• Closed • The Mountain King

Balthazar, Yeva, Victor and Woe.

35th of Ashan 720

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Balthazar Black
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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720
Balthazar would not forget what he witness Woe do in the moments before he'd slayed the condemned. Woe put his shoes on his feet and began clicking them together hopelessly. Perhaps overstepping did not work the same in his magic? Perhaps overstepping in Empathy caused you to do strange things such as that. Then he called for Victor to attack again but it was too late, Balthazar had commit to his strike. He commit to the lightning... and he'd killed the condemned. Balthazar had thrown a lot of lightning in his trials. He'd fired it from his fingertips in smaller but more painful arcs and he'd hurled it like a javelin for greater range, but he'd never put a hole in someone's chest like he'd put a hole in the condemned. For a trill, and only a trill, Balthazar felt bad about his decision. Then he pushed his doubted deep down so he didn't have to focus on them. The condemned had to die, there was no other option.

Balthazar didn't know how many people he'd killed. It was hard to keep track when you got into fights as often as he did and you used your hands and feet rather than a blade. When you cut someone's head off, you know that you killed them. When you blast a hole in their chest with lightning, you know you killed them. But when you beat them unconscious and they died a few trials later from internal bleeding it was much harder to keep a grand tally... but whatever the number really sat at, he knew there was one more added to it. Then the mountain roared in pain and Balthazar thought for a moment that he would be adding two instead of just one. The ground beneath them seemed to crumble into sand and Balthazar quickly called on the wind to soften his descent to the ground. His feet touched down onto more malleable earth than they'd left from. Balthazar could feel the change in the spirit's vast command of the element as his power was taken from him.

Balthazar crossed to Yeva and Victor quickly, not waiting to see the final death throws of the great mountain monster. "Are you both alright?" He asked before the return of Falsehood stole his attention. He liked her. Better than Truth at least. Where was that bastard after all? Balthazar hoped hurting the Mountain King had hurt Truth. Ornthrus. She'd called the spirit Ornthrus. Balthazar commit the name to his memory so that if he decided to look further into the Induk he'd be able to however he also commit it to memory so he didn't have to describe it to his friends as a "big mean mountain spirit." Falsehood declared she'd be taking care of Ornthrus from now on and Balthazar narrowed his eyes at her slightly.

He didn't feel like leaving the spirit to her was the best decision but then again, who wanted it? Certainly not the mage. Balthazar's interest was elsewhere. He looked towards the body of the condemned. It sat there motionless... dead. Did any of them know where the condemned was from? Did Tio? Perhaps it was best to leave him for the little godling to find but Balthazar felt... bad about it. His attention lingered on the dead while Falsehood spoke and returned their spirit disguises to them. For Balthazar the thought of being able to suddenly combust into blue flames at will was wonderful but the reality of the gift was dampened by the regrets Balthazar couldn't quite suppress about what he'd done. Maybe with more time or more care they could have saved a life instead of taking one?

Fair work? Woe wasn't wrong. They might not have done their literal best but they'd done enough to stop the calamity and sometimes that was all you could really hope for. Woe was quick to make his departure- citing work left unfinished in a place Balthazar couldn't recall every traveling to. Balthazar nodded to the Empath but said nothing. He was a fine fellow but his mind seemed made up about where he wished to go next. Woe left in his rather impressive disguise and Balthazar took a deep breath. He knew what he needed.

"I don't know about you two, but I could use a drink. Want to come with me?" Balthazar asked Victor and Yeva with a gesture back towards the celebration the spirits had been throwing. Part of him wondered if he could find that paintbrush and snag a quick portrait on the way out but if he didn't see the spirit on the way, he wouldn't stop to make it happen. He wanted a drink that normal, non-spirit people could enjoy. "I'd also like to swipe some ephemera if we can but I think a real drink is more important."
I think this was a wonderfully organized thread and a great story for the four of these heroes to tell going forward. I really like that it brought this unusual band together in a strange way and I enjoyed how they all had an opportunity to be of use. I do agree that it began to drag a little during the combat but I feel like that is because there is simply not much that most of these people could do against a massive rock manster. (Get it? I mixed man and monster.) So I think a lot of the difficulty from a PC perspective in the combat was that there didn't seem to be much option other than "run and dodge" for most of the mountain fight. Granted a lot of that was because Balthazar made the tactical mistake of bringing Woe to the top rather than Victor, it still did put us in a rough spot for a lot of the combat. We probably should have utilized Victor who could corrode stone more in order to free the condemned but we did not and it put both us and you (the storyteller) into a more complicated position. By the time we realized Victor's magic would be the best weapon against the induk, Balthazar and Woe had reached a perilous enough position that saving the condemned did not seem like an option. All and all though, I liked how it turned out and really want to see a Tio fallout meeting with at least Balthazar at some point.

