30 Ashan 721
Glass Temple
Yeva had been resting.
Tucked beneath the desk of her study, it had been a long night of reading until finally, after a firm reprimand from ChiChi late into the evening, the medic had accepted a blanket and promised to sleep... just after one more chapter. Of course, one chapter led to many and by the time her eyes were bleary and her head threatened to smack against the desk, she pushed away the chilled remains of her tea and crawled beneath the structure to appease the stern guide who would no doubt have an opinion should Yeva be found lying.
And so she slept, almost instantly.
Swept into the world of dreams, faces and people came and went. Not through visions or any discernible imagery, just fleeting wisps that would be forgotten soon after. There was a tug, like a child on her sleeve and Yeva looked down to see blackened stone, cracked where a small sprout struggled to maintain its life. She crouched, touching the the first green leaf and in her hand appeared a water skin. Yeva untied its mouth and whispered softly like a mother to a babe, an echo of something familiar, "I am so proud of you, child."
From her hands, water poured downward and then little sprout glowed, paths of light spreading outward and she realized she stood in the caves of Faldrass. Or was it the Heart? Yeva's brow furrowed, the paths of light twisting and shifting in erratic motion. She did not know the way.
"It is time to go," a man spoke. She could feel him, standing behind her. His voice was deep and patient, eternal.
"Not yet," she muttered, fear and dread shaking her. The smell of sulfur had begun to sting her nose and smoke poured from the cracks in the stone, choking her, "I have to save it, there's... there's...." the panic was consuming her now, and the walls splintered, crumbling. They were going to die again and the realization sent her into a frenzy. She jumped to her feet, searching for her bag. For anything that could help, "There's still time."
Her thoughts came and went like frantic birds.
Another tug, gentle but eager, brushed against her.
"We can still save it!" she shouted, voice booming around her. The tug persisted like a gnawing hunger, but the path remained unclear. Her eyes were stinging, the heat - it was unbearable again - and all the while, the entity was waiting. He infuriated her and her body struck aflame, trying to shield the tiny bit of life in a place so uncertain, "I'm not done yet!"
She spun to face the voice but she was alone and the world was crumbling around her. She gasped as the first rocks began to fall.
Yeva's eyes shot open and she jerked, knocking over a pile of books with a loud clatter. Her body writhed against the blanket's embrace, delayed as she adjusted to reality. A foot kicked against the desk's drawer and the china glass rattled from the cup and saucer atop the desk. The room smelled of quiet paper and wax and ink. This was not Faldrass, she realized after her eyes adjusted to the soft streaming of cold sunlight through the curtained windows. In immediate relief, she collapsed back against the floor and stared at the wood above her. Just another nightmare.
They plagued her almost nightly now.
Either of her near death at Faldrass, her actual death in Rharne, or the -
Was that her breath?
Yeva groaned, body stiff from the angle at which she slept and crawled from the little nook, watching as her breath condensed in puffs of white before her. She looked down at her disheveled shirt and pants and stumbled towards the window to try and guess the hour. What she hadn't expected was the amount of snow, "What in the world?"
Hadn't the last frost passed? What trial was it? Yeva shuflled through all the recent events and tried to pinpoint the date. The thirtieth, but what did that have to do with-
And then she felt it.
The tug.
This time, she understood, she did not feel fear. Not yet, "ChiChi!" Yeva shouted, stumbling towards her desk where some of her supplies sat. She grabbed at the things wildly, feeling an unshakeable sense that she was late for something important. It was time to go! "ChiChi!" she yelled again, stuffing her pockets and grabbing her worn leather backpack from the back of her chair. Packing, she snatched at books, notes, her cloak, and ran from the room, bare feet pounding down the long corridor as she tried to remember where she had left those damned boots of hers.
ChiChi came running from around the corner, a chef's knife in her hand, "What is it?" she asked, breathlessly as she scanned the room for threats, "What is ze matter?"
"I can't find my shoes!"
The woman looked at her incredulously, "What?"
"My shoes!"
