Yludih - Q&A

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Yludih - Q&A

Updated all questions in opening post and replicated answers below too to make it easy to read:
I came into existence just to prove shards wrong :P
Says there's only one yludih, not any more.

I do kinda wish I knew this before, everyone told me they couldn't breath or fly in there other forms so I picked a less cool form :P

I assume yludih can't do the telepathy since it's not a physical trait,right? (I'm sorry just thought of this now I'm not trying to make your life difficult. ) so they probably be found out in mer society quicker that usual.
Haha, if it makes the Yludih better, I encourage you to keep firing at me ^^

There is a balance I am trying to establish that allow the Yludih to assume the appearance of the race but not become that race. Otherwise, people would simply choose a Yludih to pretty much have two races in one! The general gist of it is that the Yludih can physically mimic other races, but mental activities are not able to be replicated, if that makes sense. So you are correct, it would make no sense for telepathy to work for the Yludih.
Can Yludih be poisoned?
Hi again Tlarekih! Short answer, no. Their biology is composed of crystal with a central core called an asterism and both of these are not affected by poison. However, in saying that, corrosive substances, such as hydrochloric acid that is potent to burn holes through things can indeed kill them, or gases that cause the Yludih to no longer have access to fresh air, can also cause lead to suffocation.
Alright, I've got some more everyday questions of a less professional sort:
Can Yludih have sex with the race they look like (I presume no)?
Welcome Zunaquih! As they can physically replicate their body to that of another race quite simply, they can have sex to an extent but cannot actually reproduce. Further, the Yludih would need to learn and understand how to mimic this, in their view, peculiar act. As the Yludih are quite good at mimicking races, this is done easily in order to survive being 'found out'.
How does the process of accessing Uleuda look like, I mean I know the general stuff that's in the Knowledge base, but how does it feel like and look like for a, let's say kid who's going to Uleuda for the first time (after they're told they're Yludih)?
It is left to the RPer to imagine ascending to a different dimensional world. This is performed during sleep and real time spent in Uleuda equals that of Idalos. The mind leaves the physical body and at that instant, space and time itself twists in ways unimaginable as a new dimensions are revealed, similar to scrunching a flat piece of paper into a ball. The mind is cast in all directions at once and yet it falls back, like a collapsing elastic band, to arrive at one location: Uleuda. How this sensation feels to each Yludih is different.
Can a Yludih's facial expression be noticed in their crystal form in Uleuda when they're young and still don't have their umm.. stuff.. formed completely?
The Yludih will learn to smile, and crawl and walk, in both their real and illusionary form, much like any other child.

In the KB it's explained how the Yludih learn to become an animal, but what is the process of learning to shapeshift into the 2nd race?

The process is similar, but much, much easier in that all of those 'stages' are combined almost into one stage. You can begin your character to learn to shapeshift into a second race in your CS history.
And one more, none FAQ question about my character specifically:
Since I named him Zunaqih, it's Zun Aqih, without any changes, yes, because it seemed cool just like that :) , and of course Aqih meaning truth and Zun being the possession word thingy (It's late here, I should go to bed, don't judge me), how would his name translate into Common/English, would it be like the leader's name in the sort that it's: The one that is the truth, or would it be more like: The one who possesses the truth; or something else, please, this one is really bugging me
Possessive means to 'own something' whether it is an item, a concept and so on and we see this in possessive nouns in English. So in this case, Zunaqih is 'He who is the truth'.
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Yludih - Q&A

Alright, I have another query here, you super awesome person!

As the Yludih are capable of turning between two different races, can they change their features at will so long as it's in that racial profile? Like, say I want to make my hair black sometimes, and white other times, can I switch between the two (and other details like eye colour, skin tone, body size) when I want? Essentially, I'm wondering if Yludih can have different identities in those races they can change into.
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Yludih - Q&A

Hey, another quick question. Could you add Uleuda to the "Otherworldly places" under The World of Idalos? I just thought it might be cool if we Yludih could run into each other there.

The other question I had was how exactly Uleuda works. When you 'appear' there, is it like materializing, or it more like you have a body there that you rise as? When you disappear from Uleuda do you reappear in the same spot you were, the next night?

