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The Menagerie: Damien Noch

Title: The Bishop of Yaralon
Race: Lich, formerly Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 4, Arc 612 (Undead)
Birthplace: Yaralon
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 186 lbs
Gender: Male

PSF Approval Link: here
Status: Mentor NPC

Magic: 100 Necromancy
66 Abrogation
53 Transmutation

Mundane: 50 Philosophy
50 Teaching
50 Research
50 Intelligence
50 Medicine

Achilles Heel: Damien, despite being a Lich, does not have much of the inherent power of a Lich. Due to a violent encounter within a Major Fracture, the Lich had his Obstymite phylactery warped. The phylactery, now called the Jagged Heart, twisted in form and sent red crystal appendages out to consume large parts of his body. As a result, Damien's phylactery was considerably dulled in power. He does not have the same level of ethereal efficiency as other Liches; in terms of ether efficiency many would mistake him for a Necromancer that had not yet revealed. He does not have the ability to reform from total physical destruction, and cannot find a new body if his old one is destroyed, or even transfer to a new form due to the inherent ethereal stain the well's deformity has left on his host body. As such, he is stuck in his current body unlike other Liches. Primarily, the benefits that remain from Lichdom are: fast-paced regeneration, unless totally destroyed, and the Lich's endurance (some would call it invulnerability). As with all Liches, most physical damage will not seem to deter him, and as such the only effective way to hamper Damien is by destroying his body entirely or by destroying his well.

Due to these factors, while Damien is still powerful, he is not nearly as awe-inspiring as an undamaged Lich such as Ellasin.

Pre-History: In life, Damien was a follower and outspoken advocate of the Immortal Ymiden. Since the time of his youth, he had been known for many good things - his patience, practicality, and words of great wisdom. The only issue that underlined these notable qualities was his obsessive, fixating behavior. Even as he guided others through their ails and helped many to find peace, he could not stop himself from addictions of all kinds - addictions to sex, to alcohol, to gambling, even to the presence of danger. Midway through his life, a fixation was found that he could never quite move past. He had met the Lich Ellasin, who guided him into the path of Necromancy, a field he never managed to escape like his other limited addictions. With Ellasin's guidance, he became one of the most talented Necromancers in the known world, and before long he gained the knowledge of Lichdom from the First Necromancer.

He was reluctant to surrender his life, but he recalled something that brought him to perspective. For all his life, Damien as a result of his addictions had known fear - he feared for his health, for his finances, for his life and the life of others close to him. Becoming an eternal being, one who did not need wealth to maintain freedom, one who was in and of himself a source of great power; this prospect was one of relaxation.

Of course, not long after indulging in the dark ritual and becoming a Lich, he had become changed by his transformation - indirectly by Ellasin, though she had rooted for his moral transformation. Not all Necromancers were evil, and Damien is evidence of that; he is a fairly ambivalent individual, and can often even be seen as benevolent. However, at the very least they are hungry for power, and this was augmented by the emergence of his newfound glory. Eternal life became not enough for Damien, who now sought power additionally - who came to look upon the mortal races as fledglings and sometimes as subjects. The power of Lichdom changed Damien forever, and his goals - which are known only to he and Alistair - require power amassed, and the climate of Idalos forever altered.