Yeva muttered under her breath and found her bedroom, where she tore open drawers and started ripping off her clothes. Modesty be damned, she found a fresh change of clothes, along with socks, a belt to hold more supplies and struggled to button up a fresh blouse with erratic fingers, "Something's wrong," she explained while noticing the woman's apron. She must have been in the middle of preparing lunch, "I don't know. I can feel it.... I... I have to go."
Yeva noticed the Cavani's cloak Elisa had given her and seemed to hesitate, "I don't know. I think that'll come later." Eventually, she grabbed it and unceremoniously stuffed it in her bag.
ChiChi released a string of curses, "You just returned ze ozer night," she didn't seemed pleased, but there was no protests. Yeva had proven time and time again that she was capable. Even more so, if there was something Yeva wanted, she would find a way to get it, "Ze balance is off again zen?"
"I'm not sure," she admitted, afraid saying that she didn't know might just anger the woman, "I... I suppose so. Maybe? I think I'm being pulled... somewhere."
"By Cassion?" ChiChi asked, eyes widening, "By Moseke?"
The two had talked when she returned from Immortal's Tongue, and Yeva had explained a bit of her adventure since they had parted ways in Havardr.
"No, no. I mean, I don't know," she shook her head, amazed at how silly this must all seem. Could it be just the lingerings of a bad dream? Perhaps she was overreacting? "I know it sounds like madness."
ChiChi held up a hand. Nothing felt impossible anymore. Not in Scalvoris, "I will grab ze rest of your zings. What do you need?"
Working together, the guide helped to streamline Yeva's scattered thoughts into productive action. It went without saying ChiChi would oversee her affairs of her manor in the meantime - whatever Yeva's next adventure might be. Once packed, the medic exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Then with a nod of silent agreement to follow the call, she took a step and was gone.
And that was how Yeva came to be in the Glass Temple.
In an instant Yeva stood inside a building of vaulted ceilings and an array of prismatic color. Light shone through the different hues and reflected across the tiled floor. The ceilings were endlessly high and rows of pews lined the main hall and to the side, arched entryways signaled alcoves dedicated to individual shrines, accented with more glass. A place of worship.
A temple.
"Thank you," she said softly, clutching her belongings and turning to watch as one by one, others appeared. So many faces, she recognized and none looked quite as... expectant, as she was. Some looked ragged and broken, tired. Others had bloodstains on their clothes and were soaked to the bone, although they moved as if uninjured and no open gashes or cuts indicated injury. A few remained strong and fierce and Yeva watched them all, waiting to hear why they had all been collected like dolls in a house.
The tunawa began first, relaying his information about why there was a second winter and how long it would last. And then why. Something about the City Beneath?
A dark-haired man stepped forward, seeking the leader, the one in charge. The most horrifying detail was that he carried a child, and... was quie familiar. Yeva arched a brow and looked around, knowing the person in charge certainly couldn't be her. After all, she didn't have the slightest clue what was going on and frowned as she listened to Hart's experience.
It disturbed her. Confused her. This was about the war?
She thought the war had something to do with a misuse of resources? Of land or some such? Now the Warden - or his kin - was abducting others?
Another man stepped forward, calm. Dignified? Woe, she realized, eyes widening. She wished to say something to him, to tell him she had gone to Viden looking for him, but he had been away. He looked different from their time on the mountain and offered to go to Ishallr. Interesting.
A Cadouri named Bao went next, introducing himself and asked to look upon the Warden with grace. He was a man who simply loved his daughter and had given everything to protect her. In a way, he was cursed and tricked.
Yeva quietly followed after the red panda, towards Hart and his daughter. She smiled kindly and untied the front pocket of her backpack, offering a sympathetic glance toward Elisa who looked worse for wear. To her surprise, there was no Balthazar. Why? Yeva withdrew a chocolate wrapped in colored wax paper and waited for Doran to finish his explanation and research before inching closer to the traumatized, "Hello," she whispered, glancing between the group, "My name is Yeva of Rharne...We may have met before?" she wasn't sure how to begin and tilted her head to try and peek at Ru's face. For good reason, she could understand if the girl was weary of strangers. Yeva looked back at Hart, "With your permission, I would like to give the child a gift. It will ease her hunger," she explained, "And her mind. I can't imagine what you two must be going through after such a journey."