Also lets not forget the incredibly fun spirit part fair thing that happened cause that was awesome and I'm really sad Balthazar didn't get his portrait taken.
word count: 1133

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Mountain King

The first signs of exhaustion had begun to set in, but Victor continued to run because there was no acceptable alternative to not running that he could see and because he needed to keep Yeva safe. When Woe called out to him, he stopped for a moment though and spun around, nodding curtly, even though it was unlikely that the son of Sintra could see the gesture. He was just about to raise a hand and conjure another Ether Missile when the mountain let out a loud roar. He abruptly lowered his hand again and met Yeva’s gaze.

A moment later, he went back to staring at the mountain. His eyes widened noticeably when the stone giant simply …

… collapsed?

The Transmuter blinked a couple of times as he didn’t trust his eyes entirely before he came to the decision that whatever Balthazar and Woe had done to the condemned had indeed … no, it hadn’t killed the mountain. While its body had been destroyed, the head was still intact. He was not sure if doing such was wise, but he made a few steps towards the thing regardless because he couldn’t contain his curiosity, only to witness something most unexpected. A small creature crawled out of the gigantic head and mewled pitifully.

“Did you see that as well?” he asked Yeva softly before he came to the decision that spirits probably didn’t follow the usual rules and stereotypes. Maybe size didn’t matter, at least not when it came to those beings. He wanted to say more and check on their companions when Falsehood manifested in front of them again. When she curtsied, the Transmuter bowed before he listened to her speech, trying to commit what she said to memory (now that the danger seemed to be over, he was quite curious about the spirit world once more and wished to write what he had observed that trial down as soon as possible).

The look in his eyes darkened for a moment when she mentioned Tio. Truth to be told, he was not particularly keen on meeting the Devout again. He was quite willing to believe that the man was capable of nasty tricks, although he couldn’t help but wonder about those rewards. What kind of rewards would they get for fighting a mountain and facing nightmares? What kind of rewards would a man that was as strange as Tio hand out?

He had been somewhat ambivalent towards the spirit disguise before, but when Falsehood conjured her pink mist once more, and he found himself wearing it again, he couldn’t help but smile, nevertheless. The power to take on that form whenever he wanted … he couldn’t help but think about the potential, about the things he’d be able to do. If he could disguise himself as a spirit whenever he wanted, it would be so much easier to study them!

Maybe he’d do that. Maybe he’d study spirits and unusual phenomena rather than continuing to mourn a dead man and pondering his imprisonment once he had returned to Melrath.

For the time being, he turned to face his three companions again though. “Definitely”, he agreed with Woe as the son of Sintra called what had happened interesting. “I do hope that we’ll see each other again sometime. I wish you good luck with your business at home, by the way”, he remarked. A moment later, when Woe had left and Balthazar stated that he could use a drink, he laughed. “I was going to ask the same question. Let’s go – before Tio shows up again!”
word count: 607


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720

Her hand in the battle had been non-existent, so why Tio chose her for this task made little sense. Why had it mattered that she wasn't a mage, when none of it mattered anyway? The mages were the ones that had stood a chance in the chaos; all she had managed to do was run around and cower behind Victor, who seemed to have taken on a conscious effort in keeping her alive.

For that she was thankful, meeting his eye as she stared in disbelief at the destroyed spirit. At the destroyed condemned, "I... I don't know," she had seen something, a flash, a thunderous boom, it had happened so quickly.

Yeva may have hesitated, but Falsehood did not. She appeared, swiping up Ornthrus, a little mewling thing now, and mocked him, praising their work in a way that felt condescending to the redhead. Like Tio, she spoke with the air of a manipulator, using them for the purposes she saw fit. Yeva did not like this being, clearly frustrated. They may have survived, but the fear and adrenaline still sizzled beneath the surface of her resolve, she was still catching her breath from her race to survive.

