IC - Drunken Rambles

Diary of the Intoxicated

This section is for players to post about things unrelated to the Standing Trials roleplay. You may talk about anything from world issues, to your personal life, to funny things you found on the internet. You are free to use this forum to express yourself as a player and not as your actual character. You can also post in other players journals so long as they give you permission to. Please remember not to post anything relating to pornography or anything with extensive use of profanity.

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Quincy Andaris
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IC - Drunken Rambles

Weeeeeeeelcome to Quincy Andaris' IC Drunken Rambles! Some might think that there has to be more to this rambunctious, air-headed, life of the party man akin to a fraternity brother on the inside...but they would be wrong!

At the end of a night, there is nothing Quincy loves more than to curl up beside a fire, pull out his journal and talk crap about all the PCs he's met IC. Sober, he doesn't even know this journal exists. Drunken Quincy on the other hand...well his personality has a thing or two to say about each one of you lucky sods...

So as you all thread with him, be sure to check in here to see what Drunk Quincy REALLY thinks about each one of your looovely PCs!

Quincy Andaris
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Quincy Andaris
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Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:06 am
Race: Human
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IC - Drunken Rambles

Der Diiary,

I went to teh gravyard today to se Mother. Mett a women ther, fiesty lil thing. Dresed like a homles person, cud fight lik a man, Mann hands. I thiink her name...Elyna? Whoo culd kno. Oh, REd hair. She wass pretty hot. Stikk up the butt tho. she drank my whiskyy, dinnt help. Stick waz stil there...

Totaly called her a whore. In me defense, She saiiid ppl pay her to bee concernd. Clearly Men payy teh harlotsss to bee concered bout them. Only maks cents. Elyna did not find funy.

Whores...I ned to se how much one costts....cud play good joke onn Leesonn. He think he woo a lady butt we pay hurr to like hiim...heh...hiss face wuld be classic...

Mayybe Elyna? She loks liek she could use nel...thos clothes afterr all...

Wel, thas all for nows. Day done. head spinning lil bit. sleep sou

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Quincy Andaris
Approved Character
Posts: 59
Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:06 am
Race: Human
Profession: Wine Appraiser
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IC - Drunken Rambles

Der Jornal,

Tis’ be me, Quin! I haf been hit. Loadss. Hmm, why zif paper bee so hhard to see? Blury.

Anywys. Jornalist came to tallk teh me. Wait. Jorunal? Re YOU a jornallist? Samm word. Whooooa.

Anywaysy. Sabine. HOOOOOOOTTIE. Did yyu see hur eyes?! Gorgeus. Nd that spunkkkk. Fhats a good word. Spunk. Spppppunkkkkkk.

I cud tel she dug me. I had teh guard com in to kep her from throwin herslef on me. She kept beein eye bangin me. Askkin questions n stuf. But all to seduc me probs. Want teh kno about me lyfe. She clench hurrr hands inna fists when talkin. Ta keep from toochin me all ovr most likely. Probes tryin on my name ot.

Sabiine Andaris.

Id murry her. Hot babiess.

Ow. Pain. That’s gud. Byyyyyy jornallist journl.

Quincy Andaris

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word count: 141
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