She held up the treat and unfolded it to reveal the dessert, "Do you like chocolate?"
Her voice remained soft and soothing, "It's very yummy," she pretended to take a bite, smacking her lips, "Mmmm."
"Here," she hoped Hart would at least take it, "You can always save it for later."
Beside Elisa was Praetorum, who she nodded to in respect. The brunette woman beside him was speaking now, The stress in her voice was tangible and unlike a complete dumping of new information, her speech sounded more like a plea. It saddened the redhead to realize how much trouble all those around her had been going through. Elisa wished to go to Ishallr.
Nir'wei spoke next. He sounded like a leader, disregarding the suggestions of others while also making his opinions known. Yeva had shared his mind once. She knew he was powerful, but she also knew he could be incredibly scathing under pressure and not all that good at explanation. Did the others here know who Cyshe was? Or what a Fireforged was? Not everyone had been at Faldrass. Yeva reached out to give Elisa's hand a reassuring squeeze.
Oram and Prae were next. Oram shared information about Slags Deep and the glass that might be used to contain her. Prae, reviewing Doran's notes, suggested that Ishallr's tunnel system was precarious. It was just as Yeva knew it to be.
Then another man spoke and when she turned to find the source of the voice, Yeva noticed... well.... an energy? It pulsed and before he even said it, she knew he was marked by Cassion. That he had been touched by the Immortal. The medic stepped away from Elisa, fascinated and then gasped when he revealed his name.
Arlo Creede.
Vega's love!
She suddenly beamed, less impressed with his ties to Cassion and more by what she had heard from the other woman on the day of their meeting. So! This was the man who had stayed by his love through it all. What a shame his current tale was so... upsetting. Still, valuable.
"Well met," she said, once he had finished, fascinated while she tried to piece together everything she had been told. Yeva loved a puzzle, but why were the stakes always so high? "I will go next," she offered, raising a hand and addressing the group. Her voice was louder now, meant for everyone, "I can not say much about the Warden, or Slags Deep, or Fei's Fracture, or anything like that. I can only tell you what I've been working on and what I know. So...."
She took a deep breath, "When Cylus hit, Linca, the Chief of Havardr, fell into a coma. No fever. No injury. No pain... He merely slept... When they wrote to the Order for aid, the village was snowed in and with the storms, no one could go for a house call... Well," she cleared her throat, "So they thought. I'm not so easily dissuaded when I want something. I pulled a few strings and we managed. Turns out, it was no ordinary illness. Linca was cursed by the Immortal Lissira."
"Curses can be broken by other Immortals. I spoke to Tio, thinking he would help... He answered my prayers, but would not lift the curse so easily. I did more research and met with a woman named Grizelda, during a storm in Almund. Now, I am marked by both Moseke and Cassion."
"Immediately, I went back to Havardr. I woke Linca. I spoke with him and then, I found myself at Immortal's Tongue guarded by Praetorum, to fix a balance that had been thrown off. Up until recently, that had been my sole focus. She said..."
Yeva paused, thinking, "She said the ruins were for balance between her and her sisters. A place filled with traps and spiders... Initially, I had not taken much notice, but the mention of Audrae... Is she too a sister of Moseke? Does anyone know? There must be others. It was plural."
The redhead was beginning to think aloud and her brown eyes settled upon the Tunawa, "You must know. Earlier, you said that balance was necessary. Why?"
What had she stumbled on to?
Yeva waited to see if the tunawa answered and finally addressed the invovlement with the Induks, "I will help release the Induks if it save Scalvoris. Protecting the island and its people,.. That was my vow," the one she had made to Faldrass, although that reminded her, "Speaking of - So many of you speak of Ishallr and wish to go... The tunnels do shift, but rest assured that things will likely be unsure in any of these place. Cassion said-"
Again she paused and reached into her front right pocket, drawing out a golden compass. Yeva was quiet as she studied it, thinking of the Heart, waiting to see what the arrow would do.. She had to get the story right, "I met Cassion in the Heart of Scalvoris. I've been there. On Faldrass, Smooglenuff said the Heart of Scalvoris was beneath Faldrass. It was the core of all the elements," she looked at Arlo, who had spoken of elemental wolves. How they specifically fit into the pizzle, she did not know, but it felt important, "On that expedition, I had hypothesized then that perhaps the elements were tied to places. Ice or water in Ishallr, fire in Faldrass, Earth, perhaps in Scaloth or Sweetwine. I didn't actually think I was on to something."
