Coldheart Hostel

Most shops, parlors, workshops, and other businesses are found here, as well as the homes of those wealthy who are not of royal title. Guilds bleed the citizens dry of coin through taxes and fees. Trade is limited in Quacia, and supplies can be expensive.
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Coldheart Hostel


Coldheart Hostel

Description: An unassuming townhouse on the outskirts of the Gleam. From the outside, it's made of the same, dark granite stonework that the rest of the city appears enamored of. Sparse bloodlights and cave grapes grow from the sides of the grounds of the townhouse, vining their way around windows and thresholds. The roof has attractive skylights, which provide ample ventilation to the laboratory in the attic.

On the ground floor, there are a couple of bunk rooms for boarders to stay, as well as a shared bathroom and a large, fully equipped kitchen. Upstairs is the living space of the house's owner, Rakvald, who keeps a master bedroom, bathroom, and study to himself. Above the second floor, behind a pull-down trap door, a spacious attic opens up into a large laboratory of dubious intent.

The basement, below the first floor, is devoid of decoration for now.

Goods / services available here? If so what, how much? Dentistry, body modification, weight loss clinic.

2 large rooms: Attic Laboratory (HHI), Basement (HHI).
4 average rooms: master bedroom (HHI), master bathroom (HHI), a study (HHI), and big kitchen (HHI).
4 small rooms: 1 surgeon's exam room adjacent to the Attic Laboratory (HHI), 2 small bunk rooms (HHI), 1 privy/bathroom (HHI).

HHI = Rooms containing house hold Items (masterwork)
All rooms contain good furniture as per a Tier 7 house.

 ! Message from: Rakvald
May leave letters here for Rakvald at his Quacian residence. Also may visit, with less than the minimum required wordcount for roleplays. Will link any visitors to a new thread for interraction.

word count: 266

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Coldheart Hostel


41st of Vhalar 720

Rakvald and family arrived via the Quacian Plenty, in their farmstead where Rakvald had a brand. He'd escorted his entire family, as well as some baggage to the old blood-lit city, intent on making a go of it. However, what he found on the surface horrified and dismayed him. The entire city lay in rubble, destroyed from within and without, fires burning and soot covering much of the ruins. Up on the elevated areas, the Fortress alone stood strong, untouched. And Rakvald's brow furrowed. This was what the nobility and Theocratum thought of its people. A bulwark against the terrors that lie outside of its gates.

It was enough to make Rakvald's blood boil in anger.

So when he arrived that day on the 41st of Vhalar, he went straight to Coldheart Hostel, and summoned a Guild of Hospitality member. They arrived rather promptly for once, having connections with Rakvald from seasons past. Rakavld told them to sell the Hostel. For once Ildred was not objecting to the idea, and was totally on board for it. When the deal was done, Rakvald had enough and then some to buy back his property in Desnind, which was exactly where he intended to go.

Thus having settled his affairs in Quacia, hopefully for the last time, he made his way to the gates, accompanied by Ildred, their daughter, and a pack Yarofko. They would walk the charred landscape on the way to Desnind, and in just about ten days, once they'd slipped into the Untold again, arrive at Rakvald's old campsite in Desnind's outskirts.
 ! Message from: Rakvald
Selling the Coldheart Hostel for it's value of 40 wp.

word count: 286

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Coldheart Hostel


41st of Ymiden 722

The world, Quacia itself, and the situation outside the city had changed drastically in the time that Rakvald had been away. There was a charged atmosphere on the air, a strange miasmatic mix of optimism, fatalism, and ambition formed a sort of societal alchemy upon the people of Quacia, from the lowest of the dregs in the Underway, the sorcerers defending tooth and nail their arcane sanctuaries, and up to the powers that be, the Guilds that bled the people, the Theocratum driven into the underground, to the Royals and their enforcers.

The city was at a tipping point, and though Rakvald hadn't the base of influence or power to push it one way or another, he could begin to form a groundswell of support for sorcery in the dead city of stone and blood.

Troubling rumors of a discovery made in the Underway, an entity that had for centuries passed itself off as the Wounded God fo the Theocratum, reached even Rakvald's mostly waxy ears. There was much spoken of it, and less that was understood. However, it was known that Faith and Padraig Augustin had played a pivotal part in the discovery, and some sort of barrier that sealed off the malign influence of the entity.

It was into this situation that Rakvald reacquired his old Townhouse in the Gleam. It wasn't hard to convince the Guild of Hospitality to sell it back to him, given their dire straights and relative lack of wealth in teh city, in the wake of so much disaster.

But they would rebuild. Rakvald would start right here, on the cusp between the Gleam and the Shanty.
 ! Message from: Rakvald
Paid 40 WP to reclaim Coldheart Hostel.
word count: 290

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