The Menagerie: Damien Noch

Title: The Bishop of Yaralon
Race: Lich, formerly Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 4, Arc 612 (Undead)
Birthplace: Yaralon
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 186 lbs
Gender: Male
PSF Approval Link: here
Status: Mentor NPC
Magic: 100 Necromancy
66 Abrogation
53 Transmutation
Mundane: 50 Philosophy
50 Teaching
50 Research
50 Intelligence
50 Medicine
Achilles Heel: Damien, despite being a Lich, does not have much of the inherent power of a Lich. Due to a violent encounter within a Major Fracture, the Lich had his Obstymite phylactery warped. The phylactery, now called the Jagged Heart, twisted in form and sent red crystal appendages out to consume large parts of his body. As a result, Damien's phylactery was considerably dulled in power. He does not have the same level of ethereal efficiency as other Liches; in terms of ether efficiency many would mistake him for a Necromancer that had not yet revealed. He does not have the ability to reform from total physical destruction, and cannot find a new body if his old one is destroyed, or even transfer to a new form due to the inherent ethereal stain the well's deformity has left on his host body. As such, he is stuck in his current body unlike other Liches. Primarily, the benefits that remain from Lichdom are: fast-paced regeneration, unless totally destroyed, and the Lich's endurance (some would call it invulnerability). As with all Liches, most physical damage will not seem to deter him, and as such the only effective way to hamper Damien is by destroying his body entirely or by destroying his well.
Due to these factors, while Damien is still powerful, he is not nearly as awe-inspiring as an undamaged Lich such as Ellasin.
Pre-History: In life, Damien was a follower and outspoken advocate of the Immortal Ymiden. Since the time of his youth, he had been known for many good things - his patience, practicality, and words of great wisdom. The only issue that underlined these notable qualities was his obsessive, fixating behavior. Even as he guided others through their ails and helped many to find peace, he could not stop himself from addictions of all kinds - addictions to sex, to alcohol, to gambling, even to the presence of danger. Midway through his life, a fixation was found that he could never quite move past. He had met the Lich Ellasin, who guided him into the path of Necromancy, a field he never managed to escape like his other limited addictions. With Ellasin's guidance, he became one of the most talented Necromancers in the known world, and before long he gained the knowledge of Lichdom from the First Necromancer.
He was reluctant to surrender his life, but he recalled something that brought him to perspective. For all his life, Damien as a result of his addictions had known fear - he feared for his health, for his finances, for his life and the life of others close to him. Becoming an eternal being, one who did not need wealth to maintain freedom, one who was in and of himself a source of great power; this prospect was one of relaxation.
Of course, not long after indulging in the dark ritual and becoming a Lich, he had become changed by his transformation - indirectly by Ellasin, though she had rooted for his moral transformation. Not all Necromancers were evil, and Damien is evidence of that; he is a fairly ambivalent individual, and can often even be seen as benevolent. However, at the very least they are hungry for power, and this was augmented by the emergence of his newfound glory. Eternal life became not enough for Damien, who now sought power additionally - who came to look upon the mortal races as fledglings and sometimes as subjects. The power of Lichdom changed Damien forever, and his goals - which are known only to he and Alistair - require power amassed, and the climate of Idalos forever altered.
Minions: 35 Thrall Points Possible, 34 in Use With All Minions Active
1. Haunt (4) - Purpose is to fight against Wisps, specters; etc. Can also attack organic creatures, appears as a wispy cloud with Damien's face, with fangs and long claws.
2. Swarm - Hornets (2) - A lethal swarm of hornets for killing conventional enemies or assassinating foes. Very effective against the unprepared.
3. RotKnight (10) - A fallen Knight named Ferdinand, crafted by Damien to replenish his undead ranks if any of his other minions are to fall. As a RotKnight, Ferdinand can utilize most Necromancer abilities, and can animate most basic thralls. He has around half of Damien's ether pool, independent from his master.
4. Gaunt (4) - A fast, vicious male undead with regenerative abilities and great ferocity.
5. Gaunt (4) - A fast, vicious male undead with regenerative abilities and great ferocity.
6. Gaunt (4) - An absurdly quick Gaunt Drexion that not only seeks out enemies with its screeching clicks, but acts as a mount for Damien and - particularly - his Blights.
7. Blight (3) - An undead that vomits out corrosive bile, induces disease in damaged, affected or even airborne enemies, explodes into snake-like carrion worms in death, and surrounds itself in putrid air that damages enemies ability to breathe. Damien's blights are often transported to the enemy by his Gaunt Drexion, with the blights leaping from the creature and attempting to stay within breathing distance of their enemy.
8. Blight (3) - An undead that vomits out corrosive bile, induces disease in damaged, affected or even airborne enemies, explodes into snake-like carrion worms in death, and surrounds itself in putrid air that damages enemies ability to breathe. Damien's blights are often transported to the enemy by his Gaunt Drexion, with the blights leaping from the creature and attempting to stay within breathing distance of their enemy.