• Graded • [Hopetoun] Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)


They were flailing, a little, Saoire thought. It was unsurprising, they were all new at this. And they needed people to help them become the role they were taking on.

It would be her gift to them.

"Let me put, on the table, what I will offer you" Saoire said, putting the book she had been reading down on the table. "You need a home, you need people and you need to manage your land. May I suggest that we work in the following way. Devin you be in charge of the house. Of planning and building Smooglenuff manor. Darius, you be in charge of the people, of relationships and links, of working with the Council and the Order of the Adunih, all of the other groups. Nir'wei, you be in charge of overseeing the land, the ecosystem. " She smiled softly. "If you are happy with that, then decide now to trust each other." Her smile was genuine as she said that. "And decide to communicate clearly."

Turning to Devin, she spoke specifically to him. "If you wish it, I will fund your mansion," she smiled. "It will take time, and you will need to travel between Faldrass and Scalvoris town quite a lot during the process, to meet with the builders and so on, but if you wish it, we will have it completed by season end" She looked then to Darius. "For you, if you are planning on taking the role of caring for the people, then you will need to build up a military, protection, patrols. Build up relationships and trade agreements. Money will not help with that, but let me offer you your first partnership." Holding out her hand to Darius, she offered to shake.

"May the Barony of von Smooglenuff and Saoire's school be always enjoy a prosperous relationship. Any and all education is free to your people and, if you need it then you may call on us for expertise." Finally, she spoke to Nir'wei. "You will need a team, which I can provide, and supplies for clearing away debris. People knowledgeable in agriculture, in ecosystems, that sort of thing. Would twenty be sufficient? As a councillor, I know you're busy, so if you give your list of priorities, I can see to it that they're dealt with" She looked around at each of them. "But please, be aware. I say it again - I will not push myself into your lives, if you do not wish it."

She nodded at Nir'wei's suggestion. "Trained animals would be a very good thing. A very good thing indeed." Then, she sat back and waited to hear what their thoughts were.

 ! Message from: peg
ok. One more post from you all and the thread is done. Please be clear and specific and in the review I will give you the "state of the barony" at the end of the season. thanks!
word count: 491
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Re: [Hopetoun] Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)

“I don’t think that there is anything wrong with the questions that your bow asks. At all”, Devin told Nir’wei, still looking so very, very fascinated because he had never met a talking bow before, in his entire life. “In my opinion, curiosity is a good character trait to have, as for getting in trouble – I don’t really see it that way. She’s great”, he told him (He really meant that!) and continued, in just as chipper a tone of voice as before, “Anyway, my eyes look like that because they mutated. I participated in a dangerous mission in the Sweetwine Woods. There was a tree with a door in it, someone opened it, and then all those colourful things came out.”

“I don’t mind being mutated at all though”,
he assured Nir’wei. “My eyes used to be brown once. Brown is a boring color, anyway. I like my new eyes much better!”

Truth be told, Devin hadn’t been sure about Nir’wei at all back when they had both been councilors (And he had been worried about getting too close to him because he might smell of animal poop, being the Councilor of Natural Affairs). He decided that he was great though. He had a talking bow, and the way that he interacted with Saoire was just wonderful. And that wolf that suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere! That was awesome! For a moment, he was quite tempted to ask Nir’wei if he could stroke him, but then Novus touched his hand with his nose, and he quite happily patted him instead.

And then he patted him some more and scratched his head and started cooing softly and tell him what a wonderful boy he was and that Alyssia was lucky to have such a friend before he abruptly straightened himself again. Most of the time, Devin didn’t care about how other people perceived him as long as they looked at him, but this here was important. He really, really didn’t want to disappoint Saoire and fail at being a Baron.

She was such a nice Immortal!

(If he had known that she thought that they were flailing, he would have been a tiny bit miffed regardless though. He was not flailing, thank you very much! He had everything under control. Well … mostly!)

