Alu Eros

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Alu Eros
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Alu Eros

Alu Eros
Full Name: Alu Fayar Eros
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 Lbs
Birthdate: 79th of Ashan, 698
Birthplace: Raelia, Melrath

Profession: Soldier
Housing: The Eros Estate
Partners: None

Factions Joined: The Valkyrion of Ragnari

Merits: Diligent, Kind, Loyal
Flaws: Ruthless, Deceitful, Resentful

Fluent: Common
Broken: Haltunga

Possessed of a stature slightly above average, this tattoo-pockmarked-warrior-mage carries himself with a haughty arrogance that few can relate to or understand. Some may see that he looks somber, while others may see him on a good day where he slouches with a grin, having forgotten that which haunts him. His build could not be said to be slender, though he has the body of a runner.

Alu enjoys open-front jacks that bare his chest to the elements, favoring a mix of protective versus formal, for despite being a mage his talents suit him well for a shot at the front lines. There upon his breast is a golden symbol, the mark of a Hone mage that he displays proudly, and upon his forehead is the Embla of the Valkyrion. His wrist also bears the Mage's Mark that he earned for learning how to control his magic in Raelia.

Tattoos & Mutations


Mage's Mark
Upon his wrist, this symbol denotes that he is a mage. He was legally obligated to obtain it as a Mage practicing within Melrath, and spent 80 Trials being schooled in the use of his magic to earn it.

Becoming Witchbrand
That which Alu most desired the day before influences this tattoo that appears randomly on his body from day to day. This depiction is often exaggerated and colorful. If one day he resolved to set his mind upon a task, an element of that task might be reflected upon the tattoo the next day. The same could be said of someone who snatched his heart away with love, or a food craving he's been having.

Hone Witchbrand
Square between the man's pecs, there's a spot of discolored, scarred flesh surrounding a bright golden symbol—the Rune of Naming. The color is reminiscent of pure gold, having a similar metallic hue. All of Alu's Runes appear similarly with this coloration.



The Basic Premise

Always and forever the son of a soldier, Alu grew up with a patriotic duty to Melrath. A strong will guides him with every step he takes while a deep and profound empathy helps him to understand and stay grounded concerning the things that he cares about. When his mind is set on a goal, some see him as cold, his focus narrow like a razors edge. When retired from duty, he relaxes and allows himself to be seen as he truly is, a kind and honest man who cares, who is thoughtful and respectful of the world and its nature.

When on a downward slope, he does not crack. He shatters. Often a strong and unassailable visage will shatter into a million pieces like grass rather than bore the crack. Alu experiences deep mood swings and bouts of passion, sometimes leading to anger not at others, but to himself.


The world of that which cannot be fully known by the eye and study alone, magic scares Alu. It makes him weary. He holds immense respect for the spirits of Melrath as he follows the shamanistic beliefs of the realm closely, but when it comes to Domain magic and the nature of the Spark, he feels only certain people should bond with such a thing. Alu wishes for magic to be more regulated than it is now. He also fears the power of Dreamwalkers, and the Immortals. They all fill him with unease, nearly without exception. In time he can get over this feeling, but it makes him short with those people.

Interests & Desires

Alu has an idealized version of how his future is going to go. He will eclipse his father as a great war hero, and keep Melrath safe. Once that duty is done, he longs to explore and learn more of the world, but for now he keeps to the Valkyrion, offering them his life.

Things that Alu enjoys...

Kind people
Mild highs (wine, herbs)
Spiritual endeavors
Protecting Melrath from outsiders

Things Alu dislikes or abhors...

Needless violence
Immortal worshipers
Unworthy mages
Traitors and liars



The earliest memories often feel like dreams in and of themselves. Fragmented, scattered pictures and words, faces and curiosities from his youth. Alu's working memory begins at four Arcs, and from then on his gleeful parents were sure they had a prodigy on their hands. His father toiled with him. He would be Ragnari, a Valkyrion like him. Strong, as wild and enduring as the Induk of the mountain. The young boy was thrilled to learn everything he could from his father about swordsmanship and the realm of Melrath. Even after his brother and sister were born, his father still nurtured him closely. That is, until Alu's father and uncle both left to meet a band of savages in battle. Ever the hero, Alu's old man was slain in a remote village upon Melrath's borders.

