to Jaq''s over use of her abilities.

Using the "Trinket of Desire" ability went entirely wrong one night in Arc 679. Two arcs after Sara had died, Zana had targeted a wealthy man with "Trinkets", at Jaq's insistence. However, when he came to the brothel he attempted to kill her. As he tried to throttle the life out of her, Zana initially felt panic ~ he way laying on top of her and she could not move him, but she had followed her mother's advice and there was a knife by the side of the bed. Reaching for it, she fumbled and grabbed it and then killed him. Zana felt no guilt, no remorse. When he had tried to hurt her, she had ceased to enjoy their activity. Recognizing that he would not be happy unless he marked, maimed or killed her, Zana had taken decisive action. She had continued with what he had paid for as she reached to the table on the side of the bed for the blade which she kept there and plunged it into his neck. As she killed him she felt a rush of pure pleasure the like of which she had never experienced before. It appeared that Zana had found her place in life; sex and death.

It was in arc 682 that the "Reflected Experience" ability finally manifested and, as she realised what was happening, Zana did what she would always do and she went to her handler; she and Jaq would explore it together. Jaq instructed that she should try it out on him whilst they were having sex. Not knowing any better, Zana did and the magnification of the physical sensation was too much for Jaq who passed out.

The next trial, Jaq passed her on to the handling of another employee and their eleven arc relationship ended. He died three arcs later, following a long illness. He asked for her on his death bed but Zana would not go to him; he had hurt her. There is no coming back from that as far as the mortalborn is concerned and so she did not visit nor attend his funeral.

She still misses him.

When Jaq passed her on to Tor'rin, he refused to work with her abilities. He moved in arc 690, but he took no girls with him. She was assigned a new handler, Gor'en, who said that he would work with her and her abilities but he changed his mind after the first demonstration. So, with Gor'en as her handler, she worked and did not use her abilities.

Finally, in arc 701 and aged 50, Zana realised that she was bored of Ne'haer and the people there and she sought pleasure in new and different places. Pleasure was what drove her then and what continues to drive her now. She is a seeker after delight but due to the unique nature of her blood, it is hard to find. She does not miss her mother, for her mother lived and now is dead, yet her mother was a good woman and a good parent. Zana does not doubt that she was adored, almost worshiped by the woman who Delroth bedded, but to Zana that is who her mother was. In many ways, it is only when working that Zana truly experiences emotions of any depth.

Having left Ne'haer, Zana travelled for a while and she moved from place to place, always selling her body for money. She has just arrived in Rharne, where she had great hopes. It is her understanding that the Rharnians have a love of life and a liberal attitude to sex. Therefore, she intends to find a job and settle for a while. Zana looks forward to the experiences ahead of her; she loves her work and gains an inordinate amount of pleasure from it. That pleasure is mirrored by the coin she hopes to amass, also.
20th Cylus, 651 Zana is born. Her mother Sara knows that this child, her 'daughter of Delroth' will grow into someone powerful and begins to work to prepare her child for this.
651 - 661 The first ten arcs of Zana's life is lived in relative luxury in the high-class brothel where her mother is now a handler. Zana is pampered and adored by the women there and the young girl grows in a very strange family but one full of love.
661 - 671Until she was 20, Zana lived in the brothel but did not work there. However, in the second decade of her life, especially after the age of about 16, Zana started questioning and wondering what the girls did. Adolescence was a tricky time and was when her powers emerged. She and her mother worked together to explore them, but the side effects meant that she did not do so in more than theory.
671 Zana turns 20 arcs old and has a long conversation with her mother. She wants to work in the place she calls home and she wants to work as a prostitute. Sara is concerned at first, but Zana has thought it through and made her mind up. Sara agrees.
671 - 677 The next six arcs pass in relative harmony as Zana works, trains and learns in the safety of the brothel where she was born. Zana becomes the favorite of her handler, Jaq and spends a lot of her free time with him. Sara is concerned but not able to do anything about it.
677 Sara dies. The circumstances are sudden and rather mysterious. Zana is aged 26.
677 Zana remains in the brothel in Ne'haer and continues to work.
679 When a client tries to harm her, Zana kills him. She does this by stabbing him during sex and she discovers that she has no concern with doing so, enjoying the feeling it gives her.
682 Zana uses her "Reflected Experience" ability on her handler Jaq and he finds it all too much. He stops being her handler and passes her on to a new handler, To'rin. Whilst he knows about her Mortalborn powers, he will not work with them, so Zana works without using them.
685 Jaq dies.
690 To'rin moves jobs and Zana is given a new handler, Gor'en. He tries to work with her and her mortalborn abilities, but finds that he simply can not teach her. She continues to work without using her powers.
701Aged 50, the Mortalborn decides that she is leaving Ne'haer. She packs and goes, not bothering to look back.
701 - 716This time sees Zana traveling around Idalos. She works in whorehouses from Andaris to Etzos, never staying too long, usually about one arc, two at most. She even briefly returns to Ne'haer, but finds that she has no wish to stay
717 Zana decides that it's time to settle down and she picks one of the few places she has not been to, Rharne. She enters Rharne on the 1st Ymiden 717 and immediately works to secure a job for herself.
Zana is a soft spoken individual who simply does not understand why people are so hung up about sex. Pleasure is what drives her and her own strange emotional state means that she is almost constantly seeking pleasure, which is something which is quite difficult to find.

