Patrick Barnell

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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Freedom. To enjoy everything as a free individual, for that is what I live for."

Seasons have passed and now with his trial out of the way, Patrick is on the verge of a new path in his life; a journey to seek redemption. But before he can do this he must first make reparations for his crimes, while under the influence of both Ilaren's and Qylios' curse! Thanks to Famula Dominek has also moved on, and is no longer a ghost looking out for Patrick. To make things interesting the Rharnian is not only aware of his past actions, but also of the fact his father is none other than one of the Shadow Quarter's alleged kingpins. Knowing this now he must be ready to face the trials ahead of him, so that one day he may hopefully earn his freedom back; and live it being the kind of father he never knew.
Fast Facts

Name: Patrick Barnell Aka: Pat, Thorn
Race: Human Gender: Male
Age: 33 Arcs DoB: Ymiden 18 686
Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel Green
Mother: Elinora Barnell Father: Unknown
Birth Place: Rharne Homesteads: One
Location: Rharne Titles: None
Orientation: Bi Alignment: Chaotic Good/Evil
Partner: N/A Ex-Partners: Two
Children: One Companions: Four
Jobs: Freelancer Factions: None
Marks: Three Face Claim: Chris Pratt
Note that Characters can opt for Bonuses after spending a certain amount of time in a city.


Skill: 10
Lore: 5
Bonuses: 3


Bonuses are marked by *
  • Common- Spoken/Written
  • Pailitic- Spoken/Written (Approval)
  • Ith'ession- Spoken/Written*
  • Scalveen- Spoken*
The Main Scenario

Patrick's story first began within the city of Rharne with lingering mystery behind his brother's murder, from there however his path has led him down a multitude of roads. From things like treasure hunting and slowly changing smaller parts of the world, Patrick has experienced much throughout the past few Arcs. More is certainly to come of course, but these are the chapters he's previously uncovered through his story.

The Way To Dawn
Patrick's fate hangs in the balance at his awaited trial, whatever happens on this day will change everything; ultimately creating a chain of events the moment the die is cast.

Judged By Lightning, Light, and Death. - The trial has concluded and with it, a shot to make up for all his wrongs. Patrick has faced three Immortals and their fury, becoming a living example of what happens when one crosses them. Now with a chance to make reparations he will begin a long and arduous journey, overcoming many hardships as he fights to regain what he's sacrificed.

The One With All the Answers - Karvon Murdock remains at large the perpetrator who killed his brother, and now it also appears Patrick remained next on his list. Had he really thought that far ahead? Could Patrick have been set up from the beginning? Nobody knows for sure anymore...

Scenario Theme: A Better Man - King's Road
A Dance of Light and Shadow
For the longest time Patrick has struggled to maintain a true sense of morality, and now his soul hangs in the balance between both light and shadow. With darkness still rampant within and a lack of his own light, the Rharnian must endeavor against the biggest obstacle he's ever come face. Himself.

Echoes of Light - During the day the light of Qylios returns to Patrick, bringing back all the good things about him he comes to lack at night. However the solution only lasts until sundown, in which Patrick must find a way to regain his light completely; or lose himself to his own darkness.

Whispers in the Dark - A world of shadows and darkness is one Patrick has come to known, and within his heart and soul lies a deep entrenching abyss. It is possible to face and overcome such a force, however without the aid of light at his side it nearly remains impossible to approach.

Scenario Theme: Elastic Heart - Sia
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:34 pm, edited 118 times in total. word count: 696
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Kay I gotta be completely honest here, it's taken a lot of crap just to get into this kind of shape."
Upon first glance there is nothing far too outstanding or imposing when it comes to Patrick, granted when he isn't actually the one drawing attention to himself at least; but the sight of the Rharnian easily becomes familiar the moment he does stand apart from the crowd. Patrick stands at an impressive height, six feet and two inches on bare feet, with rich brown hair and hazel eyes that tend to change from time to time. Though unlike the Biqaj where emotion causes this, Patrick's own eye colors are usually based around the lighting; sometimes they're a vibrant green, sometimes they're soft blue, and then sometimes they also appear a deep brown.

More often seen with well kept hair and a beard he normally keeps trimmed, due to it being patchy in a couple spots, he tries to wear whatever form of fashion is most convenient. This leads to him favoring lighter clothing that's typically snug enough to show off his refined physique, although there are times where he doesn't mind dressing up for the appropriate occasion. While he's somewhat taller than the average human, he still tends to remain adept at being light on his feet; favoring agility over power when it comes to tense situations. It goes without saying however that he's certainly proud of his cultivated fit form, as Patrick's managed to pack on pounds of muscle over the past few Arcs.

With strong and resilient physique and taut curves at just the right parts, his silhouette becomes even more impressive once clothes come off. With hair noticeably found in places most obvious there are also marks across his body, scars from the close calls he's suffered throughout the many trials of his misadventures. While hardly a unique specimen in comparison to other mortals, as he certainly appears average, Patrick bolsters a unique sense of pride when he walks; as though no weight in the world is impossible to bear on his shoulders.
Injury Logs
Cold 716

Vhalar 52nd: Nicks and scrapes along the Mid-back and Back Left Shoulder areas (Healed by the 60th)
Vhalar 80th: Minor Concussion (Healed by the 87th), Bruised Cheek (Healed the 90th), Shallow Cut on the Neck (Healed the 86th)
Vhalar 112th: Sprained Right Wrist (Healed By Zi'da 10th), Gash between Index and Middle Finger of Left Hand (Healed by Zi'da 24th), Punctured Front Left Shoulder (Healed by Zi'da 24th), Nick At the Right Earlobe (Healed by Vhalar 120th)
Zi'da 67th: Bruised the Right Leg in various areas (Healed by Zi'da 72nd), Bruised Across Stomach (Healed by Zi'da 72nd)

Rebirth 717

Ashan 42nd: Severe Bite Marks along Left Shoulder/Neck area (Healed Briefly After Received)

Cold 717

Vhalar 12th: Stabbed at the Middle Right Thigh (Healed by Vhalar 38th)
Vhalar 121st: Shot on the Right Shoulder (Healed Upon Awakening)
Zi'da 5th: Minor Gash on the Forehead (Healed by Zi'da 14th), Miniscule cuts on Cheeks (Healed by Zi'da 14th), Minor Case of Hypothermia (Healed by Zi'da 16)

Rebirth 718

Cylus 11th: Minor Overgiving; resulted in Spark/Ether imbalance and control (Resolved by Cylus 30th)
Cylus 28-30th: Sessfiend Rampage (Cuts and Gashes, Third Degree Burns, Severe Mental/Emotional Damage; mostly Healed/Regenerated before Reversion)
Ashan 31st: Dislocation of the Right Shoulder (Resolved Shortly After)
Ashan 48th: STI looked at and treated.
Ashan 110th: Harsh Scrapes on Palms (Healed Ashan 122nd), Interior Body Strained and Violated (Examined Ymiden 2nd, Healed Ymiden 10th)

Hot 718

Ymiden 10th: Slight Bruising On Left Cheek (Healed Ymiden 20th)
Ymiden 83rd: Severe Gash on Forehead, Right Side, followed by Concussion (Healed Vhalar 14th)
Head Injury from Ymiden 83

Hot 719

So far no serious injuries sustained....
Scars and Tattoos

Forehead, Right Side: One Slight Indenture near the temple from a near deathblow of a sword
Forehead, Left Eyebrow: Narrow Scar from jumping through a window
Right Eyelid: A tear shaped scar from a Nightmare, sparkles in certain and situated lighting

Upper Body
Left Lower Neck/Shoulder: Teeth Indentures that emit a faint silver glow
Left Shoulder: Impalement scar near the collar bone caused by a dagger
Right Shoulder: Leaf Shaped Scar from being arrowed in Emerath's Labyrinth
Biceps, Both: Light Marks and Indentures from a Sessfiend Rampage
Forearms, Both: Light Marks and Indentures from a Sessfiend Rampage
Left Hand, Crevice of Index and Middle Finger: Scarring From a severe cut caused by a dagger

Lower Body
Right Thigh, Middle Section: Impaled Spot from where a knife wound was made

Patrick has yet to invest in any tattoos at this point in time.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:50 pm, edited 79 times in total. word count: 821
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"If I had one more day to wish, if I had one more day, to be better than I could have ever been."
Mentality and Behavior

The Split

After the sacrifice made at the Cathedral of Dreams, Patrick's personality has become split into halves due to the lack of his own personal 'good' he possessed. With the light his soul has gathered from his peers lost, Qylios saw to it that he'd have a chance at maintaining some semblance of good. Therefore throughout the daylight hours he retains the good of his humanity, but when sun sets and light recedes from the world; so too does this boon Patrick has been given.

Lucis Absentia
In the state of temporary light Patrick maintains most of what made him good from before The Fall of Emea, a fun loving and caring persona that ideally pursues the ideals of freedom. As a free spirit who had been once caged by Immortal shackles, he struggles often in his own guilt and regrets now. While hardly responsible and liable to follow his whims, he's still a hardy soul that endeavors to promote fun for all. He enjoys seeing others have a good time, and yearns to make things better for those around him now; even when it may as well accost him in the long run. Overall he's adventurous and curious with a hidden love for history, and an attitude that normally gets him into trouble every great once in a while.

Patrick may very well have the temperment of his spiritual animal, the lion, but when it comes to emotion he's easily readable. Anyone who knows him will easily say he wears his heart on his sleeve, and that's certainly not without question, for many of the Rharnian's motives are guided by whatever he feels in the moment. At certain times he'll come off brash or blunt, maybe even able to demonstrate heroic qualities, and then others he's selfish and to an extent withdrawn; coming off as cowardly when in truth he doesn't want to appear weak. Overall pride is his ultimate downfall, and it stems from the difficult life he's led so far. Nevertheless he is a rebellious soul that wants to do good, to even be good, without seeing others suffer along his path.

Coram Tenebris
An enigma. Possibly the wilder aspects of Patrick, which manifest in the ways both obvious and subtle. Upfront he is usually reserved and watchful when it comes to others, his mind wrapped around what used to be the concept of a game. To this version of Patrick life is just that, a game, in which he plays to win one way or another. He proves to be relentless in comparison but almost in a planned manner, far different from the version of Patrick that takes things as they come. Nevertheless he's also less patient and easier to provoke also, bound to act out on his impulses the moment they empower him.

This is essentially what makes Patrick more of a loose cannon among his peers, for he's liable to lash out without a hint of remorse in the moment. He pretends to be unafraid of things such as violence, more so enjoying the excitement or 'rush' he thinks he gets instead. Truthfully he's the side of Patrick that's fearless and sinister, the more selfish and imposing part of the Rharnian that puts himself above all others. Pride is certainly a more prominent aspect one can see upfront, as the influence left behind by the Sessfiend curse still empowers this falsely confident part of him.

Caring - When close enough to consider someone a friend, Patrick will actually out his way to make sure they're looked after.

Free Spirited - One of his defining qualities; Patrick yearns to enjoy and experience all the things in life in his own way.

Hearty - The usual attitude he tends to project, Patrick can be rather comical even in his darkest hour.

Insightful - Surprisingly a trait he secretly possesses, Patrick can sometimes provide great advice or a great idea. Which is why his hunches are never usually wrong.

Observant - Even to a drunkard like Patrick, details are often key when it comes to certain things.

Scholarly - While biased or strongly opinionated, Patrick actually likes the idea of research.

Amoral - Due to his upbringing Patrick doesn't feel inclined to go out his way for others, not unless it might somehow benefit him in the long run.

Blunt - Foul mouthed is putting it lightly; Patrick has little consideration for what he says half the time, and also doesn't consider etiquette to be important.

Compulsive - Driven by the emotions of his heart, Patrick is prone to act based on whim rather than consideration.

Dishonest - While not a devious scheming liar, Patrick doesn't always tell the whole truth either.

Drunkard - Alcohol abuse is an obvious trait he displays, due to a healthy mix of upbringing and past experiences.

Proud - Because he strongly believes "every man is an island," Patrick is utterly stubborn when it boils down to it.

Selfish - Thanks to his upbringing Patrick more so looks out for himself more than anyone else.

Skeptical - Doesn't handle the Supernatural aspect of the world very well. At all.

Alcohol - Extremely alcoholic as it's part of his breakfast, lunch, dinner, and yes; dessert.

Beef - Prefers lots of protein packed meat instead.

Cinnamon - Enjoys the spice favorably when served with whiskey.

Coconut - Finds it good when added with rum.

Fishing - Will sometimes enjoy it recreationally.

Gardening - Actually made a hobby out of it once, and would do it again if given a chance.

Music - Loves to dance and revel in spirit of music sometimes.

Seafood - Will sometimes indulge in a good dish when the mood hits him.

Sex - A constant crave that almost matches his alcoholism, Patrick tends to be a bit of a sex addict.

Aukari - Like every other Rharnian; Patrick bears a innate distrust and even prejudice against Aukari.

Cold - Frigid temperatures are something Patrick loathe to endure come the winter time.

Eggs - Because they disagree with his stomach, Patrick doesn't like to eat eggs at all.

Goats - Because of their eyes and their tendency to ram people, Patrick absolutely hates goats more than Aukari.

Magic - Thanks to his simple upbringing, Patrick has little love towards the arcane; as it comes off supernatural to him.

Sailing - Seasickness is something the Rharnian can easily catch, therefore he loathes the idea of sailing anywhere.

Tea - The bitter substance is one of the few things he won't dare touch; because it's that gross to him.

Vegetables - The type of stuff kids all over dread eating when growing up, Patrick never wanted to eat his even when he felt starvation.

Yludih - Another that bears the innate distrust and prejudice of any Rharnian, and so Patrick treats them with a bit of disdain as well.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:56 pm, edited 69 times in total. word count: 1190
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Stories. That's all history is made up of isn't it? The best stories are the ones that live through the ages, might as well spin a few of my own right?"
Within the confines of the Dust Quarter in Rharne lived a poor woman already a lonesome mother, who brought not one but two children into the world as she struggled make ends meet. Both boys born without a man to call a father, with their lineage is only through their mother, Patrick Barnell was born the youngest of the two siblings early in the heat of Ymiden. With a tenacious spirit that would eventually develop a knack for finding trouble throughout his life.

It was a time that seemed simple but certainly never easy for Patrick, a mother of two boys who wanted to give them everything she could. The idea may certainly be shared by every mother throughout Idalos, however the life Elinora led was never easy as she struggled to find consistent work as she raised two children. In the time she'd spent working she'd count on the mother of a friend to look after them, so that they'd have a place to stay with supervision while the woman labored away.

Though it wasn't often they went to this little farmhouse where their caretaker resided, Patrick and his older brother Dominek quickly made friends with the granddaughter Alexandria while there. Together they grew up tending the chores their caretaker gave them, and later enjoying what precious free time they shared before the boys would have to return home.


