After what seemed an eternity to Hud, the raw recruits where able to complete their first organized march to the satisfaction of Centurion Vierka. The look on the grizzled veteran's face was imprinted into the young Raskithecal's mind as one to be feared and swiftly obeyed. Hud said a quick thanks to Raskalorn when they were dismissed to remove their armor at the tents. As they troop marched back into the fortress, the Decadrions ran up and down the ranks yelling slogans and harassing the incompetent recruits. One of the phrases being yelled by Decadrion Ylzzig stuck in Hud's mind immediately.
"Hard work pays off... hard work pays off," Hud repeated to himself with a hopeful smile on his face. Not that anyone would be able to notice with his visor being down.
The entirety of this new Legion was housed in single massive tent. The one hundred men and women would not only train together, but eat, sleep, and bathe together. Each Legionaire was assigned a bunk and a chest to place their armor; the Raskithecal were given a specific corner. The recruits were given an entire hour break. The respite was not without more yelling from the Decadrions; there was a very specific way they wanted the armor inside the chests; chest piece and pauldrons on the bottom, gauntlets and vambraces on the sides, and helm on the top. The chest was locked and the key was to be worn around their necks at all time. The recruits were also given a standardized tunic to wear.
Mental awake still, the Raskithecal was able to follow the leadership's directions without any issues. Unfortunately, many of the weaker recruits received the ire of the Decadrions. Hud felt normal once again with his armor off. Stretching his tired muscles out, he began to feel his vigor return. His shoulders, arms, and chest were bulging from the workout of wearing armor. Looking at the condition of the less athletic recruits made him great-full to have Ashrad blood flowing in his veins.
Spotting a fellow Raskithecal who had finished the task of undressing quicker than the rest, Hud immediately noticed her feminine serpent's tail. This intrigued him greatly and a smile flashed upon his face. He didn't realize that such a full bosom and tight figure would be present in the ranks of the military. The female Raskithecal's face was very pretty, though strong looking; her serpent fuller and thicker than his very own.
Sliding over to her still sweaty from their exertion, he greeted her with formal Korlasiran etiquette, "Hail new comrade! I am Hud of the Ashraf Family, it is an honor to meet you..."
"It's going to take a long time for us to get through training," Hud said after she introduced herself, "Look at these slackers. They can barely put away a set of armor," Hud said this lightly and with a humorous tone, pointing at a poor human recruit across the way getting yelled at by a Decadrion.
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Hud Ashraf arrives at the Imperial Border Fort for his first day as a Legionnaire.
- Hud Ashraf
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- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:47 am
- Race: Mixed Race
- Profession: Legionnaire
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
- Shesha
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[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Finally done. Thank Raskalarn. That had been an exercise in frustration and tedium.
Falling out to the massive tent that would serve as home while in the fortress, Shesha collected and then repacked her gear in the chest provided. It was tight, with two sets of personal armour, but here again she benefited from having been raised an army brat. She was quick to fit everything in in the approved fashion, pulling on the issued tunic with no compunctions in regards to modesty. They would be stuck training in close quarters for a significant length of time. Any shyness anyone had would be gone soon enough. Besides, though it could be more defined, Shesha was not embarrassed by her body. It was a warriors. It could be improved with a scar or two and the stories attached of course but such things would come in time.
As she watched many of the others failing to complete even this simple task of packing, some due to incompetency, others exhaustion, warring emotions were felt. Annoyance at their continued failure. Smug glee at once more proving to be better than they were. Proprietary condescension, particularly for the non-Raskithecals. A slight urge to go and do it for them, to show them how it was meant to be done. With the Decadrions making the rounds though, she wasn't going to risk it. These soldiers did not belong to her. They were not her responsibility beyond the amount that every citizen was her responsibility. The Decadrions were handling it and they had her soundly outranked.
These musings were interrupted by the black scaled Raskithecal she'd been assigned into a squad with. Initial assessment of him during formations turned out to be correct, he was definitely broader and carrying far more muscle than she was.
"Hail Comrade Hud, I am Shesha, it is an honour to meet you as well."
No family name was included in her introduction. Though they had served well and faithfully since the time of the entrapment, they had not distinguished themselves to the extent that they had a family name. Which told her that as well as being stronger he was also from a more decorated family. Frustrating. Well, perhaps hers would be the service that saw a second name earned. Yes.
"Ha! Yes. Cannot march, cannot put armour into a chest. Not entirely certain what they've spent their lives doing. I thought I had much training still to do but in comparison.."
She grinned, sharp fangs on display. It was likely telling that Shesha truly could not imagine what any adult had done with their life if they had no militant training. After all, it was what she had lived and breathed since hatching. Anything else had been a distraction at best.