Morality is a dubious concept to Zana, and a rather fluid one. She is fundamentally selfish and driven by her own motives. She is a prostitute because she enjoys sex and money and that is the best way to get both. As the daughter of an Immortal she has a deep reservoir of arrogance and no need for other people. When her mother died, Zana buried her and then left; she does not grieve. Yet she loved her mother very much and adores her Immortal father ~ she seeks to perform acts for his pleasure wherever possible.

Zana has no friends, nor does she wish them. That is not to say that she is incapable of making them she simply knows, better than most, what an illusion the notion of attachment it. After all, it is one of her Domains. Despite this, she is a friendly individual who is happiest in the company of others. She does not like to be alone and would always seek out company if it were available.

Nothing's free, eventually.
Last edited by Zana on Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:27 pm, edited 21 times in total. word count: 2791
PC is currently inactive. I hope to bring her back soon!
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Pan-Delectable: Zana is well aware that there are people who prefer others of a different sex, gender or race. She has learned to make herself desirable to people despite that. There is no compulsion to act on that desire but even should someone's preference be for a male avriel, in her case they'd be prepared to make an exception. Approval
Harem: Zana has a long history of tempting people to do things she wants them to. She does this by making herself desirable and fostering in others a desire to please her. With this capstone, she has developed the ability to create a sense of loyalty to her which is disproportionate to her actions. A smile from her and a word of praise is enough to motivate someone who is under the influence of this capstone and make them ever-more keen to please her.

Mechanically, this capstone is one which she has to actively use - when she is using it:

- NPCs will be more likely to fawn over her. Each season where she uses it IRP she gains another 3 "loyal followers". These are flavour NPCs with the usual restrictions but they are completely loyal to Zana and will chase after her like a teen with a crush. If she notices them in any way other than their usefulness to fetch her things, I'll submit them to the PSF, of course. Equally, if they are going to do more than just be devoted (like they might be actually useful in some meaningful way) I'll do the same.

- PCs - this is up to the player how they deal with this. I would hope and expect that my writing partners take it into account and play their skills accordingly.


Enrapture: When Zana sings, people stop and listen. With this capstone, her voice becomes so compelling that it takes a feat of discipline to not simply sit and listen. Her voice is so beautiful and the performance so perfect that she is automatically the focus of attention. By being this focus, she draws attention from everyone and everything else and plants it firmly on herself. Should anyone try to not listen, then it requires a deliberate act of will and needs to be maintained for as long as Zana sings, because it is a constant temptation to simply listen to her, enraptured. Of course, the context of the individual makes a difference - it's easier to ignore her if you're being stabbed, for example, than if someone you don't like is trying to talk to you. However, in a "usual" or neutral context, it would require a feat of skill at master level or above in an appropriate skill to disregard her. Approval
Busker: When Zana sings, people want to give her money. It's as simple as that. Once a season, in any thread where she sings and people hear her - she can claim 5 WP for that thread in impromptu gifts, donations, etc - all of which she gratefully accepts. Of course, she can only claim that WP if her wealth thread for that season has been completed, as per the usual rules. Approval
All Out Of Date, See UCP!
Skill Name Total XP Skill Level
Alchemy 97/250 Expert
Blades: Dagger 27/250 Competent
Caregiving 27/250 Competent
Cosmetology (+3 Tarouz, +2 Elindria) 79(84)/250 Expert
Dance 27/250 Competent
Deception 92/250 Expert
Etiquette 76/250 Expert
Mount (Air) 25/ 250 Novice
Musical Instrument: Guitar 5/250 Novice
Politics 35/250 Competent
Psychology 4/250 Novice
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow 27/250 Competent
Research 25/250 Novice
Seduction +1 Elindria, +3 Elithem 104/100 <===Fast Track Grandmaster
Sing (+3 Renown 253/250 Grandmaster
Socialisation 77/250 Expert

Skills A - L

A - C
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► Show Spoiler


Blades: Dagger:
► Show Spoiler

Business Management
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
G - I
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► Show Spoiler

Skills M - Z

M - O
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Mount: Air
► Show Spoiler
Musical Instrument: Gittern
► Show Spoiler
P -R
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

Ranged Weapon: Crossbow
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
S - U
► Show Spoiler