Eventually the time came where the boys were old enough to take on small jobs themselves, alleviating some of the weight of responsibility on their mother's shoulders. However even with all their hard work and effort the family still struggled, but with the financial situation only sluggishly improving as time went on. At a time when they least expected it Elinora had caught illness near mid-Zi'da one Arc, and the fever took her before the boy's could manage to get her the care she needed.

Left as orphans in the world they were provided with a place to stay thanks to their caretaker, however both of them vowed that they would one day earn a better living within the city. Thus they set their sights on the higher peaks of Rharne and dreamed, enough to make it something worth chasing as they focused more on work in their spare time. This led to them taking even more questionable jobs in the streets of Rharne's Dust Quarter, working mostly as laborers but with a more dark and secretive lifestyle. Since they had a knack for getting into places they shouldn't have been allowed, this proved useful for smugglers that needed something moved or stolen.

Thus the two boys slowly worked their way up, enough to be able to afford a life within the city's walls. As they were getting closer to the first milestone of their goal, they found more time to spare and spent it with close friends. In the duration of that time Patrick found himself, unusually but surely, falling for the girl Lexi they'd grown together with. Of course this had been a very testive chapter of their lives, but sure enough as they grew older they soon found life had more tough obstacles ahead.


As they settled within the Earth Quarter of Rharne together, both boys had an entirely new lifestyle to adjust to. They weren't afraid of getting their hands dirty due to past jobs, but the increased interaction of the knights led them to realize such methods would only hinder their prowess. So rather than condemn themselves to the prison of Rharne, Dominek took it upon himself to squire under a knight so that he could provide for his little brother. Felissa had become weaker as the Arcs passed, so Lexi spent more time looking after her grandmother while the boys focused on their goals.

Not long after Patrick finally started working at the Bronze Boar she came to pass away, leaving Lexi to live alongside the boys as they gave her a place to stay. The three of them shared a place together as both Pat and Dom continued their work, while Lexi felt lost within her own grief after no longer having anymore family around. This led to dissent between her and Patrick as she wound up wanting to leave Rharne, whereas he wanted to continue building that idealistic life he wanted for them. When they had their last disagreement however and he walked out on Lexi, Patrick later returned to find she'd taken all her stuff and left without a word.

Thus the Rharnian lost sight of what it was he truly wanted from then on, as he realized the one person he'd grown to love walked out on him. This led to him developing problematic behaviors, such as obsessive drinking and whoring, to alleviate the amount of heartache he suffered. With nothing else to distract him however he focused more on being independent, and eventually managed to save up enough to live in his own flat as Dom served among the knights.


The Arcs fly by as the two continued to live with their same lifestyle, the older brother a constant warden for the troublesome younger. While Patrick never made life any easier, the two had grown accustomed to the idea of settling where they were. Things felt simple once more after the amount of time that had passed, and when it seemed they were ready to accept where they were in life; tragedy yet again struck the both of them in the most unexpected way.

Patrick suffered the incredible loss of his beloved brother.

With Dominek taken away from him Patrick had lost all sense of purpose from then on, living as a numb and broken man unable to change the reality around him. He wanted to find the one responsible for the death of his older brother, but with no leads and the Knight's investigation producing no results; he'd been forced to accept the facts as they were. His older brother was gone and thus, Patrick had been the only one left in his miserable life. Thankfully he still had one or two others that were concerned enough for him, as Daveth always kept him in line while Pat remained employed at the Bronze Boar.

That of course is just the prologue of the Rharnian, the rest of his story still unfolds to this very day...

Post Memories
Decode - Solo
Refuge From Snow - Ellen'wyn
The Guardian of Orimar - Ellen, Finn, Oberan, Niv
The Lost City - Ellen, Finn, Oberan, Niv
Into the Deep - Ellen, Finn, Oberan, Niv
The Fiend Unleashed - Ellen, Maltruism
For Better or Worse - Ellen
Chasing the Line - Alistair
Lunch for Shmucks? - Alistair
A Disposition of Trust - Alistair
What Fates Deem Irony - Noth
The Long Run - Faith
This Path You Walk - Nalin
So Close and yet - Faith
Fun In Games - Maxine, Amaris, Basilisk
A Curse That Haunts - Faith
Castle of Glass - Faith
We'll Walk It Together - Nalin
The Tides of Change - Various
The Call - Aegis
Remembrance - Faith, Amaris, Sephira, Rynata, Kura
The Last Place One Wants To Be - Solo
Snap, Crackle… - Amaris
I'll Give You A Thunderstorm - Devin
Thirty-Two Arcs - Nalin, Amaris
A Blast From the Past - Wendell, Freya
A Pair of Kings - Mute
Dancer Distress - Amaris, Rynata
Dark Hearts: Light My Fire - Amaris, Nalin, Adam
Dark Hearts: Who Wants to Live Forever? - Event
Moving In and Moving On - Sephira, Rey'na, Toraj, Amaris
The Search For Finch and Poppy - Solo
Rumor and Mythos - Solo
Shadow Touched With Light - Solo
The Maze: Round 1 & 2 - Pegasus
The Maze: Round 3 - Pegasus, Eliza
The Maze: Round 4 - Pegasus, Eric
The Maze: Round 5 - Pegasus, Eliza
The Maze: The Beginning (At the Heart) - Pegasus,Various
What Your In For - Lorena
How Do These Things Work Again? - Solo
When A Triumphant Returns - Aneka, Yavanna, Yrmellan
Return to the Fold - Solo
Somewhere to Belong - Solo
A Bronze Boar Brawl - Nir'wei
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:33 pm, edited 79 times in total. word count: 2128
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"I've been told that I tend to shut people out, even when they can see that I'm hurting; there may be some truth to that story."
The Companions


Full Name: Elinora Barnell
Nickname: Nora
Race: Human
DoB: Ashan 48 655
Age: 46 Arcs (Upon Death)
Gender: Female
Status: Deceased as of Zi'da 43 701
NPC Type: Memory

Relationship: Mother
In-Depth: Someone very dear and close to Patrick even during the times she struggled to raise him, Elinora was the only other living person apart from Dominek the Rharnian initially cared for. Thus when her time came to an end due to the fever, Patrick's carried with him a sense of guilt ever since; for never being able to save the woman did so much for him growing up.



Full Name: Dominek Barnell
Nickname: Dom
Race: Human
DoB: Vhalar 24 682
Age: 33 Arcs (Upon Death)
Gender: Male
Status: Crossed Over Ashan 29 720
NPC Type: Personal, Ghost

Relationship: Half-Brother
In-Depth: Another important figure in Patrick's life, Dominek took the role of a big brother very seriously. Always looking out for Patrick and helping him out of troublesome situations, the older sibling even joined the Inquisition forces of the Lightning Knights also. Of course keeping his brother in line has never been easy, and in recent times Dominek has come to realize that is why Patrick acts out in the way he does.

10 Acrobatics 15 Caregiving
10 Climbing 5 Discipline
5 Endurance 15 Field Craft
10 Stealth 5 Strength
15 Blades: Broadsword 10 Shielded: Buckler
Death Remnant (Shards of Regret)
Dominek's pain and torment manifests as a minor cold stinging within the chest cavity, causing those affected to experience choking sensations as they cough up blood; a sense of sorrow accompanies these episodes.
20 Materialization 10 Possession 20 Syphon


Full Name: Felissa Beurnen
Nickname: Lissa
Race: Human
DoB: Zi'da 12 636
Age: 68 Arcs (Upon Death)
Gender: Female
Status: Deceased as of Ashan 42 704
NPC Type: Memory

Relationship: Caretaker
In-Depth: Someone who was very helpful and supportive when the boys were orphaned, Felissa took in both Patrick and Dominek with a few stricter rules on them. This naturally led Patrick to seek his own way instead, but overtime helped him learn to appreciate the care she provided for them. Without Felissa Pat and Dom both would've had no place to stay for a while, and while she often butted heads with Patrick; he's never forgotten how much he truly owes such a respectful woman.

20Agriculture20Animal Husbandry


Full Name: Alexandria Beurnen
Nickname: Lexi
Race: Human
DoB: Ashan 88 687
Age: 32 Arcs
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal

Relationship: It's Complicated
In-Depth: One of the few actual friends Patrick made in his childhood years, Alexandria grew up watching the boys in their own world mostly. However that didn't mean she existed outside of it either, gradually the boys and Lexi became closer as the Arcs went by; eventually causing Pat and Dom to fight over her for a little while. However it was Patrick that she chose and in doing so, the two of them experienced a time of companionship. It held it's moments of course as would any tested relationship, however it was after Felissa's death that Lexi seemed to drift away; thus resulting in her leaving Rharne after one last argument made between her and Patrick.

10Animal Husbandry30Childcare
20Seduction15Unarmed Combat


Full Name: Daxter Beurnen
Nickname: Dax
Race: Human
DoB: Ashan 14 705
Age: 15 Arcs
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal

Relationship: Son
In-Depth: A total mystery that Patrick has never known about for fourteen Arcs, the young boy is both someone he wishes to get to know but also; keep at a safe distance for a multitude of reasons.

25Drawing15Pick Pocketing
20Unarmed Combat


Full Name: Garland Crowley
Nickname: Crowley
Race: Human
DoB: Vhalar 93 659
Age: 60 Arcs
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal

Relationship: Close Friend
In-Depth: While their partnership merely started out as a potential expedition for historical treasure, Crowley and Patrick are both long time pals after what they survived with Orimar. Though the two don't always agree on everything, Crowley has grown to treat Patrick almost like a second family; even so much as to look out for the Rharnian to the best of his ability.

15Linguistics10Pick Pocketing
20Ranged (Crossbow)15Research
10Strength15Unarmed (Brawling)


Full Name: Ri'naku
Nickname: Ri'ku, Ri
Race: Fae (Fairy)
DoB: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal
Approval: PB Award

Relationship: Close Friend
In-Depth: Ri'ku's relationship with Patrick is one backed with years of adventures and mishaps, with her often being the only encouragement he had during most times. She's proven strong for such a tiny creature, as well as tactful when put in intense situations. Yet it's her compassion that truly defines Ri'ku, for she's remained ever so watchful and endearing towards Patrick the moment they met.



Full Name: Lush the Lion
Nickname: Fenvur
Race: Animal/Diri?
DoB: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal
Approval: Event Award

Relationship: Familiar
In-Depth: There's an innate bond that connects the two of them together, enough to where Patrick can not just hear but almost feel Fenvur's thoughts. The both of them get along agreeably, yet there are still a few mysteries remaining between the two of them.



Full Name: Karvon Murdock
Nickname: Kar
Race: Human
DoB: Ymiden 24 686
Age: 33 Arcs
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
NPC Type: Personal

Relationship: Enemy
In-Depth: Someone Patrick loathes incredibly and nearly wishes death upon, for Karvon is the one responsible with Dominek and his murder. The truth however isn't so clear cut anymore, and Pat has come to the conclusion that Karvon is hiding it. For what purpose however hardly matters, as he only wishes to exact justice on behalf of his older brother.

20Acrobatics20Blades (Bastard)
20Deception20Shield (Buckler)
20Unarmed Combat
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:13 pm, edited 76 times in total. word count: 1103
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Funny thing about faith? It's hard as hell to fake, believin' looks a lot like gamblin'."
On the night of Cylus 25th, Patrick gave into the pursuit of an idea his friends had come up with; believing that it would help him learn to control his darkness. Lush and Ri'ku instructed him to confront it head on, believing that if he could break through; then Patrick could undergo a series of trials within the Dreamscapes. Reluctant but willing to give it a try, for the sake of his son, Patrick braved those dark depths to encounter a shadowy form of himself deep within. The two clashed and while the battle proved difficult, Patrick eventually defeated the shadow form; briefly tasting victory before Qylios intervened. Aware that he had not only bonded with his son momentarily, but also considered bonding Her light with his darkness, the Immortal proceeded to curse him for his blasphemous actions.

Leading Patrick to awaken in a world of total pitch black.


Rank: Cursed
Earned Powers: 0

Celarion as a curse prevents the individual from seeing any trace of light in the world, rendering the vision of the Cursed to total blindness; until such a time comes the curse is lifted.


Currently Patrick's relationship with the Immortal of Bonds and Light is utterly strained, due to his actions conflicting Qylios' domains after the Fall of Emea. He's grown aware of himself however and also regretful of everything he's done in that time, hopeful that he can one day redeem himself from her curse.


On the day of Ashan 1st 719 Patrick came to face with a growing zealot problem, as Chrien worshippers had slandered the Cathedral the night before. When he noticed two particular men entering the bar he worked within, their shady demeanor prompted him to investigate further. While heroism wasn't exactly the driving factor behind his actions, the Rharnian wasn't going to risk letting these possible suspects ruin anymore bars in town. Thus he not only setup a trap for the two before tailing them further towards the cathedral, but took on one of the two men by himself when the opportunity was just right. While he had managed to succeed in subduing his current threat, he had not been aware that the High Matron herself chased the other zealot.

Due to his actions against Ilaren and Rharne during Ymiden 719, Patrick is no longer in possession of this blessing for the time being.


Rank: Cursed
Earned Powers: 0

Palenon as a curse enhances sounds heard within the vicinity of the Cursed, overwhelming the auditory senses with heightened ambience; until such a time comes the curse is lifted.


While his respect for the High Matron of Rharne remains, Patrick's relationship with Ilaren has become exceedingly rocky; due to his actions during the war against Ellasin during Ymiden 719. Faith never being one of his best qualities, Patrick has always struggled to fully believe in higher powers beyond his mortality. That said he is well aware of Ilaren's might and influence over Rharne, and he hopes to make amends so that he can improve the bond between him and the Immortal once more.


Patrick gained his blessing of Rusalkis from Chrien after a bad misadventure, spent within the cold mountain peaks of the Scalvoris mountains. A curious entity beckoned for him to seek her out, luring him even when signs suggested that he turn back. When he ventured into a system of caves he eventually discovered what called out to him, in turn becoming trapped by the entities pet when he pushed forward. Thus he came to lose his Spark of Rupturing to the creature, barely surviving the encounter let alone the descent below. It was when he exited the caves that Chrien awaited him, granting him Her blessing in turn as he endeavored to put his ordeal far behind him.


Rank: Favored
Earned Powers: 3


Patrick's relationship with the Immortal of Storms is dismal if anything else, as he shows little favor towards Her even with his mark. Ultimately he acknowledges her presence on Idalos after meeting her, as his tendency to gamble falls in favor with her domain of Luck.


Turbulent Waters
An ability that works on any body of water deep enough for the Rusalka to swim in, Turbulent Waters causes the water to toss and turn, rage and roar as if a storm had risen, even if the day is as clear as can be. In addition, there are strong and uncontrollable riptides under the waves. For an unskilled Rusalka, Turbelent Waters can be dangerous to use, but for the skilled, it is a dangerous and deadly ability. This is due to the fact that while the Rusalka is safe from the waters themselves, they are not immune to any effects the waters have on other things. This ability can only be used once a trial at full strength, more often if the Rusalka affects a smaller area. The power affects an area up to three nautical miles in diameter and lasts for a break.

