Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

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Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

Timestamp: Vhalar 16, 720

Ezner ducked as a curving hook was thrown at the side of his head. He shuffled a step and a half backward as the large brute Bruno advanced forward. The sounds of the blood thirst, cheering crowd were muffled by the sound of Ezner's ragged breath. He brought his hands up to defend himself as the larger man stepped closer. The man threw another wide haymaker, and Ezner ducked beneath it, stepping forward. Ezner threw a stiff jab and a cross into the man's abdomen, but it felt like hitting a stone wall. He twisted to his right before the man's other hand could grab him.

But Ezner wasn't paying attention to his footwork in his exhaustion, and tripped over the large man's other foot. He stumbled, though he didn't fall. Over the deafening sounds of his lungs, he heard the rap-rap of the sticks on stone marking another bit passing. As the smaller man stumbled toward the edge of the Pit, the large man was already rushing toward him. Ezner knew he just needed two more bits. Survive in the ring for two more minutes.

It was a tall order.

The big man's hand caught Ezner's flailing wrist in its iron grip, and jerked him backwards. Ezner felt his shoulder burn as he was twisted around and thrown to the dirt ground on the opposite side. He laid there, counting his breaths, rapid, far too rapid. His vision was blurring a bit. He saw the shadow in the corner of his eye and he pushed off the ground, rolling away as the large foot came down. The crowds were booing, but they knew that sometimes survival matches didn't have as much fighting as they had hoped.

Ezner's roll ended early and he managed to get to his feet just in time to see the big man tackling toward him. The man's shoulder collided with his mid section, expelling what little air he had left within him. Ezner held onto the man as they both crashed to the ground, the massive weight landing on Ezner's ribs. Ezner felt his arm above the man's shoulder, luck or instinct? He'd never know.

He worked to tighten down the arm, feeling the resistance of the big man's neck muscles. The man's chin dug into Ezner's forearm, preventing him from getting a good choke hold in place. Meanwhile, the big man's other hand rained heavy blows into Ezner's exposed stomach. Each one battered him, but Ezner held on. It was really all he could do. Ezner snaked his free hand beneath the attacking arm's shoulder, and worked to leverage it upwards just a bit.


One bit to go. The big man's arm was momentary stymied, giving Ezner a chance to suck in some deep breaths. The bigger man couldn't reach Ezner with his other arm, so he switched tactics. The man got his knees beneath him, and used that to leverage his torso upward, with Ezner still wrapped around him. The man then slammed Ezner down on the ground, crushing his back against the compacted dirt. But he still held on, knowing he just needed to hold out a bit longer. The man lifted him again, and once more slammed him down, and Ezner felt something crack. But he managed to tighten his grip just a bit more, slipping past the man's chin as he was raised in the air.

Once more he was sent crashing down, his head bouncing off the dirt this time, and he lost his grip on the big man. He kicked at the man's groin, but missed, catching him in the thigh with his heel. Then the first fist came, catching Ezner cold in the jaw. Ezner's arms came up to defend his head as brick after brick shaped fist rained down on him. Several slipped his guard, and even those that didn't battered his arms against his face. The weight difference was too much.

Ezner couldn't take many more blows like this, his vision was swimming, and his lungs burning hot. He remembered something that happened recently, something he himself had done. It happened the night he had met Elisabeth. A fist rained down toward him, a deadly straight to flatten his nose and end the fight. Ezner instead of guarding, dropped his arms, and rolled his head just a bit to the side. The fist flew by and thudded hard against the dirt, and the crowd could hear the crack of something breaking and the big man howling.

And in that momentary distraction, Ezner scrambled away and out of reach. And while he was there, feet away from his adversary, chest heaving as he was on all fours, it happened.


The fight ended. Half the crowd went nuts in surprise, the other half walked away in disgust. But Leopold Jettix walked forward, a bright smile on his face, lifting the battered Ezner to his feet. "Well that was one hell of a show, mate. I'll give you that. Happy to have taken the risk on you though."

Ezner didn't hear those words though, his ears were ringing and nausea was building within him. His ribs burned as though he were being branded, his left eye was swollen shut, both lips large and bleeding. "I'll go talk to May in the morning, straighten out this contract nonsense. I didn't know she had friends such as you, as straight laced as she is." The man pat Ezner on the back and took his leave, depositing Ezner on a crate at the back of the crowd in the Pit.

Ezner had no one here, he was alone, and wasn't sure where exactly he was. But he could feel the pain overwhelming his mind, his senses. He needed help. He managed to get himself to standing and nearly vomited in doing so. He needed to keep going. His feet carried him away from the Pit, deeper into the Dust Quarter. He was not familiar with the landscape here, but he just walked. Each person he bumped into sent his ribs ablaze, his mind turning white. Several times he fell to a knee, not sure how he'd ever get back up.