And does the land in Idalos correlate to space there? IE if you're in Rynmere you'd appear near place X in Uleuda, but if you're in Ne'haer you'd appear in place Y?

Also, wondering how large Uleuda is? Like in terms of physically? And what would be outside of the city itself? Is it just an endless horizon of crystals? Is there any animals/flora there?

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Yludih - Q&A

Alright, I have another query here, you super awesome person!

As the Yludih are capable of turning between two different races, can they change their features at will so long as it's in that racial profile? Like, say I want to make my hair black sometimes, and white other times, can I switch between the two (and other details like eye colour, skin tone, body size) when I want? Essentially, I'm wondering if Yludih can have different identities in those races they can change into.
The CS should have one or two races of chosen appearance. Changing appearance should be an ability learned through knowledge as to change their appearance requires one to learn how to manipulate their crystals to do that. The bigger the change the more difficult. This will be up to the RPer to have their character learn the change when RPing and the grader will award accordingly.
Hey, another quick question. Could you add Uleuda to the "Otherworldly places" under The World of Idalos? I just thought it might be cool if we Yludih could run into each other there.

The other question I had was how exactly Uleuda works. When you 'appear' there, is it like materializing, or it more like you have a body there that you rise as? When you disappear from Uleuda do you reappear in the same spot you were, the next night?

And does the land in Idalos correlate to space there? IE if you're in Rynmere you'd appear near place X in Uleuda, but if you're in Ne'haer you'd appear in place Y?

Also, wondering how large Uleuda is? Like in terms of physically? And what would be outside of the city itself? Is it just an endless horizon of crystals? Is there any animals/flora there?
This is definitely in the works. I am collaborating the development of Uleuda with my talented counterpart, Anomaly.

I will try to give some answers while we work on the city. You would materialize from nowhere when entering Uleuda. You would appear at a set location - I am still working this one out. There is no spatial correlation between Idalos and Uleuda. Uleuda is infinite space, of which only a microcosm, the city of Yludih, is being created and expanded by the long dead Yludih who work on it. We may think of crystal landscapes and specific flora/fauna that exist only in Uleuda, I think it would be interesting! Hope that helps, again, please tune in when we have a proper city set up!
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Yludih - Q&A

Another quick question that I just thought of. I've been writi my PC as having a heart (ie talking about her 'racing heart) a well as other, human actions (ie breathing hard, adrenaline, etc).

My question is if that's okay, and if not, could you explain exactly how their biology works?
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Yludih - Q&A

Hi! Another question!

Do the Yludih feel when people touch them and interact with their bodies? Like, can they tell when someone plays with their illusion-self hair, or experience sex physically? I get the weird image of a Yludih getting nothing from being touched/touching, and while I'm totally into it, I'm super curious!

And, I guess, one more.

When a Yludih spits, is the spit real? Do they generate bodily fluids like that? Do male Yludih ejaculate like a non-Yludih man? Do Yludih women produce breast milk, and on that note, do Yludih babies need to feed like their non-Yludih infant counterparts?

Maybe one day I want to have a bajillion kids. :P
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Yludih - Q&A

Another quick question that I just thought of. I've been writi my PC as having a heart (ie talking about her 'racing heart) a well as other, human actions (ie breathing hard, adrenaline, etc).

My question is if that's okay, and if not, could you explain exactly how their biology works?
Without over complicating things, things like breathing hard, adrenaline and the like are survival mechanisms designed to keep an organism alive. Similar thing to pain. All of these, the Yludih experience similar to an average human, but the biological processes, involving light and crystal manipulations, are different. So I think it is fine for you to do so.
Hi! Another question!

Do the Yludih feel when people touch them and interact with their bodies? Like, can they tell when someone plays with their illusion-self hair, or experience sex physically? I get the weird image of a Yludih getting nothing from being touched/touching, and while I'm totally into it, I'm super curious!

And, I guess, one more.

When a Yludih spits, is the spit real? Do they generate bodily fluids like that? Do male Yludih ejaculate like a non-Yludih man? Do Yludih women produce breast milk, and on that note, do Yludih babies need to feed like their non-Yludih infant counterparts?

