• Location • The Employment Contractor

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The Employment Contractor

The Employment Contractor
Located just a few doors along from the seat of the Halls of Ivy, Viden's employment agency is the best place for anyone who is new to the city and is in need of direction in terms of employment. Given the very nature of Viden's mentality, there is constant upwards movement of many citizens and visitors to the city. Many people gain new qualifications from the Academy every cycle, thus allowing them to apply for more appropriate work. In some rare cases, there is even downgrading if the work is not up to scratch.

The Employment Contractor, therefore, sees a regular stream of people using their services. It is not the only way in the city to gain employment - as it is possible to just enter a shop and ask for a job. However many employers prefer to seek new employees through the government, after they have been checked out, which has to be done through the official channels in this building. All businesses, private or public, have the option to use the office to find new employees, or to fire one. And citizens and visitors alike have the right to seek employment through this channel. The Viden Academy hires new employees exclusively through the Employment Contractor.

All who enter the building will see a single desk, behind which an aged lady sits, ready to answer any questions and assist all in finding employment appropriate to the individual skills. Before people reach the woman, however, they will see a large stack of papers on a table to the right upon entry. This is a form to be filled in regarding previous experience and schooling, as well as relevant skills and the option to select a first choice location of employment. Sometimes this last request is ignored.

Job Request Form

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 490px; background-color: #bcbcbc; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 13px; color: #333333;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]
[b]PC Name[/b]: 
[b]PC Location[/b]: 
[b]Previous Schooling[/b]:
[b]Previous Experience[/b]:
[b]Relevant Skills[/b]:
[b]Preferred Employment[/b]: 
[b]Why this job?[/b]: 

Job Change Form

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 490px; background-color: #bcbcbc; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 13px; color: #333333;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]
[b]PC Name[/b]: 
[b]PC Location[/b]: 
[b]Current Job[/b]: 
[b]Requested Job[/b]: 
[b]Related Skills[/b]: 
[b]Reason for job change[/b]: 

NPC - Jaessi

Date of Birth: 1st Day of Zi’da, 652
Skills: Intelligence - Competent
Interrogation - Expert
Organisation - Expert
Writing - Competent

A strong believer in the mission of Yvithia (and, by extension, the city as a whole), Jaessi will go to any lengths to ensure the continuation of the way of life in Viden. She believes that every member of society should contribute and will go as far as to invent jobs to make sure everyone is working towards the same goal. She is a highly intelligent woman and is very adept at placing people in work appropriate to their station; very rarely is an employer angered by someone sent their way by Jaessi. Working quickly, one can expect to be in work within 4 trials of their application, if not sooner.
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The Employment Contractor

It was a relatively cold day when Parham opened the door and entered the office of the employment agency. He gingerly felt the space in front of him with his stick, stepping carefully into the room because it was his first time here and he didn't want to knock anything over. The sound of shuffling papers drew him to a desk where a woman was, Parham guessed, looking through some forms.

"Hi," Parham began, but did not get very far.

"Papers behind you and to the left," the woman said without looking up. She sounded about fifty, or sixty arcs old, and very impatient.

"But I ca..." Parham began, but was cut off again.

"Sorry, to your right. To my left." She did a quiet snicker as she set down another piece of paper. From the way her voice was angling downwards, Parham knew she still hadn't looked at him.

"I'm blind and can't fill in a form," Parham rushed, before the woman could stop him again.

There was a quiet hush as the woman stopped her shuffling and, Parham guessed, lifted her head for the first time. Parham felt like he was being studied from head to toe, and it didn't take the woman long to voice her thoughts.

"I'm afraid it might be impossible for you to find a job," she said, and for the first time some emotion crept into her voice. Pity.

"Well, I can fill in the form and you could let the relevant authorities know, then we can see how it goes?" He offered, and mentally berated himself for coming here in the first place. Back home he knew all the right people. Here... here he just had to go through gatekeepers, and she was just the first.

"Yes," the woman offered uncertainly, as if she didn't know how this stupid plan was supposed to work. "I will help you."

She got up and came around the desk to pass by Parham and reach for one of the papers in the stack behind him. Parham turned to her, hands clasped together nervously, as he wondered whether he could find a job, or the woman would be proven right after all.

"So, what kind of work do you want to do anyway?" The woman asked conversationally, as she stepped back toward the desk to grab a pen.

"Uh, a spy," Parham said, dreading the next sentence before she even began speaking this time.

"And you can't fill in a form?" She asked, incredulously.

"Um, yes," Parham said, growing more uncomfortable by the bit. He took a breath and said, "I know, it does sound strange, but please, will you just fill in the form for me?" He paused then wrapped up that sentence by saying, "please?" for further emphasis.

The woman sighed. "Yessir. What is your name?"