Alu was devastated. He wouldn't speak for Trials, and the sword was heavy now, the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders. When he besought information from his uncle on how he died, the old man went cold and declined to speak of it. It was hard for the entire family. Ysigr was destined for great things, and then he was gone. Alu put off the Ragnari for the time being, and helped his family to grieve.

Lost In A Dream

Seventy Trials after the death of Alu's father, the boy, now a teenager, underwent a pilgrimage to the spot his father died. He did this by his lonesome, but the spirits preyed upon the heaviness in his heart and led him astray deeper into the woods, towards a fae destiny that saw him crawling through a hole in the fabric of reality. Strange beasts that made no sense stalked here, plants so strange and unimaginable that they had to have been from a dream. After being sprayed with the spores of a plant, his mind fell into a daze, and he became lost in this other world for several Trials. On the seventh he awoke to a floating sphere of light, and he followed it to the same door he came in from.

Dreams became real for him ever since. He soon discovered cuts, scrapes, and bruises from them were real. Despite his headstrong and impulsive nature in the real world, in dreams he became shy and reserved. It was too much. It challenged his perceptions of how things were, and at the same time these dreams threatened him. Soon he learned to step out from his own dream into a veil where he found he could cross over into the dreams of others. The insights and the extra time proved invaluable. He had discovered a world where he could train in his sleep, and he felt so gifted. Consulting the Aesir on the matter, he learned that he was indeed a Dreamwalker, but he opted to keep this fact secret from others as he empathized with those who would feel violated having their dreams pried at in their sleep.

The Valkyrion

Visiting the runestone at his father's death, Alu was able to mourn and make peace with it all. It felt somber now, to have the whole world on his back. He felt himself the future of his family, of Melrath, and he would protect it to his last breath, nor would he be lax in his training as his father was. The world would know the name of Alu, and the name of his family. His father would be proud.

Returning to Raelia, Alu found his uncle Frokir and informed him he was joining the Ragnari. At this point, the man revealed that he was a mage, and offered his gifts. Alu agreed, and after a time of training he was initiated into the Domain magic disciplines of Becoming and Hone. He only later discovered his father had turned down the very same offer, disagreeing with it spiritually. Today Alu's heart remains in conflict about magic. He knows how it clings to the soul, how it warps and distorts, but he feels without it he cannot be the hero he wishes to be. Without it he fears he will die.

Eighty Trials of training in Raelia to earn his Mage's Mark followed before he finally joined the Valkyrion as fresh blood, training hard with the Dane, the great sword his father had died with. The Ragnari had it reforged and gave it to him. It's heavier, but they keep telling him he'll grow into it, so he trains, and he trains, and he trains... That is life for the Valkyrion.

Last edited by Alu Eros on Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:15 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 1507
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Alu Eros
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:03 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Valkyrion Soldier
Renown: 0
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5


Total Points Proficiency
Becoming (15/250) Novice
Hone (15/250) Novice
Dreamwalking (10/100)
Meditation (25/100) Novice
Discipline (0/250) None
Detection (0/250) None
Deception (0/250) None
Tactics (0/250) None
Leadership (0/250) None
Unarmed Combat (Besegra) (10/100) Novice
Sword Combat (Dane) (0/250) None
Endurance (0/250) None
Resistance (0/250) None
Running (0/250) None
Flying (0/250) None
Acrobatics (0/250) None
Strength (0/250) None

Starting Package: 15 Becoming, 15 Hone, 10 Dreamwalking, 10 Unarmed Combat (Besegra)
Racial Bonus: +25 Meditation
Fast Track: Meditation

NOTE: Besegra is a practical martial art employed by some Melrathi. It entails hardship and nurtures strength, favoring quick, brutal, and destructive strikes that are optimized and used in tandem with spirits. I will write this up as soon as Alu is approved!

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Alu Eros
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:03 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Valkyrion Soldier
Renown: 0
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Possessions & Wealth Ledger



Valkyrion Recruit Uniform
A baggy, blue vestment baring the Ragnari embla upon its shoulder, over a raiment of black and blue-deyed studded leather, complete with leather faulds, steel bracers, and steel shin guards. Alu is most often seen wearing this.

Formal Attire
In a more formal setting, such as a ball in Raelia, Alu keeps up with the latest fashion. He wears a blue brocade vest beneath a flowing purple petticoat and pantaloons, each stitched with symbols denoting the spirits and local legends. That which depicts history is often the kind of fashion Alu is drawn to.