Minions: 35 Thrall Points Possible, 34 in Use With All Minions Active
1. Haunt (4) - Purpose is to fight against Wisps, specters; etc. Can also attack organic creatures, appears as a wispy cloud with Damien's face, with fangs and long claws.
2. Swarm - Hornets (2) - A lethal swarm of hornets for killing conventional enemies or assassinating foes. Very effective against the unprepared.
3. RotKnight (10) - A fallen Knight named Ferdinand, crafted by Damien to replenish his undead ranks if any of his other minions are to fall. As a RotKnight, Ferdinand can utilize most Necromancer abilities, and can animate most basic thralls. He has around half of Damien's ether pool, independent from his master.
4. Gaunt (4) - A fast, vicious male undead with regenerative abilities and great ferocity.
5. Gaunt (4) - A fast, vicious male undead with regenerative abilities and great ferocity.
6. Gaunt (4) - An absurdly quick Gaunt Drexion that not only seeks out enemies with its screeching clicks, but acts as a mount for Damien and - particularly - his Blights.
7. Blight (3) - An undead that vomits out corrosive bile, induces disease in damaged, affected or even airborne enemies, explodes into snake-like carrion worms in death, and surrounds itself in putrid air that damages enemies ability to breathe. Damien's blights are often transported to the enemy by his Gaunt Drexion, with the blights leaping from the creature and attempting to stay within breathing distance of their enemy.
8. Blight (3) - An undead that vomits out corrosive bile, induces disease in damaged, affected or even airborne enemies, explodes into snake-like carrion worms in death, and surrounds itself in putrid air that damages enemies ability to breathe. Damien's blights are often transported to the enemy by his Gaunt Drexion, with the blights leaping from the creature and attempting to stay within breathing distance of their enemy.
Last edited by Alistair on Sat May 04, 2019 10:31 am, edited 20 times in total. word count: 974
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The Menagerie: Kleine var Radomir

Date of Birth: Ymiden 36, Arc 693
Race: Lotharro
Sex: Male
Occupation: Nurse
Birthplace: Uthaldria, Western Idalos

PSF Approval Link: Here - Kleine, due to being made at the start of the Point Bank NPC release, did not require approval for his initial profile, merely his Becoming totems.
Status: Mentor NPC

Physical Information
Height: 6'
Weight: 179 lbs
Animalistic Traits: Very strong sense of hearing and smell, curative/antibacteria saliva, taste based sensory perception (like a snake)

Skill Information
Blades (Longsword) - 55
Endurance - 40
Strength - 40
Running - 20
Becoming - 51
Dustforge - 50
Acrobatics - 55
Alchemy - 50

Background Information
Kleine Volgotha was born to a Jarldom of the same name, in the desert region of Southern Gauthrel. Life-bonded to the Freiherr-Fenn (King) of Nordhoff, he was groomed from an early age to assume an administrative position within the region, and equipped to one day be a loyal vassal to his Lord. But Kleine, who had always identified more in the freedom presented to the other races by Clan Stahlmark, Mac Teiogan and Alfweyr, rejected much of the philosophy of his peers and spoke frequently against the savage and unethical practices of Nordhoff - and the way in which they regarded all other mortals as chattel slaves. For his rejection of the ruling strata, Kleine was stripped of what was a life akin to Nobility, and was himself placed into the ranks of a slave.

But the Freiherr-Fenn could not stomach his presence, bludgeoning himself with a mixture of shame, sorrow and humility as he witnessed the kindal of his past life wearing shackles, and a brand. He was sold to foreign traders, and was then purchased by Alistair Venora, all the way in the lands of Rynmere in Arc 716. Freed shortly thereafter, he remained close to his former master's side, and has sought to help produce a world freer and wiser than before, ever since.

As of Ashan 79, Arc 719, Kleine and Alistair have become married and life-bonded as per Lotharen traditions.

1. The Self Totem: Kaiserion
2. Sohr Khal
3. Drexion
4. Trachadon

Totem Story:
Being raised in Gauthrel, Kleine - like any other Lothar - had a path. The path given to him, by instinct and desire, was the Path of the Slaver, a lifestyle unique to the southern Clan of Nordhoff. It was by Nordhoff's set tasks for the man that he acquired the magic of Becoming, and for the purpose of fulfilling his duties for surrounding society. The most commonly chosen destination for the Nordhoff, in seeking to acquire slaves, was the northern port city of Melrath, at the tip of Northern Gauthrel. It was during these expeditions and raids where Kleine acquired the Totem of the Drexion, a wandering avian land creature, tasked to acquire the bodies of native entities for the sake of mapping out the area without drawing suspicion at the hands of the Melrathi or Free Tribes.