While Falsehood suggested they make a speedy exit, Yeva walked over to the remains of the mighty Induk, boots crunching across the pebbled remains. There, amidst the rock, the human's body laid limp, a smoking hole blasted into his chest. An eruption of purple veins slithered and imprinted across his skin, illustrating where the lighting had coursed through his body, clawing up his neck and shoulders like the roots of a tree. She crouched, a deep sadness welling into her chest and weighing there, as if one of the many rocks of the mountain had found its way into her throat.

Her voice was whispered to him, too low for the others in her group to hear, "I'm sorry," This man had suffered, for spirits knew how long. She could call herself a healer, a medic, a doctor all she wanted. Yeva had failed to bring this man any peace. She was the failure.

Her back to the others, Yeva reached out to close his eyes, shaking as she wiped away a pool of tears that tickled her cheeks. Was this what Falsehood had wanted?And what Tio? If their kidnapper wanted the condemened to live, he must of known the risks! Why hadn't he told them more? Why hadn't he helped them? Anger stirred.

Her fists clenched. Her mouth tasted of ash.

Him and his tricks.

"Goodbye, Woe,"
she called, hearing the others say their goodbyes, "Goodbye, Breen." she waved, trying to appear better than she felt, "Safe travels."

Her body felt weak as she meandered over, looking down to see at some point Falsehood had returned their spirit disguises. Right. She said they could use these now freely. Was this another lie?

Balthazar invited them all to drinks and she searched his face. Something was bothering her, clearly. Could it be that she had just witnessed the death of a man? Nearly died at the will of a mountain? "I, um..." Yeva chewed her bottom lip, wrapping her arms around her. If Truth were here, she would ask him more questions. Like, how did one act as if everything was normal after something like this? "I should probably go home and get some rest," she muttered, feet dragging as she moved behind the duo. If they had to leave, she needed time to process. To rest and not be thrown into a dangerous world of unknowns, "It's been a long trial."

I missed the deadline so I wasn't going to post, but then when things had to be put on hold, I figure I owed it to all of you to have Yeva's final thoughts laid out.

This thread was very fun, even if my activity sort of dwindled a couple times towards the end. Sorry about that, RL was demanding attention. My favorite part was obviously the Truth segment; he was a fun and mysterious character to interact with. Yeva would *totally* be his friend. I think the only section of the thread that seemed difficult was the battle - As a non-combat pc, I had been hoping for a few more options just so my pc could have done more than just run around. That happens though, so I wouldn't necessarily chalk that up to poor storytelling on your part. Perhaps I missed something, or simply failed to be creative enough!

I really enjoyed the overarching story. Would have liked to have engaged in the festival just a biiit more than one post, but for sake of moving things along and finishing at a decent rate, I understand why we didn't. Tbh, I really, really wanted a jar of ephemera, but a spirit disguise is a really cool reward (assuming Falsehood isn't LYING), and I eagerly await for your return.

Thank you so much for modidng this for us! Loved it!

word count: 850
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Re: The Mountain King

So very sorry for the wait on this! I had a lot of fun reading this and it seems like you all had a crazed ride! Apologies for the delays, again - please, enjoy your rewards. If you have any questions, please do let me know.



XP: 20 (not for magic)
Renown: 20

Loot/ Rewards

Mantle of the ? Spirit
You gain the ability to assume the illusionary spirit form granted to them in the thread for 2 hours, twice a season. While it does not actually make them spirits or give them spiritual abilities, it is likely that those they meet while in these forms will assume that they are a spirit until given a reason to think otherwise.

Truth's Trust
The Spirit of Truth believes in you. All illusions that Yeva sees are surrounded by a thin layer of silvery mist, revealing the illusion for what it is. Should Yeva ever be trapped in some form of illusion Truth will create a way out of it, and his silver mist will guide Yeva on the path to this exit.

Devout's Commendation
A written document from the Devout of Scalvoris, bearing the official stamp of office, explaining how the holder demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery in defending Scalvoris from a terrible threat. It could be used as evidence to support claims for promotions in organisations affiliated with Scalvoris. A skilled forger might also be able to copy the stamp onto other more dubious documents...


Acrobatics x 1
Detection x 5
Discipline x 5
Etiquette x 1
Interrogation x 2
Intimidation x 1
Investigation x 5
Logistics x 4
Negotiation x 3
Persuasion x 2
Research x 3
Running x 2
Stealth x 2




XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20

Loot/ Rewards

Mantle of the ? Spirit
You gain the ability to assume the illusionary spirit form granted to them in the thread for 2 hours, twice a season. While it does not actually make them spirits or give them spiritual abilities, it is likely that those they meet while in these forms will assume that they are a spirit until given a reason to think otherwise.