"You are from Korlasir as well then?"
Most of the Raskithecal were, but there were a few families who lived elsewhere.
Falling out to the massive tent that would serve as home while in the fortress, Shesha collected and then repacked her gear in the chest provided. It was tight, with two sets of personal armour, but here again she benefited from having been raised an army brat. She was quick to fit everything in in the approved fashion, pulling on the issued tunic with no compunctions in regards to modesty. They would be stuck training in close quarters for a significant length of time. Any shyness anyone had would be gone soon enough. Besides, though it could be more defined, Shesha was not embarrassed by her body. It was a warriors. It could be improved with a scar or two and the stories attached of course but such things would come in time.
As she watched many of the others failing to complete even this simple task of packing, some due to incompetency, others exhaustion, warring emotions were felt. Annoyance at their continued failure. Smug glee at once more proving to be better than they were. Proprietary condescension, particularly for the non-Raskithecals. A slight urge to go and do it for them, to show them how it was meant to be done. With the Decadrions making the rounds though, she wasn't going to risk it. These soldiers did not belong to her. They were not her responsibility beyond the amount that every citizen was her responsibility. The Decadrions were handling it and they had her soundly outranked.
These musings were interrupted by the black scaled Raskithecal she'd been assigned into a squad with. Initial assessment of him during formations turned out to be correct, he was definitely broader and carrying far more muscle than she was.
"Hail Comrade Hud, I am Shesha, it is an honour to meet you as well."
No family name was included in her introduction. Though they had served well and faithfully since the time of the entrapment, they had not distinguished themselves to the extent that they had a family name. Which told her that as well as being stronger he was also from a more decorated family. Frustrating. Well, perhaps hers would be the service that saw a second name earned. Yes.
"Ha! Yes. Cannot march, cannot put armour into a chest. Not entirely certain what they've spent their lives doing. I thought I had much training still to do but in comparison.."
She grinned, sharp fangs on display. It was likely telling that Shesha truly could not imagine what any adult had done with their life if they had no militant training. After all, it was what she had lived and breathed since hatching. Anything else had been a distraction at best.
"You are from Korlasir as well then?"
Most of the Raskithecal were, but there were a few families who lived elsewhere.
word count: 487
- Hud Ashraf
- Approved Character
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:47 am
- Race: Mixed Race
- Profession: Legionnaire
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
"Shesha!" Hud repeated her name so that he would not forget, "Shesha!" He looked her up and down again, especially at her bosom in the thin brown tunic. Hud had never been in professional situation where he could brazenly gaze upon a female Raskithecal's breasts. Producing a deep cough, he struggled briefly to keep the topic on point. He had already forgotten what she had said.
"Uhhh, yess, born and raised in Korlassir!" Hud grinned ear to ear, awkwardly coming back into reality once again, "And you, where do you hail from?"
After she responded, Hud looked around the scene again to make sure they didn't get reprimanded, "What do you think is next, Shesha?"
"Uhhh, yess, born and raised in Korlassir!" Hud grinned ear to ear, awkwardly coming back into reality once again, "And you, where do you hail from?"
After she responded, Hud looked around the scene again to make sure they didn't get reprimanded, "What do you think is next, Shesha?"
word count: 117
2/3 threads. PM for plots.
- Shesha
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- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 4:10 am
- Race: Mixed Race
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Huds blatantly open interest in her breasts likely would have offended most other races, but quite frankly Raskithecals took a straightforward approach to these sorts of things. Did you see someone you liked? Did they find you of interest as well? Go twine tails and then get on with it. No particular weight was put on sex. It was an enjoyable activity, so they enjoyed it as they liked. Especially when one had an Imperial career. It was not efficient to have your soldiers or necessary support workers in the family way. It often prevented them from carrying out their duty. So for those females who did serve, Daucus Carota seeds were available as a courtesy.
Really all his gaze did was make her quickly weigh whether or not she found him to be acceptable, and so far the answer to that was yes. Of course he might fail horrifically in their next bout of training and she would lose interest, but until that happened..
Short and to the point, but he knew the city, there was no point in gushing. Besides, Shesha had never done much sight-seeing within her own home.
At his next question she rubbed her nose considering, before shrugging.
"If we're lucky they'll put a weapon in our hands and see what we can do. If not we'll get to hear more about the training we'll eventually do I imagine."
Really all his gaze did was make her quickly weigh whether or not she found him to be acceptable, and so far the answer to that was yes. Of course he might fail horrifically in their next bout of training and she would lose interest, but until that happened..
Short and to the point, but he knew the city, there was no point in gushing. Besides, Shesha had never done much sight-seeing within her own home.