But each time he did.

He didn't know how long he'd walked in the labyrinthine Dust Quarter, but he collapsed on the steps of a door he'd never entered. A door marked Order of Adunih: Dust Quarter Clinic. And just before his world turned back, he was sure he saw light as the door opened, and he uttered a word... "Elisab..." before his world went black.
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

Gennadiya Lyosha

Songs the Night Sings
Vhalar 16, 720

The Lysorian woman had been called to the dust quarter clinic to help with a difficult delivery. The woman had gone into labor rather suddenly and so they were afraid to move her to the delivery clinic and so instead Genna had been sent for and had come. The young woman had quickly changed into an apron and wrapped her hair up in scarf she had set to work.

The baby was positioned wrong and to allow the child to come that way would put both the mother and the baby in danger. Genna was aware that there were really only two options, either turn the baby or surgery. To the blonde hair medic their really wasn’t a questions of what they would do. So in an act of natal gymnastics with some prodding and pushing the healers managed to get the baby head down.

From that point on the labor had gone as normal, and Genna was now handing a little boy to his waiting parents. The sapphire eyes were soft as she looked at the family. The parents with looks of joy and wonder all over their faces, even as their son exercised his lungs with each progressively louder scream he issued forth. The gold cloak turned as a hand touched her arm. Shanea was standing there and gave her awkward smile and said. “We can handle things from her.”

With a nod of her head Genna walked up to the young couple. “You both did a wonderful job.” Just then their was another squeal from the baby. “And you did the best of all.” She then put an arm on the fathers arm. “I am leaving but you are in good hands.” There was distracted farewell from the parents but Genna didn’t care. The baby had successfully been born into the world, and she could go home. Though as she walked towards the exit of the clinic she had to admit that she wished she was going home to her own children. She decided she would stop by the orphanage and see about running story time.

It was in the middle of these musings that she realized there was a commotion coming from outside the door. She hurried forward and threw open the door in time to see a man collapse onto their door step. She didn’t waist a moment and rushed out even as he heard the man call out for an Elisabeth. “I need help.” Genna called projecting her voice to carry down the hall, and once again thanking her parents for giving her some singing lessons.

In a billow of skirts, aprons and cloak Genna sat on the ground next to the man. It wasn’t to hard to determine that he had taken a beating and was in desperate need of some help. The first problem she was running into was the amount of swelling on the man. Swelling had its time and its place but it also made things hard and could actually do damage. The young woman knew her mark wasn’t powerful enough for true healing but she extended her ability of Moseke’s light into the man on the steps, she worked to help bring down some of the swelling on the mans face. Her hands and his face glowed with the green light of the ability before fading, it would take more to truly bring it down, but it would help stop the swelling from getting any worse.

It was then that others showed up. “Get me a stretcher, I need a ice, rages, and someone who can help me carry this man to a cot.”

Genna would do a complete check later, but right now she needed to make sure the man could be moved. She began to check his bones, specifically his spine. Someone watching would have suspect her of being either a pick pocket or cruel. Not only did she give his body a pat down, but she took off his shoes and pinched his feet to check for a response. She had to make sure it was all working.

Once satisfied Genna, being careful to bend correctly helped to move the stranger onto a stretcher. Others carried the stretcher, but Genna stood by the side of it to make sure that he stayed where he was in case he started thrashing. Soon the patient was on a comfortable cot, and stripped of all clothing except those that would maintain some dignity.

It was then that Genna, her apron changed, her blue skirt and blouse adjusted after the chaos, and her hair released from it handkerchief, so it now cascaded in a pony tall over her shoulder, began a more through investigation of her patient.


~5'10" Tall
~Platinum Blonde
~Gold Cloak of the Order of Adunih
~Warden of the Lake
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~Favored of Moseke

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
~ Roald Dahl
Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 862
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

The blackness that Ezner faded into was not absolute. There was a whirlwind of sensations, all swirled and mingled with the blackness. He felt cloth brush against his arm as Genna knelt next to him, though he didn't hear them wish. He felt a heavy pressure on his face as her hands went to work, their glowing light working to heal. He croaked out a moan of pain. Through his closed eyelids, he saw light where there shouldn't have been light, and that was unsettling, but still, there was some comfort in it. He didn't know how or why, though.

He heard a few words from a woman's voice. "...Carry this man to a cot." It was a command. Ezner's eyes fluttered for a moment, groaning as his body began to move on its own. He started to try and lift himself from the steps, eyes barely taking in the blonde woman hovering over him. His lips uttered, "Who do... you need me to carry?" He immediately began to prop himself up on his elbows, gasping in pain as his ribs sent a blazing, white hot blade through him. He felt hands touching him all over. He wasn't worried about a thief. He hadn't brought his coins to the Pit. That would just have been dumb. Let the thief take his rags.