Unfortunately, for the Drexion's skill and valor in battle, it became apparent to Kleine and his clansmen that the creature had no ability to determine present locations or map out its surroundings, more than it could in the direct via its echolocation. The Drexion was pitifully blind, and lacking in the concept of a wider object permanence as a result. The men sought to acquire a more visual and intelligent creature from which to scrawl out the lands they craved to tame, and it was upon first witnessing the Sohr Khal at close that they made the determination of its merit. Flailing ropes, spears, chains and arrows at the creature so that they might bring it down to them, the men fought hard against the evasive creature and pursued in a hunt that lasted eight nights.

It was by assuming the eagle form, and drawing the Sohr Khal's ire for but a moment, that the men of Clan Nordhoff managed to fell the beast. Acquiring the totem, Kleine successfully mapped out the entire city of Melrath from above, and began a long year of raiding, raping and reaving in his clan's name - using the view from above to drastically alter the lives down below.
Last edited by Alistair on Mon May 27, 2019 12:43 pm, edited 13 times in total. word count: 702
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The Menagerie: Daniel Blackstone

Race: Human
Age: 26
Birthplace: Ne'haer
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 181 lbs
Gender: Male

PSF Approval Link: Here
Status: Point Bank NPC

Skills: 50 Construction
50 Ship Building
50 Logistics
50 Woodworking
100 Strength
100 Endurance
100 Blades (Broadsword)

Total Points: 1150

Description: Daniel Blackstone is a human man born in Ne'haer to Catherine Greymoore and Morlan Blackstone. Since early childhood, he has had an intensive fascination in building and constructing various objects, and developing both land-based and nautical infrastructure. Known for his child-like fascination for the many materials of the world, Daniel knows nothing to be of more value than his trade - and cares little for ideology, nationality, or doctrine. He is known to be a very calm, kind and meticulous man, with a generous and humble spirit.

Recently, he has taken interest in Alistair's revitalization and growth projects and plans, and his many investments in the region of Ne'haer. Seeking to be a part of his entourage, Daniel has found himself often closely engaged with the descended noble, seeking both his friendship and the opportunity to develop with the mage's invested funds. As of Vhalar 718, he joined Alistair in Quacia, and entered his service as an elite bodyguard.

In terms of his upbringing, Daniel knew great privilege for a long time. Until he was twelve years old, his father - Morlan Blackstone - had raised him, as a result of a crippling physical debilitation suffered by his mother. Morlan was both gentle and entrepreneurial, with many gifts and talents, and a history equally in the art of building, crafting and understanding. It is from Morlan that Daniel acquired his interests and talents both - though his father passed early, placing great onus and responsibility on Daniel and his sister, Camille.
Last edited by Alistair on Mon May 20, 2019 9:47 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 301
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Re: Alistair



1. Predator: Alistair's voice appears to travel farther and longer than other's do, and with an infused predatory undertone to his words that can be highly disconcerting to others.
2. Purifier: Alistair's Rune of Naming appears to be a white-gold rune similar in appearance to a dragon's maw, wrapping around his left nipple.
3. The Insider: A unique witchmark, Alistair does not appear to have a reflection, perhaps as a symbol of how he lies in the ether between life and death. Even in pools of clear water, Alistair cannot be seen, meaning the mage truly has no conception of what he looks like unless painted by another, or viewed by Scrying.
4. Chevalier: Alistair's witchmark of Transmutation is a silvery-chromatic scar at the center of his left shoulder that appears visibly to be a crown, and is fairly large.

