Vega Tier 2 Fiddle Tracker

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Vega Tier 2 Fiddle Tracker

Personal Plot Tracker Time 2: Electric Fiddle Boogaloo?
Last Knights of Storm's Edge
Second Update (Complete at least 6/8 objectives shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Protect the city wall
The walls of Storm's Edge are not just tall, they're incredibly wide. Communicating over such long distances and creating a coordinated defensive response is going to take more than shouting, and Vega might just have the perfect creative solution... if she can figure out a way to use her music to help.

- Beat the cold
I'm not going to give any prompts to this one, because it's up to Vega to get creative finding a way to beat the heat, both physical and mental, through whatever means she can. Just know that there are a lot of people this applies to. Those trying to sleep in the barracks, up in the watchtowers, in the courtyards, everywhere!

- Seal the holes
Stop new beasts from breaking through, keep the workers focused and help them patch things up - there's a lot to juggle here, and Vega needs to decide which comes first, because she can't do all of them at once, surely!

- Tame the wild horses
Time to see how good she is at using her music on non-human ears! Play the wrong tune and those horses might just grow even more rattled, not to mention how she's going to lead the entire herd back to the stables.

- Assist the Reinforcements
Pretty self-explanatory - but the moment that Vega starts playing, she's going to be attracting the attention of both allies and enemies, so she better have a good idea of how to protect herself - and a way to avoid empowering the monsters as much as her own compatriots.

- Support the healers
Soothe the rattled patients, calm the frayed nerves of stressed doctors, perhaps her music can even help identify a particularly confusing illness/injury?

- Courier for supplies
Along the way, there are many depressed and dour faces, worried about their futures in the shadow of imminent disaster. The villages, the city, Rharne and Storm's Edge all need a bit more cheer in their lives, and make no mistake, there are plenty of hecklers who'd rather bring a cheerful face down than join in the festivities. Don't lose your cool! (too much!)

- Don't stop fiddling!
Scattered somewhere throughout Rharne, including villages, the city itself, or Storm's Edge - there are three distinct stringed instruments. These can be mundane or fantasy, specific to any city/culture/region of Idalos, but each different to play and unique in their own way. Try each one out! Yes, this 'special' objective can be completed in tandem with any of the other three objectives.

Third Update (Complete the objectives shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Close the rift
Help close the rift between Knights and civilians by providing suitable music for a small formal party held in the wake of Storm's Edge's success.

- Assist the Wardens
Vega's skill during the current events have drawn attention to her capability. She has been asked personally to accompany the Wardens and assist in their duties in whatever supportive fashion she can - however, emphasis is on supportive, as the knights want to know what a Warden is capable of in an offensive capacity.

- Assist the Thunder Priestesses
The Thunder Priestesses take a liking to Vega and her music specifically, for the way that it can be used to bring people together. They encourage her to accompany them and to use it regularly, offering some advice in complimentary singing and how to sing from the heart of faith.

- Assist the Diseased
Provide comfort for the diseased patients during their struggles with Flamefever, perhaps finding a way to cool them down and ease their symptoms through music therapy and her fiddle.

- Train with the Knights
Get some practice in using the fiddle as both an offensive weapon against opponents and supporting a team during drills and team tactics with other members of the Knights, as well as potentially getting to know your future comrades!

- Scout the Stormwastes
Keep up spirits and use your music during scouting through the Stormwastes - be aware that your music may be able to attract more than just opponents to fight!

Third Update Finale (Complete the objective shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Kill the Bonfire Flame Banshee.
Unaware of the plague currently infecting Storm's Edge, a group of travelers create a large bonfire to celebrate the coming of Rebirth in Ashan, and accidentally summon a giant Flame Banshee. This creature is larger than a full human torso and lashes out with tentacles of pure flame, as well as shrieking in a voice so clean and pure that it incinerates the traveler wagon and burns the travelers where they stand. Knights are called to attend the scene before the creature engulfs the nearby woodlands. The creature is too large for conventional methods using water - anything except a full deluge turns to steam, and Knights struggle to come within ten feet of the creature without suffering first-degree burns.

word count: 863
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Re: Vega Tier 2 Fiddle Tracker

Tier 2 Fiddle Plot Tracker!