“That’s exactly what I planned on doing”, he replied when Saoire explained her offer and smiled at her. “When we first met, during the Cylus Dusk festival, I promised Alyssia a house that will be just as beautiful as the Baron’s old mansion, and I said that I would fill it with books. Baron Smooglenuff had a wonderful library, if I remember correctly. I’ll make sure that his memory will be honored when we build the new mansion. He will never be forgotten”, he assured her.

Devin didn’t always care about other people (although he’d gotten a lot better at it), but he regretted running when Faldrass had erupted. Baron Smooglenuff hadn’t deserved to die. For a moment, he was quite tempted to ask Saoire if she could bring him back again (he’d even be willing to give up his spark), but it probably wasn’t that easy, was it?

“I would be absolutely grateful if you funded the mansion”, he told her and added, in a sincere (and very enthusiastic) tone of voice, “Thank you so much! And I don’t mind travelling back and forth at all”, he assured her. “In fact, I’d love to, and I’ll do my best. And finishing the mansion by the end of the season and free education? That sounds incredible”, he gushed and smiled an even brighter smile than before, if such a thing was at all possible because he was already quite enamored with her. He loved Delroth, greatly so, but an Immortal that helped you for free and gave you gifts instead of demanding that you spend your own money? That was absolutely fantastic!

Could you be a follower of both Saoire and Delroth?

He really wanted to!

“And when the mansion is finished, I would be honored to give you a tour. I’ll also bake a cake for you – and there’ll also be cakes for you all the times after that when you visit, as I told you before”, he added, in order to make things more tempting, and because the Immortal of Gifts should occasionally get a gift rather than giving other people gifts!

She had spoken of trust as well though, he remembered, so he turned to his fellow Barons, “I’ll trust the two of you and communicate clearly if you do the same.” He actually meant that. Nir’wei with his talking bow and his teleporting wolf was great, even if his fashion sense left a bit to be desired. He didn’t really know Darius, but Saoire had chosen him, and that was a good sign, wasn’t it? This, he decided, would be great!

word count: 846


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Hopetoun] Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)


Darius appreciated Nir'wei's compliments. It felt good to have gained the man's respect, and the words spoken of him were very kind.

He just hoped the Councillor's faith in him was not misplaced.

Darius certainly wanted those words to be true: that, if their roles had been reversed, he would have done the same thing; that people could rely on him in a crisis. But how could he know for sure, unless such a situation presented itself?

In that moment he realised, of course, that were it not for his willingness to confront disaster and rush into the erupting volcano while most others were fleeing to safety, that he would not be standing in a marquee with an Immortal as one of three barons of House von Smooglenuff!

That Immortal was providing the trio with some assistance, which was a trait that seemed to be beyond natural for her...it could almost be considered supernatural, perhaps?

"Aye," Darius eventually nodded at the way in which the Maiden of Gifts proposed to divide the responsibilities of the barony between himself, Nir'wei, and Devin, "protecting the people will be essential."

The founder of Hopetoun looked in the direction of the nearest gate that formed part of the strong palisade that had just been built, but the canvas of the tent prevented him from actually seeing the defensive structure.

When he turned back, he saw that Saoire was offering him a hand to shake, and the thought of an Immortal viewing him - for however short a time and in however small a way - as an equal, was almost enough to knock him to the ground. But, with a deep breath and much resolve, he managed to remain standing. He extended his own arm and made a mental note to remember the moment when he shook hands with an Immortal.

And then, with that done, he turned to the other barons, and offered them the same gesture of respect.

"My lords, I swear to communicate with you, and you shall have my trust."
word count: 344
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Re: [Hopetoun] Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)

Well, it was certainly a welcome surprise to hear Devin so... happy, to answer questions from a talking bow of all things. Entirely unafraid to spill some quite interesting information, as well - mutations, a tree with a door in Sweetwine... he was very tempted to ask more, and he could feel the insistent prodding of others in the back of his head that wanted to know more about these strange things too. Another time, they'd need to catch up on the topic. Actually, he was rather looking forward to the conversation now - though Saoire's suggestions demanded their full attention, he chuckled before looking away, imagining Devin making sure to leave a spare seat for his bow to rest.