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► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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Unarmed Combat
► Show Spoiler
V - Z
► Show Spoiler
Father, look at what I have become. Will you love me now?
Last edited by Zana on Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:40 pm, edited 120 times in total. word count: 4643
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Skill Points Ledger
Completely Out Of Date, Disregard: Information in UCP
Thread/Skill Points Adjustment. Total Points.. Renown Received Total Renown.. Reward..
Starting from old SP Ledger No adjustment 22 Nil 64 None
Ties of Blood & Bone +15 37 No Adjustment 64 None
Mr Tricks +10 47 Renown +5 Total: 69 None
Acting -30 17 Nil 69 None
Pay My Respects to Grace & Virtue +15 32 5 74 None
Reporting for Duty 15 47 5 79 None
Skipping Class 15 62 10 89 None
Acting -62 Nil NA NA NA
Humble Beginnings 15 15 5 94 None
Balance 15 30 5 99 None
Deception -30 00 Nil 99 None
Go To Your Room! +15 15 5 104 +3
A Brother's Love +15 30 Nil 104 None
Homework +10 40 Nil 104 None
Darling, I'm Stuck At Work + 15 55 Nil 104 NA
Alchemy -50 05 - 104 NA
An Encounter With A Corpse + 15 20 -- 104 NA
Cosmetology -20 -- -- 104 --
First Dance +15 15 +5 109 --
You, Me, Chaperone = 3 +15 30 + 5 114 --
Deception -30 00 -- -- --
Warm Hands, Cold Heart +15 15 -- 114 --
Daddy Issues +15 30 -- 114 --
Skill Scale Down: Acting: 92 XP to Deception 30 -- 114 --
Skill Scale Down: Deception 60 XP to Pool 90 -- 114 --
Skill Scale Down: Persuasion 27 to Socialisation 90 -- 114 --
Startup Changes +32 XP 122 -- 114 --
Alchemy -22 100 -- -- --
Ruin's Dawn: The Imposter +25 125 +30 144 --
Ruin's Dawn: Storied Gold +25 150 +30 174 Small
Socialisation -50 50 -- -- --
Etiquette -50 00 -- -- --
A Stitch in Time +15 15 174 --
[ Hail, I Bid You Welcome +15 30 -- 174 --
Mount (Air) -25 5 -- 174 --
Job Description +10 15 UCP UCP UCP
Council Meeting +20 35 UCP UCP UCP
Politics -35 00 UCP UCP UCP
Mercy, please, I'm on my knees. You're my temptation
Last edited by Zana on Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:20 pm, edited 100 times in total. word count: 304
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Items & Housing

Important Things

Queen of Diamonds
A beautiful set of three diamond-gilded playing cards that have a deadly secret. When thrown, their corners are sharp as daggers, equaling good quality+ adamantite throwing daggers. The cards, once they stop forward motion, whether they embed in something or fall to the ground, will return to Zana's hand. (Gained here )
Perfectus Coin
A golden coin, intricate in design, that allows Zana, if on her persons, to accurately copy any document she reads, whether she remembers the exact details or not, in written form. She may do this even if she has no real knowledge of the language. She cannot translate what she's written in languages unknown to her, but can reiterate the information perfectly. (Gained here )
Verres D'Obscurité
Fashionable and practical, these color-changing glasses allow Zana to see clearly in complete darkness. Any sudden flash of light, or significant increase in ambient light, however, will dazzle Zana and render the glasses inoperable for 30 bits. (Gained here )
These popping candies come in a pack of 10 and taste like Zana's favorite fruit. Eating 1 candy will heal you of minor injuries - cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. For moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc.) it will take 3 candies. Major injuries take 6 candies and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 candies. Note that 1 candy for more severe injuries will do nothing. (Gained here )
Clothes Made By Edasha!
Also, she gets to keep the clothes Edasha made for her, which are also Tier 8. X (Zana chose a pair of red trousers which were so skin tight that she could have sprayed them on, a long white smock-top and a red jacket.
Mirror from Edasha
Desirous Adventure: The mirror that Edasha gave Zana, which links to Arlo's mirror and allows them to communicate with each other over vast distances. Edasha expects you to keep in touch, plus you both work for Drathaidir. X


Small cut-glass bird ornament Treasured Possession* Used to belong to her mother.
Stuffed toy: Panda: Mister Tricks Ledger Gift from her mother on Zana's 5th Birthday. Has been repaired many, many times.
A silver necklace with a bird pendant, given to you by Jaq once upon a time. (RM) CS Reward (Ru) Love it, hate it. Just like him.
Packet of Sedative Herbs XDidn't take them after a beating, stashed them just in case
Signet Ring with strange symbol XLooted from a corpse


