Something Rotten in the State of Melrath I. (Graded)

52nd of Vhalar 719

The untamed wilderness of Melrath is vast and encompasses frigid mountain ranges, glacial fields, deep alpine lakes, dark ancient forests as well as the expansive shoreline of the nation. Here creatures and spirits dwell together in the remote places of the world, far from the hustle and bustle of civilization.
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Something Rotten in the State of Melrath I. (Graded)

Date: 52nd of Vhalar, Arc 719
Status: Cautious

Weapons: Quarterstaff
Armor: Leather

No Current Magical Effects
Praetorum and his band were barely a trial out of Ashara Citadel when they came across the bodies. The forest here was thick, and with the suns sinking down to set, Prae had decided that the three of them should land and ride until they found a good spot to camp, rather than risk flying in the dark. So they'd found what seemed to be a well traveled road, and followed it north, until it wound through a bloody clearing, still illuminated by the setting suns. 

"Looks like the Hand of Silence fell hard here." Ricky observed, one hand drifting down to the cutlass at his hip. Spears had been planted at uneven intervals along each side of the road ahead, a corpse mounted on each. Some were human; many were not. Beyond them, Prae could see bodies swinging from trees, some mutilated, others.... strange. Ricky shook his head. "Told you the people here were Kata-touched."

"Don't bloody let the Melrathi hear you say that." Clarissa said gruffly. "Didn't think this was what them at the citadel meant when they said the region had been turned upside down. Seems like that's how it is everywhere we go though."

"Rharne, Etzos, and now Melrath; starting to think Yaralon was the only place that took the fall of Emea well." Prae said, urging his mount closer to some of the bodies. Empty eyes stared back at him, set in faces contorted in pain and fear. The Shieldbearer growled softly, anger lacing through his heart and throat. What a monstrous display.

"Probably because Yaralon was the only damn place that actually got safer once all the fractures closed off." Ricky rode up to Prae, nudging the Ithecal with his elbow. "Come on, nothing we can do about this lot. If it bothers you that much, we ought to tell people at the next village we see, see if anyone knows what's going on."

Prae glanced at him, then nodded curtly, gesturing for his companions to follow him. Forcing down the rage bubbling in his heart, he urged his mount forwards, turning away from the corpses on display. "Eyes and ears open." He ordered as they started to ride through the clearing. "Last thing I want is for us to get ambushed and hung up with these poor blighters."

He didn't turn to see their nods, simply trusting in them after all this time fighting and traveling together. The three of them rode in silence between rows of the dead, and it felt almost like the swinging corpses turned to watch them go. None of them spoke, even as they stepped back into the comforting cover of the forest, which was why, when the first faint sobs came within hearing range, all of them noticed them. 

Someone crying. From the left? Prae signed at the others as they came to a stop and dismounted, not wanting to spook whoever was making the noise. 

Trying to choke the sobs down, sounds like. A survivor? Clarissa noted. She narrowed her eyes, scanning the forest for any sign of life, before shaking her head slightly.

Maybe. Best to be safe; Ricky, sneak around, cut them off. Clarissa and I will give you a few bits, then we'll try to flush them out. Prae decided. 

As Ricky disappeared into the woods, Praetorum settled his mind, and reached outwards, his spark touching all the elements that surrounded them. He could feel the slight disturbance of the air as Ricky snuck through the woods, movement of the dirt under his mounts claws as Sivan kneaded the soil, the slow trickle of water under the ground. 

And there, around a hundred feet to his left, the feeling of someone breathing shallowly, hidden in a bush. Just one, so probably no real danger to any of them. Praetorum gestured for Clarissa to stay with their mounts, and then made his way slowly towards the bush, making no attempt at stealth. "Is someone there?" He called out. "You can come out, we don't mean any harm."

From this distance, he saw the bush rustle slightly, but got no response. "We know you're hiding in there, whoever you are. We're not bandits, or whoever killed those people back there; we just want to talk."
Last edited by Praetorum on Sun Nov 24, 2019 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 737
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Something Rotten in the State of Melrath I.

