• Closed • Questioning The Questionable

Andráska gives his first interview.

72nd of Ashan 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Andráska Venora
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Questioning The Questionable

72nd of Ashan, 716 Arc

How does one make a house call on another noble? Another noble man, at that? Now this was a protocol that Andráska had no idea how to follow. Before him the sprawling estate loomed quietly, a few maids scurrying down the hallways with trays or rugs to be beaten. András nodded to them politely, some giving him curious looks as he waved at them with a bottle of Venora wine in his grasp, "Hello," he greeted with a warm smile.

They gave as small smile, but their thoughts were written plainly on their face. How the hell did he get in here? Clean, but simply dressed, he had no jewelry or designs to distinguish him from another member of the help, "Can you happen to tell me where I might find Quincy?"

One of the maids hesitated, a young and mousy brunette with a button nose, "The Lord," she began, gently correcting without saying so. 'So she does think I'm common!' András thought, grinning, "He is upstairs in his chambers, recovering-" she paused, unsure if she should have offered the information, but it thrilled the other noble.

"Yes, I heard about the incident. House Venora wishes to send its regards," he waved the red wine once more, "Would you mind showing me the way, m'lady?"

Shock flashed on the other maids face and she tried to motion the other girl away, but when the mousy brunette stayed put, the other curtsied and excused herself quickly. The first girl, blushing from being called lady, shrugged sheepishly, "I suppose, but the guards will have to talk to you."

"Very well," András obliged as they began to walk side by side. Little was exchanged between the two as she weaved down the hallways and around corners. Beautiful pieces of artwork lined the walls, and banners of the Andaris insignia hung proudly. A number of paintings with various old, grouchy noblemen watched them with squinty eyes, and even the younger versions looked stiff, no doubt killed by the boredom of their suffocating lives. András stuck his tongue out at the art, mocking it.

"We're here, sir." Before them were two guards, standing at the entrance of Quincy Andaris' bedchambers.

Andráska turned to the maid, "Lord," he corrected her, winking, "Grab me some paper and some ink and quill, won't you love?" Her eyes widened and when András turned to look at the men standing at the entrance, a grin split across his face. The same guards from the party who had denied him entrance, "Friends! We meet again! As I was telling this woman, House Venora wishes to send its regards to Lord Quincy. Our families have always been closely united and such a tragedy has shaken my family to its very bones."

András was almost proud by how professional he sounded. His delivery was perhaps a bit dramatic, but the word choice... Maybe not as good as Alistair or Zvezdana could do, but for him? Not bad. Not bad at all. The guards exchanged glances again before one of them nodded, "I'll have to see if the lord is accepting visitors." Seeing the guards react sent the maid stumbling into a curtsy, and rushing off to get what was requested. Meanwhile, Andráska waited patiently, unsure of what his next move was.

So, he whistled, leaning against the wall and running a thumb over the wine in his hand. Alcohol was always an acceptable gift, right? ooc: Deducted 6gn for a bottle of Venoran wine. Price obtained from Ye Old Inn.
word count: 606
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Quincy Andaris
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Questioning The Questionable

Voices roused the Andaris from his restless slumber. He groaned, blinking blearily at the tendril of light that filtered past the drapes of his room, stabbing at his eyes painfully. His head pounded from his consumption of alcohol the night before in his attempts to dull the pain from the…incident.

Black and blue marks covered Quincy’s body in splotches; the beating he received was not one he was going to forget for some time. His memory was still hazy from the event, no matter how hard he tried to remember the face of his assailant, it eluded him. All he knew was that it still hurt to move.

The voices continued outside his chambers and he scowled, further drilling into his aching head, instantly regretting the movement, feeling pain lace across his face, his left eye almost swollen completely shut. He was about to yell at everyone to shut up outside his room when the cracked door opened and one of their servants slipped inside, closing it behind her. She curtsied before hastily speaking.

“Forgive me my Lord, but there is a man from the Venora family outside. He wishes to speak with you.”

Quincy blinked.

Huh? A Venora? What is a Venora doing here?

He ran through the list of nobles from that family in his head, trying to piece together which one it could possibly be. Then it struck him.

“How do you know he is a Venora? Because he told you? You’re relying on his word alone that he is who he says he is? After everything happened to me?”

The maid’s face slowly went white as she realized her mistake. She tried spluttering out an answer.

“I-we…well he seemed-“

Quincy stared at her, disbelief crossing his damaged face. He cut her off before she could finish her explanation, his words cracking like a whip.