At his next question she rubbed her nose considering, before shrugging.
"If we're lucky they'll put a weapon in our hands and see what we can do. If not we'll get to hear more about the training we'll eventually do I imagine."
word count: 240
- Hud Ashraf
- Approved Character
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:47 am
- Race: Mixed Race
- Profession: Legionnaire
- Renown: 0
- Character Sheet
- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Hud's grin remained wide and his gaze steady on the female Raskithecal. Already his mind was resolute on the goal of dragging Shesha off into a secluded area to get all tangled up. Once the young rask had it in his mind to seek out a female, his single-mindedness usually saw it through.
Oh you want a weapon in your hand huh?
With a playful gleam in his eyes, the shirtless, brazen bodied soldier slithered closer to Shesha, "Ohhh! Look what I have!"
Slithering over the tip of Shesha's tail just as an excuse to touch her, Hud went straight for his armor storage chest and produced a decorated Kris, "This is Negahnepoc, a krisss used on the Westron Front to sslay a giant tree man,"
Holding the blade faced down along his forearm Hud reproduced three vicious stabs, as if slaying the tree-monster himself. Each motion produced a forceful velocity that made the blade sing against the air. The bulging and twisting of Hud's shiny, sinewy, muscles proved well enough he had some experience swinging a blade.
When he was done, he flipped the blade adeptly in his hand and handed the hilt to Shesha. The Raskithecal's tongue flickered wildly. Energy and arousal flowed through his body so that he lost all focus on the proceedings around him. The yelling Decadrions were drowned out now by the sight of Shesha's feminine figure.
Oh you want a weapon in your hand huh?
With a playful gleam in his eyes, the shirtless, brazen bodied soldier slithered closer to Shesha, "Ohhh! Look what I have!"
Slithering over the tip of Shesha's tail just as an excuse to touch her, Hud went straight for his armor storage chest and produced a decorated Kris, "This is Negahnepoc, a krisss used on the Westron Front to sslay a giant tree man,"
Holding the blade faced down along his forearm Hud reproduced three vicious stabs, as if slaying the tree-monster himself. Each motion produced a forceful velocity that made the blade sing against the air. The bulging and twisting of Hud's shiny, sinewy, muscles proved well enough he had some experience swinging a blade.
When he was done, he flipped the blade adeptly in his hand and handed the hilt to Shesha. The Raskithecal's tongue flickered wildly. Energy and arousal flowed through his body so that he lost all focus on the proceedings around him. The yelling Decadrions were drowned out now by the sight of Shesha's feminine figure.
word count: 240
2/3 threads. PM for plots.
- Shesha
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- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 4:10 am
- Race: Mixed Race
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Only mildly interested and engaged before, you could see Shesha perking up and taking an active interest as Hud went for his armour chest. Unless she was wrong, he was about to break out his toys, and oh how Shesha loved toys. Martial ones, not marital, a letter off and a world apart. Still, they probably got her as or more excited than the other sort did for other races.
She gave the Kris a speculative once over when he first drew it, it was extremely decorative. So much that at first she took it to be ceremonial rather than functional. Which while about the only sort of art she appreciated, was much less exciting than an actual weapon. When he told the story behind it however, and demonstrated it's use, she re-evaluated. Plus it was a good excuse to see him in at least semi-action. She was no dagger expert, but his form looked correct enough to her, and his muscles, shirtless and sweaty as he was moved quite pleasingly.
Accepting the weapon with unhidden eagerness, she turned it over in her hands, examining it more closely, feeling the weight of it. It seemed well balanced, and fit comfortably in her hand, but honestly it was hard for her to tell. Her melee weapon on choice weighed significantly more after all.
"It is a very good weapon. Hopefully we are given the chance to grow its history, and you will tell of those it has slain on the Southern front too."
This with a sharp toothed grin as she returned it to him. No flips from her, she knew it was not a weapon she was familiar with, and would prefer not to cripple herself the first day.
"My mace has no such stories yet, it was smithed for me. It will though."
This was bordering on boasting, but it was not unusual at all. Most Raskithecal indulged to some extent. She'd not named any of her gear, but then, it hadn't earned it yet. Who cared the name of a weapon that had done nothing?
"House Ashraf has served in the Legion for Arcs then."
That was more observation than question. They had a surname and they had a storied weapon. More catching up to do. Shesha, young and brash as she was, knew that she could and would.
She gave the Kris a speculative once over when he first drew it, it was extremely decorative. So much that at first she took it to be ceremonial rather than functional. Which while about the only sort of art she appreciated, was much less exciting than an actual weapon. When he told the story behind it however, and demonstrated it's use, she re-evaluated. Plus it was a good excuse to see him in at least semi-action. She was no dagger expert, but his form looked correct enough to her, and his muscles, shirtless and sweaty as he was moved quite pleasingly.