Turns out the thief stole his shoes.

Something bit him on the feet, and he kicked out at it. Damn rats. He hated rats. Always nibbling and biting. He heard the sounds of feet, before feeling hands beneath his arm pits and hips and suddenly he was flying, "Wait... I have to carry the man." He was being stolen. Whisked away. Who would steal a slave?


They would sell him off again. He didn't fight it. One master wasn't much different from another. That is, until he was moved onto the cot with a light jolt. No, he couldn't get on a ship! He couldn't leave Rharne! Elisabeth was here! His hand reached out, grasping the wrist of someone. "I can't leave yet!"

The hand easily tore out of his grasp.

It was too late. He was leaving Rharne on a merchant vessel and Elisabeth would never know what happened to him. No! He wouldn't let that happen! And through a surge of adrenaline, Ezner suddenly sat up, his head passing within a breath of colliding with Gennadiya's. His eyes were opened and he was aware. He was.... not on a ship. His head cocked to the side. He was sure he was on a ship. But this was a building. Not one he'd been in, as far as he could tell.

His head turned and he found his dark eyes locked on the blue eyes of a stranger. He quickly looked around the room, seeing a few others looking at him warily. And the first and only question out of his mouth was, "Did I hurt anyone?"
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

Gennadiya Lyosha

Genna spoke in a soothing voice, the same kind of voice she used to comfort children when they awoke from nightmares. “I need you to just relax.” She said and gentle pushed then man so we was lying down again. The movement told her that he his nervous system at least to his arms and upper body was still working, but he needed to stop moving to keep other areas that were damaged from being damaged more. When the man tried to kick her she nodded and felt more comfortable. The man spine appeared to be intact and fine.

Moving the man into the room was fairly interesting endeavor, but paticents who had gotten this type of beating were either lumps on the cot, or like this man, living in a world of delirium. He was moved and safely in place, murmurs of words escaped his lips, but nothing that was coherent, though the name Genna though she had heard the name Elisabeth.

Once settled it did take him a bit of time until he jerked up narrowly missing the young healer. She smiled kindly and titled her head her blue eyes searching. The first question out of the man’s mouth did speak of a good soul. He wanted to know if he had hurt anyone. Genna shook her head in a no even as she spoke. “No. We come to expect such response from people who pass out on our door.” Genna could tell by the way he looked around him that he wasn’t sure where he was. “You are lucky, you found yourself on the door step of the Order of the Adunih.” Genna then leaned forward and took the man wrist in her hand and pulled out a time piece. “If you could please tell me what happened to leave you in this condition.”

Genna’s experience spoke of a fight, with fists. A nasty fight as well given the over all appearances. What she really wanted to know was the context. A mugging was something that would need the knights attention, a stupid brawl over a girl though wouldn’t need one. Those were just two of the stories Genna had heard over the years. It also would help her know what to look for, specifically if there was something unusual.

Genna’s soft and warm hands held the man wrist while checking his pulse. Well his heart was healthy, that was good. She continued to listen but did her more through check up. Genna interrupted briefly. “I need to check your head, please keep telling me.” She first started with the eyes, not only the doorway to the soul but the brain as well. The man could see that she was indeed listening while doing her checkup. Genna while checking his eyes pulled out her fan and used it to block and then expose the light a few times and each time she watched his eyes intently. The others in room seeing things under control slipped out except for a young man who stood waiting to fetch what would be needed. He watched as she performed the action a few more times then was normal and one of his eyebrows slowly raised.


~5'10" Tall
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~Gold Cloak of the Order of Adunih
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~Favored of Moseke

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
~ Roald Dahl
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

A wave of relief washed over Ezner when he heard that he hadn't hurt anyone. She told him where he was. That was good. He'd not been here yet, but the words from Mrs. Dey rattled around in his skull. She had said if he was ever hurt or ill, to come here and she would pay for it. Elisabeth had negotiated that for him. He allowed the healer to take his hand, watching her as she looked down at her watch.

"I was fighting in the Pit."

She continued to check him, and that was when he realised that she wanted to know more. He would have to tell a story, much like he had learned to do, or at least do better, with Elisabeth. He would need to be descriptive. Elisabeth seemed to like that better, it was how she told stories. "The man I was fighting, was a big man. Much larger than me. And he was a seasoned fighter, well known at the Pit. When I hit him in the stomach, it felt like I was hitting bricks." He held up his other wrist, rotating it, wincing as he did so. "He jerked me by the arm so hard, I thought it would rip off and threw me into the dirt." His hand went to the shoulder of the arm that the healer was checking, rubbing it.