Date: 52nd of Vhalar, Arc 719
Status: Concerned

Weapons: Quarterstaff
Armor: Leather

No Current Magical Effects
Prae only managed a few more steps towards the hidden figure before something burst from the bush in a flurry of green and blue, sending leaves scattering everywhere. He registered that whatever had emerged was trying to fly before he could properly see what it was, and reflexively swept a hand out in front of him, sending a gust of wind towards the escaping figure, knocking it out of the air before it cleared four feet off the ground. 

When it tumbled to the forest floor, Ricky was there in a flash, appearing out of nowhere and scooping the figure into his arms. 

"Let go let go let go!" The diminutive figure thrashed in Ricky's arms, earning the human a mouthful of blue feathers, and Prae realized a little belatedly that the voice was that of a child. "Don't hurt me don't hurt—I want, I want, I want my—my... my..."

The avriel boy—at least, Prae thought it was a boy—burst into tears then, his wild thrashing giving way to choking, shuddering sobs as in Ricky's arms as the Yari stood, and stared to walk back towards where they'd left Clarissa. Ricky was surprisingly gentle with the boy, rocking him gently as he walked and murmuring soothingly, but Prae supposed Yari had always been very particular about children. By the time the trio came back into view of their mounts, the child's tears had slowed from a deluge to a trickle, punctuated by the occasional sniffle. Ricky set him down gently, and set to soothing the boy further as Prae went to consult with Clarissa

"An avriel?" Clarissa asked. "Kid can't even be a dozen years old."

Prae nodded in agreement, and lowered his voice slightly. "Weren't there avriel among the dead back there?" 

Clarissa just shrugged. "Didn't pay it much mind. Could go back and check?" 

Prae grimaced. "No, don't bother. It's a bit ghoulish." There was a long moment of silence before Clarissa spoke again.

"We're taking the kid with us." It was not a question.

"Yeah." Prae said. "Bring him somewhere safe."

Prae turned to approach the boy, now standing anxiously at Ricky's side. Mindful of his height, Prae knelt as he approached, not wanting to loom over the already frightened child. "Hi there." He said to the boy, who curled inwards on himself, trying to hide behind his dirty blue wings. Avriel were strange looking creatures to Praetorum, but some features of body language stayed the same across species. Poor kid. "I'm Praetorum, and these are Ricky and Clarissa. What's your name?" The boy just looked suspiciously at him, shifting from foot to foot like he wanted to turn tail and run. "I'm sorry if I scared you." Prae continued after a few moments of silence. "We weren't sure if you were a survivor, or one of the bandits who'd attacked people back there."

"No!" The boy cried with surprising strength, glaring up at Prae even as dark blue eyes filled up with tears. "'m not one of them!" 

Prae nodded seriously, which seemed to placate the boy. "Well, we're very glad about that." He hesitated for a moment, trying to find a gentle way to ask what he needed to know, before giving up. There was no kind way to ask a question like this. "Were your parents killed back there?" Prae gestured back the way they'd came, in the direction of the displayed corpses. The boy nodded, and Prae sighed internally. He'd expected that answer, but it didn't mean he liked it. "Do you have any other family we can bring you to?" 

The boy's miserable expression told him all he needed to know. Fates, barely in Melrath a trial and they were going to have to find a new home for an orphan. "Did anyone else survive? I don't want to leave another kid cold and hungry in the forest if there's someone else out there hiding as well." The avriel shook his head, still looking like he was trying to disappear fully into his own wings. "Alright. Well, you can't stay here—" he waited for an objection, and got none—"so you'll come with us, and we'll talk more once we've all gotten a bit of food in us, alright?" The boy just curled his wings around him, looking down at his clawed feet, but didn't object, so Prae nodded to the other two. 

"Let's move out, find somewhere to camp for the night. Far, far away from here."

word count: 797
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Something Rotten in the State of Melrath I.




Defiance: Using Ceaseless Dance to detect someone hiding
Defiance: Using wind to knock a flier out of the air
Discipline: Pushing down your anger
Interrogation: Questioning a child
Leadership: Ordering an ally to circle around to support
Leadership: Trusting in your subordinates

Injuries: n/a
Wealth: n/a
Renown: n/a

EXP: 10 not used for magic


Praetorum is a great guy, this was so sweet! A thread well deserving of knowledge and XP. Enjoy Dula TV!

word count: 85

As Above; So Below

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