"This sounds very agreeable." It was such a relief to hear the others think the same, offering clear communication in exchange for the same in return. "A team of twenty would be very welcome - I'll see to it that they're properly integrated and supported with the help of the Office of Natural Affairs to make sure that everything runs smoothly." He'd need to draw up some extra plans with Alberach Kura and perhaps within his own Office to offer the support they'd clearly need, and of course use it to further expand in their operations wherever needed. His mind was spinning at the possibilities, but try to grasp too much at once and he'd just end up floundering again. Greyhide was dismissed, the wolf vanishing just as he'd appeared. "I'll do everything in my power to keep everything open and transparent with both of you," he spoke to Darius and Devin directly, "and if there's anything I can do to make it more so, please let me know. I must admit, I'm still learning how to grasp all of this... I'd never want you to feel I make moves without taking your work into consideration." Besides, they'd have better insights into which projects would provide the greatest benefits to the mansion and for Hopetoun.

It seemed as though the broad strokes were sorted, then. Though Saoire made it very clear she was at their command... well, he looked at her again and smiled. "Well, in case you get any ideas of pushing into my life again, I'll have to leave my door unlocked at all times to make my preferences clear."
word count: 403
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: [Hopetoun] Three Men Walk Into A Bar(ony)

Your Review
Baron Darius von Smooglebaer


I think the thing I admire the most about your writing - and there are a lot of them - is how very wonderfully human Darius is. The pride he has for Hopetoun, the very real sense of duty he's obviously feeling and committing to memory the moment that an Immortal shook his hand. You play an extraordinary man who somehow retains his normality and humanity too - and that's quite an achievement. Your writing here is detailed and clear and I love how Darius is reacting to this whole thing. Awesome writing - enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 20 (Saoire came to your meeting! )


Darius is given the role of "Baron of the People" - your job is to build relationships and to ensure staffing and so on for the military etc. You may do this how you wish.

A few trials later, Darius receives a note from Saoire, thanking him for the generous and warm welcome she was given. She sends gifts for Lars (a finely crafted, light weight blanket which protects from the wet), for Selena (a set of herbs and spices from around Idalos), and for Kirt (a set of gardening tools of exquisite quality) and asks him to pass them on.

For Darius, she sends a package, in which is:
- A book on nobility, etiquette, etc.
- A book detailing the factions and groups of Scalvoris - a sort of directory, if you will.
- A note offering for Horatio B Thunderbussel to come and stay for a ten-trial (once the Manor is open). He will happily teach Darius, she says, anything he knows of the fine art of logistics and building relationships. He is, she assures Darius, invaluable and he is keen to help.

-A signet ring bearing the crest of the House von Smooglenuff. It allows you to communicate with the others who wear the same (three barons + Alyssia) and may be used once a trial as a gateway to your Manor House from anywhere on Scalv.

OOC Note: The gifts for NPCs are for them only and may not be gifted to a PC. They give no skill increase etc.


Etiquette: The best way to greet guests
Etiquette: Being the host.
Etiquette: Welcome everyone
Etiquette: Shaking hands with an Immortal.
Leadership: Stepping forward as leader in a crowded room.
Logistics: Organising a meeting in your settlement.
Logistics: When sending invites, ask for an RSVP to get an idea of numbers.
Logistics: Preparing for guests to be comfortable can take resources
Logistics: Planning how to job-share
Politics: The correct title for a Baron is "My Lord"
Politics: Make everyone feel at ease
Politics: There is a place for friendship, too.
Psychology: Understanding your own worth is an important step
Tactics: Sometimes, charging in like a mad man pays off in unexpected ways.
Tactics: How to best use Immortal support