Ezner continued, "He tackled into me with his shoulder." Ezner began lifting the bottom of his shirt, revealing both his emaciated state from malnourishment, as all his ribs were easily countable and pronounced, as well as the massive bruising that was forming from the tackle. "I tried to choke him, to get him off me. But his neck was so thick with muscle it didn't do any good." Shirt lifted higher now, "He threw punch after punch into my midsection." More bruises were visible now, and not much muscle to speak of. "The man then picked me up bodily and slammed me down hard on my back." Ezner couldn't see his back, but he couldn't imagine it was in great shape either.

"My... my head hit the dirt that time." Ezner reached into the back of his hair, feeling a knot there. "Then it was a punch to my jaw." He shifted his jaw back and forth, which seemed to be a bit sore but otherwise fine. "I tried protecting my head as punch after punch came down. I stopped some, and others landed." His arms were bruised up from the defense. "Then the fight ended. When I stood up, the world was spinning. I couldn't really see. Didn't know where I was. And then I woke up in here."

Meanwhile, as the healer checked his eyes, she would find him wincing a bit as the light was exposed to his eyes directly. After this was done a few times, Ezner felt an unease filling his gut. And moments later, he leaned over the side of the table and vomited what little contents were in his stomach. "I'm sorry, I'll clean that up when I..." His face turned green, "I don't feel so well..." The room was beginning to spin now and Ezner's eyes couldn't seem to focus on anything and his torso was starting to sway as his balance was deteriorating.
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)



Firstly, an apology to Gennadiya for hijacking a thread you are in. Please be assured that this is not in relation to your actions thus far. However. This is an intervention on this thread. This has been agreed between the Rharne mods, following a number of issues raised.

In terms of this thread:

The fact that Ezner is a slave and is in such a situation of obvious abuse means that this is reported to Faith - we’ve asked her to post here.

This is also reported to the Lightning Knights - Vivian will post here in relation to that.

Once those two posts are done, this thread will be declared canon by one of the Rharne mods, and appropriate rewards will be given (neither Faith nor Vivian will be given rewards, we’re asking them in as a courtesy, as should have been done throughout this plot).

However. This will have significant consequences for all threads going forward for Ezner (and writing partners). We wish to be clear on the following points.

All threads related to this plotline after this point are non canon and may not accrue knowledge. You did the writing, so you can have the XP. Nothing else. The events did not occur. To be clear - this is why:

Ezner has visited the Order of the Adunih a number of times during this season (eg: this ). Each time horrifically injured. Slave-ownership in Rharne is not illegal, but mistreatment of a slave is. The Order of the Adunih is run by a PC who is globally renowned for freeing slaves and to ignore that is not in keeping with the ethos of the faction. If any of the threads following this where PC order members accepted Ezner’s injuries and did not do anything about it other than to patch him up and send him on were considered canon, the PCs involved in those threads would be black cloaked.

There are threads in Storm’s Edge ( eg: this ) where Ezner is openly abused in public. Again, slavery is legal in Rharne, but abusing slaves is not. If the thread linked were to be canon, then Elisabeth and Lore would be in jail for assault and Ezner would be taken into protective custody.

The idea that there is an underground slave-fighting-ring which has a number of PCs involved in the threads thereof ( for example, this ) has not been run past any Rharne mod, not discussed or approved with any Rharne mod. Frankly, you know better.

There are a number of threads where skills have been over played. The discovery of this whole thing was from a peer reviewer querying over play of skills.

There are also threads where NPCs have been used in a manner which is inappropriate / non sensical to further the agenda of the story being told.

Bottom line. None of this was done with prior consultation of any of the three Rharne mods at your disposal. None of the existing City NPCs were written consistently with the context of their write-ups or skills. None of the new developments that you created over the course of this plot were submitted to the Rharne Development Forum (eg: the Gilded Gauntlet). Absolutely none of this was done with even a hint of thought to the world you are writing in (Rharne lore specifically does not allow the mistreatment of slaves), nor the other players that work within its constraints (the Order of the Adunih is an IC faction, run by a PC, the Lightning Knights and Storm’s Edge have numerous PCs in them). Further, you specifically ignored the workings and the PC in charge of a faction you utilised, which has been built within these constraints and over an enormous amount of threads, and the laws of a city which have PC military - who you also failed to include. Please consider yourselves lucky that this opportunity you have provided isn’t being utilised to its full extent. Trust me, if this was an individual decision, it would constitute severe IC penalties.