Combat Knife x 2
Pistol Crossbow + Bolts X[/td][td]Gift from Theo.
5 x Masterwork Throwing Daggers & 5 x average quality throwing daggers X
Queen's Blade
A mastercrafted tier 8 rapier, given to her by Edasha. The blade actively resists being used by anyone without Elindria, lowering their Blades skill by two ranks. I.E., a Master becomes Competent, a Tier 2 becomes Expert. In an Elindria's hands, the blade glows a rich purple and will pull in the direction of their Pygmalion, should it be stolen from them. X
Out of Date: Money in UCP
Approval Tier 5 NA 66
Small Renown Tier 5 NA 67
Old Wealth Ledger
Starting Approval350--35000
2 x combat knives--10gn34000
Tea and Taste--37gn 4sn30260
Warm Hands, Cold Heart--49gn 2sn 4cn25336
Playing the Parts--9gn 2sn 4cn24412
NPC: Billie: Ymiden 717--10gn19412
Memory NPC: Jaq--10gn18412
216 Point Bank Points1080--126412
50 Point Bank Points250--151412
52 Point Bank Points260--177412
8 Point Bank Points40--181412
Mister Tricks--5180912
Hand Mirror (Ornate) + other gubbins--19179012
Throwing Daggers--361,75412
Business Investment--1,50025412
Wages: Singer: Ymiden 717473gn 1sn--72722
Wages: Courtesan: Ymiden 717630gn 8sn--135802
Student Accommodation: Hot Cycle--40gn1,33102
Fees: Letter in Alchemy -- 160gn 1,171 0 2
Renown Reward: 50 300gn -- 1,471 0 2
Wages, Ymiden 718 473gn 1sn --- 1, 944 1 2
Wages, Saun 718 380gn -- 2,324 1 2
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest one of all?
Last edited by Zana on Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:22 pm, edited 44 times in total. word count: 685
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Daughter of Delroth

Approval Link

Mortal Parent:
Name: Sara Featherstone
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 21st Ymiden Arc 636
Skills: Seduction: 30, Psychology: 30, Cosmetology: 30, Dance: 10
Appearance: 5 ft 11, brown hair and brown eyes Sara was an incredibly beautiful woman. Many men and women came to the brothel where she worked and she was one of the most favoured of the whores who worked there. It had been commented more than once that her beauty was such that she rivaled Edasha herself.
Personality: Sara was a sweet and kind woman who, after giving birth to her daughter Zana at age 21, retired from prostitution and devoted herself to the care of her child. She remained in the brothel where Zana grew up, working there as a manger of the girls and keeping an eye on the clients.
Relationship to PC: Mother
Anything: else you would like us to know. Deceased.

Mortalborn story:
It was a normal early evening in the brothel where Sara worked. She, along with the other girls had prepared themselves for a busy evening. There was a festival ongoing and so there were more people in Ne'haer and that invariably meant an increase in trade.

Yet, no clients came to the brothel for the first break it was open. This was unheard of and the girls lounged and wondered just what was going on. That was when he came in, the tall and perfect man who simply stepped through the doors and Sara knew that no matter what, she would have to be the girl he chose. His ice blue eyes looked around and he smiled at them, each one.

When he spoke, his voice was honey and Sara was one of the first to stand, although all the girls did. Each of them experiencing the same overwhelming desire for him and his smile deepened. When the manager who was working that night asked him which of the girls the customer wished for, the man who held them all in sway spoke.

"All of them. Her first, alone. Then the rest may join us when we call." He motioned to Sara and held out his hand, which she took. She was surprised to see that her own hand was trembling with desire at the blue eyed man. She asked his name and he smiled at her as he lifted her in his arms like a child. "I am Delroth," he said and not one of them doubted him. For Sara, there followed a night like none she had experienced before, nor ever would again. After breaks of what she could only describe as ecstasy, the others joined them and whilst Delroth enjoyed them all, it was Sara he returned to time and again. Eventually, inevitably, she either fell asleep or passed out and when she woke he was gone.

She never saw him again but she knew long before her body told her that she was carrying his child. Despite the fact that he had laid with numerous other women that night, it was in her that he planted his seed and a part of her had known that would happen from the moment she took his hand.

Mortalborn domains & abilities: Air, Attachment, Reflection, Opposites


Breath of Life

With this power, the Mortalborn can impose emotions on to another by the simple expedient of breathing on them. One slow breath across the skin can bring about intense emotions, raging from fury to desire. With practice, the Mortalborn can temper the intensity of these emotions.
This can only be used via direct contact of the Mortalborn's breath with skin, although it works with all species even those who have but an illusion of skin covering them such as the Yludith. Using it deadens the Mortalborns emotions for a full break afterwards, leaving her feeling emotionally drained. If used more than once in a single trial it leaves her physically exhausted and needing to sleep for at least 10 breaks.


Trinket of Desire

When using this power, Zana must identify an object of emotional significance to another. After she has obtained this prized trinket from her victim, she must concentrate for several bits in order to imbue it with her domain of attachment. Once imbued, the trinket is returned to the owner, who very quickly begins to develop obsessive tendencies for Zana while the trinket is in their possession. Should the trinket be taken away from them, or if they do not have contact with it, the effects begin to fade from their mind. During the time that the victims have contact with their trinkets and are obsessing about her, Zana experiences horrifying nightmares and night terrors.