Now, about Cassion, The shifting caves in Faldrass, the same in Ishallr. There are other places on Scalvoris which did not follow the laws which scientists have so much faith in "So, I asked Cassion if we were standing in the Heart and he said yes. He said that the shifting caves in Faldrass were the same in Ishallr. There are other places on Scalvoris which do not follow the laws which scientists have so much faith in," she remembered that part clearly, because shortly after, Old Dust had managed to slip in quite the flirtatious question in such a dire moment.
"Each of those are part of Scalvoris' Shattered Heart," she repeated, chewing her lip in deep thought. Memories and moments turned over in her mind's eyes, "No matter what is chosen, it will not be an easy. Therefore, I have no preference to where I go." she said at last.
"I have immunity to extreme temperatures, so cold and hot will not affect me," she patted her bag, "I can lend a cloak to anyone else who needs it that offers the same protection. Since it was a gift from a friend, I would like to have it back."
She nodded towards Elisa and then continued, "I am not much of a fighter, but I have skills in other areas. This is not the first time I've been called to restore a spiritual balance," she managed a smile, glancing at Woe, "My time in death has taught me quite a bit about the spiritual realm. Anak, Diri, Induk. It has a hierarchy, and Induks are on the top of this list. Just as the Immortals they are strengthened by their domain, so are they. It should be said that... if this is a quest of returning balance to the island, that magic, marks, fellow spirits - extreme manifestations of power can birth something new. The scales could tip and it may not have the affects you think it will, so be weary. Just as magic takes a toll on a mortal's body," she looked at those around her, eyeing what they paid for power, "This too will have its price."
Tucked beneath the desk of her study, it had been a long night of reading until finally, after a firm reprimand from ChiChi late into the evening, the medic had accepted a blanket and promised to sleep... just after one more chapter. Of course, one chapter led to many and by the time her eyes were bleary and her head threatened to smack against the desk, she pushed away the chilled remains of her tea and crawled beneath the structure to appease the stern guide who would no doubt have an opinion should Yeva be found lying.
And so she slept, almost instantly.
Swept into the world of dreams, faces and people came and went. Not through visions or any discernible imagery, just fleeting wisps that would be forgotten soon after. There was a tug, like a child on her sleeve and Yeva looked down to see blackened stone, cracked where a small sprout struggled to maintain its life. She crouched, touching the the first green leaf and in her hand appeared a water skin. Yeva untied its mouth and whispered softly like a mother to a babe, an echo of something familiar, "I am so proud of you, child."
From her hands, water poured downward and then little sprout glowed, paths of light spreading outward and she realized she stood in the caves of Faldrass. Or was it the Heart? Yeva's brow furrowed, the paths of light twisting and shifting in erratic motion. She did not know the way.
"It is time to go," a man spoke. She could feel him, standing behind her. His voice was deep and patient, eternal.
"Not yet," she muttered, fear and dread shaking her. The smell of sulfur had begun to sting her nose and smoke poured from the cracks in the stone, choking her, "I have to save it, there's... there's...." the panic was consuming her now, and the walls splintered, crumbling. They were going to die again and the realization sent her into a frenzy. She jumped to her feet, searching for her bag. For anything that could help, "There's still time."
Her thoughts came and went like frantic birds.
Another tug, gentle but eager, brushed against her.
"We can still save it!" she shouted, voice booming around her. The tug persisted like a gnawing hunger, but the path remained unclear. Her eyes were stinging, the heat - it was unbearable again - and all the while, the entity was waiting. He infuriated her and her body struck aflame, trying to shield the tiny bit of life in a place so uncertain, "I'm not done yet!"
She spun to face the voice but she was alone and the world was crumbling around her. She gasped as the first rocks began to fall.