The Terms of Use which have been broken here (as a whole) include (but are not limited to):
  1. Write within your skill level at all times. Novices will make mistakes and that's to be expected.
  2. However, when it comes to major events that involve the cities, certain NPCs, and acquiring blessings/curses from the deities, these will need permission from a moderator before any roleplay can take place. This is where common sense and judgement come into play. We are not telling you to limit yourself in regards to character plots, we are telling you that if you think it will majorly affect and/or change your character in any way please send a higher up a message to make sure you can run the plot by yourself or with a mod.
  3. Open Door Policy, Maturity, Attitude, and Honesty. All of these tie into a great, thriving community. Without these characteristics, most communities will crumble from drama, player abandonment, and power struggles. I want to avoid this from happening and hopefully, grow this into an official site. Please be mature and respectful not only to yourself but to others as well. New players are encouraged to ask questions whether it's on the Q&A forum, through PM, or through chat. Experienced players are asked to have patience and be welcoming.
  4. That being said, don't act like a baby if someone calls you out on a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, it's a part of the human code. We are bound to screw up in some way. Also, if you did not meet specific requirements and did not receive the points/items/markings/etc. you were expecting, then for the love of god, don't rant about it. This is an advanced roleplay. As you advance, things will get tougher.
Therefore, both Elisabeth and Ezner are being given a first warning, based on the four points above. Please see The Warning System if you are unclear. This could have been more serious, but we believe that you are genuinely just caught up in a plot. However, please see the final point below.

A final point.

It is worth noting that, in the 6 years that Standing Trials has been running, we have never had to do this before. The amount of time and effort that this has taken from the mod team and peer reviewers who have dealt with this is enormous. You must be clear. The world is for everyone, and all players play within it. You can not bend the world to provide you with your outcome. You have to work for it, involve the appropriate people (PCs and mods), and write as part of the community. Frankly, it is not too much to ask.

Further Action:

Ezner please PM all three Rharne mods a list of all threads you were in following this date. If you prefer, you may PSF it and mark it for “Rharne Mods” attention. This will then allow us to deal with each thread on an individual basis and determine which, if any, will be canon and receiving rewards.

Until such time as this is done, all of your later threads are non-canon and the rewards nullified.
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

16th Vhalar, 720

When she had been a slave, Faith had learned a number of things. She'd learned to remain quiet, to see the whole picture and then to act. More than that, though, she'd learned to put her emotions into her hands. It had been a technique which she'd mastered quickly and she genuinely believed that it was helpful. Certainly, as her fingers whitened while she read the report of this, she knew that the technique remained a useful one. Because those who knew her now could not know - would not recognise - the slave she had been, compared to the woman she now was.

But it was here. Here in every word.

Breathing out between her teeth, Faith looked again at the report and she - again - read all the letters in there, formed into all the words and telling of all the pain. The abuse.

And then Faith did what she would always do. What she had always done. She acted.

"That patient does not leave our clinic. Please let Gennadiya know that. I'm sure she'll be in one hundred percent agreement. But the scars, all of it. I want everything on this man pulled. Find out. Who he is, where he came from. He'll have been here before, I suspect, or if not, then one of our other clinics. Either way, make sure that you ask him who his owner is." That would do it, Faith was certain. The owner had sent him here. Either way. "If he's not co-operative, be gently with him. That's fine. Here. I want this delivered to Vivian Shiryu, in Storm's Edge, and to Vig'tyrn Urien, Thalia Karvilius and Nathaniel Dubois." She handed over a note, for the Commander of Storm's Edge, the Head of the Thunder Priestesses, and of the Lightning Knights, and the Voice on the Council. Faith had met them all, knew them well enough.

"I want the owner found, arrested and brought to justice. The slave in question to be healed, and handed over to me. I understand that slavery in Rharne is legal, but it needs to stop here." She motioned to the note, which said just that. "I will buy this man, if that is what it takes, but it should not take it. And here, this is for Ilaren." Faith wasn't marked by Ilaren, but she had met her - more than once.

"I'll take responsibility for him, for his reintegration into society. I'm not standing by and letting this happen." She had no doubts and brooked no argument. "So you make sure that this is delivered, that he is fed and that all is taken care of. Yes?"

Then, she handed over the two parchments. The first, would need three copies made to be delivered to four people. The second, was to Ilaren herself, but required a copy of the first.
The First
To: Vivian Shiryu, Vig'tyrn Urien, Thalia Karvilius and Nathaniel Dubois.

From: Faith Augustin.

Date: 16th Vhalar, 720.

Please be made aware that we have had brought in to the Order of the Adunih, to-trial, a slave who has been severely and unequivocally mistreated. I am taking personal responsibility for him and would request that this is overseen in law immediately. The bearer of this note will provide you with all the information that we have regarding the individual and, if necessary, my resources and network are at your disposal.