Baron Devin von Smooglethorn


Devin is such a complex pc, I love him! On the one hand, he is exactly what he appears to be - the vain and self-centered eccentric! But he's also kind and thoughtful and I feel like he just wants the world to be a beautiful place! His writing is fun but also detailed and I love his outlook on life and how you portray it. Lovely writing of a great character. I hope you enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 20 (Saoire came to your meeting! )


+1 Job at Saoire's school. Please discuss with me what role you'd like.
Devin is given the role of "Baron of the Household" - your job is to ensure that Manor runs smoothly and is appropriately staffed. You may do this how you wish.
A few trials later, Devin receives a note from Saoire, thanking him for the generous and warm welcome she was given. She sends hims a package, in which is:

- A book on nobility, etiquette, etc.
- A book detailing the factions and groups of Scalvoris - a sort of directory, if you will.
- All the details, plans, maps, etc - and the name of who Devin should meet so that the Manor is made entirely to his specification.
-A signet ring bearing the crest of the House von Smooglenuff. It allows you to communicate with the others who wear the same (three barons + Alyssia) and may be used once a trial as a gateway to your Manor House from anywhere on Scalv.

OOC Note: Please submit a location write-up for Smooglenuff Manor, noting the details in "The Barony" below.


Animal Husbandry: Dogs like to be petted.
Animal Husbandry: Dogs like to be spoken to.
Caregiving: Preparing a favourite meal is a good way to make someone feel special
Discipline: Keeping quiet, even when it's against your nature
Etiquette: Thank people for the tour
Etiquette: Manners always win over rank
Etiquette: It's not polite to stare - but sometimes, you just have to!
Etiquette: Don't pat Nir'wei.
Logistics: Planning rooms in your mansion
Logistics: Taking into account what people might bring - like their dog!
Logistics: An Immortal's help makes planning easier.
Politics: How you look is important for how people perceive you
Politics: Don't look boring!
Politics: Discussion can be very useful for moving things forward
Politics: Everyone has an opinion - they can all be valuable

Albarech Kura von Smooglewolf


It's nice to see Kura in a thread where she's in a meeting and yet not needing to take charge! I really admire how you play Kura - she's in the role she's in, as Albarech, but it's in threads like this where it becomes apparent that is a role and that there's a person underneath. You play her with nuance and she's an intricate and complex individual - which is the sign of excellent writing! I hope you enjoy your rewards.


XP: 15 (one post, although a doozy, so you didn't get a bonus )
Renown: 20 (Saoire came to your meeting! )


A few trials later, Kura receives a note from Saoire, thanking her for the generous and warm welcome she was given. She sends a gift for Cally (a book of very old recipes) and to Kura she sends a small bracelet, made of leather and wrapped in silver. It is a gateway, the note says, to any place on Scalvoris. Once a trial Kura may immediately travel to any part of the island and, if she activates it again, she returns to the point where she left. If Kura wishes, she can set somewhere specific (on Scalvoris) as "home" and the return will always be to there, instead.

OOC Note: The gifts for NPCs are for them only and may not be gifted to a PC. They give no skill increase etc.


Appraisal: Judging a settlement
Cosmetology: Practical and attractive dress.
Etiquette: Thanking your host graciously
Etiquette: Balancing roles
Politics: Dealing with a new Barony on Scalvoris
Politics: Considering how to help without being pushy.

Baron Nir'nuff von Smoogle'wei


Aww, it's nice to see the softer side of Nir. Him and Devin together were so funny - just two boys bonding over a talking bow. Only you pair, and only here! Seriously, though, the depth of Nir'wei's character and the complexities of his mind are just amazing and you write him in such a wonderful way that I feel like I can hear him talk. This thread really showed a more playful side of Nir'wei that's been absent a while - I think he needs to spend some time in Saoire's company. But first? Learn what to call her! Enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 20 (Saoire came to your meeting! )


Nir'wei is given the role of "Baron of the Land" - your job is to oversee the land and the resources on it. You may do this how you wish.