Reflected Experience

When utilising this ability the Mortalborn is able to reflect and amplify the physical sensations felt by another. Like a magnifying glass she can focus and control what a mortal is feeling. This might be to subtly change them or, more likely, to focus or dampen them. This must be a physical sensation which the individual is already feeling and can only be used when she and the 'victim' are looking at each other in a mirror or other reflective surface. Using this power more than once a trial causes the Mortalborn's eyes to go bloodshot and migraines to occur.
Mirrored Experiences
When this power is activated, the Mortalborn focuses on one individual, reflecting both her and her targets' physical and emotional experience in a mutual increasing of sensation and feelings. In order to activate this, and to maintain it, Zana has to be in eye contact with the target of the ability, either by looking in their eyes or by meeting their gaze in a reflective surface.

This ability allows Zana to share, amplify and enhance the physical and emotional sensations in any shared experience with her experiencing what they do and them experiencing what she does in an ever-increasing spiral. From sex to an argument, it is an ability which continues to build in intensity whilst eye contact is maintained and she feels it as strongly as her target, and vice versa. It applies only to those sensations or emotions which Zana and her target are sharing in a general sense (pain, pleasure, desire, anger etc) and can only ever be between her and one other person at a time.

Zana is able to use this ability numerous times, but every time she does she is left with an intense sugar craving afterwards.


Opposites Attract

Zana can not believe that anyone thinks negatively of her, and this ability helps make her right. This ability allows Zana to harness the emotions of someone who dislikes or is irritated by her and turn them into the very opposite of what they are. It is a passive ability which gives off an aura which means that where someone might usually find her irritating, they will find her cute or endearing - something more positive - the more negative their instinctual emotion towards her, the stronger the push to feel positive. It doesn't stop the feeling of irritation, but makes it endearing, it doesn't stop anger, but it makes it passion, etc. Fundamentally, it doesn't change the negative emotion, but it turns it into a positive sensation. If someone likes Zana, or is neutral towards her, this has no impact on them at all.

Domain & Ability approved: here


Ability Knowledge Gained Link
Breath of Life Mortalborn Ability: Breath of Life (RM)
Breath of Life MB Ability: Breath of Life: Can be controlled with a shallow breathX
Breath of Life MB Ability: Breath of Life: Does not have to be overwhelming X
Breath of Life MB Ability: Breath of Life: Even when passing on less intense emotions, I lose all of mine X
Reflected Experience Mortalborn Ability: Reflected Experience: Imparting coldX
Reflected Experience Mortalborn Ability: Reflected Experience (RM)
Reflected Experience Mortalborn Ability: Reflected Experience: Can be made more intense X
Reflected Experience Mortalborn Ability: Reflected Experience: Change the angle of reflection X
Reflected Experience Mortalborn Ability: Reflected Experience: Causes migraine X
Trinket of Desire Mortalborn Ability: Trinket of Desire (RM)
Trinket of DesireMB Ability: Trinket of Desire: Requires concentration X
Trinket of DesireMB Ability: Trinket of Desire: Put my own energy into a trinket X
Trinket of DesireMB Ability: Trinket of Desire: The trinket has to have meaning X
Trinket of DesireMB Ability: Trinket of Desire: Victim needs to keep the trinket with them X

Out of your hands, over your head, out of your reach. What might be
Last edited by Zana on Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:44 pm, edited 13 times in total. word count: 1432
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Religion, Blessings & Marks


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Mark Details: here
Mark Story
73rd Ymiden, 717
Lake Lovalus, Rharne
As long as she could remember, Zana had dreamed of her father. He was a constant presence in her life. She had been raised on stories of how he had chosen her mother, specifically, so that she would be conceived. All of her life he had visited her in her dreams and she had spent countless breaks with him. Was it actually him? She did not know; but it was to her.

That morning, when she had woken from her slumber, she recalled the dream of the flock of birds. Blue, like the colour of her eyes, like the colour of her father's eyes. There, on the pillow next to her was the single blue feather and Zana lifted it up. "Father?" She had spoken to him like this from her earliest memories.

So, since this was where she always spoke to him, Zana moved over to her dressing table and sat on the soft comfortable stool there. Looking up into the mirror, she spoke to him. It was how and where she usually did; vanity and greed were two of his domains and reflection was one of hers so it seemed appropriate. "Good morning, Father." Reaching for her hairbrush, Zana began her morning routine, speaking to her Immortal parent as she did. It was a ritual she had maintained from her youngest trials.

This trial, she had decided what she was going to do. Something which had been on her mind to do for a long time but it was the single blue feather which had decided her. Reaching out, she carefully placed the feather into the small box where she kept her jewelry. "It's working well, Father. I'm getting more and more money, building more contacts. I get such a lot of pleasure from my job. Two men hurt me, Theo killed one and I killed the other." With a small smile she looked into the ice blue eyes reflecting back at her. "It felt good to do that, too."