1. Statuesque: Statuesque carries quite a dramatic physical alteration, one so direct upon their physical depiction that many would believe it to be several mutations in one. Statuesque shifts the Lucis Hone to appear almost like that of a Pantheonic deity, carrying an overwhelming depiction. Natural light around the Purifier will now illuminate more brightly. His eyes will glow an intense white-gold, and golden runic symbols will run across his skin like tattoos, lighting and dimming with the rise and fall of his emotions. Weapons and armor he wields will now appear almost... animated, alive, as if the Holy artefacts of some makeshift deity. They will seemingly twitch and even breathe, and will sometimes shake or lightly contort, with these effects becoming more considerable on any equipment enchanted by Hone. This change is purely aesthetic. He will also increase in stature, to roughly 7', as if to further illustrate his supposed divinity.
2. Empathic Sanitation: Aesthetically, all of Alistair's ether now manifests with a white-gold color, with more costly displays of ether fluctuating between a more solid and shimmering white or gold.
3. Deathwight Purification: Though not affecting Alistair himself, all of Alistair's thralls perpetually appear to be in a state of utter preservation similar to that of life. If his thralls fail to deceive others as being living beings, he may oft destroy them in anger.
4. Predator's Purview: Alistair’s eyes are - literally - very small portals, gifted with sight but still natured in ether. They appear always with the wild, twisting motions of a watery vortex, clearly supernatural.
5. Wild Hunt: As a physical alteration, a single tick mark will manifest upon Alistair’s right shoulder blade for every hundred sentient individuals he has killed, including posthumously.
6. The Purview Grows: In addition to all of the aesthetic and practical changes to Alistair's Beacons, Alistair's appearance has begun to grow more bestial. His canines have expanded in size, his nails and toes will typically extend lengthy claws that cannot be cut, and beneath his voice lies a perpetual humming growl rather than merely a faint undertone.
7. Dominion: In terms of noted physical effect, Alistair seems to affect all animals and non-humanoid life forms around him with predatory urges, perhaps as a part of the same 'frequency', or at least the presence of his ether nearby. Canines will viciously bark and may snap at others who draw near; cats will claw their masters and desperately seek prey. Already violent and highly carnivorous animals will attack relentlessly, with much of this ire focused on the mage himself as if these creatures feel cornered by him.
8. Morbid: Alistair can now feast on raw flesh and may cannibalize others freely, without any resulting drawbacks upon his body. In fact, cannibalizing other sentient humanoid species appears to offer him increased nourishment, supplying the mage with enriched physical health, supplementing his strength and endurance for seven trials. This mutation permanently alters all of Alistair's teeth to be razor sharp, akin to that of a shark's maw in appearance.
9. Sanguine Morte: Rather than bright red, Alistair’s blood is an amber-colored jelly. When cut, he does not bleed as the viscous gore remains thick around his bones and organs. Should any of his blood be removed from his body and skin it instantly reverts to hot, living blood before eventually coagulating. Alistair can no longer perish from blood loss. However, this change has had other effects as well. His skin is cold to the touch and he cannot easily bear freezing temperatures, as they steal the movement of his limbs. He cannot be poisoned by anything carried through the blood nor infected by any sickness of the blood. Likewise he can never receive a transfusion (should such technology be available) and each wound he receives will always scar black-red.
10. Boneturner Fists: Each finger on his hands takes on a regal and armor-like appearance, his knuckles gilded with the appearance of gold and his hands and fingers bearing an ivory bone-like appearance and texture. This prevents Alistair’s hands from being easily cut and imbues a painful grip and force akin to if he were wearing a gauntlet. His fists may also mold any material over them and several inches past the wrist, similar to an armored gauntlet with exceptional durability beyond even that of the material utilized. As materials, Qualities and other Transmuter abilities may be applied to these gauntlets. Should these hands be shattered, however, they take twice as long to naturally heal as the bone reknits itself.
11. Ethereal Riposte: Alistair’s hands will now perpetually channel absorption on things they touch unless concealed either by a glove or the gauntlets of Boneturner Fist. Absorption can still be willfully channeled through such materials but will passively channel if not inhibited. This does not drain his ether unless utilized to deflect attacks, as otherwise the ability will simply recycle the ether around him, drawing some in and bleeding it back out.
12. Shapecrafter's Form: Alistair's form may sometimes appear to bear odd shapes of ether crawling above the skin, typically wild wisps of blue energy without any clear borders.
13. Mage Heart: Alistair's chest area is now permanently accompanied by the ambient movement of blue ether, typically forming around his muscles to craft the visage of a thin, unfixed layer of energy.