Maybe one day I want to have a bajillion kids.
Similar to answer above, 'touch' and other sensory phenomena like 'taste', 'smell' and the like are also survival mechanisms that Yludih experience. Physical touch can indeed by pleasurable to a Yludih, but there is nothing more so than their ability to meld their bodies to another - which is their unique form of sex that is the only possible way they can reproduce.

However, can the Yludih fake it? Sure they can and they can enjoy the experience of sex with another race to an extent.

In terms of spitting, ejaculating, producing breast milk - I really think the Yludih must have the ability to do this or they can be found out too easily. In my mind, they can cast out some crystal fragments in liquid form as required.

In terms of raising a baby, the Yludih will have to seek out a way of sustenance for the baby elsewhere.

Hope this sufficiently answers both questions ^^ I am also open to suggestions, my word aint law y'know.
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Yludih - Q&A

So, I was wondering...

How long does it actually take for a Yludith to be born? Is it really fast like, say, the father and mother have become one to reproduce, and are successful. They disconnect, and the child starts to grow in the asterism for a couple minutes or hours and then they take it out? Or is it much, much longer? Months or weeks or so?

On the same note, if a Yludith baby is the size of a fist when it's taken out of the mother's asterism, does that mean Yludith children then grow rapidly to a 'normal' size for a baby?

Also, (Assuming the Yludith don't have to walk around for months with a foetus in their asterism), can Yludith females pretend to be pregnant?

Can they fake bleeding? For instance, when they get in a fight and receive a couple wounds, could they pretend to be bleeding as to not being found out? (Given that the wounds aren't too serious, of course). And the light energy that escapes when they get wounded, is it visible? Like there's suddenly a bright ray of light coming from their bodies?

Apologies if these are dumb questions ^^;
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The second question i'd be interested in finding out as well. At the moment i've been writing as if it was obvious you were yludih when you were wounded. But that may be too simplistic.
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Yludih - Q&A

Thanks for the questions!
How long does it actually take for a Yludith to be born? Is it really fast like, say, the father and mother have become one to reproduce, and are successful. They disconnect, and the child starts to grow in the asterism for a couple minutes or hours and then they take it out? Or is it much, much longer? Months or weeks or so?
Gestation period is on average 30 weeks or 210 Trials to refer to ST time, with still three trimesters. This period is less than a normal human pregnancy, but still a significant amount of time. The baby is far smaller but still 'developed' in that they can still function as would any human newborn.
On the same note, if a Yludith baby is the size of a fist when it's taken out of the mother's asterism, does that mean Yludith children then grow rapidly to a 'normal' size for a baby?
Yes, their growth from birth to a regular sized newborn is very fast and can take around 7 trials.
Also, (Assuming the Yludith don't have to walk around for months with a foetus in their asterism), can Yludith females pretend to be pregnant?
Yes, there is no characteristic 'baby bump' and the like. But they can fake it.
Can they fake bleeding? For instance, when they get in a fight and receive a couple wounds, could they pretend to be bleeding as to not being found out? (Given that the wounds aren't too serious, of course). And the light energy that escapes when they get wounded, is it visible? Like there's suddenly a bright ray of light coming from their bodies?
Yludih who are cut will project the illusion of bleeding involuntarily, similar to the same mechanism to their appearance, breathing etc. Light energy will indeed escape, but most of the energy is in wavelengths not visible to the regular human eye. No sudden rays of light and the like.
Apologies if these are dumb questions ^^;
Dumb?! Quite the contrary - some of them had me stumped for some time!!
The second question i'd be interested in finding out as well. At the moment i've been writing as if it was obvious you were yludih when you were wounded. But that may be too simplistic.
Gawsh, I'm worried that a simple pin-prick test would be administered to every citizen to exterminate the Yludih from the face of Idalos. So, I really feel it should be hidden as well. Don't want to muck what you have written up. I'd like to know your thoughts on the above, since you are one of our most experienced Yludih ^^
I think the answer is probably something like if you 'draw blood' then there is light so it's obvious, but would be good to confirm if this is always so, i.e. a test to confirm if people are Yludih is to prick their finger or place a small cut on their hand.
The test is so easy to administer that it would spell doom for the race so so quickly...

Just a note: Maltrusim developed part of the Glass Fields in Nashaki. The glass in these fields, though difficult to obtain, can be crafted into a kind of spectroscope. This will allow one to see through the illusion of the yludih.
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