Favorable Outcome
An ability that allows the Rusalka to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or any thing of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the Rusalka's favor. The skill can be used as many times in a row as the Rusalka desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.

Rusalkis Skills I
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Swimming, Seafaring, Torture, Polearms, Gambling, or Fishing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:29 pm, edited 95 times in total. word count: 1019
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


What can I say? I'm good! I'm damn good! Did I say I'm damn good? Oh wait I just did."

Note: The Roles and Abilities section of this CS is purely OOC material, and is not integrated part of the skill system on Standing Trials.


The Roles and Abilities system is an implemented idea that combines RPG based leveling systems with the skill progression system found here. A typical leveling system revolves around grinding through levels to unlock new abilities, or even some unique powers connected to that character depending on the character/lore in question. However this take on the system is based more on skill progression, alongside the consideration of story/plot progression made with this character.

For this PC there are a set number of "Roles" available, but what is a Role exactly? Well if you've ever played or watched other PVP/PVE RPG's, there are some that contain a system with various roles one can play. People who prefer damage above all usually go for DPS, tanks are the juggernauts of the battlefield, and healers keep the party alive. It's a pretty straightforward system that works for most RPG's, and the source of inspiration behind this section here.

Improving Roles
Each Role this PC has can be developed further, which is where the skill based system found here plays in part. When these Roles change, more and more abilities become available to learn and unlock in their progression. Most of the abilities found here are action based, meaning they tie into combat or require a fair amount of skill leveling to pull off with succession. Not only does the improvement of Roles allow this, but they also play a part in how the story is able to progress as well.

Abilities are broken down into three separate branches, and play a pivotal role in how this PC develops. The first branch are Action abilities, and as the name indicates they tend to happen through use of intent. Movement abilities are the second branch, and their use impacts the PC's capacity to get around in certain conditions. Finally the Support abilities are those that, as imposed, support the character in certain situations.

Unlocking New Abilities
Most RPG's utilize a leveling system a player simply has to grind through, unlocking the abilities tied to their character through that said system. This system however implements the Skill and Lore mechanics, and therefore requires the successful building of the two in order to attain these new Abilities. Movesets for combos aren't just unlocked, but earned through the PC's trial and error within the RP.

► Show Spoiler


"If violence isn't the solution, then are you even using it enough?"

Current Rank Level: Two (Competent)
Progression: Mediator - Fighter - ? - ? - ?
Blades: Broadsword
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Shielded: Buckler
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Unarmed: Brawling
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"Sometimes you have to get your hands a little dirty."

Current Rank Level: One (Novice)
Progression: Rogue - ? - ? - ? - ?
Blades: Dagger
► Show Spoiler
Dual Wielding
► Show Spoiler
Thrown: Knives
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"The mind is the best tool in your arsenal, the greatest weapon at your disposal."

Current Rank Level: One (Novice)
Progression: Scholar - ? - ? - ? - ?
Ranged: Crossbow
► Show Spoiler


"The will to survive can push so many boundaries."

Current Rank Level: One (Novice)
Progression: Practitioner - ? - ? - ? - ?
Polearm: Quarterstaff
► Show Spoiler
Whip: Bullwhip
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Special Abilities

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Grandmaster Capstones
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Celarion Abilities
► Show Spoiler
Palenon Abilities
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Rusalkis Abilities
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Linked Commands
*Through use of Leadership the party leader applies teamwork to overcome his opponents.
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Form Shift
*During combat Patrick is able to learn and master different battle styles, considerably altering his effectiveness on the field of battle.
► Show Spoiler
Supernatural Skills

The Power of Dreamwalking
Gained from being at the heart of The Maze event in 718, Patrick slowly came to realize that he could lucidly dream afterwards. Eventually he started to explore the promising new power, only to find that he had much to learn when it came to his own limitations. After The Fall of Emea took place however, he's become more and more focused on the mastery of this skill; as he seeks to explore any and every possible venue it opens up to him.


Initiation/Bonuses: 15 (The Maze, Crack in the Wall: Waiting Place)
Dream Threads: 14 (28XP)
Dreamwalking Prowess: 43/100
Powers Unlocked: 5/11


Lucid Dreaming
Upon being initiated into Dreamwalking, a Dreamwalker first gains the very basic understanding of the reality of dreams and becomes more likely to gain self-awareness in their dreams, increasing probability that they can retain information in the waking world. Not all dreams will be lucid even for a Dreamwalker, but their initiation into the ability gives them the liberty of choosing to explore their dreams in more depth, which is a prerequisite of all other implied ventures by the Dreamwalker.

An extension of this ability is that a lucid Dreamwalker can make others lucid as well, with simply a touch. This isn't guaranteed to work every time, but the likelihood increases with the level of dreamwalking.
The namesake ability of a Dreamwalker is to Walk. It's to exit their own Dreamscape and step into the Veil. Their body in Idalos remains there, but their mind ventures further into Emea in order to access the parts of the Veil within range of their body. Walking allows the Dreamwalker to access the Veil itself, gaining awareness of Dreamscapes in their vicinity and gaining familiarity with the mechanics of the Veil.

With this ability granting access to the Veil, the Dreamwalker finds themselves able to access the entrances to other people's Dreamscapes. These entrances are not always so obvious as to finding a doorway in the Veil, and opening them is different for each person. Only dreamwalkers may find them, as well as open them. For all others, these entrances simply do not exist. The dreamwalker typically does not require permission of the dreamscape's owner to enter their dreamscape, unless there are specific protections put into place.

Walking does not allow for the Dreamer to seek out specific dreams,or dreamers, but gives them the ability to begin to explore.
Most Dreamwalkers desire the ability to control their environment. It isn't until they learn to Govern that they truly become able to, but the scope of their control is still limited. A Dreamwalker at this stage is able to Govern their own Dreamscapes, enabling the Dreamwalker to influence the environment and content of the currently ongoing dream by forcing their will on it, shifting the reality of the dream at their whim. They become able to create new items, objects, areas, buildings and even creatures to insert into the Dreamscape, limited only by their imagination and prior experience. They can control everything within their dreamscape, with the exception of other people who enter.
While Walking enables the Dreamwalker to exit their Dreamscape into the Veil and, from there, interact with the Dreamscapes of others, it isn't until they unlock Crossing that they gain access to the Untold. When one Crosses into the Untold, they bring their physical body with them, which is a requirement before the Dreamwalker can step past the Veil and into the Untold. As such, the Dreamwalker doesn't have to already be asleep in order to Cross, as they are fully conscious and aware when stepping past the threshold of reality and physically enter the Veil and, further, the Untold. A Dreamwalker that Crosses into another dreamer's Dreamscape may choose to exit back into Idalos at the dreamer's physical location, effectively teleporting them. Once they are able to Cross, taking their physical body with them into Emea, all abilities such as magics, blessings, etc are available. This only brings the Dreamwalker, nothing else from Idalos. The actual act of Crossing varies from dreamwalker to dreamwalker, ranging from walking through a door to falling through the barrier.

With this ability, the Dreamwalker may now also seek out specific dreams and dreamers.

With Crossing comes the ability to also establish Brands. These are a manifestation of intention and memorization for the Dreamwalker, an ethereal mark of their own design that is placed on an individual or location in Emea or Idalos, effectively lighting them up like beacons that shine through the Veil and the Untold, allowing the Dreamwalker to safely navigate and find their way back to these locations or individuals no matter the physical distance. Once a Brand has been created, it is extremely difficult to remove, often requiring a massive effort on the part of the Dreamwalker. There is no set method of removal, as they are as unique as dreamwalkers themselves, but it comes at significant cost.

Branding an individual mechanically allows the Dreamwalker to seek out their Dreamscape amongst all others, and Branding a location in Emea allows them to find their way back to it without getting lost. Branding a physical location in Idalos allows the Dreamwalker to physically travel to it by Crossing through the Untold from anywhere in the world. They may not travel back once they Cross, unless their original location is also Branded. All Brands have to be awarded and acknowledged by in-game Knowledges in order to be valid and used. While the appearance of distant Brands is unique to each dreamwalker, a common one is the appearance of a particularly bright star, the grows as you get closer.
While risky, it is possible for the Dreamwalker to take anything, or anyone, from Idalos with them into Emea, either through physical contact in Idalos or by entering an individual's Dreamscape and carrying their body into the dream by Crossing through to reach the body itself, a Dreamwalker can Escort the mortal into the Veil and beyond, into the Untold. The Escorted mortal may resist this effort physically or with high enough levels of Discipline and/or Meditation if they are unwilling. Escorting does not allow for Emean things to be removed through this method.
Anchoring (Locked)
Anchoring is the ability to further bridge the gap between dream and reality. A Dreamwalker is able to Anchor objects, people, creatures, etc, in the physical reality of Idalos by reverse-Escorting them back into reality. This carries with it a number of risks both for Idalos and whatever materials, objects or creatures that the Dreamwalker carries with them, as compatibility is not guaranteed. Mechanically, this enables the Dreamwalker to bring with them items and objects from Emea into Idalos, provided they are physically holding them as they Cross back into reality.
Cloaking (Locked)
Cloaking is the ability to hide a Dreamwalker both in Emea and Idalos. They become able to force themselves into a level of existence somewhere outside of reality, Cloaking themselves from the perceptions of those around them. They become effectively undetectable by all means beyond physical, as their physical body is still present and will still interact with the physical reality as normal (such as bumping into or touching other people or objects, including leaving tracks in sand or snow or stirring vegetation when it's passed through). Furthermore, they may elect to Cloak themselves in Emea, making them undetectable to other entities or Dreamwalkers. While in effect, this protection is absolute. However, it does prevent the Dreamwalker from leaving the plane of existence they are in while activated. This means that they must deactivate Cloaking if they wish to journey from Idalos to various sections of Emea, to the Beneath, etc and vice versa.
Dreamweaving (Locked)
Dreamweaving allows a dreamwalker to establish a permanent dreamscape setting. A dreamwalker's dreamscape will always remain in the state they've left it in, if they so desire. This allows the dreamwalker to make a permanent home of sorts. Adjusting this dreamscape still requires Governing to be used.

This allows the player to write up a Location and have it submitted into Dreamscapes to serve as their permanent dreamscape. This location must also be created IC through the use of Governing and must be reviewed before the location will be approved. Anyone accessing their dreamscape must reference the location's writeup. Any changes or upgrades to this location MUST be made IC and reviewed before the location writeup may be edited.
Lockdown (Locked)
Lockdown allows a dreamwalker to pass the protections of Cloaking on to their dreamscape, as well as allow for a few other features. While Lockdown is activated, most beings or entities are unable to detect or access the dreamscape, nor anything within it. The most notable exceptions to this are Jesine and Kielik themselves. Additionally, everything within the dreamscape, including people, during Lockdown are unable to leave unless they have access to the Lockdown ability themselves. This does not deactivate the Lockdown, this merely allows them to find and use the exit. The dreamwalker that activated lockdown must deactivate it to enter or exit the dreamscape themselves. They may still fall asleep, but they do not dream.
Expansion (Locked)
Expansion allows the dreamwalker to build doorways within their Dreamscape that grant direct passage to a Branded person, location, or object. This is a two way travel for the Dreamwalker themselves and any object or creature/being without a soul. Beings with souls can access the return journey only if they themselves have access to Expansion. These doorways may appear as any type of entryway and differentiate from dreamwalker to dreamwalker.

The construction of this doorway must be done IC, and requires the dreamwalker to build both sides of it. Once completed, the reviewer will grant the doorway to the dreamwalker to be utilized.
The Living Dream (Locked)
The Living Dream allows a dreamwalker to bring their dreamscape setting, fully, into Idalos, to exist fully and truly. Effectively, this is as if the Escorted the entire dreamscape. This is all or nothing, never partial. This is a very tumultuous ability that requires the Dreamwalker to be on hand to often plan ahead readily, as Idalos may not be so receptive to the arrival of a new location. If a forest dreamscape setting is brought forth on the slopes of a snowy mountain, they will still be affected by the snow and cold.

Rather than just being laid atop the designated area, potentially causing mass destruction and calamity, the area begins to phase into the space from Emea, starting off as transparent and becoming more and more solid. The dreamscape cannot replace existing objects or structures in the space, so if the dreamscape is intersected by them, those parts of the dreamscape will not come into existence. Bringing forth the dreamscape can never outright damage Idalosian objects and matter. And once it phases into existence fully, it is subject to standard Idalos physics and phenomena. This process takes a full trial to complete, and is so draining on the dreamwalker, that they tend to be unable to dream for many trials following this.

Additionally, this relocation is permanent. Once in Idalos, the dreamwalker has no direct control over the area as they do while it is in their dreamscape.

Once a setting has been relocated, the dreamwalker's dreamscape resets, and allows for a new one to be built.

The Spark of Rupturing
Inherited from the mage Alistair Venora as they used it for a means astral project across Idalos together. The Spark itself had been passed from a few generations, namely that of Ellasin herself, and remained a restrained part of Patrick due to his hatred of magic. Needless to say he learned to utilize it's basic power more so for an advantage gain, that is until the relationship between inherent and predecessor grew difficult. This led to him being liberated from the Spark in a violent manner, which ironically led him to receiving Chrien's blessing shortly after the event took place.

Powers, Brands, and Mutations


Bright Eyes - When Patrick attempted to utilize the power of Rupturing his eyes would brighten, manifesting as a golden glow within his irides; once he started to utilize the power of the Spark more frequently.

Competency Awakening
Ethereal Impressions - When Patrick would attempt to warp through space, particularly with Blinking Ingresses/Egresses, the very fabric of reality around him was affected. The moment of his leap from Point A to Point B would release a short burst of energy, creating a Ethereal figure which resembled his very form before the jump was made.


Porthole - Not Learned
Blink - Learned
Portal - Learned
Scry - Not Learned
Gateway - Not Learned
Beacon - Not Learned
Rend - Not Learned

Phasing - Learned
Allows for the user to create a portal that only allows vision and through extremely short distances (such as a few feet). This will not appear on the other side, which allows for one to spy on someone from another room. Requires little time, effort and ether to maintain. At Competent, you can hear through this portal as well. These portals make no volume, considering they cannot be entered, and thus do not truly tear space

Roar - Learned
Roaring is an ability unlocked at Competent. As a portal tears the air asunder with a shriek, this power builds on that. A Rupturer does not quite tear the air, but claw it. The sound created is a terrible and ferocious roar they can conjure anywhere within their range. The sound is loud enough to crack glass, damage eardrums, and shake most things. Those subjected to it often feel a strange sense of vertigo afterward, making balance all the more difficult.