1. Paragon: Alistair's eyes are entirely devoid of irises. His eyes, as portals, now appear to have developed a permanent crystalline amber texture that runs to the edges of these portals. Within the core, replacing his pupils, now stands a violently churning black-hole like apparition at the core of each of his eyes. Additionally, as a Paragon Alistair's skin appears to be constantly infused with a natural inner radiance. He appears to be sun-touched with his skin taking on a tanner appearance, with glistening golden light within that will sometimes shine outward. Runes occasionally run across his body, typically transparent and faintly colored.

1. Sesser: Alistair appears notably more attractive than others, and around him appears to be a constant sexual allure; a sort of aura of sensuality that draws others to desire him regardless of their sexuality. Scars never visibly touch him and he appears highly resistant to the effects of aging and disease, making him carry an unnatural 'perfection' to his appearance. Additionally, when manifesting the emotions of lust and fury, Alistair's eyes glow a much deeper and more provoking amber.
2. Shirvain: At the back of Alistair's neck is a stop-watch like contraption that tells the time, its hands moving at all moments. Alistair is also, himself, capable of always knowing the time.

Last edited by Alistair on Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:28 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1285
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Re: Alistair


Perius is known by many Quacians to be one of the greatest artifacts of the Seekers, only surpassed by Arcanis in its legend and enigma. It is completely unknown where the artifact originated from, and while some claim it to be the work of a powerful Etherforger, many believe it to be the artifact of a Champion of Ethelynda. Nevertheless, whether constructed by the Seekers or stolen by them, Perius was one of the artifacts lost to the destruction of Arcanis. Taken by the sea, or so many have claimed, it was never witnessed again on Idalos, until a Quacian expedition sought the artifact out.

Acquisition - Pending
While many believed Perius to be lost to the ocean, a Quacian scholar and architect noted that Arcanis' ruins were not originally found by the sea. In fact, it is truly unknown to all but Ellasin and the surviving Seekers where Arcanis crashed at all, and the bearer of Perius at the time of the fortress' destruction was said by some of the living to have dragged the shield off to the forest.

Considering Quacia's forest was consumed by Creep at this time, it was believed by this scholar that Perius was lost within the Quacian thicket and taken by the Creep for further study. Alistair (yet to be threaded) followed the lead of these legends and invaded deep into the heart of the Creep, only to discover a cluster of Creephearts borne around the energy that emanates from Perius, the shield locked within their formation and a small legion of Creepborne.

The first and central ability of Perius is the ability to levitate at will; it moves at an incredibly high velocity and can ricochet, as well as innately being able to return to its wielder at a high speed, whether called by them or separated by too far a distance. Once Perius has bonded to a wielder, it will find a way to return to their side throughout their life and as the shield is nigh-indestructible, can survive the most catastrophic conditions in its journey to return to and protect its bearer.

The second ability of Perius lies within the two 'rods' that emerge outwards from the core of the round shield. While both rods have not been utilized throughout the season, Perius absorbs the majority of the power and damage from any blow - mundane or ethereal - and redirects it unto the next enemy bashed or hit by a ricochet or throw. Or, up to two times per season, or once per rod, Perius can absorb an attack or ability no matter how powerful and by what source and store the force of that ability within one of its rods. The shield can then redirect the power absorbed from that attack in a bash or throw that will dramatically light up the rod, directing all of the kinetic or ethereal energy stored unto the struck target in a violent backlash that may annihilate them. This will exhaust the rod(s) and cause for them to go black in color until the season passes, at which point they will recuperate and this ability may be utilized again.

While one rod has been utilized, the automatically enhanced absorption and redirection is diminished roughly by half. While both have been utilized, Perius acts largely as a regular shield save for its levitation and extremely high durability.
word count: 568
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