As she got ready, carefully applying make up and ensuring that her appearance was perfect, Zana explained her plans to her Immortal father. She was building in riches, in power; the whorehouse she and Theo would run together was going to allow them to work with the richest in Rharne. All of her life Zana had lived in luxury, but true luxury was what she coveted and this was a step towards it.

It took a full break and a half for her to be ready.

This was too important to do anything other than dress as perfectly as she could and so the mortalborn daughter of Delroth took her time with everything. Her long white skirt would be modest if it wasn't made from panels of lace in between the panels of cotton, revealing glimpses of her legs. She wore her white crop top which left her midriff bare.

She picked up the basket she had prepared and made her way to the shores of Lake Lovalus.

As she walked, Zana noticed that there was a small bird which seemed to be wherever she was. Zana watched it and smiled. She had always loved birds and the small glass bird ornament which had been in her possession as long as she could remember was sitting on her dressing table. This was a particularly beautiful creature, she thought, with it's crest and bright blue feathers.

When she got to the shores of Lake Lovalus, Zana moved to the tree she had identified. There, she had determined, was the perfect place. It was not hidden away, rather it was a very prominent area where lots of people would see it. From the basket she brought out the small but beautiful mirror she had commissioned; it was delicate, elegant and beautiful. Perfect for her father. So, Zana placed it, strung carefully on the wall next to the tree. The wind buffeted the place, whipping her hair and blowing her skirts, but Zana ignored it.

The blue-feathered bird watched her as she retrieved the other things from the bag. A hanging bird feeder, filled with nuts and food, a small wind chime to catch the wind and make beauty. Tied securely so that they were obviously what they were, Zana looked and smiled. A shrine to her father, Delroth. Vanity, wind, birds and greed. "I love you, Father," the beautiful daughter of the Immortal spoke.

Delight lit her face as first one, then another and another bird lighted on the shrine she had constructed. She held out her hand, hopeful that one would hop on to it when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

The man who stood behind her held her close to him, his breath tickling her ear. "You're beautiful. Like your mother."

Zana gasped in surprise, but her face lit in a smile, "Yes. And my father."

The man holding her chuckled, "good answer, my daughter. Will you make me proud?"

"Yes." Zana had never suffered from a poor ego and she wasn't about to start now, no matter who held her close to him.

"Which do you enjoy more?" Delroth asked, looking at her in the mirror, where their ice blue gazes met. "The feeling of them inside you, or your knife inside them?"

Zana smiled at him, in the mirror. "Those are just acts, both acts of pleasure. What I enjoy is the power and the rewards," she leaned back against him. "in your name. I'll make you proud."

"See that you do," Zana felt a tingling down the back of her arms as he kissed her cheek, but his tone was serious, "I hate to be disappointed. Especially by family."