Skills, Lore, and XP Tracker


Fighter: 611 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 1,000 XP)

Rogue: 345 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Scholar: 175 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Practitioner: 438 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Charmer: 434 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Trader: 200 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Nomad: 135 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Collector: 200 XP (Next Role Unlocked At: 500 XP)

Total XP: 2370 XP
Skill Lore Earned: 805 Total


Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Blades: Broadsword 75 XP 75 C
Endurance 5 SP, 6 BP, 3 RA, 242 XP 256 GM
Intimidation - 0 N
Mount: Lion 25 XP 25 N
Resistance 65 XP 65 C
Running 75 XP 75 C
Shielded: Buckler 15 XP 15 N
Strength 25 XP 25 C
Torture - 0 N
Unarmed, Brawling (FT) 5 SP, 2 NH, 68 XP 75 C

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Acrobatics 5 SP, 70 XP 75 C
Blades: Dagger 25 XP 25 N
Deception 120 XP 120 C
Disguise - 0 N
Dual Wielding - 0 N
Lock Picking - 0 N
Pickpocketing 25 XP 25 N
Stealth 75 XP 75 C
Thrown: Knives 25 XP 25 N
Tracking - 0 N

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Detection 75 XP 75 N
Engineering - 0 N
Mathematics - 0 N
Medicine - 0 N
Poisons - 0 N
Research 15 XP 15 N
Siege Weaponry - 0 N
Singing 10 XP 10 N
Ranged: Crossbow 75 XP 75 C
Trap Making - 0 N

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Discipline 150 XP 150 M
Dreamwalking 43 XP 43 C
Ensorcelling - 0 N
Logistics 25 XP 25 N
Meditation 3 NH, 22 XP 25 N
Polearms: Quarterstaff 75 XP 75 C
Psychology 25 XP 25 N
Rupturing 70 XP 70 C
Tactics 25 XP 25 N
Whip: Bull - 0 N
Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Acting 25 XP 25 N
Caregiving 25 XP 25 N
Dancing - 0 N
Etiquette - 0 N
Gambling 25 XP, 3 BP 28 N
Leadership 25 RB 25 N
Rhetoric 5 SP, 70 XP 75 C
Seduction 5 SP, 3 NH, 242 XP, 6 RA 256 GM
Socialization - 0 N
Sociology - 0 N

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Brewing - 0 N
Business Management 25 XP 25 N
Construction - 0 N
Cooking 10 SP, 15 XP 25 N
Interrogation - 0 N
Mixology 25 XP 25 N
Negotiation 25 XP 25 N
Persuasion 100 XP 100 E
Politics - 0 N
Teaching - 0 N

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Climbing 25 XP 25 N
Field Craft 25 XP 25 N
Fishing - 0 N
Hunting - 0 N
Investigation 25 XP 25 N
Linguistics 25 XP 25 N
Mining - 0 N
Navigation 2 NH, 18 XP 20 N
Seafaring - 0 N
Swimming 5 SP, 10 XP 15 N

Attribute Criteria Level Proficiency
Animal Husbandry - 0 N
Animal Training - 0 N
Cryptography - 0 N
Drawing 25 XP 25 N
Forgery - 0 N
Gardening 10 SP, 15 XP 25 N
Instrument: Gittern 25 XP 25 N
Intelligence 75 XP 75 C
Storytelling 25 XP 25 N
Writing 25 XP 25 N

XP Bank

7 Warmth in the Cold
10 The Brother's Keeper
10 A Man's Hope is His Castle
10 Cat and Mouse
10 A Legacy Left Behind
10 A Night Under the Stars
10 Mixology 101: Flavor Is Everything
10 Being The Bartener Isn't So Bad
10 A Love That Hurts Long After
9 Little Lion Man
8 Red in Winter
13 Fun and Misery, Both Love Company
15 Fun and Misery, Both Love Company II
15 Never Not Trouble
8 The Lightning's Shadow
10 Silver and Cold
15 With Fist and Thunder
15 Banter and Canter
15 Repayment
15 Echoes of the Past
6 Coded Secrets
15 A Shiner
15 Broken
15 And When the Morning Comes
15 Stop There, Let Me Correct It
15 Brother, What Hath Become?
10 The Bottom of the Bottle
15 Green Isn't the Color of My Thumb
15 Just Business
15 Closing Time
15 The Drunk and a Pirate
15 The Drunk and a Pirate
15 Business and Pleasure
15 Heal Or Die
15 Going Home
15 A Dog's Life
15 The Hound and Rose
15 Call of the Wild
15 Hungry for the Kill
15 Hegemony
15 Pride
15 Unsung the Versed
15 For Safekeeping
15 The Arcane Enterprise
15 In Depths We Tread
9 The Hunch
14 Blood on the Hand
15 Direction in the Wind
14 Well Abroad
15 Rock the Boat
15 Riding the Tide
14 Hurt
8 Unfairly Got Another
15 And So We Meet Again
15 Refuge from the Cold
15 Ne'haer or Far
15 Lost in Translation
- Saoire Event 716
15 Men of Night
15 Dashing Through Snow
15 A Cave of Wonder
15 A Business Propostion
15 When in Ne'haer
15 Making Home in the Void
15 The Fairly Fair Fellow
10 Nothing's Changed
15 Bad Intentions
15 Goodbye Patali
10 Bottoms Up
15 Tea and Taste
15 In the Scheme of Things
15 The Devil Makes Work for Idle Hands
- Infinitus Bibliothecam
15 As the Rush Comes
10 Word Around Town
15 Push Comes to Shove
15 Just Business
15 Under My Skin
10 Right Back At It
10 The Beast Inside
10 Giving "It" A Shot
15 First Night
15 Forgotten Sanctuary
15 In Pursuit of a God
15 Dark Shadows
15 Out in the Open
15 The Set Up
15 Two Arcs Later
15 What Have We Become
15 Prisoner of the Beast
10 When the Night Falls
20 Round Two, Fight!
20 Begging Forgiveness
- Saoire Event 717
10 Rumor Has It
10 The Expert On This Shindig
15 An Unlikely Alliance
15 Finder's Keepers
10 The Voyage Home
10 The Return Home
10 Ho Ho- Oh!
10 Wrapping Up Loose Ends
15 The Second Rate Expedition
15 A Shipment to Hijack
10 Decode
15 Refuge From Snow
15 The Guardian of Orimar
15 The Lost City
20 Into the Deep
20 The Fiend Unleashed
15 For Better or Worse
15 Chasing the Line
15 Lunch for Shmucks?
15 A Disposition of Trust
15 What Fates Deem Irony
15 The Long Run
15 This Path You Walk
15 So Close and yet
Fun In Games
15 A Curse That Haunts
20 Castle of Glass
15 We'll Walk It Together
20 The Tides of Change
15 The Call
15 Remembrance
10 The Last Place One Wants To Be
Snap, Crackle…
15 I'll Give You A Thunderstorm
Thirty-Two Arcs
15 A Blast From the Past
15 A Pair of Kings
Dancer Distress
20 Dark Hearts: Light My Fire
20 Dark Hearts: Who Wants to Live Forever?
0 Moving In and Moving On
10 The Search For Finch and Poppy
10 Rumor and Mythos
10 Shadow Touched With Light
15 The Maze: Round 1 & 2
15 The Maze: Round 3
15 The Maze: Round 4
15 The Maze: Round 5
20 The Maze: The Beginning (At The Heart)
What Your In For
10 How Do These Things Work Again?
15 When A Triumphant Returns
10 Return to the Fold
10 Somewhere to Belong
15 A Bronze Boar Brawl
15 Lady Mercy Won't Be Home Tonight
15 No Haven For the Guilty
15 Cor Cordis
15 Bar Pummeling
15 A Beautiful Day
15 Immortal Trouble
15 For All the Good
15 Attention, Students!
15 Dirty Thief
15 The Nightblade Chronicles I
15 Business In Volta
10 Spending Time In The Den
10 Quarterstaff Combat
10 Knives Are Sharp
10 Practice For Perfection
Bull's Eye
10 Learning To Ride
10 A Foot in the Door
25 Crack in the Wall: The Waiting Place
15 Crack in the Wall: The Culinary
15 Crack in the Wall: The Prison
20 Crack in the Wall: Imagination
15 Mending What's Broken
Madness, Meet Brilliance
10 All That Remains
10 How Do You Weed Out A Snake?
10 The Gathering
10 Set Up A Trap He Can't Slither Out Of
10 Closing In On Cobra
10 Making Deals With the Devil
A Mountain Problem
Choosing Sides
10 A Meeting Worth A Fortune
0 From Beyond the Grave I
10 Like Father Like Son?
15 A Lantern in the Balance
10 (Retconned) The Rot Will Spread Part 2
A Place Full of Heathens
Connections From the Outside
15 A Dance of Light and Shadow
In The Shadow of Fate
A Glimmer Comes Forth
Judged By Lightning
An Unwanted Man

XP Transactions

-5 Blades (Broadsword)
-20 Endurance
-20 Blades (Broadsword)
-15 Cooking
-10 Linguistics
-17 Seduction
-8 Seduction
-10 Psychology
-18 Unarmed Combat
-24 Seduction
-20 Seduction
-75 Seduction
-13 Rupturing
-20 Acrobatics
-25 Climbing
-15 Ranged (Crossbow)
-15 Shielded (Buckler)
-25 Unarmed Combat
-20 Rhetoric
-98 Seduction
-8 Writing
-25 Business Management
-25 Strength
-25 Resistance
-7 Rupturing
-25 Persuasion
-25 Negotiation
-18 Deception
-26 Endurance
-25 Intelligence
-25 Investigation
-4 Endurance
-15 Rupturing
-22 Meditation
-15 Gardening
-15 Running
-10 Singing
-8 Swimming
-25 Discipline
-50 Discipline
-15 Psychology
-23 Tactics
-25 Stealth
-25 Pick Pocketing
-35 Rupturing
-25 Gambling
-25 Mixology
-25 Detection
-25 Drawing
-10 Research
-50 Persuasion
-25 Instrument: Gittern
-10 Ranged: Crossbow
-25 Writing
-2 Tactics
-3 Navigation
-10 Caregiving
-25 Field Craft
-27 Discipline
-27 Endurance
-2 Swimming
-21 Discipline
-39 Endurance
-13 Endurance
-60 Endurance
-33 Endurance
-27 Discipline
-50 Ranged: Crossbow
-27 Blades: Broadsword
-10 Logistics
-5 Research
-25 Intimidation
-15 Linguistics
-15 Logistics
-15 Navigation
-25 Storytelling
-50 Acrobatics
-57 Deception
-25 Unarmed Combat
-25 Polearms: Quarterstaff
-25 Thrown: Daggers
-23 Blades: Broadsword
-25 Mount: Lion
-50 Detection
-45 Deception
-50 Polearms: Quarterstaff
-40 Resistance
-25 Blades: Dagger
-50 Rhetoric
-13 Acting
-15 Caregiving
-60 Running
-50 Intelligence
-50 Stealth