"Parham," he said, not offering a last name.

"Have you had any, schooling?" She asked, in a way that made Parham even more aggravated.

"I was privately taught," Parham said, his voice a bit harsher than he had expected.

"And, do you have any... previous experience?" The woman continued, with the same tone.

"Yes, I used to do intelligence gather in Pyke where I'm from." He said, not providing more information. The woman seemed to catch the point that it was probably things he couldn't talk to her about.

"Why do you want to be a spy?" The woman asked, looking up from the form. It seemed like she really wanted to know the answer to this one.

Parham paused, searching for words. it seemed like he was taken aback by the question, lie he hadn't ever considered it before.

"It's," he began, still searching. "It's the only thing I know how to do," he said simply.

The woman was silent. He wasn't sure if she had nodded, but then she put the form on the desk and turned back to him.

"All done." She said, smiling a polite smile. "Thank you for filling in the form. They will contact you if there is a job."

Parham nodded, and offered a polite smile of his own. "Thank you," he said, and got no response. Maybe she had made a gesture?

He turned, and left the way he had come in, butterflies dancing in his gut with the promise of new challenges, and the anxiety of having none.
PC Name: Parham Calder
PC Location: Viden
Race: Human
Previous Schooling: Private tutorship
Previous Experience: He has been gathering intelligence for his father since he was very young
Relevant Skills: Intelligence, Psychology
Preferred Employment: Intelligence Authority
Why this job?: This is the only thing Parham knows how to do.
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The Employment Contractor

78 Ashan 717

Edalene shivered as she walked through the cold. It was beautiful, of course - the snow dancing through the air, the winter chill. You know, she could never have imagined living in such a climate for all her life, but here she was. The return of Narav, becoming close with Duncan... everything had led to this moment, in a strange and cold part of the world. Briefly she wondered how Liss was back home with her parents. It was odd that she missed her cat more than her parents, but she had Aeodan here, and now she had Duncan, too. They would be a family here. She was sure of it. No matter what else happened in her life, they would be a family.

Edalene had been directed here by the landlord of the building she was staying in for now. The Employment Agency. Duncan was already itching to start his life as a Ranger, and his face lit up every time he spoke about it. Duncan and Aeodan were a little bit of warmth in this cold city. She found the building easily enough, after asking a haughty but oddly helpful Eidisi about the directions.

She opened the door, stamping the snow out on the doormat as she entered. A blast of warm air hit her face, and she took her coat off as she approached the desk, where an older, sharp looking woman sat. "Excuse me, I'd like to enquire about a job?" Edalene asked hesitantly, but the woman waved behind her. There was a stack of papers next to the desk that she had completely missed. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Edalene hurried back, picked up a paper, and sitting, quickly filled it out, waiting for the next step.
PC Name: Edalene
PC Location: Viden
Race: Human
Previous Schooling: Began studying her Letters in History in Rynmere
Previous Experience: Worked as an Assistant Researcher in History at the University of Rynmere
Relevant Skills: Expert Research, Competent Intelligence, Linguistics, Leadership, and Writing
Preferred Employment: The Viden Academy
Why this job?: Edalene is in the process of attaining Shivrain (thread here) and is committed to the study and research of History.
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The Employment Contractor


The building was busier than Aeodan had anticipated, having arrived later in the trial than he should have. He cursed himself for sleeping in, and instead set about gathering the necessary paperwork to apply for his job. Already working at the Academy was great, but Aeodan thought he would offer his services to the city as a whole as well.

The young Xyph stood in the line, finally used to the strange glances and stares he got from the Eidisi of the city. The silvery-blue mark over his eye singled him out, but also made him immensely useful in the profession in which he was applying. One person ahead of him, and he was ready to be out from under the jealous and rueful stares of the blue-skinned inhabitants of the room.

And then he stepped up, his form already filled out.

PC Name: Aeodan Burnett
PC Location: Viden
Race: Human
Previous Schooling: Studying his Letters in Linguistics at the Academy
Previous Experience: Studied Linguistics at the University in Rynmere
Relevant Skills: Expert Linguistics, Competent Research, Xypha
Preferred Employment: Interpreter
Why this job?: Aeodan speaks 4 languages fluently, and will soon have at least 5 under his belt.
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Approved! Crack on!
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The Employment Contractor

1st Vhalar 717th arc

It was early in the trial, early enough that the streets and corridors were quieter than usual. That suited Yolande, who was in a mind of her own today. She was heading to the Employment Contractor... intent on changing her job. That was the important clincher. The edisi had worked in the Atheneum as an assistant since she had finished her education. It was a simple job, that mostly required her to help with the trial-to-trial paperwork involved with running the library. Now she was older however, the woman sought something more.