Falsehood's Favour
The Sprit of Falsehood smiles upon you. Once per season when your character says a single sentence that is not the full, honest truth, this ability can be activated. Magical abilities (of expert /Adored or lower) that are usually capable of detecting if the sentence was true or not are either negated or are tricked into informing their owner that the sentence was truthful, at the favoured's discretion.

Devout's Commendation
A written document from the Devout of Scalvoris, bearing the official stamp of office, explaining how the holder demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery in defending Scalvoris from a terrible threat. It could be used as evidence to support claims for promotions in organisations affiliated with Scalvoris. A skilled forger might also be able to copy the stamp onto other more dubious documents...


Acrobatics x 3
Detection x 5
Discipline x 5
Endurance x 3
Intimidation x 4
Investigation x 6
Leadership x 4
Logistics x 3
Meditation x3
Negotiation x 2
Persuasion x 2
Strength x 3
Unarmed Combat x 2




XP: 20 (not for magic)
Renown: 20

Loot/ Rewards

Mantle of the ? Spirit
You gain the ability to assume the illusionary spirit form granted to them in the thread for 2 hours, twice a season. While it does not actually make them spirits or give them spiritual abilities, it is likely that those they meet while in these forms will assume that they are a spirit until given a reason to think otherwise.

Falsehood's Favour
The Sprit of Falsehood smiles upon you. Once per season when your character says a single sentence that is not the full, honest truth, this ability can be activated. Magical abilities (of expert /Adored or lower) that are usually capable of detecting if the sentence was true or not are either negated or are tricked into informing their owner that the sentence was truthful, at the favoured's discretion.

Puppet's Revenge
For an arc following the events of The Mountain King Victor will find that, at random intervals, he will encounter a small, inert jester puppet. Sometimes when he walks into a room its just there, facing towards him. Sometimes when he's walking down the street he'll see it inside the window of a nearby house. Nobody knows who owns it or how it ever gets there, but it never does anything. It just... watches him... As if waiting for something. please feel free to make this 2 arcs, so that you can play it!

Devout's Commendation
A written document from the Devout of Scalvoris, bearing the official stamp of office, explaining how the holder demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery in defending Scalvoris from a terrible threat. It could be used as evidence to support claims for promotions in organisations affiliated with Scalvoris. A skilled forger might also be able to copy the stamp onto other more dubious documents...


Acrobatics x 3
Combat: Axe: x 2
Detection x 5
Discipline x 5
Endurance x 5
Etiquette x 4
Interrogation x 2
Investigation x 5
Logistics x 2
Negotiation x 3
Persuasion x 3
Research x 3
Running x 3
Strength x 3




XP: 20 (not for magic)

Renown: 20

Loot/ Rewards

Mantle of the ? Spirit
You gain the ability to assume the illusionary spirit form granted to them in the thread for 2 hours, twice a season. While it does not actually make them spirits or give them spiritual abilities, it is likely that those they meet while in these forms will assume that they are a spirit until given a reason to think otherwise.

Falsehood's Favour
The Sprit of Falsehood smiles upon you. Once per season when your character says a single sentence that is not the full, honest truth, this ability can be activated. Magical abilities (of expert /Adored or lower) that are usually capable of detecting if the sentence was true or not are either negated or are tricked into informing their owner that the sentence was truthful, at the favoured's discretion.

Floral Fragrance
Woe took a risk accepting flowers from spirits and it paid off. At will, Woe is able to change the scent of his body to the smell of fragrant flowers. This smell is enticing to all who smell it.

Devout's Commendation
A written document from the Devout of Scalvoris, bearing the official stamp of office, explaining how the holder demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery in defending Scalvoris from a terrible threat. It could be used as evidence to support claims for promotions in organisations affiliated with Scalvoris. A skilled forger might also be able to copy the stamp onto other more dubious documents...


Acrobatics x 3
Detection x 4
Discipline x 4
Endurance x 3
Intimidation x 5
Investigation x 6
Leadership x 3
Logistics x 3
Meditation x 4
Psychology x 5
Research x 3
Tactics x 5

word count: 1189
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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