Acrobatics: 5 General
Acrobatics: Balancing On Slippery Surfaces
Acrobatics: Catching Limbs When You Fall
Acrobatics: Catching Weapons/Tools Thrown Your Way
Acrobatics: Climbing Atop Buildings While Intoxicated
Acrobatics: Climbing On Slippery Surfaces
Acrobatics: Creating momentum when hanging from a rope
Acrobatics: Diving Off A Ship Into Water
Acrobatics: Dunking to Avoid Flying Objects
Acrobatics: Improving Your Footwork When Using A Quarterstaff
Acrobatics: Jumping Off The Back Of A Running Mount
Acrobatics: Jumping over a fallen bridge
Acrobatics: Jumping Through Windows
Acrobatics: Maintaining Balance While Drunkenly Pissing
Acrobatics: Morning stretches keep you limber
Acrobatics: Stretching Exercises
Acrobatics: Swinging from a grappling line
Acrobatics: Vaulting
Acrobatics: Vaulting Onto Ships With A Grappling Hook
Acting: Entertaining Others With Bets
Acting: Faking Mortal Wounds From Words
Acting: Feigning Innocence
Acting: Playing make-believe
Acting: Staging A Hostage Situation
Blades, Broadsword: Adjusting your grip to ensure flexibility
Blades, Broadsword: Aim and Timing Matter
Blades, Broadsword: Aiming For Vital Signs
Blades, Broadsword: Angled Strikes
Blades, Broadsword: Basic Strikes
Blades, Broadsword: Better Suited For One Hand
Blades, Broadsword: Breaking Chain Links With A Blow
Blades, Broadsword: Careful footwork improves your aim.
Blades, Broadsword: Crossover sweep.
Blades, Broadsword: Dodging Is Better Than Parrying
Blades, Broadsword: Draw and attack in the same move
Blades, Broadsword: Facing a superior opponent
Blades, Broadsword: Fending Off Opponent's Blows
Blades, Broadsword: Fighting on uneven terrain
Blades, Broadsword: Follow Your Defense With An Attack
Blades, Broadsword: Footwork is Important
Blades, Broadsword: How To Hold Your Sword Correctly
Blades, Broadsword: Jabbing Your Blade Into An Enemy
Blades, Broadsword: Maintain the Initiative
Blades, Broadsword: No Mercy, No Second Chance
Blades, Broadsword: Parrying Strikes
Blades, Broadsword: The Weight of a Broadsword
Blades: 5 General
Business Management: Appealing to the Masses
Business Management: Catering To Public Appeal
Business Management: Cleanliness
Business Management: Communicating With Your Peers
Business Management: Complimentary Drinks During Saun Is Good
Business Management: Conforming To Standards
Business Management: Finding Potential Assets
Business Management: Get to know the customers
Business Management: Handling The More Hectic Aspect of The Bar
Business Management: How To Coach Your Employees Effectively
Business Management: Keep Wood on Hand for Cold Weather
Business Management: Keeping Customer's Well Being In Mind
Business Management: Make Partners Happy
Business Management: Not Usually a Good Idea to Water-Down Drinks
Business Management: Remembering to Track Earnings
Business Management: Satisfy your customers
Business Management: The Advantage of Partnerships
Business Management: Working As A Freelancer
Caregiving: Being Gentle To Someone Who's Injured
Caregiving: Looking After Your Own
Caregiving: Making Sure Your Child Is Safe
Caregiving: Singing helps put children to sleep
Climbing: A Way Out of A Corner
Climbing: Don't Let Heights Intimidate You
Climbing: Up a pit in pure darkness
Climbing: Up a ravine with plenty of hand and footholds, without support
Climbing: Using Ledges
Climbing: Using Rocks Within Walls
Climbing: Using Tree Branches for Support
Cooking: Chicken and dumplings!
Cooking: Fish Every Trial Gets Old Fast
Cooking: Herbs to accompany poultry
Cooking: How to make a meat stew
Cooking: Seasoning is always good
Cooking: Sectioning a chicken
Deception: 5 General
Deception: A Game of Interest
Deception: Acting As Though You Know Things You Just Learnt
Deception: Alibis Are Handy
Deception: Avoiding Display of Interest
Deception: Avoiding Unsavory Subjects
Deception: Controlling Facial Expressions to Fool Others
Deception: Covering Up Truth With A Believable Story
Deception: Fabricating Alternate Truths
Deception: Faking A Knowing Smile
Deception: Hard to Control Facial Reactions
Deception: It’s just business.
Deception: It's All in the Wording
Deception: lying to a loved one can be hard…
Deception: Making Yourself a Distraction For
Deception: Playing The Part In A Business Meeting
Deception: Pretending Like Nothing Shady Is Happening
Deception: Pretending to Be Someone You're Not
Deception: Pretending Your Innocent
Deception: Pretending Your Occupied Instead of Noticing Others
Deception: Refraining From Whole Truths
Deception: Relying On Half Truths
Deception: Replacing Clear Liquor With Water
Deception: saying the truth but vague enough that it becomes deceitful.
Deception: Spiked Drink For the Unsuspecting
Deception: telling a little white lie to save someone from trouble
Deception: Using naivete to aid in the creation of a lie
Deception: Using Riddles to Hide Information
Detection: 5 General
Detection: Corridor of mirrors makes spotting things difficult.
Detection: Determining Race by Physical Features
Detection: Functioning in darkness
Detection: Not All Redheads are Aukari
Detection: Noticing changes in ambient noise.
Detection: Noticing small details in writing.
Detection: Noticing When Others Are Watching
Detection: Picking out a foreign language
Detection: Picking up on changes in expression
Detection: Reading a Face for Signs of Bluffing
Detection: Reading People’s Body Language
Detection: Recognizing another rupturer
Detection: Seeking out signs of danger
Detection: Sensing someone’s anxiety
Detection: Spotting behaviours in others
Detection: Spotting the obvious
Detection: Tasting broth to determine flavour
Detection: The Ring Works While Inside Your Arm
Detection: The signs of tiredness.
Detection: Watch Your Back At All Times
Discipline: 5 General
Discipline: Alcohol can be used to calm one’s nerves
Discipline: Always remember how much you're worth.... (30gn, fyi)
Discipline: Always Repay Favors
Discipline: Calming Your Nerves By Taking Walks
Discipline: Controlling The Sessfiend's Hunger
Discipline: Controlling Your Own Whims and Desires
Discipline: Cutting down
Discipline: Dealing with a suddenly appearing wall
Discipline: Don't be crabby in the morning
Discipline: Emotions must be shelved during battle
Discipline: Endeavoring To Keep Personal Promises
Discipline: Fight to your last breath
Discipline: Fighting Deepest Wishes To Protect Another
Discipline: Fighting Powerful Impulses
Discipline: Following Through With Hard Decisions
Discipline: Forcing abstinence on oneself
Discipline: Gauging Tactical Options During a Skirmish
Discipline: Have faith
Discipline: Hearing Out Your Enemies
Discipline: How to push your anxiety aside and focus on what’s important
Discipline: Ignoring The Sounds of Vomiting
Discipline: Keeping A Strong Face During Heavy Subjects
Discipline: Keeping Calm In Dire Situations
Discipline: Keeping focused
Discipline: Keeping Your Cool
Discipline: Knowing When It's Best To Say No
Discipline: Learning To Assert Your Feelings
Discipline: Maintaining A Sense of 'Control'
Discipline: Maintaining Composure In Emotional Situations
Discipline: Maintaining Composure In Uncomfortable Situations
Discipline: Maintaining one's sarcasm in the face of hopelessness
Discipline: Mentally Shutting Out Distractions
Discipline: Never Be Afraid To Get Your Hands Dirty
Discipline: Never Be Afraid to Prove Something
Discipline: Not expressing your anger
Discipline: Not focusing on what's in your pants (for a change)
Discipline: Not having another drink
Discipline: Not hurling at gruesome sights
Discipline: Not showing fear
Discipline: Nothing premature here. False alarm
Discipline: Obeying Commands When They Suit You
Discipline: Pride is a strength
Discipline: Putting Duty Before Urges
Discipline: Putting your life in the hands of a coin flip
Discipline: Remaining Calm During Your Own Setup
Discipline: Remaining Sober
Discipline: Remembering Not to Talk to Ghosts in Public
Discipline: Resisting The Curse's Influence
Discipline: Resisting the Rupturing Spark's desire to Blink
Discipline: Restraining Yourself From Doing Something Stupid
Discipline: Standing Ground When You've Something To Prove
Discipline: Standing to help others
Discipline: Steadfast Mindsets and Firm Beliefs
Discipline: Steeling Your Nerves In Tense Situations
Discipline: Struggling to Accept a Good Kind of Change
Discipline: Suppressing Urges To Feed
Discipline: Suppressing Your Anger When It's Crucial
Discipline: Surviving having your soul shredded
Discipline: Take a deep breath to stay focused
Discipline: Talking to avoid bursting into laughter
Discipline: Temptation is greater when in pain
Discipline: The importance of diligently completing all required steps of one’s job
Discipline: The importance of remembering names
Discipline: The surprise of a talking Lion
Discipline: Using a Pillow to Muffle Your Cries
Discipline: Walking towards a volcano
Discipline: Watching painful memories
Discipline: Withholding Judgement Unto Others
Endurance: A Frigid Morning During the Cold Cycle.
Endurance: A long journey at sea
Endurance: Alistair's crippling hugs.
Endurance: Antiseptic stings
Endurance: Attempting to Move When Wasted
Endurance: Being "Edged" Several Times
Endurance: Bonded to A Chair During Intercourse
Endurance: Breaching the "Limit" Twice
Endurance: Chasing Someone Around Playfully
Endurance: Cold weather, enduring shivering
Endurance: Crashing through multiple sheets of ice
Endurance: Dealing with a blow to the head
Endurance: Dealing With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Endurance: Drinking Two Whiskey Bottles Alone
Endurance: Enduring Frigid Conditions
Endurance: Enduring pain
Endurance: Exhausted From Long Nights At Work
Endurance: Extreme heat
Endurance: Falling Out of Chairs
Endurance: Focus on the well-being of others to endure a traumatic situation
Endurance: Free climbing an icy rock face without gloves
Endurance: Games of Chasing
Endurance: Having every orifice violated by tentacles, simultaneously
Endurance: Having your limbs stretched taut by tentacles
Endurance: Holding Back the Urge to Vomit
Endurance: How to endure a minor head injury
Endurance: How to survive a threesome
Endurance: Increased tolerance for whiskey
Endurance: Keeping hold of a ledge
Endurance: Keeping Strong In A Drinking Contest
Endurance: Lasting All Night
Endurance: Lingering Constipation Fo Days
Endurance: Lugging Extra Baggage In One Trip
Endurance: 'Managing' The Bar During Rush Time
Endurance: Pacing Your Sexual Drive
Endurance: Pain in your soul as a curse is removed from you
Endurance: Painful Woes To Drink Away Later
Endurance: Physical Pains During Examination
Endurance: Post Traumatic Anal Stress
Endurance: Post-Bondage Sex
Endurance: Prolonging Inevitable Limits
Endurance: Protecting your eyes against a glare.
Endurance: Rough and Rigorous Sex
Endurance: Rough Landings After Attempting To Ride An Animal
Endurance: Standing up post concussion
Endurance: Staying On Your Feet When You're Wasted
Endurance: Swimming In Cold Waters
Endurance: Taking a Hot Rod in the Groin
Endurance: Taking A Mace Blow To the Shoulder
Endurance: Taking A Rough Tumble Downhill
Endurance: Taking Blows To The Head
Endurance: Taking Hits From A Whip
Endurance: Taking Part In Bondage Sex
Endurance: The burning pain of farting after being violated
Endurance: The earsplitting sound of a shrieking beast
Endurance: The experience of death
Endurance: The fatigue of battle
Endurance: The Pain of Being Stabbed
Endurance: The Pain of Shoulder Relocation
Endurance: The Sting of Dug In Nails
Endurance: The Woeful Pain of Furniture and Toes
Endurance: Walking From Rharne's Earth Quarter to Sky Quarter
Endurance: Walking Through Snow Drifts
Endurance: Working in a Busy Locale
Endurance: Working Out That Tongue Muscle
Endurance: Wrenching one's shoulder
Endurance: Wrestled Down From Above
Endurance: Your "First Time"
Etiquette: A conversation between a Rharnian, a lion, and a talking ghost has rules!!
Etiquette: Apologizing for poking a man with your little man.
Etiquette: Basic respect for the devout
Etiquette: Changing a handshake to suit the acquaintance
Etiquette: Don't show nervousness / concern
Etiquette: Giving Appreciation Where It's Due
Etiquette: Hold the door for your companions
Etiquette: How to bow
Etiquette: Only Fair to Warn People of Sessfiend
Etiquette: Providing Appreciation Even Before It's Due
Etiquette: Sparing "Kindness" Where It's Appropriate
Etiquette: Trying Not To Chew With Food In Your Mouth
Field Craft: Bringing Essential Tools For the Job
Field Craft: Kindling Fires From Embers
Field Craft: Using Resin to Start Fire
Gambling: Betting On Other's Responses
Gambling: Betting On Your Capacity to Drink
Gambling: Raising the Stakes by Inviting Yourself into a Game
Gambling: Relying On Good Sources To Get Information
Gambling: Using Others Suggestions To Avoid Digging Your Own Grave
Gambling: Using Seduction As A Pay Off
Gardening: Crossbreeding: Ashen showers bring Ymiden flowers
Gardening: Hands and fingers can make the best tools
Gardening: Raking the leaves and detritus
Gardening: Shears: used for shrub trimming
Gardening: The Fundamentals (SP)
Gardening: Trimming shrubs to let in light
Intelligence: Assessing the Desires of the Maze by Entrapment
Intelligence: Building Partnerships With Contacts
Intelligence: Buyers/Sellers Within the Dust Quarter
Intelligence: Creating A Diversion To Send A Message
Intelligence: Establishing Contacts Through Propositions
Intelligence: Getting Information Through Business Deals
Intelligence: How to identify someone based on a verbal description
Intelligence: How To Properly Eavesdrop
Intelligence: Rose From The Harlot 'n' Hound As A Contact
Intelligence: Shipment's in Rharne
Intelligence: Utilizing Wealth and Influence
Interrogation: Asking relevant questions of a companions
Interrogation: Questioning your lion.
Interrogation: Repeating intention for an answer
Interrogation: Women don't respond well to anger
Intimidation: A knife is a useful prop for intimidating others
Intimidation: Application of Bluffs to Tense Situations
Intimidation: Call them names or rude slurs
Intimidation: Insults and a serious tone can be combined
Intimidation: Try yelling, that should work
Intimidation: Using Stark Threats To Get What You Want
Investigation: Being upfront and direct with questions
Investigation: Checking On Your Companions
Investigation: Connecting Signs and Symbols
Investigation: Discovering Lost Pieces of History
Investigation: Ensure that you attend to details
Investigation: Finding a person by their description.
Investigation: Follow Your Instincts
Investigation: How to survey a crime scene
Investigation: Identify the witnesses when investigating a crime
Investigation: Know The Enemy Before They Know You
Investigation: Making Yourself "Known" to Certain People
Investigation: Nonsensical puzzles are tricky!
Investigation: Observing Behavior of Others
Investigation: Putting together clues which don't make sense. 
Investigation: Putting together small details to try and decipher clues.
Investigation: Reaching Out to Potential Assests
Investigation: Searching For Clues In Riddles and Puzzles
Investigation: Searching Ruins For Treasure
Investigation: Sometimes, you have to take a punt on the most likely.
Investigation: Speak to the building’s owner first when investigating a crime
Investigation: Take time to interview the witnesses when investigating a crime
Investigation: The importance of intent
Investigation: The right questions get you a lead
Investigation: Trust your hunches
Investigation: Try to disturb the crime scene as little as possible
Investigation: Try to make sense at a base level.
Investigation: Using Transcendence to search
Leadership: Asking others for advice
Leadership: Deciding What's Best For Someone You Care About