The door creaked open as she stepped into the building.
It was not new to her, and everything looked remarkably similar to when she had last been. Oddly though, it was bustling despite the earliness. Little of these superficial oddities mattered though. Yolande knew the drill, and stepped up to the stack of forms that lay neatly on the table.

She sat and withdrew her pen and ink, carefully unscrewing the tiny pot to dip the pen into the dark ink held within. The usual pleasure of writing didn't fully extend to forms however, and she spent as little time as possible on the words, although she wouldn't be herself if she didn't write as neatly as she could. Finally she was finished however.

The woman smoothed the finished form flat, and joined the minute queue in front of the administrator. After a few moments, the eidisi provided her own submission with a tight smile that meant very little to either concerned. "Many thanks," she spoke, then left the form on the desk. It was acknowledged, read, and tucked away. The eidisi took that as her cue to leave, and walked back out. Whether she was approved or not was the next question, but, ever the pragmatist, Yolande acknowledged she wouldn't know for a few trials yet and thus didn't consider it further.

Time would tell.
PC Name: Yolande Syeathanne
PC Location: Viden
Race: Eídisi
Previous Schooling: Standard Viden education, as well as some home tutorage
Previous Experience: None
Relevant Skills: Discipline (10), Research (25), Writing (25)
Preferred Employment: A book binder at the Prime Atheneum (OOCly I'm not sure if there is such a facility there but I could write one up if neccessary/allowed?)
Why this job?: Yolande loves writing and books.
She is an eidisi and so knowledge is pretty high on the list of priorities for her.
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Approved. Go for it.
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The Employment Contractor

1st Vhalar 717

After careful thought, Maebella had determined what to do and had taken the necessary action accordingly. The young Eídisi had been bandying around the idea of moving her place of employment and her decision to enrol in the Viden Academy made the necessary path clear to her. As such, she found herself here, confident in the steps that she'd have to take if she was to gain employment in the educational institute. There was no doubt in her mind that by filling out the necessary forms and presenting them at the desk, she would be granted what she wanted. As far as she was concerned, there could be no better candidate and it was unthinkable that she'd be rejected. Even if there was no opening for her, Maebella was convinced that they'd make one for her rather than allowing her to slip through their fingers.

Once she crossed the threshold, the young woman went straight to the stack of forms by the door, quickly selecting the one that was appropriate to her. She set her bag down beside her, fishing out her pen and inkwell from it and began filling it out. Her Cursive was a little on the shaky side,
certainly nothing fancy but it was legible, which was all that mattered. They weren't going to judge her on her penmanship but on the details that it conveyed and so she took her time, ensuring that she was thorough in her representation of herself. The information required was quite straightforward, something that the girl appreciated, especially as other cultures might not make things so simple; not every society had Eídisi to bring order to their bureaucracy.

When she finished filling it out, Maebella read back over what she'd written, nodding with self-satisfaction before she waved the page in the air to dry the ink. With that done, she put away her belongings, returned her bag to her back and moved to the desk with her completed form. There were a few others ahead of her but she reasoned that they wouldn't take up too much of the administrator's time and that it would be her own turn soon enough. In the meantime, she read over her own words again to pass the time and within a few bits, it was her turn to stand before the woman.

"I've completed this form to obtain a job. You'll find that everything is in order," she explained matter-of-factly, handing over the paperwork with a nod of her head. "Thank you. I trust that I'll hear back soon."

Her task complete, the young woman left the building, tucking her clothing around her as she set off for the Viden Academy.


PC Name: Maebella
PC Location: Viden Academy's Tertiary Accommodation
Race: Eídisi
Previous Schooling: Primary and Secondary in Viden Academy
Previous Experience: Cataloguing books in the Prime Atheneum (IC history, later to be RPed)
Relevant Skills: Research (25), Linguistics (I guess?), Writing
Preferred Employment: Assistant Researcher in the Viden Academy
Why this job?: As an eídisi, Maebella is always interested in expanding her knowledge base and so research-based work holds real appeal for her. Furthermore, she wants to pursue knowledge about the Great Shattering and other cultures, something that's likely to come through the academy.
 ! Message from: Whisper
Approved! Best of luck!
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The Employment Contractor

39th Day of Zi'da
717th Arc
As he had done when re-registering with the Academy, Virikai paid no heed to the other people waiting. He barely even considered that he really had to fill out the form for work - his great and powerful father had decided it would be so, therefore it would be, Employment Contractors be damned.

Regardless, Virikai had to go through the inane process of making it official, so he grabbed a form and made a quick attempt to fill it out before he headed over to the Academy for his lecture. If he was honest with himself, Virikai did not have the time to work at this second job - he was much more interested in seeking further knowledge, but he didn’t really have a choice, having been commanded to do so by his father.