Also, please be aware that I am writing to Ilaren with the intention of putting forward an agenda which I have been building up to for some time now, in Rharne. I will be asking her to consider making slavery illegal in Rharne and offer the resources of the Order of the Adunih and Isonomia to help with this effort. When we have mortal beings being brought to us with injuries so horrific, we can not - should not - and will not, I am sure - stand by and do nothing.

With best regards,

Faith Augustin.
The Second
My lady Ilaren,

It is with deep regret that I must write to you. To-trial, we have had brought to us a slave who has been most horrifically abused in Rharne. This has happened at the hands of his owners. The healers who are caring for him are each one of them of the opinion that he has undergone arcs of abuse and has been engaged in many damaging acts. I must ask you, with all reverence my Lady, to immediately act to ban slavery in Rharne. This particular individual is now under my care and I will allow no harm to come to him, but I am painfully aware that there must be others. Please, my Lady, consider that those who fight in Rharne must do so as free men and women - not as animals forced to by their owners.

I am, as always, available should you deem it fit to discuss with me, or require further consideration.

Faith Augustin.
And then, when they were gone, she sat back and breathed out. Looking at Alyssa, her bodyguard and friend, Faith smiled a soft, tight smile. "Don't," she said. Alyssa shook her head, knowing just what this sort of thing did to the young woman in front of her. "You're putting yourself in the front line, time and again."

Faith smiled. "If I don't," she said, sure of this much at least. "How can I expect the world to change?"

ooc: Can provide links of meeting those folks / ilaren, etc as needed. I just felt it best to get my post up so we can deal and move on.
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

16th of Vhalar, 720
Faith had given Vivian a box that let them send small things back and forth to each other, usually samples of various Nickels and the reports on those samples, so when Vivian got a note in the box, it wasn't all that much of a surprise. She paused in her meeting with Faris, her personal assistant from back before the War of Death and Souls, to read the note. When she was done, she closed her eyes and took a long, slow breath. After a moment, she opened her eyes again and leaned forward, taking a paper off her desk and starting to write, speaking as she did. "Faris, go and find out if there are any slaves here in Storm's Edge." she said, pausing at the look of mixed surprise and distaste that Faris gave. Slaves were rare in Rharne, generally only foreigners had them, and Rharnians didn't much care for slave owners or slave traders. Faris, a Rharnian through and through, definitely shared in that dislike of the institution.

"I doubt we have any here, but there's been an issue regarding it in Rharne and I want to be sure. If we do have any slaves here in the base, I want them to undergo a full medical examination immediately. Find out if they've been abused and their owners are just hiding it. If the owners complain, tell them they can address their complaints to me, because the order comes directly from me." she said, as she finished what she was writing, then pulled out a second sheet and started writing again. "It may have something to do with that case we've been getting reports on from Rharne. Keep that under wraps, though, that's for Inquisitors only." she said, her tone focused, with an undercurrent of anger. Faris nodded and stood up to go and carry out her orders.

When the second sheet was finished, she put them both in the box. The first was a response to Faith, the second was to be forwarded to the Inquisitor Central Command. The Inquisitors were the law enforcement arm of the knights, for all that some of them like Vivian had a wider skill set due to having different roles than your average Inquisitor. However, the bulk of them dealt with the criminals of Rharne, and there was a case that had been in the works for some time now.
Note 1
To: Faith Augustin.

From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Date: 16th of Vhalar, 720

Thank you for reporting the slave you found. The Inquisitors have been looking into a case regarding slave abuse and a possible attempt to create an underground combat ring that focused on slave fights. Given the nature of the details included with your note, it is quite likely the slave you found is one of the slaves that would have been part of such things. However, even if he has not, I am confident we will be able to make the arrest of the owner with all speed. In addition, we should be able to secure the slave's freedom and his release to the medical and psychological care of the Order of Adunih. There will be no need for you purchase him. The most useful thing you will be able to do for the case, however, is to get the name of the man's owner and/or a place of residence.

As for your intention to petition Lady Ilaren to outlaw slavery in Rharne, you have any support I can offer you in the endeavor. You know my history, and many of the nobles of Rynmere profitted of the vile practice. It would be good to see such a rot removed from Rharne. However, for the time being, if I am right about your patient's proximity to an ongoing case, you will find included with this note my order to have the Order of Adunih in general, and your patient in particular, secured by a two squads of Guardians and one of Inquisitors. A copy is also being sent to Inquisitor Central Command, forwarded by your own people via that box you gave me. While I do not wish to cause the order discomfort, if our quarry feels he is in jeapordy, desperation may place your patient in danger, and so it falls to the knights to protect him.