He was gone before she had finished hearing the words. Yet the blue bird who had followed her hopped on to her hand and twittered. "Hello," Zana said with delight in her voice, "I'm going to call you Henry."
I'm so very picturesque, I'm so very cold.
Taste like roses on my breath. Graveyards, on my soul
Favoured Abilities
NameAbility Description
Feathered Friend Immediately granted when blessed by Delroth, Feathered Friend takes the form of a bird companion that is tied mentally and emotionally to the Tarouz. At this level, the bird may be of any species of a Medium size, which is roughly 9-16 inches tall. The bird need not eat or sleep, but will often to mimic other birds to avoid suspicion. At this level, the Tarouz can communicate with the bird familiar through flashes of mental and emotional signals, which each interprets flawlessly. The bird can be used to scout, to offer a distraction in combat, or at this level, is mostly used for companionship.
Wings of Steel By using this ability, the Tarouz can grow organic steel feathers all along his or her arms, allowing them both a weapon and armor at a moment's notice. The feathers are as durable as steel, and offer resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage. They are also razor sharp, though at this level, they must be wielded as melee weapons, as they can't be thrown from the Tarouz. The biggest drawback is that the feathers each weigh a moderate amount, slowing the Tarouz considerably unless well practiced with the ability.
The Charismatics Toolbox The Tarouz may add 3 skill points to any of the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Falconry, Flying, Persuasion or Seduction. These points may be used to surpass the 100 skill points of the skill chosen. Cosmetology
Clothed in Finery The Tarouz gains the ability to enhance the look and feel of any of his or her clothing, making them appear to be of a much higher quality than they actually are. The illusion is far less effective under close scrutiny, and once discovered, the ability ceases to work until the Tarouz changes clothing, or they don't interact with the same people for 1 trial.
The Covetous Covenant At will, a Tarouz may mark an object that he or she greatly desires. Once marked, the Tarouz will know the basic whereabouts and condition of the object, regardless of distance between the two. This link lasts until the Tarouz comes into possession of the item, and will cause the Tarouz to become more and more obsessed with its acquisition until he or she does so. Once the Tarouz comes to own the object, he or she becomes extremely blissful and their basic needs (eating, sleeping or drinking) are fulfilled.
Mirror Mirror: Once per season, a Tarouz may designate two mirrors to act as a two-way communication device. The mirrors become linked, and when a codeword is spoken in front of it, the mirror shows whatever is on the other side of the second mirror. This can be used a way to guard one's belongings, or send a message to a friend. At Favored, this effect is only as large as a city. At Adored, it can be regional. At Exalted, the mirrors may travel to any corners of the world they wish. Gained here .
A Feather's Weight: Once per trial, the Tarouz has the ability to reduce the weight of any item to that of a single feather. This ability only lasts ten bits per level of Tarouz, at the end of which the item returns to its original weight. Often used to carry larger amounts of gold to hide, A Feather's Weight is one of the most coveted abilities of the Favored Tarouz. Gained here .
Secrets in the Wind: Only viable when both parties are outside, Secrets in the Wind allows a Tarouz to whisper into the wind and have that whisper carried to someone the Tarouz desires. Helpful in relaying commands or changing plans, this ability is the available as many times per trial as the Tarouz wishes. At Favored, it affects half a city. At Adored it can affect a whole city. At Exalted it can reach between cities in the same region, as long as both recipients are outside.Gained here .
Birdtongue: This ability allows a Tarouz to communicate with any species of bird, regardless of the Tarouz' familiarity of the species. Birdtongue lets the Tarouz convey basic information, while receiving the same. At Favored, the bird is compelled to obey any orders, but may resist. At Adored, the bird will only resist if the action would endanger itself or its young. At Exalted, the bird will obey, no matter what.Gained here
Devotion & Knowledge: Tarouz
Thread Name Adjustment Link Total
Well, Hello There +1X+1
Songbird +9X+10
Electra +4X+14
Tea & Cakes+4X+28
Half Past Mid-Bell+5X+33
Instrument of Sea & Stars +8X+41
Opening Night+4X+44
Tarouz: Wings of Steel: Just my arms X
Tarouz: Wings of Steel: Individual feathers X
Tarouz: Wings of Steel: Heavy X
Tarouz: Clothed in Finery: Works on clothes only X
Tarouz: Clothed in Finery: Doesn't hold up to close scrutiny X


Favoured Gained here
Favoured Abilities
Pygmalion: A physical representation of Edasha’s blessing, the Pygmalion is a golden statuette of the Elindria’s likeness, fashioned to an otherworldly degree. This statuette is immensely important to the Elindria, and just being in its very presence inspires envy in others, even if they don’t know why. Often, this is the target of many heists and elaborate schemes, because those who are in possession of the Pygmalion are immune to the Elindria's abilities for the length of their possession of the statuette.

However, while the Elindria is in possession of the Pygmalion and are in the same city, they are conferred a significant bonus to their resistance to Empathy magic and abilities that affect their emotions, especially when it comes to trying to manipulate their jealousy or physical attraction. This level is equal to Competent and below at Favored, Expert and below at Adored, Master at Exalted and Revealed at Champion. Also, by laying hands on the statuette once per trial, the Elindria is granted perfect hygiene for the entire trial. Gained here
Divine Opulence (Minor): The ability to permanently beautify the Elindria’s possessions, allowing Edasha’s Blessed to truly live a life filled with beauty, regardless of their income. Use of this ability improves the aesthetics of any item that the Elindria owns - clothing, furniture, pots and pans, etc. The only exception at this stage is buildings. Living beings (ie. animals, plants, and mortals) are not affected by this ability. In order to channel this ability, the Elindria must have the object within his or her line of sight and focus on it. While the object that is affected is selected by the Elindria, the outcome of the aesthetic change is dependent on the Elindria’s individual personality, as well as their mood when using the ability. He or she is unable to predict what will occur from the change, though the changes will always be aesthetically pleasing to the Elindria’s eyes. When changed, the object will always keep its original function (ie. a vase will only ever turn into a more beautiful vase). For example, a simple, homespun dress may be turned into a flowing silk ball gown with a delicate strap made of fabric flowers and a straw mattress may be turned into a soft bed filled with high-quality goose feathers. The ability may be used once per trial. It is important to note that the item memorizes its owner and will always revert back to its original aesthetic once it leaves the Elindria's ownership through sale, gift, theft, or other means.Gained here
The Beautician's Skills I: The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Appraisal, Cosmetology, Deception, Seduction or Crafting. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.Gained here ~~ +2 Cosmetology, +1 Seduction
Far Eyes (Minor): Governing the Domain of Sight, Edasha and her followers see more clearly than those not blessed by the Immortal. With this ability, the Elindria can mark an individual or an object with touch and can, for one whole trial, see the person or object with perfect clarity in their mind any time they choose. This ability extends to up to six feet around the marked individual or object, giving the Elindria a better sense of where the person or object is. Anything beyond this radius is blurry and difficult to make out, like looking through opaque glass. This ability can only be used once every two trials, and the countdown to reset the mark does not begin until the prior marked can no longer be seen. There is no physical manifestation of the mark. If the Elindria is observing a person, the person may feel an eerie sensation of being watched without quite knowing where it's coming from.Gained here
The Best Little Secret: The Elindria may mark any one person that they have committed adultery with, and make it impossible for that person to reveal the adultery. Though it does not completely silence them, whenever they attempt to speak about the deed, they find their words caught in their throats and their comprehension of language to fail them. This is accomplished by an Elindria laying hands on the person's throat and channeling this ability. Only one person at a time may be affected by this ability. Either the Elindria or their lover must be in a separate romantic relationship for this ability to be effective, since adultery involves cheating on one's partner. Gained here
Brand of Jealousy: Once per season, the Elindria can brand someone she truly despises. This brand can be done without making any contact, but requires the Elindria to sacrifice something of personal value. Taking the form of an angry red tear-drop on the branded’s shoulder, this ability amplifies the bearer’s jealousy as the trials pass. They grow more manic, erratic, and obsessive over the Elindria, which in turn, is siphoned into the statuette the marked possesses. If the brand lasts for three trials, the Pygmalion becomes aware of any attempt made by an Empathy mage to change the Elindria’s emotions if the mage’s skill level meets the Elindria’s corresponding mark level. At Favored, the Pygmalion becomes aware of Novice/Competent Empaths. At Adored, it becomes aware of Expert Empaths, at Exalted, it becomes aware of Master Empaths, and at Champion it becomes aware of Revealed Empaths. So long as the Pygmalion is absorbing emotions from the Elindria’s target, the Pygmalion can rebound any Empathic or emotional attack back onto their attacked once it is aware. This may occur once per trial. The brand can only be removed by the Elindria or an Immortal. Only one such brand may be active at once. Gained here


