• Solo • Furry Friends IV

39th of Ashan 721

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Furry Friends IV

39th Ashan, Arc 721
Menagerie Outskirts
It was early trial when Shl'drei knocked on Lyah's dorm door and dragged (well, almost dragged, it was a struggle) his classmate and diesel close to the menagerie. He waited patiently after waking her- it was rude of him otherwise right? But he felt like it took forever before she emerged from her dorm room and shot him an irate glare. He shrugged, but grabbed her wrist - she could easily pull away - before guiding her out of the academy. Shl'drei and his classmate had been diligently working on Diesel's training between lectures and tutoring. There were no shortage of issues or hitches, but they managed to get passed them the best they could or work them out in different ways.

Diesel could walk without the leash that he dreaded, and obeyed commands so long as he was rewarded or petted afterwards. He moved a lot more, having lost weight (thankfully) throughout his time with the two students. Lyah clipped his nails and saw to it that his health was perfect, or as close to as she could get. Shl'drei handled most of the training with Lyah sitting in to observe or ask questions and point out solutions. Lyah had even helped him increase his knowledge in regards to health of animals as he taught her more about training.

It was a team effort, through and through.

"Drei, there better be a good reason why we're out so early," Lyah groaned irritably. On one hand she was fine with spending time with friends, but being awake at this break just made her all kinds of pissed. Though, looking at Shl'drei smile made her a bit more tolerant. Shl'drei assured her it was good cause as they walked Diesel to get his daily exercise in. "Why are we here?"

"We usually trained him in the academy kennel area. I'd like to see if he'll be as good when we're around other people, smells, and noises." He shrugged at that, glad that Diesel was preforming well. In the few seasons they'd been together Diesel and Shl'drei had become close- Lyah too of course, but Shl'drei felt that he'd done better that he expected in dealing with the unruly dog. At first Diesel would look at him and just close his eyes again when Shl'drei issued a command. Or he'd snort.

It had been a pain because he barely wanted to move, mostly likely due to his weight. Lyah had told him smaller dogs like pugs or bulldogs with smushed faces were prone to respiratory issues- they had a harder time breathing and could wind themselves fairly quick. And obesity made it worse for them. They had both briefly wondered how it could have gotten so bad, but thinking back to his owner, they couldn't figure how it would be alright either. The woman had insisted on being called Lady Sacha, had been decked to the nines in jewels and expensive fabrics, and probably hadn't lifted a finger for herself until she had to get Diesel to the Menagerie. And even then he doubted-

"You realize our project is due tomorrow? Shouldn't we be resting up today?"

"A little practice never hurt anyone."
word count: 555
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Re: Furry Friends IV

"Alright, let's see what he's got then."

Shl'drei released Lyah's wrist at that with an enthusiastic nod. It was true, there training would for sure be tested tomorrow, and by the Professor AND the client. But it was worth a shot to try and identify any missing pieces themselves. They'd trained Diesel in a quiet environment, and he'd responded well eventually. His training wasn't perfect, but he and Lyah were satisfied that he was - if not better trained - definitely healthier. Nowatrial when he barked once it didn't completely wind him. His nails - why were they polished - had been clipped to a manageable length. His weight had been taken care of, they'd done some basic hygienics to his teeth and mouth, and kept him spotless as they day they'd met him. Diesel had thrived in their care, so much so that they felt it wasn't a swell idea to give him back to Sacha. And though it weighed heavily on their minds, they couldn't really take him away from his home.

"Alright Diesel," he began, the dogs attention focusing on him as he strutted to a stop with the trainers. "Sit."

A loud whistle somewhere broke Diesel's focus before his bottom touched the ground, and he stood alert before he began to bark, his tiny body shaking with the action. Well, that wouldn't look to good if it happened during their assessment. "Diesel," He said firmly, eyeing the dog with a stern face. "Come." The bulldog wagged his tail as he stood alert, but when Shl'drei called for him his motor tail went into overdrive and he trotted towards him and sat in front before him. A good chin scratch was his reward along with praise. "Good boy, Diesel."