Leadership: Determining What's Best For Those You Love
Leadership: Doing What's Necessary Even If You Dislike It
Leadership: Ensure that you consider the feeling of others. 
Leadership: Express your thoughts clearly
Leadership: Improvising When Things Go Astray
Leadership: In the heat of the moment, someone has to take charge
Leadership: Instructing Others When Helping
Leadership: Knowing Your Party Members Better
Leadership: Lead by example
Leadership: Learning To Make Difficult Choices
Leadership: Learning To Take the Lead
Leadership: Making Sure Others Are Getting Along Well
Leadership: Making Tough Calls
Leadership: Others will measure your actions
Leadership: Promoting Another's Idea When It's Good
Leadership: Putting Others Before You
Leadership: Shepherding Others to Safety
Leadership: Working With A Team To Get Results
Linguistics: Ancient Language Sounds Powerful
Linguistics: Exposure to Ancient Language
Linguistics: Exposure to Vauni
Linguistics: Imparted With Knowledge of Orimatsun
Linguistics: Orimartsun Runes
Linguistics: Studying Foreign Texts
Linguistics: Verbally Exposed to Orimatsun
Logistics: Always be prepared
Logistics: Drawing Conclusion From Clues of the Past
Logistics: Ensuring you have sufficient equipment for a shift
Logistics: Exploitation Can Be Beneficial
Logistics: Immortals Are Too Busy For Vandalism
Logistics: Organizing a kitchen
Logistics: Planning Ahead Rather Than Just Rolling With Things
Logistics: Prioritizing
Logistics: Realizing When You've Had The Wrong Idea
Logistics: Sudden departure requires speedy organisation
Logistics: Survival Above All Else
Logistics: The easiest path is not always the best path
Logistics: The Nature of Business
Logistics: Themes With Puzzles and Riddles
Logistics: To be a mage is to seek to empower mankind
Logistics: With New Ship Arrivals Come New Customers
Medicine: Basic Poultices
Medicine: Chewing and Sucking on Ginger Helps Stomachaches
Medicine: Moseke's Mist: Can be used as a contraceptive (for ladies)
Medicine: Straight Ginger Tastes Disgusting
Medicine: Willow Tea as a Pain Killer
Meditation: Alcohol helps?
Meditation: Dwelling On Past Events
Meditation: Feeling everything around you
Meditation: Finding A Sense of Normalcy in Work
Meditation: Finding That Sense of Clarity
Meditation: Finding That State of Mind
Meditation: Helpful in magic
Meditation: Interpretations of the Mind with Tarot Cards
Meditation: Recollecting Past Lessons to Ensure Victory
Meditation: Reflecting On Situations While You Walk
Meditation: Regulating Breath Exercises
Meditation: Relaxing By the Lake Shore
Meditation: Remembering Old Lessons
Mixology: Balancing the Flavors of Wine
Mixology: Concocting Thunderstorms With Hard Liquors
Mixology: Considering The Important of Flavor
Mixology: Flavor is, Essentially, Important
Mixology: Handling Unusual Requests
Mixology: Measuring Out Amounts of Alcohol
Mixology: Mixing Drinks With A Flagon
Mixology: Mixture for "Shimmering Appiden"
Mixology: Mixture For The "Salty Loin" Drink
Mixology: Remembering Your Alcohol Names
Mixology: The Art of Combining Drinks
Mixology: The Idea of A "Thunderstorm" Mixed Drink
Mixology: Using Intuition To Guess People's Favorite Flavors
Mount, Lion: Clenching Your Thighs
Mount, Lion: Gentle Tugs For Directing Turns
Mount, Lion: Grappling Either The Mane Or Nape
Mount, Lion: Gripping The Saddle
Mount, Lion: Leaning In To Increase Momentum
Mount, Lion: Using The Momentum To Increase Distance
Navigation: Navigating a maze can be tricky.
Navigation: Sometimes you've just got to pick a direction, because nothing makes sense. 
Navigation: Things like brambles make navigating hard!
Navigation: Walking Old Paths
Navigation: Working your way through a maze.
Negotiation: Bartering On Behalf of One's Soul?
Negotiation: Being aware of your flaws and letting others know
Negotiation: Coming Up With Agreeable Terms For Partnerships
Negotiation: Fairly Lucrative Terms Are Agreeable
Negotiation: Honesty can be the best policy. 
Negotiation: Making Bets You Can't Lose
Negotiation: Paying Your Dues
Negotiation: Understanding the Terms Brought To You
Negotiation: Understanding the Value in Opportunity
Persuasion: A dare or challenge can be an effective motivator
Persuasion: A drink never hurts
Persuasion: Back up your arguments with important facts
Persuasion: Chatting up customers
Persuasion: Convince someone to talk to you in private
Persuasion: Convincing Others Your Intentions Are Real
Persuasion: How to appeal to logic
Persuasion: How to get a woman to leave
Persuasion: How to use soft touches and caresses to help persuade
Persuasion: How to use someone’s own words to convince them of your view
Persuasion: Implications For Elaboration
Persuasion: Influencing Others to Gossip
Persuasion: Make customers feel welcome
Persuasion: Making a promise or oath can be persuasive
Persuasion: Meet your target’s eyes
Persuasion: Promoting A Proposition With Confidence
Persuasion: Stopping a fight
Persuasion: Suggesting "Fun" Later
Persuasion: Sweet Talking Someone Into A Business Deal
Persuasion: Sweetening The Deal In An Opportunity
Persuasion: Talking Others Into Your Shenanigans
Persuasion: Tempting Others With Fantasies
Persuasion: The Art of Schmoozing
Persuasion: Use repeated reassurances
Persuasion: Using a distraction to keep peace
Persuasion: Using Facial Expressions with Suggestions
Persuasion: We need to move faster!
Persuasion: When compliments don’t work, apologize
Persuasion: When in doubt, pay them a compliment
Poisons: Antidotes are Few and Far Between
Poisons: Scarf Rot Effects the Sessfiend
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Alternating Between Swings, Strikes, and Lunges
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Alternating Both Ends For Combos
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Lunges
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Strikes
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Swings
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Highswings
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Lowswings
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Midswings
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Powerchaining Attacks
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Spinning The Pole
Polearm, Quarterstaff: The Distributed Weight of A Quarterstaff
Psychology: A sense of self worth can boost self esteem
Psychology: Breathing Twice Isn't Nice
Psychology: Coping with PTSD
Psychology: Curiosity and lust lead to deviousness
Psychology: Death connects people to one another
Psychology: Drunken Stupors When Things Go Very Bad
Psychology: Emotions are powerful drives.
Psychology: Feeling Pitiful Over Yourself
Psychology: Feeling Useless With Your Broken Wrist
Psychology: Guessing When One Has Had Enough to Drink
Psychology: Harrowing events can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychology: How to use alcohol to escape and deny your troubles
Psychology: Making sense of fables and other cognitively confounding creatures
Psychology: Observing Behavior Patterns
Psychology: Power is everything in relationships
Psychology: Praying to a higher power to help in dealing with personal powers
Psychology: PTSD – Almost Murdered
Psychology: Putting Personal Pride Aside
Psychology: Rest And A Shopping Spree Promote Happiness
Psychology: Struggles With Guilt
Psychology: Survival of the Fittest
Psychology: Tactics for mourning a love one’s death
Psychology: Testing One's Anxiety
Psychology: The Art of Body Language
Psychology: The emotional impact that others have on one’s psyche
Psychology: The Game of Seduction
Psychology: The Horror of Realizing the Ring is Gone
Psychology: The lingering effects of post-traumatic stress disorder
Psychology: There is a difference between begging and taking
Psychology: Trying Not to Hate Wendell Over Rei's Feelings
Psychology: Watching Others Beat One Another For Sport
Psychology: What grief feels like
Ranged, Crossbow: A Sensitive Trigger
Ranged, Crossbow: Aim Down the Site
Ranged, Crossbow: Aiming above your target to account for a drop in the bolt
Ranged, Crossbow: Aiming at the waist for a nonlethal shot
Ranged, Crossbow: Can be used as a tool of execution
Ranged, Crossbow: Careful aim where possible
Ranged, Crossbow: Distance Is Everything With Aiming
Ranged, Crossbow: Focus helps you aim
Ranged, Crossbow: Oil Tipped Bolts For A Fiery Effect
Ranged, Crossbow: Serious Kickback
Ranged, Crossbow: The Butt Sits in the Shoulder, Not the Torso
Ranged, Crossbow: There’s a Kick for a Target
Ranged, Crossbow: Tighten the Spring with the Lever
Ranged, Crossbow: Using Fire Bolts to Create A Blockade
Research: Delving Into Lost Ruins
Research: Learn How A Language Works
Research: Opening the Way to Orimar
Research: Overcoming Language Barriers Through Study
Research: Paying Mind To Symbols
Research: References Between Meanings and Runes
Research: Significance Murals and Pieces Lost To Time
Research: Solving Ancient Riddles
Research: Studying Ancient Runes At An Ancient Sight
Research: Understanding the Differences In Languages
Resistance: Building Up A Tolerance to Alcoholic
Resistance: Combining Drugs With Alcohol
Resistance: Dealing With an STI
Resistance: Drinking An Enormous Amount of Alcohol.
Resistance: Eating Meat While Its Raw
Resistance: Ignoring Cravings for Flesh
Resistance: Large Amounts of Alcohol Consumption
Resistance: Low tolerance for wine
Resistance: Over-imbibing Beer From A Tantrum
Resistance: Suppressing Urges
Resistance: The Effects of Scorra Eggs
Resistance: The urge to return to the wonderful world of sleep
Rhetoric: Being So Privileged To Talk About Anybody's Mother
Rhetoric: Cracking Serious Jokes Too Soon
Rhetoric: Drunken Silver Linings
Rhetoric: Explaining locations
Rhetoric: Getting naked can bare more than just skin
Rhetoric: Good Drinks and Bad Plans Go Well
Rhetoric: Guessing What Ghosts or Spirits Are Saying
Rhetoric: Implying To Personally By A Drink
Rhetoric: Insulting Others Lack of Insults
Rhetoric: Making The Most Out of What Little Time You Have
Rhetoric: Making Witty Jokes Even In Dire Situations
Rhetoric: Never Going Back On Your Word
Rhetoric: No One Could Love A Drunk Like You
Rhetoric: Nudity is freedom
Rhetoric: Reality Checks For the Offended
Rhetoric: Self Depreciation for the Masses
Rhetoric: Talking To A Ghost Through A Medium
Rhetoric: The Antics of Fairness
Rhetoric: The Antics of Immortals
Rhetoric: The Antics of Life In General
Rhetoric: The Difference Between Strength and Agility
Rhetoric: The meaning of magic
Rhetoric: The Stupidly Numerous Ways to Say Three Words
Rhetoric: The value of capital punishment
Rhetoric: What does it mean to be selfless?
Rhetoric: Zealot Is A Zealot
Running: 10 General
Running: Avoiding Trouble When It Pursues
Running: Being Chased Off By Farmers
Running: Charging Up A Slanted Structure
Running: Jogging Lasts Longer
Running: Outrunning Abhorrent Abominations
Running: Pacing Your Stamina
Rupturing: A Sundial is a complex thing
Rupturing: Accompanied by loud noises, hence the name
Rupturing: Blink Across a Small Area to Create Distance in Battle
Rupturing: Blinking Behind Enemies
Rupturing: Blinking Out of Dire Situations
Rupturing: Chasing: Blink
Rupturing: Chasing: Projecting energy at high speeds
Rupturing: Creating Portals With A Frenzied Spark
Rupturing: Doesn't cause anything to come out of your butt
Rupturing: Enhanced by a Sundial
Rupturing: Feeling The Ether in Certain Locations
Rupturing: Focal Points for Portals
Rupturing: Items Can't Be Blinked
Rupturing: Nearly Overstepping Due To Concentrated Power Sources
Rupturing: Opening Compression Portals At Distances
Rupturing: Opening Portals To Keep A Person Contained
Rupturing: Portal magic
Rupturing: Related to portals
Rupturing: Roaring
Rupturing: Tears holes in the fabric of reality
Rupturing: The Domain Magic of Portal Making
Rupturing: The Rush from Blinking
Rupturing: Using Momentum For Better Impact
Seafaring: Being at Sea Means Smelling "At Sea"
Seafaring: Food and Water Must Be Rationed
Seafaring: Hammocks Will Grow on You
Seafaring: No Fires Aboard a Wooden Ship
Seafaring: Succumbing To Seasickness
Seduction: A Game Well Played
Seduction: A Woman's Charm can be Deadly
Seduction: Adjusting To The Needs of Others
Seduction: All done? Nonsense.
Seduction: Asserting Yourself Over Others
Seduction: Bargaining With Temptations
Seduction: Being the Item of Sexual Revenge
Seduction: Bondage
Seduction: Bravery Can Be A Turn On
Seduction: Building The Anticipation
Seduction: Charming an Immortal
Seduction: Claiming Dominance In A Partnership
Seduction: Desire Is A Dangerous Weapon
Seduction: Drugs Amplify Sensuality
Seduction: Easing a partner’s anxiety
Seduction: Enjoying The Act of Kissing For Once
Seduction: Enjoying the Game of Seduction
Seduction: Enjoying the Sensual Freedom
Seduction: Exhibitionism is Exciting
Seduction: Feats Are Attractive
Seduction: Forceful Kiss
Seduction: Foreplay is important
Seduction: Giving A Woman What She Wants
Seduction: How not to greet a lover the morning after
Seduction: How To Kiss A Girl
Seduction: How to look a woman in the eyes
Seduction: How to strip tantalizingly
Seduction: Intimacy Feels Amazing
Seduction: Just the right spot for oral pleasure is a beautiful thing.
Seduction: Kindling Desires You Want For Once
Seduction: Learn To Like It Rough
Seduction: Letting Another Have Full Control
Seduction: Letting Charm Do the Work
Seduction: Letting Personal Feelings Get Involved
Seduction: Make them want it
Seduction: Making Smooth Recoveries
Seduction: Metaphors To Add the Charm
Seduction: Oral pleasure
Seduction: Passion Should Be Rough and Loud
Seduction: Physical Attraction Makes All the Difference
Seduction: Pleasing your partner
Seduction: Post Coital Hand Rub
Seduction: Power is a complex notion, often misunderstood.
Seduction: Power is the greatest aphrodisiac
Seduction: Pretty girls drink free
Seduction: Propositioning Pleasure For Business
Seduction: Relaxing When Others Are In Control
Seduction: Slow and steady wins the race (sometimes)
Seduction: Slow and Teasing
Seduction: Slowly Building Anticipation
Seduction: Soft and Steady Them Kisses
Seduction: Some techniques can also be good for ice cream....
Seduction: Taking Foreplay To Another Level
Seduction: Teasing
Seduction: Teasing In A Variety of Ways
Seduction: Teasing Smirk
Seduction: Tell them what you like
Seduction: The Allure of Cigars and Smoking
Seduction: The Art of the Smile (NH)
Seduction: The importance of connecting to your lover’s movement
Seduction: The neck is sensitive, kiss there
Seduction: The power of a caress
Seduction: The Power of A Simple Touch
Seduction: Trying Too Hard To Flirt
Seduction: Undressing for another man
Seduction: Undressing quickly and.... effectively.
Seduction: Using physical contact to seduce your lover
Seduction: Whisper in their ear
Seduction: White Lies
Seduction: You Lack a Woman's Touch
Socialization: A Friendly Chat With Rum Can Become a Lot More
Socialization: Accepting Free Drinks
Socialization: Embellishing Gossip Among Others
Socialization: Friendly Insults
Socialization: Indulging Curiosities
Socialization: Trying to Befriend Mercs at Sea is Tough
Socialization: Typical Small Talk To Pass the Time
Sociology: Injuries are Good Subject Matter
Sociology: Rum Will Open up a Conversation
Sociology: When There's Nothing to Say, Walk Away
Stealth: Avoiding Disturbing Your Sleeping Partner
Stealth: Being aware of your surroundings can help avoid detection
Stealth: Hiding Beside The Door Ease Dropping
Stealth: Hiding Within Grass Thickets
Stealth: Moving through the undergrowth
Stealth: Quietly Getting Dressed
Stealth: Sneaking Aboard A Ship
Stealth: Sneaking In Without Being Seen
Stealth: Softer Landings Make Lesser Noise
Stealth: Surprising Unsuspecting Targets