Yeva's eyes shot open and she jerked, knocking over a pile of books with a loud clatter. Her body writhed against the blanket's embrace, delayed as she adjusted to reality. A foot kicked against the desk's drawer and the china glass rattled from the cup and saucer atop the desk. The room smelled of quiet paper and wax and ink. This was not Faldrass, she realized after her eyes adjusted to the soft streaming of cold sunlight through the curtained windows. In immediate relief, she collapsed back against the floor and stared at the wood above her. Just another nightmare.
They plagued her almost nightly now.
Either of her near death at Faldrass, her actual death in Rharne, or the -
Was that her breath?
Yeva groaned, body stiff from the angle at which she slept and crawled from the little nook, watching as her breath condensed in puffs of white before her. She looked down at her disheveled shirt and pants and stumbled towards the window to try and guess the hour. What she hadn't expected was the amount of snow, "What in the world?"
Hadn't the last frost passed? What trial was it? Yeva shuflled through all the recent events and tried to pinpoint the date. The thirtieth, but what did that have to do with-
And then she felt it.
The tug.
This time, she understood, she did not feel fear. Not yet, "ChiChi!" Yeva shouted, stumbling towards her desk where some of her supplies sat. She grabbed at the things wildly, feeling an unshakeable sense that she was late for something important. It was time to go! "ChiChi!" she yelled again, stuffing her pockets and grabbing her worn leather backpack from the back of her chair. Packing, she snatched at books, notes, her cloak, and ran from the room, bare feet pounding down the long corridor as she tried to remember where she had left those damned boots of hers.
ChiChi came running from around the corner, a chef's knife in her hand, "What is it?" she asked, breathlessly as she scanned the room for threats, "What is ze matter?"
"I can't find my shoes!"
The woman looked at her incredulously, "What?"
"My shoes!"
Yeva muttered under her breath and found her bedroom, where she tore open drawers and started ripping off her clothes. Modesty be damned, she found a fresh change of clothes, along with socks, a belt to hold more supplies and struggled to button up a fresh blouse with erratic fingers, "Something's wrong," she explained while noticing the woman's apron. She must have been in the middle of preparing lunch, "I don't know. I can feel it.... I... I have to go."
Yeva noticed the Cavani's cloak Elisa had given her and seemed to hesitate, "I don't know. I think that'll come later." Eventually, she grabbed it and unceremoniously stuffed it in her bag.
ChiChi released a string of curses, "You just returned ze ozer night," she didn't seemed pleased, but there was no protests. Yeva had proven time and time again that she was capable. Even more so, if there was something Yeva wanted, she would find a way to get it, "Ze balance is off again zen?"
"I'm not sure," she admitted, afraid saying that she didn't know might just anger the woman, "I... I suppose so. Maybe? I think I'm being pulled... somewhere."
"By Cassion?" ChiChi asked, eyes widening, "By Moseke?"
The two had talked when she returned from Immortal's Tongue, and Yeva had explained a bit of her adventure since they had parted ways in Havardr.
"No, no. I mean, I don't know," she shook her head, amazed at how silly this must all seem. Could it be just the lingerings of a bad dream? Perhaps she was overreacting? "I know it sounds like madness."
ChiChi held up a hand. Nothing felt impossible anymore. Not in Scalvoris, "I will grab ze rest of your zings. What do you need?"
Working together, the guide helped to streamline Yeva's scattered thoughts into productive action. It went without saying ChiChi would oversee her affairs of her manor in the meantime - whatever Yeva's next adventure might be. Once packed, the medic exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Then with a nod of silent agreement to follow the call, she took a step and was gone.
And that was how Yeva came to be in the Glass Temple.
"Welcome."In an instant Yeva stood inside a building of vaulted ceilings and an array of prismatic color. Light shone through the different hues and reflected across the tiled floor. The ceilings were endlessly high and rows of pews lined the main hall and to the side, arched entryways signaled alcoves dedicated to individual shrines, accented with more glass. A place of worship.
A temple.
