• Information • [Rynmere] FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

This is an Out of Character forum for the players of Rynmere, Andris and all satellite villages In the kingdom, looking for further information about the area.
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[Rynmere] FAQ

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[Rynmere] FAQ

How does the Slavery System in Rynmere work?

There are three types of slaves in Rynmere, including house, fighting, and pleasure slaves.

House Slaves: Live in the same house as the person or family they’re owned by, they must have their own room, bed, and clothes, and have all the rights of a Rynmere citizen. House slaves are afforded one break per trial to leave the house unattended, whether it is to purchase something from the marketplace (if they’re lucky enough to receive a small allowance), or merely to go for a walk and take some time for themselves.
Fighting Slaves: Must be kept in locked quarters with a padded mat to sleep on, a place to relieve themselves, a simple outfit including tunic, pants and sandals, and access to a doctor to tend to any physical wounds they might have. Fighting slaves have almost zero rights in Rynmere and are bought and sold purely for entertainment in the arena or fighting pits. Fighting slaves likely to die from their injuries must be given an honourable death, something that is quick and if they’re lucky, painless.
Pleasure Slave: Are for hire at the local brothel and are not allowed to be kept as personal pets in Rynmere, this a rule that has been long established in the capital and across the regions by the eleventh Queen of Rynmere, Odette Kornel, known today as the Patron Saint of Slaves. Pleasure slaves must be paid for their time, treated as one would any other citizen, and run as a business if one intends to buy or start a brothel.

Related Locations:

[columns=2]Brothel - Desire, lust, something for all.
Andaris Dungeons - Jail cells, torture rooms, and general suffering.
Fighting Arena - Where slaves fight for freedom.
Fighting Pits - Illegal slave fighting.
Slave Auctions - Buy, sell, and trade slaves here.
Endor Mines - Where troublemakers are sent to work off their sentences.[/columns]
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[Rynmere] FAQ

Crime and Punishment
Where do people go to report crimes?

There is a guard building in each of the three city tiers, low-town, mid-town, and The Crown. People usually report crimes to a guard working in the office at the time. There are also many guard posts around the city walls and citizens are able to approach guards on patrol.

What is crime like in Andaris?

The city is split into three tiers:
Lowtown: Here crime is usually high, especially theft. Lowtown is where a lot of the poorer families live, but it is also where the barracks are found which means there is quite a lot of militant activity. There is a black-market and under-world vibe here with lots of gangs and low-income workers.
Midtown: Knights, doctors, wealthy farmers, and high income workers live here. It’s pleasant and most of the trouble crime wise stems from the business sector, shops, the marketplace, and small businesses run from homes, etc. Robbery and home invasion has been known to take place in midtown, but most homes here are locked and watched out for by neighbours, and anyone intending to cause trouble will more than likely be seen if not caught right away.
The Crown: This is where the castle, monastery, noble housing, and the university are located. Crime is very low here as the area is very closely guarded.