By Ilaren's Grace,

Vivian Shiryu.
Note 2
To: Inquistor Central Command

From: Agent Vivian Shiryu, Commander of Storm's Edge

Date: 16th of Vhalar, 720

I am aware that the Inquisitors have been following a case of suspected slave abuse and an attempt to establish an underground ring of slave fights, centered around the so-called "Smoky Manor". I would suggest in the strongest possible terms that a senior Inquisitor on the case be dispatched to the Order of Adunih immediately. Faith Augustine reports, and I'm aware she sent a copy to the knights, but it may take some time to filter up the chain, that she has found a slave who's injuries match what we are looking for, and could therefore provide the necessary evidence we need to bring the case to a successful close, or at least to move it rather farther along.

In addition, owing to the condition of the witness and the possibility of the criminals suspecting we're onto them, I have taken the liberty of ordering two squads of Guardians and one squad of Inquisitors to ensure the security of the witness and the Order of Adunih where he is being treated. You will find a copy of the order enclosed. As a precaution, I am also having Storm's Edge searched for any mistreated slaves here, though I do not expect to find any. With there being a hostile force of fire monsters right outside the walls, most civilians have finally had the good sense to get out and go find someplace safer to reside. Still, better to be certain.

By Ilaren's Grace,

Vivian Shiryu
When both notes were off, Vivian thought for a moment, then walked to a cupboard and pulled out a stone block with a narrow hole in the top. It was a wine chalice, and a very special one. Some poor, forlorn soul in the past had so desperately desired to partake of Ilaren's bounty that they had carved this crude vessel for the purpose. Vivian had received in Cassion's Gambit, and she had taken it as a sign that Ilaren's bounty was for all who wanted it, and was not to be denied to those of low station. The effects of the Chalice itself bolstered that, as it soured any drink that it held if the drinker had wrongfully denied another their freedom, and sweetened it if they had given others their freedom.

Vivian took opened the tap of small keg of ale she kept in her rooms, this was Rharne after all, and poured a generous serving into the crude chalice before closing it again. She took a long drink of the sweetened brew, then started to pray. "Lady Ilaren, you gave me this chalice in Cassion's Gambit, carved by someone who wanted so badly to taste your gift that they made this out. I have taken it as a sign ever since that you intended for all to share in your gifts. But yet we have slaves in Rharne, and they are denied the most basic gift our people, their very freedom. How can we hope to fend off the blight at our gates now, if we cannot remove such a blight from our core. I know a proposal from Faith Augustin will be sent to you soon, if it has not already reached you, to end slavery in our city. My prayer is that you will agree with her reasoning and such cruelty, before it rots out the very heart of Rharne." she said, her prayer reverent. When she was done, she stood up and looked out the window, into the Storm Wastes. More Nickels waited out there, and she would lead her knights in their ultimate defeat, she was certain of that. But, she thought as she took another sweetened drink from the stone chalice, how much sweeter would that victory be if everyone in Rharne were truly free to enjoy it.
word count: 1406
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

Ezner woke up groggy. He looked around the room he was in. It was clean, neat, orderly, and not one he recognized. His head was still throbbing a bit, and he was feeling a bit dizzy. He looked down at his bare torso, seeing that his ribs were wrapped up with tape, wound tightly. He groaned loudly as he pulled himself up to a seated position, painfully. He seemed to remember being carried. Sometime after that fight with that large man. He remembered a woman speaking softly to him, and he remembered vomiting on the floor before his world went black again.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed since that happened. His stomach was empty and growling loudly, a gnawing pain inside forming. He hadn't eaten since the morning before the fight. His throat was tight and mouth dry. He was thirsty too. And everything about him hurt. His face had been battered by fists, his back and ribs slammed into, and against the ground, hard. He felt at his face, feeling small bandages closing the small wounds that opened from fighting bare knuckled.

He must be at the Clinic he'd been told to go to if he ever got sick or injured. The one in the Dust Quarter near to the Pit. It was his first time coming here, and he wasn't familiar with how this sort of thing worked. When he was owned in other cities, he either was forced to heal on his own, or patched up by the occasional fellow slave that knew a bit of that sort of thing. But he wouldn't cause a fuss, for he never caused fusses. He grimaced as he pulled his legs in close to him, sitting his hands on top of the blanket over his crossed ankles. He interlocked his fingers there, staring at them as he waited.

And he would wait as long as it would take for someone to come to him.

He sat there, pouring his focus onto his hands, studying the patched up wounds on them. He traced the newly bruising colors around his hands, moving his fingers slightly to see which hurt most. It was hardly any different than when he was waiting on Mr. Dey to wake up, and was having to stare at the wood grains of his bedroom door. Wood grains made great mazes when you were terribly bored and not allowed to do anything else.