"Thank you," she said softly, clutching her belongings and turning to watch as one by one, others appeared. So many faces, she recognized and none looked quite as... expectant, as she was. Some looked ragged and broken, tired. Others had bloodstains on their clothes and were soaked to the bone, although they moved as if uninjured and no open gashes or cuts indicated injury. A few remained strong and fierce and Yeva watched them all, waiting to hear why they had all been collected like dolls in a house.
The tunawa began first, relaying his information about why there was a second winter and how long it would last. And then why. Something about the City Beneath?
A dark-haired man stepped forward, seeking the leader, the one in charge. The most horrifying detail was that he carried a child, and... was quie familiar. Yeva arched a brow and looked around, knowing the person in charge certainly couldn't be her. After all, she didn't have the slightest clue what was going on and frowned as she listened to Hart's experience.
It disturbed her. Confused her. This was about the war?
She thought the war had something to do with a misuse of resources? Of land or some such? Now the Warden - or his kin - was abducting others?
Another man stepped forward, calm. Dignified? Woe, she realized, eyes widening. She wished to say something to him, to tell him she had gone to Viden looking for him, but he had been away. He looked different from their time on the mountain and offered to go to Ishallr. Interesting.
A Cadouri named Bao went next, introducing himself and asked to look upon the Warden with grace. He was a man who simply loved his daughter and had given everything to protect her. In a way, he was cursed and tricked.
Yeva quietly followed after the red panda, towards Hart and his daughter. She smiled kindly and untied the front pocket of her backpack, offering a sympathetic glance toward Elisa who looked worse for wear. To her surprise, there was no Balthazar. Why? Yeva withdrew a chocolate wrapped in colored wax paper and waited for Doran to finish his explanation and research before inching closer to the traumatized, "Hello," she whispered, glancing between the group, "My name is Yeva of Rharne...We may have met before?" she wasn't sure how to begin and tilted her head to try and peek at Ru's face. For good reason, she could understand if the girl was weary of strangers. Yeva looked back at Hart, "With your permission, I would like to give the child a gift. It will ease her hunger," she explained, "And her mind. I can't imagine what you two must be going through after such a journey."
She held up the treat and unfolded it to reveal the dessert, "Do you like chocolate?"
Her voice remained soft and soothing, "It's very yummy," she pretended to take a bite, smacking her lips, "Mmmm."
"Here," she hoped Hart would at least take it, "You can always save it for later."
Beside Elisa was Praetorum, who she nodded to in respect. The brunette woman beside him was speaking now, The stress in her voice was tangible and unlike a complete dumping of new information, her speech sounded more like a plea. It saddened the redhead to realize how much trouble all those around her had been going through. Elisa wished to go to Ishallr.
Nir'wei spoke next. He sounded like a leader, disregarding the suggestions of others while also making his opinions known. Yeva had shared his mind once. She knew he was powerful, but she also knew he could be incredibly scathing under pressure and not all that good at explanation. Did the others here know who Cyshe was? Or what a Fireforged was? Not everyone had been at Faldrass. Yeva reached out to give Elisa's hand a reassuring squeeze.
Oram and Prae were next. Oram shared information about Slags Deep and the glass that might be used to contain her. Prae, reviewing Doran's notes, suggested that Ishallr's tunnel system was precarious. It was just as Yeva knew it to be.
Then another man spoke and when she turned to find the source of the voice, Yeva noticed... well.... an energy? It pulsed and before he even said it, she knew he was marked by Cassion. That he had been touched by the Immortal. The medic stepped away from Elisa, fascinated and then gasped when he revealed his name.
Arlo Creede.
Vega's love!
She suddenly beamed, less impressed with his ties to Cassion and more by what she had heard from the other woman on the day of their meeting. So! This was the man who had stayed by his love through it all. What a shame his current tale was so... upsetting. Still, valuable.
"Well met," she said, once he had finished, fascinated while she tried to piece together everything she had been told. Yeva loved a puzzle, but why were the stakes always so high? "I will go next," she offered, raising a hand and addressing the group. Her voice was louder now, meant for everyone, "I can not say much about the Warden, or Slags Deep, or Fei's Fracture, or anything like that. I can only tell you what I've been working on and what I know. So...."