Stealth: The Efficiency of Noise Reduction
Stealth: Trailing Someone
Storytelling: "No Shit" Builds Into Interesting Stories
Storytelling: Embellishing Certain Parts of A Tale
Storytelling: How to start a story
Storytelling: Pictures Tell Stories
Storytelling: Seeing a Noble's Daughter "Safely Home"
Storytelling: The Romantic Nobleman
Storytelling: The Tale of the Girl and the Ishkahl
Strength: Carrying A Broad To Bed
Strength: Carrying an injured person
Strength: Carrying Extra Weight
Strength: Chucking Empty Bottles Afar
Strength: Creating Force With Power
Strength: Freeing A Jammed Shackle From Stone
Strength: Holding another human being in a lift
Strength: Holding One's Self At Bay
Strength: Holding Open A Stone Door
Strength: Moving Debris
Strength: Operating Ancient Pulley Gears
Strength: Pulling one's body up a wall
Strength: Pulling your body weight up
Strength: Pushing Yourself Past Limits
Strength: Resisting being blown over by a beast's large, flapping wings
Strength: Shoving Through Snow Piles
Strength: Taking Hostage of A Person
Strength: Wading Through Depths
Strength: Wielding A Broadsword
Swimming: Treading Cold Water
Tactics: 10 General
Tactics: 2 General
Tactics: Assessing Friend or Foe Before Shooting
Tactics: Be prepared
Tactics: Being the backup that is needed
Tactics: Disarm The Crew By Throwing Weapons Into the Sea
Tactics: Diversionary Excursions
Tactics: Do the rewards outweigh the risk?
Tactics: Equip yourself
Tactics: Exploitation of Your Enemies
Tactics: Flanked (rear)
Tactics: Follow The More Dangerous
Tactics: For Survival, Preparation is Vital
Tactics: Formulating Plans For An Escape
Tactics: How To Face An Armed Opponent
Tactics: Keeping records really helps
Tactics: Knowing when to Fold
Tactics: Letting someone else take the lead
Tactics: Never Be Surprised By Anything
Tactics: Never Trust a New Team
Tactics: Obviously Outnumbered
Tactics: Plan for the worse, hope for the best
Tactics: Preparing your weapon before you conflict starts
Tactics: Recording chaos is hard.
Tactics: Send A Note For Reinforcements
Tactics: Surrendering When It's The Only Option
Tactics: Take Pre-emptive Strikes When They're Available
Tactics: Taking Initiative
Tactics: Teamwork is much more than the sum of its parts.
Tactics: Throwing An Enemy Off Balance
Tactics: Use Whatever Is Around As A Weapon
Tactics: Use your environment wisely.
Tactics: Using Signal Fires For Heists
Tactics: Work together - it's by far and away the best thing to do.
Teaching: Using examples of oneself to explain potential interactions
Teaching: Using metaphors from pupils to ensure clarity
Thrown, Knife: Basic Stance
Thrown, Knife: Different Angles Determine The Trajectory
Thrown, Knife: Following Through With The Throw
Thrown, Knife: Furiously Throwing Knives At A Target
Thrown, Knife: Gauging The Distance Before A Throw
Thrown, Knife: Refining Your Arm's Posture
Thrown, Knife: Relying On Your Line of Sight
Thrown, Knife: Twisting Your Body From The Hip For A Better Throw
Thrown, Knife: Using Practice Weapons Helps
Thrown, Knife: Wrist Movement
Tracking: Looking For Signs
Unarmed Combat: Jump From Behind
Unarmed Combat: Slamming An Enemy Into The Wall
Unarmed, Brawling: A Bang To the Head
Unarmed, Brawling: Aiming For Underneath Armpits
Unarmed, Brawling: Armlock
Unarmed, Brawling: Catching Others Swings
Unarmed, Brawling: Combos Chained From Stunts
Unarmed, Brawling: Creating Room to use Domain Magic
Unarmed, Brawling: Crushing Things With Your Foot
Unarmed, Brawling: Elbows Can Break An Armlock
Unarmed, Brawling: Fighting While Heavily Intoxicated
Unarmed, Brawling: Grappling Opponents
Unarmed, Brawling: How to block a dagger attack with your hands
Unarmed, Brawling: How to head butt your opponent
Unarmed, Brawling: How to tackle your opponent
Unarmed, Brawling: It’s best practice to keep your eyes open when attacking
Unarmed, Brawling: Kick Below the Belt
Unarmed, Brawling: Low Grapple
Unarmed, Brawling: Pinned on back
Unarmed, Brawling: Reprisals With Your Fist
Unarmed, Brawling: Shoulder Hurl
Unarmed, Brawling: Skull Bashing Your Opponents
Unarmed, Brawling: Smashing Bottles
Unarmed, Brawling: Sticks
Unarmed, Brawling: Sucker Punches
Unarmed, Brawling: The Chokehold
Unarmed, Brawling: Throwing Opponents While Intoxicated
Unarmed, Brawling: Using Injuries to Gain an Advantage
Writing: Goodbyes Are Easier With Letters
Writing: Learning to Convey Sincerity
Writing: Letter Writing
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:57 pm, edited 99 times in total. word count: 11716
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"You know I've picked a lot over the Arcs. No seriously! Ask the smartest person in Idalos somethin' then!"
Arcane: A Brief Insight Into Necromantic Initation
Arcane: Necromancers and The Bone Song
Arcane: Necromancers and The Undead
Arcane: Necromancers and Their Control
Arcane: Necromancers Utilize Thralls
Arcane: Necromancers Utilize Thralls and Fetches
Arcane: Necromancy And Liches
Arcane: Necromancy And The Spark
Arcane: Necromancy Controls the Undead
Arcane: Wells and Their Application
Domain Magic: A Weapon in the Wrong Hands (NH)
Domain magic: Comes from within
Domain magic: Mana (ether)
Domain Magic: Rupturing
Domain Magic: Spark Link
Dreamwalking: Altering Physics With Your Imagination
Dreamwalking: Assessing Your Limitations In Dreams
Dreamwalking: Exploring the Mindscape
Dreamwalking: Figuring Out How to Mend The Dreamscape
Dreamwalking: Gives Power Over Dreams
Dreamwalking: Imagination Plays a Role With Dreams
Dreamwalking: Mending Broken Dreamscapes
Dreamwalking: Reality Is Affected By Dreamwalkers in Dreams
Dreamwalking: Skills In The Waking World Affect You In Dreams Too
Dreamwalking: Tends To Utilize Intuition A Lot
Dreamwalking: The Power to Traverse Dreamscapes
Magic: Dangerous
Magic: Sparks can be forcefully removed
Magic: The Spark
Transcendence: A strange, otherworldly experience
Transcendence: Using it to search for someone
Unknown Magic: Making earth move
Unknown Rupturer: Fit form, military type
Cassion: A Cousin To Ymiden?
Cassion: Hunting For Four Artifacts?
Chrien: A massive seabeast shape
Chrien: Stored a hurricane within me
Divine: Zuudaria Is Accessed By Famula's Lamp
Divine: Zuudaria, The Domain of Famula
Emerath: The All Seeing Game’s Mistress
Famula: Immortal of Souls, Servitude, Resurrection, Blood
Famula: Offers Something to Lingering Souls
Famula: Worshippers leave an offering of blood
Ilaren the Immortal: Basic (SP)
Ilaren: Her tits probably aren't that perky
Ilaren: Immortal of Rharne
Immortals: Can Connect To Their Marked
Jesine: Dreams of her brother.
Jesine: Granted you a restful night's sleep.
Jesine: Invited you to visit her sober.
Jesine: Met you in Ne'haer
Jesine: Was surprised at your concern for her dreams.
Jesine: You call her "Twinkle Cheeks"
Moseke: A Motherly Figure
Moseke: Has A Nasty Temper
Moseke: Immortal of Earth, Stone, Nature, Life
Moseke's Power: Calming Whispers
Palenon: Mark of Ilaren
Pier and Pre: Twin Immortals of Judgement, Equality, Justice, Truth, Lies
Saoire: The Beauty of a Gift
Saoire: The Holiday Woman
Saoire: Wears Variable Holiday Crowns
Sessfiend: Curse Brings True Isolation
Sessfiend: Speaks Through You, But With It's Own Voice
Sessfiend: You Feel it Taking You Over
Syroa: Hey, Sexy Lady
Syroa: Immortal of Transformation, Lust, Acting, and Fury
Syroa: Keeps Sessfiends as Pets
Syroa: Not Easy To Locate
Syroa's Blessing: Sesser
Vri: Immortal of Death, Sadness, Remembrance, Love
Ymiden: Can Remove the Sessfiend Curse
Ymiden: Can Take A Hit
Ymiden: Father of the Tunäwä
Ymiden: Has Plans Involving Mortals
Ymiden: Immortal of Summer, Dawn, Rebirth, Forgiveness
Ymiden: Lover of Moseke
Ymiden: Wants You To Learn True Forgiveness
Zuuda: Can Create Undead?
Zuuda: Can Make Ghosts Manifest
Zuuda: Ectoplasm Feeds Souls
Cold Cycle: is never merciful
Ecology: A Body Is Required to Reincarnate
Ecology: Ghosts and Ectoplasm
Ecology: Ghosts Can Have their Existence Expanded
Ecology: The Empty (Ghosts)
Ecology: The Process of Death
Fairies are real
Fairies: Have destinies with people
Goats: Have Weird Eyes
Goats: Smell Funny
Goats: Vicious Evil Creatures
PB: The chalk rabbit-protector thing.
Rose bushes: Not fun to fall into
Shatterhorn: An honorable Ram
Shatterhorn: The feel of being licked by Shatterhorn
Spirits: Possibly neither good nor bad
Sylvithia: A species of wraith, or ghost, that haunts the Willow Woods
Sylvithia: look like humans from a distance but are really hideous monsters.
The Harlot 'n' Hound: Oh the many reasons why you love it.
The Harlot 'n' Hound: The Bar is a Privilege
The Ishkahl: Can spawn shadow tentacles
The Ishkahl: Now possesses my rupturing spark
Vhalar: Crisp weather
World: The Natural Order
Black Guard: Etzos' Guard in Southguard Too
Coven: Controlled by Ellasin
Coven: There is a Greater Plan
Elements: Cultists in the ranks started the conflict
Faction: Al'Angyryl
Faction: Al'Angyryl Stands Against Immortals
Faction: The Shadow Quarter
Faction: The Sons of Justice
Faction: The Thunder Priests
Lightning Knights: Do background checks before accepting new recruits
Lightning Knights: Investigating Kar’s assault and treachery
Alaiwa: Created by Ymiden
Alaiwa: First of the Tunäwä
Ancient Book: guide to Orimar
Artifact: The Halo
Bartending: A great way to pick up chicks
Card Game Variant: Strip Poker
Card Game: Poker
Ethics: Drinking does not liberate one of personal responsibility
Flavor: The Taste of Raw Meat
Game: Guess and drink
History: Tales Written on Walls
Ink Bloom: Isn't Contagious
Journey To Ne'haer Is a Deadly One
Living up to the expectations of friends
Miscellaneous: A Shipment For Raimeus
Miscellaneous: Blackpowder
Miscellaneous: Blackpowder Ignites and Even Explodes
Moonflow: A Mysterious Substance
Moonflow: Can Be Refined Somehow
Moonflow: Is Deadly to Consume
Orimatsu: Created An Elaborate Test For Entry
Orimatsu: Heavily Relied On Symbols
Orimatsu: hid and guarded the “Jewel of Emea”
Orimatsu: Lost Tribe
Orimatsu: Refined the "Moonflow" Into crystalline substance
Orimatsu: spiritual
Orimatsu: The Owl, The Bear, The Dragon Symbols
Orimatsu: They Worshipped Emean "Gods"
Orimatsu: Were Fooled Into A Ritual
Orimatsu: worshiped the Emea
Orimatsu: Worshipped More Than Just Emea?
Portal Boots: Warp You Straight to Home
Recipe: Setting Up A Fiery Cocktail
Rharnians: Drunks
Slaves think of themselves as objects.
Treasure Hunting: Be Careful of Booby Traps
Treasure Hunting: Caves
Death: Never Truly a Goodbye (NH)
Dream: The Roaming Fair
Emea: Dreams of Death
Emea: The Game’s Mistress
Emea: The Labyrinth
Expedition: New Members To The Team
Expedition: Surrendered to Raimeus With Terms
Heist Complete: Getting Cold Feet
Heist: Getting Cold Feet
Holiday Gift: From Tei'serin
Immortal’s Quest: Failed
Immortal’s Quest: Obtain the Halo
Jaded Memory: Reunion in Ne'haer
Memory: Taking Home A Noble's Daughter
Operation: "Hijack Shipment" A Success... Sort Of!
Personal Fear: Magic
Personal Goal: Kill Ellasin
Personal: A Chance For Redemption?
Personal: A Difficult Promise to Ellen'wyn
Personal: A Knack For Trouble
Personal: A Self-Destructive Loner
Personal: Accompanying Gennadiya On Her Quest
Personal: Almost Caught
Personal: Been Stabbed... Twice.
Personal: Being an Expensive Common Whore
Personal: Branching Out
Personal: Caught In A Broken Dreamscape
Personal: Committed Murder
Personal: Dealing With Private Matters
Personal: Emea Is Gone
Personal: Emea's Requiem
Personal: Facing Uncertain Death
Personal: Failure of Commitment
Personal: Feeling Alone in the World
Personal: First Time Was With Lexi
Personal: Forevermore, Goats Are The Enemy
Personal: Giving Magic A Try
Personal: Heartbreak, Round Three
Personal: Heartbreak, Round Two
Personal: Helped By A Lightning Knight
Personal: Leaving Foster's Landing Temporarily
Personal: Lexi Left
Personal: Meeting With Faith
Personal: Meeting Ymiden
Personal: Meeting Your Own Son
Personal: Miracles Can Happen?
Personal: Missing the Ones You Love
Personal: Missing Your Brother
Personal: Missing Your Older Brother
Personal: Moved Into A New Home
Personal: Moving Up in the World
Personal: No Longer an Apartment Owner
Personal: Not A Hero, Certainly Not 'Hero" Material
Personal: On the Verge of A Major Discovery
Personal: Playing It Safe From Now On
Personal: Quest for Wendell Complete
Personal: Rammed By A Yearling Goat
Personal: Reaching Out to The Shadow Quarter
Personal: Regretting Ellen'wyn's Awkward Situation
Personal: Remembering Past Events
Personal: Resurrection Requires a Lofty Price
Personal: Scarred From The Maze?
Personal: Seeing A Familiar Materialize
Personal: Sessfiend Is A Part of Your Life Now
Personal: Slowly Grasping The Paranormal
Personal: Survived Orimar
Personal: Survivor of A Raid
Personal: Taken Hostage
Personal: The Crippling Reality of Failure
Personal: The Death of Elinora Barnell
Personal: The Discovery of Orimar's Guardian
Personal: The Dream With Faith
Personal: The Expedition to Orimar
Personal: The Feeling of Abandonment
Personal: The Feeling of Home
Personal: The First Kiss
Personal: The Joys (and Restrictions) of Bondage
Personal: The Mending Of Emea
Personal: The Plan Trip to Rharne
Personal: The Struggle With Love
Personal: The Trial of Orimar's Guardian
Personal: Treated For STI
Personal: Trust In Your Sexual Partner
Personal: Witnessed The Guardian of Orimar
Quest: Getting in Good With the Shadow Quarter
Quest: Rescue Wendell
Quest: The Excavation
Quest: The Excavation - Completed
Quest: The Race For Orimar
Quest: The Voyage Home
Saoire: Kissed By
Self: Yer a wizard, Patrick!
Sessfiend: A Constant, Mocking Voice
Sessfiend: Afraid of Mirrors
Sessfiend: Form of the Manticore
Sessfiend: Syroa's Curse
Sex: Threesome
Story: Wendell carries Rei out with nothing but a "Nope" and a wink.
Bronze Boar: Layout
Bronze Boar: Tavern & Fighting Ring
Etzos: A Dangerous Place
Etzos: New Territory
Etzos: The Cow and Corset
Foster's Landing: South of Etzos
Location: Burned Building in Dust Quarter
Location: Fordwell
Location: Foster's Landing: Etzos' Port Town
Location: Rei’s Home
Location: Rharne - Dust Quarter (NH)
Location: Rharne Stormlands
Location: Sessfiend's Grave
Location: Southguard: A Satellite Town of Etzos
Location: Stormlands
Location: The Bronze Boar
Location: The Glass Quarter
Location: The Golden Flask
Location: The Guardian of Orimar
Location: The Harlot 'n' Hound
Location: The Lady Libertine
Location: The Lap of Luxury
Location: The Lost City of Orimar
Location: The Valley of Orimar
Location: Tio's Tea House
Ne’haer: City
Ne'haer: The walls are a good protection from harsher elements
Orimar: A Lost Bastion
Orimar: Can Only Be Found In Cylus
Orimar: Heart of the World
Orimar: Located Somewhere Between Etzos and Ne'haer
Orimar: The City of Crystal
Orimar: The Downfall of a Bastion
Orimar: The Guardian and His Charge
Orimar: The Seven Seers And The Betrayal
Rharne Culture: Death Ritual
Rharne: City Layout (SP)
Rharne: City of revelry
Rharne: Dock Laborers and Keepers
Rharne: Drug Vendors With the Dust Quarter
Rharne: Lightning Knights (NH)
Rharne: Shipments and Supply Routes
Rharne: The Shadow Quarter
Rynmere: Expanding East
Rynmere: Island kingdom near Rharne
Sanctuaries: Where Pilgrims Prove their Faith
Scalvoris Location: Mysterious Girl's Cavern in the mountains
Scalvoris: A surprising amount of wily mages
Scalvoris: Sure has some speedy trials
The Willow woods: The forest around Ne'haer
Willow Woods: Dangerous
Willow Woods: Forest in Ne’haer
Aukari: Misunderstood By Most
Aukari: Unwelcome in Rharne
Biqaj: Emotions Affect Eye Colour
Race: Avriel
Tunawa: Gracious and thankful
Tunawa: Teeny Tiny
Tunawa: Unsure what to do with many human made objects
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:44 pm, edited 84 times in total. word count: 1726
"Freedom is everything."