No Theft: Fines of up to 20 gold nels for minor theft and a larger fine of up to 200 gold nels plus jail time for major theft. Minor their might be a loaf of bread, a person’s satchel, or an unguarded pet. If the knights manage to track the thief down and the item or animal is returned safely, the crime will result in little more than a fine. Larger thefts, such as cleaning out a person’s house, business, or stealing their wagon loaded with goods and two horses will not only land the thief with a large fine up to two hundred nel, but also get them thrown in the dungeon until there is time for them to plead their case in court. This was can anything from a few trials to a full season, and time spent in a dark, dingy old cell is no holiday.
No Murder: Anyone caught at the scene of the crime will have to prove their innocence at trial or hang for their crime. Rynmere takes murder very seriously and in most cases a team of Knights or Skyriders will be sent to the crime scene to investigate the area, interview suspects and witnesses, and collect evidence (weapons, bloody clothing, letters, etc). A lot of innocent people have been killed for crimes they didn't commit because proving one's innocence is very difficult in Rynmere, especially if they can't afford a good representative to argue their case.
No Factions: Illegal groups such as The Seers are hunted down and thrown in jail or forced into manual labour. Setting up, running, or funding an Illegal group or organisation in Rynmere is against the law. Smuggling rings, factions, and underworld dealings are more often than not put to an end with many people jailed or sent to the Endor Mines to work as slaves. Sentences at the mines lasts anywhere from five to twenty arcs, though most people don’t usually live that long due to the conditions. Anyone found to be affiliated with these factions can also be charged and often do time in the local dungeons.
No Piracy: Each region has a small fleet of patrol ships moving back and forth along the coasts, any pirate ships will be fired upon. The sea in the north is very rough and the coast is jagged, plagued with impassable rocks and hidden dangers. The northern coast is littered with shipwrecks and only the best sailors are able to navigate the seas here. To the west Endor is the only port and is often attacked by pirates looking to raid and hunt for precious metals. In the east the coast is easy to access but heavily patrolled by The Iron Hand on land, air, and sea. To the south Warrick and Venora are fairly easy to access and Warrick has less patrols than Andaris but pirates should watch out for Skyriders and their Jacadons who have the ability to melt a man’s flesh from his bones with powerful, hot steam.
No Arcane: Residents must apply for a permit in order to use the arcane of their choice. Permits cost one hundred gold nel per season and allows citizens to use Arcana in private, practicing and honing their craft. Public use of their chosen art could land them with a fine and get their permit revoked which will have them put on a blacklist for the next two arcs. The only people who are allowed to use arcane magic in public are mage knights and members of The Seekers. The people of Rynmere have a low tolerance for magic and of those who use it. The Seekers are not well liked and made to feel uncomfortable, especially regarding recent events where bodies of mages have been found dead in and around the capital city.
No Assault: Be it sexual or otherwise, the punishment is jail time or work in the Endor Mines. Physical and sexual assault in Rynmere is treated quite seriously, even in the case of slave versus owner. House slaves are to be treated as one would any other citizen in Rynmere and any accusations are investigated. The charges for physical assault range from a fifty gold nel fine and a few nights in the dungeon, all the way up to a two hundred gold nel fine and an extended sentence which might see someone serve time in the Endor Mines. Sexual assault on the other hand is dungeon time, the removal of a finger, and a small brand over the knuckle of the missing limb to mark that person as a threat and shame them for their wrongdoings.
No Blacklisted Races: Avriel, Elite Ratherion, and Raskithecal are all unwelcomed races in Rynmere. Some are taken as slaves, others are killed on sight.
No Divorce: It simply isn't an option. The only way to leave a binding is for one of the couple to die, and any unusual deaths are investigated. In the likelihood that one of the two does die, the remaining man or woman is allowed to remarry one arc later.
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[Rynmere] FAQ

Rynmere Gazette
How does my PC gain knowledge from the Rynmere Gazette?

In order to gain knowledge about anything published in the Gazette (including articles, rumours, and job ads), your PC must read that specific piece of information as part of an IC post. It is not assumed that every PC has this knowledge.

In what format is the Rynmere Gazette published, and how is it distributed?

The Gazette is published in a paper format. It is distributed through seasonal subscriptions which arrive directly to one's home, through paper boys on the corner of main streets, and through purchases at the Rynmere Gazette reception. The latest issue is also posted on a bulletin board outside of the Gazette office.

How frequently are issues of the Rynmere Gazette published?

The Rynmere Gazette publishes as many or as few copies as needed depending on the season's news and events. On average, however, an issue is released once every 10 trials.

How much does each issue of the Rynmere Gazette cost?

Each issue of the Gazette costs 1 cn per issue, or 1 sn per season for a subscription. Back copies of the Rynmere Gazette cost 5 cn per issue, but these are less frequently available. These copies can be picked up directly from the Gazette office, or borrowed from either the Andaris Library or the Rynmere University Library.

How can my PC get a job with the Rynmere Gazette?

The Rynmere Gazette is always hiring for journalists, editors, and printers. If you're interested in having your PC work for the Gazette, please complete the "Job Request" form on the Job and Wage Requests thread.

How can I submit an article or a rumour to the Gazette?

Please PM Rumour any articles or rumours that you would like to see published in the Rynmere Gazette. If your article is written by your PC, please ensure it is first written in an IC thread before being submitted. If your PC's name is not attached to your article, you may submit it without a prior thread.

For rumours, we recommend including a link to the thread the rumour originated from (if applicable). You may also want to include the PC or NPC's name so readers are aware of who is being gossiped about. You do not need to write an IC thread in order to submit a rumour.

Does my PC need to be employed by the Gazette in order to submit articles or rumours?

Nope! The Gazette is always accepting submissions, though articles written by your PC should always have an IC reason.

Related Links:

[columns=2]Rynmere Gazette (Paper) - Rynmere's newspaper.

Rynmere Gazette (Location) - The Gazette offices.[/columns]
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