She took a deep breath, "When Cylus hit, Linca, the Chief of Havardr, fell into a coma. No fever. No injury. No pain... He merely slept... When they wrote to the Order for aid, the village was snowed in and with the storms, no one could go for a house call... Well," she cleared her throat, "So they thought. I'm not so easily dissuaded when I want something. I pulled a few strings and we managed. Turns out, it was no ordinary illness. Linca was cursed by the Immortal Lissira."
"Curses can be broken by other Immortals. I spoke to Tio, thinking he would help... He answered my prayers, but would not lift the curse so easily. I did more research and met with a woman named Grizelda, during a storm in Almund. Now, I am marked by both Moseke and Cassion."
"Immediately, I went back to Havardr. I woke Linca. I spoke with him and then, I found myself at Immortal's Tongue guarded by Praetorum, to fix a balance that had been thrown off. Up until recently, that had been my sole focus. She said..."
Yeva paused, thinking, "She said the ruins were for balance between her and her sisters. A place filled with traps and spiders... Initially, I had not taken much notice, but the mention of Audrae... Is she too a sister of Moseke? Does anyone know? There must be others. It was plural."
The redhead was beginning to think aloud and her brown eyes settled upon the Tunawa, "You must know. Earlier, you said that balance was necessary. Why?"
What had she stumbled on to?
Yeva waited to see if the tunawa answered and finally addressed the invovlement with the Induks, "I will help release the Induks if it save Scalvoris. Protecting the island and its people,.. That was my vow," the one she had made to Faldrass, although that reminded her, "Speaking of - So many of you speak of Ishallr and wish to go... The tunnels do shift, but rest assured that things will likely be unsure in any of these place. Cassion said-"
Again she paused and reached into her front right pocket, drawing out a golden compass. Yeva was quiet as she studied it, thinking of the Heart, waiting to see what the arrow would do.. She had to get the story right, "I met Cassion in the Heart of Scalvoris. I've been there. On Faldrass, Smooglenuff said the Heart of Scalvoris was beneath Faldrass. It was the core of all the elements," she looked at Arlo, who had spoken of elemental wolves. How they specifically fit into the pizzle, she did not know, but it felt important, "On that expedition, I had hypothesized then that perhaps the elements were tied to places. Ice or water in Ishallr, fire in Faldrass, Earth, perhaps in Scaloth or Sweetwine. I didn't actually think I was on to something."
Now, about Cassion, The shifting caves in Faldrass, the same in Ishallr. There are other places on Scalvoris which did not follow the laws which scientists have so much faith in "So, I asked Cassion if we were standing in the Heart and he said yes. He said that the shifting caves in Faldrass were the same in Ishallr. There are other places on Scalvoris which do not follow the laws which scientists have so much faith in," she remembered that part clearly, because shortly after, Old Dust had managed to slip in quite the flirtatious question in such a dire moment.
"Each of those are part of Scalvoris' Shattered Heart," she repeated, chewing her lip in deep thought. Memories and moments turned over in her mind's eyes, "No matter what is chosen, it will not be an easy. Therefore, I have no preference to where I go." she said at last.
"I have immunity to extreme temperatures, so cold and hot will not affect me," she patted her bag, "I can lend a cloak to anyone else who needs it that offers the same protection. Since it was a gift from a friend, I would like to have it back."
She nodded towards Elisa and then continued, "I am not much of a fighter, but I have skills in other areas. This is not the first time I've been called to restore a spiritual balance," she managed a smile, glancing at Woe, "My time in death has taught me quite a bit about the spiritual realm. Anak, Diri, Induk. It has a hierarchy, and Induks are on the top of this list. Just as the Immortals they are strengthened by their domain, so are they. It should be said that... if this is a quest of returning balance to the island, that magic, marks, fellow spirits - extreme manifestations of power can birth something new. The scales could tip and it may not have the affects you think it will, so be weary. Just as magic takes a toll on a mortal's body," she looked at those around her, eyeing what they paid for power, "This too will have its price."
Saiore's Chocolate for Ru:
They are, frankly, beyond delicious and taste like your very favourite thing. You find yourself unable to more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 hours: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."
They are, frankly, beyond delicious and taste like your very favourite thing. You find yourself unable to more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 hours: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."