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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Yeah, I've collected a few cool things over the Arcs. Wait until you see them!"


Item - Condition - Detail
Family Pendant - Average - Check the Trove section down below for details.
Duplicity Suit - Exquisite - Check the Trove section down below for details.
Silver Celtic Knotted Pendant - Average - A knotted necklace made of silver.
Ymiden's Ring - Exquisite - Check the Trove section down below for details.


Item - Condition - Detail
Buckler - Average - A medium sized shield that's buckles to the forearm.
Leather Pauldrons - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.
Leather Torso - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.
Leather Gauntlets - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.
Leather Fauld - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.
Leather Greaves - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.
Leather Boots - Average - Protective gear consisting of padded leather.


Item - Condition - Detail
Bag - Average - A large, waterproof bag, made with high durability.
Bedroll - Average - A leather woven bedroll insulated with wool to keep warm.
Domain Bag - Exquisite - Check the Trove section down below for details.
Lantern - Average - An iron made tool that utilizes oil to illuminate the surrounding area.
Portal Boots - Exquisite - Check the Trove section down below for details.
Tent - Average - A two person fitted shelter that is composed of leather and iron.
Tinderbox - Average - A wooden box that houses steel and flint, and spare tinder, to help start a fire when it's necessary.
Waterskin - Average - A leather crafted container that can house any sort of liquid such as water or wine.


Item - Condition - Detail


Item - Condition - Detail
Climbing Axe - Average - A large hook-shaped tool useful for scaling cliffsides and slopes.
Comb - Average - A bronze lengthy comb, useful for styling the hair.
Crampon Gloves - Average - A pair of reinforced gloves with studs to aid with climbing.
Crampon Soles - Average - A pair of spiked soles that can attach to the bottom of boots.
Razor - Average - A small but sharp barber's knife made of steel, used for shaving the face and neck.


Item - Condition - Detail
Journal - Average - A booklet filled with various sketches and entries.
Ink Well - Average - A resealable phial that contains black ink for writing.
Ink Pen - Average - An iron made utensil used to write with ink.
Lamp Oil - Average - A flammable substance that keeps the fire of a lantern burning bright.
Soap - Average - A scent bar of oil that helps clean when bathing, smells of cedar wood when used.
Toiletries - Average - The essentials necessary to make the relief after 'going' a bit easier.
Toothbrush - Average - A utensil used for the purpose of dental hygiene
Toothpaste - Average - A minty paste used for the purpose of dental hygiene


Item - Condition - Detail
Ammunition - Masterwork - A lifetime supply of bolts which are used for the Crossbow.
Broadsword - Average - A steel forged one-handed sword that's a moderately heavy.
Crossbow - Exquisite - See the Trove section of Plotnotes for details.
Quarterstaff - Average - A six foot long rod of steel fashioned for the use of combat.
Spring-Loaded Dagger - Average - A hidden dagger that remains concealed within a sleeve until the wielded uses it.
Throwing Knives - Average - A set of iron knives that can be thrown, usually kept in a bundle of five.


The Elements (Scalvoris)
Big Boy Scout - You were very well prepared. You have earned 1 favour from the Elements who will loan you an unusual mount / piece of equipment etc for up to ten trials.


Ymiden's Band
Article: Damaged Artifact
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 0.2 lbs.
Purpose: Containment of the Sessfiend's Chaotic Energy

Description: This artifact is a pair of identical rings that has been etched with the Ancient Language. The symbols have a faint orange-yellow glow, as if the faint light of dawn is protecting you. One ring is to be worn by the Cursed at all times. To prevent the cursed from taking on the Sessfiend form, they are to give the sister ring to a unrepentant person and transfer the curse for that evening. By completing this transference, Patrick remains unaffected by Syroa's curse and under the radar from her attention. If he is unable to find an unrepentant person, he will either undergo the change or lock all of the rage within his own ring. By penning up the rage within the artifact, he runs the risk of incurring Syroa's rage or releasing a stronger beast if the artifact were to be removed or broken.

History: Originally obtained from a dream encounter with Ymiden, this ring and it's sister has remained in Patrick's possession since Saun 717. It's purpose had been unknown until after the Emerath's Labyrinth event in Vhalar 717, in which Ymiden brought to light shortly after their return from the Emea. Overtime the band has suffered damage from the Sessfiend's chaotic energy, but now remains in Patrick's possession as a souvenir of the past.
Sovereign Fist
Article: Weaponized Artifact
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 8 lbs.
Purpose: Close Ranged Combat
Approval: viewtopic.php?f=368&t=17024

Description: A gilded gauntlet intricately carved and imbued with a minor hint of Ilaren's blessing, the Sovereign Fist is as much a weapon as it is a piece of armor. The gauntlet is able to generate small sound waves on impact, giving it a much harder force when something is punched; the more imbibed the wearer is the more stronger these shockwaves become. Minor drunkenness is what generates the shockwaves, moderate empowering them enough to stun and disorient on impact, and major being able to generate a surrounding field effect of a shockwave.

History: Legend has it that this glove once belonged to a hero among the Lightning Knights, who suffered from a tragedy while out on patrol within the Stormlands. Though they could never recover his remains they did regain his legacy, this gauntlet, which has been passed down to one of the locals in Rharne; for the efforts he has made in helping others in the world.


Mystery Locket
Article: Heirloom
Value: 20 GN
Weight: 2 lbs.
Purpose: Accessory

Description: A locket made of pure silver which has been designed to resemble a compass, with a bird overhead at the Northern point, and an unusual keyhole on the other side; no such key has been found to undo the lock of this item.

History: The memento first received by his older brother Dominek first shortly after the passing of their mother, this locket eventually passed on to Patrick after Dominek passed away also. Ever since then the item has remained on Patrick's body, whether around his neck or in his pocket, as he never goes anywhere without the trinket.
Blessed Nel
Value: 100 GN
Weight: 0.1 lbs.
Purpose: Communication

Description: A golden nel that looks just about plain until closer inspection, as it shimmers brighter than the average nel and even glows; only faintly enough to notice in total darkness. The item grants Patrick the ability to communicate with Mer through their telepathy, similar to how the Biqaj are able to do so, but requires dedication to practice and focus in order to master it.

History: A random Nel Patrick pulled out of his pocket to determine what choice he should have followed, nevertheless it's outcome may have led him to a very unwelcome situation.
Bone Horn
Article: Unusual Instrument
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 2 lbs.
Purpose: Summons the Companion Shatterhorn while on Scalvoris

Description: A decoratively large whistle carved form the dense horn of a large ram, ravelled with locks of goat hair and string.

History: Provided to Patrick when he went mountaineering for the answers to his unusual dreams, the horn has been held onto mostly for safe keeping purposes; although the Rharnian hasn't forgotten the horn's purpose upon use. Eventually a time may yet come, where he'll use it to call upon an invaluable
Domain Bag
Article: Point Bank Item
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 10 lbs.
Purpose: Carriage of belongings, Protection of Belongings

Description: A leather fitted bag that looks unassuming upon first glance, but actually supplies Patrick with a personal 'domain' of storage.

History: Discovered during his trip into the Scalvoris Mountains when he chased a legend, Patrick has kept this invaluable container and made sure to never lose it.
Duplicity Suit
Article: Point Bank Item
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 5 lbs.
Purpose: Fashionable Suit

Description: This item is either a dress or a two-piece suit (shirt/blouse + pants/skirt). It can change appearance twice per trial, but can never deviate from its original design (ie. a duplicity dress can only shift into other types/colours of dresses). The wearer only has to picture what they wish to be wearing in order to activate the item. When the item changes appearance, it can look like anything from rags to a ballgown and can be any colour(s) the wearer imagines. It will never be warmer or cooler and will not add any other advantages. If purchased as a two-piece suit, both pieces must be worn simultaneously to work. Damage to the fabric renders the item useless.

History: Emea is said to be a place of mysterious possibility, where anything can happen and things aren't what they seem. Yet imagine the luck in bringing home something from a place like that? Patrick's adventure into the Untold during the Crack in the Wall event has awarded him with this item, a two piece suit that awaited his discovery alongside the curious hat that came into his possession.
Fireproof Parchment
Article: Unusual Oddity
Value: 5 GN
Weight: 1 Oz.
Purpose: Writing Parchment

Description: It's a small (8 inch square) piece of parchment. Writing on it becomes permanent, can not be washed away or destroyed unless the piece of parchment is thrown onto fire, where the ink burns away and leaves the parchment clean once more.

History: Granted as a reward from the citizens on Faldrass after the Dark Hearts event, Patrick came in possession of this shortly after the fight with the Beast and his men subsided.
Meditation Token
Article: Enchanted Coin
Value: 5 GN
Weight: 0.1 lbs.
Purpose: Meditations

Description: A deep gold medallion that appears plain save for the symbols engraved in its surface. Holding it causes a slight, but noticeable, calming effect to whoever holds it. It works for up to one break, once a trial. It cannot cure insanity, just calms the individual down when held.

History: Granted as a reward from the citizens on Faldrass after the Dark Hearts event, Patrick came in possession of this shortly after the fight with the Beast and his men subsided.
Nightstalker's Hat
Article: Curious Headwear
Value: 60 GN
Weight: 3 lbs.
Purpose: Scouting, Fashionable Headwear

Description: A pointed hat that is the color of olive, possessing no remarkable features at face value. However while it is worn it grants the wearer the ability to see clearly in the dark, perfectly so that perpetual night is a mere twilight's walk for the individual.

History: Emea is said to be a place of mysterious possibility, where anything can happen and things aren't what they seem. Yet imagine the luck in bringing home something from a place like that? Patrick's adventure into the Untold during the Crack in the Wall event led him to cross paths with this hat, while trying to help repair Emea after what happened in the Maze. While it's appearance was both remarkably unusual, Patrick has nonetheless kept the hat shortly after discovering the interesting boon it grants while worn.
Portal Boots
Article: Point Bank Item
Value: Undeterminable
Weight: 4 lbs. per boot
Purpose: Warping Footwear

Description: Worn leather boots that looks unassuming upon first glance, but actually allow Patrick to travel home when used; once per season if from another city and twice if it's in the same city.

History: Discovered during his trip into the Scalvoris Mountains when he chased a legend, Patrick has kept this invaluable container and made sure to never lose it.
Smooglenuff's Locket
Article: Peculiar Accessory
Value: 40 GN
Weight: 1 lbs.
Purpose: Allows one to see Ghosts within their vicinity

Description: An intricate little locket with "Smooglenuff" engraved on the backside of it. Holding it, or having it touching your skin, allows one to see and interact with souls who have not yet passed over. It works for up to one break, once a trial.

History: Found by Patrick, this small locket is engraved with the name "Smooglenuff". It was discovered during their investigation once the Dark Hearts event started, and he has yet to give it back to the original owner.


Crystalline Chalice
Article: Orimatsun Relic
Value: 100 GN
Weight: 10 lbs.
Purpose: Decoration

Description: An ornamental dish which has been elaborately made from a refined substance called "the Moonflow", which emits a very soft and somber glow during Cylus and Full Moon phases.

History: First discovered in an underground ruin which was surveyed, the chalice was a ritual component used among Val'ketosh. The relic was left in possession of Kleo and Raimeus, who led a large expedition to discover the city of Orimar. While Patrick led a much smaller rival expedition of his own, he managed to swindle the chalice out from under their grasp. After the destruction of the ruins of Orimar he came to possess it once again, this time keeping it until a place was found for it in within his abode.


Umbra (Crossbow)
Article: Enchanted Crossbow
Value: 120 GN
Weight: 14 lbs
Purpose: Ranged Combat/Stealth Ops

Description: black ornate crossbow that truly looks the part of an assassin's weapon, this crossbow is fitted just slightly better than the standard crossbow; with a darker and thicker wood used as it's base component as well. Umbra is a special crossbow enchanted with a poison buff, allowing Patrick to poison a target only twice a season when he chooses to. He is also able to change the type of poison imbued in the bolt once a season, but must first possess the knowledge of what poison he wishes to imbue for it to have any effect.

History: Retrieved off the body of one of the hitmen that followed the Deputy during the crisis on Faldrass, this weapon was one of the tools that killed almost two of his friends. Though one was lost that day this crossbow, now named Umbra, serves a better purpose than what it did before. Patrick's newfound ownership of the weapon quickly transpired during the battle at Smooglenuff Manor, where he used it to dispatch the Deputy of The Beast after Amaris had passed away shortly afterwards.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:07 pm, edited 90 times in total. word count: 2448
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Patrick Barnell

Table of Contents

I. BasicsII. AppearanceIII. MentalityIV. HistoryV. FellowshipVI. PantheologyVII. AbilitiesVIII. LoreIX. InventoryX. Records
Patrick Barnell

The Barnell Bastard


"Okay gimme a sec here, there are a lot of numbers and I've never been good with math..."
Renown Tracker


Starting Rep: 30
Earned Rep: 545
Total Rep: 575
Wealth Ledger
Cycle - Season Wealth Tier Total WP Adjustment
Rebirth - Cylus Tier 5 66 viewtopic.php?p=108396#p108394
Rebirth - Cylus Tier 5 67 viewtopic.php?f=368&t=17024
Rebirth - Ashan Tier 5 79 viewtopic.php?p=124727#p124727
Hot - Ymiden Tier 6 91 viewtopic.php?p=124728#p124728
Hot - Ymiden Tier 5 86 The Shoppe: Infinite Masterwork Bolts
Cycle - Season Wealth Tier Total WP Adjustment
Rebirth - Cylus Tier 5 86 Return from Hiatus
Rebirth - Ashan Tier 5 86 Return from Hiatus
Hot - Ymiden Tier 5 86 New Season
Last edited by Patrick on Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:06 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 1003
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