Ezner's focus moved off of his injured hands, though his eyes remained on them. He began to try and remember each part of the fight he'd just been in, and bringing the timeline forward. He could remember each pounding blow and just where he'd been hit, and how much it had hurt. He remembered the taste of adrenaline and blood in his mouth. He had... had gone through all of this already. When he told the healer, the one who was speaking to him nicely. But he couldn't seem to remember much else. He wasn't sure how he managed to get to the Clinic, nor all of what happened after he'd arrived. Flashes of voices and faces, but much of it was a blur.

Ezner didn't know it yet, but the healers would've determined he was concussed, some fractured ribs, and a wide variety of bruises and lacerations common from being in a brawl.

word count: 574
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Re: Songs the Night Sings, Part 2 (Gennadiya)

16th Vhalar, 720

The room he was in was plain, but well appointed. Thick drapes hid the windows and the room was warm, although there was no obvious source of that heat. The door was heavy wood and his bed was the only bed in there. As he sat, the healer who walked in was petite and she closed the door behind her, gently with her foot. Standing at just short of five foot four, her white cloak was indicative of her rank. She had long black hair and, as she looked at him, Ezner would see that her eyes were such a pale shade of blue that they were almost silver. She carried with her a small bag, which she wore over her shoulder, and in her hands was a tray. Looking at him as she walked in, she smiled. "You're awake," she said. "That's good. Here, this is for you."

The tray, as it turned out, had a bowl of soup, some water and some warm tea. There was bread, by the side of the bowl, thick and warm and butter melting on it. She put it down next to him, watching carefully. Faith had a medic's gaze, she observed him and his vital signs as she placed the tray down. "Please, take it slowly. You've had quite the battering," Faith said. Then, she sat on the chair next to his bed, which was placed so that she could sit and maintain eye contact with him. "My name is Faith, I'm one of the healers here, and I'm sure you have a lot of questions," her voice was gentle, soothing and calm and her hands moved with precision born of long practice. "So, how about this," she said. "While you eat, I'll try and answer all the questions I think you have. Then, when you're done, if I missed anything, you can let me know?"

Now that she was in front of him, Ezner would undoubtedly be able to see the tattoo on her neck, seemingly like a collar, with a matching pattern on each wrist. As she put down the tray, her black nailsImage were obvious and, at the button of her shirt there was the top of another tattoo, which seemed to be on her chest. Her hair, which was black, had a slightly glowing highlight which shone gently and on her forehead was a tattoo which also glowed, just a little. Faith sat, crossing her hands together on her knee and she spoke to him, kindly and earnestly.

"But before any of that, I want you to know that you are safe now," she said. "Your owner has no power here, and I promise you that you will come to no harm." Looking at him, she waited quietly for that news to sink in. "So, if I may ask. What is your name?"

When he repliedpermission given to assume by Ezner's player, Faith nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ezner. I'm Faith Augustin, and I run the Order of the Adunih." Faith really hadn't gotten used to this whole fame thing so assumed that people wouldn't know her. "You were brought here with some quite serious injuries, and there is evidence of extensive abuse on you. This was brought to my attention," she said softly. "And now, you are here, in a safe house. Your former owner has broken the law in all sorts of ways. While slavery is still, currently, legal in Rharne," the distaste Faith felt when she said that was evident in her tone of voice, although the change was subtle and her gaze remained calm. "Abusing your slave is illegal. So, we are currently engaged in bringing down a ring of slave-owners who think they are above the law. They are currently discovering that they are not."

With a gesture, she explained. "While this is happening, however, I wanted to make absolutely sure that you are safe. So, you are here, and here is safe. At the moment, you are in my care, legally. You are my responsibility." Faith assumed he understood what that meant, so did not explain further. "When they are all dealt with by the fullest extent of the law, you will be free to go." Faith's expression was calm, her voice low. Ezner might notice that she pressed the pads of her fingers together as she spoke to him. "I have arranged for you to have a home, education if you wish it, a job." Fingers interlaced now, as she breathed in to speak again. "It is overwhelming, I know. I know because I remember when I was freed, how I felt after eighteen arcs of being enslaved. I swore then, that I would pay it forward, the kindnesses which had been given to me. When it is safe, and you are well enough, you'll be free and, more than that, you'll have a chance to build a life."

She paused for a moment, then looked at him. "In the meantime, I have healing abilities, which will be able to help you feel much better, very much more quickly. May I have your permission to use them?" If he did not give permission, then she would not. Then, sitting back in the chair, just slightly, Faith raised an eyebrow. "I imagine there are questions you have still? Please, ask them, and I'll do my best to answer."
word count: 919
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