Woolen Cloak - A large, brown cloak with wool lining. The wool is especially thick around the hems, shielding the face from sleet and snow. Alu often wears a balaclava to keep his nose sheltered from the elements.


Heirloom Weapon - The Dane of Ysigr
This thick, heavy steel blade is of Masterwork make. Runes decorate the fuller up the length of the 42 inch blade, though the handle, crossguard, and pommel bring the length to a total of 58 inches. It is a well poised, well balanced weapon with superior point control. It's a bit heavy for Alu with a weight of 4 lbs, but he's learning to wield it properly. A long history follows the weapon. It belonged to Alu's father, and his father before that, and so on. With each generation the sword was reforged, and the soldier feels the weight of his ancestors in his hands when he wields it, motivating him to stay fierce.


Alu's form of self. The totem for this is simple, a hair-wrapped little finger from his left hand. Alu keeps it in a small leather bag around his neck, often tucked into his armor.

Snow Leopard (SP)
This graceful creature can be found in the mountains around Vorkund where it competes with the Grendel for prey. They are graceful, sturdy animals with feline reflexes. Alu hunted it with his uncle. The totem consists of a severed paw, dried in salt and then stuffed in a bag once dedicated. Herbs are used to disguise the scent. Upon the bag is a symbol representing the mountains.

Alu hunted a snow leopard with his Uncle. The hunt was sanctioned by the Ydalir, as this particular leopard had been stealing goats from Vorkund herders.





Trade Supplies

Wilderness Supplies


The Eros Estate

Alu's family possesses a small manor in the city of Raelia belonging to his mother. Alu often spends time here with his siblings and mother, but only rarely. The duties of the Valkyrion keep him away from home for so long.

Alu also sleeps wherever he is stationed at designated barracks as a Ragnari Valkyrion, occasionally offered room and board by the villagers of Melrath in more remote locations.

Wealth Ledger
Starting Package (City Dweller T5) 66 66
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Alu Eros
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This looks like it's going to be a drag, so to keep myself sane I'm going to follow someone else's example and heap them all into the next tab.

Alphabetized Knowledge

Becoming: Echo (SP)
Hone: Rune of Strength (SP)
Hone: Rune of Touch (SP)
Sword Combat (Dane): The Riposte (SP)
Strength: Proper Diet for Fitness (SP)


Creation Legends: Human (HI)
Creation Legends: Lotharro (HI)
Customs and Traditions: Melrath (HI)
Customs & Festivals: Melrath (HI)
History: Melrath (HI)
Immortal: Thetros (HI)
Laws: Melrath (HI)
Layout: Melrath (HI)
Locations: Melrath (HI)

Last edited by Alu Eros on Fri Jan 31, 2020 1:34 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 96
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Alu Eros
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



His Sparks

Becoming: Phagia
That which devours, the Phagia Spark represents strong and prolific desires. These desires often come in the form of primal instincts and obsessions that the Spark communicates to the mage or imparts through mutation. Through what can be devoured, Phagia facilitates the transformation of the mage and drives them to acquire things beyond their limitations. This is Alu's dominant Spark, and it tends to influence the mutations of the other Sparks.

Alu fears this Spark, and actively resists feeding it or going too far. It reaches out to him in dreams, and he is acutely aware of its presence, and its ...hunger.

Hone: Tempering
To refine oneself through ardor, the Tempering Spark represents the drive to improve, or the rebound that follows every low for someone striving for the highs of life and ambition. It imparts mutations upon the body that reflect the punishment it has endured, preserving scars and the memories within them so that the mage can find self-improvement. This Spark leans towards the Lucis dialect, and seeks to temper others as well as its host.

As the dominant Becoming Spark fights Hone for more of the mage's attention, its mutations tend to take into account the capabilities of a Becoming mage, for better or for worse.


Ysigr Eros - Father, Ragnari Valkyrion, Deceased
Eraska Eros - Mother, Wild Witch (Alchemist)
Frokir Eros - Paternal Uncle, Ragnari Valkyrion, Mage Mentor

Soka & Dula Eros - Alu's Younger Brother & Sister (Twins)




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Alu Eros
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Alu Eros
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Alu Eros
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