72nd of Ashan, 716 Arc
How does one make a house call on another noble? Another noble man, at that? Now this was a protocol that Andráska had no idea how to follow. Before him the sprawling estate loomed quietly, a few maids scurrying down the hallways with trays or rugs to be beaten. András nodded to them politely, some giving him curious looks as he waved at them with a bottle of Venora wine in his grasp, "Hello," he greeted with a warm smile.
They gave as small smile, but their thoughts were written plainly on their face. How the hell did he get in here? Clean, but simply dressed, he had no jewelry or designs to distinguish him from another member of the help, "Can you happen to tell me where I might find Quincy?"
One of the maids hesitated, a young and mousy brunette with a button nose, "The Lord," she began, gently correcting without saying so. 'So she does think I'm common!' András thought, grinning, "He is upstairs in his chambers, recovering-" she paused, unsure if she should have offered the information, but it thrilled the other noble.
"Yes, I heard about the incident. House Venora wishes to send its regards," he waved the red wine once more, "Would you mind showing me the way, m'lady?"
Shock flashed on the other maids face and she tried to motion the other girl away, but when the mousy brunette stayed put, the other curtsied and excused herself quickly. The first girl, blushing from being called lady, shrugged sheepishly, "I suppose, but the guards will have to talk to you."
"Very well," András obliged as they began to walk side by side. Little was exchanged between the two as she weaved down the hallways and around corners. Beautiful pieces of artwork lined the walls, and banners of the Andaris insignia hung proudly. A number of paintings with various old, grouchy noblemen watched them with squinty eyes, and even the younger versions looked stiff, no doubt killed by the boredom of their suffocating lives. András stuck his tongue out at the art, mocking it.
"We're here, sir." Before them were two guards, standing at the entrance of Quincy Andaris' bedchambers.
Andráska turned to the maid, "Lord," he corrected her, winking, "Grab me some paper and some ink and quill, won't you love?" Her eyes widened and when András turned to look at the men standing at the entrance, a grin split across his face. The same guards from the party who had denied him entrance, "Friends! We meet again! As I was telling this woman, House Venora wishes to send its regards to Lord Quincy. Our families have always been closely united and such a tragedy has shaken my family to its very bones."
András was almost proud by how professional he sounded. His delivery was perhaps a bit dramatic, but the word choice... Maybe not as good as Alistair or Zvezdana could do, but for him? Not bad. Not bad at all. The guards exchanged glances again before one of them nodded, "I'll have to see if the lord is accepting visitors." Seeing the guards react sent the maid stumbling into a curtsy, and rushing off to get what was requested. Meanwhile, Andráska waited patiently, unsure of what his next move was.
So, he whistled, leaning against the wall and running a thumb over the wine in his hand. Alcohol was always an acceptable gift, right? ooc: Deducted 6gn for a bottle of Venoran wine. Price obtained from Ye Old Inn.
How does one make a house call on another noble? Another noble man, at that? Now this was a protocol that Andráska had no idea how to follow. Before him the sprawling estate loomed quietly, a few maids scurrying down the hallways with trays or rugs to be beaten. András nodded to them politely, some giving him curious looks as he waved at them with a bottle of Venora wine in his grasp, "Hello," he greeted with a warm smile.
They gave as small smile, but their thoughts were written plainly on their face. How the hell did he get in here? Clean, but simply dressed, he had no jewelry or designs to distinguish him from another member of the help, "Can you happen to tell me where I might find Quincy?"
One of the maids hesitated, a young and mousy brunette with a button nose, "The Lord," she began, gently correcting without saying so. 'So she does think I'm common!' András thought, grinning, "He is upstairs in his chambers, recovering-" she paused, unsure if she should have offered the information, but it thrilled the other noble.
"Yes, I heard about the incident. House Venora wishes to send its regards," he waved the red wine once more, "Would you mind showing me the way, m'lady?"
Shock flashed on the other maids face and she tried to motion the other girl away, but when the mousy brunette stayed put, the other curtsied and excused herself quickly. The first girl, blushing from being called lady, shrugged sheepishly, "I suppose, but the guards will have to talk to you."
"Very well," András obliged as they began to walk side by side. Little was exchanged between the two as she weaved down the hallways and around corners. Beautiful pieces of artwork lined the walls, and banners of the Andaris insignia hung proudly. A number of paintings with various old, grouchy noblemen watched them with squinty eyes, and even the younger versions looked stiff, no doubt killed by the boredom of their suffocating lives. András stuck his tongue out at the art, mocking it.
"We're here, sir." Before them were two guards, standing at the entrance of Quincy Andaris' bedchambers.
Andráska turned to the maid, "Lord," he corrected her, winking, "Grab me some paper and some ink and quill, won't you love?" Her eyes widened and when András turned to look at the men standing at the entrance, a grin split across his face. The same guards from the party who had denied him entrance, "Friends! We meet again! As I was telling this woman, House Venora wishes to send its regards to Lord Quincy. Our families have always been closely united and such a tragedy has shaken my family to its very bones."
András was almost proud by how professional he sounded. His delivery was perhaps a bit dramatic, but the word choice... Maybe not as good as Alistair or Zvezdana could do, but for him? Not bad. Not bad at all. The guards exchanged glances again before one of them nodded, "I'll have to see if the lord is accepting visitors." Seeing the guards react sent the maid stumbling into a curtsy, and rushing off to get what was requested. Meanwhile, Andráska waited patiently, unsure of what his next move was.
So, he whistled, leaning against the wall and running a thumb over the wine in his hand. Alcohol was always an acceptable gift, right? ooc: Deducted 6gn for a bottle of Venoran wine. Price obtained from Ye Old Inn.