With the small dog nudging into his hands, Shl'drei petted him a bit more before he switched to another command. "Lie down," Firm, but not angry sounding. Powerful but not overbearing. Assert authority and have confidence. He tapped two fingers to the ground to help, as he usually associated an action with each command. Diesel tilted his head to the left, barked, and lowered his tummy to the ground. Lolling his tongue, he did a little whine as Shl'drei stood again. More praise, but then the complicated command came. "Good boy! Stay," he said, waiting a few trills before he moved away.

Thankfully, other than a whine the bulldog did nothing to follow him. Shl'drei kneeled, but didn't signal the dog to move. He waited a few bits, watched Diesel's ears twitch as his attention focused on Shl'drei despite the noises and people walking around them. Satisfied, Shl'drei pulled some dried jerky from his pouch. "Good boy, come." Diesel didn't hesitate, and once he was before Shl'drei he sat without thinking as he looked at the yummy treat. The trainer ruffled the fur of his head and gave him the small strip of jerky with some praise.

He had three strips of jerky left, so he repeated the process, holding Diesel in stay position a bit longer for each treat. After two more, Diesel's focus started to flee so he took it as a stopping point for a bit. It was definitely hot, so Shl'drei set up a water bowl and Lyah tossed him her waterskin after he filled Diesel's bowl. With everyone hydrated, they decided to play for a bit. Shl'drei sat near the water bowl as Lyah exercised him a bit some kind of rubber ball. No matter how hard Diesel chewed it, it didn't break. And like the perfect pup, if Lyah threw it a little far Diesel always came back as quickly as his little body would allow.

When Diesel had tired himself out, he and Lyah joined Shl'drei in the shade of a shop where Diesel guzzled some water before curling between them. The dog gratefully accepted the last strip of jerky, as the trainers rested. "You know, I'm excited to see how we did," He began. "I feel like we put more effort into his health than his training, but I can't say I'm upset about it, you know?"

"Mhm," Lyah hummed. Though she sounded thoughtful. "What're you gonna do if we pass?"

"Huh? Oh, I plan to take the next level of the course. I can't stop now, I'm finally learning at a pace I like. You mean when we pass though." He chuckled a bit at the end, but turned to Lyah with a smile. "What about you?"

"Right, when." She nodded. "I think I'm going to take a break from studying and figure out what I want to do. Hunting with animals doesn't seem so appealing anymore." She shrugged, but her face was thoughtful. "It's just, all this time has been about defying my parents, but helping Diesel be healthier, watching him improve... there's something to be said for that right? What if I was against it because I thought my parents were forcing me into veterinary schooling but I did want to do it?"

"I think... you have a lot to sort through. Can't say I won't miss you when class starts next season but you have to do things in a way that's unique to you, I guess. Regardless of what you decide, come find me sometime. I'd love to learn more for you and keep in touch with a friend."
word count: 934
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Re: Furry Friends IV


Player Name: Shl'Drei

Points awarded: 10 xp
Magic xp: none


Animal Training x5
Socialization x1

Renown: 0
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Wealth Points: n/a

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: Hey, a fun little training/learning thread. At first I had to check and see who Lyah was, if she was written up, if she was one of your personal npcs. Then I had to check and see if Diesel was written up anywhere in your CS as a pet. It took reading the thread to figure out that he belonged to Lyah, and also looking up Lyah to find out that she's a flavor npc from the University. As you may know, there are rules regarding the use of these npcs, and one of them involves linking to the NPC from the thread itself. In the future, please remember to do that.

Otherwise, was a sound training session, and skill play was on point and appropriate to Shl's level. You're always good at playing to a pc's skill levels so commendations are due on that.

I wonder what Lyah will do now that she's thinking of taking a break from school. It's interesting that she got into it to rebel against her parents (I do wonder why), but now sees the effect it's had on her pupper. Hopefully she's arrive at a higher tier of education, maybe it's time to upgrade her, if you've used her in other threads.

Also, please submit the threads where you've used this npc to the University NPC thread, or perhaps even consider writing her up as a full NPC for the dev forum, since you've used her several times now. Otherwise, this was a good slice of life learning session with Shl'drei, very relaxing.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 331
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