Last Knights of Storm's Edge!: Phase 2

PSF ticket: here
Second Update (Complete at least 6/8 objectives shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Protect the city wall
The walls of Storm's Edge are not just tall, they're incredibly wide. Communicating over such long distances and creating a coordinated defensive response is going to take more than shouting, and Vega might just have the perfect creative solution... if she can figure out a way to use her music to help. - Beat the cold
I'm not going to give any prompts to this one, because it's up to Vega to get creative finding a way to beat the heat, both physical and mental, through whatever means she can. Just know that there are a lot of people this applies to. Those trying to sleep in the barracks, up in the watchtowers, in the courtyards, everywhere! - Seal the holes
Stop new beasts from breaking through, keep the workers focused and help them patch things up - there's a lot to juggle here, and Vega needs to decide which comes first, because she can't do all of them at once, surely! - Tame the wild horses
Time to see how good she is at using her music on non-human ears! Play the wrong tune and those horses might just grow even more rattled, not to mention how she's going to lead the entire herd back to the stables.

- Assist the Reinforcements
Pretty self-explanatory - but the moment that Vega starts playing, she's going to be attracting the attention of both allies and enemies, so she better have a good idea of how to protect herself - and a way to avoid empowering the monsters as much as her own compatriots.
- Support the healers
Soothe the rattled patients, calm the frayed nerves of stressed doctors, perhaps her music can even help identify a particularly confusing illness/injury? - Courier for supplies
Along the way, there are many depressed and dour faces, worried about their futures in the shadow of imminent disaster. The villages, the city, Rharne and Storm's Edge all need a bit more cheer in their lives, and make no mistake, there are plenty of hecklers who'd rather bring a cheerful face down than join in the festivities. Don't lose your cool! (too much!) - Don't stop fiddling!
Scattered somewhere throughout Rharne, including villages, the city itself, or Storm's Edge - there are three distinct stringed instruments. These can be mundane or fantasy, specific to any city/culture/region of Idalos, but each different to play and unique in their own way. Try each one out! Yes, this 'special' objective can be completed in tandem with any of the other three objectives.

Wandering Dead

First Assault

Second Assault

Third Assault

word count: 557

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Vega Tier 2 Fiddle Tracker

Tier 2 Fiddle Plot Tracker!

Last Knights of Storm's Edge!: Phase 2

PSF ticket: here
Third Update (Complete the objectives shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Close the rift
Help close the rift between Knights and civilians by providing suitable music for a small formal party held in the wake of Storm's Edge's success.
Not Just Strong, Snuffle Strong
Fighting Side By Side

- Assist the Wardens
Vega's skill during the current events have drawn attention to her capability. She has been asked personally to accompany the Wardens and assist in their duties in whatever supportive fashion she can - however, emphasis is on supportive, as the knights want to know what a Warden is capable of in an offensive capacity.
What Is Society?

- Assist the Thunder Priestesses
The Thunder Priestesses take a liking to Vega and her music specifically, for the way that it can be used to bring people together. They encourage her to accompany them and to use it regularly, offering some advice in complimentary singing and how to sing from the heart of faith.
The Hey Nonny Nonny Within

- Assist the Diseased
Provide comfort for the diseased patients during their struggles with Flamefever, perhaps finding a way to cool them down and ease their symptoms through music therapy and her fiddle.
The Hey Nonny Nonny Within

- Train with the Knights
Get some practice in using the fiddle as both an offensive weapon against opponents and supporting a team during drills and team tactics with other members of the Knights, as well as potentially getting to know your future comrades!
Fighting Side By Side

- Scout the Stormwastes
Keep up spirits and use your music during scouting through the Stormwastes - be aware that your music may be able to attract more than just opponents to fight!
What Is Society?

Third Update Finale (Complete the objective shown below. Please keep in mind additional prompts!)

- Kill the Bonfire Flame Banshee.
Unaware of the plague currently infecting Storm's Edge, a group of travelers create a large bonfire to celebrate the coming of Rebirth in Ashan, and accidentally summon a giant Flame Banshee. This creature is larger than a full human torso and lashes out with tentacles of pure flame, as well as shrieking in a voice so clean and pure that it incinerates the traveler wagon and burns the travelers where they stand. Knights are called to attend the scene before the creature engulfs the nearby woodlands. The creature is too large for conventional methods using water - anything except a full deluge turns to steam, and Knights struggle to come within ten feet of the creature without suffering first-degree burns.
word count: 475

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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