The Best Laid Plans.

10th of Saun 723

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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The Best Laid Plans.

I am a damsel

locked in her tower,

but I am my own capture.

No one else has the

strength to lock me away.

You though have the key

to free me from myself


Genna found herself once again found herself disembarking from a boat onto the shores that had been selected. With her came Pablo and others. She had hired an architect and construction crew for this project and brought the head of the crew and the architect as well as a surveyor along so they could see the location. Neither seemed particularly happy about tromping around outside of the city, but a job was a job. Looking at the three men she waited a moment for them to get their bearings.

“Okay Gentleman this is the site.” She said indicating to the shore of the lake and up to hills next to it. She didn’t say anything as they wandered a bit taking in the area and the environment. “This will be the dock for people coming to visit.” She said indicating to the area around them. The building contractor nodded his head. “This ground wouldn’t do great for an actual large building but a dock would be good, you are saying want the actual shrine on the hill.”

“There will be more to it then that but yes.” She looked at the architect. “I am also no referring to some little dock that at best can do two small boats. If would be good to allow a couple to dock here as well as keeping one stationed here.” The two talked for a few more bit with some comments from the construction contractor. The surveyor was already going around making notes about landscape.

They began to move on and Genna led them the way she wanted the path to go explaining while she didn’t want anything overkill it needed to be large enough to allow a wagon to come up and down the path. The walk required them to walk around the base of the hill as she wanted it to come up on the other side. As the walked Genna did look at the construction. “I want a little destruction to the landscape beyond the shrine areas as possible. So we will need this path in first to allow wagons and supplies to come up and not turn this place into a mud bed.” The person in contractor gave her a frown.

“Sometimes we can’t always take equipment certain places.”

“I accept that and for those rare occasions I accept that sometimes the path can’t be used. I am talking about people taking short cuts or making new wagon’s trails.” Genna said nicely but there was determination in her voice. The man gave her a look and nodded his head. Genna wasn’t a huge expert in the details of building but she had been around enough and understood human nature well enough to know that people defaulted to laziness. Soon they came to the area she had found earlier.

It was a small dip between three hills. It was still higher then the shore line and the walk had gentle slopped upwards towards it. It was a true valley by any means but it was perfect for what Genna had in mind. She paused to allow them to take the geography in. “I am wanting this area to be a plaza and the path will lead up to it.” She looked at the architect “ I would like the plaza to focus on Ymiden’s Dawn domain. Possible a world map in the center and some way to celebrate the dawn.” He nodded his head but the contractor jumped in.

“We will have to level out for a plaza so we’re going to have to pull dirt from another location.”

“Actually I would say it would be better to dig down to make it level. The top soil we could save and use for gardens.” He paused and looked a Genna to confirm gardens were part of her plans. The platinum blonde young woman nodded her head in agreement. “and we can use the less ideal soil as filler in other places.”

Genna could tell that the contractor was annoyed by her limitations which is what she had understood ahead of time. He was the best only employed trustworthy people, didn’t cut corners and a building built by him was among the best. She had also been told that he cared nothing for the grounds beyond necessities related to the building. If addressed up front though and agreed to he would keep his word.

The architect was also the best in the area. Genna had quickly gotten him on board when she had presented the idea. Rharne’s truly great structures had already been built and while he had designed add on and remodels for stately homes this was his first chance to do something epic. He already had a basic idea from the Initial talks but had wanted to see the location and it was he who had really brought the surveyor along. He now pointed towards the hill they had just walked around and was closest to the lake. “Which shrine do you want on that hill.”

“I would like that that to be the shrine to rebirth but I would like it to be the grandest of the structures.” She said in reply to his question. The two men looked at it and both nodded.

“It would be the best place it will be viewable from the lake and just make it stand out.” The contractor said. Genna processed to share some thoughts mostly with the archietect. “I would like steps from this plaza to lead up to it, and not have it be approached from the other side. I am also thinking a domed structure, but large enough to hold a pool but also comfortable allow people to stand around.” There was a nods of head as the continued to discuss.

After that conversation had finished Genna point to the hill opposite that. “I want that to be the shrine to Forgiveness, but in addition I would like to also be a place that will house dorms for people who live or visit here, as well as a library and some study and class rooms.”

“Why?” the architect asked.

“The location will need a structure for people to live in. Also forgiveness is a more subtle and internal thing. This would be the place where people will stay to work on forgiveness in their life. Do you see that area between those two hills and that it is more raise.” There was nods of the head as they saw the are she was talking about. “I am also planning on that being a contemplative garden where people can also walk and meditate and will be an outdoor extension of the Shrine of Forgiveness.” Genna smiled. “I actually would like the whole place designed so one could meditate or think anywhere but I think you get the point.” The architect nodded his head.

He pointed to the last hill. “I assume the shrine to Summer.”

“Yes, but this one will be challenging in a different way. I would like it set up so there is a alter to each of the seasons, with Summer being the focus, but I would like it the flame on the alter to move from each season to each season.” She said. There was a look of interest.

“Totally open.”

“Well that depends on if you can figure out a way to keep the flame going all arch long.” Genna answered back.

“Fair point.”

They continued to walk as they talked. Pablo standing a ways off watching and listening to his wife’s ideas. The surveyor was already at work drawing sketches and planning what he would need to provide an accurate measurements for both the other men. Genna found she was pleased so far with the men she had hired for this project. They knew their trade and maybe a bit cranky but she was willing to deal with that. They talked as points were brought up and plans were made.

It was a long afternoon before they all got back in the boat and began to head home. Pablo helped her into the boat and then helped the surveyor. As they settled in Genna looked at the site they had spent the afternoon stomping around. After watching it for a moment she turned her attention to the others in the boat with her. The three men were working with their heads together as they went over what they had talked about. Genna was well aware that they would come back with questions, changes would need to be made, compromises made as it was constructed, but she was excited and hopeful for what was to come. Pablo sat next to her and Genna noticed that his nose was pink and turning more red.

“Your nose is burned.” She said gentle.

“I know. It’s a by product of sticking my nose in to things.” He said with a smile. Genna laughed at the humor. “I see your hat keep the sun off you.”

Genna shuddered. “I really don’t like to burn.”

“Well it’s a nice hat.”

“Thank you.” She said and the two relaxed into each others arms as they sailed home.

word count: 1582
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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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Re: The Best Laid Plans.

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Might be kind of boring. This thread is to establish the start to build the Ymiden Shrine. I am purchasing it with this thread but using Genna 550 small Renown reward of half off a purchase. Which makes is 43 wp.

Thread: The Best Laid Plans.
City/Area: Rharne
Skills Used
Leadership (Expert)
Socialization (Expert)

Knowledge Claimed
Engineering x2
Leadership x2

Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? (Y / N) Part of a Ymiden Plot Arc Genna is in.
Faction Points:No
Wealth Points: Spending 43
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
word count: 108
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Pig Boy
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Re: The Best Laid Plans.

Gennadiya Lyosha


I couldn't disagree more with the idea that this thread is boring. On the contrary, this is a pivotal action by Gennadiya and very important in her overall story. I love how she's taken shape over the years, and am impressed with your ability to tie in the past with the present of her character with fully consistent growth.

That said, having seen the floor plan of the Shrine I really am excited to see this come to fruition. I fully approved.

Also Genna might consider a parasol next time to carry with her, for protection from the sun :D

A hat is good but doesn't do the job for the arms :D

Great work here, enjoy the rewards.


  • Leadership: x2
  • Engineering: x2


  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 10


  • Ground breaking on the Shrine. Construction should be in good stead.
word count: 145

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