A few trials later, Nir'wei receives a note from Saoire, thanking him for the generous and warm welcome she was given. She sends a package, in which is:
- A book on nobility, etiquette, etc.
- A book detailing the factions and groups of Scalvoris - a sort of directory, if you will.
- A list of the 20 people she's sending him.

-A signet ring bearing the crest of the House von Smooglenuff. It allows you to communicate with the others who wear the same (three barons + Alyssia) and may be used once a trial as a gateway to your Manor House from anywhere on Scalv.


Appraisal: Judging a settlement.
Etiquette: You are expected to dress for the occasion.
Etiquette: You should know someone's name (or title) before offering them a lift.
Etiquette: Gentle teasing among friends.
Etiquette: "And... you" - it's a good job it was Saoire.
Etiquette: Leave conversations until an appropriate time.
Logistics: Considering the work involved in creating a settlement
Logistics: Look at everyone as an individual - consider what they can do as a whole.
Logistics: Team management requires integration
Logistics: How to work as part of a group, but keep your individual role
Politics: It's polite to include everyone
Politics: Teamwork is vital for success.
Politics: How to include an Immortal in your planning.
Tactics: Play to your strengths
Tactics: Animals can make excellent guards.

Lady Alyssia von Smooglenuff


Alyssia is, frankly, just adorable. If she was a cadouri, she'd be a nightpup and she'd still not be any more cute and lovely than she is now. She is so polite, so understated - and you write her so well. I really love her personality - she might easily be mistaken for a pushover, because she's so well-mannered and grateful, but also she has a backbone in there and she's determined to do her best for and with her people. It's just lovely, the way you write her - I love reading your posts. Enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 20 (Saoire came to your meeting! )


A few trials later, Alyssia receives a note from Saoire, thanking her for the generous and warm welcome she was given. She sends a package, in which is:
- A book on nobility, etiquette, etc.
- A book detailing the factions and groups of Scalvoris - a sort of directory, if you will.
- A note telling Alyssia that Saoire has commissioned a "complete set" of formal jewelry for her. She will send Mavis McNulty to speak with Alyssia, to design it. It will be a unique set which Alyssia will be able to wear to formal events and Saoire hopes that it will bring Alyssia the pleasure she so richly deserves.
-A signet ring bearing the crest of the House von Smooglenuff. It allows you to communicate with the others who wear the same (three barons + Alyssia) and may be used once a trial as a gateway to your Manor House from anywhere on Scalv.


Animal Husbandry: Brushing Novus.
Animal Husbandry: It's reassuring to be picked up.
Animal Training: Using a leash
Caregiving: Telling people thank you helps them know you're grateful.
Caregiving: Kindness is something that matters a lot
Caregiving: Supporting your friends.
Cosmetology: Nice clothes
Discipline: Keeping yourself calm
Discipline: Not showing your fear.
Etiquette: How to enter without making a fuss
Etiquette: When to sit down
Etiquette: How your actions reflect on others.

The Barony

On the 1st Ymiden all preparations and building and clearing will have been completed. At this point you have the following:

The House
You have a Manor which is the equivalent of 2 x Tier 10 Buildings. There is a staff. It is furnished and decorated.
Be aware that this is where you may live in perpetuity but it is not yours as in - you can't sell it.
Please submit a location write up to the Dev Forum. Include in that NPCs for the heads of staff and staff numbers.

The People
There is a small military force which patrol and keep order. They do so both inside and outside the manor.
Please submit NPCs to the Dev Forum - but only the heads.
You may assume that you have contact details for all known / legal factions on Scalvoris - and that if you wish to arrange a meeting with any of them, that is done. Please let me know if you do and I'll give you modnotes or mod.

The Grounds
The land is roughly ten acres. You have the potential to mine (at the base of the mountains) but you also have the Badlands to the side.
There is the possibility of farmland or livestock, if you wish it.
You start the new cycle (1st Ymiden) with all debris clear and a map. If you want to make a map and Dev Forum it, I'll be delighted.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 2153
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