Accepting the weapon with unhidden eagerness, she turned it over in her hands, examining it more closely, feeling the weight of it. It seemed well balanced, and fit comfortably in her hand, but honestly it was hard for her to tell. Her melee weapon on choice weighed significantly more after all.
"It is a very good weapon. Hopefully we are given the chance to grow its history, and you will tell of those it has slain on the Southern front too."
This with a sharp toothed grin as she returned it to him. No flips from her, she knew it was not a weapon she was familiar with, and would prefer not to cripple herself the first day.
"My mace has no such stories yet, it was smithed for me. It will though."
This was bordering on boasting, but it was not unusual at all. Most Raskithecal indulged to some extent. She'd not named any of her gear, but then, it hadn't earned it yet. Who cared the name of a weapon that had done nothing?
"House Ashraf has served in the Legion for Arcs then."
That was more observation than question. They had a surname and they had a storied weapon. More catching up to do. Shesha, young and brash as she was, knew that she could and would.
word count: 396
- Hud Ashraf
- Approved Character
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:47 am
- Race: Mixed Race
- Profession: Legionnaire
- Renown: 0
- Character Sheet
- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
Putting Negahnepoc back into the chest, Hud wandered if she had caught any of his mild flirting; she seemed not to have noticed his gesture though. His ears perked up at Shesha mentioning using a mace though. Assumptions of her character and judgments about her personality filed the male's head the moment he heard that word. Shesha's body still on his mind, Hud now imagined her perfect feminine form being ruined by training mace too often. Mace wielders became ugly over time; they had disproportionate arms, broken faces, and bulging backs. It was such a basic, crude weapon. He eyed her up and down once again.
"Mace??" Hud ignored her mention of House Ashraf, "Why mace? A blade would be way more suitable for you, I bet!" Hud exclaimed in a skeptical tone, trying to give her a subtle hint of disapproval.
Looking to the right and left, he made sure that none of the Decadrions were making an approach. Eyes back on Shesha, for the first time he listened to her response eye-to-eye and not looking at her bosom.
"Mace??" Hud ignored her mention of House Ashraf, "Why mace? A blade would be way more suitable for you, I bet!" Hud exclaimed in a skeptical tone, trying to give her a subtle hint of disapproval.
Looking to the right and left, he made sure that none of the Decadrions were making an approach. Eyes back on Shesha, for the first time he listened to her response eye-to-eye and not looking at her bosom.
word count: 184
2/3 threads. PM for plots.
- Shesha
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- Posts: 25
- Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 4:10 am
- Race: Mixed Race
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Imperial Border Fort] Unrefined (Basilisk)
"I like maces."
She'd been informed she was likely going to have to learn to use a spear in formation, but left to herself, she wanted her mace.
"I don't want to muck around with aiming for armour joints and the like in the middle of a pitched battle. Plate or not, you hit someone with a mace they know they're hit."
Some of the time you could even numb, fracture or fully break arms through shields. It'd take a hell of a sword and a hell of a swing to do that. There were downsides of course. Once you committed to a swing, you were swinging, the best you could do was change the arc and use the weight in a new direction, you couldn't suddenly pull a blow or reverse directions, you couldn't stab as quickly. But oh when you landed a blow. What was more satisfying than watching a training dummy explode into a shower of splinters?
"And if they're speedy, dodging bastards, just hit them with a crossbow bolt from a range."
She added with a shrug. Perhaps in duels she was at a disadvantage, but duels didn't really concern her. If it came to a melee, in full plate with shield and mace, she felt as near to immortal and as capable of sowing destruction as possible.
She'd been informed she was likely going to have to learn to use a spear in formation, but left to herself, she wanted her mace.
"I don't want to muck around with aiming for armour joints and the like in the middle of a pitched battle. Plate or not, you hit someone with a mace they know they're hit."
Some of the time you could even numb, fracture or fully break arms through shields. It'd take a hell of a sword and a hell of a swing to do that. There were downsides of course. Once you committed to a swing, you were swinging, the best you could do was change the arc and use the weight in a new direction, you couldn't suddenly pull a blow or reverse directions, you couldn't stab as quickly. But oh when you landed a blow. What was more satisfying than watching a training dummy explode into a shower of splinters?
"And if they're speedy, dodging bastards, just hit them with a crossbow bolt from a range."
She added with a shrug. Perhaps in duels she was at a disadvantage, but duels didn't really concern her. If it came to a melee, in full plate with shield and mace, she felt as near to immortal and as capable of sowing destruction as possible.
word count: 230