“So what your telling me is you let a strange man into our house, based solely on his word alone that he is who he says he is, led him to my room all because he asked?! Did you not just realize I was viciously attacked a little over twenty-four breaks ago? Did you not think that my attacker could potentially want to finish THE JOB?”

He began to grow louder, his words lashing out faster and more venomously, voice incredulously. The maid all but cowered, trying her best to bury herself in her dress, away from his biting words. Quincy finally huffed, incredibly annoyed at the foolishness of their staff. But when he spoke again, his tone was light and friendly. One would have not known he was angry had they not been there to witness it.

“But it should be completely fine. Bring him in. And one of the guards, the more the merrier.”

The maid began to leave but he caught her attention.

“Oh and wench, if you ever do something so stupid again, you will be on the streets faster than you can finish stammering out an apology.”

She quickly scurried out of the room, face beat red with shame.

Quincy, winced as his tongue brushed his split lip, trying to get the salvia going after his rant. He glanced over at the armchair that sat next to the unlit fireplace and the stool next to it, his chalice sitting on it, empty. He sure could use a drink about now…
word count: 570
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Andráska Venora
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Questioning The Questionable

72nd of Ashan, 716 Arc
There was shouting.

Which meant his arrival was most definitely not welcome. Wincing at the sounds of meek replies and booming demands, Andras made an apologetic face towards the guards, and as the maid began easing herself from the room, guilt gripped the noble's heart. Her face was red in shame and humiliation, but Quincy had been right. It had been far too easy to get inside. "Sorry, love."

His apology was met only with a brief glance and she mumbled that he could enter. The guards, having heard Quincy's invitation of them, stepped closer to him and Andráska sighed. He understood, but he didn't have to like it. Straightening his shoulders, he rubbed his thumb in a circle against the neck of the bottle in his hand, hoping it would soothe the lord's temper. But there was no telling. Andráska didn't always fit in with other noblemen, less so when they were angry.

He took a step forward, suddenly nervous. When he got close enough, he leaned forward and peeked his head into the room, eyes surveying the surroundings. Another fancy bedroom. When he spotted Quincy, he bowed his head in acknowledgement, "Greetings, Lord Quincy," his tone was cautious, and one of the guards cleared his throat.

Andráska slid inside, suddenly feeling like he was entering a lion's den, "Andráska Venora, at your service," He gave a flourish of his hand and a grin, "To ease your mind as to who I am," he looked to the guards, "While I don't look the part," Aka: his clothes were baaaasic, "If you've heard anything about me, you'll know I wouldn't. Black sheep and all that. Here,"

András waved the bottle to show it off, "From the family's reserve. If you think it's poisoned, I'll be more than happy to have the first drink." he laughed, noting that the cork and seal hadn't been broken. The last thing he needed was to be a ignorant pawn in an assassin's plot, "Your friends here can attest to who I am. They saw me at your little party... Wait," The rugged youth started patting his pockets, searching, "I always forget about this."

The invitation, which had been sitting in his jacket since the night of the Andaris gala was yanked from its safehold, just as crumpled as ever. He unfolded it and skimmed it's contents once more, "Do you mind?" He looked at the guards expectantly.

The bottle and invitation hung from his hand and the guards went to retrieve it. They looked it over, inspected it, and then meandered closer to their employer to offer it. Andráska was quick to explain himself, "Just as I told your maids, our houses have always been... besties, if you will." Another grin, "I'm just trying to continue the tradition, offer condolences. Maybe... ask a few questions?" He attempted an innocent smile, and moved to lean against the wall. He waited to see what the young lord would do, secretly wondering if he had cost a girl her job.
word count: 531
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Questioning The Questionable



Story: 1/5
Collaboration: 3/ 5 (2 x posts)
Structure: 5/ 5

Politics: Using your name at just the right time.
Quincy Andaris: Prone to shouting

These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments. What a shame! This looked like it was going to be a really interesting thread! I do feel that you could have gone in and edited this to end it - maybe by having a guard stepping in and saying no, or the invite not being in Andras' pocket and him being shown back out or something? I understand it's frustrating when a thread gets left like this, but it's much better if you can finish it somehow.
Story I've given one point for story because it isn't one - which I understand is not your fault at all -but nonetheless, I can't give more than that for it. However, as always, you play Andras well and consistently and I would have really liked to see this thread happen. A shame - but I look forward to reviewing more of him in this season!
Structure No problems, nice writing style

Quincy - before I can complete your review, you'll need to update your CS. As and when that's done, please drop me or another member of staff a PM and the review will be done quick smart!
Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 245
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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