Gained here
Favoured Abilities
Musical Enchantment (Minor): The character is able to control the emotions of a crowd within a short area around them and for a very short period of time while playing or singing music. Gained here
Eye of the Beholder (Minor): At this level, the character has only enough control to cover small parts of their body with the aura of Elithem, causing all who look upon them to see only pleasant, attractive, desirable features. This ability lasts for a short period of time. Gained here
Passionate Skills I: The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Musical Instrument skill, Singing, Seduction, or Socialization. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. Seduction Gained here
I'll lead you through moonlight, only to burn you in the sun
I'll take your heart, you won't know what I've done
Last edited by Zana on Sat Feb 05, 2022 2:15 pm, edited 30 times in total. word count: 3033
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Drathaidir Companions

Jaq (memory)

Approval Link: Note: Jaq is a memory NPC only.
Name: Jaq Qau'Akor
Race: Biqaj / Human
Date of Birth: Saun 10th 635
Date of Death: Ymiden 1st 685
Skills: Discipline (30), Musical Instrument: Gittern, (20), Persuasion (15), Singing (20), Deception (15)
Appearance: Tall, sun-bleached blonde hair and beautiful cheek bones. That rather summed up Jaq. He was a handsome, charming man and he had an almost constant look of arrogance about him.
Personality: Jaq appeared to be a calm and charming man with a sense of humour and an easy going disposition. However, he was not someone to cross and he would most certainly use his business contacts and his not insignificant influence in the darker areas of Ne'haer in order to ensure that he got what he wanted. Everything, to him, was a business deal and when it ceased to be worth it, he ceased to be interested.
Relationship to PC: Pimp / handler


Name: Zane
Date of Birth: Vhalar 18th 687
Skills:Chemistry (30), Alchemy (30), Etiquette (20), Research (10)
Appearance:Zane is a tall and handsome man with very nice cheekbones. He has pale eyes and an excellent physique
Personality: Zane is the son of a wealthy Vindenese family. He is used to a very good life. He's a nice young man with some control issues. He wants to be in a relationship but his mother is mousey and his father very controlling - incredibly so. This has coloured Zane's opinions of women and their place in the world somewhat. But he knows this is unlikely to be accepted and so he suppresses this, for now.
Relationship to PC: Fellow student and wannabe boyfriend.

Don't need a window to watch you, baby, don't need a roof overhead.
Don't need a key to unlock it, baby, we'll use our loving instead
Last edited by Zana on Sat Feb 05, 2022 5:04 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 326
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Ymiden 717

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Saun 717

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What did I do? Whatever I wanted to, of course
word count: 798
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Re: Zana

Current Cycle

  • 13th Glowing Rocks ~ Zana is bored so seeks out a rich and handsome distraction. Devin. :D
  • 15th Settling In ~ She flies around Faldrass, observing her domain.
I'm guilt edged, glamorous and sleek by design.
Jealous by nature, false and unkind
word count: 59
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