They were flailing, a little, Saoire thought. It was unsurprising, they were all new at this. And they needed people to help them become the role they were taking on.
It would be her gift to them.
"Let me put, on the table, what I will offer you" Saoire said, putting the book she had been reading down on the table. "You need a home, you need people and you need to manage your land. May I suggest that we work in the following way. Devin you be in charge of the house. Of planning and building Smooglenuff manor. Darius, you be in charge of the people, of relationships and links, of working with the Council and the Order of the Adunih, all of the other groups. Nir'wei, you be in charge of overseeing the land, the ecosystem. " She smiled softly. "If you are happy with that, then decide now to trust each other." Her smile was genuine as she said that. "And decide to communicate clearly."
Turning to Devin, she spoke specifically to him. "If you wish it, I will fund your mansion," she smiled. "It will take time, and you will need to travel between Faldrass and Scalvoris town quite a lot during the process, to meet with the builders and so on, but if you wish it, we will have it completed by season end" She looked then to Darius. "For you, if you are planning on taking the role of caring for the people, then you will need to build up a military, protection, patrols. Build up relationships and trade agreements. Money will not help with that, but let me offer you your first partnership." Holding out her hand to Darius, she offered to shake.
"May the Barony of von Smooglenuff and Saoire's school be always enjoy a prosperous relationship. Any and all education is free to your people and, if you need it then you may call on us for expertise." Finally, she spoke to Nir'wei. "You will need a team, which I can provide, and supplies for clearing away debris. People knowledgeable in agriculture, in ecosystems, that sort of thing. Would twenty be sufficient? As a councillor, I know you're busy, so if you give your list of priorities, I can see to it that they're dealt with" She looked around at each of them. "But please, be aware. I say it again - I will not push myself into your lives, if you do not wish it."
She nodded at Nir'wei's suggestion. "Trained animals would be a very good thing. A very good thing indeed." Then, she sat back and waited to hear what their thoughts were.