Form filled in, he avoided the queue and flung it onto the desk of the administrator, turning away without a single word to the woman behind the desk. Part of him hoped it would be rejected… but he doubted he would be so lucky today.

The Employment Contractor

PC Name: Virikai Talius
PC Location: Viden, Obsidian Prism
Race: Eídisi
Previous Schooling: Standard education up to Secondary Level. Tertiary Letter of Science, working towards a Certificate.
Previous Experience: Working for his father in an impromptu capacity
Relevant Skills: Politics (Competent), Etiquette (Competent)
Preferred Employment: Politician in Training
Why this Job? Because Virikai's father, Verity Talius (Delegate in the Government) has ordered him to "step up".
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All checks out, Approved!
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The Employment Contractor

Aur'ren approached the Employment Contractors office. Viden was a strange place indeed, but one with an incredibly tactful location. The fortress seemed to be impenetrable from the outside, and protected on all sides by extreme weather conditions. Although he certainly saw no need for a large military force; Aur'ren needed to make nel. Coin had been the most important resource in all of existence. Those who had too little ended up homeless, and would eventually succumb to subpar living conditions. The tactician would have none of that, and certainly did not enjoy a lifestyle unfulfilled. While he lived on a sloop; he preferred that lifestyle to one of endless suffering, pain, and hardship.

Survival was obviously important, and that was why the fortress had been forged to begin with. However, if one had the choice between a life of luxury, and a life filled with difficulty; majority of the people would take the path far more traveled. If the men, women, and children of Viden had a lack of motivation, or ambition the economy would collapse, right? Aur'ren had several ambitions, and goals to accomplish whilst he remained within the confides of the Fortress. Perhaps he could secure a position among the “higher ups”, and make attempts to forever shape what Viden was meant to be. All that he saw was a desolate land, far too cold to sustain life without imports, and exports.

As he took the final steps toward the single desk; an elderly woman greeted him with an inviting smile. She had obviously been tasked with waiting on those who offered themselves as a productive portion of society. Aur'ren had a purpose, and knew exactly what he came for. He needed an occupation, and this was the place to get one.
“Hello, My name is Aur'ren. I seek employment in the field of Tactical work.. I am a tactician, and have been all of my life. Combat tactics are my preference. However, if you only have availability for an alternate route; I will accept that task too.” The Tactician concluded his brief speech, and the elderly woman did nothing but hand him a forum to fill out.

With a pen, and what little skill in penmanship he had; The Tactician set to fill out the forum. When he returned the forum to her; a short series of words escaped her lips.

“You will be contacted if someone finds work for you, Tactician.”

PC Name: Aur'Ren
PC Location: Synnea Bay, Off the coast of Viden
Race: Human
Previous Schooling: N/a
Previous Experience: Has combat experience, over the short span of his life.
Relevant Skills: Tactics(Novice)
Preferred Employment: Tactician
Why this job?: Because Aur'ren is an incredibly tactful individual; having been a tactician all of his life. He can serve the military force of Viden in a multitude of ways, or even offer himself as a tactician for various other purposes.
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The Employment Contractor

It had been a while since he had last lived in Viden for an extended amount of time, and most of his previous acquaintances had long died, apart from a few ancient Eidisi. For that reason, the Mortalborn thought it prudent to visit the Employment Contractor in order to find out who had need of his creations. He took a form, filled it out in his elegant handwriting and placed it on the desk of the administrator without saying a single word.
PC Name: Doran
PC Location: Viden
Race: Mortalborn
Previous Schooling:Letter and Certificate in Alchemy, currently working towards a Diploma in Alchemy
Previous Experience: Worked as an alchemist in Andaris and was in charge of the alchemy laboratory in the Tower of Ministers in Etzos.
Relevant Skills: GM Chemistry, 100 Alchemy, Competent Medicine
Preferred Employment: Alchemist
Why this job?: Because Doran’s one of the best alchemists there are, and his creations will hopefully get him noticed and help him get in contact with the right people.
word count: 169





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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The Employment Contractor

Well he'd managed to find the employment office. To be truthful, Jon had been a little guilty about sneaking around the Academy. He was an intelligent sort, why couldn't he just ask them for a job? It would certainly be a little bit better than moving a few blankets around the stacks in the library every trial or so. He had to become legitimate if he wanted to better himself. This would be the first step on that road. He smiled at the lady at the desk, picked out a form, and began writing.

PC Name: Jonathan Burr
PC Location: Viden
Race: Human
Previous Schooling: None, self-taught
Previous Experience: None, self-taught
Relevant Skills: Transmutation, knowledge of gemstones and uses, competent in the use of a whip.
Preferred Employment: Assistant Researcher
Why this job?: Jon wants to study alchemy, transmutation and aberration more than anything.
word count: 148
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